Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, January 05, 1928, Page 2, Image 2

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i 'j
41 1
v. j "where savings are greatest
229-231 CASS ST.
A Chinese Custom and
How to Improve It
On hit New Year's Day Old .
John Chinaman (eels that he
must pay up all h debts, and
tad indeed is the family that
cannot somehow accomplish '
(his end. ',
Starting the New Year free
rom debt is an excellent plan, .
but how much better to keep
out of debt during the whole
year. Then if disaster over
takes the family wage earner,
pr adverse butiness conditions
causes a decrease in earning
power, there will be no charge
accounts to face.
Then, too, paying cah per
mits you to lake advantage of
the low prices whjri, ca;h
stores are able to offer.
Don't spend Tomorrow's dol
lar Today. You may need it
very badly when Tontorrov
We Feature
New Needed
A January Treat I
Investigate for
vourtelf anil SAVE!
Lingerie Check3
In 36 Inch Widths
Dainty self-color checV
patterns for fresh undies.
29c .
Silk and Rayon
Hote Wears Well
A liosefor general Wear
that will serve you well. l'r.
Early News ; of Spring Frocks
Leads You to Our
Modish Arrivals
The excitethent of "something
hew" Is abroad in our dress de
partmentbecause frocks, just a
step ahead in style, are. beinu un
packed every day. '
Vivid Hieh Shades
I " fcxpreis New Delights
' ' After a winter of black satin and
ahades of tan and brown, the spring
picture of high shades is particu
larly pleasing. Mat crepe and satin
.' fcrepe cattabine. .3 ' ' ".'
NEW YORK, Jan. 5. 1bb than
a month since or clinched hit
rlKht to the crown. Tommy Lough-
ran of Philadelphia will be called
uiton tomorrow night to defend his
llKhl htnivywelKlU title againftt the
dam a King fists of Ieo I, of
Aburdeun, wnKli., ,ln a 15 round
bout at Madlnou Square.
The "title shot" climaxes a sen-
National climb to firat rank rating
by Lonirtkl whose vicious body
punching hits won most of his
iflKhtH for him.
l.ouphran pits his boxing skill
j against 1 he coast coiUender's slug-
I King ability and most of the ex-
;perts have established him the fa
vorite. So have the bettors at 7
to 5 and 2 to 1 in Philadelphia,
; t he chnmplon'fl home town.
Ioughran won undisputed recog
nition as champion when he defeat-
led Jimmy Sluttcry, of Buffalo, lu
a close match here last month.
tSlattery up to that time, had been
recognized as the title holder by
i the National Hoxlng association.
Emmet t Uutler, who for 42 years
has been, employed continuously
by the (Southern Pacific company
In Oregon, was placed on the re
III ed lii't the first of December,
according to Information from
Portland, where he now resides,
tMr. Puller held a run out of Rose-
: burg for many years and Is well
I known, in this city. lie began his
work with the S. P. company at
Junction City In March, 18(i6, and
served as call boy and engine wlp-
lr. He was later promoted to fore
mnn and hostler and then after a
ivi iii mo uniwniju nuuLa wmm
1 .ie-1w.f n.t ln r. ., .1
up to engineer.
6 IX MO NTH 8 TO LlVE( "
IlEHKRLKY, I'lillf., Jan. G.
Mi's. Mario Jennette McCall,
warned fire months ago ' al her
homo In Ortilmm that she had but
six months to live, died on a much
near Medford, Oregon, f uosdny,
her HlRter, Mrs. P. A. IVwt'fht' of
this city. Iiiih heen Infnimed.
Mrs.. McCall devoted the ro
malttlng months nt her llto to
BeeklnR out tlto "lu'initihtl In life"
and reelstuilng her thought In a
"I.iro Ik still RWrct. am loath
to leave It," was her lust entry,;
December 2o. i
iter, span of lire Vns nno month i
less limit - the phystt'tnn had i
prophesied. A strain of henrt dls
iVeuH, ni lining' three generallons, !
was the (UnumwiH of her linger-1
; lng niness. .
Mrs. Mc.Cull went to the Oregon I
-rimch With her husband. l.cV .Mu-j
'Call, )3 yeatH ago for their Sved-t
;dlng trip. The wile chose Hint I
MHpoi aH tue scene or iter isreweil
-to Ufa. , .
v- , : - O : .
