I-It I t? ' ; : 7 ,cu "oUGfAS jCOUNTY' "ni:Zmi j VOL. XXVIII NO. 144 OF ROSEBURG REVIEW. ! ROSEBURG, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1927. VOL. XVIII NO. 218 OF THE EVENING NEWS - , " iiiffiiiiiij nil I r U I I h M C01I, Li BY FEDERAL AGENT ' Franklin Dodge Issues De- ' nial of. Statements Made ; . . Bootlegger King. ! ' MADE OTHER CHARGE I i . 1 . . . Remus, !Peclares He - Was ' Justified ih Slaying His . M Wife-rStippedjlfliipi f, ( .( (ii, of His iWealth.r.fl'i i t r 1 I ii , -esi ; 1; " nr mwnnmr r lytm tmmu trim t i f INGINNATI, Ohib, Oct., 8. . jCam-$o, jlf miis". charges ot intrigue f.nul. unfnllhtujitess ' by ' Ills' wire, Iinogene circumstances'' Avhlcli lie isuld Impelled' .hiiu.. ,to sluy her ? Thursday stood challenged, today from two sources. ' ' Franklin U. Dodge -whose .work ' ns n federal ngent gent liepius to - the penitentiary brnnuVd as "king i of the bootleggers," made point- blimk denial at Lansing, Mich., of liemus' statements linking Dodge's name with that of Mrs. Hemus. He denounced Remus as "a coward and u liar one who never person- ally offered violence to anyone ex cept a woman or a child." . Another charge that has come from Remus' cell that Mrs. Re mus stripped him of his wealth while he was a federal prisoner brought denial from Edward T. Dix on, the nttorney who represented Mrs. Remus in her. divorce action - against the man now held for her slaying. - "I am certain Mrs1. Remus did not have a cent save what she bor rowed," Dixon said. "The only . part of the Remus fortune known to exist is tied up by litigation. I would estimate It at $200,000 or 3250,000." Officials for the most port ex pressed themselves as skeptical of Remus,' story that he Is penniless. They pointed out that he has been driving about in expensive motor ears and maintaining costly quar ters. They said also that he was generally regarded as a lavish spender. MISSING RANCHER HAS BEEN LOCATED (A.orUtl I'reu Leafed Wire) RALKM. Ore., Oct. 8. William A. Dunigan, well to do farmer who disappeared from his Howell prairie home Thursday was found ih Is morning by. Lute Savage of S:ilui at the home of Dun lean's uncle. William Kuplinger, east of Sal'm. He had been sought for two days and nights. QUAKE IN AUSTRIA (Annriated Vrtm LrafrU Wire) VIKNNA, Aiistria, Oct. 8. Severe earth shocks lasting ton seconds shook Vienna at RMS o'clock tonight. Tele- graph, telephone and tram- way services were paralyzed. The population was ' panic stricken. Buildings shook violently, glass ware, pictures and oth- t er objects in houses crashed to the floor. REBEL GENERALS ELUSIVE f AvncUted Traa Umed WIrel , MEXICO CITY, . Oct. 8. Arnulfo Oomez and Hector Almada, rebel generals, -have eluded the federal columns seeking to surround them or force them into decisive com- bat. , Announcement wns made by i the presidential ' bureau late last night, that the rebels had slipped away from their position at 1 Triuufo ranch, near Perote, iu the State of .Vera Cruz," retreating south- easterly Into a. region of- rag-4 ged hills and ravines. . , , One federal column 'oc- cupled El Triunfo- after the rebels' departure. Another . continued its efforts to make contact with the Insurrec- tlonitts. - . . , .'I '- PRINCE JAILED f: IC ,i f '. H1, Y FAR FAILURE! PiiifllS "Emir,'' Passes Self as l(i . hammed'! Jjut, Police j , ,., ,, Detect Fraud.. .- I r. PRESSED OWN, PANTS Was Wearing Gaudy Red Uniform Weighted Down With Gold Braid and : .; .Many Medals. (Aum-bfpd PrrM Leased Wire) VIKNNA, Austria. Oct. 8. V r i n c e Zerdecheno Mohammad Salde, "emir of Kurdistan" and pretender to the Turkish caliphate, is in trouble again. He has beon arrested here on a charge of fail ing to meet a hotel bill after pass ing as ".Mohammed Pasha Al Ita shid. direct descendant of Haroun Al Itashld." The prince, emir, pasha, etc., has heeu in jail many times before, so the experience Is not new. When the Vienna police were call ed in by the hotel management they round him arrayed like a Bal kan prince hi