i i t t i j 1 i k i 1 4 . THREE i 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 ii i l - - i . From Drain (On Business- Mrs. Geo. W. McCollum of Drain j W. YaBhaw of Looking Glass was was here over Friday visiting with j among those' to visit this city on friends. - - ; - - ,- business on. Friday afternoon. . , ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW.' SATURDAY SEPTEMBER' 24, '921: LOCAL NEWS: . '.'"V.rft T 1 rt " I ' TKelr (Continued from page- 3.) later la the month for a social party. r . i - Tables were placed for five hun dred, ttfere being sixteen ladles -at play. At the clOBe iuncheoh " was served at the tables.' Sirs. Bruce Stephenson was assisting the host ess. :' Younger Maids Arrange Surprise As ' a surprise to Miss " Eileen Hamilton on her birthday anniver sary a group of maids assembled at the Hamilton' home on the eve ning of September 20 for an infor mal party. Games were in progress during the evening and Miss Hamilton was presented with a green and gold fountain pen by her friends. Later refreshments were served the Misses Margaret Dent, noise N'eurlther, Margaret Weatherford, Edna Brown. Joan McElhlnny, Jes sie Pyron, May Schnelbacher and Eileen Hamilton. POETS' CORNER Signed Contributions for This Department May Be Sent to the ' Society Editor of The News-Review, and Will Be Used as Space Is Available. Business Visitor John Abeene of Fair Oaks was a business visitor in this city for a brief time on Friday afternoon. On Business J. Short of Dixonvflle was In this city Friday afternoon for a brief time attending to business affair and trading. (From Hoaglin wm. is eu boll returned to ioag liu today after a visit with friends and transacting business in this city for a day. Visiting Friends Mrs. Adrian Stanley of Camas Valley was visiting with friends and shopping in Itoseburg. Friday afternoon. Spends Day Here Mrs. Clarence Hest of Canyon ville was a visitor in this city Fri day and was shopping and meet ing friends. From Looking Glass F. Chamberliu of Looking Glass spent a few hours yesterday in this city looking after business affairs. In Shopping Mrs. Frank Smith of Camas Val ley was shopping and visiting with friends in this city for a few hours on Friday. ' ' From Drew j Warren L. Tyson of Prew was j here this afternoon attending to business affuirs and Visiting with friends. Returns to Milo w. j. tonannon, nomesicaucr ni Milo, returned home this morning after, spending Friday here attend ing to business affairs. LOCAL NEWS METER This was a lively week for all . The home town folks and others. ' For always, when the school takes up: i There's many busy mothers. Then airplanes droning toward their goal And falling in the valley ; :- Make people wonder if 'tis safe . . r ' To cen walk in the alley. ' . The mtnlng question looms again,, ' t. With cinnabar at Tiller; v . ";; K " If present prospects hold out well; ; .-; 'Twill prove a county pillar. The heavyweights again fall to, .luck Dempsey and Gene Tuuncy; The radio fans tune In on time, ? Excitement makes them looney. Tho local citizens aro sore '-' Because another ' county : Has been aligned to build the bridge And take away the bounty. -1 : But no agreement has been sfgned, The council yet may niter ? '. . ' Their plaiiB nnd save the day if they j , . Ton't hesitate or fuller, i ' V- ' ? 