ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24. 1927. FIVE Hbusfeclean forGOOB XT T T TVf "C c c ririT from your kitchen THERE are no fumes, no dirt, soot, nor smoke, no matches or litter, no flame when you use a Westinghouse Automatic Electric Range. . , . , You cannot realize until you change to elec tric cooking, how much brighter your kitch en can be, how much .cleaner your whale house will be. Electricity means clean, safe, healthful heat. .. , ' And there are many other advantages. The food is better and there is less shrinkage, re . suits are uniform, automatic operation means freedom, from the kitchen. ..j ... EviFOfiNiiv Oregon pSc6MfAW - ..a Mp offices, - f: , Nfedford, Grants jfcss.Ros'eburg. Klamath Falls Oregon ' .a - Yreka. Duhsmuir-Califorriia ' h ' ' " ; LADIES! Don'l Fail to Attencl Our Free Cooking Classes Conducted by MISS IRENE KERR. i v, -i. i of Seattle Home' Economics Demonstrator September 27-30 Watch tor 0"r Bpnclal Prizo ' ' 'Otfur on TIiobo Dutes! ENROLLMENT IN DURING THE WEEK i public $ A total of 1128 pupils have been enrolled In the local scbsils ui to the end ol this week, according to the figures compiled by City Super intendent w. At. i;amroeu. ne week is expected to see a consider hl" ltirft.r pmwth iii tho enroll ment as many pupils who are now eugageu m prune narvesujis, wi" be able to return to school. The enrollment by grades ia the schools of the city is as follows, Mr. Camp bell reports: Benson IB, Miss Sherk 34: 2B- 2A, Miss Olson 31; 3B-3A. Miss Fllzwater 29; 4B-4A, Miss Molsi 30; 6B-5A, Mrs. Jost 3U; 6A-6A, Miss Tracy 26; 6B, Mr. Thennis 26. Total 206. hose ill. Miss Parrott 30: IB,1 Miss Carothors 0: 1A-2A, Miss1 Johnson 88: 211. Miss Suedaker 33; n.:lA Mia Matthews 86: 4B-4A.' Miss Predrlckson 36: 6B-4A: Miss Stewart 82; 6A-6A, Miss Carr 26; 6B, Mr. Hall 24. Total zoi. Fullerton 1B-2B, Miss Swlnney 32; 311-4B; Miss Cooper 25; 6B-6B, lira Hnlllwf.ll SO. Total 87. 'Iimlnr Hlh Till Da! 8tll. SO: 9 th,. 120. ". Total 293. Teachers an Katfnniputa: Miss BoeKll. home economics; Miss Buchanan, English, languages, mimic speaa Ing; Mrs.- Caraway, mathematics, clliLcnshiPi Mr. Cochran', Junior business training, mathematics; Mrs Paine, mathematics; Miss un kason. Enelish: Miss Goodwin, mu sic; Mrs. Baker latin, physiology. n ra. Ijlrson: nnvsicai euucaiioii Mr Mnrkfnzle. industrial ' a r tc mIrr McOaueliev. librarian: Mi. Oleman, occupations;, Mrs. Olo nian, English; Miss Iting, art; Miss Scott. English; Mrs. Stanford, pen manship; Mr. Turner, noys pnys i. ul miiicatlon: Miss Voatch, mathe matics, clrls' nccunatlons: Miss Watson, mathematics: Mr. Wick- Senior High 10th, 130; 11th, 79; 15lli (14: snnctnl. 3. Total 283. Toanhnr. nnrf fl est Utim flit R Mr. Beard, civics, world history; MIsb Unsoy, jungusn; mr. iruih', uvw irnnntnp rnmmnrclfit uencrntlhy typing; Miss Goodwin, gleo clubs; Mr. matt, cnennsiry, hjoikj, nt, Mlsa .Tunnhfl.' tvnillK shorthnud; Mr. Jonasson, world history, American history; Mr. Lar son, world history; Mrs. Larson, girls' physical education; Mr. i Mackenzie, local trades: Miss Merewothor, Spanish, Cicero, Cao ! sar; Mr. Ronun, agriculture; Miss I Buck. English; Miss Trmmons, English; Mr. Turlier, boys' physical ! education; Miss Ueland, mntbemor tics; MIbs Wright, homo economics. : Cottage cheese. Roseburg Dairy fhone 186., . Can Science Solve the of-- THE BABY THAT NOBODY WANTS Dr. Fishbein Says Bloou .Tests Mean Little in Fixing Parentage; Outlines Care Takeiil ij.jl j: !; . to ''revent Mistakes in Identity .