Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 17, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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Don't forget to call at TM E WINCHESTER STORE I
when hunting Christmas Gifts
We can butf it you with useful articles for house, shop, or for the
children's amusements.
A fine set of Atkins tools for household use, Catcher Mask, $2.25 for $1.78.,
containing handsaw, hack saw, meat saw, fj ... .
adj. keyhole saw, grass hook, 2 files, meat 1'S0 mlt for IIZ'
knife; $6.00. At good 35c practice ball, 23c. " . ,;
hne Hoy VyWcyiy or
compass, . magnifying , glass,
call whistle and spy glass, $3.50.
Football Helmets at a reduced price' that is
attractive, $2.50 for $1.93; $2.25 for
F.iKv'iicJl household utilities of many lands:
toasters; perks, waffle irons, sad irons, heat-
crs, good one for $3.80 only.
Ciiiktrci's Vehicles of various kinds, and at
a reasonable price.
Small gifts of various kinds such as vases,
cups, mush sets, baby plates, etc
Also to arrive sodri; two shipments of the Pocket knives, a fine assortment at a range
most attractive of glass ware, that it will be of price from , 25c upward. Plated and
to your advantage to wait for. stainless steel table ware.
Churchill Hardware Company
Agricultural Review
Survey of Conditions Throughout County Contained! in
Bulletin Issued by County Agent Through the '
V ' . Extension Service of the State College: .
; , 2 A review of the agricultural sit- as well as making it more frost re
nation in Douglas County Is con- sistant; and therefore phosphate
c taincd f n the monthly bulletin Is- fertilizer has been given a piomi
I I sued by County Agent J. C. Leedy nent place in the testa being con
' janu distributed through the ev ducted.
?i tension department of Hie Oregon ("' Broccoli Is a rather Heavy user
Agricultural college. Mr. Leedy dia- of the fertility of the soil, and con
." cusses conditions as follows: tinuous cropping will . eventually
Ml Rodent Control. Ira N. Gabriel,- deplete even the best lands, mak
K 1 son, state rodent control leader, ing necessary the addition of sbme
-j of the United State Biological Sur- form of fertilizer. If profitable
vjvey, has kindly consented to send crops are to be secured. Most
a representative of his department farms have insufficient supplies of
SintO JJOUmas couuty, lur u. aciica
oi meetings u ue
school, houses, to give instruction
ito the boys and cirts In Hie lat-
eat and moat effective methods of
? trapping and poisoning moles,
gopners ana otner rouem. jwsu. ivi
I limited number of these meetings
lean be held and those school dis- f
tricts first applying will be given
preference in scheduling the meet-j
Glide and South Deer CreeK nave)
f rodent control districts Iri.success-ldltioDal
I ful operation, and Camas Valley is
pveparing petitions to the county
I court aakins lor tne tonnauon oi
a district in that community. i
f.'omraunitv nrocrams. Those!
communities of the county wishing ;
to tovmulate a detiulte agricuL-, ceptlonally fine record. Two huu
tural program, should eommunl- dred and seven completed their
futf with iht r.hnntv aeent. who ' i)roiei;lH nut of two hundred and
will be glad to meet with the agri- j
MiUnrni rnmmfttAR of the cranse. i
tor with any group of citizens, to ; girls completed their work and fit-r"-
aid in outlining tfnd carrying outjed their final reports. The above
V a well defined agricultural pro- number represents 31 standard
f gram for the community. , clubs, of which 27 were 100 per
Peach leaf curl. This destruc-J cent clubs; in other words, every
:'i tive disease which depletes the vt-boy and girt tu these, 27 clubs
; tality and eventually kills the i completed their work.. This is the
v i trees, can be easily controlled by I largest number completing club
applying bordeaux spray some j projects in a number of years,
; Umo in December or early January. and speaks weii for the, interest
-'A Later applications, arc a gamble as ; of the boys and girls in the' future
! tho spray to be effective must be i work they will carry on.
t I on before the buds even . start to (
r-T open. G-6-50 iw the proper strength f
;. to use, 1. e., 6 pounds of copper
' I sulphate (bluestone) and 6 pounds
! I of quick lime to 50 gallons of wa
i tor.
