Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 14, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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If its fabric
a shirtwaist orrug
Oronite cieaningrdid
Cleans Frocks Exquisitely
Try Oronite Cleaning fluid for
moving spots. To clean a delicately
tinted ulk Mouse or children' dainty
frocks simply immerse the garment
completely in the fluid. Just a little
gentle dipping in and out is all that
is needed. No harmful effects to fast
dyes: and the mild odor quickly
Restores Rugs and Carpets
Brighten up your valuable rugs and
upholstery! Rub them with a clean
cotton cloth moistened with the Jluid
and see how beautifully the original
coloring and freshness returns. If
there are any grease-spots on the din
in g-room carpet, or oily smudge,
tracked in from the street, Oronite
Cleaning Fluid will quickly take them
Cloth Covered Chairs and ,
Tapestry and velour coverings will
look brighter with a little gomgover
with Oronite Cleaning Fluid.
In pints, and pints, gallons,
etc., at grocers, druggists,
hardware and department
stores or any Standard Oil
Service Station. Can also be
ordered in larger cans and
Other Oronite Products
for the Home
A first class cycle store is being
opened in this city by Harry W.
Scott of Salem, the business to be
a branch of the one operated by
Mr Scott In the northern Oregon
city. The owner is putting in a
complete line of wheel goods and
will also handle the agency for.
the Harley-Davidson motorcycle,
which he has in the Salem branch.
Mr. Scott Is receiving some of his
stock today and expects to be open
in the new place on Thursday. The
business will be conducted at 324
West Cass street in the building
formerly occupied by the Parcel
Delivery. Wayne Taylor, one of the
employes of the Salem store, will
manage the Roseburg business
while the owner takes eare of the
other branch. K. C. Perrin of Sa
lem and h. Frost of this city wilt
be in the service department. The
business Is to be known as Harry
W. Scott, the Cycle Man. Improve
ments are being made in the
building and the interior is being
reconditioned and painted. The
room is to be partitioned into
three sections, one for storage pur
poses and the other two for shop
and display room.
Arundel, piano tuner. Poone 1S9-L
( Auoclated Pre. Leased Wire)
PENDLETON, Ore., Sept. 14.
The eighteenth annual Pendleton
roundup opened here this after
noon under partially cloudy skies
wtea an opening (lay crowd esti
mated at ten thousand. Rain for
the past two days failed to damp
en the Pendleton buckaroo spirit
or the spirits of the spectators
who have flocked from all corners
of the nation and sundry spots of
the Elobe for the western epic.
Two hundred and forty bx en
tries, headed by Queen Mabel
Strickland are fielne for world's
championships during the four day
Queen Mabel and her retinue of
western followers have taken the
town by storm, the ever popular
Mabel being as winsome as ever.
Reservation Indians, some 2300 of
them, camped in teepees near the
roundup arena, are attracting the
Interest of the down caster and
the tenderfoot who never glimpsed
the Red man in his glory.
A muddy track made the foot
ing bad for the first few track
events but added thrills to both
spectators and riders.
Kohlhagen Apartments
Furniehed apartment, mod
ern in every way.
Within one block of business
center of eity. Reaeonable
Hats, Qloves and Slippers
The success with which Oronite
Cleaning Fluid can . be used for such
a wide variety of garments and ma
terials is the result of many months
cooperation between professional
dyers and cleaners with Standard Oil
scientists. Try it for any fabric that
needs cleaning.
' Drapes and Hangings
The charm cf many a house is in itt
colorful hangings and bright drapery
and Oronite Cleaning Fluid keeps
them at their freshest.
Automobiles Inside and Out
Trafficgrime, oil stains and smudge
spots on the outside and oil tracked
. onto the car's rug inside all go when
Oronite Cleaning Fluid has been put
to work. Use it to clean the uphol
stery and nickel too. Garages use it
to go all over a car.
From Glendale
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wippaly
of Glendale were ill this city over
Tuesday visiting. - ,
Going to Medford Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Gortliy
leave Thursday morning for Med
ford where they will attend tile
Jubilee of Visions Realized.
