Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 24, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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' If
t t .
All Contribution to this Page Society, Women's CIuds. and
personal. Should Be Telephoned to the Bocleiy
Editor bf Wda6f Each Week. ' . ' ' ' ', 1 I : '
ANV rtosehurg rolk will'be'at-
ii"i,.tn,l in Kiilpni mi Koine
time ditrlng the coming heck
when the stam fair will hold full
sway for six days. Perhaps I lie
most iulerestliig two features will
be the horse tihow and auto rnces,
Iho former oiiening on Monday, and
for five night following will be
held the affair which annually
thrills hundreds of horse lovers
the Elate over. Some fine . strings
from California and Oregon stables
will add color to the show and a
now pair. Slella Vane and lluckley
Vorilie. Imported from England, by
JAarnn 1M. frioik, tnlll bo- seen. '
jj'ho fall aoclal ciilendat Is gfail
ttally Hsingnierlilntiieiits of nolo
mid with bridge clubs and the
jincM-rub ' lilo, 'muetltlg ' atjulil
for luncheons uni( suppers Co ills
cuss uRaln tho work of the year
after u summer nt Inactivity, the
winter routine will soon be in full
swing. Of the larger clubil to hold
the first autumn meeting recoitly
was tho llusiiicss arid Professional
Womon'H 'lub. . The liosubui g
Woniun'B Club vflil resiiiiie work
next inonlh, on tho first Tuesday
III October, meellng at tho attrac
tive new club building, which 1
the former Hell Inline on South
Jacliann street. Mrs. Win. Hell will
be Installed as llie new president, j
Very inrnriiml jms been pw en
torliilnltnr this week. Rrmiim meet'
lug mostly for niTinheons, tliiiiiiMK
or supper imrtlcH followed hy
brldgo. A few Iravjlers are return
ing to tho city after tho summer
silent at resorts ami trips out of the
slate, and visitors hnvo continued
to come and go tho past few weeks,
supplying Interest and Inspirations
tor social events. . . . , - I
.l 1
r I Hit . . . I i 1
(Aoseourg matrons -
FnlprtnitiPfl in Eucene
The nmtroiis of the Tbuisd.iy !
Rrldge .lh .uv-tiireil; to
,lls ween 111 p. e.gliesoi mi.,, ;,:,, I M ..,.,. ,t .,.,,
,V. M. I'clletsiill,' tiilo
.,. .!?' ?''; I
dier of llie cluli while making her
1iomo In tlrlelly.i The -croup were
eiitmiiiliieil at the ultritellve new
I'elturson hiiinii iu Nnrlli Eugomj
. I t' ft " Win ' o'clock: " Iun'lili?oir. Hint
n - nee - tvctiiMt - liiiiihiiiir Hint
Zinnias and glitO'ell nrrnnged ,lii
bnsketA.iiiiil. (vMiliei In ,the (ijiioliis
(omispiiitiled witlrtht' Willi' rtecbliii
Hons. Mrs. Chns. 11. Wade held
fUtftftiTSl- ttflrlrV emf iif (if iilliy; iiie
if tiioniliers or Mill club are Iho Mes
i ililliius l'"reil Schwartz, S. fl. Helllck,
A. .T. Iliirlirailel, Liulr K. Allen, K.
't il. Tlmrhor, irilliis II. Wiulii, Hlrny
It West, and livln llrunii.s
T vLacliea "Aslted'ibr r .:
;!('."Jlif9rmal Afternoon ' . .'.
ril'ii 'I'lH'sdity iMI'S. A.1 J. 1-llbi'V'J''
' k jms . hostess to;', an lnjornm! altiu'.
"tiiodil nli'liW lifHiig to her lionie
f will Litiirejstdouflt Hi'Hl , of ludl'i'S.'
i fj'he guesIB spent, B ilcitsni1t' time
I, 111 quilting hiiir ('hulling nid at llie
.IJobo rofruhliinrnlH wore.' sei'Vod.) ; ,
! .j.. o o f? j; f,
; yisitors Return : r . '
. to Spokane Tuesday 3?V
t. - Mrs, Kitherlno ltoeit . nnd lier
V two . iluuglilurH, Mrs. John May and
, Mrs. Willis Mercer, hayq been the
Jtouso guests pt Mrfl. 'IS.' ,A... Kllll
; milikler. jiiu 7.15- South Slepliens
street-for a fniiiiighl. 'J'he visitors
i left Tuesday evening for their
I homes In Sopkane, Wash. ' . u .
t . '. , , a . i ' 1
f Dinner Party Honors
iT;TVvo -Visiting Matrons
I. -'-Flowers of Iho season were used
In the table appointments at the
dinner party for phlcji Mrs. llcrthu
''"'iiirrutl was' hostess at her home
"" 'ri'n South Jaclison silent on Tues-
Unv evelilnu In compliment lo two
visiting luatrons, Mrs. I!. W. Mc
Kee of ilnllvwnuil and her sister,
-"-i-JUra. S. If. Vi'nti'U of Portland,
r Seated about the lalile. were the
i -TD.WU linaur guesin, Mr. ijud -Alia.
