EIGHT ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1927. 1 CONFIDENCE! j 3 . We ere assured that we have gained the 2 confidence of the public by the large and S ever increasing number of our customers and friends. With our large capital and surplus we are equipped with adequate reserve funds to i meet all contingencies. The experience . pf our officers insure sound and conserva tive methods. . . a UMPQUA VALLEY BANK J Roseburg, Oregon & iiictipc DiiDninr i uujiiul uuiii.u i s s, j I rAuwIatFil Pttu luu.l H'lrn) g 8AI.E.M, Ore.,' Kept, 12. The E funeral of Judge Henry Iturnult, Hi chief Jusifce or tlio Oregon su jj : prcine court who died Saturday, rw!t he held iit the First Congrcga Sjllnnul church Tuosduy at JO 5 ; o'clock. Jt was first announced K'lhat Ihn Juiicrul service wneld ho R i hold at the Wohh Funeral Chapel, K I tint loday it Has decided lo use j.the church because of lis linger, f 'auditorium. Zt I The f unci ii will lie in charge of B ' tho grand Ipdgo of Oregon, A. If. E; and A. M, Rev. W. CV Kanlner, J retired Congregational mlniMer iund a friend of the lino justice, will J deliver ihe address. The body will i BIG DELEGATION to fUNERAL SERVICES i EDENBOWER MAN Fiineual soivlces for the Into Adolph W.r lielnibolt, ivho pass ed away at, liia home In Edonbow f.r Friday evening, woro held at & o'clock thiH afternoon at tho Mn aoiilc Teniplo.' 'Br. Frank II. Mat thews officiated and Ihe Masonic burial services were itsed.' ' The many beautiful floral offerings were leHllinony to the high loom in which the deceased waa held In hl commiinliy. Inter Inont followed In the Masonic ceinelury. Funernl arrangements wero 111 charge of M. K, Hitter of the ' KosebiirB Undertaking com pany. jaBiiil 'ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. jlTr ". ' ' ' ' ' 'Established 1901 ' ' 'i;itij.'.fi 5?' E' RITTER'. M"naoor ;u,,t, , M , . .Founded and Maintained on Efficient 5 . i' . v " Service and Courtesy : -. . ; - 4 t. ,n I I I I rr.. AMBULANCE SERVICE , , . phone 284 Oak and Kane Sts, Licensed Lady Em ba Truer ime bCilOOl ;1 . . J (.. . ' -A A 'A)' , '"Shoe i Time i ' You Can't Beat 'Eni ij V Ehdicott Johnson's Better Shoes for Less Money A "new and complete line of Shoes and Low Shoes f or5 Boys and Girls1 1 THE LOW PRICES WILL PLEASE YOU Roseburgii boterie he Kent, following the Hervice, me j'orilatul crematorium. The aclive pall hearera will be Omar Ilayfer of UallaH, Dr. It. K. f.ee Slelner, Milton i,. Meyera, Lot I.. I'earce, C. II. ilaker and (ieoige (i. Ilrown. The houorury pall beareiH will be Chief Juallee llui llelt'a fellow llieillbei'H of the Nil pieino court, tlovernor I'allei'Hon, and Federal JudgeH Kobert ii. liean and John II. .McNary. Juilgo Ilurnett waa a past grand master of the Masonic i.odgo of Oregon and also past grand master of the Odd Follows of Oregon. He wiih a meinour of Salem lodge No. 330, II. 1'. O. Elks. i 'X trill DOC COOK OUT ON PROBATION , IRVIN BRUNN ' Shoes That Satisfy and Fit Your Feet Perkins Building , .. . , Roseburg, Oregon ; GREATER MOVIE SEASON Liberty;;; Theatre ! fAmoclnlcd I'rrM r,Puwil Wlrul ' ( VVASIIINOTON, Sept. la. Hr. I Frederick A: Conk, tho Arcllc: ex-1 plover, today petitioned lbs su preme court lo decide whether Ihe: federal district court for northern Texus, In which he waa convicted : of using the malls tO'defraud, had aulhorlty to place hliu on proba tion. ( : ;t- ; , j ; i j Bontencetl on November. 21, 11123, 1 to 14 yeara and- nine' montiia at ' Leavenworth, Dr. Cook asked ihe district' court recently to nluco him on probation under a law providing for such clemency hut which waa enacted after ho commenced imrv: Ing IiIb sontencei The district court granted his reiiuoat bvor (ho i objection' of the govorument, which contended that the act was uuoon- j slltullonal and that the court had I lost control In the matter because i be had commenced nervine-bin sen-1 tunce. 