Poultry costs study. Ton pou'try
V$ men in Uouglas county are cooper-
i ating with the poultry and farm
s5 management douartnient of the
it Oregon experiment station in mak-
ing a cost of production study.
While the work will extend over
a period of years, the facts already
found are substantial in character j
auu very vaiuauie tu me yuiuii i ooy& ana girts, si gteat-ui iiiwicai
. industry. j is being shown in the various pro-
Broccoli council organised. Or- jv.cts offered. In most cases tho
gnui2ation of the Umpqua Broccoli j members ot last year are enrolling
Advisory Council was perfected i again, and many dovb and girls,
during the mouth. Its membership; who hive never taken a project be
Is limited to representatives ot j fore, are asking to 60 given a
shlmers of broccoli In car lot quan- chance this year.
tities. doing business in Douglas ;
rnmifv The ehieel nf the council '
io ,., nonruVa . i.mni. .
packing and shipping of better
hrnernit anil to l.rnmuto. the w el-
fare of the broccoli industry by ,
mm ,.,,n ne
ed in this branch of agricultural work. ,
industry. Standardised crate aud If interested please write the
pack are the objects in vie lor I county club agent. His address is;
tnis year. Slioseburg. Oregon. . .
Fertiliiers for broccoli. Fertiliz-I Horticultural ProducU i
i-r tests are being conducted on Latest official iiiformatloa Iodl-
broccoli fields on the farms otlcates that the reach, prune crop ;
Kred Golf, Melrose; ii. B. Nichols,
Kiddle; and feter flam, Liays :
reek. Various combinations are,
being tried, with varying aniouutsi
of nitrogen, phosphate and pot-
ash, with a view of determining
.the best comblnatiou.
' Past experiments have shown
the value of phosphorus in in -
creooins the QUdlity of the broccoli
scout mute, a
for 35c, with
it the best made.
Williams' Shaving ' outfit; large tube of
(ream, toilet soap,- talc powder, bottle Aqua
- Velva, the after shaving preparation.
A fine assortment English tea pots.
Bath Room Scale, regular value, $18.50;
special for Christmas only, $16.79.
Clocks from $1.09 up. Watches from $1.50
and up.
wiujiuu iwuiuic iw uiuiuiaiu mi;
held ttt. Uie'lertUUy ot tne toll. Tlius, cover
crops to renew the humus content
and commercial, fertilizers to
maintain the mineral elements, be-
(come necessary.
i us oit ul wwj uvauo jui u
increased, and the quality main-
tained, by the proper use ot a bal-
fancea commercial fertilizer,
Amounts to be used will vary, but
I Mi general, growers are warranted
m using lermizers that return .aa-
crop values equal to or
above the actual cost of. the fer-
jttiizer applied. This can bo deter-
mmeu oniy py lavin tests.
Clfcb Work,
Boya and RiriB in club work
during the past year made an ex-
twenty-five that started a project.
Of this number. US bovs And 114
Each club member, to complete
bis or her work, mast keep a rec
ord of fhe' time spent on a project,
the cost ot materials, animal or
birds with which they work, and
the market value of each when the
work is completed, and must figure
the profit or loss. In very few
cases has an individual failed to
make a profit, and some have made
a profit of better than J50.00 dur
mg the year, besides tne premfuins
won at tlio various fairs.
The coming year promises to be
even a greater year for Iho clubj
! if anv Ttarent. bov or Kin Is 111-
u any parent
lereafe1 In elnh work And wantH ;
i.wm..k. hni hna in re,,i i
a club, of start work In their
Uehool or communltv. the county !
curb ammt wUl be Mad to B and
mni-!.,.i,in in rfei.ii o nbniii einb
will be six or seven million pounds ;
less than estimated earlier in the I
year. f-Tlccs on large tisos espe-j
dally have advanced materially,:
4Mo's I French sties) id 27-pound
boxes being quoted on October
(18th at 22.ftf s hundred pounds
' compared lo 7.25 for 7D-7a'. Ile -
'cent reports indicate more active
j trading lo prunes aid koine pio-
a g ; ,w Mccj)ankal pendi
60 inches of lead.
