Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 17, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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Portland Stations
KGW, 491.56 to 7 p. m.. dinner
concert: 7 to 8 p. m., program
from KOMO;. 8 to 9 p. m.. "RCA
Hour"; 9 to 10 p. m., "Plillco
Hour"; JO to 12 p. m., "Sutur-
dny Night Review."
KOIN, 319 5;ir.6, p. in., topsy
turvy time; 6-7, dinner conceit;
7-7:1:'. amusement guide; 7:15-8,
. orchestra music; 8-9, concert;
11-1 a. m., midnight frolic.
KEX. 239.9 6-6:30 p. m., news;
6:30-7, utility; 7-8 studio music:
8 8:30, good citizenship program;
10-12, dance music.
Other Coast Stations
KJR, Seattle Wash., 348.66-6:30
p. m., time signals and varied
utility; 6:20-6:30. theutrlcal re
ports; 6:30-7, junior program: 9
10. studio program; 10, time sig
nals; 10-12, dunce orchestra.
KHQ, Spokane, Wash., 370.25-6
!. m., Hervlco hour: 616:45 din
ner music; 6:45-7. Mrs. Cohen's
little hoy Hen: 7-8, KOMO con
cert: 8-9. Pacific coast network;
9-10. l'hllco hour; 1012, dance
KFOA, Seattle, Wash., 447.50
6:15 p. m., sports review; 7-7:30,
Roy Scouts program: 7:30-8,
famn Fir Girls' program: 8-9, j
Pacific coast network concert;
, 9-10, rillKco hour: 10-12. Satur-
fAovtcUM Pmi Letumt Wire)
SYRACUSE. N..Y.. Dec. 17.
Charles D. Hilles. vice chairman
of the Republic national committee,
believes that President Cool id ge
phould allow himself to be renom
inated for a third term.
Mr. Hilles, speaking at a Repub
lican dinner here last night, re
versed his former statements by
coming out wholeheartedly In fa- ;
vor of renominating. i
Previously he had accepted the
declaration of the president as fin-
al and had so announced his am-
tude in. August after the presi
dent's original announcement, and
neain last week after the meeting
of the Republican national commit
tee in Washington.
The charm a in his stand was, en
thusiastically acclaimed by the as
sembled Republicans. '
Mr. Hilles, admitting In his ad
dress that ho believed President
Coolldga to be sincere in his "do
not choose to run" pronouncement
of August 2, added:
"Rut bupposo that the national
convention chooses that he shall
run? What Is there 'to prevent a
man from receiving nomination at
the age of 55, which nlways has
been and still Is the very best age
for a mnn to be Inaugurated presi
dent? What can deter any man or
woman In. the state of New York
from expressing a preference for i
him? Is there any question that
he would overwhelm any oppon
ent in the stato of New York and
in the nation.?
i tntntc an or us wouiu ime to
mia na ui neuu ui uui nuuuuni j
ticket that simple and great Amerl- -
can who now occupies the White
House Calvin Coolldge. He Is ab
solutely sincere, I have no doubt,
la choosing not to run.' But until
he declares that he will not ac
cept if nominated, or serve If el
ected, a great many of the legion
of his admirers will continue to
hope for bis .nomination. f
Over 250 Christmas eift
contulnlne Douglas countv Droducts
have been sent out bv the Rose-
burg Chamber of Commerco for lo-
ral people to their friends in other
ll nri5l flip " i CALUm'-TM; Y BEO-MES,BuT -th'
"I! J Z HE GOiN'-f DO.'hb MOVE Oll"SouPBOME
--fu - CA-riMGr? yfMACHlVJE. WOO KWOW I
"";! I 1 -r- - voo'RE wor AU-ovwEO (
'11 ' (L, L -ro sv-r oovajnj here
day night review.
KOMO, Seattle, Wash., 305.97
8 p. m., studio presentation to
KGW; 8-9, Pacific coast net
work concert; 9-10, Philco hour:
10- 11, Saturday night review;
11- 12:30, dance orchestra and
popular songs.
KGO, Oakland, Cal., 384.4 6-7 p.
m., dinner concert; 7-7:15, util
ity; 7:15-7:30, sport review: 8-9,
"R. C. A." hour; 9-10. Philco
hour, through the Pacific coast
network: 11-12, dance music.