-, i l-:) phTOH"? ' NOTK A 'cUibbv - I Una points out that two things ara T.T.TT.TWTT.TgTTT'T'''' The'Bft Used Cars In Town We have a large stock of good used cars and all are good buys. , 4 mU1y" FOR INSTANCE: 9i Dodge Touring, with glass inclosurc $225 1924 Star Coupe, runs dandy ........$200 1923 Ford Coupe very good condition.. $150 1 92 1 Ford Touring, 2 new tires, others good $ 80 and many others that are equally good buys. See these at the Chrysler Garage. H. L; Connelly Motor Co. 'r 527 N. Jackson St. aKKKEBBEIsEffl . . , ! .1-4 !r FLASHES OF LIFE J (Aaoclated frem Lwiol Wire) NEW YORK Insurance statis tics are that among 60,000,000 per sons Uie mortality average from heart disease in half au hour is live and four tenths. Latest ad vices are that a dozeri died in vari n. uu f tlm- r.nnntv- while liS- i tuning to the fight or in argumeuts about u, . i PENNYAN, N. Y. Mrs. Sarah Tn,.,,i,inH H7. iR tn have a funeral i,,i,.,l nr a WMldiue. ' Trying , on the gown in which sho was to have been niarneu to wuimui erson,' 70, a childhood sweetheart f... whnh uhn hml beo'n separ ated 40 years, she died of apoplexy. II. B. Jacoby, resident -of Look-! day in this city looking after bust ing Glass, spent several hours Fri-' ness matters. mm ,M- PHONE 63 The groceries you will receive as the result of your telephone message will ho the very best. Save yourself the necessity of coming down town. Economy Grocery Ok L. JOHNSON . "The Stora That Serves You Boat." 344 N. Jackson St. Phone 03 Winchester Bay s Mf Pnuntii' 1Q9R Beach Resort Inquire for Diehl ot ihs Commercial Abstract Co. . oil ice. . wpw vrniK "HRvlnir eiven odds ot 2 to 1 that Dcmpsey would not knock Tunuey out, wmuei builder, has' refused to accept the $2600 he won. He thinks Tunnoy was really fairly knocked out. CHICAGO Sixty per cent of children of cigarette Bmoklng mothers, die before they aro two years old, it the figures of Dr. Charles L. Barber of Lansing, 'AllCUlgan, HIT) tuncvi- I conclusions to the American asso ciation for Medico-pnysicai re search. ' . NEW YORK. Edna Wallace Hopper, : 62, ."eternal flapper, neither smokes nor drinks. That i.. ....... ,.r her fmilltnill Of youth. Clad in pajamas and Illus trating uer oauy umtn, " vealetl her secrets at a matinee. taiSxiL- Tha tiaminir nf streets and clubs after Mussolini is now forbidden. Babies are not included in the order. SARAJEVO In the place that was the cause of one big war an other one has Just been averted by a circus and its clown being order ;ed out ot town. The clown had a 'ditty about Mussolini that provok led the Juro Slavs to great mirth. The Italian consul protested, say I lug Italy would take suitable meas i ....... if nnH u Thp circus Is now somewhere else and the ditty Is beard no longer. TO BE HELD WEEK OF SEPT. 27-30 Tii-n,th thn fnnrtoRv nf the Cali fornia Oregon Power company a special series oi cookiiik ciusi.