We think
jpect of ratification of the neiv com-
I inercial treaty between Vugoslav
i a and Germany which fs expected
! to ause & ' reduction to tariff
I charges on pruneB entering : Oer-
many. . . ; -
The acrcaco of cauliflower for
vHuier siiinmenl it again increased
in California, being figured at 12,-
BV0 acres against ,250 last year
and 6,iu acres In 1SZ5. The ship
ment In 1927 to May loth was ap
proximately 4,100 crtrs, an increase
of Beyeral .hundred , cara over tne
previous season. ' Eastern cabbage
markets are lower than last year
and storage stocks are tucreaumg.
Holdings ot onions in commercial
storage are estimated to exceed
last year by IS per cent in 1-1 into
or main-crop stales. Growers have
sold extensively so that stocks are
in the hands of dealers to a great
er extent than a year ago.
The Poultry Situation
The storage tliuatiou continued
tb improve in Novemuer wnlch is
the month of lowest production
and market receipts. Prices of all
eggs, however, are below last
gear's levefs and medium and. uu
dergradesv.are inclined to drag.
The percentage of strictly lop
grades has been low and. demand
has exceeded aupply, but nearby
whites and Pacllic coast white
were more plentiful and prices
weakened. Apparently there is a
rather close adjustment of ogg
supply aud. demand, with some
chance of tho supply beinf? in
creased if conditions are favorable
for production.
The poultry situation is ulso Im
proved statistically and receipts of
ure&sed poultry continue to run
lighter than last year. Sioragc
holdings are 12,i)UU,nU pounas
less than a year ago, turkeys being
the only claaa of poultry with larg
er storage holdings and they are
about hi line with average hold
ings. The turkey market was up
and down according to weather
conditions. Quality waB only tair,
real' fancy slock being ' in good
demand. The Thanksgiving niarkoi
cleaned tip satlsiactoiiy except on
poor .8t6ck.
The Dairy Situation
More man usual ouwM-ntorase
movement of bittcr took place
from September to Is'ovemoer an
tne excess over last year la nuw
materially reduced, aanough inure
was sonio In stocss dur
ing November. I'ricts have follow
ed tho usual fall tendency and
have genurally been higher than
a year ago. 'i he trend ot futute
hm,r n,-M,W,m is j.n'pn.'jijl mill
at this time, oemg in(tvnheui on J
weather communis and uie cost 01
iceu. lociu uuva ivw ttiim w uv. .
any immediate prospect. 01 impor-1
tauons of much foreign but tor as
prices abroad -are still too ngh tottan of the origin of living tltlngA
tavor shipments of over tuo 12-cent! At this time mvitkluo wa maklna
tariff wall.
Tne Llvectock Situation
Official reports mditaio a ma
terial decrease iu cattte feeding
compared to last year, tiy districts
it is expressed as a material de-
(crease In the coin bea easi dI I
-Ilisslsslppl, a consiueraoie
s Oc-1
crease uetween tne Stissfi
and Misiourl, issitny a small til
crease west ol tne jnssoun, some
decrease in (lie liocky moumam
states aud Texas, auu a material
decrease west 01 tuu contiueuiai
All kinds of cattle have been
sc"'"? at good prices and theie
seeuis to ba tittle protpect tor us
situation to change iu tne near tu- i
ture. liogs on tne oilier nana uai
oeen urasgy at ioa prices a guou ,
j snare ot mo time, wun ,
, uncertain, but not promising lj
; feeders owing lo advancing prices.
jOf feed grains. Sheep and lamb,
prices are steaay to urm witu
IL'oulinutd "vu jwie C.) )
Senior High School
Week December f2S
This constitutes the third
Senior High School assignments
gr'for home study. Be prepared for
vi reviews and examinations over the
& f entire home study work on Janu
i'ar.v S-4.
