'M ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW. - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1927. " THREE W) ' (CHASSIS -1M!b. DETROIT) (6rA W(D)-OW TDS0JCC1 mSB THANSMISSION M l ; f-'v'i-".; f "'41- WHIEL BRAKES ( LOCKHEED;. HYDRAU LIC ) ' V-.;(P J - -;W 1' ' ' V''!- '- fit. This is the lowest price at which I 4 ja 6cylirider 2-Ton truck has j ( ever been sold .. . hundreds of J ; dollars - lower than any other, - ', comparable truck . . See it t 1 .' I i ,1 -': J.O.Newland&Son '.. ' Rosehurfl-Phono1 458 .' " -: '"-' . " ' ' ; ' '' ;- I-! r;--;rfv: V I. i-I' I . . r ; i . r 'i .-' i,.'!'!'!-') 'i- Sold and Serviced ty .Dodge Brothers Dulcet Evwywher RAM m 1 - HERS " Built by Trucks ; '. DMiIon of DQds '.- . . Brother,, las.' ," "!"'" jJ ..'... WINS 'EXECUTION CASE; .. r . , NOW OPPOSES HANGING t CHICAGO Edwin kedrlck, 'a 'former' assistant prosecuting attor ney, ot Pegria county, jhasi ,takan; the 'stump, against capital punish ment. He says' he became disillu sioned ahout. the death penalty-after ' prosecuting ' successfully ' his' first hanging case, for which 'he waited 12 years. .... Hed)lck wasi onei of counsel! for Wlllia(n D. Shepherd, Who, was pc-. qutltefi on charges iof complicityiln, (he? deajh of his. niilloimire ivnl. J ' Try a clasBlfiea aav. in tma pa per and watch resulta.r You'll aurt, rat-tam. - -v , i INHERITANCE Snid Uie flannnr. after she had lntfodufed' hfec boy fliend jtoJhe'ri patents; nviiht side ofi llie fam ily; do 5ou tlJnk 1 take aiterf" VVVell, you ShaVo. your father's! eyis, 'ltose aVd mouth," said tlio' boy friend, "but you get your ilegs,frdrti your. niother."--Country 'Gentleman. : - . - "" 1 . -' - '.:.: 'Great Neu Chrysler "62"? ' 6-cyllnder motor; 7-bearing craol', 'shaft. 62 and more miles perhour. lavartrut pistons. ..Oil filter-and nlri : cleaner. Ventilated crankcase. lm -pulse neutralixer and rubber engine t mountings. New cellular type radi at or. 4-wheel .hydraulic brakes. Road . ''levelizers, front. and. rear. . ,.j PORtLAND, Oro., Sept. "J4. (Specialh-T-OreKou'B work iu ob-, laiuiog i rai-m uutdeis is attracting wide ttttuntlou, ccordiug tB W.- 0. Ida, malinger' of the Land Settle, meh't lJepiU'tment of tlio Portland auif State. Chambers of Commoioe. A fucunt issue of tlio Now Vurlt Times recently carried a Very com prehensive . story on the result of the program of hind sottlcaiont . iu tms state, wnilo a similar urtlcie appeared in the last issue of the liuc.lamatlou Era, tlie offlciul organ of the Interior department. ; ' The lurm land sltuution In Ore gon, particularly from the, roul es tate, dealer's standpoint, 'is du' a' sound and healthy, basis, Mr,.. Ide believes. B1b couvictlou 1b - con- tirnied by Uie results of a, recent survey conducted hy . his depart ment when letters wye sunt to the principal ruui estate dcaleia and Chambers 'of Coianierce.' heads tliroughout the state. Tlia'rul'OrU include some; exceutloually kirgo duals, particularly toi' western 'Ore-' lue-survey snows 'thncmost or the sales were made late this sum mera total. ot tlitt deals hud been closed for 40,438 . ucrss of lund in volving transactions totaliug If 854, 7115. These reports did not iucludo trades - but: transactions -concluded on. a 'cash .basis. ''l; V i ' Payne & Itayder, Eugene dealers, announced. ruohg sales' '.they had ciosea one .01 a rami of 440 acreB to Qeorge. A. Piatt, front tile. State of Waalvtuton-, Hoi 430,000. -Sena' iui .'.a. w. 'auajuesi aurmoriy noiu Mjoutanar bought 1200 "acres f or $28,000; jIV. Warnoek. nuKchasod' 120 .acres' for ,$16,000. - Tho luttar deal. It Is' luuderstooil, ' wus for Eastern ' Oregon property. ; ,' i, ' Leo N. Clillds. . Sttlom. reilorted nine sales, Including t3Sl aciwa'it $45,000. ' ".V-, ily' ' .1 ,: The Cottage. Grove chamber Dt commerce listed Bales' covering 90 acres at $10,60g.'.' :, . The- Oregon "-rarhis1 : company, Jllljsboro,- repot fed . five' iiilesi for a total of 118 acres at $21,800. jm.1 vv; Moiter, waslilngton-. Coun ty, announced one sale 'of $40,000. i J, "W, 'Moore, Ilan-isburg, iilform- eu air. jue tnat he uati Handled transactions (lU'OLvlng l!i)0 aotes at $13,000. , r-n;k .. v). :.,;,. ,( ' f f yfam Marsnfield.W.lR 'Leiscli re ported three sales -MnVolvingj ,. 