Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 19, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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Issued Dally Except Sunday
' - Itrnbcr of The AMaoclafed rreffn. 1 i . -
The Associated Pruse is excluuivuly entltk-d to the use for republi
cation of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In
this paper and to all local news published heren. All rights of republica
tion of special dispatches herein are also reserved. ;
Katered u second class matter May 17, liiO, at the post office at
Boseburg, Oregon, under Act of Murc.ii 2, 1879. i
Dally, per year, by mail
Dally nix months, by mall.
Oally, three months, by mall-
Dally, aingle month, by mall
oallr. by carrier, per montb.
We have gone far In methods of sanitation since the day
when the dog used to sleep in the wash pan or the back porch.
Now it seems the very apex of cleanliness is about to be
reached. Somewhere in New York a barber shop porter
made a tremendous mistake. Carrying out his office of
brushing the coat of a customer, this overzealous fellow ac
tually raised a few specs of dust. The New York heath com
missioner heard about it, and of course something drastic
had to be done.' , Looking the matter up, the commissioner
discovered that the porter's whisk broom' is contrary to
every known dictum of sanitation. A foul thing, in fact.
The health commissioner called in the barbers and ordered
that the whisk brooms bo whisked about no more in their
shops. It shall be even as he has spoken ; the whisk broom
must let the customers alone. Now a man can leave a bar
ber shop in New York with a coat full. of hair and be sure
that he hasn't picked up a single bug. ' It's a great age. But
that isn't all. Some attention caller in the same large village
calls attention to the fact that dogs and horses are prone to
carry various bacilli about with them. Immediately there is
a rush to arms to follow this horseless Paul Revere into the
battle of cleanliness. And, the Society to Prohibit Dogs and
Horses Within the City Limits is .organized I Legislation to
keep the horses and dogs outside! the city is being framed,
Sweetness and light and sanitation I Horseradish and apple
sauce and plum pudding and prune juice and bologna! On
ward, cleanliness, onward! ;;,:,,
; '.'.... . . o- - ' ''' '
". Alsace is like some wives. It is never satisfied, no mat
ter what is done! for it. A strange borderland; neither en
tirely French nor entirely German, it has boon. fought, over..
i- ;..:.. t i i,:.
B8 la u,Jtut:y. -.tjvius tnu uig tutu tiugiy uu&o. vvm-u it iiao
been in German hands, it has longed for France. Now that
it is in French hands, the Germans cease to be theivillains
of the piece. . You get an angle on this problem when you re
member what ft'.caiiny Alsatian said not long ago. He sum
med up in a nutshell the situation with which the French
government has to cope ! "We love France, but we hale
Frenchmen." 1 ' i
The traditional intellectuality, bf Harvard seems to have
reached "that point in its life cycle which is best charac
terized by the cant torm of decadont," a writer in tho Yale
Alumni Weekly tells tho world. 'The article oes on to. make
derogatory allusions to the girl! Been at Harvard parties and
to'Harvard men's general cussedness. Criticism is till very
good, but sometimes criticism .degenerates into empty,
though sonorous, phrases. University men should use judg
ment. Fine and sportsmanlike friendship has been killed
by the fuss stirred up through just such iirticles as this.
- 0 i "
; The Nows-Roview has received soveral communications
for publication, all dealing with recent quarantine, A num
ber of the correspondents wero quite caustic in their re
marks, both for and against tho question. No real good
would be accomplished by the publication of any of them,
the matter practically being a closed issue.-. We are all too
happy- contemplating a joyous Christmas and a prosperous
New Year to throw a monkey wrench into the wheels of pro
gress of this old town. ! .'' '
o ,
The kidnapping case in Los Angeles-was about tho most
atrocious murder that we have had called to our attention.
That such brutes are allowed to live in a dvilisscd commun
ity and get away with heinous crimes of this kind is most
horrible to contemplate. If caught, this degenerate should
bo put to death by some other means than hanging. Most
any kind of punishment would bo too good for taking .the
life of an innocent child in the manner accomplished.