g) 10-B English:" Add the loHowSns
( words to your vocabulary: itloer-
ant, pugnacious. Indolent, cameo,
I amellurate. tlttcUcock pages 90-
115. Write exercises S, S, 1, 9, 10,
I 25, following Instructions careful
Ally. In exercise 10 design a placard
effand give Information on how to
reach Crater Lake, Utamon-i Ijjike,
and the Oregon Caves, llftad all
tho other exercises carefully, fol-ioa-lug
instructions. HltcucocU,
pages 495-500. Read exercises 1-2.
I Wvtte exercises a A.
10-A English: -
-I, 5, and 7. Act III, scene 1.
I. Study questions, page LVIf-
Hi 2, Study notes.
3. Questions on Act ff:
tl) What romantic lucldout In
tho history of outlawry helpei to
ive a vogiJb among poeia and
writers to such situations as iftat
presented In the Forest of Ardon?
t') What la the dramatic sig
nificance of !il Adam's toIb?
13) What is the dramatic pur
pose In the Introduction of tiro
lovesick fe'yivloua In sceue IV?
(-11 What Impression does
Jaqnes make at his first introduc
tion? (5) la there any Inconsistency
in the adventures o Itosalind and
Cells'.' If so. specify the Incidents.
21-B English:
Cllpplnger, papo 2SG to para
grapli 14, page 300.
1. l'repare lor rctllalion cxvr-
clsrs 30 and 32.
2. 1Vrit exercises 11 and 1:1.
H A and 12-ff Kngtlsh:
i' inian tne long essay upon
which you hava been working. H
vise the sections which have boea
corrected, paying careful attention
to the suggestions given.
Review sections 1 to 4U lu tho
Centuvy Handbook, and -write out
the first sentence iu each of these
Public Sneaking; Students who
have uot given their debates
should have their spenrhps ready
10 give mo any scnoo) reopens.
Class should review the chapters
In the text on debating. Prepare
lor a test covering these chapters
rite out exercises 3, 4 and 8 on
page 181.
. Itl-B, 1 and 4. Worm" History:
Keep up map aivl notebook
work. Review carefully previous
assignments. Advance . assin-
meoi: caapters 2S, 27, and review
at entire Roman History, stress
importance ot "Barrack Empov-
tji. ;uriueize causes west gives
for Hie decline of Jlome. Cwnipire
with world eonditioiis today. Km
ptisslser the sproad of Christianity,
fliilct Of Milan, Niccne Creed, and
the atuuide of (ho Honian soverri-
mcni. jioview carefully the becifi-
nlngs or Home, the development
01 government, industry, and so
cial life, expanaton to greatest ex
tent, reasons or Ifome'B grealnras,
causes for decline, and c-ontrlbu-
lions to civilization. Complete ex
ercises on page Z4;t.
10U, 2 and S. World lifelmv'
llvview provions assignmuut and
xeep noievoovs up.
Chapters XXIV. XXV vvtrr 'n,t
Note the political and social ro-
lorms 01 lne pmperors of tho fiii
two centitrk's ,11 a. i and mi a.
II. What groat event In ttio re
ligious development Viok place
during this period'! Summarize Iho
results ol the rnlo of i)io emiierors
between 31 JJ. a and mo A. n.
tsota forms of government. Com
pare with our own.
Trace the. factors that led to
tho greatness of Hie so-called
"Karly Empire.!' Nolo the chanses
In the government. Summarize the
socfut conditions. Compare the
Homan world in size i,nd rultura
will) onr own. List the laciort in
llilr development that have comVi
our civilization. Note any Cantors
that point to a weakening of the
The "Later Kmpire" marks fhe
beginning of a general decline or
these factors that led to tm..
decline. Have wo any similar elo-
.ijii m our civDMation at tne
present time?
