FOUR ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1927. erevern the recipe calls for milk :!!!! (liJ INFORMATION DW.OPENfNG DF SCHOOLS GIVEN City ' Superintendent Com i piles List of Rules and 1 1 i ; requirements, i Mi: TEXTBOOKS ., SHOULD KEEP, RECEIPTS " '. VIENNA Whan Michael O'Klalt--crly, tourist, dropped a slruot 'cur - tickot on tho sidewalk here, u po- - llcomen fined lilm (1.25 fur ' vlo- ' latlitK a civic ordinance against . throwing waHte pupur. JMBKUgtcd, - O'Flaherty throw away , tho ro 'celpt the officer had given him for . the flno, wlioreupou he was fined $2.50 and given anotlicr' receipt, 'i'hon came a flno of SO for abus ing the policeman. . Hug Specials. 9x12 Pabco - t7.6U at l'arslow's. . rugs BEAUTIFY RAIL LINE8 BERLIN In Gormany the terra ."down by the railroad tracks" no longer Implies a locality of squalid ugliness. The German Hallways "Administration has set aside lull .monetary prizes to bo awarded to -liorsous along tho rights-of-way who havo cleaned up und beuutl "flod their property. . ' - FIND ANCIENT FOREST WOODLAND, Wash. Recoiling flood waters of tho Lewis river have uncovered an ancient, forest bolieved to dato back throe or four thousand years. Stumps of trues, in perfect mate ot preservation, wero discovered. .Growing forests lived In now soil abovo tlioiu. The old stumps wero 6 to i fuel In dia meter, ..., Coats crochet cotton, box of 10 to 12 balls, siiuciul Tier box. all colors, 2!)c. Ooettol's Variety store. STOWAWAY SENT BACK ' NAMED Supplies May Be Secured by Parents in Advance ; of" Opening Day,' ; '. . September 1 9., ' V. ii v com cl 1 ( unau.muKUjntsa DELIGHTFUL patterns for every room in our splendid variety of genuine Congoleum Qold Seal f, Art-Rug,. See them I (h McKean, Darby & ft Baldwin Furniture Co. It Complete Houiefurnithert fi Roseburg, Oregon ma ii msi mnaiwT' l-'or tile inrormallon of parents and puijls, W. M. Campboll. city suiierlniuudeut ot schools, has coni- pieteu u lengthy compilation of in- loruiutiou concerning the opening ot schools on Monday, September VJ.. This iuforniation covers all of tiie factors .rogurulug .registration, conimencemeut of school, school calendar,' books, 'limits, rules, etc. for t each Milo sheen and Rayon slips, In all colors, were $2.26, special now " $1.50. Marksbury store. HW vnTiir. ui. T.i i cl. IK. wout aboard th. .iiuhid ami supplies mouuma 10 um souio tiienils goodbye. She did not hear tho warnings for visitors to leave .and was carried 160 miles to, sea. Who u she tearfully explained her plight, sho was transferred In u life boat to a passing liner und brought back hero. Good 2nd hand piano only 1195. Good tono and action. Easy terms, tltts' Music Store, Roseburg, Oro. P i , ' , ;' MEL-O-MAID : ; jf"' For 20 Years the. Best t ' Jyr. . We ore Agents for Sharpies and LeL,aval vream .sep arators. Sold on easy terms. A few good buys in used machines. ' -... Roseburg Beverage Supply House 109 South Jackson St. Phone 249 Roseburg, Ore. Special Friday and Saturday I Indestro Bottle Capper , , I gross Crown Caps J DOth for $1.0 J 3-LB. CAN MALT EXTRACT tiuu of the imreutH who will be able to nocuru tiiu BupplieB ahead ol tlio opening duy rush. Tho iu loniitUioii iuniiHhod by Suturiu tuiiduiH Cumpbell la m follows: School Calendar "1927-28 StU'touibur ia-Ja-H-J6 .iiuglB- tiutlou of Jr. aud Hi: high achool tit'pLember 29 School 01, en a. October 27-28 Touchers JnsU Luto, Oetobur 28 Plrat term endu. November 7-13 Americau oduca- uou week. Novembor 11 Armlstlco Day. November.- 2-1-25 ThttukuBivlng aoiiuiiyu. Uecember 9 Second torm ends. JJecember School closes for .Clirlutuias hull'htya. ' ' January 3 .School resumes. Januury : 27 Third term and first aemostor end. i. January ( ao Second semester begliis.' 1 ; I .:A1urch;9 Fourth term ends. j Al'il: 2(MUh torm onda.i ; 'jilay 27-ppacaliiureato service. , ' Uune ltiSml of second smoester y conimctioemont exerclyes. Elomehtary Schools Grades 1-6 i ' Truancy Law i ; . Section 4'i'i of tho Oregon; State School, Codo, provides tlmC every parent; guardian or other iJersou in tho state of Oregon having con trol 01 clwu-gd of any child or children botwoen aud including tho ages ot nine aud fifteen years nil. ill bu required to send encii child, or children to school during tho time. tlui,imbJid school 1 hi session. ' ' " Tuition- All persona -of school age whose parents or guaruiuns are register ed voters Jn .School District No. 4, ijougias county, i Oregon, are en-1 titled to attend the public schools ireu of charge. -.Those who live, out side of J)istrlct No. 4 may be ad mitted to the Itoscburg grado schools upon the payment' in ad vance of each Holnestor's ' tuition, prior to Septomber JU, JU27 and Januury 30, Ilii8, to the school clerk at the rale of $22.50 por se mester. Pupils' permanently'. - with drawing from school for unavoid able causes shall have refunded to them the tuition which would have been necessary fen the remainder of tho semester or year. , , - First Grade Classes NtfW classes in Ilia lowest grade of tho primary department shall bo lorini'd at tho Hose aud lluusou schools at tho beginning' of each semester. No pupil commencing tho work of tho first year shall enter school durlnft any semester later than the second Monday. Any pupil becoming six years of. ago prior to Novouiber 1st, may enter tho Kail class while any pupil bo- gjj coming six years of ago prior to jjuuu 1st may enter 1110 second se- lliuaiwi uvfiiiHiiiih Dillon, jnutmtu there is room for tho latter pupils. School Limits "11" class pupilB living west of (ho railroad tracks shall attend school at tho Fullui'Um building. "A" class pupils shall attend tho Koso school. Pupils In all grades who live on tho south side of Wash- fc'Inglou street and south of this E; street and east of the railroad gijiracKs suau uiu'iiu buih hi um g, Hose building. Pupils living on north side ol Washington street, and north from this street and east of Uio railroad tracks shall aliuud school at the llensou build- 79c a SEPTEMBER 1CTH Deer Season Opens in This District Everything you need for your hiinling dip obtained at Zigler-Cravcim. be 1 lie beat brands and popular calibres of ammunitions. Duxbak Clothing ZIGLEU CRAVEN HARDWARE CO. PHONE tt ROSEOURO, ORE. K The Big Drive Still Going The High Standard of Quality l Always Maintained in Kelly Springfield TIRE We Swap New Tires for Your Old Ones. Greasing, Oiling, Vulcanizing Fully Equipped Power Car Washing. Machine. AUTOMATIC AIR MACHINE ELECTRIC SERVICE . BATTERY, GENERATOR AND IGNITION NIGHT AND. DAY SERVICE Rose Garage Ing. Pupils near these boundaries may be transferred from one school to another Jf any grade becomes congested. , Text Books and Supplies Kach pupil Bhall be furnished by Lhls parents with books and other materials needed In the grado to which he belongs. The following is the list of text books used by the elementary grade pupils (Crayolas, tablets, pencils, pens aud similar supplies should not bo purchased until uf tor school opens.) Books and Supplies Grade 1U New lieacon Primer, Elson Primer, Primary Writing Lessons, 8 color crayolas. unruled pencil tablet, soft pencil. Grade 1A Beacon First Reader, Primary Writing Lessons, 8 color crayolas, unruled pencil tablet. soft pencil. Grade 1111 Elson First Header, Primary Writiug Lessons. 8 color crayolas, ruled pencil tablet, soft pencil. Grade 11A Beacon -Second Read Primary Writing Lossous, 8 color crayolas, ruled pencil tab let, soft pencil. Grades illU & 1IIA Beacon Third Reader, World Speller First Book, Shepherds Geography, Ham- illon's Arithmetic first book, Pro-1 gressive Music Series, book one, Palmer writiug book for grades o and 4, crayolas, penholder and No. 5 Palmer pens, ruled pencil tablet, Palmer paper, 4 color imints, composition book, spelling tablet. Grades IVB . 1VA Boleniua Fourth Reader, World Speller, sec ond book, Brigham & McFarlaue Geography, first book, Potter, Gil lotto English book one, Hamil ton's Arithmetic first book, Proi gressive Music Series book one,' Palmer Writing Book for Grades 3 & 4, Dictionary, Palmer paper, penholder 'and No. 6 Palmer pens pencil tablet, crayolas, paints, com position book, spelling tablet. Grades vu & VA Bolenius Fifth Reader. New World Speller book 2. Burnham Hero Tales from History, Brighnm & McFarlane Geography book 1, Potter Gillette English book 1. Hamilton's Arith metic book 1, Winslow Healthy Living book 1, Progressive Music Series book 2, -Dictionary, --Palmer Method of Business Writing, other supplies as iu fourth grade. wanes , viu. it via Bolenius Sixth Reader, New World Speller book 2, Clark, Down & Blue School History of Oregon, BrigUum &i Mci'nrlaue Geography book 2, Pot ter, Gillette English book 1, Buck ingham Osborn Arithmetic book 3 (VIA uso Humlltou Arithmetic first semester), Winslow Healthy Living book 2, Progressive Music Series second book, Palmer Meth od of Business Writing, Diction ary, other supplies as . in fifth grade. Junior High School, Grades 7-9 Admission and Classification Any pupil who has satisfactorily comploled tho work of the sixth grade of any standard school may enter Roseburg Junior High. Students having taken ninth grado work elsewhere will bo giv en full credit for same if the school attended Is standardized by the state department of public in struction; otherwiso examinations must bu