Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 13, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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We will have
at our showroom on
Saturday, Dec. 17
r' 8:00 A. M. TO 10:00 P. M.
Make a note to see it
on that day
Write, telephone or call today for Illustrated
Booklet, which gives complete details of this Hli
' new car. ; .
C.A. Lockwood Motor Co.
' Roseburg, Ore.
Phone 374
Where G. O. P. Will Name Its Man
Junior High Assignment (phrase as subject modifier.
9A Latin:' The perfect DaHsive (c) A sentence containing
oarticinle In the fourth nart of the r.)iritM an verb complement, !5
principal parts of a verb. amo ; a sentence containing a j
aniarw, arnavi, amatus.) Thlti par-: n verb modifier.
jtlciple fa declined like an adjec
tive of the firat and second de
jelenslon. Like an adjective a par
itlcipte agreen with the noun it
modifies in gender, number and
The perfect passive participle modifier.
15. Write and underline each!;
example. i
(a) A clause used as subject
of a sentence. j
(b) A clause used as subject 5
... , , NO NEED TO HURRY! .
bue to the fact that our stock is so completeand that the great majority of it is not holi
: day merchandise but of stpple year round Gifts that Last it is not necessary to hurry
We have the stock and the sales force necessary to 8ive service up to the eleventh hour.:
Come in at your leisure and you will find some one to serve you here with no necessity,
r i i - t L '
Tho Republican! have chosen Kansas till v. Mo,. .11 tha scene of Ihn next national rnnvAnlinn whn
a candidate for the presidency will be nominated. ..This picture shows the exterior of Kansas City's con
vention hath
is, .
The Interior of Kansas City's convention hall, where the Republicans will hold their national con.
vention In 1928, la pictured above. There are seats for 14,000, although as many as 20,000 have been
packed Into this building.
always denotes past time in re-
! ference to the principal verb of
1 the sentence Imperaii, mllites op
Jpidum oppugnaverunt means aft
,er the soldiers had been ordered,
j they attacked the town.
I (1) A noun and a participle, 2)
a noun and an adjective, (3) or
1 two nouns are af ten used together
I In the ablative case to express
j some statement which is express
led by a clause in English,
j Signo dato, oppidum oppugna
jverunt after the signal had been
j given, they attacked the town.
I (noun and participle.)
j I'ericuto rnagno, Caesar slgnum
jdedlt, Since the danger was
great, Caesar gave the signal.
j(nouu and adjective.)
i Caesare Imperatore, art vlctor
iiam exercltus ducetur, Since (ac
sar Is general, the army will be led
to victory, (two nouns.)
; This use of the ublutive Is call
ied the ablative absolute. Study
the above sentences carefully and
then reaii over paragraph 4f3 and
464. lie able to give examples of
jthe Ablative Absolute In sentences
i jf your own.
I 9A English: Write a paper not
Ileus than one hundred and fifty
words, contrasting the hospitality
1 shown Ulysses by the Phaeaclans
with our present day ideas of nos
pilullty. HA Algebra: Learn "steps" and
study problems on page 189. On
page 190. work all.
9 A G Iris' Occupations : Pages
2!)r-300. Finish chapter. Don't
forget to look for Illustrations of
these occupations, girls.
9A Hoys' Occupations: Chapter
XIX, page 317 to 322.
1. Physical Director: Purpose
of, four phases of work, and train
ing required.
2. Social workers. What are
3. What Is organized charily
and by whom carried on? Give
examples found In Roseburg.
4. Defectives and Delinquents:
What are they and how are they
cared for?
5. What are social misfits and
how are we trying to reduce them?
6. What are the tasks and de
mands for various kinds of ex
pert social workers
7. What courses nre usually pur
sued by those preparing for social
work? .
913 Physiology: Outline chap
tor XVII, pages 273-288. 1 j
9n Junior Business Training;
Exercise 67, page 143, and exercise
08 to bottom of pago 145. Answer
ull questions orally.