Trace Ilia sfrnucln and vfeinrv'
of CtirlKttatiitv. sunuiuu n.
clllet Jesuits of this slri)cj;)e. (to
vi!w j-ari v, - iho Human Em
pire." ID A World History:
Chapter (il. Science and Soclnl
Progress. Outline in notebook.
in beginning tfce study of the
World War note particularly flic
Influence of scientific ami
development in the generation pre
ceding the outbreak of ibe war.
in connection with the nmmpre
of (.elence riii(,iS r.Mn nnrlod list
tin, titles of fnvei'.ttons un,l em,.
m-ht ir.eir UfiO ourlni: the -winr
Ktuily eareJnily ibe neiv type of
geology, and the chanclntr cmieen.
great torwnnl slriilta. Mm.
necessliy for thl.i progress and Its
use during the war.
Consider the now ways aud
means of traiisportadiin, ami inn
development of trades a;,d indus
try as (bey afreet social contfl-
iimis. Finally, out ot alf these In- f
venttons, t.a progress la the varl-1
ous neiiis of MdencR and ce- due from memory; Jinow tbelr
roerce. ihe nT.e of wealth nd!-o ami why we have litem. In ad
general betterment comr-K n do- ? vance stedv r7mr,r,,r rv
maud for social iiiaticn ?
Kvvlew carefully all previously Interest. Vou will have to haiel
asuisncil work bejjlnniug with i),Mhi3 ihapier belore you can
local government , of the Third ;
riencn itepuoiic. ffe preuarc-d for
, toiit OV(.r ,h(g work
American History:
Keep up ouillnes
and outside
readiaj;. lleview previous asslitn-,
ments. Advanee asHteumettlx
i''ft (t 23d. Oiititlr.e SVafhlnglon'S)
Farewell Address. Jiote why Kcl-i
eraiista were prominent in etar- j
nnms? ine national government, j
TUe Y. Z. attatr and Ueaty -
1st teas with France. Compare
Alien and Sedition Acts with slinl-f
lar acts WIT to 1S19. Note signifi
cance ol election of lSvo and dlvia-i
Ion Into political parties. Compare
Washington and Jefferson. Justify t
purchase of Louisiana. Note con- i
sptracy ot Aaron Uurr. Note viglits'
of neutrals at ssa and development 1
of International law. Study process'
of naturalisation and expatriation. I
fVote economic and political the- (
orles ot the Embargo Act of ISttT.
Study the causes and main events!
of the War of 1!(12, stressing the)
provisions of the Treaty of Ghent.
Continue outside reading. Re
view previous assignments. Chap
ters XV111, XIX aud XX.
Trace the development of State
Constitutions. Note the chief parts
avul methods' of revising State
Conslilwlions. " Nolo Ibe preaetn )
tendency In tne Increasing ot the;
length of statu -constitutions.' Isi
this tendency good or hadl Whyti
Note the relative rank of laws Ini
Ibe United States, if possible read
carefully the constitution at Ore-1
gou. Answer questions at the end ;
of tho chapter. Compare state coo.- j
sUtwttons, in powers, form and im-1
portanre with tho Constitution of
tlie United Slates. : f j
1 Summarlxe the structure of state j
li Kislnlures. Compare Diia depart-i
mem of (he State with the legis
lallve department of the fVutiouuI
goveruiuont. Study Oregon's legis
lative ttttiVAVtment if possible. An
swer Questions at tho end ot l)w
Suvnv.vr!7.e the duties of the swi-
emor pf a slate. Compare bis
duties uilh those ot the President
of the United Slates. Note his Ju
dicial .powers. What executive of
ficers aie more or less liviepetvd-
ent of Ibe governor? What are
their duties? Note. If possible, the
section in the constitution of Ore
gon deullug with the duties of ttife
tlovemov. Answer e Questions at
the end of tho chapter.