-b will be given here next week, start ing Tuesday, September 27, and continuing over Friday, September 30. These classes, which will prei ent the latest up-to-date ideas in modern cooking methods, will be conducted by Miss Irene Kerr ot Seattle, well known nomo econom ics demonstrator. Miss lierr nns earned an enviable .'reputation through Uer ability in tills Hue ami nn ,i,,i,i imvfi mniiv Interest ing Ideas to Impui t to the ladies of Uoseburg and vicinity. The classes will be Held lu the syncs dhuuwk. just across the street from lbs Copco Electric Store, where ample accomodations will he available to take care of tho large crowds that are expected. A ..lnl -l-,A nttfir Will lie nilllM in connection with range salei during the Uemoiistrallon, details of which wljl be published at ;u( PARIS The version of what Clemenceau said to Pershing has come out. It was In English, to wn : "What the devil did you come here for?" I The Reedsport Realty Company I Reedsport, Winchester Bay, Westlake and g 1 . Gardiner Property. & - . ... ... ...,....vT-jTT-T..-r.rJ.-y-fsr.-TSTZT..YTSW15TarTi I Try our buttermilk It's differ ent. Roseburg Dairy. Phone 18 I -Cat tn .hum. nnllllMI Htli lire forever. Brand's Road Stand. PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS MRS. BASSETT ALWAYS TIRED Npw in Good Health by Using Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound Lnnslnp. Mich. "I have taken Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com pound wuen!:r I needed It. When I first used It I was so bad I cnuld hardly walk across the room without m-vino- I was tired all thctlme. j i unim my iiuu hie was coming on me for six months before 1 rmll.iiri it f " u.n,.Arr,.l n,A,1lrlni, In IL'4U "I J""' " , - the pajier. and my hnbnnd bo'ich me a bottle, and after the firs few doses I felt better, so kopt on taking it until I was well and strone. I take It at times when I feel tired and It helps me. 1 will always have a Rood word for your medicine and tell anyone what good It has done ma. I reeommendej It to my neighbor for her girl, who Is sixteen years old, and It wr Just what she needed. She Is fe'.-llng fine aow, and goes to school every day." Mas. E. K. Bawitt, 216 South Hayford Avenue. loosing. Michigan. Do not continue to ffel all run down and half sick whon Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Is told by druggUU everywhere. b'nfrvinw Purli luiMiiiliil at ClOV laud, Ohio, la me center oi one ot the strangest, most tragta tulxups tu medtval history. . Mr. and Mm. bant snniu. Becom ing to hospltul records, are the parents of the little girl, nut ttiey insist that the child born to Mrs. Smith at the hospital was a boy; they declare that hospital author! ri,i miY,l t.l!iiificutioii taua aud gave them a girl by mistake, and tney are now prosecuting a wauu lu an effort to gel Iroiu the hos pital a boy baby bom at tue same tune. Trial of the suit has only served to increase Uie mixup. As a last ..,.... .I..Mn,a huVM MllilllVOred IU determine by bhwd tests, whether the girl baby actually is tne uuugu ter of Mr. und Mrs. Smith. U'hnl lu lliu Vllllle Ot SUCll testE? Cau prospective mothers, on enter ing hospitals, be sure tnut luey will be given tholr own ouuiem What ure the chances of mistake such as tho Smiths allege was made by tho Falrvlew faru uos pital? Dr. Morris Flshbelu, , editor ot the Jouruul of tho American Medi cal association, aud one ot tho lore- n.,ll,.tl Hiilluirllies In the r h.,a u't-ilintl tllU I01IUW1I1K article especially for the News-Ue-view and NEA Service, telling