FOUR ROSEBURG. NEWS REVIEW. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1-927. 4 ROSEBURG NEWS -REVIEW Issued Dally Except Sunday by Tha Newa-Revlow Co., Inc. Afrmtocr mt The AHMuelalctf I'rrM. Tha AJaocltd ruu la exclusively culilltoU w the uae for republi cation of all iiwm dupttuhea credited to It or oot otnerwlae credited id tula paper and lo all local news published b-jreln. All rllfbv ol republic Uon ot apeclal diepatohea toeriu are ulao reserved. J O. W. ilA l 4JEHT U. .bATES- jaaierea as uucoud class mailer stoaeburg, uregou, uuaur ausscHipnoN rates Dally, per year, by mall , Ualiy, alx iuouwh, by mall , , . , -Dally, three mouth, by wall , inujjr, alume xuuulii, by mall , iv. by carrier, per utotilli , HObtbUHU, OREGON, HOW WE DO PKOGMESS! The world, thanks be to Science and Education, is now . . getting along nicely.; ,It is, a long time, of course, since fly err, began crossing the ocean in land planes (weeks and weeks), but we've progressed far since -then. ! Every day the news gives us some little item that shows civilization's inexorable onward march proceeds. . . . . , A district school b'oai-d'in Michigan has ruled that ah ' tcaclievs, of the more deadly species shall wear smocks that cover them from Adam's Apples to ankles. That much for the majestic and orderly headway of law against crime. 5 ' (A doctor in Chicago proceeds to the rostrum of public . information with the startling disclosure that 60. per cent oi babies born to cigaret-smoking mothers die before they are two years of age. There will be those who will laugh at this. Hut never mind!' There were those who smirked al i Kobert Fulton, loo. ;'-,' ';'' ' i A husband and wife were arrested for spooning in an .-'automobile; in Cleveland. -They were so inconvenienced, hu r.'miliated and soforth by 'their trip lo the station that they relied the city; : The woman was awarded $3673 ; damages, which she will now try to collect from the aforesaid city. So much for the uplift of our family relations. ; ' , A young nan in Paris suddenly discovered the other day that he could fly .with' no mechanical aid whatever, re laying simply on psychic' powers. , He has bruises to. show "for bad landings, collisions with furniture, fences and other obstructions. , This solves the threatened gasoline shortage we've been wondering about; We can just flap out of bed at 7:30 of a wintoV hioVjiing'and soar to work, arriving at 7:45 after a pleasant journey oyer' the trolley wires, etc. ,7"" Gliosis' do not-need the shade of night to cloak their . , hwvements, some Galileo of psychic; research has "just whis f1; pored to a waiting world. ; Ghosts have changed their habits 'lately, becoming much, bolder,; operating now J n broad day fV light, chains and "all.. f Thbii' thumbprints can be taken by ' mediums; .'properly trained mediums to be 'sure. ' 'J.'his will -prove valuable addenda for the police files.' ; , '. J I ) ' Ah English astronomer steps into the scientific, labora tory i'oi? a, few minutes and comes out with the news that the earth is to r-dinb to a dead stop.' It will bo a few, million years, of course, but we're all' very miich interested; Fric tion ol tho tides. is going to bring the (plaint novelty -about. Wagers now can be laid ns to what half of the world will bo in darncss when the tides put on tho brakes. This will cause a brisk betting flurry In Wall' Street, no doubt. Onward we march, t!: a, torches ' of i civilhr.tion and science held, on high.; Is it any wonder all thoso gentlemen aro declining, ip nun! for president? . .. :' i There Is no prd and con about it, a king has to be on the job these days, mid that's all there is lo that. What do you suppose would in Uritain if King George failed to go grouse shooting in Scotland on the first day of thu season? Well, there'll probably bo much ado and a few Magna Chi'.rtas. Yorfve seen pictures of the king plus his entourage at the Ascot races, the derby, at tho launching of a new battleship. Perhaps you have thought "pretty soil for that fellow." lint the truth is the king has lo go to these things. Ho has to keep up his job just like the rest of ua. Perhaps there are days when the king would prefer to ail quietly on tho back fence talking with the queen and let the Ascot races go hang, lint no. He must scurry around for a stiff collar, placs Hi 3 g:.