3 Abraham' tilncolu Was 6 feet 4
Jnehea tull v l
Prldegroom: As soon as the
wedding was over we drove away
in our car.
Friend: Vhoro did you Bpend
the honeymoon? :
Urltlegioom: In the hospital.
Ltisllge Koelner Zeliung, Cologne.
NEW, VOUK., Jan. 5. Pftollnft
ITscudun, "llio bftttlliig bnqe" Is
Kolns to do IiIb, own, heavyweight
FollowluR JbcU Dclnncy's ex
ample, I'aollim has broken from
the Tanks of the flock of heavy
welshtH! Tex Ulekard ban been
JURKllng niotind In his orfort to
flnl a , "logical contender' for
uoiiu i unney s crown.
Announcing Paollno'a tdeclalon.
Al Mayer, who heads the bannne'a
j doumi or sirnteey, said Pnollno
would meet (icot'KC floclfrey, the
latest ho-enlled "black menacb" In
a bout at ,I,oa Anseles next month.
I Whllii contractH have not been
Hlgned. the terms have been
, aRrecd liioii, Mayer snld, and
there remains' now only to fix a
definite dnte; The promoters have
settled upon fabruary H, Mayor
said, but he irolers February 21.
"(Jodfrey seems to be generally,
recognised as u heavyweight men
ace," said Mayor. "Other title con
tenders anpenr to bo avoiding him
and the Intimation seems to ire
that the present - heavyweight
champion would not meet him un
der any circumstances. Paolluo is
willing to meet Godfrey or Buy
body else." , ,
Jones: Your lelenlione onera-
tor la a haid-woiking lltllo girl,
Isn t silo?
Smith: Yes. she certnlnlv Is a
plnggcr. Life.
Members of I'tiitm Encampment
Invited to nitend insinuation nt
Myrtle Creek, Thursday, Jan. 5.
Moet nt club room at 7:00 p. m.
TltAVICLlNli MAN (to niqunlnt
ame watching , hotel rire): Noth
ing to get excited about. I took
my time about dressing: lighted n
cigtu-cl: didn't like the knot in
my necktie and relied it; ' that's
how cool I was before I left that
blaxlng structure. -
HYSTANDKIt: Hut why didn't
you put jour pantH on? Capper's.
. : . S
lhe New
(Awwlntrtl I'nn laMHl Wir)
Ei;(llONK, Ore., Jan. 5. Harry
W. Klroy, 17-year-old Eugone high
school student who was accident
ally shot In the leg while hunting
on flood Pasture Islnnd New
Year's day, died at the Pacific
Christian Hospital early Wednes
day morning.
The youth had heen reported in
fairly good condition and the
death was unexpected. First re
ports Wero that the shot entered
his right knee. Later it was snld
that llio wound wits In the lower
pnit of lhe leg.
Harry Klroy Is survived by his
parents, Mr. and .Mrs. II. W. Kl
roy; two brothers, (.onion and Er
nest; and two Bisters, Marie and
Ethel, all nt home on tnotor
route c.
- ? ' ' 1 -: . i
From an engineering standpoint The
Viory is radically new, radically differ,
ent and thoroughly original is literally
years ahead of its time in many vital
In a very real sense, too, it compares With
no other car or class, because NO car,
either here or abroad, provides features
that are comparable. To enjoy these ad
vantages you must buy THIS car, for else
where they simply do not exist.
Revolutionary ew Principles
of Design
; 1; For the first time since the invention
of the automobile, the chassis and body
' of The Victory are a single integral unit
the wide, deep Victory chassis frame,
flush with the lines of the body, replaces
the customary body sills. (Heretofore,
the body was mounted on a sill and both
in turn mounted oil the chassis.)
2. For the first time i3 history, battle
ship construction (i, e. double Steel
Walls) is here applied to the motor car. .
Spectacular Performance
The results of these, and other basic in
novations are astonishing In their effect
on every phase of motor car value; beauty,
comfort, safety, strength and most im
pressive and important of M--perforttti.
ttnee itself. , ,
With chassis and body a single unit, there
are 330 fewer parts-175 pounds less
Weight--and an extremely low center of
gravity. -
The results are greatet motor efficiency
increased power-quicker ' pick-up
greater stability and flexibility in relation
to load an easier car to handle a faster
car to drive!