The old town is coming back into her own. lUisiness is
good in all lines and there's n lot of the yellow motal float
ing around. When we get the bridge across Deer creek com
plete so that the traveling public can "shoot" up tho main
drag we'll be carrying a broad smile.
You can buy a lot of Christmas presents in six days
and you have six full days before you to make the rounds.
Iloscburg merchants are showing a wonderful line to make
selections from and have an army of willing clerks to make
your shopping a real pleasure.
A university demonstrates that a woman can food her
husband on CH cents a day. We'd like to listen in at the
peaceful hearth ubout the third day the little woman tried
A professor says that free love is now more prevalent
than at any Other time In history. Maybe it is, but where
did the professor ets his statistics?
, A London scientist suggests the use of baboons as house
maids. It hasn't been proposed yet, however, to train ba
boons to become scientists.
Just to be sure that there would be good will on. all sides
when he hopped off for Mexico, LimlWgh carried an army
Culilorma is excited over development 01 a seedless
lemon. Now if we could just have a seedless congress.
' The old year is drawing to it close. It won't be long now
until we will be making a figure eight.
by The News-Review Co., Inc. ' '
..President and Manager
r 2.00
. .10
MONDAY, DEC. 19, 1927.
. uru (-
1 '.' a-11
3?ecT GRATES'-) ; j
Qqdi EvENwa "Folks
1 Before we launoh ' ?
Into cur colyum
Today let us
Bay our .thots
I Our Idet of a
Merry Xma
. Would be to
: Apply a 1 t
; Blow torch to
The anatomy o1' i" i -That
arch fiend
Who slaughtered
- Thn poor little
Off) In Los Angeles.
; i -.
i (
t i :
This is about the time of year
when Paw buys little Willie some
mechanical toys and breaks 'em
ail up hlsself before Xmas eve.
When It comes todoln up Xmas
packages, it's usually the femme
of the household who gits 'the Job.
Horcwith is pictured a'coupia
folks v.ho always thot Xmos was a
useless Institution until thoy gotta
' Paw sent little Willte up on the
hill to got a Chrismuo tree, and Bill
Juot went up on the main drag and
took one away from a light pole.
1 " Our henrt is nroken. Sally
crawled outa hor crib and peeked
in thj closotl
i If, Paw wants- to play 8anty
Clnws this yr. for little Johnny he'll
hafta lay off'n his home brew be
forehand. Little Johnny's nose
"Those two pop'lar lads, Tom and
Jerry, have been Invited In fer the
Xmas holidays."
(..x-Utoil I'rowi I.mhI Wirr)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 111. Kx
ports ut merchamilsliiK from Ore
gon were valut'd ni SU.UliT.JS
dining tho second quarter of l'.tT.
compared with Sl7.SlS.y2lt during
Uie corresponding period of l'JUii. a
decrease ol ?ti,7;tt,Ul. Thesu llg
tires were made puiilit: today by
(he Department of Commerce.
Wheat valued at $;.,!ti:,.47ti was
the firdt iu or ler of value among
tlie commodities a nt from the
state to foreign markets during the
three months perlutl. Kxpori oi
boards, platiKS and scantlings wero
valued at t,i(Kl,ttb3, toiioueil in
mdur by wheat flour,, 1U2,962;
sawod timber not'iwootis iiiJ..,A;
milk and cream, ?tiu5.5t!5; wood
nanufaciureH, ;l7:t,!i:i; and logs
and hewn timber, $:i02,2!6.
Total expnrtH uf merchandise
from the I'nitrd States during the
,tt fund quarter of Wll were valued
at M.hl.t.Ml.sH'J cumpansl with
l.nfifi,MtM.-4.'to during the rorru
spending prrlot! cf an in
i-iease ot $I0.7&,?.H. tregon
iinkl J'ml Iu the lint of exi'orin
by states.
Expected for Vitit Here
Mrs. (.'. H. . Roberta of fort
Worth, Texas, is expected here
wlihttt a day or so and will vttit
ind finitely at the home of her
son in law and daiuhtrr. Mr. mid
Mrs. Harold Turner. Mrs. Uoberle
Is vitting iu California elites en-1
route htrv. ; j
1 11 fTnimw T"ffi f mri
A Robe That
These Lounging Robes that
Harth offers for the critical
Christmas trade is at once
luxurious and comfortable.