Left on Vacation to South
Mr and Mrs. Merle ivie and fam
ily left this morning on a two
weeks' vacation by motor to
Klamath Falls and Diamond lake.
Mr. Ivie is employed at the locp.i
plant of the Shell Oil company.
Former Resident Been Visitor
Mrs. Rose Henning Rose Bris
bin), a former resident of this city,
has been visiting here with her
sister, Mrs. Lee Williams during
the pnst six days and this after
noon left for her home in Hutchi
son. Kansas. Mrs. Henning has
been spending the past three
months in California,
Gone to Attend Funeral
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Van Voorst,
accompanied by Mrs. O. T. John
son, drove to Grants Pass today
to attend the funeral of Bert Bra
shear, who died ver ysuddenly at
his home near Grants Pass. Mr.
Brashear was very welt known in
this vicinity, having made trips
here frequently during the pnst
several years as salesman for
Closset and Devers company.
"My dear, I tell you I was set
ting lip with a sick friend."
"How many did you set up he
fore he got sick?" Judge.
Sport writer:: Is the big col
ored boy In shape for the fight to
night? Trainer: Yes, suh, boss he's
In de Ink of condition. Life,
NEW YORK It will be much
harder for young folks to mnrry in
a hurry In this state after the first
of the month. Under a new law
all under 21 must wait five days
before getting a license and must
present birth cirtificates. And they
cannot be married by city clerks.
The law Is expected to decrease
marriages at the New York City
chapel by 6.000 annually.
.Anwv-isted PreM I-e.jwJ Wire
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept.
14. Colonel Charles A. Ltnd-
bergh In the "Spirit of St.
Louis." arrived over Port-
land at 1:80 p. m.
H Llndberch landed at 1:59
p. m. at Swan Island airport
after gracefully circling the
- island three times. About
fifteen hundred persons
were on the Island and the
surrounding highlands were
lined with people.
From Medford f From Coast '
Mitss l'eggy Mcintosh of Mi'ii-J JHbs Mas Dunliip of Mnrslifield
fort was a visitor in Uiia city ovt-riwaa a visitor hei-e over Tuesday.
iFrom Tiller
Salem People Visit f
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Am!?ate
of Salim v'jitfd In this city over
From DixodVille
W. O. I'mii ol IJlxonvHle was a
business visitor in ilosclnirg for
a brief lime Tuesday afternoon.
Business Visitor
P. S. Reese of Glide "vas here
late yesterday afiernoon attend
ing to business matter mid uad-
Visitor Tuesday
C. Hodges of Camas Valley spent
Tuesday afternoon in this city
1 looking after business interests
and trading.
From Riddle
Wiii, llradiey, resident of Riddle,
was here for several hours Toes
day attending to business matters
and visiting.
Visit Here '
Mr. and Mrs, L. Denn of Camas
Valley were shopping and transact
ing business in this city Tuesday
afternoon, . -
Visitor Tuesday
C, A. ilrumfiehl of Iooking
Olass spent Tuesday afternoon in
this city attending to business
matters and trading.
From CartyortviHe
Herbert Beyers of Canyonville
was in this city late yesterday af
ternoon attending 1o business af
fairs and visiting.
Business Visitor
Carl Coleman of Looking Glass
spent several hours Tuesday in
this city looking after business in
terests and trading.
From Flournoy 'Valley
Eldon Crow of Flournoy Valley
was attending in luisnless matters
and visiting friends Here tor a
brief time yesterday afternoon.
Spends Afternoon . t ' '
Malcolm Humphries of i Happy
Valley spent Tuesday afternoon
In this city ; visiting friends and
transacting business, '
Going to Portland
Raymond Bell w ill leave tomor
row morning for Portland, where
he will Visit with relatives and
friends before going to Corvallis to
enter O. A. C. ' s
To Attend Grand Lodge . ,
V. T. Jackson, grand representa
tH'e to the sovereign grand lodge.
