TWO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, THURSDAY. JANUARY 5. 1928. 4 A THREE DAYS COUGH IS YOUR DANGER SIGNAL Ffislenl coughs and ooliU lead to vcrioiu trouble. You can slop lliem now with CreomuUion, an emulsified crco loto that is pleasant to take. Crcomul : ftion is a new medical discovery with two-fold action.; it soothe and he ils 1 to inflamed .membrane and inhibit i jerm growth. Of all known drug, creosote is rec ognized by high medical authorities as one of the greatest healing agencies for JtcrBi stent coughs and colds and other amis of throat troubles. CrcorauUion con ta his, in addition to creosote, otlicr healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and stop the irritation and inflammation, vhile the oreoMte goes on to the stomach, is ab sprb'd into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and chocks the growth of the germs- . , CruomiiUton is guaranteed lali'siac lory in the treatment of persistent coupJts and colds, asthma, bronchitis and oilier forms of respira tory diseases, and is excellent for build ing up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough or mid is not relieved after taking according to directions. For sale by all druggists. CREOMULSION FOR THE COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS ON t FIGHTS XAST NIGHT X .-NKW. YOnK. Millions will hear some IiIkIi prlcod tulent for nothing loniKht. Tuno in on tlie WEAK ahulu at 10:30 p. m.. eaut ern time, - for Will Kogers, Holly. ; wood; Fred and Dorothy Stoue, .. Jhleatto; A) Jolson, New Orleans, . and Paul Whiteniau, New York. CHICAGO. Beau Bnmimelo should avoid spats this year. Such ia the secret of Alderman "Bath Houiie" John L'oughlin, arhiter eleKantiariini. It was Issued when he appeared at counell meetings Jn his now array, lnuludiiiK a .wuistcoat o( grocii and orange chocks. , BATTLE CJtBKK, Mich. Old fashioned dances aeem to he fav ored as a means of prolonKiiiK life. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ford assisted in a demonstration of such steps at the race betterment conference at which scientists are disctiHslng longevity! '? LOS ANOK1.E8. Florence Eve lyn Martin Rice Is going right ovor the top after Guy lCmpey, noldlor, author nnd scenario writ er. Ruing him for return of $211, f90 she Is crediting him with BOO money he gave hor for pres ents uocaiiHe she docs not want )o keep gifts from him. ; NEW YOItK. A court decision ysrovldt's scniewhat of nu nwwiy of ECONOMY O. L. JOHNSON "The Store That 8erves You Best" Phone 83 ' 344 N. Jackson Street When You Buy ELECTRIC GOODS from an Electric Store what value do you get more than if you had Thought them from some other kind of a store? A guar antee backed by experienced electricians as well as the manufacturer, and the price is exactly the same. Think at over. We appreciate your business ROSEBURG ELECTRIC Phone 123 BROWN BOBBY IS HERE Electricity Has Won Again SEE AND TRY DELICIOUS New Greaseless Doughnut AT PALACE OF SWEETS ".X 2 1 wi ml j ( V 7 , ! MEMBERS OF THE ORDER : OF THE EA8TERN 8TAR ! TAKE NOTICE 4 ' At our regular meeting 4 j nlRht, Thursday, Jan. 6th, the 4 j election of officers will take 4 ! place. Your attendance will 4 be appreciated. ' Uy order of the W. M. golden voices before the heyday of tlio radio. Alma Clluck,. sinner, made a net profit of 101,147.80 from urtlHtlc elforts In 1017, and 81lio,;iuu.H0 was from records. The difference is that royalties are 'earned during the years when the records uro sold, not when inater records are made. . NEW YORK "Obey" was omit ted from the service when lllg Bill Edwards married MrB. Norma Stcelsmllh. College football players never promised lllg Dill when lie was an official to obey the rules, but at times Husky offenders wont rushing off1 the field from the ilmpolus of his 300 pnuuds plua. WILMINGTON, Del. The win ner of a contest which many have .ossumed was 'for hot dog stands never has sold a hot dog and dooB mot Intend to. Miss Norma Hum--nionwon the $300 first prize in -U competition ' sponsored by Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr., for the j.niost attractive wayside refresh ment stand. A hot dog manufnc turor had offered supplementary j awards: Give Us a Ring During Stormy weuthur you'll appreciate being ablu to socuru the finest of Gru corlea by Just' stopping to your phone. GROCERY THE I fcifjHsisfcn OREGON WEEKLY INDUSTRIAL REVIEW Condon Local growers sell $8 000 worth holiday turkeys. Madras buys 16,400 feet pipe or waterworks pipe Jrom Melo litis. Garibaldi Hammond Tilla mook Lumber ('. will replace Ne- halein bridge at Foes Cum p. Garibaldi Movement started for -deeper bar and harbor chan nel. St. Helens Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co. adds 55 subscrib ers ill 1K27. Westport Local theatre being remodeled and improved. Reodsport Anderson Fish Co. will build big modern fisheries