They meet the demand of
those men " who appreciate
the wonderful combination
of fabric, style, , color , and
tailoring. They make
Then when you come to this
store you find a matchless
range of selection in all oth
er men's wearing apparel.
The- WHIard Ualtory Agency in
this city was sold Mr. und
ilrs. J.. W. Meade or MIbhouIu,
Molilalia, whu ure moving to Ku tie
burg in the very near ' future to
make their home, Mrs. Meudo 'in
tho mother, of W. H. Drown of the
Auto Klcctrlc Station that - has
quurlnrs In Die sumo building with
the Wlllurd agency. Mr. iirown
will be In charge of the business
until the arrival of his mother and
Mrs. Meade has frequently visit
ed in HoHeburg on account of her
health and has found the climate
of Iho Umpquu Valley very beue
t'iciul. Sho and her husband recent-'
ly decided to locate here und so
sought a suitable business, Unal
ly purchasing the battery ugoncy
from II. h. lioucock. Thoy are
clufclpg up their affairs In Mon
tana and will arrive soon after
tho first of tho year to mako their
homo in this city.
I Mr. Boucock established the
agency in Itoseburg several youirf
ago and In udditiou to handling
a complote lino of Wlllnrd pro
ducts is dealer in radios and auto
mobile accessories, The sales and
sorviLO bu&tnetis has been built
up to a very profitable one, giv
ing the u l mod l satluiaetlou to the
many patrons. Mr. Iirown has
beeu closely in -touch with the
business fur considerable time and
us manager for the new owners
wilt be able to continue It in the
same highly 'satisfactory mmmur.
Mr. lioucock has at yet made no
plans tor his future business ac
tivities but hopes to retain hid
reuitlenco iu this city.
Medicated stock salt fur horses,
cuttle, sheep und hogs is sold al
W'lm rum Bros.
A man giving tho name of
Charles Bender, nt Portland, was
arrested .Saturday night on u
charge of attempted burglary.
Bender it is claimed, was serving
as lookout whllo his partner, whu
escaped, tried to foree an entrance
into the Kosoburg Cleaners budd
ing. Officer George Dletth saw the
lookout and becoming suspicious
slipped into tho alleyway where he
could hoo the second man trying
to break Into tlm cleaning estab
lishment. The approach of the mtr
chaul watchman frightened Hi"
two men away hut the lookout was
raptured. A t-hot was fired ever
the head of the second man ns lie
started to run, but he manage ! to
get away. Bender is being h-ld for
InvestlRutlon on tho belief that ho
Is a parole vloltUor.
Just received a good assortment
Of ladies' wrist watches, price (S.7f
and up. Men's watches ami chains,
Six pearl necklaces at cost. Ordi
your silverware and clocks now.
Let ma save you on your
Christum gift. Wilbur L. Spaugb,
tvi b. Piue 6t Puoue
tContltiued frp..P?gfl 1-)
get practice . will interest the
Mr. McClintic told. congress
that the Sixth Bombing Squad
ron at Guantanamo Bay, drop
ping bombs on a target smaller
than a cruiser, made a perfect
score. Only one bomb failed to ex
plode; not one missed the murk.
Fifty million dollars' worth of
flying machines with good pilots
could destroy out new S0U,00u,OUt)
battle fleet in about fifty minutes,
and if real war came we should
imitate what England did in tne
last war, hiding our battleships
carefully camouflaged, behind com
mercial ships in harbors.
' llepetltion of thh fact may seem
tiresome in peace. Uut if we ever
have a war, lack, or airplanes will
'seem even more tiresome.
Carlyle, describing a sleeping
city, tells of the cuuaemned, listen
ing to hammering on the gallows,
while their hearts beat slowly.