medical science's best answers to these questiuiia. His article throw a new llKht on this perplexing aud absorbing case. . . , v no Mnnms FISHBEIN Editor of The Journal of the Amer ican Medical Association, Written Epeclally for the . . . News-Review and NEA f i ' Sarvlce. , ; (), ' i'horo is no doflnlto, 100 per cent perfect way of determining a Ulllllt ,,OU.HbW, ... . . Blood tests uro uuoui tne u means science has. lei tiiuj mv by no means 'Infallible. iinn.i., n,n hiimii of hunian be ings lire cortuin factors that. cause tho red blood colls ot other human i ni-irlutlnatn. or cluilip , i. i, itomi fnund that "S" h .llvlde.1 into ilUlllUll ,. v, urnuiis accoruing to " . I .hn,an.n Ylf OlllCl numueru mm v,ti.-..-- wiih whom their bloou ... aM.lo t.rnniiiiiir. - O11C0 lllUS ll. . ostabllsheg, is a stable matter and is influoucea out niuu uj y.... changes in tho manner ot living or in the environment. FOOTBALL SEASON IS STARTED TODAY ) M 1 ' I ' , i. .1 (Associated l'rcn LuawMl Virc) , i NEW ,-VORK. Sept. 24. Foolhall was back in the sporting HpotllHhl today witli more than 200 teams prying Uie lid oft ,tlie .1027 soaspn. There "was" special interest 'In opening games because . ot, now rules affecting tbe shift,, the huddle and the lateral pass. Today's schedule in tho east showed such teams ns Cornell, brown, IJlirtinoutll, army, j-mn-. burgh, Pennsylvania,' V t-'olumbiit, New , York university, sinrau p.nn Kintn. Ceoraotown. Colgate aud Lafayelto In action. : Clil6A0O; iWjit. 14.-Tbo toot- I..'.... U'ltil.i- ' nail SOilHOii ia u". v Twelve, policemen were: neudcu to quell a rot last nignt. uoiwueu 'al.. o rr -tim AiiKtin and Oak Park, high schools, engaging in nnm ."lust before the buttR), brother" hostilltlei. Thirty stu-. rfonia k were arrested and later freed, ; : - ' ' fw,i. PurV linvn started tho argu ment said tho police, by painting windows of the Austin school red. ' 1 CHURCH NEWS si c.nriM'1 EdIscodrI Church. Cass anil Main streets. The loth Sunday after Trinity. Holy com munion at 7:30 a. in. Morning prayer and sermon ut 11:00 a. in. Evening prayer and sermon at 7:80 p. m. Church school at 9:45 a. m. Thursday, September 29th H. Mi chael and All Angi'ls II. C. at 11:"0 a. in. Vestry meeting Thursday X p. ni. Ascension cnapei at uiuum. ( Evening praycf linn . seruiou 8:00 p. nu J1 f Sf C Her 1 "Baby Smith" the I V ' vt 1 1 I month old girl born at rairviow f ? 1 kH (IfcJi- I Park hospital. Cleveland, whose ' . r T:S ' i. H.nlH hv Mrs. 1 8am IK"? 1 v II l " , ! J" I I Group Are Inherited : " I It has been lenrued that those . ...r, iiihoritod. - and 1 I OlOUU ftiuui' " - nnressarv before any character lu ii. htnnA mnv Ha lined In deter be able to recognise without qoos tlnn the nrnsenca of 'the dominant factor In any person. Second,, joua V. .. .kmlntnlv Oll.a . r.f .flLlA hereditary behavior of. the chaMto- Testa Are Not certain .......... l I.. .1111'nB.BainrV til 11.1 Ai.,mA,,ttnn In annlvinp -thnsa tests in medico-legal cases. Even - If these factors are present in umj blond, thev are not to be given un due Importance. ' Maternity hospitals as runs are extremely careful to preyept mistakes In tho Identity ot newly born . babies. Immediately - after birth, steps are taken to make a tim. onnh Knhv In nrWnerlv afi- ' I credited to Its own mqther. AinOng lUO BiepW