Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, October 07, 1927, Page 7, Image 7

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Wear-Ever vri.
$1.39 x t
This is, a regular $1.95
seller, but during the week
Oct. 6 to 15
We are offering this spe
cial value. Every house
wife will recognize the
economy in using this, pot
roast kettle in her kitchen.
The Winchester Store. .
-- - , -r . .. .. - j
SALE on all discontinued numbers I
of huts. Bell Millinery.
FOR SALE Piano, nearly new.
Phone 108-R or 410 S. Pine.
FOR-SALE Ewes$0iuid $12T
S.D. Gotf, Oakland, Ore.
FOR SALE! Gray oats and good
baled i hay. D. C. McUhehey.
Phone 6F13. ' '
FOR SALE Chinchilla rabbits.
Hee Macon Smith, Nash- Garage.
Phone 649. ; ( ; , - i .
FOR SALE 100 head 'owe frbriv
1 to 1 yrs. old. Inquire at 636
Winchester St. ,
than half price.
. Co.
now at less
FOR SALE Milk route and equip
ment. Address jQox 688, Rose
burg. ; ' ' '
METALEICancl'elveT'dress hats
on display for Friday and Satur
day. Bell Millinery.
FOR SALE 1 good work mare, or
will trado for sheep and goats.
J. A. Bloomberg, Melrose, Ore.
NEW"shlpment of ready to wear
hats for Friday anil Saturday.
Specially priced. Bell Millinery.
SHEEP FOR SALE 15"heud" good
breeding eweS. Roy Medley, Oak
. land, Orei 1 ; 5
FOR SALE Angora bucks, non
shedding strphi. W. ; G, PaulL S
Deer Creek.' ; ; '' ;
NEW shipment of Matron liats;;
large head size; for, Friday ami
Saturday. Specially! priced; I Bell
"FOR" SALE" Vetch unci oats,
strong vetch mixture, clean 3c.
A. F. Stearns, Oakland, Ore.
or 7-room house. Inquire 114 N.
Flint St.
SMART ready to wear woot felt
hats for the Mist. Specially
priced for Friday and Saturday.
Bell Millinery.
IF THE ROOF'leaked a little this
time, it will probably bo worse
next time. Why not shingle with
Pages' shingles NOW?
FOR SALE Wheat and vetch,
gray oats and vetch, lie lb. Gray
oats 2ic, vetch lb. Earl T.
Johnson, Oakland, Ore.
l SACRlFICEXL9T9no7lel
Savage, .22 cal. N. R. A. equipped
for finest target work, with. Ly
man micrometer peep sight with
wind guage adjustment. Price
$17.50. Umpqua Trading Post.
Exitc, Junior. Dam, Pogis St.
.Ma won ofr Silverdale. Thia calf
. is of high producing stock. AVill
make a valuable herd sire. Pric
ed reasonable. Fred A. Gotf
Phone 6F-2. Roseburg, Ore.
LADY wants housekeeping. Call at
3J2 N. Stepliens St.
WANTED High school girl to
share rooms. 230 South' Rose St.
COMPETENT Woman wants work'.
Write or call evenings, 714
Thompson St. ,
ranch or will work by the month
or year on ran eh. Walter Hick-
inbottom, Umpqua, Ore.
Kohlhagen Apartments
Furnished apartments, mod
ern in every way.
Within ona blok of business
center of city. Reasonable
j A Rates.
; PHONE 68
Winter Apples
Now is tho tlmn to buy thom.
Thuy will not ht on plentiful as year, but thoy are vory line.
Ituy them by the box.
We hav the most extensive
fruit market on the Pacific
highway lMtweflii Canada and
Sau Francisco. , -
Jonathans Bosc Peart
Spitzenbergs Cornice
Ortley Howell ' ' - '
. Grapea . '
Pacific Highw.iy 3 Miles Nerth
A Genuine Weart
Ever Aluminum
The handiest thin? in; the
kitchen for baking biscuits,
cakes, etc.