7? A. E. Kent, Miss .Mae Fisher null
the hostess. Later In the evening
Mrs. John Throne Joined tho
group for cards.
Recent ..Wedding Is
Surprise to Friends
Surprise to Frietlds .
. U'lilllt erellt HUl'Lilisinc, , In
cthilr Ii iiMifti Iu the lily was the
wedding ) .Miss i Dorothy ltnndall,
InUglllel,. ot P.JT. KaiWnll 01 Hose-
iurg,1iiid Humid W,. irin, sou of
Mr. nud Mrs. I. M. InMn of Klam
ath Fulls anil formerly of tills city.
The imiriiiigo was solciiltiUed at
it quiet iiflertioon ceremony in
Medtord lust Sntuidny, Rev. T. 11.
Temlile, paslur of tile Melliodi.-l
Episcopal church or Medtord of
fliiallnir nt 4:110 oVImk bel'oie
onlv Mr. nud Mrs. ltrown anil IneiMrs. Jack Alli.-toii. n friend ot tho
bride's ulster. Miss Kugenla Ituu
dull uf this city.
The brlih Ih an attractive youuu in icm hrr in (Irani! iMss nnd ili
Ionian and both frhe and Mr. Irw in m oiitlnitf her wotk for the wlntt-r.
have n wld circle of friends It. !. K fl
Itosebnrg. She has been a student 1 Jrs y b 08e
lit lierktdcy high .school In Iterk-!. ' ; '
nicy, Callfnuiia. and during Ihejllotlie Irrtm 1 rip Last
(iimnior has been In Hosi'butgj Mi Watson K. lnle n'ttniled
visiting with br father. The j In i ly work alter an extrndm!
bridegroom i a graduate of ltos-jntay tu tin east. In MlluirainiHw
burg high Hchool. where ho twtk 1 Mrs. Hoise nH. ini. il the u,iti,nt il
pntmincnt part in athl.'tlc.i, and hl-jV. V. T tT trtitventldn anil attvi
tended O. A. I'.t maiorinK In com-(ward vMtrd with friends there and
liierce. Ho i A member of Sltfrnajlu 1. Vu ami her tinnier hotm
('hl fraternity. Jteceutlv, wlilv. hl .tadttwthwn. North tnkida. slm nt-
' l . - 1 i.V I t, I ..,4 ,.I..I, ill. i tti.
iJll'elltK. 0, IIHll imiiniii
IH, 1ltet buiUK in punejBti tmui
- 2
Visitdrs in City
- J
f n . I It
! return to nomes ,
! 'rw0 charming visitors In the
,.ity who left thin week, have been
Mrs. C. W. McKee ot Holly wood
ami her elster, Mrs. S. K. Wlllett
Ot Portland.. Mrs. llckee haH been
ill Rosebiirg for tho past month as
the guest of Mrs. Pertltn I'urrotl
at her homo on tioulli Juckmii
street, and her sister vlsiled for a
week at the home of .Mrs. John
'i'hrone on East Cass street. Mrs.
McKee left mid-week for the south,
being accompanied by her sister
iu far as Axhhind, where Mrs. W'll-
iott Will Visit Willi menus tor a
few days befiiru her return to
Portland,. Friends have been enjoy
ing iiiu uHi)"iiiiii ' . ...v..
qualnlnnce with the two matrons
und soveiitl affairs' of all informal
nature were given In courtesy to
them. while Ibey were in Hoscburg.
. ,
j 'fhe nfenihers or thoj missionary
Hiiciety of the South ; Methodist
church were 'entertained at the
Jinine At MiH.'C.IW. (Men at 413
Miiuiii niepneiia siieei. on
day afternoon.
'junior High P.ff. A.
-r i- i t . Wf il I
lakes up;wor,icf ; i
A well alleiiciM ineotlng of iho
Junior High V. 'T.' .A, was held
Sent. 2UIII with Iho new iireslilent,
Mrs. IjOIiIr Kohlhngen, -presiding.