We do the thing more guliy with
our modern electric chair. In Sing
Sing prison on Friday night. Peter
Keller, 20 years old, and George
Iticci, 31, waiting to be executed,
after midnight, listened for' three
hours to a musical comedy called
"The Sweet Little Devil," nicely
named, and to the laughter -or 600
prisoners, watching tire perform
ance. Another devil probably has
Uie two conviots by this lime, it
would bo Interesting to know thai
uevil a opinion of our system of
In Chicago a child was born
practically without any brain. Had
it lived it must have been always
an absolute idiot, unable to think
or speak. The parents thought it
would be better to let the child
die, and the doctor allowed- it to
die, for lack of food as "an uct
of humanity."
This decision, generally approv
pil liv nubile oninion. will be disau-
proved by those who believe that
the child without any brain, de
stined to a lung life of misery, was
created by the direct and inten
tional act of Divine Power, pos
sibly by way of visiting upon that
unborn child the sins of its fath
ers, or for some other good roa-
i Mure than half a million auto
mobiles have gone through the ve
hicle tunnel under tho Hudson riv
er connecting Manahattan with
Jersey City. Traliio will pay lor
Mhat Lunnei with a large profit lo
spare, us frame win pay iur
bridges and- tunnels, much needed,
all over the: country. !.
i - Th North and JKast rivers at
'New York will have tunue'i and
bridges at ,regulAr intervals. Such
a tunnel wiil soon couuoct San
Francisco and "Oakland. .
When Chinese' National forces
recaptured Canton from the Bol
shevik Communist Chinese fac
tion, thero was a typically ferocious-
celebration. Thousands of
Chinese suspected of communism
were shot down, their corpses laid
out in rows. Mdro serious was tho
shooting ot' two Russians in the
streets, and public oxocution of
five Kiifcsians, including the vice
consul and a Huoslan woman.
Kussia takes things casually.
But this Chinese affair may lead
to some direct action in addition
to the usual flow of Boishevikl
Itoy McConnell, son of Mr. and
! Mrs. K. W. McConnell of Uose
i burg, an! a world war veteran,
passed away at the Veteran's hos
I pltnl In Walla Walla at 11 o'clock
I Saturday morning following a
! lingering Illness.
Mr. McConnell was born in
Douglits county and was well
known hero. He was H4 years ol
ngo und unmarried. Prior to tho
war he was wonting In Alaska ami
when uur was declared he camo
liume, enlisting In Kosehurg in
liii lie returned to Alnska nt the
close of tho war and last July en
tered the hospital at Walla Walla
for treatment. Tho body will bo
brought to Host burg for funeral
services anl burial. Arrnngeme.ntH
ure in charge ot tho lloaeburg Un
dertaking company.
O. A. C. Corvnllls. Dec. II. He
llef that future ' success of Ted
Roy, "r.inging blacksmith" of
j Pilot Rock and this colh-gc, was
i assured with hh victory In tho
New York radio audition finals,
. has been confirmed with the an
nouncement that his first regular
contract has been signed. Ho will
j apnear, beginning next month, on
i Pacific coast radio programs ot
tho Atwuter Kent company, spoii-
sora of the contest, and will he
j heard ovr the grange network of
; western stations,
j This arrangement, pleasing to
i his friends, w 111 permit hint to con
tinue this year, at last, under the
i training of Paul Petri, -iirector or
music here, who has guided the
Painless Infraction
Oaa Wh.n Dslrd
PyorrhM Treats
Ptonp 'Hi Masolo Blrff
When all the skate pad been
tried out, the Tiuiea al began to
shout, Let's go back t: ifte - toy
shuns. We'll be slad to work some
more. There still are things wet
haven't seen. To help with them
we're very keen. -We'll wafk until
the work's all done. That's what
we came here for." : ' , ;$ :
"Well, say, if that's t .what . you
desire," said Santa Clans, "I pure
admire the helpful spirit you all
show. Of course you're not afraid.
So all you Tin lea come with Tne,
and very shortly you will see 'an
other interesting place, where
where sporting goods are made,"
The skates they'd tried while 'at
thfiir play, were reaiy. now tor
Christmas Day, so Santa said, "I'll
have those wrapped and put away
tonight. The boys and girls L take
them to would be real tickled if
they knew you Tinies helped me
try them out to make sure . they
were right." - - .