2V-13 Caesar:
1. "CneBurs Commentaries":
Chanter 20, ub'ko W5, to Chapter
21, pago 171. Write all translations
in your nolehooics. List 60 English
1I-B Cicero:
, 1. Cicero's Ovations, Chapter 5,
page ii, line 138 in line 231, page
18. Write all translations in yoirr
notebooks. List 5(1 iiiiKilsii deriva
tives. 11-Ii Spanish:
. i. "Cuentos y Leyendas": Head
and translate pages 65 to 69. Study
also pages 121-123. Take exercises
A-iiud it ocaily. Write exercise C
S. "Hills and Ford'": Lesson 22,
pages HI to 85. Study, the grammar
cai-efllllv. I litre voenniilnrv. . ever.
clsett A, B and C, orally, and! write
exM-clscs a anil B in your note
books. . . , ,
-12-11 Spanish: . .,
1. Ilevievv "Un Verano' on Ja-
pana" from page ST to page 1S9.
Alo review all idioms from page
159 to 3M,
2. Study in advance: "Hills and
Ford," Lesson 44, pages 190 to MS.
Study grammar caretully, and do
exercises A and B orally. Write
exercises C and V In notebooks.
3. liuy your new Spanish Header,
"Forluua uud Zaragucltt;''
10-B Geometry.
lge Inn-ins, new toxu liases
-ll, old text. Worn, to hand In,
the following problems (page num
ber .from new text!: page 1QU I, X,
i page 1011, 2, 4, 6; page 192
1, 2, h; pave 1841, 0, 7; page 193
2(1, Hit. Corresponding page num
bers in old text aru: 86, 87, S,
100, lot.
Itt-A Geometi-y:
Tages 2.72-255. Sludy deflulllons,
theorem and corollaries. Work, to
hand in, the fallowing prohtems:
page -2521 to 9, omitting No. 6;
page 2531 io 13, orollilDS Nob. 8,
P. 12.
Solid G'eometry:
f'ttges 301-39T. Study detluUfuns
and rule. Work, to hand in, the
following problems: jwge 7
to .11; page :iJHl, 4; p.ign 33G
5 to ff, omitting Nos. 7, tf; page
33715, U.
Xoology ;
lleview carefully thapinrs 2S
And 27 as far as studied. lit art
vanco study from the skeleton
cage. 2!,-t, completing the. chapter.
Study also chapter 2! on iisbes.
t'bapior 2S Mill be omlllwl. Al
ruficeif ork to bo outlined to
hand In.
lleview epter 55 ami 37.
YVV.te out. eiumtloits lor all reac
tions. Note again tho Imnortant
definitions. In advance study chap
ter IK. In this chapter note the oc
currence, prepuralliw. properties,
uses, etc., ot ammonia and nltric
acid. Study carefully tho oxides of
nitrogen. Have, a good , definition
tor an avid aiihyilrivlo. frolnVms 4
to 22 inclmlve. Advanced work toj
be outlined.
. Physics: 1
Ifcvlew chanter 1 as far as we
hav iiiHilici, o page 125 prub-b-ros
.1, 8, 7, 1, 11, 12. in a)ianc
study to friction on page IXS. All
of this material is very important.
iago isi problems 3, 4, 5, . 1.1
I'.tse 33, problems 3. 4. r,. 8. 1
I'.iffe 137, problems f, 2, 3, 4. Learn
your definitions. Alt work fo bo
outlined to hand In.
Ileglnnhis liooklteepliis :
lleview ibe cbapier on rinsing)
n ,,. ,3,,. ,.t , j
uie leoger arid the chanter nn
business forms and vouchers;
know tho.m and tie able t rvpro
counts will, ffvml u.,.f. ,,,.. ,i I
a' 'd with March. Study interest I
very carefully: it i one nf (hei
1 mo. t liiiportant tccliuital nuhiects
we nave, and where j mny slu-
dents make mistakes.
In your H, make fhe reports
for February, the closing entries,
ai'd tlien J"nallx the entries tor
Mafib ami lake a trial balance, be-
lore you come back to school, In
'tUe dtyoslU you IU
By the Only Test That Counts.
Profit Over Feed Cost
Try Umpqua Milk Maker any way you tike. You will imd
it by all tests the best all around, most economical dairy
feed you have ever used.