1. O. O. F., left Tuesday afternoon
for Hot "Springs, Arkansas, to at
tend the meeting. Ho is traveling
via the southern route.
Return to Saiem
Hon. and Mrs. George M. Brown
returned to Salem yesterday fol
lowing a visit here with relatives
and friends since Saturday. Mr.'
Brown is associate justice of the
Oregon state supreme court.
On Business ?
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hager of San
Francisco were in. this city Tups
day. the former looking alter
business affairs. They went to
northern points this morning and
will return here Wednesday night
for n brief stay.
Arrive to Spend Winter-
Carl Messing, located at Wenai-
chee, Washington, with the U. Iv
bureau of public roads during the
summer, accompanied by Mrs.
Messing has arrived here and is
preparing to go to Hoaglln, where
he was located last winter, to
sitend the season.
Mrs. Kelley Gone East
Mrs. S.-M. Kelley left the first
of the week on an extended trip
east. She will he gone for a
month visiting In various points
and will attend as grand represen
tative the American Uehekali As
sembly at Hot Springs, Arkansas.
Enroute San Bernardino
Mrs. Harriet Gould of San. Ber
nardino. California, was a visitor
here today on her way home after
a visit with relatives at tne coast.
She was accompanied to this eity
from Coqnille by her son, A. N.
Gould, who spent the day here.
Is Assistant Doorkeeper
F. M. Compton, former resident
of Sutherlln, left Portland yester
day, accompanied by his wife, for
Washington, i). C where he has
been appointed assistant doorkeep
er of the senate. Senator Htelwer
secured the appointment for Mr.
Arrive from Portland
W. O. Clinger, formerly owner
of the Grand Hotel, and W. A.
Mardin, also a former basiness
man of this city, arrived here last ;
night from Portland to spend a j
brief time on business. Mr. Cling-j
er's son, Venetle, injured some
time ago in an accident, is grad- j
uaiiy improving in health, he re j
ports. ' !
Enroute Glendale -
Mrs. Fred Newell of Sheridan,
Oregon, cousin of Mr. and Mrs. f,.
lieizenstein of this city, passed
through this city this morning en
route to Glendale, where she will
visit with her mother, Mrs,
Hen-, a
unty, ijg
son. Mrs. Newell is well know-
in the southern part of the con
having made her home in Glen
'" -
dale for some time.
In Way South
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cedprstrom
Marshfield visited in Rofiobnn for;2
a short time today. They are on S
their way to Pan Diego to spend a g
few weeks. Mr. Cederstrom who S
has-quite a reputation as a wrest-,
ler. has several engagements
southern Oregon and California
and will enjeape in several matches
on the way south.
Marvin Taylor of Tiller was in
this city Tuesday visiting with
friends and transacting liUBiaesa,
From Glendale
Mr. and Mrs. Kynso of Cllon
daie were in this ?Hy over Tues
day attending to business affairs
and visiting.
Home After Vacation
Mrsi Cora Htarmer has returned
to this city following a two weeks'
vacation sjtont at i'oiiiiind mid
Seattle, Washington, ;
Here Few Days
D. S. Harris, Montesano, Wash
ington, resident, arrived tile first
of the week to spend a few days
visiting and on business.
Portland Couple Visit
Mr, ami Mrs. Tlios, B. Hiiss are
returning to Portland today after
spending the past day hero attend
ing to business affairs.
On Vacation Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Parks left to
day on a three-day vacation trip.
They will take in Hie Pendleton
round-up and will then motor to
coast points before rctaring to
this city.
Recruiting Officers Spend Day
Sergeants C. Herrinmii ami G.
C. Owen were tn Hoselmrg Tues
day in the interests of recruiting.
Titey are goiug to Medford today
to spend the remainder of the
In City This Week
ly W. Parsons of Mttrcli Parts
company is in Hoselmrg this week
calling on the trade. Ho will at
tempt to return for at least part
of the jubilee celebration. Med
ford Mall Tribune.
Tonsllectomies Performed
Operations for tonsils and ade
noids were performed by Dr. L. M.
i-ehrbach at Mercy hospital the
first of the week, the patients be
ing Shirley May Britim, Nivsii
Crawford, Jr., nnd Francois Carter.
