Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 22, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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Hickman j Caught
(Continued from page 1.)
way patrol a few . minutes before
Gurdane and Lleuallen departed,
missed Hickman by a matter of a
few minutes. Another Hudfon car,
similar to the one driven by Hick
man, took them from the chase
for the fugitive, and enabled Gur
dane and Lleuallen to pick Hick
man up a few mllea east of Echo,
which is 20 miles west of Pendle
ton on the Old Oregon Trail.
Crowd Gathe.'
A crowd Immediately gathered
around the Jail where Hickman
was confined but was governed
more by curiosity than by any mal
ice toward the prisoner.
Hickman, when lodged In the city
Jail, luughed hysterically at accu
sations that he was the hunted
murderer, but later broke down
and confessed his identity. He was
given a change of clothing by the
Getting Confession.
PEXDI.KTON, Dec. 22 Parker
Tlranln, city editor of the Pendle
ton Kast Oregonlan and John Doek
wltli, court reporter, were closeted
with Hickman at 2:40 p. m. today
getting a detailed confession from
Detective Collapses.
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 22. Her
man Cllne, cniei or ponco uuiut-
tlvos, told today by the Associated
1'rens that the alleged slayer of
Marian Parker had been captured,
almost collapsed as the tension of
n man hunt probnbly never painl
loltd in the history of the west,
was relieved.
Tim biir sleuth trembled with
emotion as ho got the details of
how William E. Hickman, accuseu
kldnanor of the school girl, had
been caught at Echo, Oregon, and
admitted his Identity.
"Well, well" was all he. could
HJ1V. '
To otliors who callod to give the
Information to him. Cllne jam:
, "Thanks, 1 already have it from
the Associated Press." ,
As the news which ended the
first phase of one of the most
gripping tragedies evor to occur In
the southland passed outward from
' press rooms, au air almost of cele
bration was apparent.
Thousands upon thousands of
Christmas shouuurs rushed news
boys on tho corners and oven
bought editions which hud come
out au huur boforo the fugitives
Men, women even children
' accosted any and everyone uncere
moniously on the streets.
"They've got him; they've got
him " was the cry everywhere.
Lined up at Klrst nnd Hill streets
near the pollco station, at tho time
tho news was flashed from tho As-
Kocluted Press wore scoros of mo
torcycle officers, come from all
over Southern California to nsslst
In tho great hunt, all sot to dash
to nny point from which rumor
might come.
" Whon an officer :camo .Sopping.
Blilostepplng and skipping out,
waved his cap and shouted, "we've
got lilin," motorcycles began to
Tall ovor. Ono toppled and half a
dozen more sltlddod around and
enmo to rest In confusion in the
street as all Joined In "whooping."
Extradition Papers by Plane.
BACllAMKNTO, Hoc 22. Ex
trndltion papers whereby Governor
Young will seok the roturn of Wil
liam Edward Hickman, Los An
golos slayer from Orogon, woro be
ing rushed hero tills afternoon by
airplane by Los Angelos pollco of-
Governor Young's office was In
formed that tho men had stnrteu
Bhortly after 2 o'clock today.
Crowd Thronas Jail.
PUNDLETON. Ore.. Dec. 22.
Officers have roped off an nroa
around the city Jail here whoro
William Edward Hickman Is being
nil rouanlina his escape
from Los Angelos. The crowd,
thmiL'h mllllna about to get a
glimpse of tho prisoner, is ordorly
and restrained.
Hickman, during tho grilling nnd
questioning, nppoared calm thru
out. ;
"&now Blocked Escape.
SEATTLE, Deo. 22.JSnow In tho
Rnoutlalmlo Pass In the Cascades
caused William Edward Hickman
to turn southward ngaln after
reaching Seattle. Chief of Police
Tom Gurdano of Pendleton. Ore.
who assisted In tho capture of the
fugitive, said in a long distance
telephone Interview given, the
"I was suro that Hickman,
would head tills way," Chief Gur
dane said, "for our Information
wns that ho drove to Seattle, In
tending to go over to eastern
Washington, but finding the Sno
oualmle pass was blocked by snow
doubled back on Ills trucks to tho
Columbia Itlver highway. Wo re
ceived word that ho had passed
through Portland, and then we
were suro Hint ho would drlvo to
ward Pendleton."
Made No Resistance.
