ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1927.. FOUR ORIGINAL REXALL STORE 1 Ji THURSDAY-FRIDAY SATURDAY, OCT. 20-21-22 O 1 13 ft i J 1 1 W.rT.TW.T.rff.TOT.r.raiT.ITT.TT.T HEATING STOVES ALL CAST HEATERS Huve cast linings, mica doors, nickel trim. Made to last many years. : SEE OUR NEW CIRCULATOR HEATER SPECIAL THIS WEEK : 26 in. Willow Clothe. Basket $1.00 ZIGLER-CRAVEN HARDWARE CO. PHONE 3$ ROSeUURQ, ORE, DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME . H ESTABLISHED 1926 i I H. C. STEARNS, Manager ' i Perfect Funcrnl Services 1 Fair and Reasonable Prices i ! . PHONE 112 ; pine and Lane Sts. Lady Attendant . " VVVT t BRIEF SPORT NEWS t 9 , Critics Go Wroha y' i I'mjini'ihliiK likn H'MWt mote thiin When a pennant' winning hall I wr Jmll bcliovml JmMva club loses four BtralKlit gamosTn n I worth, 'llio head of tho St. LouU world HHi'ioH, as has - happened ,: refused to budKo from his po only twico In almost 25 years, a lot Mtm "plly the tuct that the of unkind tlilimir tiro always said irwn needed Jaeobsuu badly, ubout tho vanquished. J'rmUiicmt Johnson, u close. Tho Jloatcm Hraves. admittedly frhMul or mil, flmilly nn i,,C.H,.r l,.nl l .1,,. I', I. tilC. bleach, hIkuIuK .lUCuhsOIl. It piiiu Alulollcs, boat Hie Mnekmon. four straight iu'l'JM. Critic:; Insist-, imI tho Athletics curled up,'milt,e cold. , That wuh not. only unfair to tho Athletics but to tho ihnves us well, for It tended to discredit tho Victory of tho Nutlotml hcaiinis. Tim Hravi.'H of llmL yi-ar whio nn Inttplrnd Iriiin; tho Athlotlcs, a nonchalant, self Kutlslli'd am!ii'Ka tlon, that had grown cui'qIiwh uh tho ruHult or too much buccdhh. No ono will aiKiic that Dcmton Van four Htralfiht Kiimi-H bftli-r limn tho Athh ilcR In 1DM, yi that wuh the iiiuikIii in tho world uor k-H. ' - Pirates Were Fighters Now coukih tho Hlory that Mm 1'iiulcn ijult umlor prctiro and falit'd to xday unywhciu iu.'vr top ronn.. NoTor was 11 groatiT inj'iHth-o domt a hall club. JNmHlhly lln I'l-ralf-H wcro out on tliolr fret when thoy onti'tiHi Ihu world srrii'H, hut It wann't lark of coiiraKO that cauHod them to lake a (ulik count. II Look a Kamo ball cluh to win a pennant. In ho hectic a kIiukkIo at, wnH WHffcd In tho National Lt'iiKUP during tho past hhuhou. I rt'KiMd 1'lttFthuiKh'H feat lu InkliiK four KtraiRht from tho Chi cuko CiiIib, nflcr havhiK hist Ihrrp out if four to Now York, thereby cutlhiK their had lo a kuiuo and one-half, 0110 of the. nutst eour iiKeoiiH iterfminanceu In the nnmil.s of haKeliall, Tho I'lrateH, a tired team, met tlio Van keen, stepping at thi'lr bent, and were nulrlanmii. No one wilt argui) that itrdinarlly the NVw York team i four KtraiKht better than 1'iIlKluti'uh, but they were In tlio recent uerleB. Two Veterans Gone The lite of a ball player In a imiKt preearleuB one, literally a hero loday, lum-hecn Innmrrow. The ntln-r day tho l'lithulHphm Allib'ticH iiiiM(miMii the r'lae of (he two veletan cmif jeldeiH, uh Wheat and "ltuhy UoH' Ja cuhsiui. It whk just thri'o yearn ao thai .lacehunn had one of hia best .M-arH, was i-m(im one f h,- hhikI rWWlIIMliii.i.xMljw YOU SEE RED when another car crowds you into an ac cident when your car burns or is stolen. But seeing red docsn do much good when the damages are proclaimed then you need COMPLETE INSURANCE We write it, Quine & Co. Phono 103 gt Kf K jgh K Masonic Bldg. valuable outfielders In tho Amort , ,.. ...i.ii. I l.i'ilh'lu Willi, III lilu i,jm ii(, '- S l(iw!tiK proved a tinuBl (iiibiiCciit i hojdout. ... i . ; ' ' '. When It cuimi to slKiiiiiK .vnn the St. ImlH.liroWMB, hti uhIicJ lH Kithl ho paid tho ijll'i tii;uiiee from hlH owu Jiank .roll., ) 1 ' Jimt a fi'W B'!iitihH hitvo paKHod and lWtf Und every -11111 joe ; ; lungim' cluh waivhiK oil tho kuiuo Jacob turn. Umially when a playi.-r atuits to Hllp ho koc8 back quickly, - - : OREGON CITY , FOUNDRY BURNED ' ( .WioHntM I'n-M l.i-uwtl WlK) Oltl'HiON CITY, Ore., Oct. HI. Vim Juhl n lit oefitioyud the -Ore rod City loiindry, witn a esti mated at $i)0,uuu. 