ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1927. SEVEN MORE s ForLongNights Take an inventory, of your rooms and -you will doubtless find a number of Electric Light Bulbs are missing, and as fall and winter nights are com ing on, you'll find it mighty fine to have all lights in perfect condition for instant use. t The children and high school students will need the j best of lights for their evening study and so ve sug ; gest that you come in and make your selections CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. i ' ' The Winchester Store MSSiHEi) SECTION j ALL KEW AD3 WILL BE FOR SALE 1 . - . - .i , FOIt SALE 100 Sheared goats. L. E. Goodboam. Phone 48F4. FOR SALE i-horse engine and buzz saw-tin trucks. C. A. Lock wood Motor Co. " ; ' . ' WOOD for sale Block and stove ,,. both oak and laurel. Address ' "Wood," care ' News-Review. : , ; CANNING tomatoes, T3c per bush el, bring boxes. S. Saulaberry, Myrtle Creek, Ore. . FOR SATE Wood-on the ground. v 16-inch oak and laurel stove and . V block. N. L. Conn, Roseburg. Phone 6F15. iCONCOnD grapes, right for Jolly. V 6c per lb. Mrs. P. E. Beavoiy Phone 0F2. FOR SALE The most complete lino or field seeds carried in S. .Oregon; Send for " catalog and .write f dr prices on -what -yoU -will r lequiiSs; for-fall planting. Mou "tirch: See51Coip.MBdford, Ore.r I FOR: SALE Winter bluofcfaMA . . Kfnd f Poa. -HiilhnRa . ftanlfai,cH i i seed $1 per lb., machine--Mid seed 60c lb. add postage; Send f -. to us for your seed. Write for bulletin, on this wonderful new grass. "Monarch, Seed Co,,; Med- I lord,, ore; t f '. 4 - . M IPARM'EOR SALBre acres Sj , j -.' milts of Drain,; Ore.,; 8.0. to , tuu - acres under: cultivation. it .-.acres of Armies. Place well va- 'teredi fenced mhd'Groas, fenced. ,Idel for sheep,? -turkeys anui 1 i .Ill UUtJS, Price $10,000. Can ft rtermsihat. wlllr sult.i Ceo... L. 1 Seelsmlth; 162?; -Terry ' Ave; Be-: V'attlo. WashlneLon. t ICO AfchES located in the center f r of Ddisa Valley In high state , of I I cultivation, three sets buildings,' I ' on main hlghvay, and conslder (' ed one of i the best places ' in f ! southern Idaho, Owner wishes to f exchange, for ranch- In southern I ! ; . Oregon, This place 4 is clear of ' ' debt. C. I.. Cushman, Realtor, I Nampa, Idaho. " , . : , t Chinese - Herbs Ttheeo, herbS'afe especially recommended for eczema, piles, asthma, scrofula, catarrh, tu mors, throat, Ifver, kidney, rheu matism, stomach and -aft fe- male disorders. Consultation FREE- HING WO HERB CO. Open 9 a. m. to 6 p..rm J. H. LEONG, MANAGER Office hours 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. Evening by appointment. 304 Broadalbln St., Albany, Ore. Frances Lintott Piano Studio 522 S. Main Phone 419-J Kohlhagen' Apartments Fumi3hed apartments, . mod- 'A ; , em In every way. ' -Within one of business center of city. Reasonable s . Rates, f ' PHONE 58 reputation FOR. FAIRNESS OF THIS OHE THlNfr we rVRe ttuire suae- OOv-'VJt?UTA"nON ' WlUU ENDURE. Our hus1iie?s reputation dors Hot need laundering. It's as spotlessly j clean as the day we started in! hllnJtirTO. Cinr nn'ftpv is the nulllic ' be delighted. i Roseburif Steam Laundry BijBBBSBSGBSSBBBS, i LIQHT FOUND ON BACK PAGE rUXKEM FOR SiENT GaragOi nt-af Rose hotel. 