TWO ROSEBURG. NEWS REVIEW. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 26. 1927 ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Vt--44iiett ''Dally Except Sunday by'Th, News-Review Co., Inc.! " Mentlirr f Tb .4MiitiMttl I'itwh, v.The AsoMatrJ l'rrw is ext-ln! vt-ly ciititli-U tu ih use for republi cation of ull mWj liiiU 1i! t, it i.r imt oilitTwitte i n UH-.l In tbin,iiaier anil tu ull lo:il urW imbHslitMt In-rWh. All right uf r puMiru tbm of fpecUiI dij'UV'hvH. ".". u'o ,rrnTv. B. W. BATKfti.ii.L BEICT G. UATKH.'.. Entered us second class mutter Alay 17, 11(2.1, at Ihe post office at ,. HosehurK, Oregon, under Act uf March 2. JX71. i" j , SUBSCRIPTION RATES . ' , , , , CiUy., per yair, by iiallj..i...4.....i.- . -I i i-'..L ....i.-......fM Dally six iitoMlis. jby ui&i..,.L.t.t..l..i.....r.t. -A.. 4-..,'........t. 2.00 IJutly, threo lnouths, by mall l.ou &a(fy, single mouth, by mail. : . ,6f) Dully, by carrier, per month ......... , .50 ROSEBURG, OREGON, CONDITIONS IN t .;; Autumn expansion lo inid-Oclolxir lia.s been less tluui vhis (.'"peeled mid than iiionnal, if comparison be mad'J with the corresponding .seasons of the last three years. Yet trade is in fair volume and a critical consideration of Him underlying factors which determine the course of business fails to disclose any cause for lack of confidence in the out look, is the statement issued by the National Bank of Coin nirjl'ce, of .New York City.; , .'. . .", Although the unusually warm, open autumn has tended lo;)io!d back demand for goods for cold weather needs, re tijjl trade as 'a whole is good. Kmploymenl is less full than airtnid-October, li)2H, and payrolls Mwicwhiit lower, but con ditions in this regard can not be regarded as seasonally un satisfactory. Kven allowing for a good deal of exaggera tion in some quarters as to the gains made by agriculture, tliiJ farming industry as a whole is jirobably better off than at;iiny time since 1920. Our export trade is excellent, wliyther measured in dollar values or in physical units of leading commodities which we market abroad. liuilding and fciistructioii:coiitinue at high levels, declines in residential tijiU oommercial building being approximately offset by a. largo volume of road building, public utility expansion and similar activities. -. , I T . I . I ( ! ' 1 : ' I ;'' 1 I t : ' '!' The impression that business is not so, good as it ought tj,le. or at Ii'apl as tt Was hoped l would be, seems to or-Whc iglliate from two' sets of Wrc'urnst'ancos. First' of these 'is' the fact that 'two imiior induslrioH. iii'imolv. iron 'jind s e-l r " a:.Cl the automobile manufacture, are in a definitely loss satisfactory condition that they have btvn for a good while. The other condition which has adversely affected business ffoiitlmcnt is the stoadv narrowmir of nrofils in manv lines of business, as a r&jtdt iil' coniniHitioii.; (t'li.erc is notliiiiK Hc.W i ! ii 'lliis. 11 is a process clearly lyl'j and it is absolutely healthy, for it puts a premium on efficiency and C(rresi)()n(linly ppnijM-,e.siuufif concerns... , , j;; What, Wllfjintfl 9) !1JM jif mfM l J'te tffltys a(J..Htj mt-iils nlwJiOT, pvi)u?i vvmo. pomewTt'. . Uliose .who.soo' thu f diulncss in steel and automobiles are inclined to overlook it fact that the lire industry, manufactures lire enjoying better business than they have fpvXh'i'S time, while rayoujind piart-v-iJ.'