Anl very shortly Ahey all fr-und
a room where queer thing . .ung
around. Old Santa cried, "I felt
real sure that this bi? room wu'd
please. You'll find big basketballs
end rings, and other nice athletic
things." Then Scouty criel, "Oil.
first of all, I'll try that fine
"Go rijmt ahead," old Santa
cried. " 'Ctuiso everything - here
must be tried. You see I want to
be real sure that toys like these
won't break. Find out if all . the
ropos are strong. Make sure that
nothing can go wrong. 'Twill give
you dan-ty exercise, anJ keep you
all awake."
So Scouty hung down by his
knees, and swung upon tlie big
trapeze, while all the rest found
other things which they were glad
to try.- Wee Clowny found a red
balloon. Said he, "I'll blow this up
real soon " And, in a moment, it
nnw f imniio tnnsir fnr lh lnet f urn
and a half years. Before leaving j
for tho east, Roy expressed a de
termination to 'return and imish
out the year here regardless of the
outcome of the contest.
Roy's takluc second place with
the prize of $2,000 und a one year"
music scuoiarsii4p, recalls recent
successes of two other former stu
dents of Paul Petri's here at the
college. Jeanette Boy or Xanten, sq
pruiio, and UJuir Stewart, baritone,
have -each won a coveted scholar
ship in Chicago In cunuiuutioa
with professional singers.
"Say It with Cbrlatmaa Seals."
i - " 1
( Harry J. Kelly, son of Mr. aud'H
Mrs. 1J. H. Kelly or uixonvuie,
passed away at mercy nospitai tun-
an atUck of pneumonia. He Was
born In Douglas county and was
three years and 25 days old. Be
sides the parents there survives one
alclr Mnon L'aIIv n Tl .1 Ills
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Kelly
ef Hnseburg and Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Apple of Glllium county,. Oregon.
The body has been removed to the
parlors of the Hoseburg Undnrtuk- jja
lug company the funeral will he w
held ut 2 o'clock Wednesday at the,
torment ut Masonic cemetery
o . ' -
"Snv It with YhrlotiriHii RpaIh."
Men's Gift
95c to $3.45
Rossburg Booteris
( piKlCHEO! E H? Siy"W Mtt.ES HE 4
' SAIO, 80T 1 WAS, WAtCHIKl(3r THE ( ' :
I Amuooe uke her mother wmovms, Mi-J
AMVtHlW& ? EM? 1M JAL? NO 1 NOT MET J J ? ;P
if vou dom't hurrvoute Hrr, , 1 JM ,A
How much? 1 Don'T Kmow WET.! ?'tv;J ' f'fj&SsH ,J
I iTb. be n th' H0MOR6OS Xfe'-v 'rt-n- Hia v ."I-J,
VjFew7ALw's-ro The josTice Mp kA - :Jk j? n-LJM
. nt. r.i,' UM.ra L,p
went, "Bang!" He blew it up too
high. . . .. :. ;., . ,
(The Tinymltes hlp make anl-
t Lester Johnston of Centralia
and P. G. Alexander of Long
view, were arrested here late last
night after the latter's automo1)Ue.
a Studebaker- sedan, was destroy
ed by fire near: (the detour bridge
east of the city.1 ThofirB. Oanuri
ment was called when-the xftij was
found blazinc buHiilp.Uieii-OaiJ hmJ
upon inquiry it' was learned that
We have bodies of things for last minute shoppers,
and you can rest assured he will like his gift if it
comes from "
His Store
mals In the next story.)
(Copyright, 1927, NEA
the twomen wero reported to be
f Intoxicated. Off I c e r George
j IMetch followed them into Rose-
burg and arrested , them on .lack-
son street as they, were on their
way to the depot to take a train
north, having abandoned the car.
When they were searched - they
were found to be Carrying several
bottles of gin and so were booked
on a charge of possession of liquor.
Officers are today making an in
vestigation into the case before
taking tho men into court for ar-(
; raignment. . v
I o
I' r Mui atu'iu Jo uiiiuud ii-uclnfr 9
(9 Square Dal or hinge joint feno
ftytt, 85c per rod .Also stnch nf nn
Utyle . Paite f miring: r Stearns &
h..inwoth: ')nklnnrt, Ors '
By Williams