'J tie loumhy, UBtilIiMheil In lStiU, Hpeclahzed lit sawmill liiucliinery, and ol lute yeat'H inaniitaclureil much of tlio machinery lor the . ilawloy Pulp und i'aper company. ROSEBURG COUPLE WED AT PRETTY HOME CEREMONY At a pretty wedding servlco on tho evening of October Jti, Mia. Susan A. i'earco became lh brido ot Itobert J. Cox ot this ciiy, tlio ceremony taking place at the I'earco homo In North Uoseburg. Uov. H. II. JXdlarhlde, n inluister of tlio Frco Methodist church, of Ijciated at tho ti o'clock servico and afterward a wedding dinner was served tho guoslt, among whom were .Mrs. Dauas, u sister of thu briile, and Mr. und Mrs. lieo. Cox, Jr. Mr. Cox is piopili'ior of ihu luueh riHiin on North Jackson street .Ho and his bride will con tinue to make, their homo iu Kuso burg. J FLASHES OF LIFE V (AwMK!tt- I'iiM U-uil lVl(t'J NI'IW VOUK -'Ihu divereed wife of V. K. Vanderldlt. pielers to bj known uk Mi'm. tJtaliaui Kalr Van dorbllt. The sneiely ciielt K now ko ehai Hcteri.n lit t. Iter liittt name Ih Virginia. Hlie Is the daughter ot James (Uahaiu Fair. NKW YOItKHoino J.-HM) pholo graphs ot Thomas A. I-Mii-.on, ituide iu Hie ol iio years, all sliow tlie light sldo ol tlio race. Caratlaul, I tie photographer, eplaiiiH dial the Inventor, like Comma ndei- liyil, lias a plastic left sido to his lace compared with great character .in the light tide. NKW YOKIv-rnul I'oiret, arbit- fe or of fashion. Is here from I'aris kf. ultli u grievaueo ofi Ins ttitid. the short skirt. In lull, he sas. h tried to introduce a shod skirl i much longer than tho present mode j to tho 1'nited Stall's and was prevented Irnm t-hnuhtg a tihn ot i his maiincnuhiK Ihm-uiiso it wax ine nroiier. "Ami now look at our women! Why the Fans police would not permit such dresses as they wear over here. ny tdnnild u wo man nttciniit to iexe:it nil her bcauly? Tho skirt should euil fno! 1 iic hew nbou tho auklo Instead of ; (Ivo inches nhoo tho Knee." Hull I 'a til fears tho mo Jo ho dislike j ib hero lo May. WASHIXr.TdX-Mr. and Mrs. CooildKe are becoinini; mo lo fans, they've been lo a film theatre twice In u month now, or Iwlie more than rter hi toru diniiij, the Charter No. 93 REPORT OF The Umpqua Valley Bank At Roaebura In the State of Oregon at close of business October 10th, 1927. ItESOUIlCES 1. Leans and discounts, Including rediscounts, acceptances or liills of exchange, Mold with endorsement of the bunk (Including Items shown in 29, M ami 32, if any) 482,47G.08 2. Overdrafts secured and unsecured None 3. U. K. government securities owned, including those shown In items 30 und 35, if any 61,801.26 i. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign government, stale, municipal, corporation etc., includ ing thoc shown in items .3D and 36, If any .... ...... 231, 410. Ill 1 1 u. I'urniiure aim uxiurcs 7. Ileal ealalu owned other than banning House . .1,098. 2U 9. (ah) Cush uu hand in vault and due fron) bunks, bank ers and trust companies designated und approved reserve agents of this bank 148,314,01 10. Exchanges for clearing house and items on other bunks in the same city or town as reporting bank 6,29.S1 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of reporting bank und other cash Items Total cash and due from Total LIABILITIES JO. Capital Ktock paid In It. Surplus fund ; JS. (n) Undivided profits .- (b) LesH current cKpeimea, interest and taxes paid 8,2ti2."l 1,421.41 21. Net amountH due to other baiikn, bankeiu and truut comiianiea : 17,203.37 Demand Deposits, other than banks, subject to roKorvc: 23. Individual depoHlta mihject to chock, including depoKita duo the statu of Oregon, county, cities or other public funds 21. Demand certificates of deposit jd. lasuier s cuecits .01 tins ouiik outstanding puyaulo oil demand v. 2,517.20 Total or demand deposits, other than bank deposits, HUbjei t lo reserve, Items 23, 24, 25, 2ti $ti 1 3.530.59 Time and Savings Deposits subject to reserve and pay a bio on demand or subject to notice: 27, Time certificates of deposit outstanding 206,013.20 Total of time and savings deposits payabln on de mand or subjoct to notice, Items 27 and 28 2U6,oy3.20 ' 1 ' Total STATU OF OIlKljON, County I, .1. .M. Throne, cashier of nweur Hint the above siutement UIIU IJUHL'I. Subscribed and sworn to before 1110 this lKlll day of October. 