-thfl cheniical, indus tries i'ontintio'tDib'e liiRhJy.p'nmpt'rous. - Activity has shifted. JrOll HIKI Steel ItlKI luiromooiies there s no reason to believe durtiUon.. ' . . 't' ' .' , ' . .1 Korrowiiifs for crop-movlno; and for industrial and coniinerciiil purposes. .definitely seasonal in character have expanded in accordance with their usual course. There are some 'indications that' autumn 'demand may not fye far below its peak, but in any case it-is plain that any seasonal firm ing up of rales which may occur as a result of it will be mod erated and temporary. The outlook continues to be for easy money.' ' . Occasionally we hear, of a college president who knows just what. a collep;oi.should be. Hmest Hatch Wilkins, new president of OIK-rlm, seems to bo fitted to carry the work from where Henry Churchill Kinjr left it after 2" years of splendid teachirtu;. In his inaujj;iiralion speech at the Ohio school. Dr. Wilkins, nmnnt: other things, said: "What shall it profit a colleie to add to its teachinif staff a man who lias a fine voice, is a natural mixer, plays jt"lf in the eitfhtics, is n tireless" "and ' el'l'icienl cominitti'eman, a productive scholar, an idealist ' in life and wntjk and cannot tc'nch? Tcachintf is the soul of the enterprise. I'nto the teacher these other ttinlilies ihay well be' added ; but' tenchiup; .ihilily' must be there as the basic tiuntity of all." It is rel'reshiiiH in tllf'se.riays of educational frills to 'ot' reminded that a cl lege'Ntaff should consist of teachers. . ' . ' ; i ' , ; ..-V o ..1,-.' " . . . -AVinter in luiovkinw; at thc.dtmr. . It is liringir.K with it tlc threat tl" cokls, a mtisauco wliirh is too I'omiiton ami wi.iflt is till lht worsv hooatise it can lai'g-t'ly he avoided. The ClcanljntR Inslilulo t!" Now Vorlc, f'tmndod rocontly by.Tlu Atfsocialitm ol' Anu'ricat, Soap and (Ilyeerine I'i'nthiccrs. is SUMHlinff a half million dollars during tin cumin u yoar ;o educate tin? puhlit-to Uiu advantat-H ol' Keeping ehstn. Soap does work wonder and if snap can rehire the, mimlier of .'ViHfi'ican colds this yvitr wre power to its use. U is a Tine thintf to ro, not only into court , Imt everywhere, with cleat) InVnt True health is cleanliness inside and out. It fresh air cleanst; your hintrs,' rxert-iso purify your blood, clean thinking prolong your life and shine up the exterior, ihose In KoYidon. 101, years ago. the opera, "The Maid of Mi lan was Ming and a classic givtn to the worUK That was "Home, Svveet Home" nnd it uevrr will perish. Now we hear that the home of John Howard Payne, its author, tn Kat Jinmpton, ;K I., is to lw preserved. Taxpayers of the village voted yes :Oii a Votiriiture to vstvo the house and make it a niiKsmim for muinentces -nf Kayne and other Ameri can antiuilitie.s of that, region. No onu jmemlKM the opert in which the song w as introduced, The song, c-xpressing old but constant .sentiment,. jJwr.oii end on. It is fittmtf that IU author be honored as the tnnM Who bestexprrMud it, -r ' ' ' f ' ' IT ' New 'York's m.vir mU ordefetl tin law intoned c.lw ixiij cabarets at t 'I i If ;patr(t isul rctbiu by that anu! .i.i.i:.ii.i.i.i-i.l.U-l-l.i .i.:..I'roBt(blil bud -Muiuutrtr .