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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1927)
FOUR ROSEBURCNEWS REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 141927. . Try a tire by Dunlop pneumatic tire industry." i J. 0. lid . .In INDIANS AUUWiI, AU IOS : I l FOR iBERRY HARVESTING ." " ' ' , MINNRAPOLIS.-MInilOHOIft- In dians, .hard- pit .by. pale, face .mon oids; Id baiV HVlirg; tmvrjf tirtten rt ,tl), from. tho, white, man, In'. jiiuA vostlntt '-hi)ir (shat'o of lljo fruits of Dip laud. 1 A. ) , ;' ', ,; yi. .. ;..' j L; Usjug, collegiate flivvers instead Of, tlo. UHitul scrawny . horsn, : mill pillllOIU'l) JlintorsillStCIld Of VOV bipvlng birch biii-lr enhoes, thoy' nro 1 ' 1 1 . I . ; : .1 r"... 1 . , " . 1, I l' M Iti'rtlelKS 1 'Hfl'Hlr mvis 'I for LowFares Great travel savltis if you go east now. Sunv mcr reduced roundtrip tickets are good until October 31. Plan your trip to profit by tlicm. Any Southern Pacific representative will gladly help you arrange your itinerary. Whatever your destination, go one way via California. Stopover there. Great cities; famous resort centers; new scenes; a choice of routes 'cast unmatched in scenic and historical interest. The nation's finest trains to make your trip a memorable one. A glorious ocean trio between New Orleans and New York is available to you ' at no extra fare; meals and berth on the boat in cluded. , : Learn more about this attractive trip cast. New, illustrated booklets are ready;ask for them today. Change fcs Don't risk your life and lives of your family. Take off those old tires that have been worn .smooth from the summer's traveling and buy new DUNLOP tires. Dunlop tires will give you good wear and you can count on it that they will all be good not a bad one here and there, .The Dunlop people control production from to the completed rubbery tire, an even quality. . 'Founders of' 1 1 Newland Distributors for, Douglas Roseburg, Oregon ,!m Phone 458 , ' - 1 ' t I. . f , pcncirutlng parts ot tlm north coimliiy to gather tho rich blui'ta'ir ry harvest that Id unknown, or iii aoosqfble lojtlie whites. . .. Tho rod moil anil tlioln squaws ure.oui-nlng is. high a- $ 10. a lu.v from tho unusually lurgo crop of berrlts this ' yauiv i iln 1 itlie 7 lulto oountry, they intUlch it molpritoia ciuioo, puck squaws, ohll.dron unt pads in tho.-bottom niwl'-stm-ti nl daybreak ouch day for. tho - berry, fields, i . i w 1 1 '-''. 'r'i I; . ; ,i i -'-r aciSae J. E. CLARK, Agent OJO 'O.inqatoa U euoud Now the plantation and maintain: , .v I the; i , &i$ori Coun,tU S S 1 I Ml! 1 i il.ll 1 ACCIDENTS ARE COSTLY I : 1 V Mnton voblclo .at'Cliloiits iln 1 this 'Country: cost. ills about $4m).000,UIo a b'par, ib: Isi lestliuutod.'.' 'Tlkea-o's nii'Hulo acclilontfovcry 42 socouds. inost-of .timiniipBtilODt; frjoji sohio fprniipf (fatigue., ,1 , ' .' ''. t '.' 4 Vq, '.' 1'' V'i ' Cottage cliooBo. ltonuburg Da!rj( raono.iStl. 1 ; n ' . 1 ., ; 1 vi JAYWALK ''INTO CARS '1 '.in' .113 11 - i:,, 1. '. 1 .": ,'; -n:l'-""'. 1 Flvo por cont of the uutomobllo ncoidonts of tho country ure cnused by pnrsons who wallc'liito-llio sides- of moviiij; mnchlnou. Like uutonio- hilt's running Into tho sides ot trains. I ) . Father: llv dear, If you Insist on. keeping up wllh tt shlon, you'll soon ho entirely hare. . Daughter: Well. Dad, I'd rather be 11 nutlily than an oddity Judge. Worn out tiros are the cause of a lot of wrecks during wet weather. Put on a set of Silyertown Cords now and elimi nate the danger bf skidding on slippery pavements. You will save'money. . : . ' , ! ' Harrison's Garage Phone 447 136 So. Stephens St. .', Roseburg, Oregon AT MEETING TUES. :. -. f Amoclntrtl 1'rcu fjil tVlrc) i I SA-iKM, Ore,- Kept, 14.4-IUdi on I eight construction projeots will be opened py the stuto hlgliway com - ."Union jnHln(t n . Portland I uesilay. heptomber J7,.ahc are: Harney county.