1 Tho circuit court of nppcals ished parts, have 40 rovs and no reversed tho district court. t . adornment. ' '. In asking the (supreme, court to j Tho structure Is more than 700 review, iio caso, I jiy Cook asserted i feet long and 600 feet wide. The that the en-cult' court of tho sixth, ! outer walls are SO feet high', With ncrqnth and ninth :crc'ults had tak-ja broad esplanade on top, and en a dlfforent view, holding that from that wide promenade, 50-loot trial courts could place on proba- bleu stone pillars riso in n Oro- It's So Simple. The pnpers nre full of "F ALL SUITS" and "where to buy them" and "where the fashions are keenest and values the thickest" but in summing up 113 ALL U EASY. You can find at WILDER AND AGEE CO'S the things you are looking for. without looking around. You can . reduce the whole problem of price and ap pearance - to an address if it's the right one. Read, please, . .this list of branded names: . i Kuppenheiiner and Michaels-Stern good clothing. Ford Topconts and Over coats. . Mallory Hats. B. & L. Underwear. Shirtcraft Shirts. Cheney Brothers Neckwear. Holeproof Hosiery. Wilder and Agee Company ' Roseburg, Oregon. , 11G GOOD TIE I OIH LOWER UMPQUA! I : and, Reedsport, Gardiner j Winchester Bay Visited Picnic at Smith River Today. The Hosebuig delegation to ilieodsport and Smith Itlver num bered approximately SO, leaving iioaeburg early yesterday morning uml spending Sunday at Winches iter Day and Gardiner. Three car loads returned lust night, being un able to remain over, but the others i went on this morning to Smith i Itlver lo join with tho grange theie In an all-day picnic. A most enjoyuble time was spent lilt the beach yesterday thn groups being taken from Itcedsport to the nay on tugs. Tho weather was very good making tho beach trip Interesting. The only ones who did not have a good time on this trip wero Kenneth Qulno und E. Ii. llelolt, who missed the boat and had to walk back to Iteedsport, and walking back from boat rides Is not their hobby. A few accidents, fortunately of a minor character, liuppened on Ihe trip down. A bearing burneJ out on Kenneth Qulne's car and n wrecker was sent out from Reeds port to low him in. The driver of I ho wrecker looked back to see how the lowed car was coming along and drove his own machine off tho grade Into the river. Mr. Quine slummed on his brakes and I brew his car Into reverse, causing Ihe chulu lo break and thereby saving his own party. The driver of the wrecker, -who was accompan ied by his wifo, pushed his wife out of Ihe car aa Ihe machine went over the grade and then jumped so Hint they . were not carried inlo tho stream und were not hurt. ! Oscar Uerrie's car skidded on wet pavement on lliu wav to Drain and smashed Into a telephone pole, smashlug a fender, . 'I he parly in. Dr. Slewnrt's ear had a narrow escape .when the can skidded and stnrted to slide slowly' over the edge of n high grade. The occupants jumped out and, held ihe car aiiiiii it coum-be tirawni back to safety, i , , i i -t i. : ; i ; ' , , i . August Heck's machine suffered a broken spring and fie being re paired at lteeilsport today. I NEW TODAY HOQ3 for sale. JM. Ware, Olalla. FOIl SALE Sheep dipping vat. L. K. Gilliam. I'hone HF34. FOIl HUNT .Modern furnished apartment. 