-'..;..:..:.;...:..:..:..:.;;....:..:......' . .:....Sc re tnry-Treasurer WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26, 1927. JIlD-OCTOriEK ' ' evident ever since the end of, cotton textiles and leather are l) a waiting period, mil J that it will prove to be ol oiiff plenty of warm, soapy water are good rules. G PPUNE PICKING 33,reT?.T5ATESe The corn show Opened today . ; But most any Chiropodist Knowg that Ail the corns In the county Are not placed On display. Jack Crafton and the femme re turned yestiddy from Gay Paree and ye ed. spent an evenln' with the ol' feller last night and was surprised to find that in all the trunkful of souvenirs he brought back there wasn't a dern French postcard. PAULINE DE VERE'S RIDE (Forgive Me, H. W.) Listen, my grown-ups, and you shall hear Of the midnight- ride of Poll De Vere. Che was out with a rich guy, past seventy-five, Who h.irdly knew he was alive; So the dame thought she had noth ing to fear. She said to her friend, "You have stolen a march On my sweetie, who's In town to night; Although you have rats in your - belfry arch, I like you the best, because he Is so tight: If me you land, then you will see. On the opposite side of the fence he'll be; Ready to step out and spread ypur dough 1 1 , At every road-house, cabaret, and show ; bui, until you croan, in xeii mm,, No!"1 it was one by her new time-piece. 1 they, crossed the bridge tj .j-,,,. the other side; i tin. 1: ' lnt : """King 01 the ; UCCSC ' geese In the produce market near the docks, Then silently glided for several blocks? Th. maid and the man she meant to fleecer f .111 1 It Was two hv hr uth nw nasi " wa" ,'.wo b tr. "a,ch- or ' When tllAW n.leb.rf ha.i. " . Then theld bloke rose up on his (Fol. ,-to'.is1ert or ?not,i.V. h.d choiee). . , . . , , , , , , no Up piped the poof prune, In a high'. pinca voice, And said to thlv gold-digger Jane: "I've been" made a fool of by swelli . er damva..'. v t . Than you ever hoped to be:. . , oui, rve studied Brownina and I know your oames." f r s . - j . ""It nl cnauneur,with a, nod! the' door and alva her! prdtf, : V . , . '. ii , ,7 JDnvu,vo uaGK in me." Out, she fell,1 on the nice soft road 1 You know the rejt. that you hear In tha Jokes Of nirl8 walkino homt tn thir abode: So this is the warnlna of Poll De , Vere. ! -! I APP ' ' " ,a-" I The 1928 motor vr-hirl- lim. blanks arrived todav frAm smmv tozer and we guess Sammy hain't wv..r.i y.v-a a lenar moment's rest." I rn, i,i:, win ) ASTolUA. Ore., int. l.n- bina Ann Smith, aued dlrd ves - - O nlay at the home of h.-r rmrentN I at Skamuknwu, Wash., nf Infantile paralvrtis. Slie wa Ihe first vie i bur M spirit In the following: "I.elV; llm nr Ihe disease tu the Inwi-r all put our shoulders to the wheel Columbia river region. t ami put Hits drive ever wl:h a . pNing so that workers and contii- SAl.KM. orr., Oct. 2il. Marion I butors atlke and together t an cn cnunly s third i-mhm ef Inlaii I tie i joy that keen feeling of having paralysis tn the last two v cekn ; matte this Kosehurg's hunuer uphtt was reporred lo county health of-'year." 1'iclnlH late yestrrdav. The ease, a I mild one. Is that of tifhen vnr idd Maijnrh' .Tane Itoshir. n tiKli hnoi titu'lt'tit. The other two eases In the county are lmnro I ; uilsfartority according lo off! rials. TI(JAl!l, Ore, Oct. '.'C- On ihe discovery of on- infantile paraly niri ciHf hen nnd two other sua- j perted ( ase. the leral public srhool ban been ringed for one wek by order of the rlty nnpertn lendent. AN OLD TIMER A tiHT.'ter In Smith Carolina ask ed nit old negro cab driver his mtnitv "t.rorxe Wsshlucton. wab (o every person itt fbN country." "Well, that's a imhip well Known 'I irrkmi M