KFQZ, Hollywood, Cal., 232.4 6 p.
m., musical program; 7, instru
mental trio and soloists; 8-9, or
chestra and soloists; 9-10, studio
concert; 10-11, orchestra and so
loists. KYA, San Francisco, Cat., 309.1
5:30-7 p. m., Golden Gate crier
and solist, time signals; 8-10,
popular program.
KFl, Los Angeles, Cal., 468.5
6:15 p. m.. radiotorial period:
6:30-7. vocal harmony; 7-8, vocal
and Instrumental recital; 8-9,
Pacific coast network concert,
"Tt. C. A." hour; 9-10. Philco
hour; 10-11, network program!
11-12. KFI midnight frolic.
KPO. San Francisco, Cal., 422.3
6:30-7:30 p. m., orchestra con
cert; 8-9, "Radiola" hour; 9-10,
Philco; 10-11, studio features;
11-12. dance music.
LONGVIEW, Wash., Dec.
17. Her neck broken last Au-
gust as a result of striking a
submerged object while div-
Ing in the Cowameen river,
Miss Lucille Chamber! in
died late yesterday. The day
before she was injured she
rescued Lila Mdvor, 9. from
drowning. A year ago she
saved a motion picture act-
tress from drowning In a lo-
cal swimming pool.
I states and Canada. Several boxes
were sent to friends In Georgia and
Florida by E. K. McLendon. "Al-
though oranges and pecans are
raised extenRively in those states."
stated Mr. McLendon, "date-prunes
and English, walnuts from here
are considered quite a treat as a
In sending out several boxes this
yetr Rev. Runnels remarked that
"those gift boxes of local products
mnke about the most practical
Christmas present for friends In
the east to be found, and. besides
itMs an excellent way to advertise
the county."
The fact that the boxes are an
excellent advertisement is the
reason the chamber of commerce
sponsors the plan each year. The
price of $2.00 is the actual cost to
the chamber -without making any
charge for the labor and trouble In
sending them out. Last year a loss
0f about two cents per box was
paid by the chamber of commerce
as the average , express charges
were slightly higher than had been
anticipated. ;
"By checking up on last year's
shipments," stated Mr. Cuilv. "we
fjn(j tnat the ja8t week before
Christmas day was our heaviest
and many boxes were sent out in
January and February.
Boxes sent out on Monday and
Tuesday are assured of reaching
their destination for Christmas
unless they are intended for un
usually distant cities. Three to
four days are ample time for ship
ments to all states west of the
Mississippi river.
Don't put that order off for your
jXmas announcements another coin
utP- Drop into the News-Review
office and place your order.
Is a nice way to remember
friends as well as, most inexpen
From DHtard . .5' ' '
Mrs. A. Rice was a visitor in this
cfty from Dillurd this morning ami
was looking after business affairs.
Business Visitor
H. Buell of Looking ClaKS was In
this city during the morning at
tending to buHiuess matters and
trading. -
Oakland Man Visited
Ike Flannar' Oakland rsldtnt,
spent Friday afternoon. ' In (bis
city looking after business inter
ests and visiting.
Visited Friday
Mrs. P. H. Hlrshinger of Days
Creek spent Friday utternooa vis
iting with friends and transacting
business in this city.
Oakland Man Visited
R. M. Moore, resident of Oak
land, was In this city during a brief
time yesterday afternoon attending
to business matters.
From Camas Valley
A. H. Church and son of Camas
I Valley were In this city Friday t
afternoon visiting friends and at
tending to business affairs.
Here Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sands, resi
dents of Wilbur, Bpent Friday aft
ernoon in Roseburg shopping and
looking after business interests.
Miss Anderson to Visit
Miss Clara Anderson, who Is
teaching school in Ashland this
year, is expected here today and
will enjoy a vlBit with friends pre
ceding the holidays.
Enroute to Los Angeles
S. H. Hanna of ABhland, Wiscon
sin, visited here yesterday on his
way to Los Angeles for the win
ter. Mr. Hanna has friends here
who formerly resided In his home
Expected Home from Portland
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bogurd nre
expected home today from Port
land, where they' have been spend
ing a1 few days this week visiting
with relatives and attending to
business affairs.
En Route San Francisco
Mrs. Andre Qagnon . of Marsh
field visited here yesterday after
noon on her way to San Francisco
to spend the holidays. Mrs. Cag
nou has been a visitor In this city
several times.