The meeting was opened 'by sing
ing "America" with Mvb. O. . C.
Flnloy nt tho piano.
A very Interesting business sos
uliin was held at which numerous
coilinilttops rcSr the year were np
pnlhlcd.' Tl oigaliliil(oir la rim-:
Idly tnkliiii up llie wnrki for the
Hensnn. Among the important mat-
lers to come befiire Iho nssocla-
" Ll,!L!!'!2:!!"'lTn
der.lilefl to' ontm triltt tl,6 facility
I of. the Junior, high .at Us next meet
ing and necessary committees
wnto iipnnlnliMl tonaril Hint etui
' "' i"""""' ne.i m..
A- short, pnigriim nillcmeil tne
county coiiueii eiiairmun, spnjie
briefly, mi Iho oljject, of. hcrv wink
and wiint'Slio yliopod to aiicoiiipllah.
Mrfl F. If. Churchill spoke llet
and-look uji the district nnd stittu
work in a very Interesting ' man
ner, telling llie association ilf tllt'lr
duties In aiding tills work. ' Mrs.
It. D. Williams, the delegalo from
Miii junior hleli sclidol to iiiitlonnl
congress ot Paronls' and Teachers
hold at .Oakland, Calif:, last May,
gavo a summarized report of the
eonvtmlloli In whlehjshe tiled, to
hrihfs bd ; InHplratloiv i of the im
tloh'itl ' convention' lev Hie liieellng.
, . . .
: Miss Katie 1. Flnlcy ' iottirn'ed 10
Hosoburg thlH week hflef spehillng
tile Kiiliiiinir In Hiicriimeiilo vlhil Iiik
with ri ierids. She was Jolncid III Hie
Boutliern city hy her molhor, Mis.
t. W. Fihley, anil .lamea Waihsley,
who nccomfiiiuleil her homo after
apiiiidiiig a week -there.'
i j tf, ; ' ' .
Matron and Daughter ,
Home From Canntla
.Mrs. A. II. .Moore-and daughter.
Jacqueline, are hack . from n. liin
to Canadian points during the piit
six week; They spent last week
end 111 lhl lily with rtll-nda en
riitile to (he Moore cituntry home
smith of ilosebmg. Aeccmpiinled
by Mrs. Moore's sister, Mrs. Alysie
HilsSell, of I'oliland I hey Hulled In
Winnipeg and Calgary rod snenl
some lime ill (he popular Ciitiiiillan
resorts, Uatiff ami; l-cutsi'
Ml, mill Mrs. A. E. I.yman of
East Jackson sll-eel entertaiiieil as
Jubilee guests Mr. and Mrs, C. 10.
i alhott and daligliter, Mrs. era
Payne. Their homes are In Silth
eiiln, proKUit.r-.MedforU Mall Tri
bune. . i "
: ft
Maid Known 1 lere
Weds Metlford Man " . '
An out of lown wedding of In
leiesl to liriies 111 UoHelllirg uv.s
Jlnst Siiniiu'y at which Ml. Jessie
A. Mm doll and Charles II. ltccry if
Meillniil pllglileil their not It. The
lu ide has visieil In liusclimg 'in
several ocellslons anil has u llllili
of fii'iuls in the clty
The niaiiiaye tunk place nt iho
(hinm or the brblc'rt brothei-in law
' aud sister, j Mr. and Mis. H. S.
jCblixwitt in' Crntntl Point and li. v.
'.I. M. .loluistui iiiitl the im vice. Mi",
i and Mis. lUviy hnve liecii on a
jf(!dinc 1 1 Ifi to thf coast and npe-it
Ktitle In this city nt the honu1 if
ilntd,. Iifinrc colui; nil to Mcdfonl
this morning: Win. it. ciy has h -ii
Pi! PU' u "i "ii'in m iMmim
vnrouie inmie in niauu nun
iwasmngion ciues.
:Twd Maids Enter-fain ! I U i ii
With Evening Affair ''!
l-iowers In keep Iiik -w Is It ihe rail j
season .Hiiiipli.-,) a colorful motif In !
the rooms of Mie Hodges Home on , the Bummer season, Mrs. O. a
I' -ivpinii. ior i.n utlr.iclivc evi-ii'i.ii.i u hi romlnr wook
Llin- avpiiuc lor uu unr.ii mi ni , Luiiu in l-a.-.lg 'ne coming weeh .
n itarU rd Tharwlay lor wlil' lt to visit with cousitiB iu Turner, '
the K;. ! -MM-y Jlndaea, Oregon, for two, weeks before her I
,o ho;tov,es to a R.. .t llio.'i , denarture for San Francisco.
