jff.7.T.FrT'WWTT'W 1 5';; - .,-;f '' ' I v Saturday Grocery Specials Our Saturday special prices on Good Groceries have become a looked-for feature in many house holds throughout the. county. If you have not read these week-end prices, get the habit because it saves you money on your weekly 'expenditures. This week for ' Saturday We Of fer Bulk Ginger Snaps', 2 lbs. for. . ..25c Bulk Cocoa, 3 lbs. for ...25c Bulk Macaroni, 4 lbs. for 25c; White Laundry Soap, 8 bars for 25c Golden Star Coffee, 1 lb. can 40c Guaranteed Hard Wheat Flour, .sack $1.95 Pastry Flour, sack .$1.75 Also don't fail to look over the famous "Battle Creek Sanitarium Health Foods.'-' We are the authorized dealer for Roseburg. Get the booklet "Healthful Living." Tells all about the foods and contains many suggestions about food and feeding. Call for it. , . ' PEOPLES SUPPLY CO. Grocery Phone 145 Ment Market 363 Free Delivery Lel'8 gel oul ot the Jumping ofi (hate uexl tiuuJuy. Auicii! Auieu! tip t) tt&vo . tu go oul iulu Hit) Ulsliwaja a.:il byways 'and compel! tiium lo come in! While w want these lulkn unci luvuu tnein 10 como, boiling uiul Maying thy will clime, we also fi'el our lulK wilt utuud by us ulao. Luu't ills uiuioint ux .SunU-.y. At I 'M In Uu ovt'iiiiiK there tlteio , will be a greut avrvh'H. The Iti?v. J. 1). Conu of ISuui'iio will '.iiiuK the im-H.iaBi'. The 111 liar J oiDlitntru will be Willi us. Mrs. KihKaley will slug lor us; Now mini It uu and see what you have. A great pruauher. A Bleat oicbi'sira. A great singer, wiiui a Tine way to ohaerve a great ttiy. It cots without saying, you will lie ut the UilUinl cliureu Sumluy iilglil. Da Weduesday evening anoilier treat is In store for lovers of a prayer meeting. Miss Catarlue Montgomery, of Looking Glass, will be with ua ami bring the message. Be sure and hear her. I am sure her many Monde here will be glad of this oiiuorLUiiuy. We expect to burn the uiortjcugv on tlitf pilrsouage this coming week. Everybody sing "Praise tin! I'om Whom AH lllessiugs Flow." . y v, !V ifili ill Hi mm- ; First' Presbyterian Church. Cor ner 01 Lane and Juckjon streets A homo like church Willi a warm welcome. K. W. Achor, pastor. Sunday school 9:45. A S25 offer ing (or the Subbaih school was un usually good Inst Sunday, but watch the attendance jump next buuuuy. Moat ot tho old pupils will he buck in Uiulr places. Morn ing worship 11' 0' clock, subject, "Safeguards ol' Society." You will enjoy the special music by the' choir. Christian Endeavor meets in tho church parlor at 6:30: Topic, "How Should 1 Spend God's Portion, or. My Money," Ma. 1 3:8-12. 2 Cor. S:l 5, 9. Evening preaching service 7:30. Subject, "Tile Temple of Ood." There wore 40 at our Wed nesday evening prayer mooting and Bible study. We need just 20 more and we will have reached our goal for tills lmmth. May we count on your presence next Wed nesday night'.' We nro studying tho Book of Genesis and they say It is Interesting. i ..T.TT.,T.rTJoT7a:q.r. SUNDAY AT THE i I CHURCHES t DIBLE STANDARD CRU- SADERS ATTEND STATE . RALLY AT ALBANY A . delegation of young people 1 1 mil' Hie Bible Standard Temple of this cily motored to : Albany Monday morning to attend the rally of Christ's Ambassadors of. Oregon, u state organization . of .Full Gospel youug people. Their next rally will be held in Koiieliiirg at the Bible Standard Temple oh - New . Year's- Day.. 1 Nearly five hundred Crusaders were registered at the rally in Albany. ' Tht program consisted ot musical numbers by visiting representatives, addresses and re ports of various local organiza tlons. . An Inspirational message was given by Rev. Waller Foster a missionery from India, who will soun return to the foreign field. Mr. Foster will speak several times nl the Bible