Be Member of Faculty
Miss Pearl Tlmraona left tins
morning for Roseburg, where she
has accepted a position with tne
high school faculty of that city, fol
lowing a summer vacation spent
here with relatives. Medford Mall
Gotaa to Bsrdon ;
Mr. ana Mrs. Wra. jjaneeneia
and son of Amity, Oregon, visited
here overnight Tuesday. They
loft this morning tor iianaou ana
coast points to siiemi two days and
will visit here again before tiioir
return home. , , , ' ,
Party Back From Hunting Trip
A narty of Jtoseimrir hunters, in
cluding Dr. H. C. Chnrrh. Dr. II. It.
Shoemaker, Chas. Hoffman and
Kenneth OHkeson, returned here
last nlKlit after a successful hunt
at Strader's Burn, H miles above
Wolf Creek raliger station. The
hunters got elRht line hacks.
Aid to Meet Thursday .
A meeting or the- i,ad!es AW
society of the Presbyterian church
win be Held at 2:16 , m., on
Thursday at the church parlors,
and as the meeting is to be the
irst following the vacation jierlou
t full attendance at members is
Back From Vacation Trip
Siiss Vera McMillan has resumed
her duties as stenographer at the
offices of the Southern Oregon
Gas company following a two
weeks' vacation. A part of the
time she snent in San Xranelsco,
returning at the end of the -eek
to visit In Medford as the guest of
Miss Louise l-'luhrer.
Home from Southern Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Orvelle SieCullocli,
whose marriage was ' a recent
event, have returned here follow
ing a trip to southern, points hy
auto. They will make their home
at Powers, where Mr. MeCulloeh
is employed by the railroad com
pany. While In Kosemtrg they aro
guests of Mrs. McCttlioeh's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs, G, F. Finley.
Expected from Corvallis
Dexter McAllister, former resi
dent of this city and now located
in Corvaiiis where he is manager
of the Stage Terminal, is expected
here this afternoon and will join
his brother. Glen. McAllister, to go
to Diamond !,ake for a week. Dur
ing the iatter's absence W. A.
Cummings, also a former resi
dent, will be here from Salem to
take Mr. McAllisters place
manager at tile Terminal Hotel.
when another car
crowds you into an ac
cident when your car
burns or is stolen.
But Reel n 5 red doesn't do
much good when
the &
damages are proclaimed
then you need
. We write it.
Quine & Co.
Phone 103
Masonic BIdg.
Was in Charge of Organiza
tion of Groups Making
Local Man Believes They
May Be Wandering in
' Rough Country Near
Base of Peaks,
13. A, TiHUon, fcosf- scoat oxcru
Hve for Com and Douglas counties,
who hue fteeo in chargo of Oie or
K&nixed search for Guy Ftijry am!
Beary Cramer, viha have beis
mts-KifiK Ih llie Three Slslers dis
trict Bfnce a week ago Monday,
returned home last night, Mr,
Brltton, shice ills arrival at Frog
Camji, has been in activ8 charge
of the search, nad has ho! owiy
organized and dfreed the various
IHiitses oat has hsen out on some
of the most dangerous trips, m lH
face and hands hear evidence, iiis
nose having been frozen on one of
the trips. . .
; Between 30 ami 40 men all ex
perienced BJountaineers, have heen
engaged in the search, Mr, BHitou
reports, . and bb soon as weaOier
iil permit another group iU go
back to continue the effort to lo
cate the hoys.
"There is a poss!hiHty thai they
are stHI aiive Mr. JJrJtton declar
ed, "but if they are still living they
arc not on the mountain. I can
not believe thai they -would have
Jieen foolish enough to have con
i tinned on up the moyniahi after
the storm struck them. If :they
turned and went hack down, as;
tliey should have done, they are
probably ln a rough wiid country
where they may wander for days
before they can get out. If they
travel only in the day time they
jean find enough berries and other
S food to sustain them, Bui it they
have tried to travel at night they
have prolmhiy both gono ever a
cliff.1 , , . . ,
When. -Mr. , Brliton arrived to
join the searching party iasi week
he found -the men about sis tniies
alsove Frog Camp. At his sugges
tion the eainn wag moved hack to
a place where the men couhl he
kept sheltered, permitting them to
fee transferred to hotels at Sisters
and MeKenzie Bridge at night, so
that they couhl get needed rest.