'i'he guenls fotlnil pleasure In
gatnert nnd music mid inter in the (
evening were nerved hI prettily ftie ;
k)iiiimi iiiuii:,,. iiiuuin .., , .
unci sirs. I., v. i.aiiui !e. .r. ami
Mis. .Mil le Clark.
Hawn. Mi.".s Agnes
Cltindia lniisei)iiler,
Yokilm, l Ikm I. ui llu
' ,
Miller. Mmsi
, .. .
MIpk l,
liiowh, (iraiit ;
ronil, Mr. Sinitll
Clyde Heard,
ird Crnlg, Cli'ii',
Stein Jmiasaon.
Evening Affair . I
a. TrT1QL,, ,
Mr. llnd Mis. Moiio Chirk were her home on Wednesday, . Mrs.
hosts at their home on Corey Henry Snyder arranged sewing for
nveniie for an evening party on the diversion of her gdests. -Tuesday
honoiing Miss E in ill a Later the hostess, assisted at
Wainsley. who Pit Tiiursilay to be j the tables' hy Mrs. Ernie Rhiiadea.
an lnstiitclor III the schoole at An- served am early (dlnuer, placing
l-"".T t ; i
Minnies und i uslci were diver-
slims, cf the evening with a affy Decker. Mrs.-Carl Palin, Mrs. Ho
pull ut (lie closo. The Imjted lislmer Palm, Mrs.. fJene, liarkcr,' Mrs.
inciiiueii .miss ainsiey,. . .n r. ,
Chas. C. Wainsley, Mrs. Thoiiiaa
SllillWius, Miss I.enll Mcliaughey,
Miss Maud MeCnUBlioy, Jllss Ruth
.lenniiigs, .Miss l.ols Dyrd, Clarence
Hull ii. llarnld Hand, Klein Jonas
son.i Arthur Long.; i J
i i s ; v !
Mrs. Bubar Luncheon ;
Hostoss Wednesday '
Mrs. Dean 11. Illibar was linsless
for a lovely one o'clock liincheun
followed by brldgo on Weiluesduy
hich she entertained llie. ilia-
t Of Mie .MiniilnV. ftiii'icli cluiiii
ami lyVci guests ut Che liees, tile Ju-i
liar count i y liunio." ' 1 i , i
Tallies for the luncheon wore
Placed In front of the cosy upon
fire and were alierward cleared for
piny.. Tlie afternoon's honors went
lo Mis. II. I). Harris. Unjoyhig the
nflernoon were Mrs. 11. C. Wnddell,
Mrs., II. C. Zlgler, Mrs. Wiu.-Bull,
Miii. fieri. A. ilradbiiiil, Mrs 11.
Harris and Iwo 'guests, Mrs: A.'j..
KTciit nml 'A.lrsl I'!, tp. Slt'iartJ
Platinum Buckles
A Jaunty little black satin turban
has twin 'platinum buckles at each
side of the front panel to give It
double chic. ; , -:
I I ' ' !
Russiati Originality
Gei'innine Writes of
Newest, "Obliging"
Fall Models
PAUIS, Si'l't- 21 J
Dear Cousin: 1
You ask It there is anything new j
In cloth coats, to which 1 joyfully j
respond, there Ih indeed! The
cloth of thin ennnn la the most or-1
Ulnal and obliging garment, you.
have evM seen. i
Shopping about I found two that
seemed to mo ttranswpr every roa-J
onuble requirement, ltoth are ot ;
this very IIkIii wool, that ts soft
and caressiiiK to tho touch, but
exceedinKly warm and serviceable.
A heavy coat Is my abomination.
Individual Fur
ltoth of l hose, which I had pho
toxruphoil for you, s-how the new
twit a anil tho tendency to. add fur
In ah imlivlihbl ,- rather than a
routine manner. The one with tlie 1
lur bolero is pavticulnrly chic, I
think of t;ray mnterlal that just
blends with the fcray iu the krtm-
mer fur. Tho neat idea of having i
fur aoross the back where.)'""
really want It and where you are
nor-t vulnerable to wind nml
drafts, but none m rosti the front i
whero A coat ni.-ufn?. and laps by'
nature, seems to me little short of ,
creative ' Kenluf. The ( collar la
charming, openi'd or closed. There.;
U a certain costuthe uttiiceatliiit. to ,
the wrap that makes 11 very nt-1
tractive Indoors. Most winter coals,
look terrible within' walls,
The other mniicl i? more sporty,!
devetopt-d In my favorite shade of ;
bele with an inset on the Klrt of
heater fur and benvrr on the i-ot'
lars nnd cuffv. distributed with !
nice dlserlmlnatlon.
