ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1927. FIVE T You Need' Em Every Day I A SCRIPTON PENCIL Nothing equals it for con- venience, servrce and economy. It U as light as com . mon pencil, and hat sufficient leads for a year's use, 35c , TISIT An entirely new product. Do your soldering at home with Titit. It is a liquid and no heat is required, I but it does the business. KITCHEN CROCKERY Wonderful set of six pieces decorated, ware. Special price for a few days of $1.73 per set. . . TRADE IN We accept your old shears at 40c in trade for new ones. 5 ; i CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. I . THE IRONMONGERS foriI.T.T.WTITO.MMIIIWIrTO FOR SALE 14 head nannle goats. Kugcne Hixou, Brockway. DON'T let the children shiver. Hum Pages-' coal. FOHSAL.ECHEAP Good Singer sewing machine. Phone 474-J. FOR-SALE Brood bow with 8 liigs. Craven Ranch, Brockway. f R'SALEGiaucs, 3c "per-lb. at place. Frank J. Bursik, Melrose. FOR SALE Juice grapesV 2c-per lb., bring .-containers. Overland Orchards: Phone 31FS. ' FOKSALE3 pairs of rabbits, Jtcds, Belgian Hares and Blues. Phone 26F3. ' FOR SALE" Vetch and oats, strong vetch mixture, clean 3c A. F. Steams, Oakland, Ore. 125 ACRES to rent for broccoli or melons at 525. an acre. E1 Wca-ver,- Myrtle Creek.' -- FINE registered Chinchilla" rabbits at a bargain. Also bicycle for sale. 833 Military Ave. D0.DC!&"7SEDAN 1926 , model, leather upholstery; good condi tion. Motor like new. (00. Rose Garage. . FOR SALE Breeding turkeys, purebred Bronze tonis and hens, priced right. Nathan Crow, Yon calla, Ore. FOR SALEAnicenntTe""n6me in Suthorlln. Cheap for cash or will trade for good truck. Ford : or g Chevrolet preferred. A. R. Mab T ley, Uoseburg, Rt. 2.' ' ' FOR SALE Weanling pigs. New 12-inch Moline plow, . guaranteed - to scour in any soil. New No. '4 Goulds hydraulic ram. Will trade parifor Wood. Call 27F22. FOR SALE FurnltureT-, eTc7'3" .. piece walnut bedroom set; black - leather couch; , large library tablo; 2 Alladln lamps; set of Dover asbestos-lined irons; stone churn-; - small heater . and pipo; new Brussels carpet sweeper. Craven Ranch, Brockway. FOR SALE At "a "sacrifice "price. - Two 50-ft. lots and new house, 3 rooms. Some plumbing in, good location, fine garden land. Land 100x100, fenced with good woven .' wiro, first class wood house and shop. Prico ?300, which Is one half cost of improvements. See James Barr, Perkins Bldg. FOR- SAI..E Foity-sijTacres, two - miles from town on county road. Eight acres orchard, pears, prunes, apples, berries, etc., springs and well of splendid wa ter. Tank and engine, gnrugo, " chicken house, barn and dwell ing. Fivo acres pasture and " woods, the rest splendid land. Plenty or shrubs. A good home .and income property for the ' right Cnuti. R. E. Pargeter. Doug las Abstract Company. Mrs. Charles Heinline TEACHER OF Piano, Harmony and Theory Sulto 1, Kohibagcn Bldg. Phone 390 Lucile M. Sappington Dunning System Improved Music Study Piano Kindergarten Parish House 214 Cass St. For fnfoinmtion and terms Plump H2-.l or 205-R J Elite Pleaters nil iMnaa or Pleating ana Button Making. MRS. BELLE CABS Phone 187-R 610 So. Main CHIROPRACTORS Druglets Health Center "Complete Health Service" 8ULPHUR VAPOR BATHS S27 West Caie Phone 491 Kohlhagen Apartments Furnished apartments, mod. ern in every way. Within one block of business center of city. Reasonable Rates. PHONE 5, CLASSIFIED SECTION ! ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE Jl 1 FOR. SALE - K WANTED ' OSBk iaiaaiiiiMjtigB.wjiwai WANTED Bell Hotel Rose. boy. Inquire WANTED Clean cotton, rags for carpets. Phone 468-R, mornings. WANTEDTo sell or tr"adba" boar for sheep. P. O. Box 945, Rose burg. WANTED to rent ranch, highway preferred, for cash ronL Box 232, ' Uoseburg. WANTED Elderly lady for light housework. 