- , , " r 'X' TWO ' ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14. 1927. IB r: ' s-.. fir Htomical Trtns portation ? ; ? '. 's ill IT i' Til S CABS ( i; r. . 1 . 1 1 ' l.f- I I i .i 1 1 1 1 i i i i i i Hi FOREST RANGER EX AMINATION TO BE HELD NEXT MONTH An examination lor forest rang n'B will h licit) t lie I til tor mrt of ; Ot'tnbiM ttt If year. Apptiriitinns imiflt hi; lect'lvi'd by tho I1. Civil SitvU'i CuminlKHlon, Wnsh iiiKton, II, C, not Jnttr than 0(;loln;r 14, thn fori-st survU'O an iiouncuH from 1U I'orlland, Otv uon, oli'looH. TIiIm Ih (lu XivX iiiiiKtM- oxam - innHon held flnie lit'JiV Place! of j n-! I'M KOY CATCHING MOTOR 125 N. Rose Phc A good Used Car ot the right price U .the best automo bile value in the world. Our car are fairly priced and honestly (old. HERE ARE A FEW Ford Touring, 1 924 model 1922 Ford Coupe 1925 Star Ugh Delivery 1920 Chnlmer TourJns OoHnnJ Taurine 10)1 Hi.daon Sedan m . IN NINE VITAL AMERICA SIX UNDER A powerful and arresting statement to make, yet every Dodge Brothers dealer stands ready to prove it. ! : ,. ; ,:.' ;i r .' ,H .i '. fill I Nine ; specific features vital ' and definite not equalled by any -other motor car within nine hundred dol lars of the Senior pricel h mm Mil : u t it tv.w i s No wonder this, trdjliaijit.Yfih jclje, wns instant rank as America's finest per forming. Six! No wonder it flashes a thrilling challenge to the fleetest and smartest on the road!" 1 ' x.n i t These, nine ifeaturesi ,teU , why? Ask, , . v ... . , .,..,,.,- , ; i ; . ; , .; us to point them out. Ask lor a booklet explaining each" in detail! Demand tlie facets! With i this great Six Dodge Brothers have struck an entirely new note in - - .: Jiff ,.?'-. , - ., iiiiu car rViuuci . . 1 i 1 , . , RO.B.OKTROITifUU. fACIOIW KUIPMCMT J. O.NEWLD; & SON 1 . , Roseburg Phone' 458 i I wedan exumlnutiou Include the eltfht hu pervisovrt headquarteiH iiwna In WisliinKton ami .tho ' fourteen towns In Oregon. , The tf.ifest how fee iolntH out that pasalnu the exaiuinatton. does not necertHHi'Uy mean itu Inline (Hute anpolnlnieiit, kIuco n va eaney must exist before offers are iimtle, To niiute from the, notice. ' aiinlinmlH must hu in Hound Ithysteal ootulltion ami gooil j health. i quires The forest Hervice ve thnt applicants In ale- 438 Roseburg,' Ore, $150 .: ; $150 ..;...'; :.....$250 ....;,....$ioo '-$ 50 . -'- $450 f .T.Tig . FiHI EST: ICS, 2500 'it li liii 1 ; i : hodied and capable of enduring hardships and performing aevero labor under trying conditions, lu - valid anil consumptive seeking light out-of-door employment are not .luahliwl' tor tlie work ami should-not apply. No one may .c:i. iu puss uie exiiuiumuon wno Is not aide to take care of him self and his horses in regions of remote from si'ttlemeut and sup plies." Applicants nuiid hr.vc reached the twenty-first hut not their thirty-fifth birthday. Subject ex- amhied ulu air cduraflnu and j im.utill tests, practical experu-iu-e i relative to duties of ranger and experience, tho " first two Imvej weights of 40 points CHfh. tlie ; last, 20; the passing grade is 00. j 1-lx-servlre men must attacli to their .applications their original disrliarge or ihotostat or certi-1 fiti copy thereof. Positions of ranger carry sal-1 arles from JttiSO to $2,000 In the I T.ii I .! Kluti.g im,l fi-om SIOOO to! E ' ju.'.OO In Alaska. Applicants should apply direct ! B to the l S. Civil Servhe Coninils ' sinn. wasnmgion, n. t ., tor lorm k , 2600 and slate that the examiua- EMlnn Is lor forest ranger. ncnli at Mloytd Park. REACHING THE MILLION The million mark. In number of automobiles exported annually, will soon he reached, say nhsorvors Tlils year the cxjwrt Is estimated to reach 600,000. The car go to 90 different countries. Tractor plow for all slie trac tor at Wharton Bros. . In Introducing its 10 models for 11128, the fluick Motor company presents an array of refinement: which have seldom, If ever, been equalled, excefil by Uuick..