107. HliltllKItT 1). O.UINI0, Notary Public foi' Oreaon. ISIy-commlSKion expires May, 1st, IMI. ' DKXVKi:, Colo., Oct. Hi. Col orailo, enieilug Its Second day tit (ho I. V. W. coal (ntiters strike to- oay wuh prepared to enmrce an edict issued last night by law en forcing ofllcials to prevent picket ing by I. V. V. agitators of etial mines in the Southeni- Colorado and Itouifler Coal Fields, With 17 already In jail Tor pick eting law officers today announced that- " picketers: wherever found would lie immediately urrested but despite this threat tho strikers in l ho Walscuhurg district hold u meeting last night uud announced that men hud been selected and that picketing would go on as plan ned. This new of possible trouble between the miners uud peace of fleers combined with ru mors current in Ihu southern field that tho 1. W. W. organization had received a freight carload of ma chine guns, titles, ammunition and explosives, as well hh four car loads, of food and supplies, caused an atmosphere of unrest. A check of all mines In the Wal- TREE TEA ORANGE PEKOE The world's highest grade package tea and it sells for so little. ! 0m 1 I Reserve District No. 12 CONDITION OF .. ., - m,6" 118.00 bunks. items 8, 0, 10 and $151,601.85 ...S)38,33S.57 ,0110.00 000.00 ... goo, outstanding f - 1, ,447.05 ,5titi.34 ; ?038,338.57 ot IwuKlas, ss: the above-named bank, do solemnly Is truo to the heat rr mv l(,i,,wi,io J. M. THHONE, Cashier. COItltECT Attest: A. E. KKNT, A. J. YOUNO, C. E. ItOllEFtTS, ' Directors. Slowing Up? Waste Poisons In the Blood Make One Tfrcd and Inefficient. DO you rise lame and stiff? Drag through the day, . ) ' 1 listless and depressed? Evc . . ning find you all worn out? . . Have you given any thought to your kidneys? Sluggish kidneys allow waste poisons to remain in the blood j f ' and make one tired and languid , , ' with often nagging backache, j , , drowsy headaches and dizzi- , , . ' ness. A common warning of sluggish kidney action is scanty or burning secretions. Assist the kidneys with Down's Pills. Donn's have been used since 1885. Are recommended the country over. Ask your neighbor! DOAN'S PI6Los Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneym FoUf.MtlUinCo.,Mfg.Chcni..Buf!ato.N.Y. senburg district where the strike is considered the most serious, shows I, isu miners out of a normal force tf 2,r!H nnsuering the walkout call. Mines in Jrs Animas coun ty are said to he operating at near ly full strenuth and cheek late yes terday slio wed that l,o;i4 employ ed in I he six mines 7SU were ut work Tuesday and of the IK of them not at work, liOS of thtjm woro employed t the Frederick mine which does not operate on Tuesday leaving VI strikers In Iho disliict. Wo liavo many different styles of plows In stock, Iu fact soiuu for overy kind of soil. Seo our com plete Hue. Wharton ltroa. ja.U rUA Uenver 920 5 : l!0 Stocks, iiiarkctb, produce, news. fi:3- Hrown Palace Tlotul concert 7:(U Tiny Town Tales. 8:o(i Scheiiot man's Colorado Or chestra. 7 : 1 f lament School of Music. 508.2 KLX Oakland 590 r,:ou Martha Lee. ti:;!u Concert. 7: on Amusement Informal ion. NM'l) Kducational program. tf;UU -Special prom ant. 491.5 KGW Portland 610 ti:lMt Concert. 7:00 Itrunn and While conceit. S;"0" hiuilablo concert. U;ou 't aelleits Way." iU:tM .Uultuoniuh Hotel dance nm ic. 422.3 KPO 6a n Francisco 710 6:eu Clitl.lnMis hour. t:3t)Orguu injcitul. Win. II. llau- cock. 7:00 Atwater Kent program. 11:00 - N. It. C. pn)gnun. I0:t'0- Palace hotel orcheslra. 447.5 KFOA Seattle 670 5:30 Children's nrogram. 7 :o -Poultry talk, AlLcra Bna. 8:0iJConcert trio. 9:UU-N. U. C. program. 