-ay derby at tho proper majestic angle and heave to his business. There seems to be some kind of a catch in most every job under the sun. The ob vious thing to do is improve your own. Observe Fire Prevention week, October 0 to 15, and help to prevent fires which cost the stale of Oregon twelve hu man lives, injured and mainii'd forty innocent people, some totally, and destroyed properly valued at $0,7 1 (i, 893.27 dur ing the year 102(1. Ninety per cent of these disastrous fires could have been prevented and these precious lives and pro perly'' values saved through the eveici.-o of care. Fire Pre vention week, October !) to 15. Twelve citizens of tho stale of Oregon lost their live:; and flirty persons were injured, some disabled for life, in by fires, !)0 per cent of which fires were preventable. Fire Prevention week, October 0 to 15. . The difference between America and China is: In China they cut off a rebel's head and place it on a pole, and that's publicity; in America they sit on flagpoles, and that's news. o . Tho Department of Agriculture reveals a scented fer tilizer from the by-products of cocoa and chocolate. The fanner needs dollars and they give him scents. The rate of .shipment of jaupiM from California during Iho summer wan 0000 carloads a weol;. My, what a lot ot jelly we're going to have this winter! . i o : . Taft rounds 70 with high hopes, says a newspaper headline. Well, ho has a fairly good start. o The fellow who livud to bu have been a diplomat at , o It looks liko line, two, throe, l'r Bideut and Manager May 17, VZO, at tne post ulltce ul toe Act ot jqarvu a, iota. -14.00 - l.W FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 192. 102 yoiii ti old iu Ktissia 1 four for the Yanks. PICWS Well, well, welt We're Just too dern Hoarse to write A coiyum today But oh boy - Wasn't that Home run smash Of Babe Ruth's A humdinger " It sure brought Home the bacon. . Hope you were all over to Fin lay field this afternoon to witness the high school feetball team in ac tion. Looks like we've gotta great gang thin season. Let's boost 'em along and forget the razz-bcrries. The bulging hip is a feature of the newest styles for women, says a designer. Following the men's post-Volstead example? r Perfume should be chosen to match one's personality, according to a Fifth Avenue note. We are wondering what kind Lon Chancy should wear. Lack of trained actors . is the stage's chief fault, says a critic. With revues crowding the play houses, , an actor would be lost in a theatre nowadays. A New York Justice rules a man may be Inoffensively drunk. Prob ably that's when he'st good and drunk. An artists' club in Russia has been fined $500 for permitting the fox trot to be danced at a public entertainment. Russia certainly seems to be enjoying its new free dom under the soviet. . , A Jersey couple was married In a lion's cage. Some day two peo ple are going to be married In a church and that will be news; LAFE SEZ "Those dog days are great fer hot dogs." Volch Hoed and oatB and grass Boedsi ut Whurtuu Bros. PEP RALLY HELD BYR. H.S.STUDEWTS E Tlin Kosebiirg hlKh school fool imll Buiriors Klidcil I hemsidvi's this afternoon for tile flint khiho of tho sciilMi n to he phiyrd at 2:Jii o'clock nt l'lnliiy field with Myrtlo roim. lno iloaolnii- lemn hud tho support of a Iuiko cioivd of en Ihiwluiillc iniiB and u liordo of tVcmzlod student looiers. who lust nli;ht HtiiKcd one of Iho hlKKuat and host pop riillloa nnsehure hus over hnown. Led by an impromptu imlid, a ionjr serpentlno wended its way I the stieets shortly nflcr 7 o'clock. This