, Write the difference between a
profession and a business. Which
do you plan to enter? Why?
9H Latin: Learn the conjuga
tion of possum (found on page
242.) Read note (a) in paragraph
173 carofully notice- the stem 'or
polls is pot ,and It Is the stem
that is ndded to the forms of sum;
t is always changed to s when' It
comes before s (pot and sum make
possum, but pot and es mnke
poles.) Also leu rn the principal
parts, possum, posse, potul.
911 Algebra:- Study problem 13,
page 105. Work out remainder of
page 105.
OB F arm Animals: (Entire
week.) Outline carefully chapter
9. Feeding standards. Pay parti
cular attention to the different
feeding standards. Be prepared
to answer the following questions:
1. How does a chemist analyze
a feeding stuff?
2. What Is meant by digestible
3. What Is ration a mainten
ance ration?
4. Trace the history of feeding
5. What standard of weight is
used In feeding tables? What
should be done if the animnl
weighs more or less than the
standard weight?
6. What are the energy value
of feeding standards
7. How does the Haecker stand
ard for dairy cows differ from the
91 English: Murry and Wiles
text. Itevlew pages 273-294; aho
use era 111 mar outlines in note
books. Write out answers to fol
lowing questions nnd directions.
Keep this review lesson filed Jn
1. Write a definition for a sen
tence. 2. What two parts must a sen
tence nlways have?
3. Write a sentence which con-
tnlns a compound Bubject.
4. Write a sentence which con
tains a compound verb.
5. Write a sentence which con
tains three phrases. Underline
each phrase.
6. What Is a clause? Write de
7. Write a sentence contain
ing an independent nnd a depen
dent clause.
S. What is a complex sentence?
9. What Is a compound sen
10. Write an example of a com
pound sentence.
11. What is a compound-complex
12. Write an example of a compound-complex
13. Write and underline each ex
ample: (a) A sentence containing a
word as simple subject.
(h) A sentence containing a
word as subject modifier.
(c) A sentence containing a
word as verb complement (predi
cate word or direct object.)
t (d) A sentenco containing a
word as verb modifier.
14. Write and underline each
(a) A sentence containing a
phrase as subject.
,b) A sentence containing a
high 1
(c) A clause used as verb com
(d) A clause used as verb
8A Arithmetic: Page 396. Prob
lems 6 9 inclusive. Page 397 No.
1 and 2.
8A Spanish: Have someone
quizz you on the vocabularies from
pages HIM.'jO. You should not mUs
more than three.
8A Civics: Review part HI, The
Government of American Communi
ties. Pages 255-349.
8A Penmanship: Red Manuel,
Drills 40-44. Cray Book, pages 83-
8A Spelling: Column '4
8A English: Text Junior
school literature Book II
the folowlng:
1. Rip Van Winkle Irving.
2. The Great Carbuncle Haw
borne. (u) Be able to tell story by
(b) Look up pronunciation and
meaning of all new words.
(c) Biography of author.
2. Memorize all of "Columbus"
Joaquin Miller page 436.
8B Mathematics: Pages 108 and
109. Answer all questions asked.
On page 108, problems 2. and 3 do
the experiment according to direc
tions given.
SH. History: (Week's assign
ment.) Read pages 450-473. Write
answers to questions on page 45i.
Omit 3 and 7. Write answers to
first five questions on page 4(3.
Save to hand In.
Junior High Assignments
8B English: Text Junior High
School Literature, Book H,
1. Iteud the following poems:
(a) Lochtnvar Scott.
(b) The Raven Poe.
(s) John Gilpin Cowper. 1
0 lli 11 till (n loll Ktnrv nt pnch
of thVse poems.
3. Ixiok up pronunciation anu
meaning of all new words.
3. Brief biography of encn au
4. Memorize all of "Columbus
Joaquin Miller. Pago 436.
7A History: rages zkb-zhs -zsy.
7A Mathematics: Page 1965, 6,
10, 11, 12, 13.
