a .-if?, e ii: : I: : : 6 Mslsltls Ladies, Call and Examine Our Stock of "FRY'S OVEN GLASS WARE" While similar to other glatawara for oven use, It Is In a class by itself, in that It has a luster and coloring all Its own. Also, it has a patented feature better, as it is possible to give tom as the top has. Yes, It will stand up In oven as well as other best glass; - but, like others, it will break handled. Never remove from oven In a drafty place when removed and contraction Is liable to oause CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. i The Winchester Store. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE. HO LUCK birds for sale, luqulre at 1)28 Military St. -j FOH SALE Chinchilla rabbits at 707 West Moaher St. FOU SALE 2Iiiimbouillet bucks. M. T. Dawsou. Plioue MF24. FOU SALE Oak wood,"stovo and block. Phone 88F22. J. J. Kester. FOR" SALB-Good "pluhi'a tor " ploa and cunning. Cheun. Ward's Cafe. CANNING tomat6es,"75o peFbush el, bring boxes. S. Saulsberry, Myrtle Creek, Ore. FOU SALE Large corner lot In - best residential district, ?20u cash Box 50, Ncws-Hoview. VOll ' "SALE Weaned liigs7?5 each. , 1-hono 33F25 or address H. Odeu, JJixonville, Oregon. 1JARTLETT "pears - for-salorsoc box. A. E. Rutter, Itt. 2, llox . 37-A, Eilenbower. Phone 25F11. , FOR - .SALEEiifiy Sweetwater 1 - ''grapes, one mile 'east on Doug las street. Phone 260-L. W. L.- Green. FOR ' SALE Dartlett pears for canning, 25c and 60c nor bu, Fred ; Itenuer, Happy Valley bridge. ' FOR SALE On ground, lb-inch . block and stove, oak and laurel r , wooav N. m . Conn, f ltoseburg. c noiia 1110. ; . FOR SALE Vetch and oats 24c per lb., cleaned 31c, clean vetch 6c, .at; Myrtle. Creek,- or Days Creek, It. Fate. : Full SALE Registered 0hrop. bucks, ' also twenty tor ! thirty owes for-sale or trade' for. cattle. ' ' Win. Porter, Camas Valley, CHRYSLER COUPE. ' purchased June 2nd, for trade for Ford or : small car. Difference.-A. B. Ver non, Dixon's Super Station, FOU SALE Holstein heifer, fresh 2 months. Two Hnmbouil- let. rams, one registered. N. L. Conn. Roseburg. Phone 6F16. ' Fuk SALE Gray oatsT Rn(T con? , mon vetch, good rich mixluro lor seed; At farm 2&clb. L. H. . Llles, 2 mi., west Umpqua store. FOR ' SALE Homestead relin quishment, over 200,000 Port Or l'ord cedar, over 1,000,000 good fir. Reason for selling, owner sick. See G-. W Young & Son. FOTi SALE Fresh blackberry juico for home use. Phono your orders. Wo delivor. Roseburg lloverage Supply House, 109 S. Jackson St. Phone 249, Rose burg, Oro. FOR SALE The most complete line of field seeds carried in S. Oregon. Send for catalog and write for prices on what you will , require for fall planting. Mon arch Seed Co., Medford, Ore. FO II SALE WuUelT'bTue grass seed (Poa bulbosa). Reclcaned : sued $1 per lb., machine run seed tiOc lb., add postHgo. Send to us for your seed. Write for bulle tin ou this wonderful new grass. Monarch Seed Co., Medford, Ore. ' TOR RHnT - " j" -TJC? 3-ROOM furnished uputmont tor rent. 814 Mill St. Al'AKTAlrJNTS Now, modern, close in. Phono 64 5-J. FURNISHED apartments for rent. 3 rooms and 2 rooms. 