Special Oct. 6 to 15
Get yours during this spe
cial selling time and save a
speck that you can' use for
other purchases.
WANTED 15 head . Shropshire
' ewes, between 2 and 4 years old.
F. A. Weaver. Phone BF24. .
er wood.
4ftler 16-inch oak heat
Mrs. S. B. Crouch, 630
W. Oak St.
FOIt RENT Apartments.
town, new modern, reasonable.
Call 645-J. .' . .
FOil RENT Furnished, heated
apartments. Inquire 124 W. Doug'
las St.
FOR RENT Well furnished apt,
' ground floor, close in. 331 S.
FOR RENT 10 acres on river bot
tom., free soil. 2 miles from post
office. Rent for $100 per - year.
Callat 402 West Lano St.
FOR RENT Nicely- f furnished,
cleanest, modern 4-room bunga
low in town. Cheap rent to right
party. 810 Mlcelll St.'. Call ut 702
Fullerton. : i
RICE. Licensed Bood B rokers.
OAK OWNER uou't lurKet ; to
call 653 when In need ot.auxo
parte. Bartf'B, Autu Wrecking
, House. J - i i J
TO TRADK $(J000 Income ' Kelso";
Wu,', nronei'ty tor land or runcll-
sultuble for sheop and turkeys.
Auuican a. j.'. v. imp jiidjV"1- 7
THE adlGs'Auxliiary ' of the" Alii'
erican'-r.iCgloii will hold a rum
magq salo Saturday, Oct. 8th. ii
tho Sykes Ride. HoiiBeholr
Roods, also men'fct ladles' and
children's . clothing including
shoes and hats. . ' ' ' f
WOULD like Co, trade lumiier for
a good sound work horse, not
over 7 years old, weighing about
1100 lbs. Also want to trade
lumber for a Ford truck and gear
with solid tires and Jogging trail
er. J. J. Moredith. Dillard.
"Baptiste, will you go to the sta
tion and meet my mothcr-in law?
Here are five fruncs for you."
..."But if she doesn't, come?" ,.' ,
"You shall have ten." Le Rlro,
Paris. -
Drugless Healtli Center
"Complete Health Service"
827 West Cass Phone 491
The hih character of our work!
and our low prices have comhlmdf
to brine us our bnsine reward.'
Ipiano Kindrart, S SXA ' fSM U ? ' W ' - ' IWWWiffl,
I Parish House-214 Cass St. ftM ftM ' If ifciM U A WSfdA bWM
8 imT" I FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS in Training for Race " , . .-v ByBlosser
BWHMWJ'l-r-'Tin'-.iTp-iit f ixV, SAY" IT'LL BEA; A DCjMT TE.LL. M;AA. TAfX A& T)XWS '. 'TWIffRAE E67MJ6EM ) vjcau I 7DLD Ni. . ( I LOOU. Uk. ,
I a -mLiK Avoy Foe uMjy JveusAvwA'oor Wcaa Bgays ) - '. , . ossie aw. tab mzxt aim i doo& a Ci- 'o.. X, a statue .
Mrs. Charles Heinline 1 TKZlSSf Aasf ftV UNDV VMITW. 7WAT .' )fNSS vweeh is 6oaama 8 ) vlliXs ASTATtiG s
TEACHER OF I -fDO R- LAA J POA1y ,AixAUAAAAA Jl , J HS gASV piCWM' fed ' NH6N t PRSV f ' ft ' KT?
Piano. Harmony and Theory l ur 7r ' XCAMTP f "pJJi , TAG -D,D YOO SEE 8AVJ-AIM!! J 6, ' 'U
Suite 1. Kohmagen Bldg. U; ,S,ES . FBCA LAO5MI-i P' i SPWW f OSStE 6W DOW rTrtW X'.. sS&M&tFS
Phone 390 i tO -tJA' SN' ' OONk "j T ) C ""
I " Kohlhagen Bldg. I! (J'' ' ! IX ' .... ' ' WK VT . I mi Y''' ' "
I Telephones 633-R, 427-J I. " VW i : (1 A M 1 -' , U ' -Fh& ' t J f 1 Krr"1
; r'olkn know that our work Ik firnt
lelaas and th:it we are thoroughly
, dpenilalile.