380 acres at $10,250. y yyr. I ' "; T. . Grdoi.l'.'NeWborgJ' an nouueed three recent' sales of 83 acres at $22,000.; ;. : " 'Tlile ; McLen'dbu iliepty ' conlpauy, Hoseburg, announced sale of 70 aeres, to :Wf J.- Sanders; -Texas, at $10,000. j . ",',. The most encouraciiii' fe'ntilrh of tlio whole land settlement' program, is the. increasing' ciyllal investment w,c ucnMjiucre. -mo uuyeru lui the most nart.'. accoi-riiiie tn Mr Idfe,' are' adefluatelyf financed, (lwy are nqt tryipg; to,-swing proposl tionff tpo tflg for, Uiem,v; ' 5 ! ThBj land settlefu'eiit-df-partipent is encouraging .the one-man or jne' family farm and' since the Oregon development fund worli Jrtw start ed oven 65,000 inquiries lnlve been received which have been respond ed to with information concerning farms .-adaptable to. cultivation on the. one-family ..basic. r tit philosophy Cpllegu tluihain chair Wisconuiu ' 7 - The; . "Experimenta'l will .be patlerued alter a niethiHl of teachiog vow iu vogue' l Ox-Cord- Univorsity .luEnglandv "'Uie puly Institution ot higher 'V.?ua Hon in. the. world where similar idffcs have been tried, : SCIENTIST'S LIFE 'i TAKEN BY STUDY ! OF ANAESTHETICS MANCllESTMlt.TSug., Sept. 14.-; The douth of Dr. Siduey itawucn Wilson, notea'-medlcul soieutistufd surgeon, belihid the locked doorsuf his lahoraton',.;wus generally attri buted by friends and associates to day to u attempt at self-auoosthe. Sitt. '; :, S Or. Wilson was sitting lifeless beforo a macltlno for administering gs niiKlui-ea, with an anaesthetiz ing niiiHk over Ills face, when foupd by his wife late yesterday. .He wus about .48 und was -known amoug niedloal scientists on both sides of ilio Atlantic tor his studies at !tie effects ot different anaesthetics, Fellow surgeons said he undoubtedly-met death while carrying on his attempts to obtain aud prolong Uie analgesic state, in which the subject loses all fueling but ro taina consciousness. This stato now is attained but a fleeting mo ment. Its .prolohgutlou was Or. Wilson's, , chief ambition through years of luborHtoty-'etudy.. .-' ,. ; 'Mfi Eye grass, timothy, burr olover, red clover and other-field seeds ut Whurton Bros. C -, ; .,- Monk Dim Large Beacon '' to Foil Smugglers Criminals' No Longer Abuse the Humane Work in Historic . St. Bernard aPss. , "' $7li to $875 . $1095 to $1295 v $1495 to $1745 $2495 to $3595 (All prices . o. b. Detroit subject to current Federal excite tax) 4 Great Cars in46reat Markets CHRYSLER cars are designed and built for people who want that extra something which makes all thedifference between perform ance and- value that are merely satisfactory and performance and value that are truly distinctive. , Pick-up, and power and speed that amaze as much as they exhilarate instant responsiveness to steer ing wheel brakes that positively insure safety most unusual riding comfort marked freedom from mechanical cares-alluring smart-, ness of line and color. There are four great lines to meet the four great divisions of the market "52," "62," "72" and the Imperial "80." See them. Among them you are bound to find the car that exactly fits your needs the car that actually pro vides that "extra something" at a price unbelievably low. , H. L. Connelly Motor Co. 527 N. Jackson ' : . Roscburg, Ore. UNIVERSITY OF ? WISCONSIN TO TRY . . NEW EXPERIMENT MADISON,' Wis.,- Sept. "l3. An experiment in. . higher -; education dreamed of for years by : two i of the mil loir's best known . c Juca- tors, will bo. launched at . the cdni- iug term of the univorsity of : Wis consin.. ... ....... . . ,. t dl iWlli be known -simply fas an "Expdrimentnl .Collogo,'' -It .Is tlio idea of Glenn Jruuk, president of the university, and Dr. Alexander Melklejolin, professor of .philoso phy! at tlio ' school fund ; former president of. .Amherst-.College. . ; 'There wltf ' be no courses or classes -- as - hey , are . popularly known, and the institution - will he virtually a collogo within 'ii col lege. The students will live and study in' ah atmosphere of easy in formality, 'I'll "Experimental College" will have' He- own convocations, ath letics and' social -life. Enrollment the first year will -be '-limited to 125 male students, and tlio tutorial method of instruction, will be used. students will" go to tholr profes sors .lor assistance . and ' instruc tion at llielr. . will, returning to their work as tiiey seo fit. ; liut university oftictals nave plannrd that tho departure . will not be a "vest cure." The ti-rm end examinations will bo mora severe than those usually given. In' selling up the- .