station. lncendarles started 203 of the 778 fires in forests under Oregon state supervision in 1927. Portland Meier & Frank capi tal stock increased from 18,500, 0U0 to (12,600,000. Klamath Falls laid 140,000 yards paved streets during 1927. Eleven districts in Linu and Lane Counties form union high aeuuoi utsinci. Ilakor irondyke milt to be op erated under receivership. Portland New Oriental The atre opens at Grand and Morrison, on east aide. Grunts Pass Jewett and Yo. lowborn mines will be operated this year. Grunts Pass 1500,000 gold drodglng project to start on Foots Creek. Corvalls Concrete being poured on $500,000 Memorial building at O. A. C. Ten street projects coHtlng $103,854 are finished in Portland. Roseburg growers will snip 600 cars broccoli this winter. Elgin O. W. H. & N. Co. In stalls gas-electric motor car on brunch line. Ilaker Iluker B.s-KfT hrdlm Baker Plans drawn for 7-story $380,000 hotol at Main and Wash ington. Portland New Brandes Cream ery Is ready to open, with $150,000 plant. Portland Pacific Power & Light Co. heads S39.000.000 mer ger of seven Northtfest utilities. liiirns l'luto Indian school here Is to have $8,000 federal anuro- priatlou. Suannvlllo Yakima-Badger mine to have 50-ton ball mill. Hood River Annie A has shipped 572 curs apples and pears, with 310 cars now in stor age. Albany Albany & Eastern Rail road files incorporation nrtlnlea tor railroad to cross Cascades to Di'Hchutes county. Biuem city budget for 1928 In set nt $331,505. Salem plans three ml, III Inn ii I fire stations for adequate flro pro tection. CorvaltlB Ulg douchnut factory opened here. Burns is expecting: all-night long distance lulcphono service soon. Kerby Now siifliienninn hHri 306-foot span. Is opened over nil.' nols River. Ornnts Pass Remili-nil rm.n Is almost reached for securing cannery hore. Newport Contract awarded for new $100,000 hotel here. Woodbiiru city plana for bet tor fheflghtlng equipment. Cunby w. W. Wood starts commercial innnufuoturo of 20-000-egg. hatchers. Nowberg Snauldfng pulp mill complotocl: financing nr ,,,,,. mill under way. Klamath Falls will vote onrly In 1928 on $300.1100 sewer nrninni Myrtle Point Southern Coos County American will imii.i ...,w printing office, BllVei'tOn Silver ITnllo Tlmh Co. payroll runs above $100,000 a month. Sllvorton has nonrlv S'onnnnn deposits in two bunks. forest Grove $56,000 linml la. sue will rebuild watei-wnrkK cash on hand Nov. 30, tho largest Yumhlll County hud $230,115 sum In its history. Arundel, p;ano tuner. Phone 189-L Farm News I State Market Agent's Letter lly KKVMOlili JDiVUS ! OiThaiiltKis of Oregon, meeting at Heed Ulver a short time ago. j adopted several important resulu ; lions. Among llism Is one which "euinhuHites the extreme need of j bringing together under ndinluls i trillion of one centralized ngenry i all regulatory activities of ihe , suite pertaining to production, i tiuiisiioilntlnn nnd murketlntt of until nihil al products." It points to Hie contiir.lon, duplication, lack of linltiirinlty anil loss of time result. Iiig from the present system of in spection In Oregon cities ad vuutagi's derived from cenlrallsu Hon in oilier amirs, and recom mends leglslutlve action In that direction. Shippino of Fresh Prunes A illsiKituh from ("inalllla eoiinly says: The suit case puck age, used for shipping fresh prunes, appeals to lie doomed. A committee of growers meeting In an agricultural economies confer ence here has mine on record as In favor or a change to a package eoiiliilulng lour tin-top baskets. Willi the trull graded anil sliod. A federal grade for prunes also Is I asked In a resolution to the Unit ; ed Slates department of agrlcul ! til re. Several Relief Measures Senator Herah of Idaho has In troduced a bill for farm relief, providing n fedeiul agricultural corporation with a capital stock of one billion dollars. The board of directors would he the secretary of agriculture and eight Individu als to be apiniinted by the presi dent. And Keuutnr Carraway nf Arkansas has introduced another hill embodying the tariff deben ture .plan, nponsured by the Nn tiunal Grunge. Establishing Reliable Grades i Idaho was fifth highest of alt Newln Style from Radiator toTaU-jLightOlferjji Scores of Vital Atbrancemei atMJhcwase JhFt7ce An orlfinal and vivid ryfw of beauty diitincliee, arrejtinr, tiltrO'jmart-'but innosenje ex treme I Higher, narrower radi ator sweeping full-crown ienders newly designed head lamps every detail anexpreu lion of motor car fathion at its height. At a result of such prog ren in creating beauty of line, theNewSeriesPontiacSixtalces a prominent place among the style leaders of the year. BRYDEN-PETERSON MOTOR COMPANY 444 N. Jackson St. tho states in the production of po tatoes this year, with .21,3X0,111)0 bushels. Ill order to establish n reputation for a superior nrticle, the 'drawers' Association has de cided I hat no potatoes will be shipped from Idaho except United States grade No. 1. That Is the system which will be a most pow erful influence in the favorable marketing, not only of potatoes,' I? CAR.S Ford Coupe $125 Ford Touring 60 Chevrolet Touring 15 Chevrolet Touring 75 Chev. Touring 100 Chcv. Touring 150 They All Run Buick Touring .., 40 Essex 4 Touring........ 