21 miles to the gallon at 2 S miles per
hour is precisely What you can expect
with sustained high speed all day long at
instant call!
Drive Over cobbles and aWait the usual
discomfort it will never occur! The
Victory ts the smoothest riding Car, for
its type, ever built.
Safe, Strong and Stable
Because the chassis frame conforms pre
cisely with the body lines and because
of the car's low Center of gravity (weight
ciose to the ground) The :Victory is re
markably stable tipping, skidding and
swaying are reduced to a point positively
Turn a sharp corner and you will under
And the double steel walls mean double '
protection in case of accident double
the safety of any type yet known. A
staunch body, with doors that close With
a substantial and non-metallic snap. ' '.
Quiet and Comfortable . '
Th6 aim of all engineering is simplicity, :
for simplicity means economy strength
SILENCE. There ar Only 8 major
parts in The Victory body and they are
welded into a single unit. Not a joint to
Squeak or rattle. A silent body. j
And Dodge Brothers powerful new six
cylinder motor specially engineered for
The Victory preserves this luxurious
quietness at all Speeds.
A Car of Striking Beauty
Body and chassis built as a single unit
without the customary body sill permits
lower Over-all height with liberal head
room and road-clearance.
Splash shields, a constant source of noise
and annoyance are replaced by the Wide,
deep Victory chassis frame; wide, heavy
gauge one-piece fenders and drum-type '
head-lamps are provided. Upholstery,
hardware, instruments, color combina
tions and other appointments satisfy the
most exacting demands of style and good .
Indeed, you have a distinct and thrilling
1 impression that the car in which, you are -V
riding is long, low, swift and safe a car
of surpassing originality and smartness
down to the smallest detail.
Tunc in for. bodge Brothers Radio Program every Thurs
day Night 9 lo 9:30 (Pdcifie, Time) National Broadcasting .
. ,., Company .Pacific Coast Network, i ; i! .
Phone 458. , . . Roscburg, Oregon
on Display frODAY wrm the senior six And America's fastest four
Charlos H. Under of Tye wiib n
buslnotia cftllor In HnsobtirK today
' Apply It to Any Rupture, Old or
Keoent, Large or Small and You
' are on the Road That Has
; Convinced Thousands.
High Speed With Low Center of Gravity and
Many Engineering Innovations Priced
Within Reach of Millions.
Standard Four With Four) Wheel Brakes and Senior Six
Round Out Complete Passenger Line Graham
Brothers Truck Division- Covers Wide Range
of Commercial Vehicles.
will be on display
Friday Afternoon
January 6
BALockwood Motor Co. !
i AiivoiH- mniurrtl, limit. vmi;in or
; sMtuiM wrlio ul onto in W S
. ItUo. lir.:.H Miin Si., Atinms. N. Y,
I.. i a li.r in.. I of hl womlciTuI
' mi imiiln 1 1 n if ApU athm. Just put It
loti ihn ruptuio unit tho mtisWi-s bo
!Klt lo tluliU'ii: Ih.-y l.-iin to l.iml
. lotfi'thtr m llmt tho op'-ulns rlnttes
n.tliirttlly unit the m-i'tl nt a support
or tiiifx uf ApplijtiH M In iin lionc
'away with. I ton i iM-Kl.-i-t to .m1
' lor ttiU rive trtnl. Kvon tf rup
ture io.!n t bnthiT you h it In the
t nit of wt'ttrltiK supports nil your
( ltr? Why koffiT tliii iiiit!atu-L?
, Why i tin th; rik of nunim-iif Hint
mil ilnnji.TM from a nuiaII nml ln
iiurvnl Mtih rupttir.?. tho kind that
his thrown tlumxiiiulfi on iho upor
atina talih-? A host of men ami
wiMiun ato dully runnlnir sticli rlfk
Juw( IicfHiico thlr KipltircH do not
hurt or pr vtut tluln fioin B.'tthi
around. Wrll at omo for ttiis frre
trial, a It t i-rtatnlv m wonder
ful ih in Htiri hun Hiri d In tho uri
of roptur! tlitit wro as tun h a
nisti'a two fist a. Try and w i lt at
uiutj. uttitiff the coupon bt-low.