Mixed fto.m sound cleart grain, Carefully balanced at all
seasons with the proper amount, of oil meals and dairy
minerals, to insure rich milk, and to keep your stock in the
best of condition.
. Umpqua Brand feeds contain rid cheap filler.
Every pound, real feed. .
Milk Maker contains lS proiein;
Costs $2.30 per 100 pounds
" and it's worth it.
Manufactured1 by
Douglas County Flour Mill
iriaie ami Seep separate ualil you
eret hacit. However, bo sure to put
the deposits In the check book.
Likewise, With, your reports, make
thersv aud hold tUera viutll you get
bach, ,
16 the best you can. f find that
most ot the mistakes are' In multi
plication and addition. Be sure to
nave yebrnsry -finished and as
filiich of March as you can. ,
I wllV'uot ivs lu town, so It your
CBsb.booH bBlnnees, and yon baNejlnie Creiim Pnuiilni!, psi 2S9. ie
checked the sales caroltilly, . to- Tapioca Cream, page i3t. , j
lowed the instruction sheets, then
assume that your reports and sales
are eorveet and go ahead with
yonr work. My bomb . siiilress 1b
3. IB St., L'orvallls, Oregon, 11
you wish ttf WTile for information.
It you do Ue sure to give your
Sales number.
Advance UooHkeopinjf; - ' '
Revlciv Chapter 32, on Corpora
tion working sheet. Adjusting; en
tries and Reuorta. Kiiow. these by
memory, in advance study the
chapter 31 on Comparative reports.
This is a vary Interesting chapter
and If you will dig. Into' n especial
ly the charts at the end of tlie
chapter, it will explain tho various
uses ol the Dalanco :Shocl and iho
Profit and Loss Statement.
Iu your sot, ftutati July and Otu
reports, hut make u'o cloftlufc en
trips because the Jiscal porioil i
for two months. During this week
jounializo Annusi ami take a trial
balance, tuukd re.tiortR, clostu'e; ea -
tries. Have all this done hy thfe (
j i-
iiiiiv j,l,i uavn iv ouiiinJi tu . -j
January.. f
The total for the T. II. fori
August la t!i,,, The pcodt!
is SS,5'4.!. The total r ao Bai-1
ante . Shew is JS,22!).M for!
August. !
The tofnfB for flic August Jour-1
nals are as tQllaws-. (
Ocnoral Journal, rfaiilns frijm'
le( lo rlelK, 31.S21.13, il,7m.34. )
Accis. R e. Dr. nothing: 2,3i6.Tj, ,
9U.Z0, ,.TO.Ii0. , j
. Cm receipts. ',(IRK.H, l'ni.6.t
3tt,35.i, 41(),)(), m. mXi.)
il.TM.Di, whlvli Includes the 1iu!-
anco of ciisft at (fie first of tlio
niontfi. . j
Ch . raymenta'. , H$Um,
W.17. 3,2)S.3, S5S.SJ, 32l3i). ),, 311,184.13, and the bal
ance for tho monlli Is 64tJ.tsL
Accounts Uec. Ledger, 12,!l:i0..RR.l
Accouhis I'ay. l.e.;j:er, W,4'J2.1.
Tbesij tiinunnts will tell yon
when sou are right so that yau can !
go alir-a'd Willi your Work over tuel
Ctirlslmaa vacation. . (
t Y turr nt-r:n fr:t,; Lit fW iSfft?.
2.Jt takff ?A atuf 23t iiaru'
graphs .m to Sltff. follow the tiHualjg
outturn ot work, the map for Bont-)H
em Asia anil Ibe Manas, alao ouolS
'OT Weaiern Asia. There win Iso(Sj
ior iiiuro two;
i.u.iiun, ueniuu rBUlttr out-1
line of the t4xl.
in going over those two ehap-j
win uuiice especiutiy to What ex-is
lent (hey enter inlo file couunnree
at tlw" 'Qcll. t products they if
have that enter Inln tbti, mm. I
nierce. What they Import and ex -
port. Determine to your own satis-1 SJ
faction why Hume cautilrlea are ln;S
the condition that they are today. !&
is )i me jmwiwupby, religion, agrl- l
conditions, or climatic
that are the caTef,
id. u ti,.
lboe who have typewriters at
may go ahead with their
practice work and work on ocr-Jtrf
feci copies, r'ollow the instruc-
lions as we have imen doing in
class. Check yourself on position,
eyes, and rhyiim, or your practice
wilt 6e of little value to you.