348.6 KJR Seattle 3o0 6: "0- junior hour. 7.00 Studio program. S:.10 "Knight iu-Gulcs," tiiri J;ur let, l.oo . llcibert Pn eg s en le stia. 10:00 Vic Aleyera Orchestra. ISTE G OU OF INSURGENTS Also Stand Ready to Listen to Cause of Frank O. Lowden, WANT FARM RELIEF Senator Nye Makes Talk to Washington Chamber of Commerce Outlin ing Policies. (.iiifcM'tiittil I'raa U-4Mil Wire) WASHINGTON.. Oct. PJ. The newly formed group of non-organization Republican senators from thu west la standing by Senator Nun is of Nebruska as Its presi dential nominee and while ready to listen to the cause of Frauk O. Lowden of Illinois, wants more in formation from him as to his views ou western" problems. ' Senator Nye of North Dakota, one of thu five senators now he longing to the Norrls cluster made this clear In a speech here last night before the Washington Cham ber of Commerce in which he ask ed Mr. Lowden to clarify his posi tion regarding the interests of the west. Tne North Dakota senator said lie did not wish to embavras th candidacy of Mr. Lowden or elim inate him from consideration but be thought it possible that Lowden "might soon see fit to clarify his petition." While tho 'former gov ernor ot Illinois lias udvocated the Alc.Nary-Haiigen bill, Senator Nyo declared ,that mere , enactment of this measure Is nut going to save agriculture "With these thoughts In mind,'? he added, "1 would assume t that that -you could understand why the ro lire many of us who would in sist upon the candidacy for the presidency of ono like Senator Norris und why we foul that tlm west ought to encourage, in what ever way It can, such a movuineni." Meanwhile, this insurgent .group which includes Senator Horah of Idaho, Itrookhart of Iowa and Fru itier of North Dakota, are ' busy working out a new farm relief bill which they hope will bo accept able to Senator llorah, nn opou ent of the vetoed McNury-llaugeii measure. The new bill will elim inate the controverted equalization lea provision which met tho dis approval of President Coolldge aud of Senator llorah as well. However the rungs of tho newly oranized block aro not increasing. Senator Meaiuster of South Dakolu has been hem, hut although not op posed to their views, has not been In conference with the group yet. Others from the west aro looking Special Roseburg Pullman now daily for over night travel to Port land and back , Now travel via Southern Pacific by ml or highway. New, luxuri ous, siivcr-ray motor coaches, in addition to improved train service. to Tortand 1 rve Arrive Oicpeni.m . 11:45 p.m. -7:15 a.m. tSfCtol Kirhurft IMImin tfidr for i,u'4iKr p.m.) SIi.imi . . 4:10 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Motor Coaih 6:45 a.m. 2:55 p.m. MotorCoJLh U:47a.m. 8:05p.m. 7rt anting ItJM Aftive rVtitiriJ Rieturt 9:0 p.m. 4: 5. a.m. if Pullman rf emt Int (R.. MierCo.ich 7:30a.m.. 5:48p.m. 1 Motoc Ouih 3 : 30 p.m. 1 1 ; 20 pan. Southern Pacific rat! tickets gotnl on motor-coaches ofSouthtm Pa cific Motor Transport Co, I J. E. Clark. Agent 1VLP Roseburg. Ore. BACKIN illS ApplesWanted For Canning FRANK J. NORTON CO. SUTHERUN, ORE. -ROSEBURG, ORE. on warily. Such administration stalwarts as Senator Smoot of Utah are giving he faction no con sideration. Some members of the group de clare privately their hope that if Senator Norris will not make the race or sees no chance of success, that Senator llorah will go for ward in their cause as a presiden tial candidate.. This, however. Is predicated upon formation of a rarln relief bill which agrees with the views of the Idahoaii. New Thing ; in Face Powder A new youth shade that is exclu sive to MEIyLOGLO. Stays on longer, less affocted by perspira tion, does not clog the pores. This new wonderful Beauty Powder is made by a new French Process and you will be delighted with it. Absolutely pure. Just try MELLO OLO and note its -rare qualities. Only one dollar. Nathan Fuller ton, druggist, Perkins Building. : ; U : PENNY PELZ IS GIVEN DECISION . (AmocUUiJ I'm Leaiwl Wire) t PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. JO. Benny Polz, local featherweight, took a decision