ouuhfer be. nnh: been iliiviu' heAh for morv'n earj4." - TU lilts. jf'y DR. NERB AS DENTIST Painless Eitractlon G When Desired Pynrrhe. Trested Phut SJ ilital; Kir. One Thing We Will Do and One We Won't We will save you money on your suit of clothes, but we Will not sacrifice the suit to do it every fabric must be all wool every stitch must be conscientiously done every detail must be pains takingly accurate the style must be correct the (it must be perfect and the value must be right. You will find here an espe cially pleasing showing of Twist Tex fabrics to choose from. $35 to $42.50 Don't forget those Florsheim Shoes ' ; , i a 044464444! )4 t u Donrrni 1 r.onuCDc 4 4 Hoard of Directors : of m-Oim Valley liroccoli ,;rnw0, wH1 ,llw.t at the of. rif of KiIkiiImiwki' wnre- holme (lit. 2xth at 7:.10 All growers aro invited to be present. K. ii. Cloake, Secy. ' ' C. K. Marks, l'res. ''T f IT" . rir S. n ,t , FOR COMMUNITY CHEST AT ONCE (Con! Inucd from pa'ge 1.) ' HtreciH); Nn. 3 wus itinwn by A I. Iliiwn 11 nil Ii'. M S!..mI..i- nf lint Ai:tlnt Club. II. Ih hniitnti.i Itimo, Ouli HlrnelH ' und thu S, I', trtit;ky; n" eommllteu lor No.,1 linnniled by (!aH, Klepllens, l.unil anil Ibe fj. I'. trneliH will bo up' (.nlnteil;' No, Ii linomlcrl by Cuss, .1ik uki.ii. i.nno nmi Sti'iibens wha drawn by ('. St. llvtnllnw and if. S. l.'i'i.ilclv of the tlinnnuu Cillers: No. . ...... ..... .. .... ..... n.-..,.., anil Kane was 'drawn by Joint Itnnyun itml V. T. Jnt-kxnn repie i Mi'iirtriK t tit Mnsnnlc IikIku: No. 7, bolinded by Jlleksou. Oak. Cass ami Kane by II. I.. Kitdy ami .Mori'lit Nenlalld o( Ibe Klwauls Club: No. S. bounded by Jaekson, Oak, Wiimi- 1 ivxn Kn? ''' Hussell ,und Win. Fiurke or Hie I. (). (). J.oilxr: No. U. by .lekson, W'asii- I liiKlinl. Kane and S. I. Spur truck 1, wv l;..v hrtilltr Miirthews. Ilev. Roy Aehor ami Kev. J. II. run- hall; No. 10, hounded by Wasblng- i. Jackson, S. I1 traeks on west and S. V. spur on liorin r.u Kohlhagen and C. Iwrhy or tlie Klks. At the meeting last night II. K. Cully of the Chamher of t'ommiTiie staled, 'In contributing through Ihe Commuiilty rbost we not only help l hose w orl liy organizal inn:i but prevent unworthy ones from taking mir money.' lie pointed out that if "It cllies nnd towns hail the Community Chest system that begging and soliriting for funds would soon be eliminated. Chairman McAllister nnd lit" snlti'iiing committees are "wet" lo go and expect 10 complete thidr wiirk by tomorrow ami Friday. MusitiesM men can help them greai- Iv hv arranging lor them to see llieli einplojees uulckly. Mr. .Mr- Alllster hrts been prominent in civ it- aifairs and manifests his Row FOOD FOR FIVE WEEKS 1 IN ONE 03 i RICH EGG CltilANA. III.. Oct. Itl -A single ostrich egg would keep the average family In that particular sort of food tor five weeks, scientists at the National History Museum of j the University of Illinois estimate. One ancient ostrich egg In the Mnusoum Is approximately US times itbe size of the ordinary hen's eu. They figured it would keep the average family tn cugs for five ! weeks if the husband ate two each morning, and his wife rs.-d sl ieugs in a cake, deviled a dozen more for the family liutie;' a id f baked two cream custard pb-s a h week. KORELLS CAMPAIGN FUND SAl.KM. On-.. Oi l. 21!. A lcil:.l , ; lot 527BO.SS whs kimiiI by llli' Mull ! 1 tiotihili county rt'itblii-an fruliHl j rtiiimilltv luitl III.