That Satisfying Silhouette
Tach of these coals has the sat-;
IffyiiiR narrow silhouette otit Irtvo
plenty of material uniler the laps
so dial eneh one covers sou wheu
,.ll n. U,.,1 ' .'
" 1 l amii'il ,i'g wlir, in Vbur nriilil
bitibti country, you should be so lu
Mrs. -a R. Child ' i
Will Leave Coming Week
After a most delightful visit i
with friends In Roseburg during
.where the makes her home
where she wilt spend the
During the season Mrs. Cmiu has
taken the J. E. Sawyers home at
and has' had
" together tort I
;). jweiiue uuu nan uau
groups ol her irlenils logellier Iort
ni'-h'iy iiuormai at nomes: 1110
list meetluir of the eroun. ihich
. . . ' 7 :
;,aa met as a dramatic club during
the summer, will be on Tuesday of
next week. ; ,
' ..J
Matron Invites ;
Club for Sewing
Inviting the matrons of the Rose-
I burg Art und Embroidery Club lo
.cuieia mi mm. i,. vv. iiiRies,. airs.
Water Hubble!
Held, i -Mrs.
j. o. Stephenson, Mrs. Jess Hicks,
Mi. Alice
Rhoades, Mrs. j. F.
llyrd, Mrs.
I.. F. Wangeman, Mrs.
Enrl Rhoades.
Master Harding
Host This Afternoon
Jackie Harding, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Harding, was -host
this afternoon to-a group of yoiiug
friends on the occasion of iifs
ninth birthday anniversary. .Mas-
tor Harding entertained his guests
at a iinatlnee and afterward the
group went to the Hurtling ihdnie
oil Waleoii street for refreshments.
Asters In pink, blue and white
jtredoiniiuitotl In tho room 8; and
cnh'OH iiondotl w it h t he pinH nud
lihio color motif at the large, table
whero covciH were placed to' flnv-
entuun hoys and girm.
San Francisco Matron
Returns Home
Mrs. Isadore AS'olltmberK,; ' tor
nior RosoburK matron, who, has
boon tlie Iiouho cuest of MrH.iCr .K.
Child at 451 Jlimt Avonuo Ulr the
J Vil .re'.weekH, left for California
J Friday, fitting short her vinilt here
ito ietui;n to her honio In? San
FinncUcq. JCu rout aha will) visit
in Gridley, California, at the-jhomc
of llcrnartl Munter, also a (former
Hosoburg resident.- Owing t (bn
feemtt deal h 'of lier himbaiidi onli'
-tlw- moat l.'itliiiato of social afialrsiK; A. Bunenhark,
were given by bor friends for
Mra. 'Wollnnberg during her stay
In the city,
- . ' . ' I" 1 i"
DaUBhter-Rosebure ' "
Laugncer rvoseourg .;
1 , .
Mr. mid Mis. llnrold (1. ijiuilii
(Mildred Miller) of Oitston, ore-'
lion, are visiting nt the home of the
lailor'a mother, Mrs. Hciin Miller,
oh 223 South line street. Mr. and
Mrs. Suillh's mnniiige looli place
on September . 22 nl Vancouver,
Wnslilngton. Their marriage Is of
inlerest lo circles in lloseburg.
where Iho bride has made her
homo. Mr. nud Mrs. Smith will
mnke Ihelr homo at Gaston tollow-
lng their visit here.
A sportive bsige coat trimond with
forested 111 coiV..ll costumes, but
they ti ll me hen- tlial they lire
rrejited nartirlllullv fur vou.
- f 1'rcmet h is a cocktail outfit
- with a cockull coat that seems to
Wi4 " K 5 4 1 ' -"w ,
PT7"' 1 JAM 2 a -71)1
Former Roseburg
j r l. :
i matron auu uaugiucr
Will Visit Friends Here
Mra t jr tihiuos Medford
tran la belna waniTlVWmed bv
- P . . y ! come1 ."