Stamlar-1 Temple In Hosebuig the latter part of next week. Kov. Fred Hornshuh ot Eu gene, pastor pf Lighthouse Temple spoke to Lie young people encour aging them to -greater . fields of service. Miss Senethen Meyer, evangel- j 1st, gave a helpiui auuress on "Steadfastness." Miss katherlne. Montgomery gave the report for the Hosebuig Crusaders. ' Officers were elected for he ensuing year. Miss Aletha ugles by of Salem was elected presi dent; Kelsy Prinzing of Roseburg vice-president; Lei!' Normal of Portland, secretary-treasurer. ' Those attending, from Roseburg wore: Rev. F. K. Crook. Will ineniu ... Royer,. AGrace. Wallace, Kathryn Montgomery, Leon a Wright, Margaret Arundel, Bea trice Wright, Alfred Zeiner, and Kolsy Prinzing. ' , The Methodist' : Episcopal! Church at Dlllard. 'IV F. Allen, pastor. Sunday school at 10:00 a. a. m., R. A. Hercher. superinten dent. Wo are not proud of our place in Sunday school attendance last Sunday. Fourth place, is not mir place. What say yon, folk? The wild geese winging their way to sunny south lands will soon ccme as a reminder, even in this favored valley that fall is fleeting and winter io just in the offing, and that, in turn, 'suggests Luxurious Fall and Winter Coats, some Fur Trimmed and all cf them tailored in the latest if) Methodist Episcopal C h u r o h , South. Main and Lane streets.; Sunday school 9:45 a. m W. L.: Cobb, supeiiutemteut. Mta-nlng i worship 11:00 a. m. Subject, "Dy namic Faith." Epwoith League j ii:30 p. in. Leader, lSlta Coats. Subject, "Lay Preaching as a Means of Spreading the Gospel." Kvenine woiuliii) and prayer ser-j vice at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Re member Me." On Wednesday evening prayer and Bible reading at 7:30 p. m. We coi-dlally Invite you to worship with! us on Sun ilav. Come out and bring your family with you. If you are sick or a stranger and want the pastor id can,- phone 621-R. Parsonage 215 East Lane, John .B. Peuliail, pastor. . : - a'' . The Methodist Epladopal Church at Looking Glass, T.' B". M- n.,u,... knnihv srhnnl at 10;i)0 a. ni., T. ltodley superinten-l dent. We were leaaers uun duh dav in .attendance. If you do not know what we mean: by "leulors" come out Sunday and we vM tell vou however, Ute' lon'i'f wttft'only three. Don't lay down on youroars. Keep coming and' get others to come. At 11:00 tt. m. preaching. The Rev. .1. B. t'oau, of Eugene, will' bring the message. Brother Coan has Jl wonderful message and knows how fo bring it. Hear him, oiherwise you will miss a great treat. t You Can't Try Them on in the Window , But you'll have a had time taking them off inside. These bracing new KUP PENHE1MER AND MICHAELS-STERN SUITS will look better in the glass than behind it. They are the kind of mod els that only need close in spection to close the issue in to ownership. '.; Single Breasteds, Doubles, and a host of patterns to de light the eye that is trained to finer things. A wonderful hour awaits the tick of your watch. FALL SUITS $25 to $45 Wilder and Agee Company Kuppenheimer and Michaels-Stern Good Clothing streets, Joseph Knotts, pastor.1 Now is the time ' to' mart' coming :to Suuday Bcuool. Those who uv beeu away during the summer are coming buck and new scholars en joy tbe euthusiasui ot a growing 1 school. Let every one be ou band Sunday niornlug at 9:45 a. in. lite Juulur church will meet In the I basement at It o'clock and all tho children are urged to attend, in Upworth league Is planning a spe cial Institute service for . tbe young ! peoplo at 11:30 p. in. Tbe morning sermon theme is "Christ Died rur Us." Mr. Paul Truebiood will sing. I The evening Bermou theme u "What Theu Must We Dor" coiuo fur a pleasant and profitable even ing hour of worship. A cotdiut in vitation is exteuded to all. narlt- jcularly strangers. Bible Standard Temple. Cor. Duuglau and Chadwlck bts. F K. Crook, pastor. Sunday school 1 9:45. Our school Is growing lu ; numbers and lu knowledge Under ' the leadership of out' efficient su perintendent, Mra. C. W, Groves. it you are not In Sunday scnoul , elsewhere you will find a welcome i hero. 11 u. m. sermon by the lias-. tor. 11:30 p. ni. service ut Gleugary. if you miss this service you miss a biusslng. 