21(j S. Parrott. ' FOR It EN' T -Fu rnislie d h. k. rooms, ground floor, gas range, clone In. 331 S. Main. foil RENT 2-room furnished house, $7 per month. See eleva tor man, Perkins Bldg. FURNISHED apartment, good place for teacher or school girls, Close in. 221 W. Liino St. FOR RENT 6-room houso, direct ly north of Benson school, lira. Lloyd Crocker. See Harold Mc Kay. ROOMS TO RENT 819 Harvard Ave., Laurolwood, two blocks from-higu school. Inqulro 308 N: Jackson. HOUSE FOR RENT One 6-room house, 3 lots, on pavement, J12 per mo. Wilbur Spaugh, 601 S. Pino. FOR RENT Fine suburban home, modern conveniences, with or without land. F. C. Gurnce. Phone 33F23. fo i.'R "rooms " Fonnii nt 40 cents per night, J2.25 per week. Guaranteed ciean linen. Cor. bicpheus and Moshor Sts. FOR RENT 10 "acres-free soil, river bottom, small house. Ideal place for poultry. Will rent for 10 per year. Call at 102 W. Lane St. that makes baking en the bottom food the same brown on the bot occasionally if not properly with a wet or damp cloth, nor set from oven. Uneven expansion breakage. rIISraWTTTgTTgTgTM 1 WANTED WANTED Ten ewes. Phone 3F24. WANTEDHigh school girl. Call at 142 N. Jackson. Phone 105-J. WANTEDTo engage-two- prune pickers. Lawrence Hercher, JJli lard. WANTED 12 to 15 acres land .cleared. Cabin furnished. See J. O. Mets, 221 W. Washington. WANTED Bids for drilling well and casing by the foot. School District No. 123, Mrs. C. J. Bjerg, R. 2, RoBeburg. WANTED Mrs. Heinline will be glad to receive all friends and patrons of her school in her at tractive new studio rooms every day before 3:30 o'clock. WANTED Hatching eggs from heavy breeds, Rocks, Reds iind Jersey Giants. Roseburg Poultry Market. 601 North Jackson. Phone 279. , " . WAnSeD We buy your nlnt.anoV - quart beer- bottles , and 1-gal. gtaBS jugs. Roseburg lleverage Supply House, 109 S. Jackson St. Phono 249. Roseburg, Ore. LOST LOST SUNDAY Diamond dinner ring: j Finder : please leave at JNews.Review office. Reward. FOUND FOUND Good felt hat, Was found . in Camas Valley. Owner call at News-Review office, describe the hat and pay for this adv. MISCELLANEOUS I o-- i : CITY AND FARM LOANS. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. RICE & RICE, Licensed Bond Brokers. - CAR OWNER Don't lorget to : call 663 when in seed of auto parts. Sarff's Auto Wrecking - House. ' - . ... NOTICE OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given that on the second Monday in September being September 12tli, ' the Board of Equalization will attend in the In Roseburg, Douglas County, Oro-1 gon, tor tne purpose of examining the assessment rolls and correct all errors In valuations, descrip tion and quality of land, lots and other property assessed fcy the as sessor, and it shall be tho duty of persons interested to appear at tho' time and place appointed. FRANK Xj. CALKINS, Assessor. M IB THBSe THINGS 0 H GRCATJ.Y. 1 1 tH I sKSan IwoRRY . H ' JtSrlV MADAM- ' M Cwh'J Wfi ARE ' L Ji5i V6R.Y t LJ oliw CAREFU'' LYLE EXPLAINS fS STILL MOIST (AuncUted Vrvm lucd Wittl WASHINGTON. Sept. 9. Roy C. ! Lyle, prohibition administrator for Washington, Oregon and Alusku, made arrangements today to con fer with. Mis. Mubul Walker Wille brandt, assistant attorney general in charge of liquor cases and Pro hibition Commissioner Dorau on pending prohibition litigation In the Paciflo northwest stales. The conference, which Is expoc ted to be held lute today will pro cede the appearance of Lyle before Assistant Secretary Lowmun to give an explanation of "why so much liquor continues to flow Into the northwest." , It Is expected to center on the effect Lyle's severance from the service would have on the cases. Mrs. Willebrandt said she did not bolleve the removal or resig nation of any prohibition officer or agent would affect pending cases It the evidence had been properly gathered. Lyle was a wit ness in what was known as the Olmsted liquor conspiracy cases, Mrs. Willebrandt said. Aiiiumber of these are pending and are ex pected