221 W. Lane St. FOIl" KENT 5-roonT house at 4 1 i S. I'lne St. 18. I'hone 16. A HA RT.M KNTS. Newly furnished. .Modern. Close in. Call 6J6-J. FOIl IlfcNT Nice newly furulsh"- ed apartments. J, M. Judd. . PLACK FOIl IllSNT .Mr'sPE". Schroeder Address Wilbur, Ore. FOR-RBNT 5-room house. Kaiie St. near Court rlouae. Phone 275. I PEAIl pickers wanted at once. G. C. lialley, Garden Valley. Phone 82FI3. suitable . Close FURNISHED 2-room flat, for students or touchers, In. 331 S. Main. WANTED 12 to 15 acres land cleared. Cabin furnished. See J. O. Metz, 221 W. Washington. WANTEI-Will pay cash fora good second hand mimeograph machine. Call phone 3I1-L. FOR RENT 2-room furnished house, $7 per month. See eleva tor man at Perkins Bldg. pMHi"niiiHTiiiiiimiiininHij RE A M OFTA R..T A R H C c . , Baking Insurance ".you find any faulc whatever i" 7 kllino DowHr. or think you , ""on. ' grocer will return )' our FOR RENT Furnished rooms ill modern home, close In. Call ut 5211 E. Douglas, Roseburg. HOGS FOR SALE 15 bead shoals, weight about 125 lbs. each. Mrs. Chas. Smith, Camas Valley WANTEDT"0 HENTi Sheep lunch with buildings aud little : farm land. 803 W Mosher. WOMEN WANTED For canning work. Apply at cannery. Frank J. Norton Co., Roseburg, Ore. FOR RENT Beautifying "fui'Tiisli ed modern house, a splendid lo cation, adults only. Phone 3U-J. FOR RENT 8-r7"house,cTeiamI, H mo. 5-r. house, acre land, $7 mo. C. Walter Groves. Phone 477-R. FOR RENT 5-rooni furnished house, $10 per month. Two blocks east of E. tilh St K. L. Hammond. FOR S A LE"ak" bloclt wood, S3. 60 per tier delivered. Also 2 ft. fir, or 12 in. Carl Decker, Melrose, Ore. , , icv anj r ,t,ae:Sf , but, ' PY '""- "our, etc., you have w- ; It's on every tin of Schilling's . . . this .-' . guarantee label. It applies, whatever you bake with Schilling's.' It's got to be good ... because it contains more cream-of-tartar than any other... i that fine, wholesome ingredient that fluffs your baking. - ' Your money back if you don't like s , I .' i Schilling's best 5 : . i ' .-; ;- -, S g h illi n B aki n S ,Powder Tea Ji Extracts Mwyi9 spices cortee iiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiuniiiminuii iM'W-I-M'M'llI-MIWMWI'I' lion prisoners who had commenced serving their torniB and that simi lar, rulings bad been made by nu merous district ;courts. . i. - BOY ACCUSED OF MATRICIDE SEES MOTHER'S GRAVE front ImiPtl from parro 1.) ciim tuniplt! effect. The stiuHum has sheltered many notable apec- laeles In Jt m briof span ;of years. 1 1 The fir.st KuchailHtiu congress of 1 tho Knninn Catholic cliui-ch over held In this country 'assem bled in the stadium last summer and filled the horseshoe with the largest crowd ' it may ever see. IMoro than 200,000 members of the Holy Namo society, each with a ulniiminir cniKlln. flllnd (tin n rinn boy?" Kherlif Walter Hleo' of U and the "stadium fl6oYi i ' ; ;' I CrosBO 'finally oiilered Hill, Ken-h A few months later, I tho' 5 first lor, nneHted. - jarmynavy football game ever held 'Then bejian the drive to Ottawa .In the vest, thrilled llu.OoO spec with Dr. Hill left behind until hiajtalors. Tho field was especially uiifsculUes with the La ) 'rosse prepared for that event as the pre iniihorities eouid bo 'straihlenod jyiouH year had jrteuionstratod that out. When he eventually was ro-ifho stnditim turf was uiiHitited to leased he was 'Obliged to wail scv-, football tin Chicago's customary November weather. . The first use of tho stadium, five years ago, was for a foot ball oral hours for another train. PIONEER SHEEPMAN nice iMDcmmPTcw B1! Between iiiuii scnools or Today and Tuesday Matinee Daily 2:15 1 THEY SAY DARWIN WAS RIGHT? v u. ... k is. rt - PRNDI.ETON, Sept. 12. Jimmy ilat'ketl, pioneer slieepinan of Umatilla county, died here hit-,) Kalnrday from kidney aud sloiu acb trouble. Mr.' llackett. whose hko has been placed anywhere from 7r lo llil years, was connect ed "llli Ihe Indian troubles In the early pioneer days, making a thrllllnn rldo ride from Willow Kprlnas lo Pendleton, during the days of (he worst Indian troubles, lie retired about '2.1 years ano from the sheep and wool business. For years lie was a recognized authority on this Industry. Chicago and Louisville.