- 'The Improved lx - cylinder valvo:in-head engine, with, ihe noiseless and vibratlohless flow of power which matte It the tulk of the world last year, the new ami captivating bodies by Fisher, the new Bulck vogue In Interior treat ment, these are only a part of the story. The convenience of 'driver and passenger lias dictated a . host, of other ' refinements which will be round In all Hulck (or IMS, ami in Buicks only. Kverythlng 1s c o n v e nleully placed, in .tlie new Uulck driving cmnpaitmrat. All controls are readily accessible without reach ing or leaning. Lights are central: ineil on the top of the steering post, where a sluxlo switch not only regulates them but furim tliem on and of f . . . At the Junction of the steering post and dash is the new Dulck two-way lock, devised as a "protec tion against theft. By means of It, the ignition aiul the steering wheel may both be locked, bu,t -t Is Ingeniously designed to prevent locking of the wheel by the mere act of shutting oft the Ignition. The Hulck driver may cut-off his engine and coast without losing steering control, but lie.: A'innol lock the wheel while the engine IS running. The nuw lock Is ease-' hardened, and has the full approv al of the Board of Underwriters' which means that the . corn so equipped enjoys the lowest, auto-, mobile theft insurance rates. ,- On the Uulck dash, which li simplified by transfer of Hie light controls to the steering post, the instruments are grouped in three handsome small panels, clustered within a larger, panel, v Ammeter, oil gauge,, speedometer, gasoline gauge and wa'tori thermometer comprise the group. . Thnyi oocupy a space so small thnt all can bo seen at a single "glance. ' . In deferenue to tlie thousands of 'Women who drive. .Bulcks, Bulck engineers have originated a steering wheel which' will t ap peal to the small hand, as well as to the large. The vnew wheel is designed to fill any- haml comfort ably,' making prolonged drives possible without fatiguei 'it . Several' of the . new closed models embody an Ingenious, con cealed switch which automatical ly tuniB on ;the dome light when the rear door, is opened, without in anyway interfering with -con-' troli of that light from tue .usual switch on the sldei post. , i t HANDSOME ESSEX testa of the J3ssex Suu'er-Six'car on the Btreets tell the story of its reninrltable 1827 popularity, in the, opinion of. Hoy Catching, Hudson Essex dealer,' who Is studying' nn l analyzing reasons for the success It has Bcorcu. ins iinni conoiusuu is that no one quality could have made possible the consistent and growing Essex success it ' must huvc taken a combination of many advantages. -'...: "The hano'souia . appearance of Essex cars." said Mr. -Catching, is just tlie outward symbol oi , this thorough design and quality, r-s-sex .cars have always been favor ably :knon for easy riding quali ties, and those new cars are in line -with their predecessors. "Rarely does an engineering de partment combine qualities ot easy speed, line braking power, smooth riding. and effortless handling in a car as well us has been nllnlnod In this Essex Super-Six. In traffic it spurts quickly to the deshvd pace and the gears shift so smooth-, ly that action with them .is subcon scious. A sudden Rworvo Is needed and the wheel swings a finely bal anced car as -easily as a bicycle. There Is a sudden stop to be made or a collision and tlie foot pedal is sufficient; quick acting stoppers grab tile wheels like a giant hand. "Tho street becomes rough nml wavy; there is little jar' felt anil no necessity to "hold on tight.'' Tlie seats themselves are evidenl- ly made for those who like to sit j restlully. They aro like chairs in 1 a man's club. .imressions ot this car. the ,vhceli ,h(, 8eats, the roominess, the slm.uv umver amI Htnn5th make It a nlll8cl,nne automobile. It can be .,,.,,,,.,, ,.mi - n E.t deal. And tlie average man always asks "How fast can she go?" At nearly a mile a minute tt hues the road without The Big Drive Still Going Tha High Standard of Quality la Alway Maintained In Kelly Springfield TIRES We Swap New Tires for Your Oid Ones. Greasing, Oiling, Vulcanizing Fully Equipped Power Car Washing Machine. AUTOMATIC AIR MACHINE ELECTRIC SERVICE BATTERY, GENERATOR AND IGNITION NIGHT AND DAY SERVICE Rose Garage mm. vw mm i Full-crown mc-ptece 'fendert mnd bullet ,. type headlamp ein ' pbaike ihc beauty of Cbevrolei filler - bodies. Charmlnjc : pcrmanen neti and tndlvtdu Jily of all Chevrolet models - TheRaadsfcr, Coup and Cabriolet have A new type tiff ear-. . . tier, riRidlv fasVeoed ' j . -to the frame, ia an- ' .pthcr fio citr fca- , , tnrcof today's Chcv, ' roleu ; i i been given oJdt I d i li net ion by "Fith lail" modeling of llw ' rear deck. Phone 446 .vibration pr 'labor.: The Super-Six principle' ofbulaiice is at work. "It is quick on the get-away, has that sweep of visibility demanded 'by modern drivers. Is finished in side with the simple luxury that is in keeping with 1927, and it-sings its song of tlie road with us liuio effort as a prima donna." 1 v , Eat barbecue sandwlcaea and Jve forever. UrunU e Itoad Stand. MOUNTAIN SHEEP : GIVE PROTECTION , TO THEIR LAMBS GLACIER PARK, Mont., Sept. 14. SlutlieU observations by nuiB- ers in lilacier national park .re- Veal that the bis horn ewe of tlie Rockies embodies the greatest protective spirit of motherhood iu all the wild unimal kingdom. ' The eagle and .tlie bear are Sjie two most dangerous enemies tlie niouu tulu sheep have to contend with in bringing up lauibs. ' When first boru the lamb Is so carelully cached in the brush oa the mountain side that tlie old ewe sotuetlines leaves her ' young for uu entire day, relurnins couu Uently to the spot at night to uurse it. Jim Graves, veteran park ranger, who in rupont years graduated. in to a wliiie colliired Job at iho big gateway hotel, says he has seen old ewes cacho their young and then graie mwiy from where they left them, as If to lure soaring eagles from the "procluua hldiug snuis" on the mountain side. "The prowling bear Is outwit ted Quite as effectively," Graves says. "It is a peculiar thing but tliero evidently is no odor about u uursling mountain lamb to 'give a bear tlie slightest Bcent. Nature seems to have tlius protected the innocent little lamb. 1 recall an In-1 eideut while riding the trails. With the binoculars, I had v. niched a ewo cache hev lamb on the moun tain side. A snort time, aner ward 1 saw a bear within a hun dred yards of whore the old ewo hid her laiab. I Matched the old bear closely and saw him go up the mountain side and eat a groupe that had perished In the winter's storms. Now, the weather was still cold, but tlie boar got tho scent of that fi-oicu grouse but never oven discovered tho young lamb, which ho certainly would have preferred to feast Upon." Wool sacks, twine, sheep dip and I branding paint at W harton Bros. HMSEN eHEVR0LET I CO. Only Chevrolet Bodies color of i imart jj' i i '. :ii- ill Hf'.i Here Ss quality jypujftevcrf (yiought jpossil iirs bostirig huhflfeds of dcfllars morc44 . -iquiUfcy' fiiat ldcftnii8y U jabllsjicj jcbe' j .. -tyorld'e finest Rose Street ., I LIBERTY THEATRE'; Liberty Has Double Feature Bll '"And, they lived happy ever. .af ter!" A .conclusion which leaves a HntisTautory feeling in the heart of. every thoatre-goer Is the climax ' of Lenore J. Coffee's newest original J screen play, starring Beatrice joy, which '.William de Mille directed and .which comes to the Liberty theatre today. . Married in the opening! of tlie story to a - "butterfly" wife, . the- leading male character, portrayed by -dive Brook, becomes disillu sioned insofar as matrimony Is concerned. And then in a book store he meets Mary, in the shape and likeness of