ovor Sailor .Willie Cordon, Seattle, in. tho ton-round main event here last night. The verdicL was unpopular with many ringsiders. : 1 In the seini-wimlup. Angus Sny der, Canadian heavyweight, scored a . technical knockout over Tod fray iia, ' Seattle in -the seebnu round of their scheduled six routid e. - . . ' ': Tho Vaughan garden tractor will take the place of a liio in plow ing, cultivating, harrowing slid discing. Sue one at Wharton Bros. EX-RESIDENT, News of the recent death of Ray Casswell, Albany railroad man well known in Roseburg, where he and bis family formerly resided and nave visited since on a num ber of occasions, comes as a shock to his many friends here. Mr. Cass well died in Salem, where be had been taken for treatment. He wae a native of Indiana, hav ing been born at Fremont, Oc tober 12, 1881. He was a trusted employe of the Southern Pacific company and is well known in rail road circles. Mr. Cassell was .af filiated fra ten rally with the I. O. O. F. lodge, the Woodmen of the World and the Brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen. Besides his widow he is survived by a daughter, Frances Cassell, his mother, two sisters and a brother. The funeral services were held Saturday afternoon- in Albany,. ANCIENT ATHENS TO BE UNEARTHED ! " Associated I'reu I-cascd W'irn) NKW YORK, Oct. lU.-The an onymous donation of $2,500,000 to the most costly archaeological en1 terprise ever undertaken has been announced with publication of plans to excavate 25 acres on which stood the Agora of Athens, famous market place of antiquity. The American philanthropist making this gift to research did so through Colonel Arthur Wfood, for mer police commissioner of J'eW York on the stimulation that the 1 donor's name I kept secret. With these funds the American School FIRST DISPLAY NEW Graham Brothers 2-Ton Truck SIX CYLINDERS FOUR-WHEEL BRAKES (Lockheed intcrnnl hydraulic type) FOUR-SPEED TRANSMISSION This is the first display of the truck that has been made in Rose burg. It sells for $1995 delivered in Roseburg with closed cab. Gra ham Brothers 1 and 2-ton trucks have the greatest sale of any other trucks of like size that are built. Come in and look over this truck that is remarkably free from trusses, rods and cables built by the greatest truck builders in the world. J. O. Newland & Son Koscburg. Oregon of Archaeological Studies at Ath ens, which has already obtained consent of the Greek government for the excavation, will raise 11,000,000 worth of property ott which several thousand people live In an effort to bring to light the culture of early Athens. The ancjent market place is be lieved to contain buried temples, libraries, stadia aud other public edifices. These may hold the artistic treasures described by Ci cero, Pausauias and other classi cal writers that have been burled since the reign of pericles. The site is termed the most promising of the world and its excavation has been agitated for several years. SCHEME OF POLES BEING PROTESTED (Aut-iaU-d Vnu 1iki) Wirt-) GENEVA, Switzerland, Oct. 19. Lithuania has learned that tho Polish government is putting into operation a far reaching scheme directed against the very existence of an independent Lithuania, says an appeal .to the Leaue of Nations made by Lithuania against Poland which the league made public to day. BORN. KXIOHT To Jlr. and Mrs. Jim Knight of Days Creek. Tuesday, October IS, 1927, a son. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE . SHIPMENT? AT PEAK f Assorlatwl I'rri Lcuicd Win1) CHICAGO, Oct. 19. Fruit aud vegetable shipments are now at the peak for 11127, the government bureuu of agricultural . economics reported today. According to official figures, to tal shipments for the last week would make a solid train reaching from Chicago to St. Louis, approxi mately 275 miles. The train would consist ot about 36,0110 cars and would contain at least 18,000,000 busliuls of produce, an average of. rive quarts of fruits aud vegetables for every person in the United States.