0:45 seuior and Juuiur Crusaders. A good delegatiuu of our Senior Crusaders and xhe pas tor attended the young peoples full gospel convention at Albany Mummy and were successful iu getting the convention for Rose burg In Juuuary. There will be about 500 young people in utton dance. 7:46 evening evangelistic service. People are rinding the Saviour at our evonlng services. Wo invite you to utleud all ot our services If not otherwise obligated and we are sure you will be better lilted to live uud enjoy Ute. Sunday school convenes at i):45 a. m. for pupils up to the age of 20. The reading room, with side oil trance to this building is open daily, except Sundays and holidays from 2 to 4 p.' m. where the Bible and all authorized Christian Sci ence literature may be SUITS ACTION TO FILM OKLAHOMA CITY As au epi logue to the tlhn, "The Great Mail Itobbory," whlcn was being- exhi bited at Ihe Liberty theater, rob bers entered the theater early ono morning and escaped with loot worth ?2500. WINS WORLD TRIP NEW YORK Alexander Kasn- rl non n, Moscow student, Is going around the world ou 25 cents, l-lo invested 50 kopecks, about a quar ter iu Uuited Slates money, and was ouo.of three fortunate ticket- holders to win a trip around the world. , Arundel, piano tuner. Fnone 189-L. 77,771 DIED IN A. E. F. WASHINGTON A chock of lat est official records shows , that there were 77,771 deaths in the American Expeditionary Force, in cluding those on transports. Of this number, 46,281 bodies have been returned to the United States. Nearly all tho remainder are bulled in France. . Fine Story and Clarke piano, Ci-.ic cad. bor-1 tone and action, only $250. Easy vowed or purchased. The public in j terms, oil's Music Store, cordially Invited to attend the ser vices and use the reading room. I he subject of Sunduy s lesson is "Substance." i I v. .- I! W ; Sovcnth Day Adventist Churoh building ut 1162 Military street, West llosoburg. Sabbath school 10 a. m., and devotional services at 11 o'clock. Young peoples meeting 3 p. m. A cordial welcome extended to all who desire to come and wor ship with us. . ; The Methodist E p I s o q p a I Church at-Camas Valley, T- F. Allen, pastor. Sunday school at 10:00 a. ni., W. Reetz, superinten dent. Wo took second place In at tendance fvst Sunday and only three behind. Let's go over the top Sunday. This is the -motto; "We Ought, We Can. We Will.' . i, Amu,, hr nre-.pnt Sun day. As It looks now It wont be I long now before we will have thei new cnurcn uiniei . t sponses of Ihe Camas folk for the , now church, speaks for itself, the: wav thev do tbiiiES. Just put it j over. II' vou want to heln. sec the mlii. I nm sum thCV Will be glad to see you. Help the good cause along. I know you, will. We win be glad of outside help and believe the building of thn church will have many friends that will want to have a part. The pastor or the committee will be glad to call ou you and go over the pro gram Willi you.. nr. . I styles, some cut with new sicb flare. j We also carry a fine assortment of various kinck of fur for use as trimming. Silks, Wool and Silk and Fast Color Prints in latest weaves are always in stock. I L ABRAHAM THE SILK STORE i Tho, Methodist - Episcopal I Church at Ton Milf, T. F. Allen, pastor. Sunday school at 10. "0 I