to go to trial in the fall. Commissioner Doran denied toduy that he had assured the Anti-Saloon league officials thut Lyle would be retained. He said he had acknowledged protests against Lyle's dismissal with assurunces that the treasury would make a complete Investigation. For Bale, guns and firearms, nm muntlon, fishing tackle of all kinds, trailer and motor "John son." S B. Crouch, 630 W. Oak St. TROUBLE BREWING AMONG SHOSHONE. BANNOK INDIANS (Asioolatcd Pren looted tViro) POCATELLO, Idaho, Sopt. 0. Roundup of range ponies in the vicinity of tho Fort Hall Indian reservation 12 nillca north of hero may precipitate an outbreaking of the Bannock and Shoshone lu dlans because ot tho arrest of Jim Baker, 'a. ward of the government when he protested that Beveral of hlB choice ponies had been includ ed in' the roundup. Seven of his tribesmen, ell armed, rode up to the reservation Jail last night and demanded his release. Buker had previously effected his own es cape. 1 - ' Discrediting this statement, the braves ' demanded that they , bo shown, threatening to storm - the building. , Deputy sheriffs and sev eral Pocatello police ofl'icerB were Summoned and finally suoceeded hi dispersing 'the tribesmen. The situation Is still regarded as : critical,' although ; no shots were fired Inst night. A federal BOOTS AND HER ...... '!PB3j ntsBi rrrr, rraA , , miu FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS VMUAfSTUAT S. VNM.V,-WIS IS CilMSER .....,,,.9 ) 7!D HDIML-' uiP It AOC Wmmm : : VbO MAM6 7J1.EHE I ALE -I'M SOMS 70 GIN6ER AUE i J DRIMk. VHE MAVIb $MMmm$&& Wl BOB8Y? tjJ SIVIEV0UA5LASS VUJWc? "IT LT,S L0TS 0F ir SEE AfAU AllCS IT B& wrY t opir,7As.' M por Jilf Aece.' tll poor- mWc?sm0 sparkles .7 so oai p -TV ' r-illl lW lh VOO A GLASS OF j WlmoW AA" IT ITS W, 2 j pf) SALESMAN SAM IM BKUSSeL, TH I WILL fROBA&LH POT CAPITAL ClTf OF OrtT' CARPeT &eLSiOtA y FOR Indian agent la reported to be en route here. The trouble started when a Portland concern contracted for several thousand bead of wild horses which the government Is endeavoring to remove from this section. It is understood tho pur chasers plan to ship the animals to Portland and other points tor slaughter. Est barbecue saudwichea and Ive forever. Brand's Road Stand. BANDIT WOUNDS MAN THEN ROBS (Auoctitrd Pren U-iwd Wire) PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. 9. Angus McC'ellum oti Edmonton. Alberta confronted by a holdup j'man Inst nlKht, tried to knock the j gun from his hands and was shot I through the shoulder, After he fell to the ground tho robber re lieved him of 3100 11 tid escaped. 8. D. Kolotson, grocery, was held up by a man armed with un. automatic pistol just before clos ing time lust night and robbed of between fiti and fit), contents of the cash register. The McCormlck-Pcorlng tractor is fully equipped to do all Minis of work. Its long life and dura bility will save you money. Seo one at Wharton Bros. PASTOR RESIGNS BECAUSE OF FIGHT I AMOt'lHtVll i'rviH I.eunvl Wirvj PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 9. Rev. A. R. McQueen has resigned as pastor of the East Side Christ Ian Church because of friction be tween factions of tho church. Ho waH unable to paciry two wan-Ins; groups. - McCormlck-Deerlng tractors are sold on terms to responsible buy ers at Wharton Bros. PROPER PLACE "How is your husband?" "He's in the dumps most of tho time." "What Is his occupation?" "Garbuge and junk collector." Life. . . ; Brand's Road Stand Lunches Served Inside or In the Gar den. - Soda Fountain ' Our Own Private Moon