Come in and see it
r tor lluplure
v S, ltl.-R Inc.
ll' Mnlll .SL, Aft;un. N Y.
Yiin tnity si-mi iiih iMiltr.-ly (rrf
A ShiiiiiIo Ti.-atiiit-nl uf ymir
nriiulntliifr aiipltcHtnm for Uun-tiiri-.
Tim now Vldory Six Just , Ml- And the niilon of clmssls nnil body
iloimccil by DoiIko llrothera Inc. are Mid to hnvo a nmrkod stabil
Snilirniiiia inniiviillolis and Im- Itlnic ptfpct nilillnR Rrcally to ricl
rirovi'inpuls upon pi-iint ilay an- lim coinfoi't and aaretty at all
tiiiitobili dosinn which have found! speeds.
iinnidllaia rnvor with the motor j More than a million miles of
Iiik public. Within the renih of touch driving ami special hard
rtillllona in price this new product i ships were turned up by Dodge
promises sensational performance Brothers engineers In their work
at high speeds. , i on tne ,.w victory. Not only was
Long. Uw and graceful, lhe Vic-'l the iliotor, which Is a special one
tory Six presents a smart Mid ; or the Ihead medium duly type
roguish appearance coupled with with seven crankshaft bearings
swecplna advances In construe- and pistons of aluminum alio:
lion nml design that has brought
forth a flood of enthusiastic ac
claim from the throngs who have
viewed It at the showrooms of J.
O. Newlani! anil Son. Hodge Broth
ers dealers for tloliglns county,
where the car la on display. ,
Chassis and Body Unified i
Providing safety, comfort and
roadlbility to a degree neyr be
fore attained, the body and chas
sis or the Victory Six are a single
To provide road-holding quali
ties nvressury for high speeds and
at the same time to permit the
Hiw sweeping body lines dictated
by fashion without snrriricinx
roominess or road clearance.
given severe tests, but tho new
body and chassis was submitted to
the mot rigid and drastic punish
ment possible.
Further structural ' distinctive
ness has been obtained by a novel
type of body design, which might
be described as a steel shell weld
ed tnslde an outer steel shell to
form a double wall with an air
space between. Hy perforations
and other sound-doariening de
vices all body noises have heen
effectually suppressed, leaving
strength, lightness,, appearance
and absence of rattles as a net
gain. The frame of lhe Victory
Six chassis Is so deep llmt no
I snlssh nhfplda are n.m.n Ihn.
eliminating another source of
lKHlge mothers have emnlovoil
this basic innovation hi automo. ; noise.
live design in a brilliantly efree-l Lockheaif hvdraullc brakes for
live fashion. Iterance conventional .' all four wheels, similar lo the
sills and cross members havp been ; ones on the Senior line of sixes,
done away with, the chassis and I have heen adopted for the Victory
body being Integral, the center ofL The line will be offered In a
gravity Is closer to the road and; wide variety of colors,
the overall height of the car Is' The engine developed exclusive
ahout at the ordinary man s hat ! ly for the Victory six Is an L-head
brim. The low center of gravity, j mtdium duty type, with bora of
3 3-8 Inches-and stroke of 3 7-8
inches. Pistons are aluminum al
loy. Seven bearings support the
crankshaft, which turns npproxi
mately 1.2S5 r. p. m. at 25 miles
an hour and about 3,350 r. p. m.
at 65 miles an hour. Because of
rigid support and careful balanc
ing of the 52 pound crankshaft, no
counterweights or other vibration
dampenera are used. Gearshift po
sitions are S. A. S. standard;
namely, lever to lett and back fol
low and to right and- back tor
Plans tor 1328 al Dodge Broth
ers include the continuance of
the Standard Four, equipped with
4-wheel brakes and priced at
$S75 for the sedan, and the Senior
Six, priced at 51,595 tor the se
dan in addition to the Victory Six.
The Graham Brothers trttek di
vision, which has Just completed
the most prosperous year in Its
history, will continue to build
commercial cars and trucks of
rive capacities: 2-ton, lj-ton, 1
ton, -tou aud $ ton.