USUUlljr IH.OU is, first, the pnstlng on the bady and oil tne moiner, at uie uuio . birth, ot a piece ot aunesive. .mpo on which are printed in Indelible Ink the name of the mother and the number of the case. ..... lu many institutions, immediate ly on tbe birth ot the child ' fc uecklace ot beads bearing , , Hv name ot tho mother Is clasped about the neck of tho enna. "mis necklace 1b not easily removed,and cannot come off accidentally,- In the Chicago Lylug-ln hospital, and in many other Institutions, tho footmarks of tne cnna are nuiw. ed on its chart immediately after birth and before it Is remoyed from the room In which It Is born. The footmarks serve. aa an , abso lute sign or lueniiiicauon. , This ia the most practical and , certain method of Identification. Tho printing ot either finger or luiluut is practically out of tho question' because' ot tho Intense ami cousutn motion ul me uow.y-, born baby. - ' - !'. - ; . Put Prlnta on) phart , ( - ; Since the, ridges of the sole:.aro vrv fine and soft, little ' Ink Is sub-! used. The ink is spread over a tna tout. . -ia ul .in, n. Hint a specinv; ttKKi."i.", ' " - i -. , kia1. Btanoocoud not appear in a cnuu ""'.-" t unless it was P.ront In Jto!,& ' '.. . ni-a,.. Ilmnnill TfltT. Did Pytnian o..., nd an fourth Monday evonlngs of .eacj month, at the K. ot P. hall. Vl I ltors always welcome. 17 ... HAZBLRAST, M. E..0. , . inn, uidua M. nf R. U. MAi" E. PARKEIl. M. of F. fUjhbor of Woodcraft, Lllui ' ,?i. T wa, da Moots on lirBl .1.11 xfn,wlv nvniilnSS. in ' BUU Ulll u - K. of P. Ball. Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. - IRA TAYLOR, O. N. , MAROA11BT WHITNBCferk. Tao't Dauahteri Wo.' o. Meeu first and third Fridays at 7:30 n m. Masonic Temple. Master Mu sons and O. E. 8. members al ways welcome. ' MLlZABETHiABRAHAM, Secy. ?.,"" o" ji ' n" T w.' Roaaotiro KO vie' No 11. Holds regular meet '. IngJ on second and fourth Thura days at 7:80 p. m. Visiting sis .' .Ara invitnit tn attend rovlowt ' Maceabee Hull, Pine and Cast , streets. ' - MRS. HELEN HUFFMAN, ' Jl'IKSlH ItAI'P. Col. K, o. t. "MMeete eacn second and fourth ' Thursday of each . month, in Muccabeo hall, cor nor Cass and Pine streots. Visit lug Knights always woloome, . L. C. GOODMAN, Coin. n w. -happ. r. k. MnBpg3inJM.ia"ir?CTis'WijswBijai parents. This litis boon conflrmea bv numerous investigators all over .i".- ...a..i.i nwl Hi, tiiirieiirnncn of Euch' a siibstuiico in blood that la being tested ia taken, no, lmiicaio either certain ovldonce ot pnrent- UKe or a iinstnKo in mo .u--nu.. of the person making the test. The later Is qulto possible, duo to the delicacy ot the reactions. Dr. Laurence H.. Snyder : ot the Roseburd Loaoe No. 1037 ' L. 6. Q M. Meets Iirsi sou luiru i...,. nt. ,ihn . month.. MoOBS uin. - - - , Hall, 248 N. Jackson street. Clui rooms open i:au to y. in.. KnAlharn' WMlnome. I ' f . ' JOHN B. FLURRX,,pict. , H. O. PAJtGETER, 1360. r j JNO. M. .TtUHiHm. ireao. ' to a Dlece of the chart paper. This chart h,as previously jbeen fully marked with the ; record i of 'the mother 'and with other data t that absolutoly prevents confusion. ,. . Mistakes in wenuiy- mo raro nowadays Dnce they' oocut, however, It Is difficult in the, ex treme to got at the renl truth.iThe blood test has not yet reached the stage ot miauium.?. Eaolss, Roseburg An Meets' li Maccanee luubi or vkh: .uw on second aad tourth Wednecf day evenings of each month, al 8 olclock; VlslUng brethern; : tq good standing Always weicorne. J. B. BAILEY, Jr., W.'Ptts. " GEO. STALEY, Jr., P. W. Pres. "I V. V. GOODMAN. 