1 ' - , Orpha Collins. Spends Afternoon . Mrs. Conrad Long of Cleveland was In this city Friday afternoon shopping and attending to , busi ness matters. Spends Afternoon Lfge OHlvant, Looking Glass rancher, was attending to business affairs and visiting friends In this city Friday afternoon. To Carlton Miss Mable V. Johnson of Res ton Is leaving todny for Carlton, Yamhill county, where Bhe has ac cepted a position us teacher in the schools. On Business E. Edmonds of Camas Valley was in Itoseburg for a brief time yesterday afternoon trading and attending to business affairs. Why am I living? and . Just what am I? i ' Will I live agaiu? r i i After I die? . ' , Where: will' the soul of me, : If soul there be, . Wander when parted From my body? I am a mystery to " j Myself aud you; Myelery unsolvable j Through and through. i GRACE BEATTIE. CfliERFMCE OR Li t: ft ft:-i.t TO BE POSTPONED Fear Spread of Infantile (.Paralysis if Meeting Held on Dates . , ' , Planned. part of the state and as ' infantile paralysis is' quite prevalent In many of these communities it was feared - that the gathering hero might result seriously. It was decided to postpone ' the meeting indefinitely and, if the epidemic In the, other sections clears up In time to permit the meeting to be held with safety during tne run, new dates will then be announced. . So far no infantile paralysis has nppeared In Douglas comity and evni'V UnKHihta iiroftniitini, la Wm. taken to prevent the disease from gaining a foothold In this locality. Camp nt Tdleyld Park. ' ' Becauso of the prevalence of In fantile paralysis In the southern part of the state it has been de cided to indefinitely postpone the Older Girls Conference, which was to have been held In Itoseburg during October.. The action was taken today by the executive com mittee after a conference with health authorities, it being believ ed that the gathering, i( held at the time planned, might result in the spread of the disease through out the entire southern Oregon dis trict. . The conference would have brought more than 300 girls from the various cities of the southern NAVY OFFICER MAY BE CALLED ON THE CARPET (Continued from page I.) ington and with the fleets and that there is too much money being spent on the maintenance of navy yards and naval stations along the Atlantic coast."- The admiral said he wafl greatly impressed by the interest shown by the general, public in the nnvy. "The taxpayers have been gen- nroun tn tha nnw " ho mlitorl ''mwl j congress has been generous too, but I fear we have taken advan 'tnge of them." MWIIIIIWIIWIMWIWWM From Glide Mr. and Mrs. Carl Messing, resi dents of Glide, spent Friday after noon trading and attending to business matters In this city. Visitors In Town Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parrott of CnniUB Valley were Roseburg visit ors Friday nfternoon and were shopping and transacting business. Here on Business Alfred Warkentin, auditor of the Union News company with head quarters in San Francisco, arrived here last night lrom Men lord to look after business at the! local branch offices., . ' To Corvallis - - ! Mr. ami Mrs. A. N. Orcutt left byiauto this morning fojr Corvallis where they will visit with" their two daughters, Mrs; - Charles W Fox and Miss Dorothy Orcutt, over the week-end. '"'- Visit Here Friday Mr&. Sam Hull of Kiiluie. accom panied by her daughter, Miss Hall of Los Angeles, were visitors here Friday. Miss Ball will leave Tor the southern city today, being a nurse there. .- . Back From Bakersfield - Geo.' C. Barbour returned hero Friday afternoon from Bakers Held, Cal., where he was called the first of the week by the sudden death of his father, J. H. Barbour. The funeral was held Wednesday. FALL GRAINS We now have a good stock of following i grains. Some of them will be very scarce ! within a' short time, so get your require- gj m! ments now. fa I ! I' Vetch, Vetch and Oats, Cheat, Rye ; Grass, Rye, Rib Grass, Recleaned Gray Oats, Recleaned White Wheat ! i I Douglas County Flour Mills I g Roseburg and Myrtle Creek. v (81 S Undergo Minor Operations Tonstlectomles were performed at Mercy hospital yesterday on Alfred Hay, the son of W. R. Mor gan of DlxonviHe. and Stella Belle, the son of Richard Woods of this city. Br. A. C. Seely was the attending physician. Goes to Monmouth Miss Rose DeMacon, who has held u position as "waitress at the Hotel Umpqua for the past year, leaves today for Monmouth, where she will take teacher's training at the Normal.Her place hero Is filled by her fcister, Louise, who formerly worked both at the Rose and Umpqua hotels. Purchase Ranch 1 S. D. Glenn was a business vis itor here from Glide yesterday. Mr. Glenn and his wife are form erly from California and have de : cided to locate In Douglas county, i They have purchased the large ; ranch of Steve Shrum, near Glide, ;and will make that their home. 