- oloven. miles ot grading on Huchanuii-Mgger Flat section of centmi - Orogon high - way and Nigger Flat-Vendeveer , Dick Newman. iina C'itf 'Ktot seelion of liurns-Otis market road; ; 8 freshman eoaeh. V ! ,' . broken stono surraciuK and the furnishing of J 1,01)0 cubic yards ol broken stono for maintenance pur- poses between Madras and Opal on 'J ho JJulles-Oalirornla lilghwav. I Lano county: three and niite toiiiiis miles of grading on ist unit of I.owoll-Ooodnian creek sec tion of Willamette highway. ... limatllla -.'.county: ' furnisliiiig broken Btone unil crushed Hmvel lor t matntennnco on -Pendleton Kamela section of Old Oregon Trail. Wheoldr coun'tv: seven and ;nvn tonths miles of grading bp' Mitcb-!ll(ib?!lyWo th8 battle but .thinks olI-Keyos creek section ot bclinco ! Ih"f Oermnrfy enmo out of tba war highway.,-. ,-. . ,, . , - ' V ; with enhanced naval prsjlge.. - llenlou county: cbnstruction of ,.-In .i-totte,W'toB. Evening Stan '1(15 feet of. pile revetments adja- dn''( Aenying tl autlieuticlty.of an ,.,.i m Aiho.....r'nmMi0-.-i,i.,i......ilntervlew attributed to him. by '-a nenr chrvniiiii -4f - near Corvallls. Clatsop county;- .bridge r over soapslone creek on Jtoosevelt high way 11 miles north of Mohler..' Lane county: bridge over Blue river on. McKenzle liifjliway.', .. 1 : 0-,- .. ' ' - ' Grain drills. at Wharton Bros. STRONG SQUAD TO TURN OUT FOR O. A. C. FOOTBALL , PRACTICE jTS, FALL OREGON UdrilCULTtjnilJ VOIAMM, CorTOllis,' Sent 14. Fifty-two (leltoruy?n, have -'signified thoil- intention o,bo 911 hand (iqiil uio , ui-egou uigneuuiirai , uoiiege practice opens Thursday. Paul J. fachlsBler head coach, will have twelve .lettennciwaB a nucleus for his M27: gridlfo'n-' iiHicliin.! ' ' ' i Lottormen - retdrnitig are Les Avrlf,. Clare , Badley.( Veriiou Ell- era, (M;orge Scoot, Melviu .-whit-lock,'' Diiyld ' l.uby TIriward Maple, Itoscoei Ijiice, Juler Carlson, and Orll llobhlns from, the .1.9?6 squad and .Marvin Dixon ajid Tom Curr from tl)O1025 squad.-' : :. -: seventeen ..reserves ..from' last season will -report ..for . tp-ninfng. They. ..include. . Hartley llafenletd, Lynn Beckloy. ltoger Aiontgomery, Johiv Peterson, Paul- Green,; - Dili Kirk,; John. Gasman, ..Ffdyd Ol'ens. Del Scott, Twltpliell, Chuck Rawljngs, J-larry :Herzberg,. J.j ,K; FendleL-Qn, t arl I vMiUen( ((IttlT. y ;Carl GH- more and Jim 11 Consldeniblo .promising, materia is ,ln view from, th.e,1920i fiie'shman. Sntiud.-., ita plii tlilrke, l-Ievbert, .lolir ersolQ,'; Keuueih iiHaniiiiq'r.', P.ran.cls ldrost, ( Harry 1 Kent,, " p red - acneil, Jte.esij .Cpchi-au,, Willard 'Park,. Topi sipan, 1 Wlilj J.ii.irr. tiv.; u..- mciiiu- sen, -Jtusseit Ktrirr., .lorny, uragqr, Rohort. , (leddes, , Kenrqd. Gulick, Walter Caldwell 'Tom Drynan, R. Gordon,' Carlton ;"Voodi aiid K; -1. Disbrow . are a.l I . .possibilities. Harold Irwin, .a. aophomore from Inst year. Is also, an aspirant for the-squad.- ; -. ;fi--1 rim . couching , stntt-,' nasv uenn brought up to war' strength' with tho. udilltion of Webley , Kdwards, who played quarter, for -throo vears on the Orangr'.yavsity, as Imrkfield ranch, and Hip Dlekef- The Success fyl Record of a Wonderful ' Silyertowii Balloon users have made this record longer mileage than ever, . before cupping or wavy tread wear practically, unknown safety increased ' noiseless traction.' . i We know that the Silyertown Balloon tread is giving our customers more -.' : than they demand. The secret of their . . satisfaction is the center flexibility and . v powerful shoulders . of the proyeri ' Silvertown tread design.'-,' -, 'L Experience based 'on distinguished . service for our customers says, "Buy Silvertowns for -the utmost . satisfac tion from balloons." BEST. IN T HE ' Attention Automobile : .