' Roseburjj Steam Laundry
jRoieburg, Ore. Phone 79
I! i ; p .we. NNyr muss .&a 9
t! -I'tKgfSi.Wto (tone dustiii-
Vera Cameron, private secre-
tary. consents to let Jerry Mack-i
lyn, advertising manager of the !
Unn.i. Di.nn. ...i .... . :
Si i 1 1 1 uiuum L.vpiiic?ui-a v v., .iaii..- iu.iii; juii uu Hie nun-, . ...
Si form her Into k beuutv alter .she 1 bclliir ukturea of you. Why. Vee- he demanded fiercely. ,
A I fulls instantly in lore ifilh a mai I V.V, I have a full of ' "No." Vee-Veo answered null
who ignores heft Jerry;! effects j
the transf 01 mation through the
uho of the company coHtnetles ar.d
proposes to me her photogrupha
in advertisiiig bdokleU , .
He aaks the bimuty specialist to
refashion her,-uaiti as a, modl a
portrait of a beautiful woman
whom he supposes to be a movi"
actress. ,
Vera, sometimes called Vee-Vee.
da o amaEingly uretty after tha
meiamorpnoflis Timi jerry taits in
love with her. Vera U going to
lake M inn e tonka to spend her va
cation because the man with
whom she is iu love is to be there.
Jerry giveaher an envelope which
be instructs her not to open unless
she finds, herself in u "jam."
At the -hotel, at Miilnetonka.
Vera is mistaken for someone else
and is treated with deference and
awe. She learns from hints that
she is mistaken for some society
girl about whom there is- amys
tory. ; .
Schuyler Smythe. with whom
.Vera ia in love, astnweB her that he
mot her. live years aso -in - Pulm
Beach. Vera attempts to couvnic
people.of.her tru Uleutlty, but be
iUg unsuccessful decides to , let
matters run their course. Schuyler
tells hep'tif his love for her and
sherealizes he is In love with the
Birl"he thinks she is. .He drops a
letter ami 4!lt notes? the nddress in
surprise V ....
Schuyler Smythe bent hastily to
pick up the lttor which Jiad. flut
tered out of his pocketbook. AVheii
he raised his head .his cheeks were
dark wlthj color, and Vee-Vee
averted -her eyed hastily. ,,lf she
pretended that she had not seen
the name on tne envolopo he could
not be euro "that 8hehadr , J
"Mr. Shulor B. ..-Smith" those
were the worils her eyes had
picked up mochanically. She had
not meant to nrv. Maybe- tho' let
ter was noHilst-iHiit" ;th?ro vva
iuu'inufn siiiiiiiirii', in iut iimm-
to nlake .coincidence" seem reason-;
ablfi:Sinrih Sjuyiht-Oi'Cwire;
lie he .AfiirrUjekcil 'So)' dist'iu
CUllfUhjiU : faatt-4 4ho ph-biaa:
namti or SiitblVaVbat ttdrni fan hife'
chuitisr ltti-tlio: more tomant It-
version Smythe?'' Bu ShUler int(.
Schuyler. Well, why abt lie
asked herself anRrliy. What dit a
name -niatter. anywav?
"Now you know," he told Jtier,
almost dofTRedly. and . fen a pin;
ment she thouit JioAvpV.,rVfirril:j:
to hia changed mUnev :t;ow ypa
knowt why; I presmned'; .Cianr you
wontler that -rtbouKbt Cod had an
swered" a- - poor romantfe fool's
nrayers when I looked up from my
Lluncheeu and saw you todnv? Yov
ianilay.fiit career--" $ f- t H (,-;
Heg feawnKeijod cnTinfm.y'ffeti?ed
unort the career. Wt4 tlri-
tf)L( PROt Pi eOSIKeSS
law 1 a AINU hws ttuuuut; : uosn.iNo , m ..!.. . ; . By Martin.