demoiistru. Hon was followed hy a huge hnn riie ut the iilliletie field, Hie sopho more class nrnuirliiK the hhinest flro 1 1 lit t tins over boon provided. rtlui-'lc, pep lalkH, and veils nmdii up mi InlcroHtitiK iiroRiam, which wai ulleuili'il hy a grout crowd of adults in addition to the muny slti dents. Aller tho honriio lucetlni; studontn wenlto Hie siunniit of IMt. Neho where lliey burned n hllue "It," imikliiK ii siicctncuiiir showing. STATE FAIR PRIZE RAM BROUGHT TO DOUGLAS COUNTY tlit Oregon State Fair wus brought to Itoselnirg today by J. II. Short, who purchased the animal from its former owner and will add it to inn line hand or cno pmMrod 4lme) on his ranch nhntit ii mllnK east of llnaehuig. The nun was one, of the centers of attraction in the livestock department ut tho state fair and won thy first pi(z in its division. It will ho a very valuable addition to Mr. Short's band of sheep. QUARANTINE ON PARALYSIS IS MOST SEVERE (Continued from page 1.) ganli'cd, duo to the fact, that tli;1 schools are closed. Medford achoolM have not opened but the team Is pruetleim? regularly, but If the dis ease is not abated before tho d ne of iho guino JtosebttrR will probab ly not permit the Medford team lo enme here. No definite decision, however, has yet been made. So far there have been no new eises develop in the county. Tho only existing case Is at Canyon vlile, where a strict quarantine Is maintained, all children under 15 V'Uth of ftKo being prohibited from appealing upon the street. No Change nt Medford MKDl'OliD, Oct. 7.- The infan tile paralysis situation remains tho same ns it was yesterday, no new cases having been reported, ac- DR. NERBAS DENTIST Painless Extraction Gas Whon Desired Pyorrhea Treated riioue 4S8 Musulo BUlg. CONCENTRATING ON WILSON BROTHUHS HABERDASHERY Smart in every detail . pattern, color, and fabric. Well dressed men everywhere are wearing them, and you'll find the newest designs hero, for your selection. Wilson Urolhers made these and that's your nssur unco of satisfaction: nothing has been over looked to make them right full cut, finely ; stitched, carefully i , finished. NOTICE . : Senior hlh school paronlH, business meeting of P. T. A. uml teachers' reception at Henior high school Tuofcday evening, 7:30, Oct. 11m. Pro- 4 grom and refreshments. It Is desired that every iwieiit be present. ' . II-' ! I I cording to Information obtained from tho city, health officer und county physician. . However, tho Phoenix schools were closed this morning, although there are no cases in that com munity, and another Medford church has ceased all activities until the qimvuuUne' situation is called off, and a number of meet .iny,a have been called off by olhor Modford organizations. ' ; It. was announced today that tho! official board of the FirHt Metho dist Episcopal church has called otr all church nclivilios, including the Sunday gatherings, until all danger is past. The First Presbyterian churcn congrogationnl 1 supper that whs scheduled to be hold tonight hut been indefinitely postponed. Tho regular, mooting of Hid Southern Oregon Mutual Kobhit' Mrcedora' association h u s been postponed until tho next regular mooting, on account of tho quaran tine. ' . "' Tho College Women's club, reg ular scheduled meeting has boon potttponed. , Somo confusion nppeurs to have1 arisen about the illness of the son of City Treasurer Herbert llerrlanr. The lulter explained today tho boy was only suffering from a bad cold, yet before It was definitely known what tho illness was, he says, an infimtilo paralysis quarantine sln wn' put on the house by Chlff of Volico MeCredlo hist. SuM.nlu Alter .(lint. Mr. Bur rum nays, lie remained away from, homo a day and a half until one morning the of fice girl of Dr. B. H. IMckel, city health officor, phoned to take the sign down, as u mistake had been made. Menfl and boys' furnishings nt, real sale prices during Kurdy's big sale. Coma In und look around, tho values will surprise you. .