-''.. Owners . . . , ., , . We 'have all the. Iatet "equip ment ' for washing your, cai High pressure system for. road oil. Satisfaction guaranteed.' . '.'.'., . Also- .'. t The' Old 'reliable G.' & J. Tires and Goodyear Solid Truck 'fires, ' ;, ( iHohl's Garage . ,'""' ;V: 6tephena Street'-.' ',' i - , r- , . .- j Pon, brjHS- yw. 1(Bw ,,,-g,, on tM.. . orange' leniii nnd .ull-coast .iacltle 1 )uiil .ynar assistant Jreliinan couch. Coach Scutec! Wao. has ; ni.. .ii, m New . styles in winter '-millinery 0w on displuy. Mrs. S. M. King, i Specialty Sholipo - n ' NOBODY WON . J BATTLE JUTLAND SHAW DECLARES LONDOrti Sopt. 14.-rQooi!go J nernarcl Shaw, adding bio voloe to the long stnndlng controversy over 1,10 l'attloot Jutland, boileved that .Vienna journal which the Standard republished and in whiclv he : was quoted as paying that '.he "had a suspicion" " that - Admiral Von Sclioer wbn ilhe Battle, of Jutland, Sbnw writes-: ,l.-, t ' . . . "Nobody woii' the' BAtte of Jut land) and the !bur vsido won' of school' b'qys In Both'rountrieg need not 'be taken; Into a'ccoutiT;. What should. make us think a llttlo is that wo'went Into- the nr ' .with grent' naval ','pr'eBtlge and Goijuany with none, though Xhtir ,' military prestige was Hhe. tOli'br. Europe. Germany-came', but,, of It., . witli a new,,.andi veryi.resjiectablo.'nnval prestige,. ftvhle( her tallftary pres tige bad eo'ased jtbtsxist any where." Pure', whole mnit. and It's pas teurlzerj.osebuirg Dairy. Phone 186 WEALTHY- NEW YORK WOMAN TO BE NAMED ' IN BRICE DIVORCE ' (A6(;lhtod;Prew heascii. Wire) ''.' ' CHIC4GQ, ;S6it, 14. An Aliena tion' sVilt against a jNew; York wo man, of, social :pronfInefuce(' will be the :sequGl' to Fannie lirice'a ,01 vorqe Hfltion.'aKainst Jules "Nicity' ArnMoin, 'the comedienne'B" attor ney. 'Benjamin Ehrlieji'saitl today.; KlU'lich.aaid hq njpw ireparins Uie suit,' )jut niehtioned nd lining. Ho. added tthdV lie--had evidence ujiqf he,')voinah liriade Arnstelii dp soh j -and ' da.noe" fo,r her (or mpreftiviii''year.' .Thia', the Httbi' noy ,oaIU,i;-iYa -fijtor. Anistein.'a re 1eaaof ronr!tljp 'federal pQiiK.entlnrJ' iU, Tj'oaveinyot'th w his re U noryed A term, as .tiio' brains;1. f' u "Now Yt?rk ljtontt. tobery. -t ; ' 1 .', '' ' ( " Aa'ntjtein,, in adcpiitinR service ,of na'pbva in,' 'the divorce suit said lie loved -his ;Aviie, .'''and always will." Hi' Is'.perhaps ' 'best, thnt we should part,''-he' added. ' "I can't jjo, on ,belnff 'Mr. jTamile Brlce." DENTIST'S OFFICE "What iio TOu-do with 'all vour old --cross-word -puzzle books after .-they're -all,1 filled up?''' ': : . J'Oh,, 1 iut them guesscij iteoro;H"-vr. ':-. , ''-''' lire LONG RUN ino ITS Eleven farm and household fea tures forming the extended 1)127 J8 nroKram of the Itradio Service, United States Department ' of AKiitfulture ai 'announced for uruaui-usi . oegiuning October -- 3, l!ii7., The , schedule listing the .full program has Seen sent to ra dio stations' in alj parts of the United Htates and a full list of stations which will broadcast Jla Ip Service- features . during' the ciynlnK year will , be, releused soon. - - - 'I ho new . season's program in cludes three of last year's favor ites: 'A u n t Sammy's" Dully Housekeepers' Chat, the Noontime- 'Farm I'lashe.B.V- and ' the United Slates Kadlo Farm School as., well as eight "special fea tures," some of which -will be put On the air for the first' time when the season opeii'early1 in October i "Aunt Sammy's" Chats will con tinue as . the -10-mlnute, iivo-day-per-weck - program '.