3 in family. Box 64, Uoseburg. . . WANTED Heating Btove with coal grate, about 18 inches in diameter by 4 feet high. Must be reasonable. Phone 490-J. WANTED TO BUY Good pota toes and some other vegetables, .. reasonably from farmers. - Am willing to dig or gather same. E. ' C. Cowles, Milo, Ore. LAUNDRY WORK " wanted! AH work done the Maytag way. Sat isfaction guaranteed; work call ed for and delivered. Trial so licited. Phone 260-Y or Rt 1, Box 5, Roseburg. FOR RENT FOR. RENT Garage, hear Rose hotel. 247 S. Pino. FOR. RENT 2 furniied and noma unfurnished houses. Phone 231-R. b'Oii KENT-T-ApartmeuiB. Down town; new modern, reasonable. JDU 64S-J. " - FOR RENT 5 room modern 'house, like new, garage, on paved SL Phone 25. Zigler Hardware. FOR RENT Apartments with electric ranges and garages. Close in. Inquire at 329 Chad wick St. iFOR RENT 25 acres of good hay land all plowed for half. A I no for sale, 25 tons of good grain " hay. Call evenings at W. J. Alul holland, Edcnbower, Rt. 2, IJox 26 or at Couu Lumber Co. from 8 to G. . I LOST LOST Wire-haired Terrier pup, whilo with black left ear. Re ward. D. U. Roone, 216 Court St, I MISCELLANEOUS CAR OWNER Don't forgot to call 663 when in need of auto ;: parts. Sarff'B Auto . Wrockin Houae. PERMANENTWAVE $5 down and terms to milt on balance. Phono 55S-J Tor appointment. North Star Beauty Shopl'e. Visitor Hero W. I). ' Valentino of the Douglas Park rabhitries. was in RoHnbuig during tho afternoon Tuesday via Illng and transacting business. LIBERTY "WHAT PRICE GLORY" Starts Next Sunday K&3H.X.T.M.I.ICI.l.ltt.M.M wncn you sec yourself in jg a suit dry cleaned by us, you'll have all you can do to keep from lending 8 yourself money! Once a month isn't too often. When do we start PHONE 277 OUR AUTO WILL CALL at TfcPENNY I ilk COPYRIGHT r Jttl HI SSX Sccviet SPev BEGIN HERE TODAY Jerry Macklyn, advertising man ager of the Peach Bloom Cosmet ics Co., transforms his plain secre tary. Vera Victoria Cameron, into a beauty through use of the com pany cosmetics. The beauty sjte cialist refashions Vera after -a pic ture Jerry finds in his desk. Jerry falls in love with Vera, also known as Vee-Vee, and his love persists even after he learns -Vera consented ta the transforma tion only because she, was in. Love with a man who ignores her. Vera goes to Lake Minuetouka for her vacation because she knows this man, Schuyler - Smythe, will be there. Smythe and other guests mistake her for the ex-princess, Vivian Crandall, who, after a Paris divorce, is hiding from her parents and ex-husband. Vera tries to convince people of her true identity but is not be lieved. Because . she realizes Schuyler is in love with the girl he thinks she is, Vee-Vee puts fur ther confession from her. She learns Jerry unknowingly used the Crandall heiress s picture in re fashioning her aud he begB her in a letter not to pose as the heiress should she be mistaken for her. Nan Fosdick. whom it is ru mored Schuyler is engaged to for her money, begs Vera to leave the hotel, salng Schuyler loved her until. Vera came. Nan's, mother warns Vera that Schuyler is only a secretary, a four-flusher and fortune-hunter. Vera determines to tell Schuyler the truth but puts off confession when he tells her of his love. A bell-boy appears and sum mons Vera to meet two men who await her "at the hotel. Schuyler says he will not let them take her away. - lie steals a tear, and they loave. Vera tells him she is not Vivian Crandall. He angrily asks her if she Is crazy and betrays himself uy his emotion. Then ho recovers and tells her it is just a scheme to ditch him, that he will keep her until she'll , be , glad to marry him. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER XXVIII Vee-Vee's heart leaped in her breast, but it was with fear and not with joy.- Then nausea rose in her throat, so that she had to lay her icy fingers - against It. This couldn't he Schuyler shouting at her, snarling at her, the music gone from his voice, his eyes dart ing gleams of hatred at her. "Road this letter, Schuyler," she said. She wanted to call him "Mr. Smith,'" to hurt him with scorn, but again her pride forbade. "It will expluin everything and I-r-J hope it will convince' yon." -He glnrcd at. her, his. mouth, be neath the little silky black mus tache, twisted into an ugly line; then he snatched the stiff sheets of Jerry's letter from her hand and held them under the dash board light, bending over to read. His knee brushed hers, and sho shrank farther away from him, hut she could not tear her eyes nway from his face. An hour ago those lips had pressed down upon j BOOTS AND HER BUDDIE?