(rleIlti8 ju noscburg. where the :
,nPIpriv ,.,- her home :' m I
vlHlt h"e Srioto" w '
.... LL'f.. 'L I 'SlL,!'", ?.e.r
Ing her daughter, .Miss Esther
... '
p.lrRon. ,un u. fl,rVn ncinhpp
: ' , .7,, Tri ,
a nuiu t,c" h IrJ
r?tJ'u ...lo, 'Kbur tof,;tne t0,
vlsi' wltn f''lenit' whom AIIbi. Pear-
an una ,,. ,, r,,P .,iVP vra
LHter ,hoy wil, RO lo MKAImll aml
u- ..
.niBn i caisifu niii uv file euwl ui
ner mother In that city. She will
visit with two girlhood friends,
Miss Ruth Caro, in San Francisco
nnd Mr,. Gordon Stewart (Mildred,"""-'"" V ' ,,T"
arks) iu Han Hernardlno belore
returning to the east.
. ii..- . (
Californians Return
Home This Week
Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Bell and
daughter Beverly, and Mrs. Bells
sister. Airs. Monda Manning, who
have been guests ot Mr. Bell's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hell, at
their apartments op Sou'.h Jackson
street, returned to Los Angeles this
week. The visitors, -accompanied-by
Mr. and Airs. Win. Bell, spent
ten days In a motor trip. to. Port
land ami Washington cities, visit
ing a week here on their return.
Auxiliary Entertains
With Supper and Social
The UiiirKiiia Post, Ainerlcan Le-;
Kion Auxiuury, iohowiiik tne dusi
nesH meeting on TuesUay evening
at the armory, entertained with
the first social eTent ot the group
ilurins atnnmiti ifkinK the leion
nuiies as gueatH lor a supper and
social hour. About sixty enjoyed
the , pleasant occasion.
The auxiliary members are mak
ing tentative' plann for their winter
work and will outline Cor a social
affair 'soon. . .
W. C. T; U. Has
Election of Officers '
annual ejection of officols of
the W.' U. T. U, was the feature -ot
the buHini'HH session at the inOeU )
of the' group on 'Wednesday' at the
homo of Mrs.. 1): 11. Morgan in
Laurolwood. ' ' . . " 1 i f
Mrs. J. U. Osboi-n,' retiring 'pionl
dent, presided at the meeting and'
Mrs. .1. liettes led the devotionals.
The, W. C. 'T. U. year Is just tak
ing Up and the nctv' 'officers who
we're elected nre Mrs. T. B. Uu:!c:i
lmrk, llresideut; Mrs. R; E. f'oliier.
HiVl. vlce-nrefdtlniit; Mrs. -V. .13.
jltoisd, second vice-pi'eyidentr. Mrs,-
W.' Young1, rec
secretary; '"Mrs. (j,
ording-secretary; Mrs. Vlctoi Ml
celll,. treasurer . i . r . . .
A social hour was enjoyed by
the ladles after the meeting. The
organization will meet apain ju
A social hour was 't
' ie nftcr .two meouuB. ,ne
orgaulzatlon will meet nralii' ju
iwo weiiss iii uie iioiiie oi .yh.-i.
two, weeks at the .bome of Mis. it,
Hackstrom on , houili . bteimens
" ' ' ,. ,'', ' " '
I ' ' ' :-: v
Mr. ami Mrs. C. J. Swift have
I returned to their homo at South
jDeer Creels following n trip to I a
I mont, .Washington, .where they
were guests ot their son, Leonard
Swift. They wore also in Garfield,
Wnslilngton, and visited at tho
home of a sister there. and with a
brother In Portland on their way
home, , ,
beaver (left); a Lebouvier freck if
cloth coat with krimmer bolero.
.me to justify tho whole cocl.ti;:!
I proposition. The dress If a sleeve-
- less frock of black chltlon
Icire dots, made up over black
iu. The skirt has points aud Is very
Cloth Coats FoY
I Mrs. Josephine Carr .
j Guest at j. Wharton Home!
i Mrs. Jot ephlue js. carr, i-os au
' geles matron, is a guest at - the !
me. ... . r? JOep ""J"-
ton, in West Rosebur. for a lew
Mr r,rr arrived In the!
.? Sr . . . ' I
f" and kbe, reT?!'
e'ed "liU1? lTtog visit- 4
ed trlends in Roseburg on a nuiu-
oer ot occasions. &ne nas Deen
...... .... .V ,
apeuuuig uie Eiuuuier euauu iu
the east. During ber stay neveral
affairs are planned by relatives to I
welcome Mls. Carr. N
ti & & -
Fntri- Nni'o RrirW -
trttrelNousBriage ,
Club Meets for rlay I -'(
The membera o( the Entre Nous j
me matrons to ner uuiue at fjo
x.dsi urne Btreenor tne aiiornoop. i
. . ..... .. ..