-, ., o - Any boys' suit In tho house, val ues to S7.50, take your cholco at $5 during Kurdy's big salo. Bring tho kids in, wo can fit them. Dad Halts Her Dorothy Richardson, 18. of Bos ton, and Ronald Colby. 22, Harvard graduat eand tho other half of Dorothy's etopment plan, have found their romance halted. Edwin M. Richardson, Boston business man. father of Dorothy, found the couple in Detroit, just in tiine to nrevent their marriage. Police held fcy- ' I 'A i .! A INT TO DISBAND ; BULGARIAN GROUPS AMtxrUl4 I'rttM bewed Wlr) UELURADE. Jugo Slitvitt, Oct. 7. The Jugo Slav luJiiiuter to fciofla has been authorized to inform the Uuigarian government that unless effective measure are taken to disband Bulgarian eroujia operat ing In Macedonia, Uie Jugo fcSlav government has no other course but to recall him and to break off diplomatic relations. . i'he protest over the activities of Die iiuigariun comitaujis, or irreg ulars, came as a result of the as sassination yesterday of Brigadier General Michael Kocachievitch one of the beat known officers in the Jugp Slav army at Istip, the crime being attributed to comituU Ji. Tho Bulgarian-Macedonia has been closed by juko Slav gov ernment troops .and gendarmes who arct halting all traffic except ing transit in Macedonia, under the martial law measures taken as a result ot the assassination. Advices received in Belgrade tills afternoon said that a baud ot Bul garian comkadjis attached the Macedonian frontier village of Kllsura early this morning, throw ing nine bombu in government buildings and later fiKhtiiuc the gendarmes with - rifle and hand ..grenades, r : ' The attacking party, -tho advices staled, finally was repelled after a pitched , battle lusting from 1 o'clock this morniiiK until day break. Tho casualties were not given in the message. Shoes, shoes, shoes, for every body and all at sale prices that win astonish you durin Kurdy's Big Sale. FREEZING RIGHT PKNDI.RTON, Ore., Oct. 7. Tho murciiry dropped lo freeninK ltut niKlit In the Pendleton vicinity, touching 32 duKrt'os for tiib first time tills full. A manure spreader will increase the yield on any farm. We Boll tiiem in two-horse or three-horse sizes. Wharton Bios. OPENING CONFER ENCE GAMES WILL EE PLAYED FRIDAY ronTIAND, Ore.,; .Oct. 7. While the University ot Idaho is Iilnylns tho University ot OroKon nt Kugene tomorrow, tho Collei;o ot Idaho or Caldwell will be nlav Iiir Pacific University of tirovo at .Portland. College of Idaho won. the north west, conference ehamplonshln Inst year. Dy (lelciltlng Pacific Uni versity, so the rivals, mooting early this year, are expected to put up a stiff hattle. The McCormick-Deerlns lino ot fnnn implements tire made to glvo tlio best of service They are long lived ami repairs aro easy to get. Wharton Bros., ugentu iu Itoso burg. PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 7. nut ter and egg markets continue firm with prices on. tho exchange higher today for various grades of each. K:::r:.8 aro unchanged at 43c but firsts are up 2c to 40c and mediums lo to :We. Trading hi current rocoipls is discontinued. All grades of wholesale cube butter are advanced on exchange listings today. Extras and stand ards are each up lc to 40 and 44c respectively. The lower grades aro ic higher; prime firsts 42i and firsts 39c. Independent dealers agreed nt yesterday's- late session of tho dairy exchange to meet the coop erative quotations to retailers on the same quality of , eggs. The prices quoted by the poultry pro ducers association for today were He under the busts fixod by tho exchange. POItTLAXO, Ore., Oct. 7. Hnt ter: Extras and standards up lc; prime firsts up ic; firsts up ic; but lei tut up lo. Kxtia cubes, city 4 tie; standards 44c; prime firsts 4Uic; firsts Ililc. Creamery prices: Prints 3c above cube standards; butterfut 45c f. o. b. Portland. Milk, poultry, onions, potatoes, nuts, cuscara bark and hops steady unchanged. Kegs: Current receipts