- Why So Interested, Babe? . , -v m , By Martin . j ' J,K ' - J V ' jJ ci7 by t. stnvicl, inc. m ,l t. err. J FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS As Smart as Any Donk ' . ' ,: By Blosser ll VJELL., I'M C6RTAIMUV SLAD 1 PlACAED YOL) AX&T ) f SURESA&'S WAST.' T' ) ( vuucm'i saV 'XdC: " V 173 WOSSIS AW7A6AAD6UP ) fM 6015 TO S&LL-VOOR wMH , f kNWrt yWLL BG GLAD S VoO COMIWa AREAi'T ) ) AM' ALL. OF US AR6 600D J if ' AFTER ALL, OSSI&! 6E6 VOO DIONT S&U. ABft TO "J R- TJ S PDIEWDS A6AIAi I MAT. J iJ, I'M SLAD B&CAOStS CLARA ) SOMEBODY-A MICG V .-7 1 rS wBooy A is suANice, sartdo& rf issue swakt or sme doesn't !.' J K J , ) J rjT S-" nrn u o pt off. (n I SALESMAN SAM ' AJTightwad Hubby ' By Small fsOPiWOKNA KMOVM T VIHASSft " f WOTHIM'S TH' THEM Wl-tV TH' HecK "1 f Jt&T WHAT t'rA PvFKAl 0 WHAL-oS" 1 f IF SHew'lhlS ' TH' ' g WW TH' WIFE. HftSk'T (vtVTTEK MPiTTtB. Wl TM DOM' T TH Ml SSUS OF AW I CAH'T fAFFORO Vft MEfM ( CniTrflt.( ciic'i I eEM IM LATELY HUH? ) WITH IT? IT'. J CX IH?SH'S GOT TA TftKe :P T V ? CMtT V mLr JEST OH ACCOOMT O' I v MUCH CHAMCe AS AMY- CHftMcl' J FFORD W AM MA, TAKE, ft TRIP PRINCESS y (tone (Justin hers and she had almost swooned with delight. Now the very thought Oi his mouth upon hers brought diftgunL Why hadn't she seen before that it was a cruel. selfish mouth? She studied his face as if she had never seen it be fore. It was terrible to feel the scales falling from her eyes, to feel love and passion draining out of her heart aud body, like blood spurting out of an opened vein. '"Why," she marveled to herself, "he is not fit to touch the paper that Jerry's letter Is written on." She wanted to snatch the letter (torn his hands. He was making low, animal sounds of bewilderment and fury as he read, but she did not listen. Nothing he could say now seemed important to her, just s he would let her go wheu she had convinced him that she was not the prise he had been so sure of bagging. "So you're just a cheap little crook!" He raised his eyes from tho letter and looked her Up and down - with i searing, contempt. "Thought you'd rope in ft rich bus ban 1 " "Hush!" she cried, raising her clenched fists as if to strike him. "1 never . claimed to be Vivian Crandull, did 1? I denied it every time 1 was addressed as Vivian Crandall or Princess Vivian, I in sisted that my name was not Viv ian Crandall, but Vera Camoron! I forced you to listen to me to night before I would marry you " She was sobbing in her anger, and that made her more angry. "Oh, yes, you were clever, all right! I'll have to hand It to you!" the man she had loved sneered at her. "Yoxt weren't taking any chances on going to jail for ille gally impersonating another wom an, but made damned sure that no body would take . you seriously when, you said you were Vera Cam eron. Sank your hooks into me the minute you got here, came be tween me and the girl 1 would have married " He was plunging on recklessly, making no slightest effort to save his own face. Vee Vee, listening to him In mounting horror, knew that he no longer eo u side red her worth such an ef fort. "You admit then that you are a fortune-hunter, that you had In tended to take Nan KosJick's mil lion until I came along with 40 millions, as you thought?" Her voice was a whiplash of scorn. "I admit nothing. 