T,r.,.T.r.r ? "'.ri'
naruing oeiu uign nonora. iieiresn-
meut8 were served at.
the small '
tables by the hostess.
Visitors Honor , . ,
Guests at Dinner . '! ;i
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. GarrUon
were guests of honor - at a family
reunion held at' the' hoim? ' of Mr.
and Mrs. C. J. Swift In South
Deer Creek last; Sunday. -
Mrs. Garrison Is a sister of Mr.
Swift and she1 and Mr.- Garrison
iwerov visiting here for a few days
before leaving for their home in
j Los Angeles. ' . '
Mr. and Mrs. Swift were hosts
! for a dinner, placing covers for
the' follow intr cuests. Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Garrison, . Miy and -.Mrs.
Chester J. Main and daughter of
Myrtle Point, Mr. and 31ra. John
Hamlin tand son of Caiiyonvllle,
Mr. and Mrs.- Harley Swift and
son, Mrs. A. E.- McCormack;
Auxiliary Meets
for Social Evening
The L. A. pf n. XI. T. met fdr a
social fevenlng Friday at the- hdme
of Mis; A. parte on South Main
street. The; auxiliary holds two
meetings each month. , a business i
! session fortnightly, and assemble
Triple Chic
'IKm I
liEnS!. I
l.'SjLrfA k I
ef j s t s. &, 1 1
1 K i f f CJV-
I & SKSi X 1 I
I? tSS i2fi:VT Jfrt 1H1
faJS v?f KSW(fflWrf4
i rScSQJ'K.
rj. 4 4dj$$M!A i
&'H-:vr:5.;S'?fe5??:.t I
tr '
! A new sports bracelet' for tall
; has three rounded strands of shiny
, leather banded witn. narrow 0ia
rings. The 'leather matches Milady's
I purse, shoes and hat. 1
printed (center), and a gray
The light bodice comes Just f J , ,i,nuei is tallltit. for tne.l .tid I
xilmv Uie. natural waistline. '.1brmt to lake me to tea," timl H
this goes, a closefitting. verylriitlst not keen him waillt Ut l
bit bcii
- Over this goes. a closefittinp. very
- short, lone sleeveii jacket of trans -
parent black velvet that tics at the
ew Colleen Moore Comedy. Com-
.,.. - inn Sunday.
A Bdaranleed gloom-chaser 1b
coming to the Antlers theatre
Sunday. 'It Ts CMleeh Mdore' 111
,v ."nr"r w bar haD-(
to Flit le telephone opera -
. ti, inhk cit,.hhnnrd of r'soio. worK.-nne is-a sipmuo,wno
"v . .
!- Nam. Vnrlr - llnln npn Rnfl
"""".", h a real ..i hm. mtlllonalra. I
-."" --
some uuiier-uiiu-vKB, uicu, ic.
gold-diggers and other Broadway-
i: - - -.Li-l'
thrrz,g wLo
Colleen Moore m
turns tilings flpsiila ddyit after she
leaves her Job in a (lusty cement
luctoiyand winds the lofty social
position of operator lh the hotel. -t
Kndless nBparkllugifuu has beelt
n:vctei Into the' Bcreon story 'Which
cimtalua, doecus ot real New York
sceueB,i Too much pralHe cannot be
eiven tho brilliant nGi-formance of
Jack Mulhall.j.who', heads the :sup-T
porting cast.. , '.. ,, .-. -, ;
An extraordinary. 'musical, event
1 1 scheduled , for. , nreaontatlon! u
the Antlers theatre,, on. Tuesday!
btptembor 27tl. Tho Olivet choir,
fimous colored organisation .from
I Portland, will be heard at a con-
cert consisting of plantation melo-
does, negro spirituals and Bpeclal
I features, such a vocal solos anil
I qunrtetB, . soleeted ,, readings and
choral numbei-B -
During February of the past
year this VomaiKablo' group was'
heard at the-auditorium in Port
land and delighted it
K which- packed the hugt
;e hall to ov-
Two That Intrigued
; Her And a Cock
tail frock
waistline with a simple little tie
and gives it the appearance of a
) littlo bnsquo. A crlmsou ' flower
glorifies tlie shoulder, ;
' For Many Occ'a. 16ns -
The Idea1 Is: that wonien ' camiot
.pernl all their life changing their
clothes. A woman may go - to tt
! cocktail party, then lo dinner, then
possibly to ihe theatre, and nfter
jwarc) lo a night club, add with
'very decdrative Jacket the Is nl
tractlvely costund for the first
I event, and then the second too, If
she likes.