This change, giving them warmth
and sleep at night, is leiieved to
have been responslbio for keepjng
np the physical strength of the
searchers. . s !
We did all ihat we could under
the cfreuni stances, Mr. 1riUon
said, "f have never before worked
nndor such terrible conditions. The
snow varied from two Inches deep
at Frog Canm to three and four
feot deep on the summit. The rocks
were covered with sheets or tee,
snow drifts covered treacherous
holes. I certainly .am more,- than
tbankfni that none of the men of
our parties were lost or injured,
for it ceriainiy was most danger
ous work. It rained or snowed al
most Incessantly, and the fog was
driven through by hard winds, hid
fng aH land marks and making the
searchers, who were not laminar
with the ground marks, travel by
, "Saturday, we covered ths terri
tory lieiween ihe Skyline trail and
ihe timber line. Sunday ten groups
ent out and searched as many
canyons between the Lava beds
and Linton creek, Monday a groun
in chnrge of Boy 3'arks searched
the Utile Brother mountain, clear
to ihe edge of CoBicr Glacier. An
other group tried to reach a cav?
about baif way up the Middle
Sister, but ran Into more than four
feet of lee and had to turn hack.
Mr. Briiion; with two others, one
of them being the man who made
ihe sensational climb un ihe South
Sisler during a terrible blizzard,
and who before f comlnir to this
country climbed the Matterhora,
tried io reach the top of the Mid
dle Sister, and got as far as the
Saddle where they bad to stop he-
cause of he ice and snow. Despite
the fact that their faces were cov
ered by scarfs and ffr branches
ibev suffered Intensely from the
cold and Mr. Britton's nose was
frozen. They had to keep their
hands Ihrast inside their cioihin?
and apslnsl their bodies ? keep
them from freezing and their lips
beesme so cold and stiff they were
unable to speak eo each other,
fn the face of such conditions.
and wifh no change of weather in
"respect. It was decided to aban
don the search temporarily. Han
ger Olaize, at Frog camn, in in no
tify Mr, Britton as ?oon as there
Is a prospect of a break In the
weather and Ihe scont executive is
to wo hack to the camn and as soon
a? he is certain that the search can
be resumed with ihe prosnect of
S snrtiA f!ffrert of success h& velll
; call (offethr a eronn of six or
ieht experien'cd men who are to
finh ho work.
Mr. Britton states that It Is the
nian to climb io the ton of ?;ach of
the neaks in the search for trace
of the bnvs and aiso to pcarh es-h
of th gipch'in and to rpgeh h
cave In which they may have taken
refnee. '
fi. The search was financed. Mr
Brftfon savs, hy th Portland Ad
jff clnb and he praised this or$anlx
j ffon very highly for ihe whole
y heartm! manner in whirb ibev en-
that Ihe searchers might not
; ; i ?1 1(r, .FINAL CLEARANCE - 1
! ' j ' - . ' ' ' ! 1 ' i
Only; a few days mbre of special prices on small lots iof desirable f
merchandise' td 'clear up stock of odd sets and incomplete lines,.
Gold Edge Stemware
Etched and Gold Decorated Glass
waresherbets and goblets and cock
tail sets. i . . . .