247 8. Pine. FOR RENT 5-rOdnl house: Inquire .JI63J3, Mala. ' FOU liENt' Well furnished apt., , ground floor. 331 SMain. FOHItENT Triiisned house with garago. Phone 5l t. . FOR" RENT Apartments. Down town hew mouern, . reasonable. Call eto-J. FOR RENT Furnished fodliis, jii modern home, close in. Inquire 529 E. .Douglas. FOR KENT Six-room, house, 2 baths, partly furnished, 401 S. Main, or iuquiro 417 S.Main. , FOR RENT Broom"- bungalow, partly furnished. 4-room furnish ed house; well located.. Phone ; 149. ', " f FOR rltENtWoU. - furnished, ,5- room house, tall, garago. 248 N. Stephens. ; Inquire at 221-; W. WashUigtonr.i y.,.. , " 'I'TOR "" RENT Nicely -furnishfe apartments, one lower floor. Hot . .:r v;; rates. 327 west iiougias.; none WANTEDS;; AVANTEIV-Pruna ; pickers, orryj uouo, unne, ure: rnone-duraf. WAKTED Wort" by" high "soiiooi cfrl. Fern Churchill, 037 S. PIne. WANTED Middle aged ladyVho. ' ileslrds iJhonio, to keep bouse tor widower with no children; A1- ' 'dress: J... F. . Custer, llrockway, Oregon. . ' ' '';, y, '"VANTED About 50 thousSiid broccoli plants. Give particulars ot size, aire and price cash on delivery. Win. Hunt, Durllngton, Wash.; ... . " LOST I ,. . - r LOST Wednesday, pair of fancy horn rimmed glasses. Return to 'Chevrolet. Garage. I ?.. FOUND FOUND Pair of glaasus." Ow call 63 or 676-J. ' - 1 MISCELLANEOUS i - CITY AND FARM LOANS. PONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. RICH & RICE, Licensed Bond Brokers CAR OWNEH-Dbh't forget to call 663-when, in naed of autn parts. . Sarff's Auto Wrecking House. , . City I) or Country; I'iT MAKES NO ilniFFEREWte.' .Tr-TiT.-rm, -it,. ! 0 8wci.ty'' La Si II IV COPYSICHT Kfa i927 W EE, 5rvic, l i J BEGIN HERE TODAY . ' BEGIf HERE TODAY . A rebuke which Flora ,-t'ai t-i Wright, Vera; Cameron's niuch-wid'jsaid fiercely. f'J've. jie( blni. He's (owed ftniinjflints Out to Vera i, always hanging around here "3 'she loaves' .the apartments 3fiuy V'Jfo vanW aie to; marry -him share, conies back to Vera with j again." Flora sighed. "Don't Peter, mocking suddenness the same looming. Flora disapproves ot her niece's long skirts, . braided hair, uorii-iim epectach?3 iow-heei :shde3 and her businfcssilko nianuer. When a promotion : Vera : t-xilect v wiih- the Peach Dioom Uosmelio.: Co.; 'where abe is o -nriTate (secre tary is given to someone oise. Vera remembers her auut'a words. ' e. However, .hor promotion to as sistant of tiie new advertising man ager,, Jerry- Macklyn; crowds every thing Ue :'out of her mind. The first day slid' is in his office, he asks her; to-let him transform , nor with the aid of Peach Bloom cos metics into a beauty, using her 'photographs in "the company. .'ad" 1 vertising. Vera indignantly '. re fuses, but reconsiders when in the elevator going don. to lUticfi she sees hnd falls in iove-ttith a'mp.n she hears called 'Scliuyiter.