Tho chief said that Hickman of
fered no resistance when ho and
Huck Lleuallen, slate ntgnwav pa
trolman, halted bis car near Echo
20 miles west of Pendleton. The
two officers searched Hlckmnn af
ter he admitted his Identity, find
lug IU00 and a revolver In his
pockets. A second revolver and
a sawed off shotgun woro found
Iti btn ear.
"Wo wero on the lookout for a
groon sedan," tho chief said, "and
wfmn flnnllv wo saw ono bearing
down on us wo were suro Hlck
mnn was at the wheel. He denied
at first he as Hickman, hut later idontltv. Tho money
in Ms nossesalon was mostly In
ton hills, nil hearing serial num
bers corresponding to the $20 bills
paid as ransom money in i.os -ah
ln. luuf KntlirdllV."
Chief Gurdane said Hickman hns
been locked in the Pendleton city
Jail, and although no mob violence
Is oxpected. stops have been taken
to protect Hlcuman snoum mo
emergency nrisn.
Annd JurV Called
I-OS ANOELE8, Dee. it. Dis
trict Attorney Asa Keyes Imme
diately on rocolpt of news of ths
capture of William E. Hickman, is
sued . a call for a special meeting
or the grand Jury to start at 7
o'clock tonight. It was expected
that an indictment would be ask
ed against the accused slayer of
Marian Parker in order to facillate
his extradition. '
Mother collapses
KANSAS CITY. Dec. 22. Mrs.
Eva Hickman collapsed here this
afternoon when newspaper men
told her that her son, William fcd-
ward Hickman, alleged slayer of
Mralan Parker In Los Angeles, had
been captured near Echo,. Oregon.
"It can t be true,' 'she aouoeu.
If they've caught the slayer of
the little girl it can't be my son,
Told that 120 certificates bear
ing serial numbers corresponding
to those on the bills earner paiu
for the mutilated body of bis
daughter, had been found on the
neion of the youth that nas aa-
jnlttcd be la Hickman, the woman
still insisted II was a mistake am.
became bo hysterical it was : no
longer nostible to talk to her.
Other meinoers oi tne ooy s im
mediate family here, Including a
17-vear-old sister and three orom-
ers bIbo declare they do not be
lieve their brother, William Ed
ward Hickman, is the person . in
custody or that he Is guilty.
Reeourceiui winter
qt.t-m. Ore.. Dec. 22. Buck
T i..lln the slate trail lc on leer
f.iiht William Edward hick-
man at Echo tnia aiiernuu.. ......
h heln of Tom Gurdane, Pendle
ton police chief, la a resourceful
,. nrrilne to T. A. Kaffety,
atate trattio cniei, uu
prediction to state house rePf
Jvi. nn,w that "I know Buck
will got him It be has half a
chance." . ' .
San Francisco uvcrji,,.
Tho news that William
Hickman hail oocn cum... ...
trlfled San Francisco. V hen the
extra cdltlonB of the afternoon pa
pers came on the street with the
Associated Press report of Ills cap
ture people rushed madly to buy
copies from the news boys .
Traffic was disrupted. Toople
cried, shouted and forgot their
Christmas shopping for several
minutes. Market street was crowd
ed and newsboys Bold out before
they could got to their regular cor-
""people who had read the news
shouted It to others People told
It with rejoicing to passers by thoy
had never seen before, indicating
how the tragedy hnd brought a
common Interest oven to San V ran
clsco which is regarded ub blaso.
SEATTLE, Dec. 22. Now Im
petus to the quest bore for Wil
liam Edward Hickman, wbb given
todav by tho report from the Val
ley Garage at Kent, 15 miloB south
of here, that another of the 120
bills included In tho ransom money
had been received there.
Oarage employes said the bill
l.n.l liimn nresented 1)V a motorist
bolween 11:30 p. m. and midnight
i,,i niiriit. Sheriff Claudo O. Ban-
nick dlapntchod a posse of doputlos
to the scone at 11 a. m. ram.
Oarage attendants said tho mo
tnriBi who nresented tho cortlfl-
ia wns driving a greon Hudson
sedan bearing California license
No. 1-350-391. This was tho liconso nf the cur ronortod Btolon
hv Hickman in Los Angolos last
Tho garage attendant said he
had lukon down the number of the
car last night without realizing Its
Importance. Whon ho Baw newa
popors thlB morning announcing
Hlckmnn had boon seen In Seattle
ho checked tho number on the gold
certificate glvon bim ov mo mun,
and found It was K-6S010D71.