VntVlM'. It W V& OtrtRA6fcOU-fcSr TH1U6 - AMD XOO U9 OV .OO UAMSMTHAO , , Ji '' ' ' A MO AWWW TR . Al
. WW?-'' V S1MPWT MUST Wo? rfNN6 ; 5.AY VOUR'SULV tAY toACCO- To Buy.Mt:' - . "XRUt - ". Wi I- ',' HfeMlM 5t
.Wm IS J . Sb'.WUtM COMPAMYitMWf "MB YOO IXXfeTo' ) ' AW TLoWtR. MoR. -NL. ' : - ' OOMT VET TtS. mDV4S"
' ClvE a-Y ,W,-"We XVSWT HUNfe A CROWD' 0L Ct6ARS.n- "CAWO VoR. A6tS - ) ' TTtWH1 : T ( WRt WIW6.; .
MATTER? ". ' ., AROOMOYOO- ' y ' J U IHWJ f iOO To ttowoMVZE CM . Vl-
y- " ..t -" J : " ' ' '" TU6rVT P)ll)
eM' '.te ,rl'r -. - . t o mt err. V K
' ' .. - i " .
filler nirl 111., i.irl hnm nil so
strunKi ly rtsi niblel, hu aotreas?
But ho had said she was rich. Of
course an actress might be rich
... i ...... 1 1 . i. .i
you arid ymir social triumph ami I
nnd vouc wwldinti' His voice
dras;etl on the word, as if it hurt
htm, and his mobile mouth twisted
downward with pain. "Cod! Hw
1 hated that man they made you
marry! Auctioned off for a title
you!" .
"Stop! You , mustn't say any
thing else!" Vee-Vee cried, hardly
knowing why she stopped Wm. If
she -let him talk cn she would dlj-
cover who it was that they all mis-1
took her for; the mystery would ;
be solved. And of course she t
wanted-It to be solved But did
be? If , she said to him, at last, I
berauti Vh could not let him de-
cetve himself any longer, "t am
just an, ordinary stenographer. I
nuve. never been marrioit. You
havo seen .me only once before in
your life and you didn't pay me
the tribute of a second glnneo,
because I wns a homely, bespec
tucled, "old-fashioned girl. My
Mime I" rpallv Vera Victoria Cam
eron. There Is no romance and
uiyHtery about me. I am not the
j;lrl you Ijave lnv.ed for five yearH,"
it would be over, over!
"I'll stop, but I won't say I'm
lorry," Schuyler Smythe Baid stub
lornly. ; "I had to tell you. I'M
Irnvo' Mlnnetonka tomorrow if you
ell me to. Lnt vcu can't send me
-r. far "vv thp I will stop loving
you. 'Shall I go?"
Vl tnink we re both crazy. T for
listening to yon and you for telling
Em-h an impossible stor," Ve
.Vee siiid almost severely. "I camo
.hero tQ ofcape myself, everything,
pot to to' Her voice broke, a-i
'f she were abmit to burst lntjn
tears. Put the real reason was
,that shp could not go on with the
first deliberate lie she hud ever
told. Kvery moment she was put
ting Crank confession farther out
pf rfuch " ' '
"fchall I go. take myself away
.where, I can't remind you of the
naHt?" Schuyler demanded tensely;
his eyes burning into hers, bin
mouth twisting with pain.