For, the, theatre and dancing,
where she may wish to be liiorc
' decollete, the coat mny be remov
ied and she Is I" evening attirs
lihcldf-ntally - ' these llltle velvet
coats to be worn with rhltfon.. are
1 greatly In favor with bridge play
lers. -. . i .
It seenif that a thickness of vel
vet over llie shoulder blades in a
drafly room will render one eom-
fnrlnhlp annuel, nn tlm! ftin Hlffl.
t cutty of remeniberliiB what Is f
trump Is minimised.
Of Printed Velvet
1 saw an adorable little frock at
Blanche Lebouvier's .whlrh made
me think of yod. Tho ton Is' made
of black and while printed velvet I
nnd the skirt of black . velvet.
Though th,c? malerlnl- C llie btonaui
cotiies lo a low hip line, llie actual''
fastening Is nt the normal nlk.
t line. -It ,1s ihe ullmmeat ticitlhl
i : lutiMmV thing. .Tiny tmn I ( - the"!
velvet eclee the lrpllre herkllnei
land follow Ihe scalloped line'
! where the 10 different frabrics!
ijoin. There Is a chemisette of pink
I chiffon beautllully
hand hem-
I illltenprl
must not keep hlui nailing. He Is
1 too popular.' ' ' ' 1
Vours. , UERMAIN't.
ei flowing. The group has become
immensely popular throughout the
northwest because of its ; concert
and radio eugageineuts. .The choir
is directed by , Miss . Shirley Mc4
Canns, whose resourcefulness and
nmsieianshiii- is ever presenU
A voice of rare smoothness and
beautiful quality" 'be Heard
hen Mabel Copper; u peara in
- " -
one of the outatandlng artlata of
" ' It's a '"Nuttv" 'Picture!'
r -s-
Errol as a tramp who iindsthini-
self tricked into a private sani
tarium . for the wealthy feeble
minded. From the moment ho
starts for the asylum to the end ot
the picture there Is a riot of fuu
and, a .dozen hearty laughs a
nilliute: j
"Annie Laurie," Loved in Song
i , And Legend, Lives Again'
, .... in Lillian Gish. ;
Annie Laurie, beloved to the
world for centuries In song' aiN
story,-has-come to life again-con
the bcreeu.
This is the latest role of Lillian
Gishi queen of romantic drama,
-who enacts the historic Scottish
heroine In her latest Metro-dolil-wyu-Mayer
vehicle, "Annie Laurie"
the dramatic spectacle of, the
Scottish Highlands coming Sunday.'
at the Liberty theatre. i
As ithe Scottish Joan of t Arc,
Miss GiBh plays' a role bo totally
i II iiAw"hlM hnA
.. NOI3rWl.cAc;W;i'AHWE
dlfterdnt from ally In her career
that' It seems 'amazing. ' As Annie
Laurie noblewoman and mistress
Of the great Maxweltoil Castle
then as a ;otnan,: braving tho
spears bf hef,-,6trn Iribesmert to
save the man she loves, she has a
role that plumbs the elemental
depths of a woman's soul.
Tlie new picture IB a ' gorgeous
production; with Bugs replicas of
famous Scottish castles,' hundreds
of huge beaTded Scottish jwaniors,
In klltn and tartans; buttling- In tho
rugged Highlands- with -claymore
and Shield; the spectacular gather
ing of 'the claiiS'-at -Maitwelton,
copied from '-history, ami other
elaborate detail. ' :
Thrill Drama De Luxe In - Marine
, Picture. .
Tonight marks the flnjil show
ing ot "The Great Mall Robbery,"
tho'stlrrlng motion -pictuririwhich
has created a sensation enuring Its
engagement at the Liberty theatre.
This film Is Bald to contain moro
thrilling action than naif a' dozen
ordinary pictures, and :tellf A fust
niovlng story uf tho' constant bat
tle carried on, between the' U. S.
marines, detuned to - guard tho
malls, : and ..baiuls ot . criminals
whose object it is to commit rob
bery, A train holdup, is shown with
a wealth' Of i detail which mjikes of
lti-verttable-ecreen--olassllC, and
raises excitement to a high,, pilch.
The entire railroad system is in
an uproar, and finally the marines
enlist the aid of airplanes and ma
chine guns in air effort to defeat
the bandits. .
Amber Handled
A VDlUminAiift Mark vlVt biQ
far Tall has a rHost interesting .nil
I practical handle of amfc:tv
1 1