-, rolivrrssliitial i rnnuuiltt'L. nl the tliiiil tliHirirt tn 1 the fiintpuitMt to flocl Flmiklin K. j KorH to ivwiws, itcrnrilllic to the t-M.vlist' stuti.-ni.nts ttlrtl tott;ty nltb thu suviftary at' Mutt. M ; tUi. eiiiouut Mr. Uurell liuud( : f.cutr:butJ f;: 'lie (umuittlee. the ininotut ot ?U?.S. INSTITUTE!! : ; Kn in nil 1 in ill if ill u 1 mmj mM k w . m . w : ! t'onsiiU-rjbU; confusion has re ; Htilteii htrause of various conflict I11K reportM concerning the truch ; eis' iiuititttte and Hchool board 1 confLMi'iicK sitiedulfcd for this ! wvi'k. Iloth of thene mef-ttngs have ; hi en indfflnlifly posipone-i and 1 will not lie hold imtil a later date, j iJccuue of the fact tiiat nearly I all of the Beaker engaged for 1 the iiiHtltute reside In dintriets i where Infantile paralysis Is preva I lent, Mrs. Ackert, county school I Kiipeilntetulent, though l it bet to i iWHlpone the Institute, j "Thtro would perhaps be no ; tluiwer In brfngiiiK theo adults to j KoeebuiK," Mik. A' krt said, "but : on -tin 'Other hand (here is nothing 1 lost liy postponing the institute 1 until .some tuture date when con ' (lltlfiirM are butter and all possible danger, eliminated. I would bate to t li R-hpuuHlble for bririgliiK some I one lulo the county who niiKht ! stall the disease here and bo I , have decided to postpone the meetings until the epidemic is ! over." Several conflicting reports an1 I announcements have been mad; and tia a result there is consider - able, misunderstanding, but Mrs. j Ackert slates that she desires to , have It clearly understood that I there will he no institute or school ((fibers' conference at this time : and thai the dales finally decided upon will be announced later. - - ' 'Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Crafton, well ' known residents of this citv. ref turned yesterday afternoon from a tour of all the principal countries " r.uniw, . visiuiik r, n g 1 aim, rrnuce, Italy, Switzerland, (ier- "'" anu iieiKuin. i)iirinK ineir slay til Paris they attended the American Legion convention, parti cipated In the mammoth parade ui!tl attended numerous legion so ck . nctlons. ; "it .i3 the trip ot a lifetime," said Mr. Crafton this afternoon discussing their Journey, "but I wouldn't trade a backyard In the (Imi(Uii valley for the whole of Kutope.. It is a peculiar feeling to bo a foreigner and we sure l'elt like ones during our slay abroad.. "We made tins trip over the Eng lish channel In one of the large twenty passenger airplanes. Drinks l-11 oi.i n u mo l-ioiio to pay iinich, nttont Ion tu heveraKCR. The alt was very bumpy und she wan exceedingly' sick and mighty glad' when we linnlly luniled at I.e Houi' Ket Meld. It. was a worthwhile journey, however, ami we do not reBl-et laklne II. ! ' "We exiiei lenceil t lie I.ondoti fog, as Ibii-k as pea soup, enjoyed many . . . . , . . ! 0 """ ol that, tainous city ! ami got u real view ol lnglaiiil : troiii the an- "In Paris we visited many of the t no-railed fashion shops and my I wife says that American styles have them ail walloped a mile. We had no trouble in Paris except j Irving lo make the luxi drivers understand what we wanted. The legion boys all had a great time and we were treated royally by tiie Frenchmen. "Wo visited "lit. Vesuvius and saw it in eruption while we were In lluly. Went over to Venice and splashed around in ibe gondolas and had a hard time getting my wife away rrom there.. It was grent place. "The trip