i iVw-Yee drew in a sharp bronth,
la'iiRlied shakily. "11 havo no
parit, SrhuvVhT Smythe. Only the
UCeMcnt-Hand the future,
"S on darling, vou ndornhle
tlilnit!" he.- exulted huskily, lilt
liauits goinB .so quickly to her
shouhlers.' (hat she did not have
time ')6 vvadn them. His face was
st touching hers, his breath
Hot itrnk tager upon lifr fae
j "No... no! Not yet!" Vee-Veo i
gn?pd, thf owing her head back-j
wnrd so that her pretty hat wan i
crushed against the seat of- tii .i
cact'WlWfnbta Schuyler Smythe,' i
r hAAli'l " hiijnhJMparryiiig youv'j
nlcVure for five' years!" tt wA I
henstlv of hoi'tvdine to belray h(n''ed for the slnillitiiiy of Initials,
lllto Hint, to qtmie,' )n little gusty letiet for the HanienesH of the first ry's mysterious, lotter which ho
gasns over her parted lips. . lnlllhl. .'Anl Mrs. Ilatnlr.lor, , had) had hurried to tiio station 'to t(lvo
"TSI.H;-ntt!" leidnildoil, wrunnh. - yed- the "V. C' upon hor. luggaj:oj.her as alio left to socle her .fortune,.
Ink himself nwayf. ti-om her, hls:ihofore she hail jumped to tho con-1 She drew ' It out, weighed It
WW -5 -(HIS? LET'S
1 MESSe We
To W B&T cosioeieR-
- - - iu cM r
i ? j rJ
II I I.-.., iji I
hands going back to the steering
wheel. "If only that Utile gosul""
of a Mrs. Bannister doesn't let the
cut out of lh but, get . word to
'ew York -that you are ,here " :
'"What wou?"i happen?''
"They'd come for you. of crursei i
j You know that! .They oines
i looking for you. vows to Re,, you
.back. But you won't Bell y'l-it
1 In In that slnverv n i?iai ii wi'l Vfl.1 7"
truthfully, "ill never go back .i'o i
Suddenly 4 the game, seenu 3 1 friends cull me Vee-Vee,"
thrilling, iu Its dunKerousn.s , 1 added. ?
Would nt the girls at the offUii! "liow cute!" Mrs. Bannlstor
i:asp if they could see her now?1 gushed. -"My first name is Ktla.j
"1 think I'd like my tea," .VetvU'd adore having you call mo that.
Vee said demurely, 1 Cinnamon toast and tea for you,(
"Would, you, ypu darling?-' I too, Schuyler?" she asked coyly, t
Schuyler Smythe laughed,. hUh'Or will you have-the same kind'
voice ringing out exultantly. ! of tea that this terrible John-of!
"Then you shall have it, and any'
ihbis else in God's world that I
ean give you. uo you lointt ou
know a lot nbout being fovea and i
wooed, my princttss? Well. H
trove to you mat you ciont: l m
;olug to woo you as you've never
been wooed before!" - 1
Out of the. great cornucopia of ,
wisdom whieh her Aunt Flora Inn I
heaped up for her to use In this
game of husbitn.-1-gettlng il pearl
rolled out now, rati led arouud in
Vee-Vees mind until she seized
upon It: "Make him think you nw
unattainable, t hut you have had so
many sweethearts, ho many pro
posals 'hat his cannot interest
you. But don't he too convinc
inK!"; ......
So Vee-Veo fiajd, a Huiile lug
ging at the dimple -in the corner
of her adorable, mouth, glinting in
the clear emerald , of her eyes: "1
shall never fall in lovo - again!
That was true, too, she told her
conscience, for she never expect-
ed to love unyon.e but tho man be -
Bide her.