-which ,-provud -popular - last year. These chats are written in an -Informal stylo and ( contain brief discussions ot such important problems of home making, as meal pln,nulng, market ing, cooking, health and food hab its of children, sewing, home fur nishing decoration, gardening, and other closely related subjects. The jchats have been, reduced from 15 to 10 minutes In length to comply- with requests for shorter pro grams, . Practical.,. and useful informa tion dealing Vith poultry keeping, dairying, livestock, .crops and soils; fruits 'and vegetables, the fa.rm woodlbf, and marketing" farnV products .will, featm'e tbe'Vnooqi time Farm $ lashes this :year. ,'l h flashes .-are ' put - qn! :fhe air 'five' days-each wdek:- '(.lie talks are' tell-' .mihutes-'long, and', take thd- form of : , ' rapid-fire , questlon-and'an : swer converriatloh between i a fanner and his county agricultural agent, , This was a 15-mlnute pro gram last year, but has been cut down-to' Iff minutes. ' ' . i The--United States Itndio Farm School, has also been reduced from lil to 10 minutes' in-length.. Farm. School talks will be broadcast ' on Mondays, Wednesdays, '.and ' Fri days, arid will bo a dialogue' pro gram devoted to crops : and soils, farm eto'nomiCB wild community life, 'and livestock material. : The lessphs Vill 'be broadcast1 as lidpV lav :discusfli6ns; 1 between hidd'errf, practical 1 - farmers' a n d trained farm' specialists. .-' ' ' ' '''.. - ! '' ' The' Poultry Chats, a 'lieiv pro ym -worked olit In'-'- AhsireV' 'to numerous -'requests1 for ;aJ special pdultry prograihi will. ' lie a M0-. iniriu'te.' ..Tuesday,' ' ri.'"K)'nm '' deal InBMyith modern WetHods, of'Jrof itablo poultry production,''- - '.,; 'Other! "special1 feAlurds,".' 'eacB-'rit which will 1 be' broadcast'. once" h wbek',': are: vj The ' i'ourtg ', Folks' . Progriiitii'. 10,' minutes-' evel-y1 'Fri-' day. '.-, "Uncle Abe" will tell 'stories with .farm slants' to t children', :o'f different ages.'- The Insect and Wild Iilfe 1 Allies Bnd Ilnemle& .talksi a 10-minute' Wednesday pro gi'ahii'will deal 'with farm insect ; arid, wild animal nests -and' friends. The Primer for Town Farmers,- a' 10-mimite ' "Monday ' release, ' Will take up -gardening, ' home beriuti ficatioti and ecoritJmy with a town-, home slant. . And the'-Fai-m News Digest, a 7-mlnute, Saturday talk,' will review, briefly the 'farm hews of tho week. : . - 1 - ' ; - -:- 1 - ' Last1 season's' weekly ' five-miu-ujp Chats by' the Weather Man, will be lengtlioned to 10 minutes tins vear and will bo broadcast on alteruKte Wednesdays. ' This pro gram deals - with the ever-popiilarr discussion topic, the weather. ,v , '.'; Tjie Kadlo Service announces two special monthly programs for this year: .The Agricultural Sit uation Itevlcw, to be broadcast, on the.-ifirst Monday of dach month during -tlK?- broadcast ;8eason,. and the speqlal montlily Fnrm Play lots. The Review will deal with crops and general prospects- in the' various kev regions. This Is a-10' minute program. Timely farm problems will be dramatized -into ,20-minute radio one-act plays for the Farm Playlets. -Information for the vnrlons' Ra dio Service programs, is furnish ed -by . specialists of the various bureaus of the Department of. Ag riculture. This information Is written up in pbpnlar and informal style by trained .radio writers em ployed by the department and,, after helng approved by the bur eaus concerned with each pro gram, is sent to the- stations Tor broadcast. This system assures the large farm audience of time lv, accurate, and first-hand in formation on practical and up-to- date funning methods in America. The same general method used last year will be employed during 1027-28, In the preparation ot ra dio programs bearing the approval of the Uultod States Department of Agriculture. - .The new season will continue from Monday, October S, 1027, to April 30, 192S. . , . o Try our buttermilk It's differ ent., Roseburg Dairy. Phone 186. WOMEN FIRST The chivalry of the south has turned to the -west, and In a more modern setting. Denver h?s a city courtly trnffie'eode, In which women drivers have, the right of way. -0- . Ent barbecue sandwiches anl Htb forever. Tlrnnd'n Wnnd fitnnd. HtM uj iv art IS PORTLAND, ORKOOIf pfBl serrtiloo. strict 4U- tZrl mllit, C.t.l UHhlir Mt w mt. Mm ill first- Buick took vibration but of the engine Now. ; ' t it has taken it out of the road " , : -' ' ' ' .' J t i , '. . ' " .i,-f. ,'''; ,: . -: Now Buick for 1928 has come forward ' vwith ' another ' great contribution to ' ' .'