Every night Is moonlight at Brand'! Garden. Fruit ''t.,. . . .. , Garden1 Valley Watermelons Dlllard Muskmelons Crawford and Elberta Peaches Gravenstein Apples BRAND'S 1 1 Pacific Highway : 3 Miles North BUDDIES CfVMOlM' IU. TW5 pRvMfvre field' r, - ,1 ,,, rrt rrN. ; CVUUO.Ibt.lli U&MWtgM$im 1 wJ. '-us S -1 aV-- V;:"..".. SCx5l n (AHUK-Uted I'rvM Lviiivil Win)) NEW YORK, Sept. 9. Tho flist heavyweight elimination bout leud ing to Tex Riekurd's winter touin uiuent iu New York Iihh failed to usiubllsh cither Puolino Ugtudun or Tom Heeney us a really serious contender. The, basque woodchop. per and the champion ot New Zea land buttled 15 rounds to a dnnv last night at Mudlson Square. It huviug been awarded a nioro or' less unpopular decision In the first. t I'uollno. tho conqueror of Harry Wills, failed to show unythlng bordering 011 a knockout punch. Largest stock ot used ranges in Roseburg, $15 to $60. Purslow Kuril. Co., Ill N. Jackson St. NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR BRIDGE CONUTRUCTION Soaled proposals will be receiv ed by tho undersigned at his of lice iu the City Hail In tho city of Roseburg, Oregon, up to 8 o'clock p. in., Monduy, September 19th, 1927, for tho construction of a concrete bridgo 100 feet long and 60 foet wide across Deer Creek ou the Paciflo highway, also togeth er and in tho Bumo bid the moving of the present Deer Creok bridge to and locating It acrosB Deer Creok on Fowler street, iu the city of Roseburg, Oregon, in uccordunuo j wiiu ma pinus ana spcciucauous : filed iu the office of tho City Re- .nnln. On.., An. ,.k CI, Ullf All bids must bo submitted upon blank furniB which will bo furnish ed upon application to tho under signed and. must be accompuuied by a certified check payable to the City Treasurer for 5 per cbnt of tho amount bid, to b forfeited to tlio city of Roseburg In tho event Bald bid is accepted and tho bid der shall fail to entor into a con- I tract and bond with the city nc- cording to tho terms of said bid. ; A bond of 100 per cent ot the con I tract, satisfactory to tho city will bo required from tho contractor. Tho time stated In the proposals I for complotlug tho work will bo' ; considered In awarding tho cou ! tract. " The Common Council rosorves the right to rejoct any and all ibids. ; 1 - i I By order of the Common Coun cil. Dated and first published Sep tember 8th, 1927. HAROLD' E. SHERFY, 1 City Recordor of tho ' City of Roseburg, Oregon. ' , , , , American fenco 1b zinc insulated a process by which 60 to 100 per cent more galvanizing 1b put on tho iros,",whlch insures it against rust. It costs no more than 'uny good' fence. Sold , by ' Wharton Bros. , . .; OH, DOMT &E "bO GLOOMY, 5ACA1. GUESS VLL HftPTft CH6GR Vft U? WITH OMeTHiMQ- I've eeetf- KeepjM' ft surprise -TH(?e j ft PRtze of f-zspoo for j if we BRenK txe (?ecoRD in our RouND-fHe- VJORLP FLIGHT'. 12,5-00 e,P(ce! CS.TS t!0 UP IM !OWM AM' EAT PM' VoO CftM TeLL we CORE IT! V 4m FIRE HAZARDS are Increased during this season ot the year. Play safe by carry ing adequate Fire Insurance. Our agoucy Is at your service. We writs all lines ot fire and automobile Insurance, G. W. Young & Son IN8URANCK 11 Caoa 8t. Phone 417 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist in the fitting Ot Ulaaaes. 