1 don't have to admit anything to you!" he lashed 1 at her. I "You'll have to admit, Mr. j Shuler B. Smith, "that I told you ' of my own free will and acnorl ! that I was not Vlvlau Crandall, that I insisted upon convincing : you " . I "Yes, when I told you the truth ; about my own financial condition," I he jeered, his mouth twisting hide i nusly. "I wasn't big enough game for ym. You had to talk Taut or I'd have married you! Good Cod I'd have married a cheap littli crook, masuuradlng as one of tho ' richortt heiresses in America! no, you aren't bo cheap!" be amended bitterly, banging his clenched fist against the wheel of the car. That would have been a rich joke ou you. wouldn't it?" Vee-Vee asked, with stinging sarcasm. "Well, Mr. Smith you see, I know yowr.real name; have knowu it from the first day; have known also that you were only a secre tarylike myself that you saved mmiAv nil ...... I..M.. And yet," her voice changed in spite of herself. "1 loved you any way, thought you might be that 1 was poor, like yourself- wny, i wmuiuu i ueni-vtf ii w n mi K'ah .....I n. . . ,. I . i '. rT L "'V""lctly. Believing " lo be VlvUn " s.ocJt? """r0"- f"ur;U'ramlaU, or at least in doubt ot i it .-nt , a ni luin ii u ii i .' i unit fallen in love with you at sight, came - here because - you . were here . "Yes, after you'd had your ac-1 complice to remodel you into an ! exact copy of Vivian Crandall," i the man cut In violently. "By heaven, you're both guilty of a crime, and I'm going to see that you are punished, you and this Jerry Wlmt's-hls-uame of yours ' Ho lunged forward to hold the let ter under the light again, tu find the mime that had hardly regis tered in bis quick reading. 1 ! "(Jive mo that letter!" Vee-Vee commanded him harshly. "You're not fit to touch it or to say his name. Give it to me ,1 say!" She struggled with him for the crack ling sheets, succeeded In tearing them from his hands. Wheu she had them at last, she leaned far over the sl-le of the car, tearing them into tiny hits, flinging them away on the brisk night breeze. "Now," she panted, facing him defiantly, her green eyes blazing In the dark Mike an angry cat's, "what aro you going to do, Mr. Smith?" -"I'm going to take you hack to the Mlnuetonka and turn you over to Iho detectives who are waiting for you." be told her roughly. "Fine ! " she applauded sarcaati cally. "And won't your friends en joy tho story? The elegant Mr. Schuyler Smythe, who ditched a devoted millionairess for a nenny princess Oh, you'll bo popular at the Mlnuetonka for tho rest of your two weeks' vacation, Mr. Smilh! (If course," sho pretended to consider thoughtfully, "they might chuckle and say that Vivian. crnmlall hud simply outsmarted another fortune-hunter---" Sho left the sentence In the air, a smile tugging nt the dlmplo In the left corner of her mouth. ( The man jerked up his head and stared at her, at first Incredulous ly, then with ' horror horror of himself, of his own stupidity. He gullied, clawed at his collar with trembling fingers, closed his eyes and shook hts head as If to dispel some fright Till vision. Veo-Vee watched him with malarious amusement, behind which lay pain .and shame for her own shattered dream. "Vivian," Schuyler Smytho bo gan brokenly, reaching out a shak ing hand to her, "you're cruel, -hut, Clod, you're clever! And I fell into the trap. Poor Ifool (hat I am! , You said just now that you had fallem in- Inyo with mo, -at.- sight,; ,thut you bad t been gladt that , I was swerved -across .the roadj blocking I' poor. Can you ever 'forgive me?lliefr pfutsiigp.l j'Rchuyler ) Sinyilio Vivian! Vee-Vee, you heartless lit tle darling" , . "Don't ba a fool," she command eJ him sharply, the smile wiped from her mouth by disgust, "You've played the fool ouce too often tonight as it is," she added cryptically. - She had made up her mind in a llOBl' iwiUKiint; 10 save nerseu ai n If he was stupid enough tola believe that Jerry a letter had been a hoax, perpetrated for the 1.1. 'aMniHkH ii n nf his Htnithlttv find BO - tlsm to get out of the trap intoljj ...i.ti. i i i .... i nil oiio nnu BirililCU du iiiiiu- her Identity, he would do anything sho told htm to, humbly, hoping to reestablish himself in her good graces. I should have known that no other girl tn the wotld could bo as beautiful as you aro," he said with dejected humbleness. "1 was ly ing when 1 said 1 would have mar ried Nan " he began, with shameful eagerness. "1 doubt if you know when, you are telling the truth, you He so naturally," she said with quiet scorn, t Now, 1 have one request to make of you. Tuke mo lo the nearest town aud let mo out of Uie car. I will get in touch wltb my people In New York, arrange for them to come for me. I refuse to go back to the Miiinetonka with you and submit to the impertinent questioning of those dotectives. 