Leatrlce Joy, attar the divorce. .Again he embarks on the rouh seas of wedded life. '-But the second attempt - proves hope lessly -successful and Well, it's lllce the old adase "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!" . ' A roaring comedy, dashed with swift-moving romance and fast and furious action, describes George O'Hara's, firat feature-length com edy for F. B. 0., "Going the Limit,'' at tho Liberty theatre today. Willi a plot that -consists of a novel theme wrapped in a series of orig inal and side-splittiug situations,. Hie picture proved highly popular wlih tho audience, and promises well for (lie personnble young star's future productions. . - ANTLERS THEATRE Fox Picture of Russia Replete With Artistry "Siberia," Fox Films production, now at the Antlers theatre, is a strictly high-class .motion picture version of Hartley Campbell's fa mous stage play. It Is packed with thrills, scenic beauty and action. 'Siberia" depicts the reigu of Czar. Nicholas when Tree speech meant the firing squad or the bleak, desolate salt mines of Si beria. The screen version is faith ful In its depiction ot the dreary waatelands which the st3e was unable to reproduce. . , Alma Rubens, Kdmuml Lowe, Lou Tellesen and others are fea tured in an all-star cast. - I Just receive! another new line cf ! winter millinery. Mrs. S. M. King. I Specialty Stioppo. -.. by Fisher at such low prices Xlie .bodies that Tisher has built for today's enclosed f Chevrolets are comparable, -in every respect, to the coachwprkof th'e world's finest autpmobiles! No other car in the low price field offers bodies by Fisher, with all the cortafort, charm, and elegance that ,the Fisher name assures.' t 1 . ' . - -' s ; . li ' : H 1 1 - -1 , . t.. . Come in and make your own inspect ipn of Chevrolet coachwork. Note the smartness of its Duco colors . . the grace of its full-crown, one-piece fenders deep, .restful seats . . the Cashionable durable upholstery . . . the : oraplete modern i Vou Willi learn that Chevrolet's peraSAnce is r pvevyx ? u&zfoz i its outstanding beautv! . ' ! :beWoldt lowprked cart v M HAS MOSQUITO VACCINE ': CAMDEN. Ark. Dr. P. V., Du Common, ' o Camuen.. claims to have perfected an' a)itirinos(iulto serum for -humalis ' and animals. fri'JW'i'JUMi i r i i i . i . i . i r .i.:6fChdPousee' 5 tstswy jNlagnificent New Closed Models as THE multiplying rate at which the newest : Rbyal Eights and Sixes by Chandler are ap? pearing on the streets from coast to coast, is causing a whole lot of notice .and comment. Particularly amazing to the public is Chand ' ler's latest achievement in building a magnificent Special Six Sedan for less than a thousand dollars I Exceptionally, appealing in its low-swung de sign initssmart harmony of color in its luxury and with its high compression Pikes Peak motor, exceptionally and marvelously powerful. Moreover, this Chandler lubricates iisci from one end of the chassis to the other, the moment you press your foot on a plunger. See this car. See also the new Metropolitan Big Six Sedan at $1495 and the new Royal Eight Sedan at $1995 prices to.b. factory. Just look just drive. '. - - Stanley's Highway Garage 332 North Jackson St. Phone 478 Roseburg, Oregon CHANDLER.CLEVELAND MOTORS CORPORATION, CLEVELAND offers The COACH $595, TheTnurina- tCJC or Roadster The Coope . 625 ; , 695 ' .'715 The Sport Cabriolet - The Imperial $7A ' Laiulait - - r2 H-TmiTrnck 395 (ChtusliOntv) 1-Ton Truck , ?495 - (CV.lpiUj)' f ,j I All price. Co. b. FUm i, ,i ' jMifhieia j J. i Check jcherralat; Delivered Prices patented J J.l i J 1 They Include the Ian Ctt handling and fi oaodriB charge ' avaitabla. except Roseburg, Oregon Tlie Vaccine is. iiatiniless- to those who take" it, 'lie says, but causes instant death to file insect when It boros inta the innoculated blood . stream. :'"' - -i i i , i i i 1. 1 ; - - XSir:'. Via 1928 $ low as ', ' f.o.h. facfoav