a comic opera. This costume was not his best, however. He showed the police what he termed his official robe of office, a gaudy red untrorm weighted, down with gold braid and sporting on Its breast ' 'decora ; tions" from all over the world, i Despite all his magnificence, H j developed, according to the au thorities, that the "emir" had been j getting his exercise over a pants . pressing board. After Ironing all (day he would don his glittering ai f ray and sally forth for a gay eve 1 nfng. A pants pressor's pay won't stnnd the strain of much social ac tivity, so the hotel went unpaid, ac cording to the management. TENEMENT COLLAPSES NEW YORK, Oct." 8. Spy- eral children were buried In 4 4- dehris todav -mhen a three- 4- story tenement building on West 35th atreet collopsed after an explosion of nndeter. 4 mined origin. Two children - were removed alive and all 4 (he resources of the police 4 4 and fire department w-ere 4 called to rescue the others. IR CLOUDS ARE NOW GATHERING IN THE BALKANS Relations Between . Jugo slavia and Bulgaria at .High Tension Point. PATROLS CLASHING Is v' Running, High g All rartiesiin de Armed 1 1 ,s Oper4e.f ' ' H j 11 iJMit$irto Ioed Wire) ' 1 f jpiJMWiMSIavIa, Oct. S. niMtUrteWfif JuKo-Slavia . rt..,. , j.. i .- uiiu uuigunw wero' nv tneir nigiiQKt point of tension today since the Balkaii ar Qf lfll?. .The, Jugo slav, minister. in jSofia was jiudor Intrtictltfhs toj (jeiriancV dlsbitid ment of the cdmiiadji j (irrerfuiar) hands In Macedonia on the alter native of it "dliilbinafec brdaV The border was cMsed find iugoSluv troops, were seeking- to Btbinii1' out 4 he Macedonian terrorists -report ed to be roamin: the region seek- .inp .fuvoniWe "bppiimltJe'1 to!: Icarly out tbeii; hombfng traldsl jt ( Que' border i:-ij iclnshed witlii a strong fuVce- ot : coAiltadjls nearly biceicnevir, on the Alb.nilniL fron tier, and after a spirited fight forced them to retire. Reinforce ments were sent to this section,-us well as the Bulgarian frontier: . The good effect, qf tho recent conferences of Jugoslav and Bul garian statesmen- directed at re moving causes of friction has been almost entirely undone. This result, it was stated, was enactly, what the comitadjis hoped to'nttain by their present activi ties lor once the relations of the two countries were put on a sound friendly basis, the occupation of ihse banils would-be gone.- Keeling is running high among all" parties In Belgrade. The gov ernment apparently has unani mous support In making strongest representations to Sofia. A grave view of the situation is taken in diplomatic circles. The British and French ministers called upon Foreign Minister Marinkovitch lo obtain Information as to the steps contemplated by the government. Several armed bands are re ported to be operating In the dis tricts of Vranje and Bltnlje. THe comitadjis are small groups and disperse rapidly after delivering Feeling ! Bfe 8 mm 11 j J f?8 their attacks, thus making the,'"" Ilelu aMU ne nas " Kre;" task of suppressing them most dltficult. Full details of the latest out rages are lacking, but while the raiders have done a certain amount of damage with bombs, it : Is believed there have been few casualties. It Is estimated thatiIlle narl 1 " v. fcaKln, port there were no victims in the fron-' lantl. northwest representative nf tier village of Klisura. attacked 'he Pickwick Stages company ami ycrterdav. The raiders there ar.? president of the West Coast coin to have heen led bv Volvode Ve- Uiy: J'ert Wren, I.os Angele. iit.hko. upon whose head there has Pickwick general passenger agent long been a price. The ncwspai-!m' secretary and treasurer of the ers. regardless of political shade , corporation; Mrs. M. Ilollnm. are demanding exemplary and : Portland, Pickwick manager for riomnt punishment of the two i Oregon and Washington and gencr men captured as alleged members il passe'nger agent for the We-.t ot ti:e gans which on Thursday as-j Coast: aod John Hutson. Portland 3ssinatd Brigadier General Ml- ! chael