II P. Shi.rthano;
HlDth hessoa. TVori slnir.
7ie -
Uav 6irie,v i-'ercise oa Word-Situs. Lis ti
j of Aivollionaf. Vovd-Signs
ing lie.niinK. ana Writing Eaer-
clses. Omit Lesson Eight.
12-rl Sfioftliand:
i. Mnniml A SKnrt VnrViaiv.'
uregg apeea studies
K.Vf. Vi'ordsisn flerivatlves.
fieglnutug Foods:
1. Study t)alley: (a) Tagea 293
to 224. (b) Pages 23 to 24ti; ,
2. Prepare: Caj flaked? .macaroni
with cheeao; vage 212. U5 Cltoco-
Advanced Foods:
1. Study ffattey; .. (at ' favalld"!
Cookery, p'age'4W-4W; t! Meuul
JlnSldlns, ps 23B In 224; (c Ulr,-)
net Menus anil Serving, page f
to 428.
- NVrile two oluner jiieuus you;
would like to serve In class later.
Keep In mlnrf rtiies on pag-e 218.
3. Cook any two dfsltes, pre-i
pared front new recipes found. Inj
niBBaxincs or tddh nooss. Save
recipes lor class: J
Household, Mauaaemcutt i
1, Outline in uotebooVs, , Tahov)
and Wardal), pages 32S io 33 and
Ml to Mi.
1 List in notebook all the ehith -
ing yon now own nn Biale lh up-
praxtmala cost, at each article In -
uiuiffng gifts as woli as purchases,
form Croiw.
llevlcvi tho jwovlons aalgn- ,
tnonts. Outline- chapter 8 to s!ana -
i""' fertilizers, fitudy very earetul
Wkat Akout i
1 - i
Boxes 25 Holiday Wrapping
Pipes, Tdbaccoa arid Cigarettes ,
We Pledge You
Wfiether ybii buy bne of our certified used
cars or whether you buy one of the new
Studebakers, either et Comniknier Dicta
tor or Erskine model.
' a
We also want jr aliiy you vrAh oisr yepair .
work and oar service. Our (owing car is avail-
able 6ay br iigJi. , 4.
Oaf ami night storage, gasoline, oils, grcits'mf. and g
fit's Rose St. Phoiw ni
4 4 4
' .
) Eadlaiora rapalrefi a irJuns
( of radiators repaired at O. A.
LOCfcWQOd JfOtOr Co. i S f i
. iij..! Jiii.Vi';"
ly the balBnee of il) ehaptev. t .
Farm Mechanics:
Study ani ievtaw the. provfout
aaeignvaeBts, Outtiu ChajWei
i-y close attention to VBtrai In.
lorm&tloh ttnti the detlnttlotfs,
Td1 tecetved a. good assortmont
a3iQ top. ivnlcl)t nxui cnnins.
f six iteart necataces at cost, uruer
your silverware and clocks now.-
Let trie save you 353 on. your
Christmas gittti. Vliltiur 1. Sp&UKh,
S. Wne SJ. PbDne 42-V.
City Fish anu Meat. Market
iiS SbnTiilnn.
Park Ehsm, Ih. 23o
(Pork Loin, lb 23s
IPark ttooalK, Id, Ma
Fresh Slue VwtVi, Jb .'1'iu
JSaoulaor I'ork Sloasls, 3b. .... 21
j Sausage, id. iffo
( Heef and Veal.
j lsat iariiecae wrr3M!S ant
tv rnrvvtr Urand's wio Sjgn
Present for Dad? I