116 Jackson St. TO ANNOUNCE opening of prlvats studio In Roseburg, September 12 Lucile M. Sappington Dunning Syitem Improved Music 8tudy Piano . . Kindergarten For information and torms phone 473-R. VOICE Mrs. Charles A. Brand . Voice Bulldi-g Song Interpretation OPEN SEPTEMBER 12 -8a mo Studio Phone 642-R Kohlhapen Bldg. S0-F33 CHIROPRACTORS Drugles Health Center "Complete Health Service" 8ULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 827 West Cass Phone 91 n I To keep hs- health Bis PCH MAWS MM--STaXCT SANITATION . BKlNlrS Ub FAME'" u .... . , ,1, 1 . , 1 ' Every man and woman wants to appear at his best. You will do So If wo launder your clothes, i A well groomed appearance means n well laundered appearance. Tole.pliono us to call. . 1 . j Roseburg Steam Laundry Roseburg, Ore.' . ' ' 'Phone 79 1 Entertaining Kitty TV- '" VT Something New to Tag! Big Money! Qow, , i Wx ) (Ma R6IV0 ft Tl,tl& VVOH'T OH Tt& J tJOTUett eHtJ .T OROER WMeTHIH' THEV'Re CUC.GT HW6 111 r ,t l I 1 J W " Pas CX: $R, --..----L,vO' iTmTTOr.T.T.T.T.T. Order YOUR FALL SEEDS NOW Reclcaned Gray Oats, per hundred......... Kanota Red Oats, per hundred ......... Big Club Wheat, per hur.dred .............. Vetch, per hundred Rye Grass, per hundred Cheat, per hundred See Us First We Can Save You Money ! ' FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AGENTS FOR ' Roseburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. 'Oakland Washington bt. and S. P. Tracks. :f.rii.TTTOTTTgrira NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Sealed proposals, will bo receiv ed by the undersigned at his of licu in the city hull in tho clly of Houobui'K, Oregou, up to 8 o'clock p. 111. Monday, September 19th, 1927, for the construction o, a cou- iufoO ,VU iuiii; uu foot wide across Dour Creek on ' tho Paclllc lilgliwuy In tho city of I Roseburg, Oregon, In accordance with tho plans and specifications filed in the offlco of the City lie-, corder Suptombor Cth, 1927. I All bids mast bo submitted up-j ou blank forms which will be fur-! nished upon application to the uu-! dorslgued and must be uccompun-1 iod by a certiflod chock payable ' to the city treasurer for 5 per cent ; ot tne amount bid, to bo forfeited to the city of Rosoburg in the oveut said bid Is accepted and the blddor shall full to cntor iuto a contract and bond with tho city according to the torms of said bid. A bond of 100 per cunt of the con tract, sutlnfuolory to tho citv will. bo required from tho contractor. Tho timo statod in tlio proposals j for completing tho work will bo 1 WOW $ TRY MV:RVV. 6 RouwO As S12SZJI7 aa scrvicr. mc.nifi u . pat, m Hee. but tT TKftT Vft'. I'LL. 3UT IHtS T6Wl '. 1JJ y!. " r' rAT "rr' T'"ZJ mm TfO , 1 1 s-i I i i - I I ffi M -J I IH $2.25 ,.,....,.$2.25 $2.45 .........$4.00 $5.50 $2.25 ... .. ....... considered iu a win ding tho con tract. The common council reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. By order of tho Common Council. Datod and first published, Sep tember 7lh. 1927. , HAROLD E. SHERFY', City Recorder of tho City of Rosoburg, Oregou. , Pure whole mllE. and It's , pas teurized. Roseburg Dalr; Phone 180 Moore Music Studio Rooms '2-and 3 above Ladios Shoppe. . Phono 187-R ; Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating and , Button Making. ; ' MRS. BELLE CASE Phone 187-R 610 80. Main . PHONE FOR FOOD ;i;;v;Gall63r:-;'; Ayo'd cxhaustibp, frprrj shopping in ine not sun. i. Me quality or tho gro ceries you will 'receive1 will be the , , ,mme as it would if you picked them 1 . out, yourself. 1 1 Economy Grocery O.' L. JOHNSON ' ' The .btore That Serves . .-'' . , . You Dost.'f . ' ' .' "' : ". ' ; . '! 344 N. Jackson St. Phono 63 1 By Martin A - A- mmm '' By Blosrer By Small &RIMQ- US (V . COUPLft ORPRS OF 9RUSS6LS Zl 5P0KEfA ftLVO WOP ft Wfi 4b. Wtl bCTILt. INC. jfct' - vtv-l II 1 i