- AUDITING STATE BOOKS The ComrJj that bowled 'em oKtr tn Chicago and New York. 11 ry - f AvN(irliihl I'ri'wi 1-aKi'il Wlre SAl.l'i.M. Ore.. Sent. 12. The first annual audit of the funds of Ihe Stale Industrial Accident Com mission, provided lor In an act of the 11127 legislature, slarled today. The firm of l.ybrnud, lioss Itrolii orx and Montgomery of I'ortlauil hi making the audll, Ihe actual work being done by Zelh L. Roberts and Waller 1). Wliileotub. Tho purpose of Ihe audit Is to keep a closer check on -siaie funds. SIR KNIGHTS, ATTENTION 1 Regular conclave of Ascalon eom mamlory Tuesday evening, Septj Mill. 7:30 o'clock. Visiting Sir Knights welcome. JOHN M. THRONE, E. C. JUDOE KELLY OF i 1BIY SLATED :" FOB THE BED Girls Dance : With Joy when they use (his new wonderful French .Process Face Powder fulled MEI.LOOI.Oi .keeps that , ugly shine away. i Women rave, over Its nuporior purity and quality, Stays on longer skill looks like n peach keeps, complexion youthful pre vents -largo pores. , .Get a box of MEI.LO-OI.O Face Powder, toduy. Nathai, Fullevlon, druggist. ,,. i , Rye grass, timothy, burr clover, red clover nnd oiher field seeds at Whai tpn Uros. , . . il anOESli! PIGS H to $4.60 alioal firood sows $15 to $25 each. 1 boar. 1 cow. Fred Vedder, 1 mile north of Wilbur. WANTED Twenty tiers 22-inch black oak and laurel wood at once. Address "S. O. S." caro thls office, with price. L.OANED FItilE Witn eacu sav ings account opened we loan one of - our Home Savings banks, i First State and Savings Dank. j PHONE Harriet ETcirovcs, lf77ft or call at studio, 137 N. Jackson room 5 for lesson dates in piano and Dunning system. i FOlt SALE OR RENT 40acres I one mile from town. House, barn and chicken bouse. Family or chard. 803 W. Mosher. . , FOR SALE 1926" nuick Master Six sedan. The best buy in town. ' See it at L. K. - Chambers Motor Coi Oak and Main Sts. ' Phone 64!). ! j FORTY cords fir Wood for sale" on Ihe ground, also some 16-in. fir mid .oak block -wood. All handy for truck or trailer. 11. E. Brown, Wilbur, Ore. FEMALE HELPWANTED Want ed, ton ladies to distribute cer tificates, j pleasant.- : See- Mrs. Lochridge, Unipn.ua Hotel, Tues day II a. in. , . I FORD truck for sale or trade. '2-1 model, steel cab and . bed. ffTO.T.T.TTT. Bridge Tea and Fashion, Show MASONIC HALL ' . Wednesday Atenipon 2 to 5 , TABLE RESERVATIONS $1.00 ' Call 616 or 41-J for Reservations. ' Merchants Taking Part in Fashion RevUe Fisher's i Ladies Shoppe Marksbury Store I. Abraham J. C. Penney Co. King's Millinery' -1 t M Roseburg Booterie Bell s Millinery Benefit Job's Daughers- J IIMMT;'IgIIWTiWTiIiIi Ruckstell axle. Will trade tor horse, cows or what have you? J. E. Wood, Suthorlin. GUARD YOUR VALUABLES By keeping them in one of the sate deposit boxes lu our strong vuult. Double lock boxes. First MACK SENNETT SMITH'S PETS jj 8B NsRVXIlN JACKSON "'TSIIS "'''t Mutt and Jeff- Matinee 10c-25c -Fox News Evening 10c-35c SPECIAL MUSIC SCORE WANDA ARMOUR AT THE ORGAN SALEM, Ore, Sept. 12. The npi polulment of rlrciilt Judge Percy It. Kelly of Albany as n member of Ihe supreme court to fill the vacan cy caused by the dentil of Chief .lusllco George H. Ilurnelt Is pre dicted in legal circles here. tJovet jnnr Patterson lias said he will not I take lip the matter of an appoint ment until after the funeral or ! Chief Ilurnett, which Is tomorrow. I Judge Kelly has for many years SOSfflSSHSSSSESS.itli'lnl 't comprising Marlon" fc-R nun i.inii counties ami is conslder- cu one ot tne ablest judges in ihe S slate. :(3 Should Judge Kelly receive the M npitoliiimetit the