When- ' fcliey reached Snyder's
roadhouso. on the far side of the
lake, they found Mr. and Mrs
Hajinlstpr rather -- Impatiently
awaitinfe them. - and bored with
each other.' Mrs. OanuiBter
pounced ' upon thorn, her eyes
iSliRht with th fcustltiblo curl,
oalty and suspiciou of the Invet
erato Rossip.- . . -
"You two must have Rot lord,"
Rle crowed. "We've been drink
ins pot nfter pot of tea. The ein-
lmnion toast hero la roally divine, Cameron," Bho turned upon I
Vee-Vee. hellatiiiK as uaual upon
tho name, fiuuKoatively. "I Ue
clare, 1 havo to catch myself every
time. It's, puch u temidatlon to
call vnu Vivian. 'After nil. I am
I lots older than you, though every -
I one says I don't look a day overt
j twenty-five.'!- . ' r --(
Vivian! The nanin rang a beil ,
In Vee-Veo's mlml, but the memory
it evoked was mo mint tor nor
catth.'i So the oiner gin ine girij, "i niustn't tuko any. ennnces,
whom Schuyler Smythe had been;Phq breathed, as she siuearetl her
in love with for five years, theflushed- cheeks with
girl who had been soli! by h'r fani-.
i!y to; a. tilled foreigner, the; girl
tv.-honi she herself resembled iis !lf
tjlu, u-or Hint irlt-l's 'twill slHtnl'
I waft' named Vivian. That ticcointt-
p (?KIX
srast'Aff .
I ' ( K r. I I 71 ' I ... I
- . I '
" ' J
elusion that Vee-Vee . waa " ' '
other kIN.v Vivian' O ws j tha i
"C" the Initial of that other girl's
maiden' nanfa ' or her married
name? Oh. it was all a silly pus-!
ile and she had uo Ume to solve it '
now. , - I
I d rather you did. npt call roe
Vivian - for obvious reason.-.1
While 1 am here that is not .-uiyijS
nume." Vee-Vee answoreJ evasive- 3
ly. "My name " and- she wasli
glad to be telling tho truth, though I
it did not sound like the truth-
"is Vera Victoria Cameron. My
mine has been drinkiug?"
"Ceylon for me and cinnamon
io:isi. ocuuyier tutu ner, imuiD
lt was seven o'clock when they
nrrived at the hotel, Schuyler's
car decorously leadiug the way.
The two couples had kept within
hatting distance of eaeli other dur
ing the hour's drive after ten, an
arrangement Insisted upon by Vee
Veo, and acquiesced, in ralhor
sulkily by Schuyler.
"But 1 suppose you're right," ho
admitted grudgingly. t "That gush
ing little gostdp will have us the
talk of tho hotel if wo don't tako
caro. And that would be danger
ous. Any departing Kuest could
carry the story to Now York and
cause a frightful row. I'm not
ready, to have your mother or
fnther uounce on us just yet.
"No one dresses for dinner here
on Sunday night," Schuyler , told
her, as he assisted her to alight
from the. car. "Don't run away
j We can talk lu tho sun. iiarlor. No
on- will- he there now." His voice
was pleading, and bis hand woul l
not release hers. "The dining
room closes at ciRht. Thero won't
bo much time."
"1 want to freshen up a bit."
Vee-Vee told him. "I'll be down ut
half past seven. You sit al Miss
KocdicU'a tabic, don't, you?" she
"Not . any morel" Schuyler ro-.
toi led ardently, , but she thought
alio doleoto l n shade of fear , or
uneaHlnens darkening tho slow In
his brown eyes.
When Vora reached her own
room, she .tossed her hut to the
bed. then flew to the mirror to
Fearcli her newly' flawleBS .com
plexion to .Bco 'if the w arm June
j sun had brought out paio gnosis
1 of her old freckles. She could
havo sobbed with relief when she
saw that, except for a 'faint flush
0f exclteiuent .her .cheeks , were
still as white and smooth as satin-
to;Skinnod gar-Jentas.
of .nearl-ttlltetl nowder. Prepul'il-
lory to "innklng up" afresh.. ;
She .was rummaging m 11)0
drawer for absorbent tlssuo pupsi'
nti.wlien her fingers eiviounteroil Jev-
fuZSZH.'ZkfA1:" D6P.R VIicl:
OF 50e KlrtD, To 0a GUJCM
A0Ke Hoveu the peTTeR-
-re cosTotAeRS -
Seeding Time
Oats,' Wheat, Vetch, and Grass Seeds
Plows, Harrows, Disks, Drag Saws, Gas Engines,
. ... Cream Separators.