Now $5,75 et of six "
Thursday Special
Decorated Serving Trays, Pearl inlaid and
silver deposit designs on t3arge well made
' Thursday $1.85
Final Close Out Prices
On articles for decorative art. Lamp shade
frames, piacques, trays, wooden pieces, all
priced at . ,
95c this week
26 pieces of Silver Plated Tableware, all the most necessary pieces in the set
at $10.00 saving, now $18.75 '
Articles will be reserved
payment of deposit and
until Saturday. -
' The American Legion Aas-
iltary will hoid a cookftl lood
sale at McKmh, Darby, and
Baldwin's Saturday, Sept. 17.
lack for anytitfiig to aid them Jn
iheiv work. . - ,
Mr. BrUUm aiso. spoke of the
spiiit ihat iH-omsrtod lae work ut
the men making u Ut searchlni?
.isarfies. Tile mmt exiierienmi and
aiiie mounlaiiseein, juen who Isava
eHmbed the oHB highest lieaks,
submitted themselves without quas-
uon to- tns nian or organisation,
Mr. Britten , Baiii, and faiihfuiiy
braved ita?i&biiis nnd dangers,, al
most continuously . at ihe risk , of
their lives, to find the ioat Boy.
PORTIiAND. Sent 1, With
air mail veck officially proeiainusi
tnrouftoyt Iho Pacific states, thn
first anniversary of nir mail ser
vice between s!i esast cities is be
ing celebrated this week at nrincl
tml Pacific iKdnts in connection
win the tear of Col- Charles A.
Lindbergh. t ;
Air mail wns first -fiswn be
tween Los Angeles add Seattie by
Pacific Air TrgnsM&jrt oa Septem
ber 15, W2. T3te mate covers
1100 miies of niennialnoas terrain
and is f iown each way sis days a
we ok on a 3tnoar schedaie, a sav
ing over train of S3 hoars, ihiring
the year the ceasiwise planes
have traveled more Um a minion
miies Including scheduled and spe
cial nights.
The first narehase of nlanes.
made by Vera C ilorsr, president
of the coniiianjv included aix
Ryan monoidanea nowered with
Wrifiht whirlwind motors, the
same type as flown by Lindbergh
across the Atlantic. Since that
time ihe fleet has been increased
to twelve shltm including, a Fok-
kcr aix-pasaenger cabin mononinne.
Additional pasaenger planes are to
be added soon, Oorst announces.
Gorat has been identified with
transfKjriation In the west since h6
was 12 years oid and has had a
varied career, operating every
known conveyance from row boat
and pack muie to Bneed launches
and motor bus fieefs. As a boy he
rigged a sail on a dug-ont and
ferried provisions across Port Or
chard bay. Later lie mushed with
dogs is Alaska, packed water s
males in Nevada, operated a tow
ing service on Paget Sound and
owned an automobile fens line in
Oregon and Caiifornla. He par-i
chased his first airplane in
Though the coastwise route
flown by P. A. T. air mail was at!
first considered to be one oi the;
most hazardous - in the t'nited :
States, construction of navigation-:
al ilghl beacons has made it one:
of the safest air lines traveled to-;
day. The P. A. T, operates 28 bea
cons parchased sisd installed fey;
the company. These Jnchidfl .-n di
rectional beacons of 7.50n0 can
die power &nd 16 Intermediate
heacons of 400,883 candi? powr.
Further aids to alrmaii navi'ga
ilon nre now being constructed hy
the U. S commerce department,
and it la expected that additional
lighting wiil permit of fiying the
entire course at sight h'-fore the
next anniversary of Pacific Air
Hy The Associated Prss.)
EAST HT. LOtHS, T: e autfj
painters of Chicago want the istate
Federation of i-fchor to indorse Hig
Hiii Thompson for president.
PAftfS. Curioas folks who ask
ed a question of New York's Jim
my must get their answer from
Chicago's big liiil. Somebody
wanted to know if U wasn't hard
1 . i -
Gift Assortment at $4,75
A number of very fine jjieceg of Pottery,
Glassware, Lamps asd other useful and
ornamental gifts. - ,.
Values from $6 to $10 now $4.75
Meet Champion Gene Tunney, ; ,;
Who Is So Good at Times
That It Actually Hurls
By Jimmy Powers ' "
CHICAGO, nst whyi
ia ti?n$ 1 -unney nnptiiiaf ? ; . . .
He is lionesl, ifo is ciean-cat!