8,:(,; ' O. E. 8., Roseburo Chspter No. e Holds their regulnr meeting on ... ri.A. anrf Ihlrri ThltrttllnVS la IUD IUD, -"" ' t each: month. All sojourning broth era and slstors are rasyeuuuu; Invited to attend. MYRTLE BOND, W. UV ' f REB JOHNSON. Bee. -: a O n Plka. Rnisnura Lodao No, 328. Holds regular comtnunicsv ' tlon at the "Elks Temple on each second awl fourth Thursdays, .h mnnfii All members re quested to attend regularly, an all visiting oromers, are toruiuu Invited to attena, , H. W. BOOTH. E. It.. ' DOUGLAS WA1TE, Soo. , noseburq Rebekah Lodflt No, 4t l n n p Meets In Odd Fnt . lows Teraplo ovory week on Tuea day evening. Visiting member! In good standing are cordially in vltcd to attena. :., . vicim ijrmT.1T.T. M r. GERTRUDE HATFIELD, R. B KM MA IjntllA.. 1". n ilnltsd Artisans Meets la K. P. Hall' first and-third Thursdays, Visiting members always wel eome. 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - CONSTA'NCE BLACH.', M. A. .. M1LDRBD MCCULLOCH, Tress. BELLE 8TEPHENSON, Boo." W. 0. M. L, Meets In Moose-kal first and thlra Fridays at a o'clock. Visitors wolcome. , "' MARION SHAW, S. R. " JESSIE CALHOUN, Reo. ,, , VIVIAN PHILLIPS. Treas. A. F. A A. M (-aursl Loage No, 13. Regular communication; ond and fourth Wednesdays eacl month at Masonlo Temple, Ross burg, Ore. Visitors welcome, - F. P. CLEMENS, W. M. W. F. HARRia Beo. Laurel Chapter No. 31, R. A. M. Meots every third Tuesday ol each month In Masonlo Temple, All members requested to attend ' and vlBltlng companions; 'wel :' cotno, ; ,'v, ' W. O. BURT, High Priest' W. V. HARRIS, sen. a OUT OUR WAY By Williams .u LODGE DIRECTORY ; DE MOLAY CHAPTER rtegular communicatloil 2nd aud 4th Thursdays, Masonic Hall.- Woodmen of ths World, camp No 12S Meets In the Odd Fcllowt Hail In Roseburg every flrsi end third Monday evenings. Vis lttng neighbors always welcome M. M., tier. I. O. 6. F, PhllelarlaM "Lodge No 8 Meets In ouq renows Jem pie every Friday evening. Visit lng brethcrn are always wel come. ' W. J. BURKE, N. G. t A. J. CEPIIKH, Roc. Sec ' ' J. li. HAILEY, Fin. 8cc. iinmhti nt" PvthlSS." AlDCS LodQt No. 4 Meets every Wednesdaj in Knights of Pythias ball, 131 Rose street. Visitors always wel come. GEO. R. WARE, C. C. ROY O. YOUNG. M. V. E. E. WIMHEIILY. K. R. 8. Onion encampm-ot No. 9, I, O. 6. F. Meots In Odd Fallows Tem pie on 2nd and 4th Wednesday! of each month, VlBltlng Paul archs always welcome. C. F. CRAMER, CP. hF.S PAI.M. II. V. CAUL V. OILMAN, Btribe. A -Mem i A-UEM f ' BOUU -Il-INV6 OUU'S got a Bottle. 1 of A-HEM. im -TrtERe. WATC14 HIM MAWEUVJER VAievA-VOO CAMT" BLAKAE. OLLIE . ITS -TU' rjtW Uv'iW A FELLER CM rVlAWE A PACV O' CrtEVNlKl' LAST;' AROOKIO SO HE. C'KI GET AU. DAY. VOU CWS&EnTi A VgHPF O OLLS BREATH, ouv. oui A kml-K in XI . yn. v. s. pat. i-T rViFC lrv-iU c;nc.pir-ini ic. TH WW HE DOCKS, INJ UNDER THAT COAT 'BOOT JIEW "TIMES A DAM. .MM AV.' i.W llAlS CROMO OF ; Bums. 7 an . V -4. I. I w ft ft : v yrmzmi mm3. Era m p, . 'ls ax? vvai mlu , . '' : : JIM : "V;:- i-j-j-'ii'.yp orr." BuRiE-O "TREASURE Xj.f Willi AN1S ei tn 1 KtA SUWICL ssx .