Authorities woro chocking on
the number. 1
Shows Up In Seattle.
SEATTLE, Dec. 22. After elud
ing nil the agencies of tho law for
nenrly a week. William Edward
Hickman, reputed Los Angeles
kidnaper-slayer, hns appeared hero
long enough to purchase somo
clothing, pollco wore certain today
us they redoubled their ottorts to
affect ills capture.
Tho clothing, a pair of heavy
i.inrk cloven and a suit of under
wear Was purchased In n Seattle
store last night with ono of the
J20 federal gold certificates paid to
the abductor by Porry M. Pnrkor.
i.n AiiL-olen bank official and
father of 12-vear-old Marlon whose
mutilated body wns returned to
George V. Wlllougliiiy, proprioior
of the clothing Btnro in which the
clothing wns bought, was poBltlvo
that tho purchaser was Hickman
Di-qds From Slant.
This morning, nenrly iwelvo
hours after Hickman's supposed
appearance here, the combined po
lice forces of a dnien Paclflo
nnrthwost cities hnd been unnlilo
to lay hands on the asserted nenii
although thero wns underway
manhunt aimost unparalleled In
this realon.
There appeared the probability
tliut "tho fox" hud again outwitted
the law. In the belief that tho fit-
clllvo had slipped through tho po
lice cordon that wns thrown around
Senttlo. efforts to apprehend him
were concentrated at points north
of this cltv to tho Cunndlan boun
dary. Immigration nnd customs
officials along the border wero
under explicit Instructions to leave
nothing undone In their rntrul of
tho internatlonol line.
Passes 20 Bill.
lltckman's reported visit to Seat
tie lust night Indicated that he fled
1,ob Anaoles even beforo police
there became convinced last Tues
day that he was the man who kid
nnped little Marlon Parker, brutal
ly Blew her. mutilated her body,
and then returned her to her dis
tracted father In return for 31500
ransom money.
(me of the ?0 gold certificates
which were paid hv Parker to th
Bbilurtor is now in possession of
police hero. It was given to the
police here after It had been re
ceived by Wllioughnv, tne nanor
dasher. In payment for tho cloth-Inr
"The man was small, dark and
nervous," Wllloughby said In de
scribing the man who entored his
store about 8:50 last night.
"I was alone In ths stors," Wll
loughby related. "Almost Instant
ly I recognised the customer from
newspaper photographs as the Los
Angeles killer. He asked for a
pair of black gloves anu a sun oi
underwear. I gave them to him
and he drew on the gloves and or
dered the underwear wrapped up.
He then produced the JZO gold cer
tificate. 1 placed it in the cash
register, made the change and the
man went out."
Notifies Police.
The haberdasher, as soon aB his
customer bad gone, took the cur
rency from the cash register and
called police headquarters, where
he was told that tne Dill serial
number K-6801t)!i70 was one of
those received by the Los Angeles
klrlnaoer from Parker.
At police headquarters later wn
loughby was said to have positive
ly Identified pictures oi uicaman
as being those of the customer.
The entire police force of the city
was Immediately mobilized to
emergency Btrength, started
search of downtown card roomB,
apartments, hotels and rooming
houses, while deputy sherlffB and
state highway policemen guarded
the highways leading from the
Uut to no avail. This morning
the search had been admittedly fu
tile and the officials directing it
believed that Hickman was head
ed for the Canadian border.
Positive It Was Killer.
There existed no doubt In the
minds of Seattle police officials
that the man seen in Seattle wbb
the Los Angeles fugitive whoso
whereabouts have baffled the po
lice of the Pacific coast Blnce he
reputedly returned the little Parker
girl's body to her lamer iasi Sat
urday night.
Chief of Detectives Cllne of Los
Angeles Is also positive, ho told
Seattle officials by telepnone tuat
the Seattle suspect Is Hickman.
Cllne has made preparations to
leave the California city by air
nlano for Seattle to aid in the
search here.
Your man Is the one we want,"
Cllne told Captain William Kent of
the Seattle police department over
the phono last - night. "Please
spare no expense In searching for
Contain Kent, who waB In active
charge of the manhunt here today,
declared he was certnin that Hick
man will be caught by nightfall.
Passed Thru Roseburq. .
The story of two Portland boys,
James WllBon and Irwin Mowrey
that they had ridden from Lemo-
lne, Cal.. to Portland in a large
green sedan driven by a person re
sembling Hickman was given some
credence by. police here.