Kovochevitch at Itstlp. Polltlka today publishes a Sofia dispatch saving that M. Nechltch. Jugo-Slavlsn ambassador, had told: West toast Aerial company will Foreign Minister Bouroff of Bui be held by the Portland people, garla that he considered his mis- Twenty Injurious olght-passcu-sion ended st Sofia nslees Bui- ger trl-motored Bsch monoplane garia took ariequste steps to pr-lwlll be. operated on the PacKir (Continued on page .) (Continued on page 6 ) 4 NO CHANGE IN INFANTILE PARALYSIS SITUATION Tliere Is no change In the infuntile imni lysis tVt nation today, acrordine to the re port or Dr. Laraway. No new cusoh have been reported and ino changes exist In the quur- untine lt'Biihulons. 1 lleportH indicate a gain, iu number of cases throughout the Htate f with -nearly every section af- 4 v iecieo . dome improvement. however. 4s evident In the southern part of the state, but schools, churches, thea- 4 tres; etc., are, remaining 4 closed unlit all danger of fur 4 ther sprend has paused. Leo De vaney to j Be Head Pilot for New Coast Ml1'1 TO HAVE "SO PL'ANES- f Aviators Comirig ' in- Few Daya- to Make Inspec- ": ' tfon of the jField J ' -at Roseburg. - ' i ;I.eo ft.. Devnnoy, foimor ;Iioo kui'g iGslilenl, who recently ells poiiul off lite KruK. billi'sa lioiv lo outer tile coininorcfal nvialloli field, in to he heittl pilot for the West CouHt Aerial Transport t'oin puny that Ik today anuotincltiK Hie Inauguration of a I'Hcilie cousl air pnsHetiKer' and cxpro8tt aervlco be twuen San KranrJdCo, J'ortlauil and Seattle, connecting vlth the llne.i eaut to Chicago. Mr. Devaney will be tinionK u group or pllolx who will come to Houeburg In a few days to inspect the Roseburg field for the purpoxe of making suggestion!) regarding suitable luudlug field here to In clude KOHeburg ill the new service the aviation company l orguniz. Ing. Mr. Devaney has had ten years of experience in the flying game, his early training having been re ceived at Kelley's Field, where he served as Instructor during the greater part of the World War. He was one of the first of the cro.H ! country fliers to be sent out from deal of experience unde nnlavor able conditions. Ills knowledge f the west coast will be found very valuable In his new position. Formation of the West Coast Aerial Transport company is the result of 14 months' planning on secretary and manager lor the ore IK"" Motor Stage association andi .express manager for the West! Coast.' Majority control of to AIR PASSENGER STflRIiflfity! HIS GANG WINS '..I -r t, (, I J ' ''-fix. 4,h !i PLAN N ED CR IME M Y R T L E PfflSft A LA BRIFIELD T Failure of Scheme Motive for Taking Own Life, Police Say. WOULD KILL DOUBLE Planned to Elope With Young Girl and Leave $250,000 Insur ance for Wife. . rAMociatw! I'r.u UiiM Wire) MAPJ.KWOOl), N. J., OcL The failure of a BChenie to kill his double, use the body to obtain 1250,(100 Insurance for his wife and then elope with a 19-year-old girl was advanced by police today as the motive behind the suicide of I v,fc hV..l j Wednesday. ; Bloch slashed his wrists, swal ; lowed poison, twisted a cravat about his neck and submerged him self In a bath tub. Chief of Police Jamei- R. Helt said he obtained his solution of the suicide from the girl with whom Bloch planned to elope. Helf obtained from the girl, Anna If. Thlem, of Kearney, the litory of her two-months love ar falr with llloch. The girl said she know nothing of Illoch's plan to kill Michael Phoropoulos, a waiter, and leave the body In Bloch's car so as to enable bis wife to collect, J260.000 insurance P?1'T- The girl nld she and Bloch were N RED ; infatuated. Blocn s oueiness wasPay( where a more experienced Infatuated. Bloch's business falling, sbe said, and be bought. new car aad wanted to take ber weet with him, abandoning his wife, soon to become a motber. Unwilling to leave his family In (Continued on page 6.) DEFEATS R. H. S. BY SCORE 26- Inexperience , on , Part of Local Team Responsible for Loss of Game. FIGHT WAS LACKING Aerial Attack Only Re