-college, the univorsity recognizes the oft-n'ade UHiicrtion that the - small collt-ge offers better teaching power .ho- cause of more intinuito an' indivi dual contact between teacher and student. '-. '- ; -, Put Inability of the smnll col lege to furnish the facilities - of tho great universities -1 a handi cap, so Presidpnt FTunk and Dr. Meikiejohn believe - tho combina tion of llie two'will strike a bunny educational medium. - ' Each dormitory section of the 'school will present a commons, where books- required ' for the work of the section will ' bo kepi, general instruction given and the very 'few lectures delivered. Probably during tho first year; after studying the .college ' itself, -the students will -tnko up one of the significant periods in tho de-. velopment of the worcd's civiliza tion, for experimentation iu v. hat shall be taught. . . Dr. Melklejohn and President Frank were friends when the former was at his eastern post and th latter, editor of the t'en tury Magazine. - When. Melklejohn was ousted from Amherst IteeauH? of his liberal' views on education, .Mr. Frank offered him the iirit- 'MAIITIGNYV - Switzerland, - Sdpt. iu.--Ttie 'tignt on Saint .Bernard's famous hospice has been., dimmed. .Monks at the. cloister have boon informed, that it is used as a bea con by smugglers who trek' their way on stormy nights through the great at. .' Bernard pass - between Switzerland' and Italy. .- How the light . was -made 'to shine less, brightly Is one of the secrets of , the thousand-year-old institution, ibut It Is ho "longer vis ible from the out-of-the-way trails along the' pass. . ; - . . i The monks learned that smug- giers'.or- 'tobacco,. Bilks I and pre cious, stones not only I used (the light as. a guidq, but also attempt ed the pasB iih the worst weather, kiiowing that If a storm suddenly enveloped ithem thai kindlyi (occu pants of , the : monastery, . would come to their rescue.) , i,r v i Thq . pass i has been a; -gateway between .'Switzerland and Italy since 'the idays of Julius, Caesar, and 'the., .monks 1 of St.-' Bernard, who are pledged to devote a part of t!njl-1 1108" to j Safvilfg) I Alpine travelers, 'ldst -inj the, snlw.i have become ias I wideiyl -knowd fa'sl tho pass Itself. ' V, . -V 1 1 The nlniite-a storm sets in they strap jo)i first jdd Wts aind go -out iifito clip ijlglit o save any person caught in the Vhirl 'of khdw which covers everything -in its -path. With', thoin, always go .their St. Bernard '.ilogB.Vlio' get their name from thci'rescue;l)osi)(c6. :; !v'v' '.When, 'Napoleon' led- an' !anny through 'the S,t. Dernard pass in 1800, it was only a ' bridle path. iTOdnyl It is fraversell liy hundreds of persons daily.. V. ' -, , '.. "C ..- -":: ;''' 11 1 ! MARRIAGE REPORT "JOKE" : ';'.'.,,,.,'-.'-..- '...' 1 ; (Ampclntwl.I'rcu I.Moii'Wire) ).', NEW. YORK, Sept. 14;-!-Today't Now York -'American, in a dispatch fronr'Paris. quotes Isadora 'puncan, dancor, as saying 'ttt Nice that her reported ' engagement to Bohort Chan'ler was aVPraclical joge." Chanler was a "practical joke." . sitld. '" . ....'.. Willys-Knight offers distinctive ensembles rare taste and beauty 1 ' v Bv all imeans, be surelto see ' Knight is a triumph of 'A ; ! thi improvea, fir;yiUys- : tengmi peering. You enjoy the; -' ! ' Knight at'ybuf -eariiesf important ; exclusive advan- : r V,' ; I opportunity.:!';! ; tage o the Willys-Knight f that ten- dericv irt bodv design. And - , , r new, your cnoice ot many - . this famous i-;;.. i'- i ' , V i - " s sleeVe-valveehginethednlyU vrX "g;2.-iT engine that dennitely ; : . establish ithe' modern tenr ; lJjX.,i,ftU Smorh. i H quiet and powerful at. the brilliant color cpmDinanons, '' nx- 0"an E,nnntupr.. the ; .both ,n lacquer ami ur . K qufeter, moW powerful t: " inrrlv ntfmrrive ''' '-"' i ' ; "70" Wllly.