7 A Literature: courtship or
Miles Standlsh. . -
1. Ttehd: ' .
(11) .Tim Lover's Errand. ;
, (b) Joan Alden. -
2. Place the remaining phrases
of first column, page 465, im note
books, i
7B History:, Pages 155-156-157.
7B Literature: The Passing of
Arthur pages 149-167.
1. Road the story. .
2. Discuss the questions.
3. Place tho phrases nnd their
meaning in tho notebooks.
7IJ Mathomutlps: Pago 88; prob
lems 1, 2. 3. Read Iho noles on
each problem carefully and be sure
you know what you are to do.
7B Geography: Learn:
1. The countries of Europe that
border the North Sea.
2. Countries on Allantoic Oceah.
3. Countries that have no sea
4. Balkan nations.
B. Republics formed In Europe
during or since the World War.
6. Four drainage slopes of Eu
rope ami the rivers that drain
7. The chief mountain ranges.
Grade School Assignments -
GA Geography: Test on Africa.
1. The largest diamond mines in
tho world are at
2 , ,
, nre lakes In Africa.
3. Native animals of Africa nre
4. European countries holding
possessions In Africa are .
of being hurried in your choice.
Community Silverware
36 pieces in Tablewear include the pieces
most used, complete in the new Colonial
Cabinet, $50.00.
Three-piece Tea Set to match in design.
. it's beautiful. ' i ;
' $50.00 1
Each piece appropriately engraved free.
We are prepared to show you a fine selecti
Leather, up to the evening of Xmas and ar
or monogram up to the last hour and there i
Dinner Rings
We've prepared special-KwT2f-'y
fr a big business - in
T&?5iyt' precious and semi-prec-f&i&Ujf
ious Stone Set Rings this
vMV Xmas. Genuine Onyx
i't' Crystal Amethyst, and
Aqua Marine set with a center
Diamond from ,
$12.75 up
Also a fine selection of Diamond Dinner
Rings in gold and platinum priced from
$47.50 '
Sure Fire4' cigar light
ers in gold and silver
plated, and some leath
er covered. Engraved
with his initial or mono
$3.50, $4.00, $4.50
An appropriate suggestion for the young
lady A genuine leather fitted case for
travelling. One dozen amber hued Toilet
Articles, case lined to harmonize in color.
Xmas Special, $32.75
A Banjo Clock
for the dining room or hall, adding a
touch of color and animation.
See the new Seth Thomas No. 70 West
minster Chime Their latest and best
( Ymn. nrr sents of Gold, Silver and
e equipped to engrave any article with letter
s no charge for the engraving.
Diamond Set
Wrist Watches
Diamond S e t Wrist
Watqhes. More ana vfrJE J"
more the wrist watcn is
becoming a piece of fine jewelry, dainty
in appearance and reliable as a timekeep
er. We have a good selection priced from '
Chain Belt and Buckle Sets
Gold filled quality
Buckle and Chain
and fine Leather
Xmas Special, $4.85 Set,
The Store with the Selection
S Is a small neKio
.Ill fli-oErniihy: Pnne 179 nml
map on pawe 1SU. Draw a map of
Kuropo. puttliiK lu ten gulfs, bays
ami seas that surround it. l.oain
lo m-onounro and spell t tie names.
51) Arithmetic: Subtract and
test four rows, pase 184.
fH Spelling: Lesson 61, page
202. Slmlv lesson C2. migo 202.
fill Hygiene: Pace 77, top of
page 78. Kind nil tho tilings you
can that we should do, or not do,
In order to keep Iho eyes lu goud
4A Spelling: haven't, hadn't
couldn't, melon, doesn't, weren't
shouldn't, soup, custard, mustard
4 A tleogniphy: North Central
Stales. Surface and drainage,
rages 123-124.
4A Arithmetic: Divide anil test
page 161. 1'roblema 2-22 Inclu
411 Spelling: crow, pleve, want
ed, scream, stole, from, lovely.
serai eh. storm, track.