The boys reported to Portland
police last night that the man with
whom they had ridden. seemed ner
vous and was armed.1 When the
car reached the Oregon line, the
driver put the machine in a side
rood until dnrk. the boys snld. They
understood the man was headed
for So""n.
Sheriff's deputies later asserted
thoy had positively Identified the
bill as one of the ransom notes ex
torted from Perry Pnrkor,' father
of the kidnaped girl, before 'her
mutilated body wos returned to
him '
Hoy W. McHugo of tho "Valley
Garage said tho man driving the
Hudson car, who ho believes wos
Hickman, told him he Intonded go
Ing to Aberdeen, Washington.
- H ckman In Tacoma.
TACOMA. Dec. 22 William Ed
ward Hickman, reputed brutnl
slayer of 12-yonr-old Marlon Parker
In Los Angeles, wnn Been in Ta
coma lost nlaht between 10:30 nnd
11 o'clock by four persons, pollco
worn Informed enrlv this morning.
Delievlng it would have been im
possible for Hlckmnn to eludo tho
Los Aneeles police not, thoy neg
lected to report to Tacoma police
until Hlckmnn was reported to
have been Identified in Seattle.
Sto e Hudson car
LOS ANGELES, Deo. 22. Wil
liam E. Hickman, accused klil
naner-slaver. held up and robbed
F. P.. Peck In Hollywood Sunday
night, taking his Hudson . sedan
which was seen yesterday by two
Portlnnd youths who Identified
Hickman as the driver, Bpeeuing
Into Oregon.
The California license of tho car
Is 1350301 and the motor number
4(10070. It Is a 1928 model car.
Peck wns alone in the ear at
Hollywood and Western Avenue
when a nmn whom he alter menu
fled nosltlvelv as Hickman.
nrnnclied him at 6:46 o'clock and
took tho ear away at tho point of
a pistol. This information was re
vealed todav by D. L. Larkin, busl
ness nssoclato of Peck, feck to
day being enrouto to San Diego.
with Fiiqitive.
POIITLAND. Ore., Dec. 22.-
story of traveling from California
to Portland with a man thev now
feel suro wns William Edwnrd
Hlckmnn. Lob Angeles fugitive,
wbb told bore today by James Nol
son of KansnB City and Irvin Mow-
rev nf Portland.
At tlio flrniron lino they Bald
Hickman was In the back Beat and
Vxlann wns driving.
"We stopped." said Nelson, i n
police turned their flashlights full
nn our faces. Thev Btudied us a
moment then snld 'Just onving
through'' Wo answered 'that
all. Thev answered 'all right, go
nn ' nnd we did
Just befom they renched the
Oregon line Hickman said he want-
,i m nvnld officers because ne
had two nuarta of whlsky which
bo wns inking home for thristmss.
thev snld. Hickman was In the
hack seat doling.
from- 'Portland ' early today re-
vealed that two Portland youths
reported having traveled from La-j
niolne, California, northward with1
a man In a green Hudson sedan,!
whom they thought to be Hick!
man. They Baid the driver an-!
peared very nervous and looked :
behind constantly as If fearing pur
suit. - . I
The youths reported that the II-!
cense card on the car Indicated It '
to be owned by a man named Peck
of Los Angeles.
Check by the Associated Press
with the theft bureau of the auto
mobile club of Southern California
today disclosed the fact that this
Hudson sedan was Peck's and had
been stolen Sunday night.
Chief Woods of the automobile
club theft bureau Immediately dis
patched wires northward seeking
to have authorities watch for the
stolen Hudson car.
Peck notified the detective bur
eau of the Hollywood police sta
tion Tuesday morning that It was
Hlckmaa who had stolen his car,
it was said today by Larkin, Peck's
business associate.
"He Identified the photograph as
soon as he saw it in the Tuesday
morning newspapers and notified
the Hollywood detectives," Larkin
No information was made public
on this at the time by tha police.
Receives Death Threats
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 22. Tllf
Evening Express says today It has
learned that Perry M. Parker,
father of murdered Marian Parker,
has received three additional
death threat letters since last Sunday.
At the same lime, that paper
says, it learned that a woman at
tempted last Friday or Saturday to
buy a railroad ticket at the Arcade
Btatlon to Seattle, Wash., in the
name of Hickman.
The county chemist, Coroner
Nance said, has been given tis
sues of the abdominal cavity for
chemical analysis.