Visitors Left for North
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Whltaker,
who have been visiting at the
home of the latter's parentB, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Short, at Dixonville
since Thanksgiving, left yester
.day for their home In Chehalis,
Canadians Here for Holidays
Mr. and Mrs. Jj. Mabley and son
of Alberta, Canada, arrived here
yesterdray afternoon and will spend
the holidays visiting wlth'Mr. Mau
ley's cousin, C. E. Mnbley, who re
sides west of this city.
Miss Hughes Home
Miss Daphne Hughes, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Washington
Hughes of tills city arrived last
evening from Eugene, where she
Is studying at the University of
Oregon, and will spend the holi
days with her parents.
Back from California
Dr. R. A. Moon, who has been
visiting at Simla Cruz and Marys
ville, California, for the past two
weeks, returned to his home In
this city last night. While in
Marysville he visited wlh Rev. D.
L. Morgan a former college zoom
mate. Visitor Enroute South
Victor Housen of Santa Rosa,
California, yesterday resumed his
journey home from a trip to north
ern Oregon after a stop over In
this city for a few days, during
which time he visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beckman. '
Washington. I
By Williams
From Medford
D. M. Anderson was here froui
Medford on business over Friday;
From Mvrtle Point X
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lundy. of
Myrtle Point were in Roseburg
over Friday visiting.
Admitted to Hospital
Win. J. Hellene? of Dlxonville
has beea admitted to Mercy Hos
pital to undergo treatment for a
time. .
From Oakland I
Mrs. A. Baker of Oakland was
In Roseburg Friday afternoon vis
iting with friends and Christmas
shopping. ,i
In Friday
Q. W. Rorka of Beer Creek was
in this city Friday afternoon at
tending to business matters and
From Dixonville-
U. S. Barker and family wejre
here from Dixonville Friday af
ternoon attending to business mat
ters and shopping.
Visitors Here
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gaines of
Glendale were here Friday and to
day visiting and attending to
business matters.
Mannings Visited
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Manning
of Oakland were in this city Fri
day afternoon shopping1 and vis
iting with friends.
FrvT piddle
Mrs. J. Becker was hero from
Riddle for a brief time yestm
dav afternoon, and was shopping
and meeting friends.
From Sutherltn
Mrs. A. Volralpohl and ds ligh
ter, Miss Eva Vogelpohl, of Suther
Hn spent Friday afternoon, here
shopping and visiting friends.
From University '
Frank Long, student at the Uni
versity of Oregon, arrived here
Friday to spend the holiday vaca
tion visiting with his father, At
torney John Long.'
Business Visitor
R. McKay, Brockway resident
and manager of the Sunny dale
Fruit Farm, was a business visit
or In Roseburg during Friday af
ternoon. Manager Visited '
George Bryant, manager of the
Coast Auto Lines, from Coquille,
visited friends here this morning
on his way home from California.
W. S. Powell Here f
W. S. Powell, a former resident
of Roseburg, nnv located nt Eu
gene, visited In Roseburg today on
his way to Glemlale to visit with
his daughter, Mrs. C. G. Settlor. .
Mr. dinner Home
H. J. CMnger returned to his
home In this city today following
a' month's absence, during which
time he was in Kansas on busi
ness and in southern California. '
St. Paul People Visit
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Geering of
St. Paul vlBited over Friday in this
city and were registered at the
Umpqua hotel. They were Jn Rose
burg last winter also and are now
going to California points.
Real Estate Man Visited
E. N. Smith of Pasadena arriv
ed here ypstprday and remained
over on business this morning.
Mr Smith has visited here on sev
eral occasions while ea route to
the coast, where he has Interest
In reol estate. He Vent to Eugene
this afternoon.
Former Residents Here
Mr pnuiin t,, Wil
son, former Roseburg people, ar
rived last night from Medford
where they are now making their
hmo and p-n en in vine vis' wth
friends In the city. Mr. Wilson
was formerly clerk at the Rose
burg Terminal hotel and Is now
chief clerk at the Medford hotel
of that chain.
News of Death Received Here ,
The sad news of the death of
Mrs. Alice Flchel. mother of Mrs.
Mary Fuller and Harry Crocker of
this city, has been received here.
Mrs. Flchel was 80 years old and
passed away at 3 o'clock on the
afternoon of December 14 at her
home In Santa Rosa, California.