a. m. T. Codfnw. sunerintendont. We are vory proud of thh J : hco in atU'iuhtncH last Sunday. Vo ! frel wo oiijibt to have first placo, : ho rvyrybody on the job Smrluy. j Have you invllfd your chum, your friend, brother, rilstcr, father. ! mnlhnr or your sweet heart? If (not, do so at on.ee and show how j much prido we have for our i school bv taklnff our rtaht placo. i Evrvhody pull haixl and over we will so. last quarterly confurenee for tho 1 r, .w.a vnoi- f ih VlrKt Metll- ' ' odist "Episcopal church 1b to bn j held IfilH ovoninff at 7:30 o'clock' . in tho church parlors. Dr. S. .1. Chp.ny of Kueno will presldo. Ite- ... . . t, -.-11 hn ! pons or me eui.i nm Riven by tho heads of the neverat departinenta. Sevonil important jmattern will be taken up for con- 1 Biderntiou. First Christian Church. II.' G. Mow, pastor. Tho influence of a grealur church season Is surely be ins folt throughout the city. There was a nice gain In the attendance at the Jlible school last Sunday. Last night at our teachers' confer ence, with nearly 100 per cent at tendance, some very definite plans were made for a greater church season. Why not got the ltids all ready and come with them to Bible school next Sunday? Vou win una the service helpful to you. The pas tor will speak next Sunday morn ing on "The Greatest Thing in the World." This will do you more good thau a mess of fish or a whiff of ocean breeze. Try it. In tho evening we meot at 7:110 for tho evening service. This will be an evening of music and inspira tion. Bo sure to come. Next Wed nesday ' evening will bo Men's Night at prayer meeting. There were' over forty present last Wed nesday evening. It was Ladies Aid night. That is what I call a real aid. 10 E. Mow. First Baptist Church. Lane and Rose. Franlt fi. Aiatthews, -pafitor. Sunday Sept. 11th. b:4ii the Dible school. 11:00 Morning worship. Miss Gladys Strong at the piano and Mrs. Charles Brand, choir leader. Pastor will preach on "What They Ail Say." 6:30 The B. Y. P. U. meeting for young people. INFORMATION ON OPENING OF SCHOOLS GIVEN (Continued from page 4.) iu mind the entrance requirements ol! that college. Entrance to the collegos, univer sities and normal schools of Ore gon Is contingent upon presenta tion of 15 units, with at least 10 (except schools of commerce and business administration) units iu English, mathematics, loreigu lan guages, laboratory sciences, and history. The remaining five units may be taken in uny subject regu luiiy or occasionally offered lu the mgii school course of study of the state, except in penmanship, spell ing, physical education or student uctivilics. Registration Days Students are lo register for their year's studies from 9:00 to ia:00 a. m. and 1:00 to 5:00 p. m. on September 12, 13, 14. Tho seniors are to register on Monday, Sep- lemoer iz, mo juniors on Tues day, Sept. 13, and tho sophomores ou Weduesday, September 11. All students should register at the an nounced time and have everything reudy to begin with the regular classes on the first day of school. At registration lime each pupil must deposit tho 7io for locker pa'.llock. Also tho towel lee will be paid at this time by those desiring this service and the chemistry leu must be deposited. Text Books ; Tenth Grade English III and j IV; Hitchcock High School Eng lish (Clippenger will be used In I English IV first semester); Mathe matics, Durell & Arnold . Plane j Geometry revised; Latin, Kelsey Cousin's Commentaries; History, Wests World Progress; Commer- j I ' ' i ;' i ! j More than 3O0? 