'The ranch is equipped and stocked 'and Is several hundred acres In larea. Mr. Shrum has retained three ; acres of the land and plans to build ;a home near the river, where he jand his family will reside: 1 Here for Day Mrs. S. T. Link and daughter of Oakland arrived this morning to spend the day visiting with triem's and. attending to business matters. To Conduct Sermon Louis . Huff of the Soldiers Home left this morning for Selma to remain over Sunday. Mr. Huff will conduct the services at the church at Korby, Ore., Sunday. Returns to Weed Mrs. N. J. McCllntock. following a visit here with relatives anil friends during the past few days. left this morning for her home at Weed, California. Spend Day Visiting 1 Mrs1. W. E. Thompson of Wilbur and her house guests, Mrs. Gertr rude Stanfield," were in Roseburg today visiting with friends ami shopping.. i To Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Poorman cf Salem came to Roseburg toduy to attend the funeral of Judge G. W. Riddle. Mr. Poorman was adju tant at the Soldiers Home for sev eral' years, while Mr. Riddle was serving as commandant., ; i Salvation Army Man Visits Ensign Ronald N. Eherhart, who Ih in clnrge of the young people's work in the Salvation Army in Ore gon, was In. tins clly Friday con ferring with Sgt. McGowun,, who has charge of the local .work. En sign Kberhart left this morning for Grants Puss. I. Arrive from Yoncalla, Mrs. N. P Ferris and Miss Lonn Gist of Ytpncalla arrived hero thin niorning, the former spending IhO day with friends, Miss Gist wiU rem su n here and will bo (ul tit ft home of Mrs.' Grout In West Riisi)-.! burg for some time. :, i ;. . () i Going on Hunting Trip ' Dr. nnd Mrs, Clair K. Allen anil Dri L. A. Dlllard of this city, accom-, panled by Mr. and Mrs. '.VL 8. Allen Sr., of Albany, parents of .Dr. Allen, leave in the morning for tho John Until I in place at Brew, near whore thev will enjoy a ten-day hunting trip Here Over Week-End Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Edmisten. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. Ed mis I en and Miss Daphne Edniinsten, till of Portland, arrived Friday lo spend the week-end visiting at tho home or Mr nnd Mrs. J. C. Royse. Tho party have been on a trip Into California and are en route home. Local Couple Wed . . . I Dolbort A. Owen and Mrs. Mao E. Harper, both of this city were married the first of the week it't' Vancouver, Washington. They are on a trip to southern Oregon pohiU aud wfll return hero, the first of the week to make their; home In W'vAt Kosoburg. Mr. Owen Is employed us Janitor at the Perkins building. 3 i ' ; J By GUY FITCH PHELPS One of America's Foremost Orators, who has just returned from Mexico with ; authentic ' information. This will be Roseburg's Greatest Educational Series in Years ' BIG RALLY OF PROTESTANTS AT THE ARMORY Saturday Night, Get. 1 8:00 O'CLOCK t i : i .' I ! 1 Tickets 50c at the Door .-. I Si. !' 'iii. ) i I ' 1 i' . i (''i'(n j 'r , EVERYBODY IN ROSEBURG SHOULD HEAR THIS WINS WESTERN TROPHY FELTS FIELD, SPOKANR, Sept. 24. Eugene- Dgtmor of Tar rytown, Pa., In a Travelalr biplane, was the winner of tho western fly ing trophy free for till race lot two or more place low powered airplanes, tho first race or today s program of the national air races. First prize wue $l,OU0 and the raco was SU miles around a 10-mile course' Eleven planes were en--tered. 