. motoring, comfort. Buick has1 taken ' 1 vibration out of the. road by equipping , every Buick with Hydraulic Shock Ab- . '''sorbets, front and rear an added lux- ... .. ' : ,.- ury that the savings of Buick volume ; have supplied, . ' , -,' , ! Let us put a Buick for 1928. at your dis : posal so you may test this(riding com-, 1 fort for yourself. ' . L i - : f..-:'. '.'i;.;i-'.'-;". 'v' U'.:p:: ' V - Sedans $1415 to' $2275 i Coupes $1405 to $2120 , !i 'Sport Models $1405, to $1775 i i 'i . ; r. ! . F. O. B. Roseburg and Including war tax. ( . VHEN 'BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARB BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM ! BUICKi92&5 , MOTOR SHOP GARAGE , u ! .'.'.:.' DISTBiBUTORS FOR rjobOLA8 COUfilTYi 1 ! j E ' -, i i. -, i r , f. -! -,- . ., , : Thcqretical 'observers, Says iNa tiou's. pusiiiess Magazine, .are prim inK.tlieniKulves, for the coming , war between-. Ford and- General, Motors,, jiuti the praqtical ,sbls , who i: pres ,:heir 'pyi'nfons , by. stock pur chases ,u.t'j the greav whirlpool 'ot speculatioii have, up to this'wrlf' ing vrovealed; hp .fear's.' about 'the capast( ,of the, (I uT?oiit-Moj-ga'n',. au tomobile colossus.' to thold lis. posi tion, .of loadorship. Forehand. G911 eral jRlQtors. h,av,e fiu.cceedod along diametrically ppq'sjto lines.',' ' f .' After . the Rennrid Ahdir.ntihh of William il. Durant from the head ship of General Motors, the com pany fell under the direction of a cooperating ig'roip' ' dfi e'xecuilves, haiidpickeu f rom tie bolest persons nel of .the industry, frhe newjleail ers of General Motors were backed by the, canitnl and-mental, acumen of flic; duUont .ftimtly. in frllming- tonlaiul by the; hanking advice J. P. 'Morgan & (!;3nipaiiy:-'-n e ot The f , ., r. l 1 Wait the new FORD You'll save many dollars by wait ing for the new Ford. Beautiful new model brings you many fea tures never before included in a low price car. C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO. New Fords new management, corttinuiiig tho vision of the founder of General, MdtOiW tiritlnued itoi make: -t car, for, eyory -pursei but ropjilly -eliinl-. nated. dupilca'tfons ahd 'waste,' 'The' best available knowledge in. manu facturing and , in: executive dlrec-' tion was applied. : General Motors accordingly represents a lowering of the best lu orthodox, big bus!-, ness. 1 . f t j. : ,i ,;;'-'t ,', On tlie otlier hand, ibe Fbrd Mo tor Company until its significant' slump, of the last year and a hnlt did.' rather i well along mricpnveu- tlonnl lines. . Henry Ford becamo accustomed to command his asso- an equal.' He: has had; little! inter est in 'trade associatlohs or olianij IjeVs1 of1 tommerce, preferrlhg ! to play a' Ibfae hand.: Me- has scoffed at proffers of outside capital, as-w, sei-thig Hint stockholder 'are. parajTi site's; ' Hb refused, to' take loans fr6m,..Vair street bnd -denounced the ;moiiey .power of 'tho fereat res Orvoirs pf cre'dltj 1 ;; ;.' ' '-' ; - ' ' ':' Pi t. - M-i ' ' U. S. STUDIES' ENGINES . 1 ' Engineers .of 'fliel jrf. S. Blireau nt Standards are making a study ' of engine acceleration, ; after, which they will take up the study of en gino performance. At present tiey find that warming the intake mani fold helps the engine, to. pick . up speed eonsldernly. : '-'. .' S' for Fordson Lincoln