-' She hears him remark to his companion that he will be at Lake Minnetohka in June. . . ; , . -.. i Jerry calls In Kitty' Proctor, q professional demonstrator, ami they decide to nmke Vera over, using as a model a four-colored Siinduy sup plement - picture of a strikingly beautiful ,ivonian.'wh6ih Jei-ry sup.' poses to be a. inovi'e actress, ns the picture is not I'aptloned. Vera de cides to live wlth'Kitty Proctor un til the esperimt'ht is bver. That' night Flora senrccjv hears her so oiisy- is- fne 'aresfitng roivan-, other ."proppsiiW' -f When Ve ra greets Peter JJarfciwi Her utint'j' latest, he scarcely notices her. .'i'hfc angers Vera and she determines' fo attract Kim' Jot.' 1 -'t WOW 00 QN WITH THE STOftV - ; : (.'llAl'TWl VII , Flora Cartwriginsat on the deeii couch in her; iiviia?' room, while Peter. Harrow, on the hnssock al her. leet. ieaiied BleadliiK auailini .Uier Jtnee?, which Wore barely cov ered by the blue hem of lier skirt. .''Peter, darting," Flora was sRy: lng; In Hie voice she reserved for just 'such occasions as this n sad, sweetj gentle voice,, it Volet of doble renunciation, "some day you Will thank 1 me 'for refusing to marry you. Some day you will say, 'Flora was right. She was WIkp, she-saved -me -for the great love of my' life " 4 ?'Dbri.'l, .'ddnil SftW voice vinratoi, 'PiiBslottataly.' ""You arn the great lovd of iuy. Ilfc I won't nto you reiijimmi4e P3-a1 were an. ir.rautiiRQin vdK piny with iMiettst ' aside: i jiiskdti you to r"" - ""'' v..". "itwill ie .three '.Weeks Monther threatened fnlnt.-."Do you ruc - ay,''' Fiofi corrected , him, sigh- joganira her?" ,5.1,. ,'' ! ng gently. 1 ' r ! Peter Darrow, ont'hj breath from "da ine , '.'Anil t, shall coKltbee to ask yoy hunning, confronted Hhe glcl and iVery iky tiittlli ydit coiisrnt, or iti stared at her blankly. Sort. S long 'fehail fthiliinl .vnhi iifiil .Aili m-orn Ho; Von so: thafc lou 'iwili:lie. forced loiish- face aa ho1 Kiauiihered,-' ''!. mairv- n(e. tn-aavi ybttf renutatiou a i -i f 1'?.- ' How osiltflousrV FloVS' Inughedii "I -haven't kJbeiiS 'lilidueied sincelVictiiiria Cameron! ? I can't bhiiest'l JAck; Pest)iti-n) se'toiiti husband,Tt ijslmply cmrLJ f titif ptfoumf BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS : A. ;r" ; :'riowbrTKi; , ByBIosser Xr"ifpy islnii ts)isJy, H fsAv3 mi k iyP- jrSr ryy vhJ fcter iJm&m-. Jl : :;;2 . J M,.rM&m:. . :...J(i J SALESMAN SAM -' ;' Tdo Fast for Guzz :. ..,.,, gy Smaii Ww- JkJi wir Q zgti Whi PRINCESS yptt know dear-?-" . ?J t tYes; know," the tybuns mi you hurt me! - Oh, -dear, there's the bell. Will you go to the door, darllngr' ! .- - , . - , "it its ITeston l ii Kin Bim: Peier Darrow promised her sav agely as he rose to his slim youiig height and strode angrily -ttorotf the room. , ' i "la Au Mrs. Cartwrighi hera?" a musical imsierious voice, with a him of laughter in - it, demanded when Peter Darrow opened -the door, ' -:- --: , r ' . -. -j I '- "Er yes. ' ftoit't you cdnie iif?f tristinoiiveiy Peter Darrow passed a hand over his rather Vumptr4 chestnut hair' and bowed deferei tiaity as he made, -way for a and a man. . "Somcona to see you, Flora!".-,, ! . . "YOa are Cartwrlght?" tlii girl asked, offerliig a feioved hand. "Miss Cahieroii's auntr' : - ! j "Yes, ' I . am . Vera iCamorou's aunt," - Flora admitted,, mystified "She is away at present, outiJf town, ori business.