William Edward Hickman, 19,
has been named by police as tho
child's Blayor. The woman's at
tempt to purchase a ticket to Seat
tle was recalled vividly by a ticket
agent. Ho said the woman depart
ed hurriedly while he was asking
the necessary questions. Her
ascription, has beon given police.
Tho additional letters receive.!
by Parker reiterated the slayer's
demand for money for return of
the girl whose body wns thrown at
the father's feet last Saturdny
Ight. Police expressed belief that
tho letters, one of which repeated
demand for $1500 "to get
girl alive and well," probably was
sent wltii the Intention of raising
doubt as to the writer's sanity
nother move of the "Fox" of the
ransom letter to cover ills winding
LOS ANOELES. Tiec. 22 Coun-
tv Coroner Frank Nance today an
nounrcd that Marlon Parker nan
nol been criminally attacked be
fnro her death.
He likewise said In a statement
concerning rumors whtcn nav
i.biI wide circulation, that 00 op
eration nf criminal character had
heeii performed.
Coroner Nance said that overv
nnrilnn nf the dead girl's body ha
hn recovered. All organs of th
hrininlnal ravltv. he sld. were In
cluded with otbar portions of the
body contained In packages wnicn
wero found sundav near tne u-
trance to Elvslan Park.
Had Two Companions
Associated Press dispatches
(Associated Press Leased Wire.)
(Continued from page
and runhed to her husband snylng
"I believe this Is the man I feu.
Dp. Wiley Joked her nbout it say
ing "It coulun t have been. He s
way down in Los Annules."
Thursday Mrs. Wiley saw an
other photograph, and her belief
has deepened to a certainty.
Tho man had no automobile with
him, probably having parked it In
another portion of the city.
I have never known Mrs. Wiley
to forget a face," said Dr. Wiley.
'She recognizes people she has not
uoim ri ihg irtoniitlmn fjvnr
period of a dozen years
Mrs. Marv Holt. Marian Parker's
teacher, who allowed her to go with
the kidnaper. She has broken
Victim's Father
PENDLETON, Ore., Dec. 22
The following confession of Wil
liam Edward Hickman was made
to Parker Branlu, city editor of
the Pendleton East Oregonlan, this
Question: Where is your part
"He Eald for me to meet him at
the Harris hotel in San Francisco
Sunday, but he was not there, so
Tuesday morning I saw they had
my name so I got real scared then
and I planned to get away myself.
I thought i would get away north
because they were searching in
San Francisco as I had read about
it In the paper and there was
nothing I could do. After I saw
him in Los Angeles according to
our appointment I said 'where Is
the girl?' and he Just grinned.
"When the father met me by
appointment he spoke and said 'I
want to see ray dacghter' and I
said, 'she is here' and I think 1 1
said she wus asleep and I told him
to give me the money. I had had
trouble with her and then he gave
me the money right there and I
told him 1 would drive up therea
little way and let her out and I
drove out a little way."
Question: "Who was it cut her
up that way?"
"This fellow named Andrew
Crnmer. His part was -
"I ran away from home and I
wns In California and had been
working In the First National Bank
and forged some checks and I
got paroled and went back to Kan
sas City with my mother and I
wanted to go back again so I then
so I got thla coupe In Kansas
City which belonged to Dr. Mantz,
I think was the doctor and I got
out here. At first I didn't come di
rect out here. -1 went to Chicago
beforo I came here and I rented
that apartment in Lps Angeles at
the Belevue Anna
Woman In Case
"I think It was on November 23
or JuBt before Thanksgiving and
on Thanksgiving I went down to
your I San Diego and when I came back
the next day I picked tnts man ana
lady up. He said his name was
Andrew Cramer, and the ladys
name was Juno Dunning, I think
that was it. I was by myself. I
didn't know anyone here. I was
making my own living by holdups
nnd I thought If 1 coma got. ac
quainted with somo older man we
could work to better advantage
and It wouldn't be as much risk
and could probably get away with
holdups easier.