deeming Feature for Roseburg Fumbles Cause Losses. Outsmarted, outfought and out played In nearly all departments of the game the ftoseburg high- I school football team lost yeater- day s game with Myrtle Point by a score of 26 to 0. Inexperience, poor hendwork and a few bad breaks combined lo bring ltose burg to defeat at the hands ot a team that apparently had no physi cal advantages over the locals. Three touchdowns cau be traced directly to Inexperience on the part of Itoseburg players who were drawn In on plays that let op posing runners around to cross the goal Hue. The fourth touchdown waa due to a poor punt which rolled behind the Hosehurg line where It was recovered by a . Myrtle Point play er. Two points were made on a safety. However the Roseburg team learned a whole lot about football In this game. It was the first real football game for more thuu naf ,,.ye -o participated Ion the Roseburg side, and conse- j queotly tbey fell down on many team would have made a belter showing. 1 The local hoya demonstrated 1 passing ability that was greatly welcomed by the fans who for sev (Continued on. page 6.) Ilflli BABE RUTH CRASHES HOMER - Both Team Wire HittW the ADDle!-Tddav:! but .'Wild Heave Ninth' Brings About- Dis?J' v.. . ' : t . fill nnaie to a nree to li' itriree'Tie.;!!! r-l I I i i .i ' I 'Score by innings KtWirhijJi.i..!.!'.U.i'l(.L..l? If I n in j YANKEE STADIUM. NEW 1 YORIC ' Oci. ' 8. The New h York Yankees' Woii the world defeahng the Pittsburgh Pirates, hi he (core wm; 4, to J and Lombi scored the winning run in the ninth nning ) m'ad'p a wild pitcii (with the tates JTha end of the! game wps iljus, who relieved Hill on Pittsburgh had seen the bases filled wit!i none out and after fanning Gehrig and Meuslel, cut one loose to Lazzeri thatj Gooch only managed to get (he' tip of his glove on, Combs trotting home With the -winning run. , -i, Miljus was charged with an error by the of ficial scorer, and a wild pitch. . , Tly tlltlAN ilKl.i; Associated Press Sports Writer NEW YORK. Oct. 8. Facing n situntfon as dc.Rpfi-n.te .us It could bo at this -stage of the world ser ies, the Pittsburgh Pilules must win today's game from tho New OFFICIAL BOX SCORE Pittsburgh AB R BH PO A E L. Waner, cf 4 I 3 0 0 I Barnhart, If 5 0 I 2,00 P. Waner, rf .....:-4 0 I 0 0 0 Wright, 88 - 4 0 I 16 0 Traynor, 3b '. 4 0 0 1 4 0 Grantham, 2b 4 0 2 0 2 0 Harris, lb 4 0 2 11 0 0 Smith, c 3 0 0 8 0 0 Gooch, c 0 0 0 3 0 0 Hill, p 1 0 0 Q 0 .0 Yde x -0 I 0 0 0 ;0 Brickell xx 1 1.0 0 0 0 Miljus, p ; 1 0 0 0 0 .1 Totals 35 3 10 26 12 2 x Ran for Smith in 7th. xx Batted for Hill in 7th. a Two out when winning run scored. New York AB R BH PO A E Combs, cf - ...4 3 2 2 0 0 Koenig, as 5 0 3 0 3 0 Ruth, rf 4 I 2 I 0 0 Gehrig, lb 5 0 0 14 2 0 Meusel. If 5 0 0 2 0 0 Lazzeri, 2b 3 0 0 5 4 1 Dugan, 3b 4 0 1 I 4 0 Collins, c 3 0 3 2 10 Moore, p 4 0 1 0 3 1 Totals 37 4 12 27 17 2 Two base hlta: Collins. Home run: Ruth. Stolen base: Ruth. Sacrifices: L. Waner, P. Waner. Double plays: Lazzeri to Gehrig: Dugan to Lazzeri to Gehrig; Traynor to Wright to Harris. Left on bases: Pittsburgh 8; New York 11. Bases on balls, off Hill (Collins): off Miljus 3 (Lazzeri, Combs, Ruth); Moore 2 (Hill, Gooch). Struck out by Hill (Gehrig, Meusel Lazzeri, 2, Moore. Koenig): Moore 2 (Tray nor Miljus). By Miljus' 3 (Moore, Gehrig, Meusel). Hits off Hill 9 in Innings: Miljus 3 In 2 23 Innings. Runs off Hill 3; off Miljus 1. Wild pitcnee: Miljus (2). Winning pitcher: Moore. Losing pitcher! Miljus. Umpires: Ormsby, American, plate; Quigley, National, first; Meran, National, second; Nallin, American third. Time of game 2:01, Till i" if '0 Q 0 0 OS 2 0 0-3 O iO ? P P, 9, ' baseball dhampionihipoday .by for the fourth straight time. when Miljus . full.' ' an anti-qlimax the mound for llnbe Itutt" York Yankees or (hid their base ball ruiuro behind them for Uiw yonr. ... v..- Chni-god wllh throe dercals ' in as many dnyH they cannot ufford lo lose anothor. If the American (Contruueil oil pago 3.) . --.- 1 1 I -1 J 11