-Knlaht Six, $1295 to $H ,; . , - nSly : . , - S- A V-W .;.', - i I V; Wllys-Knlght,qreat Six, reduced pjticel iT- .1 ll.i.!.-1 4-ryA ''. .to $2950. I'ricesf. o. b. factory and ipecit From the pecnajtiicai ;statia-( :v. ,Ion,,u,Ject,OChangc without noticcwn ' ' point, the iqefprdved WfllyS- Overland, Uc, Toledo, Ohio. ,::' ' -r l.i.VU '-;j- : V" s i '' :. ; Ti Snlesroorri 317 Norti' JjickBbnt. : : 39?IU.;. .V!'! Roceburg, Oregon l.'T FARM 'REMINDERS;. " Europoan 'canker of -.-apple and peun treos i'requeutly gatm a foot hold through winter- injured bark, report S.-M. Zeller, iilanl. patholo gist with tlio.. Oregon experiment station.. I can -no successfully ex cluded. '.howover, liy keeping such Injured. .places und other exposed wood coated with bordeaux paint, made -by stirring raw linseed oil into dry . bordeaux mixture. . A hdmo-'made machine for clean inr snruy residue from apples will be .on display til the Oregon Stale Fair this .year as part .or me. .ex periment station exhibit. Tills inn Chine was designed by Honvy Mailman,, .professor of pomology at .tlio suite conuge. Anyone in terested lit building his own . ma chine may get plnns .and sped I'icaltoiis. for' tlio building of this device free by writing In to the experiment station. - Successful O r o go n . farniurt spray their cane fruit plantings with bordeaux mixture before tho steady fall rains set in, reports the experiment station, A nutn . her of troublesome fungi th Work on . raspberries nnd -longan berries during tlio fall to produce. spur anil cane WlghtB can bo con. trolled in- this way. Application of super-phosphate fertilizer to winter growing nroiis such na broccoli aids tbo plant; in. resisting, low temperatures, so cording lo farinerB in somo s r tlims of Oregon, who have tried it This resistance may be brought about by hnst,.ning maturity, but probably more bo by reason of in creasing tho cnncenirauon or in cell solution of llie plnnts, bid Dr. W. Ij. Powers, head of th soiln department at the oxpori moot station. o 1 .. . NO USE TO HIM T.OiriS'VIM.E. Ky. 71. I) Wenvnr. a visitor .here, set hi Rtillcn'p on tho sidewalk for a mo ment Whllri he lighted a clgnrrt A .nearo snatched the bag and ills appeared around a corner, but Weaver laiiirbed when bn reported tire tlioft t.) police. Tho stolen bageage contained only an assort ment of regalia of the Ku Klux Klan, 4 y : i -.- .-V-j-.v ".! " : . ' ' .'" : :'- ; -.- : ' ' -! . - ' , -. s -., . ; (...-'.,?.' i It , : . 1 1 r.vv--ti.-,t;j'Al' - I i.?i'i'."--i;ii:- ..' -tV-v1 iv'i.".-1--' , 6-Cvlinder Smoothness and Dash Hiah-compression . . Power and Performance Size and Roominess without Unwiekliness Steady Riding without Useless Weight i 50 Miles an hour all day long and far greater speed :, When wanted Riding Ease Like Gliding Economy of Price, Operation and Maintenance : -. And Essex Alone Combines Them All cause of Essex unity construction. .-Every part is designed ami built in true balance yith every other part.y Clutch, transmission,' axles, and frame arc specially -engineered "to' ' make a perfect unit. This s;ivecom-jMctiu-ss. Yet it also adits 15 to tliclenRlhof the body without extend itiir hcyondthc rear axle a jrcat aiU vantauo in safety and riding comfort. This unity of 'construction assures added advantage in every particular - of performance,' reliability, comfort, safety and economy, Its Super-Six motor is tho most powerful stock car motor per cubic inch displacement in the world, de veloping more than 22 times the power its size ordinarily ratcfNt.' It converts waste heat to power and rivcs an economy in fuel and oil ' that is astounding. " ; . ;' y ' - ' But owners also incrcatinzty appre ciate its t'reat qualities of everyday service the added comfiflt, roomie ness, riding case rtnd easy driving the reliability and simplicity of main tenance, which are possible only be- 2-Pass. Speetlabout, $700 4-Pass. Speedster, S3J5 . Coach, $735 Coupe, 5735 Sednn, St)35 All price's f. o, p. Detroit, plus war excise uiv I ; ' . '.-, ..-'. ROY CATCHING MOTOR CO. 125 N. ROSE PHONE 438 ROSEBURG, ORE.