225 Hupp. Touring ICO ROY CATCHING MOTOR CO. a Successful Six . now bids for Even Y Greater Success EVEN the impressive array of new features given herewith cannot convey the extent to which the New Series Pontiac Six surpasses all-pre vious attainments in the field of low-priced sixes. After enjoying a spectacularly successful career, Pon tiac Six now bids for even greater suc cess with a car greater in every way. NEW FISHER BODIES NEW FENDERS NEW FOUR-WHEEL BRAKES NEW FUEL PUMP NEW CRANKCASE VENTI LATION ' NEW CARBURETOR NEW GMR CYLINDER HEAD but of all products. Propor grad ing and raliuhle quality are abso lutely nocoRsury for the success ful and profitable marketing nf nil product) of the farm and the or chard. Condensed Information The total yield of commercial apples is thirteen million barrels lehit this yHHr than lust, accord lug to government statist ics. One pool of peppermint oil ns Homhled by Manning & Moisnn at t.ervata was sold a few days ago for $2.75 per pound and brought ta over 20(-00, pays the Star. The Oregonian of Dec. 20th had a sploudid editorial on "Way to Su cites h for Prune Growers." which was too lengthy to be re produced In this lenllft, but we hopo it has been reud and pre served by every grower iu tho northwest. The Multnomah county agricul tural agent, writing in the Grenhtini Outlook, says: "The pro ducers who are coming through the boaHon ' host this year are those who are growing products which are handled cooperatively." Thu American Fruit Growers, from their Hood Klver headquar ters sent out 572.0011 hi checks to the apple growers of Hood Klver valley and 35M00 to Medtnrd poor growers, as partial payments for the season's shipments. Tho checks must have come in handy in making Christmas enjoyable. A carload ot American fence will arrive at Wharton liros. within a tow days. , , . CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "ComptoU Health Servie" SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 327 West Cass Phone 491 Announcing the Jew Series Read This Partial List of Added NEW MANIFOLDS AND MUFFLER NEW AND GREATER POWER NEWCROSS-FLOW RADI ATOR NEW THERMOSTAT NEW WATER PUMP NEW WHEELS NEW INSTRUMENT PANEL Phone 93 Out of every thousand car own ers 12 got stuck at least onoe a month because they fail to re plenish their gas tanks In season. Furthermore It Is not the "flap per" of both sexes who is most prone tn this species of ear trou- 1 'V -. 1 S' 7 -T.V I iiiiifiiriiiitmMMtfiimtiiiiMimiiitiiiiHitii i.'Mlllllttl III llllllllllliiihl '' .- 2PI' Emphasizing the importance of this announcement are two entirely new and additional body types: the Four door Sedan; and the Sport Landau Sedan, a close-coupled, swagger crea tion, exemplifying the highest art of . , Fisher closed body craftsmanship. Come in and see this history-making lineof Sixes, availableinsixbody types. Features NEW DASH GASOLINE GAUGE NEW STOP-LIGHT NEW CLUTCH NEW STEERING GEAR i NEW FRAME NEW AXLES NEW COINCIDENTAL LOCK mle. As a matter ot Tact, the most I frequent cause for emergency aid ' on record of "out of gas",. comeB from staid business' men who get I caught on their way to the office 1 in ttie early morning rush. : The analysis of this condition I has been made by the engineer of ! the Orocon State Mntnr Assorts- ; tion through the Research Depart ment of the American Automobile Association, and hi making this' analysis over 500,000 causes for' free emergency aid were analyzed. The analysis shows that the dis-l patehrs on duty at various tfle-' One May Always Call our number with the assurance of re ceiving a prompt response.' Our service knows -no hours; day and night are the same to us. ' Twenty-four hour' service is some-' thing that every modern funeral director should offer to those he serves. Naturally, this organization is available day or night. -v.'R DOUGLAS FU NEPAL HOME,, Ttittinctutumral Jwvict Corner 'Pine, and lane Streets "With I FOUR-WHEEL BRAKES A Body by Fisher -2-DOOR SEDAN (At Factory) COUPE SPORT ROADSTER SPORT CABRIOLET 4-DOOR SEDAN SPORT LANDAU SEDAN Roseburg, Oregon phone switchboards make a noto as to the cause advanced by tho motorists for being out of gas. In the majority of cases tit would bo because tne wife had the car at a bridge party last night, or the daughter attended a dance at the country club,- or the son was out driving, lu any event the motorist and father, as usual "poor old J)ud." shouldered the gric! aud paid the bill. - ! Say It with brakes and save tho flowers. II 'ylione-.ll2. 1