Held UD Drua stores
ten -hint held no drug stores
and places like that. That is the
reason I had all these guns. That
3-80 belongs to Andrew. Ho left It
there, bo it didn't make any un
feronce. We worked several places,
tt wonted me to get aome chloro
fn. tnr htm and ether. I didn't
ask him what for. So in one of our
holdups I would get out and he
would drive tne car. no nuu.u
In the car and 1 wouio. guv
nnd whatever we wanted
and go out and men
"I really had not lnienueu
a crook, because you will find out
soon enough you" will get caught,
hut because I wanted to go hack to
KnnsaB Citv and go 10
save enough money to go to cot
InuePnrk College near Kansas
City. And I tuougnt h i cuum sj
enough money to go to the school
nnd by working somo during the
day. an hour or two every day. In
that way l couia nny im ...........
I thought If I could save a thou
sand dollars I could start next Sen
tember nnd no matter how I got It
I figured I would go straight from
then on. And this mnn asked me
what I thought ot Kiunnpnis """
one. and 1 tnougni. i w.m.u
mind doing It. I nanpeneu io ro-
memhor thn Mr. Parker nan n
daughter because In working at
the hank this girl came wnn mm
I didn't know lust what date It
wns. I was thero In the bank sev
eral days and I noticoa eapecinuv
nnd I noticed and t romemoer n.
wns his daughter because she was
his favorite daughtor and he would
take her down nnd buy her lunch
and she was around tho bank like
she was a big man.
Wanted Tellers bin.
didn't think of her, however.
before I thought of Mr. naves, who
Is chief toller of tne urai cnii'mm
hank nnd I think he has n very
..... -hn.l nml I thought of that
R . .. ..... .......1.1 Hi.
. Rnt tl.n mnnev from him
i. oanier hecause he is a chief
ri.,r nf iho hank, nnd handles
hundreds of thousands of dollars
and while I was in tne oaim i
all the money shipments come in
nnd used to go around the vaults
.,! onv nlace In the bank and
knew practically everyone In the
btt"Thls Is going to be Interesting
before It Is all over." Hickman re
marked to Buck Lleuallen. one of
his captors, as ho sat down to re-
in,n i,A iininlta nf the crime.
Tto they only kill by hanging in
niifrtrnln" ho next asked. "Oh,
this is not California. Ib It?" he
asked before his question could be
When asked to pose for a photo
graph, ho said: "wnat snouiu
UWn a crook ?'
woll In order to get this little
girl, this younger girl I was afraid
It would be harder to handle her
She was a babv and would prob
ably cry. I thought either Mr.
Haves or Parker, either one. would
have sense enough or I should say
good judgment enough to consider
1500 an easy settlement in consid
eration of their own daughter. I
meant no harm to either one. but
I thought It would be easier to han
dle the older girl than a little
he would
and I looked In tbe telephone book
to see where Mr. Parker lived.
"I went to the house to see her
when she came from school and I
saw her riding around on a bicycle,
but I didn't know she had a twin
sister until Thursday morning. I
parked by the house early so I
could see her leave for school, and
could aee which school she went
to, and it popped into my mind
that If I went for her at the school
I could get her that way. There
wub no plan, but I had been think
ing about It and It popped in my
head when I saw the girl that
Had No Plan.
"I did not plan out the results
ahead of that until 1 saw her that
morning and that afternoon you
have read In the papers how It all
happened, I went and told the
teacher that her father had been
In an accident and this other girl
came over to see which one of the
girls I wanted and I said I wanted
the younger one. She looked
younger but it turned out they were
twins but she dldn t question nie
in nnv wav. Thev asked what w as
her first name bo I told them. 1 1 1
didn't think I remembered but 1
told them I worked at the hank 1
didn't give my real name I forget
the name I did give tnem anu
they asked which girl I wanted
and I said the younger one and
she said, 'Marian?' and I said
yes, that is the one tne tamer was
calling for, and one of the other
teachers went and got me gin aim
I saw that was the same girl I had
seen In front of the house, and 1
called at the school house thai
morning and I think they got on a
street car and went to the Mount
Vernon school and when I went
up in the car I learned that the
Franklin school Is right near a
fence and after we came out of th
fu-linnl bnuso we got into the cm
and we left and she started asklnf
questions about what had happen
ed and how It nappeneu anu -who
hit lilm and I made answers to all
of her questions. I answered
everything nnd she got in and wo
then started back and was just
having a general conversation and
talking about picture shows and
merchant sand school and anything
that came up In conversation gen
ernllv with neople. and wo got well
and closely acquainted and I real
ly kind of liked her.
Girl-' Was Calm.