governor also Rj will have to fill Ihe vacancy on M the circuit bench for this district. oiiimiio ieny oe tippomicu u la predicted that Ihe appolnloe to the circuit bench would be either Carllon K. Sox or Senator Wlllard Marks, both of whom live al Al bany. Sox. It Is believed, would be more likely to get the place. Tho appointee doubtless would either 'A be selected from Albany or Salem. oince jutige ieny lives al Ainanv, and Judge L. 11. Mi -Malum, Ihe oilier judge for the district. Ilv In Salem. It Is pmbablo that (lie appointment would go lo Albany. fl tncere 0ttrt ihe fo en. mill CoiKacrjiori for the .Itminj. DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME Mgr. H. C. Stearns. Est. 11126 Phone 111 Lady Attendant NEW YORK, Sept. 12. The most widely known ball player In America was hailed Into court to day on a "John Doe" warrant al leging assault. George Herman "nnbe" Rulh. slugging Yankee outfielder, was the "John Doe" meant. When ho FOR SALK- heard the story of the assault, "Babe" expressed pity for the vic tim, Bernard Neimeyer, and pro duced witnesses to prove that he was in Garfield. N. J nt the time tho assault is alleged to have oc curred on Broadway here. Neimeyer told the court that on July 4. shortly after he had been released from n hospital after be ing treated for a fracture of the spine, ho was walking along upper Broadway. Two women passed him, he said, but he paid no attention to them. In their wake came a man, iden tified in court by Neimeyer as Ruth, who brushed against him and called to the women, asking them if Neimeyer had spoken to them. Neimeyer said the women re plied that he bad not spoken lo them, "but Huth struck mo a ter rible blow in the eye with his left fist anyway." "I'm partially blind lu one eye." Neimeyer said, "and I pleaded with hliu not to strike me again. Then I asked him why lie had struck me." ' 'Why did you speak to my wife?'" Neimeyer quoted Ruth as saying. A crowd had gathered by this time.. Neimeyer said. He heard a chauffeur shout "That's 'Babe' Ruth." Neimeyer said he had never seen Rulh. but bad rend of blm and knew who he was. Neimeyer related how lie be-! seeched the crowd and a traffic of ficer to "grab" Rulh, and of how no one responded. Neimeyer said he was "positive" the man was Ruth. Rulh, dressed In a neat blue suit. stood In the court as Neimeyer s ! pointed blm out. Repealln gthat ho waa sorry for Neimeyer. Ruth declared Stnte and Savings Bank. FOR RENT Fully furnished apart ments. Furnace heat, electric ranges, private baths, garage, "OLD GLORY MAY ;. HAVE TAKEN NOSE .. DIVE INTO OCEAN -. ...,' (Asttielnlwl; l'rCBS Lenepd ,Wlro) . NEW' YORK, Sept. 12. A theory thai the missing monoplane i"01f Glory'-' .made a .nose dive and carried her 'three occupants ' to the -hot- loim of -the-sen before- they cnulil tlrnin fhr. funl' I, .,,1,-a A w;as advanced today by Cap- ' tain E. V. Mitchell, master ' of the liner' American Mer- chant, one of' thei fonr ships which searched' the sea where the plane. Is believed to have met disaster. Captain 1 Mitchell expressed the opinion, that the ill-luted plane wont Into ai dive Just before Lloyd 'Bertnudf ii'ap- ped out the SOS which brought his vessel scurrying j to the rescue.' 'If ihe plane had landed safely on the wa- 4 ter, lie said, it should have remained afloat at least' two hours, which- would have given Herlaudi Philip Payne Mrs.' Charles' Heinline TEACHER OF Piano, Harmony and Theory Suite -1, Kohlhagen Phono iWO.;. Bldg. also threo light housekeeping! and J. D. Hill time to Influte rooms reasonable. D26 S. Alain or (f. W. Young & Son. 11123 Ford coupe, ex cellent condition, $175 takes it. Phone 13F23. 