'. " '.'''' '.('' , i I ' V
See Us First We Can Save You Money .
farm bureau
Cooperative exchange
ij Waehlngton St.
llioughtfully In hor hands, hokl it Aln.. and tho battle of Horseshoe
up to the light aiid saw tho hulis-i Bi'ini where tho lie Creoks
tlnct outlines of it plctuio. So she ! made tholr final stand against Jack
had guessed right. Jervy's fears i sou's Tennessee nillitln. .
for her luui centered around her This liattlo. In which more than
amazing likeness to the woman j nino hundred Creek warriors wero
from whoso printed portrait he slain, has heeu reproduced wi'h
had modelled tho beauty which bo uuelity to Uotull, the Metro-Gold-had
croated for her. . I wyn-Mayer studio building tho
'"I'm going to open It!" she de. 'Brent burrfesded fortress on exuet
cldcd ruildonly. overcome by curl-; ly the same plans used by the
oslty. "1 havo a hunch that Jerry j Creeks. . ..
would' call my' present situation at . '.;'
Jam." j "When a Man Loves" magntfi-'
She wipcd the cold crenm from j cent extended-run production star
tler fingers, then slit the envelope j ring John IJarrymoro with Dolores
with .one quick thrust ot her nail i Coatello, will hu presented by War
file. I nor Uroa. at tho Liberty theatre
(To Be Continued) next Sunday for ii run of threo
WhU, does Vee-Vee learn when days. Alan Crosland directed,
she opens Jerry's letter? Will it vWhcn ,u Man Loves" is a'i thrill-
decide her to go away? Read the
next chr.ter.
Don't fall to seo the new
ldt and aoo.what offer at tho now
price. Hansen Chevrolet (Jo. i s t
'ii i i y . t
No more pleuslug and vlrlln ro
dialled', of rthe t Amcrleim- frontier.
mm over.'.uepn prongni to. tnoi
screen than Tim McCoy s The
rioiiuuiomu... , a , , ,
Mntrnt. nrnilunl Inn which minti. tn.
day nt tho Liberty theatre.
' In '"The Frontiersman this new
urritnni fttnr. elnvH- the iinl-t of Can-
i irIi, Jnlm Dale, an officer and
Ultn unnie tfmo.n fi-lniwl nf Wi'iilhrr. '
ford, war lender of tho Creek In-
dlan Confoderncy.
The story-deals, with tho cunttiroM
and rescue, of Andrnw-Jiicksoiils.'
ward and the hlHtorlual hluh-HUots:
of the scyoen v iStory : lnoludo, the !
'frightful massacre ot more . than I
ton white people ut Fort Mlms, i
FlME.'. ftLL
&0T Tne
ppiBt; of
MORSE & CO. ' Oakland
and S. P. Tracks. '
i iR aim ginmorous love epic ot
th ilnys wlien 'Lop's XV whs king
of France. Now York critics ac
cinlin enthusiastically. , both, ploy
und players. .
f " r :-o-H-- ' i '
Ii" 0;r (1 ( roadster, 1D25 model.'
Enulliped with delivery lin or -ro-giilnt'
back and it is In a Hno aim-dition.,-
tlanaen Chevrolet Oo. '
MRS. NEWTIICH: Are you very
sure, doctor, Ihat I havo the very
fin(,.8't f.irm, of. Influenza? v -
noCTOH: Quito, madamo.
cough cxnctly like the -Countess of '
i Wessox.AiisweifS. Londtu.,,,
. 1 . . i
Soo the how Chovroloi jthe most
beautiful smalt ear you havo ever
seen now on display, Hnnceu Chev-
rolol f'n. ...... ;
loore Musk Studio;
, ftpoms 2 and 3, above. '
:. .Ladles' Stioppe. .',;,!,'
1' k Studio Phone B02,
Bv Small
WeCL, uppoiia'