"With this program," said Presi
dent E. G. Wllmer, "the Dodge
dealers are prepared td meet a
wide range of the demand lor au
tomotive transportation. These
three distinct classifications of
passenger cars and five separate
types of truck fit Into a high per
centage of the public's require
ments as Indicated by the indus
try's total sales."
Tentative schedules for the
the year Indicate that nearly
threefourths ot Dodge Brothers
passenger ear production will
consist Of Victory models Includ
ing a conoe. at Jliil,".: a
with rumble seat at
aan at nus; ne luxe sedan at
$1170. and a dc luxe-brougham at
?u o.
t.tKKiWatpil lrc(M LvitRii. Wirr)
SALuto. Ore., Jan. 5. If peti
tions filed In the circuit court at
Tillamook yfsterday by A. A.
Schramm, state superintendent of
banks, are accepted by the court,
Ralph E. Williams, Republican na
tional committeeman for Oregon,
aud six other stockholders of the
defunct Tillamook Countv Bank
tached agreements Williams vol
untarily otfers to pay into the as
sets of the bank $7,625, while the
six other stockholders Voluntarily
offer to pay an equal amount,
making a total of $15,260. Wil
liams and the six others deny that
they are liable to the bank, but
some , depositors, creditors and
stockholders have persistently
claimed that they arc, so the con
trlbutions are offered voluntarily
and are approved by the deposi
tors In satisfaction of all claims.
The other six men concerned hi
the petitions are D. Fitzpatrick.i
against them On account of the
Under the two petitions and at-
c tn
Special Low Fare
XSame low rate to Sacramento,
nere s a bio aavfnn ,.!.;. ...
til January 12th. with so
N,.aV. C-U.P!!,' 0n """"-trip tickets. Fint
... .iiiiru coacnes Best terminal f.
Wood cutters' tools of all kinds i
at Wharton Bros.
cllitles, most daily schedules.
Similar Low Fares to
PHOENIX ri Uen nu. . ......
11KI1T: D'you know a good fcure!T. LOUIS. CHICAGO un't...
for a cohl, Alf
Al.K: 'Ave yon sot the price of'
rouine oi rums on yer?
ALF: Well, it ain't much i
tellln' rr then. Pussii,
Husband: Great Heavens' I n.,t
at the amount of our light bill!
Wife: Ves. dear, our electric
ice box has been leaking. Lite.
12:55, ?:20 A. to. 4:05 P. M.
Jackson &
Phone 586
Ham Maxwell, James -Williams
and H. T. Bolts, who were direc
tors of the bank when It railed.
Ralph Williams had formerly been
a director, hut was not at that
lime. The claims against them
were because of their official coa
nection with the hank.
Schramm, filed tho petitions as
representative of the depositors In
tho liquidation. They were filed
through W. Li. Taylor, Schramm's
deputy In charge at Tillamook,
after they had been submitted to
11. T. Botts, attorney for the di
rectors anil H. H. Rosenborg,
chairman of the depositors' com
Judge Bagley ordered that nil
abjections . to ." the compromise
must be riled with the court by
February . ir there are any ob
jections a date will then be set
for their hearing.
The total deposits of the bnnk
were J325.000. In the liquidation
the banking department has paid
dividends totaling 35 per cent on
savings deposits and 18 por ccttt
on commercial deposits.
Eat harbeci-x enmlwinhes an
lire forever. Brand's Road Stand
Instead of abnormal exercise or dipt,
they combat a cause of excess fat. They
jupply an element Nature employs to )
turn food mto fuel and energv. ThiJ
. if "f"1 oy resesren men ,
some two decades ago. It has for 20 yrs
I rui 1!Hi,ed ia Marraola prescription
tablcts.Millionsofboxeshavebeentaken, .
I and almost every circle shows the resu!u .
'""jw beauty, new health and vitalif. ' j
i , lhe formula comes in rvtm. aim '
'he scientific reasons for results. So users
have ho fear of harm. Go learn now what f
Marmots does for excess fat. and whr.
1 oor druggist supplies it si SI per box. ;
lake four ubleta daily and watch tis
change. .