quota tations discontinued. Firsts ui 2c; mediums up lc. Fresh mediums 33c; fresh stand ard firsts 40c; do extras 43c. , PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 7. Cat tle and calves nominally steady; receipts, cattle 25. Hogs steady; receipts 3o0: Including 100 direct. Sheep and lambs steady; re ceipts, sheep 250. I PORTLAND, Ore., Oct. 7. Trail ing was moderately active this morning In the Portland market i'or wholesale fresh fruits and veget ables. Local vegetables were In generous supply. Local tomatoes are apparently nearly done In the market. Low to 75 cents while a choice lot from New Ih-ldge. Oregon, fowl little buver Interest at $t.3 per box. Hood River Cornice pears were held al 12.75 per box for extra t fancy and Hood River fancy Rurt 'tetts were quoted at $2.5u. The market as uvei-supplied j with California gropes of all sea isonable kinds and prices were be STOOr HAL Along the streets the Tlaiefe! went. They surely all were plea-sure bent. The Jap, it deemed, ' could run real fast. He must have been real utrong. 'Tta true inoit everyone delights In seeing very pretty uighls. The Tinies more than liked it as tiiey jo u tied ngnt along. .. They turned a corner rather swift and once the Hwei ve gave them a lift right orl the seat they Hat upon, and Clow ay nearly fell. Wee Coppy clung to him real tight, and shouted, 'Goodnesa, what a fright." The Jap then picked up Bpeed again and ran along pell mell. Said one, "A jlnriklsna Is fun. I'm glad that 1 don't have to run Ah long aa we aro in this seat, it's really heaps of sport. The Jap is very good to us. He doesn't even make a Eubb, but keeps on run ning. He must be a very friendly sort. , , When noontime came, wee Car py cried, "I'm empty as can be in sido. I'd Uku to have a bit vf food. We ought to stop some i-luco." Said Coppy, "Oh, don't start a row. We haven't any money now." The Japanese man heard him and a smile spread on his face. He stopped and said, "If you'd like tea, just leave your future plana to me." 1 And then he pulled up to a place wherein a wee girl stood. "Oh, come right in,' she loudly cried. And when the Tlnles were inside, she bid them sit upon the floor. They did, as best they could. ! Said Coppy, "My, but she is sweet. I hope alio brings us foodi to eat. The girl stepped out, but; came right back. She held a big round tray. The Tlnles soon be gan to smile, for they were j serve;!, in nicest Htyle, some waf-1 REFUSES TO BE : BLINDFOLDED BEFORE SQUAD (Continued trora page 1.) his haad. "No!" he said, loudy. "Bueno," the officer stepped aside out of the line of fire and raised hl& sword for tho signal. The soldiers aimed their rifles. Silence gripped the court yard. Even the children, sensing the tenseness, ceased their prattle. ; Quijauo pushed his pith helmet, back a bit on his forehead. The smllo had vanished, and hl jaw was firmly set. He leaned forward, his hands behind him and his shoulders hunched, precisely like a man stoeling himself for a plunge into cold water. Ou tho third stroke of the offi cers' sword the ril'Iea cracked as one. The body leaped as though re leased from a great tension, and then reeled to fall backward. Every bullet had been aimed at the breast and the face watj, not dis figured. ' J3ut life was not exUnct and at a signal from tho officer the ser geant of the firing squad stepped forward, placed the muzzle of his rifle within un inch of tho fore head and pulled the trigger. An army helmet was placed over the wound, the fife and drum corps played a quick slop and the sold iers who had lined tho court yard in a hollow squnro were paraded past the body to show them what happens to rebels. Tho crowd began to disperse, tho peddlers resuming their cries, and the court yard where eo many men have died was soon nearly empty. Only the little lizzarda re mained, playing up and down the sun-soaked wall among tho bullet holes. Tho body lay beneath, wait ing to be claimed by friends or rel