Mr. Crocker was with his mother
at the time of her death.
Ex-Residents Have Daughter
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Roser of
Brockway have received word
from their son and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Avery L. Roser, who now
make their home In Kewanee, III.,
that they are the parents of a
baby girl born December 14. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Roser are well known
here where they attended school
and after graduation both were em
ployed In the locnl J. C. Penney
company store. Mrs. Roser was
formerly Miss Martha Patterson.
The little girl has been named
Trllba Elaine.
Body to Be Brought Here
The body of Jackie Monroe, lit
tle son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Mon
roe of Olalla, who was strlrken
with spinal meningitis three weeks
ago at Huntington Beach, Cal., and
died a few days ago, will he
brought to this city, arriving this
afternoon In company with the
parents, who were visiting with
Mr. Monroe's sister at the southern
pity when tho ehiid whb taken 111.
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Hughes of this
rlty are grandparents of the little
boy. The funeral services will be
held at the parlors of the Hose
burg Undertaking company In
charge of M. K. Ritter at 2 o'clock
Sunday afternoon. Rev. F. E.
Crook of the Bible Standard Mis
sion will officiate. Burial will be
In the I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Leaving For Haltey- , . ,
Miss Enid Veatch, teacher n the
Junior high school. Is, leaving this'
afternoon for Halsey, where she
will spend the holiday period with
her parents.' i , J j i
Mr. Harden Here- . : '
D. L. Harden, Eugene contrac
tor, arrived here lust evening for
a brief stay and will look after
matters concerning the new Chris
tian church under construction, for
which he has the contract. .
Msrelateil PrrM ItfM WIrr)
CHICAGO, Dec. 17. "Scarface
jM'VCapone, Chicago gang leadeu
who got back to Chlcugo last
night after sundry adventures in
Los Angeles and Joliet, 111., found
brass buttons instead of brass
bands about his home when he
got up today, .
William O'Connor, chief of de
tectives, ordered ten policemen
stationed about the home of Ca
jj one's mother where the gangster
is staying, and told them to let
no one into the housu and to ar
rest Capone the minute he comes
out. ' ; :
"We haven't got a thing on Mr.
Capone as long as ho stays in the
house," O'Connor explained, "but
we don't want htm hatching up
something with his friends. Neith
er do we want him- walking the
streets. So I just put a bunch of
cops out there to pick up Al as a
suspicious character If he goes
walking. I told them to keep In
truders . away."
Capone Bpent the night with
his mother unmolested by police.
Accompanied by six bodyguards he
arrived lu Chicago by automobile
after posting sufficient bonds to ob
tain his release from the Joliet
police force, which had formed a
reception committee for him when
he alighted yesterday from a Santa
Fe train.
The gangster-tourist left Joliet
In an armoured car, surrounded
by his henchmen, and he dared
Mayor Thompson and all of his
policemen to keep hint a tax pay
ing citizen from, timing home.
3. C. Loedy, county agricultural
agent, and C. 19. Moyer, president
of the county horticultural society,
returned Inst ntRht from Hood
River whero they nttendod a meet
lug of the state horticultural so
ciety. Mr. Moyer was elected presi
dent of the stnte organization,
which accepted an Invitation to
hold Its next annual meeting In
Roseburg sometime In Decembor,
1928. Mr. Moyor Introduced a
resolution beforo the state society,
placing the organization on record
to cngnge In a campaign to clean
up tile old orchardB along tho stato
highways. Tourists coming Into
the state are given a very poor
ImpresHlon of Oregon as a fruit
growing state 'Whon they see aban
doned and unkopt orchards, tho
fruit growers pointed out In pass
ing the resolution, and as a result
tho entire-Industry suffers. Tho so
ciety will put Its own forces at
work to endeavor to correct this,
situation and will try to secure
state aid.
Mr. Leedy Hays that plans nre
to be made Immediately looking
forward to tho 1928 convention.