1 t Paul RIchtor, Jr., of Los Angeles, In an Eaglernck biplane, was hi c ond; C. W. MeyorB, or Troy, Ohio, iu a Waco third; Leslie Miller, in an Eaglerock fourth, ami 1). C. Warren, Sun Francisco, in a Trav elalr fifth. Back From Hunting Trip ' ! Rill Woods, Southern Pacific special agent, roturned to Rose jburg last night following a two (weeks' hunting trip spent in east ern Oregon. He was accompanied !on the trip by Sterling Clark of Lu Igene. They killed two mule deer, j ;ono weighing 222 pounds and tho . : other 160 pounds, and one bear, (weighing about 300 pounds. THREE DIE IN FIRE MOOSEJXW, Saslr., Sept. 24. WHllam and Frederick Huyck and two children of William, Thelma. G, and a 3-months-old baby, lout their lives in a fire which de stroyed tho Huyck farm homo five miles north of Pnsqua this morn ing. The men lost their lives Irv ing to save -the children. Fivo oth ers escaped. Come to ytmr ftatt Urufity for nihwrtl cdtxration and prowtont training. Opportunity t olfiTti in 22 departmentA of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts And tn ih Sthooli of Architecture and Allied Arts Business Administration Educa tion Journal ism Graduate St jdy Law Medicine Music Physi cal Education Sociology Social Work Extension Division. College Year Open September 26, 1927 For information or emtatof of Writs Th RitHTit. UntCrrtHf of Orwfon. Eufrm, Ore. Miss Reymers Back ! Miss Feme Reymers resumed her duties as secretary of the Roso burg branch of the AAA at the Umpqua hotel today after a three weeks' vacation. For a week Hhe visited with friends In San Fr.in cisco, returning to Oregon and tpending two weeks at Lakevlew with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Carl Vi. Reymers. She returned to Ronfburg via. Rend and over the McKenzie Pass to Eugene. WOMAN IS ACQUITTED MOUNT VERNON, III., Sept. 21.' In nnBwer to her tearful plea, "give me deuth or send me hack to my children," Mr. Elsie Slweet ln was acquitted today at her sec ond trial for tho polnon murder of her husliand, Wllford, three years ago. The jury deliberated less than 30 minutes. Legionnaires Honor France's Unknown Soldier "ntn nmencan i-cHiun nonarea rrance'g unknown , oldler. Left to right, Legion Comminder Howard P. Savage, Gen. John J. Pershing, Sheldon Whltehouie, American charge d'affaires; Mrs. Adeline McCauley, head of Legion Auxiliary; Gen. Gourad, military governor of Paris. Photo by radio and tele, phone to the News-Review by NEA Service, Inc. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. j U. S. Weather Durnao Offlca Roseburg. Orepon. Dnta reported 1 by Arthur W. Pugh. Meteorologist In charge. BaromPtrlc preBoure (reduced to sea level) 5 a. m 30.11 Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes- (onlay (per cent) 81 1 Preclp. in Ins. and Hundredths: Highest temperature yesterday ci LoweBt temperature last night 53 Average temperature (or the day .. .. J. BS Normal temperature (or . this Precipitation, la.it 24 bourn .... Total preclp. plnce 1st month 1.12 Normal preclp., for this month 1.04; Total preclp. from SepL 1, 1927. lo dale 1.12 Averoge preclp. from 8opL 1, 1S77 ..- .72 1 Total excess since Sept. 1, 1927 . - .40 Average seasonal preclp. Sept. to May Inclusive 31.H Forecast (or southwest Oregon: : Cloudy tonight, Sunday generally fair with trisiog temperature. j fit .16 USED , i - es and Trucks Ford Truck, steel cab, extended frame and Warford. Ford Truck with cab, good order, total price $125.00. Ford Delivery, good condition, total price $50.00. Chevrolet Sedan nearly new at a great reduction. Chevrolet Touring, last year's model priced right. Ford Roadster with Delivery Box. Ford Touring 1925 model, new Duco Paint. We sell on Easy Terms. Hansen Chevrolet Company