- OB I beiiera yqu are Mr. Siacklyn,-the adver llslm hmnager!" She of fered both her hands to Jerry Mncklytii whose' ihciedibitv blue eyes wr hlsins Hke iewels beliealh the rttil of ilia flanilog red curls. "My dlece Ba;t told me all about yom Jerry MfleK lya!. '-Ob have you cohie; to leU tnn -tiinf mmtetlitnfe liRs-hanDeaed fl i Vee-Veel Quick i j J j. havi't 5ieaiSl:a T?ord from w,; and .I've ,womed myself slckrv tj . . "A Jtrmt deal lias HupMttMfra Mis- Xfemorrtii, Mfa. -CattfrrMMJ JeiTy-pnld graoly. "Pin traid-C - "Ind!" Flora CartWrlght hrnl ed. -"."Peter! The anuuoniit--v:!B shelf of the bathroom . tiietltclhe closet! Oh. I'm going, to faint! My flnillUK Vos-Vee!" she irioaij6d, Swaying toward Jerry Mnciilyii. "Ailnt Flora, don't you know me?" The exquisite creature who: had tnade Peter Harrow instantly aelf-conscimis stepped f o r ward quickly. She had ' discarded her iuw voice, apoken in the prtm. precise tours of the Vera Cameron that her aunt knew. "Vee-Vea's Mice!" Flora asp-. ed, atradylhg herBelf ognlnst Jerry Mncklyn's willing arm. "Who are you?" fhe demanded; "I'm Veo-Ven, df '; eoiirse," Vera laughed. "Hays I 'changed so very much. Aunt Flora ?'i i she flxulted, "Changed? Good' heavons! Pet er! Peter! Come here! -NeVer mind the ammonia! Peter, do you know who this Is?" she demanded, dra matically, entirely recovered from i Rtnnient. .then color flooded his hoy- Flora tut I'd like to, meat her t "'rnat,' flora anuounaeu poinr- lug a Shaking f orefinKdri' ''lis Vorft 9 'i aio-sly an let M iook yon over, darting." - J - ' . . : Ve-Vei!mIlihg"brtlll&Btiy. pt rorjtted on the toe of a smart French pjmgf f. i ': nut Jt WRa nt Ule girt s lovely face ' that ; her. annt Rated open mouthed with incredulous admira- tlon, The 1 heavy eyebrows were gone! and in their Iplace were two narrow brush-atrakea of silky top per-colored brows, 'that enchanted with their failure to match each other. Take off your hat!" her aunt commanded her, breathlessly. ' . Vee-Vee s mlle deepened, she lifted,' very carefully, the swagger Hitio nat, and revealed a nead from which masses of mousy-brown hair: liad been cut. . ; s 1 - "Perfect! " Flora? Cartwrigltl signed, claspine her bands ecstati cally. "My dear, how did yon ever do ft? I swear f would never have ,known you, and I'm still not - con vinced that it's really Vee-Vee Cameron." - "I didn't do It," Vee-Vee laughed, "it was Jerry Mackiyn. Pygmal ion, take your bow!" "I had good marble to work with. Galatea," Jerry grinned. - . ? "We musn't forget Kitty Proc tor and peach' Bloom," Vee-Vee re minded him. "Oh, Auni Flora, it will lake hours to tei! you ail about it, and i don't want to cheat poor Peter out of his evening with you. I'm tired, too. I didn't get my bob and my permanent until ihia after noon, and then Kitty and I -ahe'e the Peach Bloom demonstrator with wliom I've been living while t h ' transformation w a beits: wrought had to dash all up.aiid. down FJftii Avct'iue looking ftjr thi ensemble ' -Mr. Jdackiyn was with .' Ho insisted on Helping j W clioose-tne