411 Ceography:' Page 54. Gov.
eminent In other countries. Name
the different forms of government
and distinguish between each.
411 Arithmetic: Divide tho fol
lowing numbers by 6:
4!SG 7434 3972 7329 4938
4250 3D2S 4756 4132 7928
3132 40f,4 732S 4261 25S4
5537 296S 9276 372S 492S
3A and n Spelling:
311 Lesson 53 (Benson antl Kul
lerton.) 3A Lesson 141 (Benson). He pre
pared for a test covering all les
sons when you return to school.
3 and B: Lesson 147 (Rose.)
3B Arithmetic: In your books
pare 91. (Do not forgot to bor
row.) 3A Arithmetic: Multiply:
962 "23 426 264 206 316
3G2 290
26 . 33
78 34 , 32 41 42
2A Rending: Tlovlew pages ,79-91
of Klson Second Reader. ,
2A Arithmetic: Drill: on com
binations. Arithmetic extension and
Inverse forms: -
7 3 5 ;. 9 9,8,9':
7 " ' 4 7 2 ' 1 '8 6 !
, 2D Reading: Pages 77-91.
. 1A ' Heading: Review Beacon
Primer pages 57-64. Review Elson
First Reader pages 55-64.
1A Arithmetic: Count to luu uy
Count to-100 by 10's. '
Grade School Assignments
GA Cleocrnphy: Pages 185-189. In
cluding questions.
1. Ilv whom settled? How and
when did the U. S. get control?
2. Describe the physical features.
6 A Hygiene: Questions on chap
ters 23 nnd 24.
1. Name some of the common
est Insect carriers of disease.
2. Why are the plagues of olden
times not prevalent today?
3. Life cycle of the fly.
4. How may flies be best coin
bated? 5. Name the two common mos
quitoes. 6A History: (Assignment for
two days.) Study chapter 5 until
you can write the answers correct
ly at the end of the chapter with
out reading the contents of the
GA Spelling: (Entire week as
signment.) Lessons 150 to l.i6.
6A Language: What part of
speech is each word In the follow
ing sentences:
1. Some larks had a nest in a
field of grain.
2. Ono evening the old larks
found the young ones in great ter
ror. 6B Hygiene: Chapter X.
1. Where is the digestion of
food finished?
2. How nre the living parts of
the body changing? Name the
waste product.
3. How do tho arteries, veins
nnd even smaller blood vessels
help In carrying off waste? What
is a Btlll more Important work of
Dlood vessels?
4. Describe blood as to compo
sition. f. Kxplaln coagulation.
6B Spelling: (Entire week as
signment.) Lessons 179-1RG.
fin History: Write out the an
swers to the questions on page 130.
Also complete the map work.
fin Oeographv: List the farm
products In the South Central
States as you did those in the Mid
dle Atlantic States.
Pages 119. 120. 121. 122. 123.
1!?4. Climate, cotton, sugar, rice.
other crocs, cattle ralsine.
6B Arithmetic: Problems 1-3
n.pp lf,2: problems 1-7 page 163.
Study multiplication of decimals
Answers to yesterday's prob-,
(t). 4.5: (2. 181t?; (1). 3 fifi7: ;
(IV .5: ("). Carl .1?": ffi). Omre
won bv 1.4 sec: (7). 1.041: (8).;
1(138- (91. second road: (10). one
rtvl .7 ft. (11). Alice: (12). X. O.
167: (13V cane sugar .1 cent; (14).
cork: (IK). Allen .10 hour.
IB T-anguage:
1. Compare the business letter
Recommended by Thousands
THE astounding expansion of
the Dr.Chas.J. Dean practice
throughout the West is the best evidence
of the uncqualed efficacy of our method
of treating Tiles and other Keclal and Colon all
merits. Vot, we go cn beyond the proof ofpast
success and slvc each new patient WRI1T KN
lii tvQ ttt ine L'wi? t.'t'vitxnivi rni. .
mcnt eliminate hospital surKcry and all other !
dtiajtrecahie, expenuve and Inellcctlve method.