He likes little feiddics end he proh-!
nhiy wsldnft pash oyer an, aid
hidy with JmmH, , 4 ( . .
Hat that is iike saying a boy is;
good to bis rnother. Ila ought in
This tail, feine-eve-l, biond ativ;
tele, is nn(Qi& i && pngiiisis gs, i
Kven in? this day whin- moat
his broiiser nose-busi?rs ase toath
brashes, wreslo golf siafas sad
wear clean imdsrwearv ' ?
Ho mlnds nse of .a5 vaguely
nervous yonng man whol as iife
vocations i?o, smddeniy finds Mm
scif in a drawing i-ooin. He insists
on remaining tiiere tise tooks for
all the world as if ht? I Vara hia
gjrter hi ,dowa.,ar his shirt ii s
oat. ; ' '
Oene admittiy hsu Jailed to
"cilck1 with tha niaiority t fan
While le is ihs favorite to win
this fight, his victory or ioss Tfisy
or may not change that condition.
F-et it be anderstood at the ot
st of this alleged jjersoiiaiity
sketch that thai faiinre is not to
he cojjsidered in the sanse iigiH as
a strions menial iuoral or physi
cal deficiency
To begin with then he has a
slightly frosty handshake. As soon
as one thaws, eat a msi sf chap
ied knnckles, ens eaisnot help
bat nsle a tir of China Mm nytm,
minus the asaal siarkie of, an
Irish snilie, calwiy appraising.
"iieji conie wsnls, . , 5
lie chooses thent so carefully
yon gather the impression he is
afraid of making an error in
speech which . he oecasionaiiy
does, as the best of men wiil. list
somehow when Clene errs it cons
anforlanaieiy in the same sent
ence that includes "thase kind"
wit h reprdleusibirt, ar maybe
He dresses wciCHe eats simple
on New York to have the big fight
in Chicago. '"That," Mr. Walker
replied, (h a ustlon for" ihe may
or of Chicago to answer,
NEW YOBK, Babfi nmhn life
insures! for $5eae,M ,iliunk,,
says Ed Hiarrew, secretary of the
Yanks, "No ball tose is worth
that, it's jaeo.m
CHICAGO. Alonso Stagg, who is
now 5, will welcome death at
aniess after thai age he can live
"weil and to capacity. He so tnM
the collegia! club in saying thai
health, not wealth Is the greatest
achievement la life,
CAMDiCN, N. J. Among mothers
thre are too mach face lifting and
too Utile smiMiing In the opin
ion of Justice Katsenbaeh. of the
state snnreino court. Telling the
grand jury of the evil e? com
placency he said that a daughter
conies heme with a cigarette in one
hand sad a cocktail shaker in Ihe
other, and suggests that njoihergn
out and get her face iiftea.
POHTiAN'lJ, Ore., Sept- H,
With the egg market situation
very firm aii niong the iBcific
coas demand locally aaa tighteu
ed further and yesterday's de
cline si one cnt on wholesale es
tras h today repudiated on ih
exchange iists with a nfiw 3J cents
price gain which pats th U
grade up to 34 cents, sr half ce
above any previous mark of the
present season. Mediums sre ai-
so advanced with a gain of 1 ami.
Ui 3a ceniB per doxi 8ripts
from ihe connlry are very light,
oniy 333 cs'S yi'Kterday, whHe
El eaw-s were withdrawn from
storage to met trade demands,
Whelale totter prices are ua
chBng tojlay on the dairy ex
change but the market shows con
tinued firuine3s with storage hoisi
ings reduced ll,uSt poaniis yes ;
Trading in wholesale frssb;
fntits and yegetahlcs WAS on &
, Men's Ruby Rings
Men's heavy rings, set wish large syn
thetic rubies of fine color. An excep
tional value at
$9,85 this week
Boys Strap Watches
Jeweled movement in nickel cases
with leather strap. Good timekeepers.