through Switzerland was beautiful and in Cerm'any we I received a most royal welcome. We went through all the ex-kais er's palaces at Potsdam and it was a (teat. "Hut after all. we're mighty glad ! to ho home again. Roseburg sure look.1? good to us after talking the j sign language to that bunch or for eigners." Mr. and Mrs. Crafton have num erous souvenirs they gal tiered 111 the various countries thev visited nnd Mrs. Cralton purchased a bean- liliU Veiieiiun shawl anil several i frocks In Paris and in Italy. GRILLED BANANAS tirllled bananas, vfth a few droits of lemon juice are u tempt ing change from tried apples l a breakfast of sausage ami muf fins. ODD SALAD I Crapt-H, sliced fresh tomatoes : ' 11,1,1 -'ttnge cheese make a deli rious sal;nl, it li Koinalne. Make beese balls wiib nuts for variety. Quick,' safe relief The most painful corns cease hurting , the instant Dr. SchoU's 2ino-pads are applied. They strike at the cause j ! of corns pressing and rubbing of I shoes. That's why they are perman ently healing, if new snoes cause irritation, a Zino-pad stops it at once. Dr. SchoU's Zino-pads are thin, medicated, antiseptic, protective. No liquids, no risk, no bother. Safe, sure,, quick results guaranteed. At jrour druggist's or shoe dealer's. DSScholl's CORNS sroar & ual The capturtd goat looked sad, indeed, and all the buucb beard Scouty plead, ,rVe ought to get bint Iroiu that hole. 'Tia cruel to keep him there. Lwl's dig the ground out, alt about, ho be can easily walk out. Ah long as he is tame, to keep him captive isn't fair." So, everyone got busy quick. Kacb Tinymite grubbed up a stick, and after hours and hours of work, a long pathway was made. "Come on up, goat," wee Clowny cried. And then he walked up to his side. The goat began to amble forth and soon the grade was made. They all began, to pat his head. "Oh, gee, he's friendly," Carpy said. "I wonder If he'd like to eat. J-ret's lead him to some wetds. I think bell make a dandy friend, if he knows that be can depend on us juM being nice to him und seeing to bis needs." The weed patch gave the goat a thrill. He scrambled up and ate his fill. Ami then wee Coppy said, "Let s make him do some work for us. Perhaps he knows some clever tricks. I wonder, could he carry sticks. He'll either do it -gladly, or he'll raise an awful fuss." "But, why the sticks?" some body cried. And Coppy answered, as he sighed, "So we can build a dandy fire, and maybe cook some fish." "Well, say, that's great," an other said. "And now that Mister Gnat's been fed. let's lead him to his labor ere we plan a dainty ciish. So, mT they went among the trees an 1 found a lot of sticks with ease. "There's one thing sure," said S'.-outy, "wood Is one thing we Hcn't lack." They gath- j ered lots and lots of wood; then 1 found the eont behaved real good. ' Did Someone I ! I . i . " k "Tim, .). OUT OUR WAY By Williams tL-ik1 Mim'A- : r I t FOOTBALL OM V Hi T L. ,' AV. ,' f . t ii i s u :rvii'i ii I t. tt a i i . a ill a.i ..jmtmm ' urn cochsaj picnms & . kxsck ' j I ! READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE He stood real stil! and let them in the noxt story.) ; .. ' pile It all upon his back. j (Copyright, 192T, Na' Service, (The Tinymites have a fish fry (Inc.) ... . , Say "There Ain't No mm. Such Animal?" i ,. My M Zinopads Put one cnlric pam tj tone' he doe.- .-u't deetva to be, i ? ; M , j ; " v7 V.LlitM3 r.or wn Mr. stxw.z. i.c