No condneuient or detention from business.
write or can i uuai lor
our l-'REE 100-patie book on
Rectal and Colon ailments the 1
cause, treatment and preven
tion; also names and personal '
recommendation of ma ay 1
former patients.
ttttierujf rices-Seattle end San rYancUco
on page 143 with tho friendly let
ter on page 32. What differences
do you notice in the greeting? In
the closing?
2. Copy tho business letter on
page 143. Watch margins, inden
tations and punctuations closely.
3. Write a business letter to
some company that advertise free
samples of tooth paste, asking
them to send you a tube. Address
the envelope.
5 A History: Chapter 31 pages
1. Just what was the United
States at end of Revolution?
2. During Jefferson's term as
president how was territory of the
U. S. increased? (375-377.)
3. What was Jefferson's ohjeet
in sending Lewis and Clark to the
4. How did Jackson help in
crease the size of the U. S.?
5A Rpolline: (Entire week as-
bipium-ut.; ijvsatms joo-iit. j
otK iiysiene: ueau cnnpier n
pages 194-201. Answer all ques
JERSEY CITY. N. J. Because
he had waited four weeks In jail be
fore his trial was called, Ixmis To
tar was fined 10 cents for poses
sing liquor. This is not the small
est liquor fine, however. Two
years aao ' Federal JudrP Lynch
fined a man 5 cents nnd, when the
prisoner couldn't produce it, the
hufg T-aM the fine hlnifsnlf.
(As-oclntf-d I'rfBH I.efl8el Wire)
BUCHAREST, Rumania, Dec. 13,
The Rumanian government ha f
apologized and expressed its deey
regret over the recent assault on
Wilfred N. Keller, an American
born cltiaen at Oradea Mare. Nich
olas Titulescu, Rumanian foreign
minister, replied verbally to the .
note of protest from William S.
Culbertsson, American minister. At
the same time Tltulescu asserted
that Keller had provoked the at
tack by Rumanian students himself,
Culbertson, said.
I Tltulescu begged the American
minister not to press the case too
strongly at such a critical juncture
of tho political situation. Tltules
cu himself was crippled by illness.
Culbertson said he was satisfied
that the government was doing
everything it could to reach satis
factory adjustment. Failure of the
authorities at Oradea Mure to al
low Keller to appeal for help to
Iho American government through
Bucharest, is one of the most seri
ous points In the American minist
er's complaint, apparently was ig
nored by Tltulescu.
Tltulescu, however, did not at
tempt to minimize the seriousness
of Keller's Injuries, lack of justifi
cation for the attack or failure of
the military and police to rescudT'
Keller owned stock in a printing
plant nt Oradea Mare, an investi
gator for tho Rumanian govern
ment reported to- the foreign of
fice. This concern publishes a
news sheet which printed attacks
on the students, and the govern
ment. The students, resenting
these attacks, raided the plant.
Keller, a witness of the attack
told the correspondent walking
through a public square was fol
lowed by a group of students who
seized him, declaring that he must
go to the police station.
The party passed a Rumanian of
ficer who knew Keller was an
American citizen. This officer,
the witness continued. Ignored
Keller's plea for aid. About 25 ot
the students, armed with canes.
beat and stoned him. He received
a deep wound in his face and bruis
es all over his body.
He escaped from that group, but
encountered other students who
knocked him unconscious.
TACOMA, Wash. Maybe there
are some old-fashioned girls In
China, but a cargo brought here
recently from the Orient bears
evidence that the bobbed hair
craze is sweeping that country.
The ship discharged seventeen
bales of Chinese women's tresses
nnd everal other hfpments are ex
nfcfp(l ponn.
I Deliver your Dressed Turkeys at Logsdon Ware-
nouse, t-riday, Uec. 16th,
I Riddle, Ore.