'Or call at S03 W. .Lane alter 6 p. in. Mildred Mil lard, Looking Glass, Oro. FOR SALE at sacrifice. '0"-rooin house at 850 S. Stephens St., ?500 down, balance like rent. Apply F. Porter, 132 W. 6th St.. Eugene. Keys at, H. Brown next door. ' the rubber life bont and stay o afloat until picked up. 4 been considerable speculation j as to the donor since news of ' the gift became public. 1 ' SHEEP for sale. 200 head of good breeding ewes for sale, from .1 lo 4 years old. 110 of these are purebred Shropshlres. Phone 2II5 J or address Box 1032, Rose burg. FEMALTOIELI- WAKTHH-Hulli-s wauled to paint handkerchiefs. We furnish silks, patterns. In structions free. Excellent pay. viue ior parucuiars anu snm-; pies, ueautext Co., 22a Irving HERE IS THAT SHEEP St., San Francisco. 4 AND Tl'RKE YRANCH FOR SALE 5-roonv modern plas-i Plenty of bottom land; well tered residence on Pine street, 2' improved; contains 397 acres; large lots. Payments like rent, i 8 miles out; place Is held by EXCHANGE 1 have very flue a mortgage company and is strain R. L. Reds. Will ex- ! being offered for $7,600. change one for two. same size.' Terms: S',500 cash, and ten L O. Maddux, 404 N. Jackson. years to pay the balance at LIBRARY FOR LEAGUE ' ( Atttorintori I'rctt lasol Wire) GENEVA, Sept. 12. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.. Is the sole donor of the $2,000,000 fund for the erection ot a library for the League of Nations, it was announced in the league assembly today. There had Baby and Pre-i! School i' CLINIC .(. Douglas County Health' Unit Sept. 14, 1-4 Pi M. (1 Health Office In Courthouse, , Roseburg. Hunters- Special Finest of Watermelons and Can taloupcs. Come load up, prices are right on quantity at the NEW STAND, DiLLARD, ORE. ' D. COON ANTLERS TODAY greatest love classic stage or screen THE PARTY w ho took spare" lira and rim, with C. A. Lochwood Motor Co. tire cover, from tour ing car parked to rear of Llberly theatre Sunday night is known nnd can save trouble by return ing to K. V. Martin nt C. A. Lock wood Motor Co., at once. FOR SALE- 6 per cent. See N. Rice of RICE & RICE. VETERAN DIES AT SOLDIERS' HOME lloin Sox and Marks are repuli-was "much surprised'' at the Means while most of the other charge. He had with him two wlt promlnent lawyers are said to be i nesses who corroborated his state democrats and the appointment or I meat that he was In Garfield at a democrat Is not expected from j the time ot the alleged assault, the republican governor. Magistrate Stern continued the o case until Friday to permit Nel- Wool sacks, twine, sheep dip and : tneyer to obtain w itnesses to cor branding paint at Wharton Bros, 'roborato his story. 1925 Ford touring, $175. 1025 Star touring. $275. 1926 Nash coupe, $950. 1924 Willys-Knight sedan. $750. Wo have the best buys in town. You should sec them and try them. L. R. Chnmbers Moior Co.. Oak aud Main Sis. Phom? 649. that he THE "MONTHLY pa"ymenl""loan is nn attractive monihly pay ment plan for building or buy ing a home or refunding exist ing mortgage. It allows repay ment ot loan in easy monthly Installments and gets the borrow er out of debt. I'nipqua Savings and Loan Association. iHiuglas Abstract Building. HENRY C. Nipper'., resilient of Ihe Soldiers' Home, died Sunday evening nt Ihe age of S2 year;., 0 months and 2 days, lie entered Ihe home November IS. lull from Rainier. Oregon, and lias been a resident there since that time. Mr. Nippert served as a prlva'e in Company B. 100th Pennsylvania Infantry In Ihe Civil War. The body has been removed lo (lie llos-ehurg Undertaking companv parlors and the funeral will be held Tuesday ntieraoon at 2 o clock. M. E. Rltter will be in charge and Interment will be In Ihe cemetery at the Soldiers' Home. Ihe I of Comedy Al St. John in . "ROPED IN" Latest News Matinee 10c-25c Evening J0c-25c-35c