1 1 1 ill IPreierreid ' Shmelmi Mi hi X Req More than 25,000 satisfied customers in 50 cities and towns, are users of the utility services supplied by The California Oregon Power Company. Reasonable rates for dependable service account in a large measure (or this ' satisfaction. Five years ago the Company served, only 13,294 cusr 1 i tomers. This increase of more than 88 per cent has neces- J ; , sitated the investment of large sums of moneyj for extensive ' additions to plants and transmission lines. j , , Our 3.00Q preferred shareholders are receiving dividends regularly by mail eyerythree months as 'th'eir 'share of the cash retvrn on this investment, lheir money fgoes directly into permanent, : usejful public utility properties. , A copy of this 16-page book, describ ing and illustrating the1 properties of The California Oregon' Power GoniRany, iwilt be, sent to you on request, together i with complete information; about ihvest-J I . ) ment in the CdrhpahyfS preferred shares. ' ' ' i ! j The California Oreg on 'Pcwer Company fe . . OFFICESi ' :"v'iS( Medford, Grants Pass, Roscbu. .Klamath Falls-Oregon rcka. Dunsmuir-Californla CAUFORNL ORHCONI VOWER COMPANY 7:30 The evening service. During cial Geography, llubiuson; Zoology, the fitil and winter we plan to use Hegners Zoology & Manual und such features iu our Sunday night lioquolH Noteboolt; liookkeeping, services as may give thein tho 20th Century liookkeeping 1 and widest possible popular appeal. m; botany, llergeil & Caldwell In- Accordingly, we are to give .special programs of music. Our choir wilt havo a part iu these programs of nmic, bur in addition to the choir we will present the bntit artists we are able to obtain: Kur Sunday night our special soloists will be Mis Uhidys Strong, on the piano, and Mrs. Grace Wiukham t)eets, contralto. Kermon subject of the pastor, "Atheism at It Aain.-' 'I his will be a companion sermon troduction to otany; Fryo and Ulgg Poiany Manual, Iroquois Notebook; Agriculture, Karrfi Crops by Kox; Home Economics: Uailey l''ood Preparation and Hervfug, Tabor and Wardall-Kconomlcs of the Family, Mathvws House and Us Care; Public speaking, Lockwood Thorpe Public Speaking; Indus trial History: Wells industrial History. Kiovehlti Grade Miglish V a.id to the one of last Sunday night, j VI Freshman and Sophomore IJas- ; St. George's Episcopal Church. Cass and Main streets. Tho Kllh Sunday nft'r Trinlly. Holy com-, mi. n inn and sermon of 31:00 h. in. Church school urU:!'. a. m. Kyrn-j ins prayer and sermon at 7:30 j P. ni. oueslions answered: 1. What did you hear uhout Aimeo McPherson in Los Angeles? 2. Why did they sprinkle "holy water-' on tbe Hy ing machine, ".Old Glory"? Z. What gives music Its power over us? Iveii.en.ber the service Is at oO. First Church of Christ Scientist: This Church, a branch nf The! Mother Church, Tho Kind. Church of Christ, Scientist in Hostoii. Mass.. holds renular services as ; follows Sunday morning at !levcnt ami vveuneHOHy eveinut; t Inir nienthms lMtiinntTie nf Chris-j tiau Science healing ate given. Catholio Church. Kane and Oak Htreetfi. Sept. llth. Mans and ser mon at 8 a. m. Meeling of Ihe Holy Name society at H: (5 a. m. ( aie chinin classes and Itibllcul luslruc lion at U:45 a. m. 2nd mass and nl Texts; Solid Geometry! Unroll & vWnold; Cicero; Gunnison and Harly; Spanish I: Hiils and Ford; Ami'iicmi History: File, 20th Cen tury; liookkecplng 'A: McPherson & Henderson Chemistry and Man ual; Chemistry Apron; Gregg Siioi iiiniiu: .e'.v I'.'tilnnHl 'I ypo- w riling Manual; Kobb ftehiundsl Farm Kngtucertug; Hulfcut Ito- gert Commeicial Law. ' Tweiftli Giado Kugllsh VII and VJJ1: Freshman and Hophomoiej Hasal Texts; Kpanish 111: Hills & sermon at lo:.iii a. m. itoaiy and (', Hnanisli Header: Vlmll benediction of the M. II. S. in the i-.(icioui;h aal lhovMi; Magrudcrs1 evvniitf; at 7:0. j Civics; Millikan Gain and Pyie ! i JMiysics revised edition; Pliysii : The Flrit Methodist Episcopal iMt,m,i: imqunin Note l!