costume.1 !t:TUIs fooi Eiri doesn't kndw ;rfr"","'-l-"I "."5T"''," - ihing about eiothos. Jorry Mf f asov" vii nnd mo.. Mrs. fTnrinrrieht ifl sofe that she rioesg't backslide nn4 net nil wound ,0 1 oivs of thoctj lilack elirouds of hera." i '; ? Welt said Vee-Veo ctjnly, pet tiing hcrselC on tlis coucfaj "you ar )EOliiS to have a feigKr jot tfd yofd fearMalncd for. Kor I may 1-eii tell ail of you right now that I'm Rotng to take my vacation the hist half of June and that I'm so inK to lake Minnetoka u ! , "I-ake Minnctouka?" Fiora Cart wrltEht cciioed with amazement. j ,l Are you pianninj; to fitay.nt ifto Minnotonka- Hotel, Voo-Vea Cam- eron V , - - "Nothing else but," yce-yeo re plied flippantly. "But, Vee-Vee, lio you realize how expensive the Mitmetonka Ho- tei is? It s the awankeat sum- mer hotel in New York statejAnd you'll heed a complete outfit , of summer resort clothes" . ; v i "Exacllyi" Vee-Vee agreed. "That's where you and Jerry--! mean Mr. Mucklyn come in. A,i he says, .1 don't know a thing about jhe sa i cloth' f'tM ics" ; v f Kitcnea ana stairway for Mill uail - m afraid votl doh't know li!3wiyof;S..D. C ; . expensive thoy arSii esiiecinliy jhej Rind yon now require, ' iier nimt snld a little tartly.; ''U will cost ; Sunday wilh the tetters, parent of a fortune, my dciir;' ; j f , J j4S. J. C. 'i'hoy. nro workina in ;tSe you I have, and I m soina with a warci - robe that will be . entirely 'apiito - priate, evn for the Minnnionha.f itorMTS. .Elmer Meltim of S. li C, - ?ioii I kndi. you're; fec-vcc,"rt , ' v...,., X. X. s , 1 1 ':r-Better Luck Next Time, 3im ! ! PHOTOORAPMS UVB :f; - : FOREVER i j ' , .'. t , ; j U i i I i : The most appropriate ' aj.a : the most eppreclated and the j only sift your friends cahnot 4 ; buy, Sour1 photograph.. Have your sittings now; tor your holiday litis. Roseburg Sta- Flora Cartwrighc laueetl; "That was tae rhetoricai voice in wlik-ftifS you wsed io lay. down tli law WfS inof but child, your fterds a:r.uw g me! Ds you. Bcuialtf mean thui m yon are ing in fiiii-aay your S carefully boarded ssvings oil o'fi mad spree? What- about your oid - .. A r . i . 1 "A Eiri that looks like thai,'1 i said Jerry Mackiyn, "dloesn't have i to worry about , 'her old age. -' : "i'oure wrong, ' Jeriy,' Vee-Vco i told him Impudeiitly,' 'niy trip to : Mlnneionka Is old-age ihauronce." not flora ' gnspco.. .- -ion iv going to sot but: tiellrtPralely to captnrd a rich manh Peter darling, tell me i'm dreaming!"; !- Color flooded ; Vera's cameffla wbito cheeks.; Then, she thought to herself, reeBnttully. "Weil, tei her thittk thst it she wonts io! I'd die befdro Pd teli her or aiiy ona else that I'm going in pursuit of a man Pve only seen once in my life." Aloud she said: ''Clothes are not the only equipment I need, Audi Fltira. 1 may look- aophisii-cated--and who could help it with this bob?' hui 1 dont know a shigle; solitary thing about about having a. good time., I don't know ihowao.get a hrmu:fir what to say ito him if i get bint? 'liduli't know a7S?irt !mk; . hnmiifni. -whm nmliv ebme;to, Jifo? H's-i-db,: you don know how important it is!" 11 4o anything, you want me to, vee-vee.f jerry.