1 suppose, she concluded, in the In solent manner that she believed Princess Vivian would wear under the circumstances, "that your dear little Nan put them ou my trnil. It is unbelievable that she would go to such pains to laud you!" "Vivian!" HIb volco was charged with wistful protest, "Cant you forgive me? I simply lost my head when I thought that someone had been impersonating you, stealing the love 1 have chorlnhed for you for five long years--" Tvo heard - quite enough oC those five long years," she Inter rupted briskly. "Drive on, pleaso. Ami when you return to tho Mln uetonka I advise you to say noth ing of this Interesting little excur sion or ours. Now tuke me to the nearest town ami drop mo at a hotel," sho commanded Imperi ously. "I can't leave you nt the mercy of strangers, without baggage and dreased like that," he plendo?! mis erably, casting a long glance of humble appeal at her. Ills misery left ln-r ontlrely un moved. "You will do exactly as I say," she spoke as If to a servant. I have money In my vanity case, If that Is worrying you. , I shall be mihe comfortable until my peo ple can come from New York, bringing suitable clothes Tor me. Now,- drivq on !' "My people!", she Bald to her self, that' mocking little smtle dimpling the comer of her mouth. "Jerry Macklyn! Dear Jerry!" ; Tho car had gono' less tluuv a mile ou thoj stao highway towiTr;l mo nt'uresi, iu-ii : wnoii ,anoiu car waB suddenly upon them, had a j 3 -g n j 3 jl I '3 peerless;; ; ; I BUILT IN FURNITURE 1 Cupboards, Coolers, Ironing Boards, Medicine Chests, q Breakfast Nook Furniture. Will fit any room. Costs no & more. " 1 i s ng Jt HH t3 For new houses or remodeling jobs El Rey Roofing See Us First We Can Save You Money FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AGENTS FOB 1 Roteburs FAIRBANKS Rj Washington St. HH.T.I.MI.I.M.I.I.I.1.M PATARRH oi bead or throat Is usually benefited by the vapors of VICKS Xa po Rub Ovr21 Million Jar Umd Yearly gritted an oath as ho jammed on t his brakes. "I gueus yon'll have to go hack to the Minoetouka; Vee-Vee. These i I muHt be the detectives " t "Do detectives wear ntankfl on : their faces? Vee-Vee asitei caliu - ly us two men sprang out of the car that blocked their path and a me atrldhig toward them, the light from the lamps of ThurB- ton's car glinting on tho- barrels of their pistols. (To Be Continued) Not detectives, but kidnapers, have been on Vee-Veo'e trail. Read the( next chapter, 1 o . . n0S8 meu(ing refreshment were Try our buttermilk It's differ j served and a aocial hour was en--n' Romihurg Dairy. Phone 1Hfl ; Joyed. t IBIBbbb b ' MORSE & CO. Oakland 3 and S. P. Tracks. , LEGION AUXILIARY TO ASSIST IN PLANS FOR ARMISTICE DAY One of the most enthusiastic niid Interesting meetings- of tho fall for the ' American Region t Auxiliary took place last evening at tho armory, where the members met for tho regular monthly session, followed by a social. The main item of business taken up was discus ; &ion of plans for the Armistice day - colebrntfon. Tho auxiliary will as- islst tho local post In putting on a mammoth Americano pa num. which will consist of all comic en tries. A committee was appointed by the president to tako euro of preparations for tho event. Tho auxiliary this fall has Bent' In ono complete baby layette to the wel fare chairman in Portland, i and a j box of clothing to tho hospital chairman. At tho clouo of tho busl- in i run I II I I TOWER'S FISH BRAND have been tiu favnrib wof I v yfcatherqarments since 1836 H. CCNUNE VaWTRPROOF EIVICKASLB uiuao clothing i -UKlSTVUSHTOO A.J.T0WER CQ. BosroN, MASS. ieM.i.Tr.TiirociK'