-r(k; 1 Church. Comer of Main and Lane siudi-s; New lialiuu.. al Tynuwritiug Alauuul, , 50 Featwes, NeW; M Essex Super-Six Leadership NEW FEATURES 1 Increased power and acceleration from a larger ongiuo. 2 Increased piston strops to 45 inches. 3 Heavier Super-Six countorbuluncud crunlc shaft. 4 Re-designed connecting rods. 6 Larger bearing areas. 0 Increased ooollng capacity with V-typc fan bolt. 7 Now smullor whocln. 11 & New designed coaoh and sedan bodies with easier curves. 9 Increased room In Coach and Sedan from greater body length. 10 Now adjustable individual scats In coach. 11 New richer volour upholstering with deeper nap. 12 New cloth covered binding strips for uphol stery. 13 New walnut finished window moulding!!. J'l New walnut finished windshield panel. 15 -New Para beam road illumination. It New rigid type tire carrier, 17r New exterior body colors. 18 New decorated window rcvealo, l'J New patterned material In the Sedan. FEATURES WHICH HAVE MADE ESSEX FAMOUS 20 Built by Hudson In the Hudson plant to Hud son standards. 21 Kxtremo sinoulhiiois of motor operation through application of tho Super-Six principle of balance. 22 Careful balancing of piston connecting rods, : crankshaft, flywheel, clutch and drive shaft every Essex is balanced from motor to roar axle. 23 Light weight aluminum alloy pistons instead - of cast Iron. 21 Roller type valve tappets Instead of mush room type. 25 Silent chain front .end drive, adjustable, In stead of gears. t 20 Silicon heat-proof valves Instead of carbon steel. 27 Tubular typo drive shaft instead of hOIUI Hlflel. 28 Two all-metal univor&al Joints instead of fabric. Automatic lubrication of chit; i throw-out bearing, . 30 Long alloy steel eemi-elliptlc springs for easy riding. ; - - ..... 'II Springs sproad al roar to cfimlunlff Hideaway.. ;12 Four pinion rear axlo differential gear for long wear. . ' , . 1 , y;iYVorm mid wheel .steering gonr-j-uositlvo ami oversize for safely : " 1 1t. IM Large 14g brakes for safety and easy action, Kssex is not u light car. It weighs in tho neighborhood of 2100 pounds, built sturdily to stand hard wear. " I ' .'IU Essex has a 1 10 i Inch wheelbase the length needed for interior roomine&e. 37 -Large low prossuro tires 5 inches In diameter malio Essex an easy riding car. : 38 r-Essex type of frame construction sets the oar close to the road giving exceptional balance. 39 fcsi.ex all metal enclosed bodies are strong and safe. 40 Essex uses the heavy gauge steel panelling employed by high priced builders, 41 Essex uses only genuine plate glass lu all cars. At Radiator shutters and mo to meter are stand ard equipment on all Essex cars. ; iV.'j All Essex models havo the gasoline gaugo on the instrument panel. 41 Women particularly appreciate the Essex starting button mounted on the dash. ;b lit Essex uses a solid walnut steering whoel. J G All doors on Essex enclosed models open to, ward the front for greater, convenience In en tcrlng and leaving. - 47 The Essex parking brake Is at the drivet'H led; out of the way from (he driving seat, 43 Essex Is one of the best equipped low cost cars. Essen equipment includes: (a) Cowl ventilator and ventilating type wind shield, , automatio windshield .wiper. , Rear vision mirror. ' " (b) Cowl lights. (c) Nickeled radiator shell. (d) Stop light. . (e) Hotary window lifts on closed cars. rt (f) Locks on all olosed car doors, , 7 (g Stop and tail light. . (h) Dome light In closed oars. 40 All Esenx cars are finished In polished lac nuer lu attractive colors. ! 5o Eaiex givss wonderful Super-Six smoothness and luxury at these astounding prices. - PRICES DELIVERED The Coach, $895; The Sedan, $995; Ths Coupe, $895; The Roadster, $865 " ROY CATCHING MOTOR CO. 125 N. ROSE PHONE 438 ROSEBURG, ORE.".