"I couldn't look her in the face
when I told her she was kidnaped
as .though nothing nad nappeneu.
when I told her nothing bad real-
lv hannened to her father, she
didn't wnrrv or scream . or any
ting. She took It as calm as could
be and I told her she could realize
if T not i-nuuht what 1 would have
to suffer and I would have to tie
her nose and tie her mouth so
alio couldn't mnke any noise and
she snld 'Please don't do it, I will
promise not to mnko any noise," so
I didn't tie her nnd we drove
around nil that afternoon and went
to a show that nigut even went
to a picture show tne uinuo
theater in Alhnmbra and she didn't
do or say anything much and I
really didn't intend to do her any
harm and here Is where this other
man's part of it played In.
"He was to have the hiding
place for the girl and to keep her
nulet and I was supposed to get
the money."
(At a late hour this afternoon,
as the News-Review was going to
press with the last edition, Hick
man was continuing nis conres-
slon. The complete text of the
confession will be published In to
morrow's edition, but the main de.
tails of his horrible crime are con
tained In the foregoing article.)
PORTLAND. Ore.. Dec. 22. The chase for William E.
Hickman, alleged kidnaper and slayer of Marian Parker, Los
Angeles girl, centered today pn the Columbia River Highway
east of Portland. Officers and citizens along the highway were
advised to be on' the lookout for Hickman, reported to have
headed east in a green Hudson sedan, which was stolen Sun
day in Los Angeles.
Fred King, attendant at the Checkerboard Service station
on the highway just outside of Portland, at an intersection of a
. J I.J: f. k Pnrlftc. hinhwav. identified a picture of
I Hickman as that of a young man who purchased gasoline from
aim at 6:30 a. m. today and drove east.
After King reported his suspicions to the police detectives
took a number of pictures to him. including one of Hickman,
and King picked out that of Hickman as that of his eaily morn
ing customer. . -
The car driven by the suspected i
fugitive bore Washington license j Pendleton Is to be ha ted and
plates, and if It was the same 'as searched. Orders to this effect
that which headed south thru Kent, were sent from police headquar- i
last night, the numbers must have ters here. Hundreds of officers
been changed en route. King did, were patrolling the highways m
not get the number of the license. I day. - - w J
Every automobile travelling eun-i jicpons mi .
er the Columbia or North Bank : way beyond i'enaieion w aa
highway east from Hood River to bound. - -
i &
''"Detectives examine the parcel In which Marian Parker's torso was
returned to her father after he had surrenaerea diduu id in n.u..e.-
I ..... V8-- w i . ' . i
1 , . . ... j I ... VI
11 Jt . - - 8 :
. ..v.. ...... ......... w,.w--..,... . . .. . ...
Mrs. Perry M. Parker and her twin daughters. Marlon, kidnaped
and slain, Is at the left. Marjorie, threatened by "The Fox," is at the
maze ot rumors, suggestions and
Slayer's Victim
Perrv M. Parker, father of M
rlon Parker, Los Angeles girl kld
naoad and then slain, who surren
dered $1500 and received only the I child. So this man and 1 both went
broken body of nis cnua. . ; to
! 1
4 Iff" .1
purported trails leading thru the
home city ot William Edwar
While police believed the threat
came from a person of unbalanced p
(AMoclntod l'fi'M I.eaii'd Wire.)
LOS ANGELES, ?1ec. 22.
Cllne and Harold L. Davis,
I l"' ' r:'l Dr. M.nt took precautions
Immediately by nirplnno for ;and detectives watched his home j
Oregon while newspaper rep- which Is near the place where Mrs. j
resentatlves rushed to other !Eva Hickman, mother ot the bus-
fields to obtain planes for a i . , . ;
hon to the northwest. i nect resides. ;
. Dr. Mantz received the call at j j
j his office Tuesday in the presence :i
of two detectives who happened to '-.-i
Doctor Is Threatened , be discussing the Los Angeles kid- I
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Dec. 22. ! nanlng with him. This was reveal-. j
A mysterious telephone call thrcnt-; ed when the Kansas City Star last ;
enlng children of Dr. Herbert L. night was Informed In an anony- f
Mantz, whose stolen automobile ) mous telephone message from St. j
wns used by the kidnaper of Mar- Loula that the children of tne j
lan Parker, today stood out in the i phvslcinn had been threatened. H
This is Marion Parke ras she a-
peard just before she was kidnap
ed and then slain In one of Cali-
see her and get a look at her tornia's most sensations) crimes, j
Radio Owners
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This is a saving of $20, former price being $59.50.
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