$7.50 special
Take advantage of these cash
prices now. Quality merchan
dise only, ;
food. He !s deveatly reiigioas. He
is gosd4eoking, - ' - --
Oaly when yon get real close-to
him can yoa see the scars of
brutal battk', lie Bsr' a- slight
bulge to Ue starboard in .his nsse
the resait of a. eempsnn fracture
oh yes, even Oene Isrgot ; sue
aighl tn dack. 1 ,
Jfis right ear has a tiay puf t aa4
aroand his Puritanical chin are a
few iaey white lines-eaiea' cuts
thai once spurted blood on Jfings
here and abroad.
I think ;1i is ratber nard tb mj
just when 0f so banpenal
arrive at the conclusion, that Gene ;
is no the best HI, esi la the
WGild, ,,i i ; i -: r I 'i .
Some fans first hM& , heir
nose a qaaiat custom signifying
disapproval, when they watch his
dii basing ; style, Oese ; seUlam
leads. He was bonncea sat of sev
eral rings or patting np what thui
boso there m the front raw of tha
gaiiery would sail "a iaasy iight.
H is independent. His busi
ness associates sre , usually of the
best although he said fee aid zig :
apprsvai of a contract under a
fake name. Thei contract fjaii
dealings with a Ufltorlsas ganhier
and fixer" me Abraham Atteil
twho framed a worid jseries) mid
one Max (tweBsasi Hoff.
I de not think the fans resent
his perfection of merals. He
swHss at. iitnes to be saosd it
And J do net . defend satlrieai
scaffhsgs at his cisnssy aiteiapts
to elevate feinaseif. Oens HtiJis- to
be living in a make-believe world
of bis owii ia which eaiini-e staling
maiestlcaiiy about, with eauii
flows for g- background.
Bat brain iosa has s 1st la com
mon with fresh eggs.
They may be of excellent pedi
gree bnt they sboaid never . 'm
galiied. fSene seems in imve left
a few stains sa iiis ehin, tb&Vs
all. '
steady basis this morning -with
prices steady,
First Hogue TllTsr Malaga,
grains srriv this maming and
were placed on sale far $2.5uper
2 pound box,
Apple receipts contina?- to run
low. A load ef jumaie packs if
Kings wiii: be offered at 2,g5 per
box, miix ts
Aslsisnd Siberia peaches moved
sloaiy at from SI .25 te f IM per
box, Takhua Klfeertas are seiz
ing the same, while Hales are beid
arctand $l75 per box. Peach ! aup
plies continue ample.
Country dressed mesta and poul
try were steady this morning.
raitie and calves steady; receipts
25 cattle. ;,,
Hsgsi no receipts. ' .
Khsep and lambs steady re
ceipts Zi siieep,
POHTI.ANIt Ore., Sept 14.
nutter steady whelle prices'.
Extra cubes, city, 45 cents; stand
ards 44 cenisj primn tirsls 43
cents; firsts 39 cents. Crtmmry
prices Prlnis 2 cents above cube
standards; fentlerfat cents f. xj,
b. irtiand.
Milk steady bids is farmers
Haw inilk 4 V-r cent cwt.
f, o, h, IVsnind hniterfat
cents f, o b. Psrtland,
f.cR: Kxtrss m IJ cents? me
diums up 1 cent. Caiwnt receints
29 cents:: fresb tnediums 39 cental
fresh sdard firsts 33 cents: &a
extras Mi cents.
lou1irv sipadv; less S per cent
commission ; Heavy hens 123
cntsi light 1112 ceatsi springs
223 rnis
broilers 25 cents;
pekin whMe nrks W cents; esl-
ord nonsinal? turkeys alive, sem
inal. Onloas, local tlM&lAQ,
Potatoes steaay at $i2f.t 5.
Kas eady; winats 2tt4
tHmi filhrt ISSiSO eenfa; al
tovIs 2t2 ent BrsJil nuts
cents; Oregon chestnuts
172fl cent: neanuf 1015.
Cssesra hntk steady at 30
cents lb ; Oreessi grane root aaav
iimt Hon stsdv. 1 crop
nnit t?-7 contracts 2a cents;