atives. Another Rebel Slain NOG ALES, Sonora, Oct. 7. The bullet riddled body of Alfonso ue la Huerla, brother of Adolfo do la OUT OUR WAY u said someSin5 novj WEsuty, loovA (ha dug A hole fe?eS9UAR0 Y mo tSV MERE AMD J MfLA ORE COUV.D - f4wr6fc A BALL ROLLED ROLLED eRe WOU ? wrtW vo" NOT JxRl&HT INTO IT-J AM' SOMETr4lM BLAMN' All Tol: I BREATHS. V.V V -W dumb tR WO , I A BAD LE . J,i?.Ai,LL,ftMs . , L ii i i , e'TKo ttmoct, we ) COCHBAN PICTURES & KMCK READ THE STORY, THEN ers and some tasty tea. They all exclaimed "Hurray!" (The Tinymites leave Japan In Huerta, former provisional presi dent of Mexico, was brought into this border city at 5 a. nu this morning. The body was brought in on a flat car by General Aguirre of the Mexican federal army, who was sent with 100 men to hunt for de hi Huerta yesterday when the latter was seen at Imurez, 60 mile3 from here. j General Agulrro reported that he came upon de la Huerta aud nine comDanlons. one of whom was j General Baron Medina, several miles east of Imurea. De la Huerta and his' officer companion gave battle' and were litterally riddled with bullets. The eight Indians fled at the approach of the federals. De la Huerta's body, wrapped In oily tarpaulin, with the head un covered and protruding, waf taken to the plaza here, where it was left expo bed to tho ' view of the populace. - Preoarlna for Battle ' MEXICO CITY, Oct; 7. Maneu vers by federal commanders- to force rebel troops under General Arnulfo Gomez and Hector Almada into battle positions were continu ing today, the presidential bureau announced. - . The rebels were hidden In and around the slopes of a largo hill near Perote in the state of Vera Cruz with the federals in the val leys on either Bide. The govern ment troops in two columns led by Generals Jesus Agulrro and Gon zalo Escobar, were trying either, to surround the rebels effectively or force them into a decisive combat. With approximately 5,000 men, the federals considerably outnum bered the rebels and the govern ment professed confidence iu tho outcome. Rebel's Body Exhibited NOGALES, Sonora, Mexico, Oct. 7. Great crowds milled today about a tree in the plaza here against which was propped, stand ing, tho body of Alfonso de la Huerta, killed In a skirmish with Mexican federal troops. A placard on tho body rend "here is another COLOR THE PICTURE the next story.) , J ' i (Copyright, 1927, NEA Service, Inc.) -i RUMMAGE' SALE The ! Roseburg Women's Club: will ? V IIOIU U i UIIllIUU DUIO ouiumu ' Oct. 8th at 10 a. m. in their service shop at the Club House. 130 So. Jackson St., opposite tho Antlers Theatre, I rebel general." 1 NOGALES, Ariz.,, Oct. 7. Offl i cial dispatches, received, at No I gales, Sonora, from . tho war de partment Mexico City, announced today the execution by , firing squads at Zacatecas, state of Zn catecas, of General Alfredo Rod-, rlguez, chief of the federal troops there, and General Norberto Al verta, both charged with mutiny. Don't overlook Kurdy's wonder ful sale prices on all ladies couU , and dresses durin the ' bfg ' sule,' fc t Our low prices will please you. DAILY WEATHER REPORT U. S. Weather Bureau Offlco, Roseburg, Oregon. Data reported i by Arthur W. Fugh, Meteorologist j in charge. j Barometric pressure (reduced to sea level) 5 a. m .30.31 iRolatlve humidity 6 p. m. yes- . terday (per cent) ........ 59 Precip. In Inches and Hundredths ; Highest temperature yesterday 50 ! Lowest temperature last night 30 I Averiiira InmnAratnra fnr tho day Normal temperature lor this 40 date 7 0 Precipitation, last 24 hours .... Total precip. since 1st month .70 I Normal precip. for this month 2.6 L i Total precip. from . Sent. 1. 1927, to dnto 2.12 Average precip. trom Sept. 1, 1877 t 1.C2 Total excess since Sept.-1, 1027 ; ;S() Average seasonal precip. Sept. to May inclusive 31.13 Forecast for southwest Oregon: Fair tonight and Saturday, modur- I 'ate temperature. By Williams Dorothy as a runaway. llow cost ou much of the stock. i