-ftiacKiyn saiu gruifly hut his Ijltte eyes were al most soitihr wltk wrebotSitig. jTj be Continued)' Vera contracts for some lessons, and the and her atmt make a queer oompjet. In the nejtt chapter. 4. . . , . , ''(. 2 - Arottrti trii Count SOUTH DEER CREEK NEWS Mr, Alva Hunter tpent1 Thursday ; in ISosebunt ' attending to. imsi- j)ies niattors. j. Mr.'stod Mrs. J. W. Cox of S. D. iC spent the dy in Roseburg. Everyone, is busy in the prunes Slu S. D. C. how. ' j Mr. Williams',, home is progress- - ilig nicoiy. t ' ! 'Mr. Dave Sftilth" ie building it : Mr Shormnn: :Conninl ', rjeeenerlat -which tlmo tho said' credllorsi ;Kment and Tom MellOni sjient f Mr. and ': Mra. 1 Portland sfa visitingi ivith hin ;is- FLOUR Exchange $2.60, 4 sacks. "y ". :' .$7.5 Bear, $L90, 4 sacks......... .$7.43 Silver Dust $1.80, 4 sacks. ... .S7.Q Vetch, Common or Hungarian, 4c per lb. Ail Kinds of Grass Seds. t See Us First We Can Save VoU Money FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE Roseburg COUNTESS CiiT I OUST HER BROTHER 1 AmMalml '1,. jrd WifpJ CHICAGO, Sept. 24.Jutee Bess- ) Is E. KulHvi,. I, MB,to !y iumcii ln?OK ot I Mar - (iuiriiu nfuu,. cvannew ot nmimii ti"'"1 to her hrotlier, j Joseph loiter. Chicago miihonairo, ! s fuftw of the S(i.0i3i),Wa cs- inte of their father, Levi B. Letter, late Chicago mercnant, -'l '.';"" NOTICE ' 1 -will not be responsible for any hills contracted by anyone other than myseif and veife. C, A, JACKMAN; IN BANKRUPTCY In the District Court of tire Vnlted States for the District of Oregon. In the matter of James U, Hook-, ard, liankrupt ' ' . ' To the creditors of jamea'"IL Ilaokard, of llridgo, in the coun-. ty of Coos, and district a fore said, a featikrnpt ; - - Kotice is hereby 'given that -Ml. the" lth day of August, 1SS7 thn. 'mtd James JI. Sookard Svas' duiv adjudicated a bankruiit;-and Hhat; the first meeting ot his creditors ; jwiii be held at tho offico of the, undersigned referee In Rosehurg,; ; Oregon, oft tho Stivday ot October,! i 1337 nt 1rt n'pliwv i ihQ rnnKi, ' ! may attend, prove their ciaims, ap- i I point n trastoe,' examine tho bahkri 1 rapt nmj transact such other bust- i Dated September 23rd; 1S27, ' , . . : ' , ; c. L. Hamilton; f, ' Tfoforeo in Bankruptcy; IS DOWN AGENTS FOB rAlRBANKS MORSE & CO. Oaitaad Washington St. and S. P. Tracks. Try a classlrtea ov. per anfl watch resuitc lh usu pst Yoa U t Luciie M. Sappington Gunning System Improved Musis Study Plans Kindergarten Parish rioase 214 Ci St - For information and terms Phone 329-J or 2!)5 U :fi Hi 'ig VOICE I Mrs. Charles A, Brand '; Voice 8ulld!"(j Sono interpretation v' ' '" OPEN SEPTEMBER 12 ' Same Studio " Phone 54Z-R Kohnianen BW3, 3Q-F33 CHIROPRACTORS , Drugtess KecEth Center "Bsntniete Heitth Scrviee" SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 827 West Cass - Phone t Moore Music Studio .-A Booms 2 and 3 above ,' , . , Ladiss Ehopfie. . . ' , Studio Phone 6M ...... ; , Res, Phone 1B7.R ; Elite Pleaters A!i, Kinds of PleatinB- nd . , . Batten. Mklng. , , MRS. BELLE CASE' ' ,- Phone 187-8 - 10 So. Main r . By Martin Rotebilrt, Or. ' Phone T