One of the first steps will bo to i
secure the cooperation of all Doug-;
las county- fruit growers. A con-1
ventlon of this society is aiwayB:
followed by marked benefits to tho
fruit industry of tho community in
which the meeting is held nnd It Is
desired to havo tho fruit growers
of the county fully enrolled In the .
organization handling next year's
convention, so that the fullest
benefits may be derived. ;
R. A. Busenbnrk, who was nn-1
other grower from Douglas county
attending tho Hood River meeting,
stopped in Portland on tho return'
to take in tlm advisory uoaru
(AMuclutnl I'H-M I.ll Wire!
of Mosonotamla 5400 vears Bgo !
wore gold hair nets and the men
had gold wigs. Such articles have
been discovered by the Joint expc-!
dltlon of the University of Penn- j
sylvnnia and the nrltlsh museum
tour of tho Chaldcs.
CHICAGO. Rosotta. Duncan of
the Duncnn slaters ran now appro-1
clnto steak nnd onions, rosea ori
what fragrance have you. Four I
vears ago her nose was smashed 1
In sn Breument with a cop over J
traffic rules. An operation now has j
restored her sense of smell.
CHICAOO. A giant magic lucky
ton" of tho middle ages Is nt tho
Field Museum. Found In n river Tn i
Mndnrnscar. It welirhs 4 770 carats,
enough to make 2fi0 settings for.
small Jewelry. 11 Is of transparent !
beryl, a rich green. I
yW YORK firare M. Can
flld enly dnu"h!er of Illrhard
Cn"fiH!, who gave Ills name to
polltsire. I a hrldo. Phe tnnrrled
Alfred Allh.ius, restauranteur. j
sands of women must reform or
he deported. Mtistanha Kemal iSj
ronduetlng a crusade. Drunks are"
to be punished severely, '
J . 1 v. . - ' It v- -
. i--yi ,i litli.iJlili ill
Lfndy, same, unaffected hero, paid Congress a visit and conferred with aviation officials while In Wash
ington preparing for his Mexico flight. Here you see him in interested conversation at Boiling Field
witn F. Trubee Davison, assistant secretary of war for aviation, who had Just landed In his plane. Inset,
are Lindy and Speaker Longworth, of the House, who was his host when he trekked to Capitol Hill.
Around the County X
We are having a little cold snap
just now with a fringe of suow
around the edges.
We are glad to hear that the in
fantile paralysis cases are not in
creasing as we feel that our chil
dren need to be In school.
Mrs. Susan Smith of Oakland
is here visiting her daughter, Mrs.
f. it. itrown.
Merle Kenyon and Mr. Sturto-
vant of Myrtle Point were visiting
friends in tlte valley Thursday.
Miss Mildred Goslyn local school
teacher, spent Tuesday and Friday
in Roseburg attending to business
M. L, Brown, aged 85 years, was
laid to rest last Thursday In, tlio
Noah cemetery. He was a man of
sterling character, a kind friend
and. beloved father, i A devout
Christian of many years standing
ho .has everything to look forward
to In that home where he will find
his just rewurd. ; , ,
-.j.'' . X. X. .
(AM.vl.tnl l'rem !.A!d Wire)
17. birong northwesterly winds,
which brought a sudden drop in
temperature, toilay caused Edward
P. Schloo and William S. Brock to
postpone for the fourth time their
proposed tako-off In tho "Prldo of
Detroit' monoplane In which they
hope to break the world's record
for continuous flying.
(Auoclatnl PrcM I-cawd Wire)
Tho wontlior outlook for tho week
beginning December 18 was an-
1 Marceline Day
Conrad Nagel
A Man of a Thousand Faces in a
Great Detective Thriller!
SHERLOCK HOLMES was good but just wait until
you see Lon Chaney, as Burke of Scotland Yard, in this
baffling detective mystery!
Alto '
Good Added
Latest News
' Li's -
nounced here today by th nUnlted
States Wen tli or Burouu as follows:
Far Western states The out-
look Is for normal tomperatures
Poor Aladdin! See
' 'if
Aladdin', lamp never brought forth In Bagdad anything to rival th
beauty of Leigh Haaklns (laft) and 'Ruth Buckner. They are to appear
thus In the ballet of New York society1, benefit, "A Night In Bagdad."
For Two Days Only
Wanda Armour
at the
1 1
LV, HV iVi1 V i
nnd frequent rains or snows la
Washington, Oregon and ' Idaho
land for changeable occasional
snow and rains In Nevada. '
What He Missed!
rS. ' W.K
Last Time
ZnAe Grey's
Betty B ronton
Good Added
Short Comedy '
Mat. 25 Eve 35
Kiddies a Dime