taken iu all subjects where credit Is desired. Pupils coming from other dis tricts shall pay each semester in advance a tuition fee of ?:!7.6(. Classification depends unon the nu m bur of crudlts gained. Ninth graders must have 18; eighth graders 8. School hours: tardy boll, 8:10; first period, 8 : 45-i): 3!) ; second per iod, y : 42-10: 36; activity period, 10 : 10-11 : 09 ; third period, 11:12 12 : IHj ; tardy bell, 1 : US; iourth period, 1:13 2:07; firth period, 2:10-3:01; sixth period, 3:07-1:01. A part of uacn class hour will bo given to study under tho dime-, lion of tho teacher iu charge of that subject. Curriculum 7 It English, citizenship, mathe matics, art, geography, phjsicul education. iA English, citizenship, mathe matics, music, penmanship it ml spelling, physical education, in dustrial arts, home economics. 811 English, citizenship, mathe matics, art, geograpliy, physical ( education, and one ot following ' subjects: home economics, public 1 speaking. Latin aud Spanish. ! sA English, citizenship, mathe I matii-, music, penmanship and ; spelling, physical education, and one of following: home econntmcs, I public speaking, I tit tin and Span ish. j UH English, junior business graining, physical education and ( two of ml low ing: mat heuia tics, j Latin, physiology, home economics, ! industrial arts, tarm animals. I yA- English, occupations, physl '. cal education, and two of follow , Ing: mathematics, Latin, general J science, home economics, Itulud . trial arts, farm animals, j Physical education is required of 'all students. Gym suits aud rubber 'soled shoes lire to no lfvovldrd by all pupils. Roys w 111 use the u.ual ' gymi.asimu white suit and trunks. : Girls wilt use outfit similar 10 last year but should not purchase now .nutlit until they have anemled , first class and received his true- lions of girls physical education in ! structur. Each pur-U must have clean i , titwol for UFO after physical rdtu a-j iiou cults i ice a cck. iucsl may be brought from borne or will be furnisbeu by the district freshly laundered at cost of 7 be a semes ter. Ninth graders wilt register on Monday und 'iuesuay, September 12 and 18, eighth graders on Wed nesday and seventh graders ou Thursday, At registration time each pupil must deposit 75c for a locked pad lock. The lock will be furnished by the district. At Lta close of the year 00c will be returned when the padlock is checked iu. Twenty-BHven credits ure requir ed lor graduation, all. of which must bo gained by completing the required and necessary elective subjects ot the curriculum. A cred it is earned by pursuing one sub ject five days per wee for a se mester. Text Books 1927-28 AU Large looae leaf notebook, pen, pencil, dictionary. 7ii English, Potter, Jeshke, Gillette- English second book; Jr. H. S. Literature book 1, Elson Keck; Citizenship; Gordy's His tory of United Stales; Mathematics Hchorling-Clark Arithmetic; Geo graphy: Brigham & McFarlane geography second book; Progrea-: sivo Music Series book three; Art; j Opaque water oolors. I 7A English, History aud Mathe matics same as 711; music: Pro gressive Music Series book three; Palmer Writing Book; World Speller book three, and spelling tublet. SB English: Potter, Jcshko, Gil- lotto English second book; Junior ii. S. Literature book II. Elaon Keck; Citizenship; Gordy's U. S. History Revised; Mathematics: Schorling Clark Arithmetic; Art: Opaque water colors; Latin and Spanish: Blgbce, Clark, Green Ex ploratory Course In Languages; Geography: Brigham . & McFar lane Geograpliy second book. 8A English: Potter, Jeshke, Gil lette English, second book; Junior II. S. Literature, book 11, Elson Keck; Citizenship;. Community Civics, Woodburn.& Moran; Math ematics; Schorling-Clark Arithme tic (first semester class use Ham ilton Book 11); Music: Progres sive Music Series, book III; Pen manship and Spelling: Palmer Writing Book, World Speller, third book, and- spelling tablet; Latin and Spanish: Blgbee, Clark, Green Exploratory Course in Languages. Uli English: Murray, Weles, First Book in English; Elson Keck Literature, book HI; Junior Busi ness Training; J. B. T. with forms and blanks, Nichols; Algebra: Schorling-Clark; Physiology: Conu itudington Advanced Physiology; Furm Animals; Plumb;-. Latin: Smith's Latin Lessons; Clothing; Buttrick Principles of Clothing. y A English : Ward Sentence and Theme (first semester only); Elson-Keck Literature, book 111; ; Occupations: Gowin, Wheatly '. Brewer Occupations; Mathemat-1 ics: Schorling-Clark Algebra; Lat-1 in: Smith's Latin Lessons; Gener al Science: Hesslcr Junior Science ) and Manual; vuvm Animals: i-arm Animals by Plumb. Books should not be purchased until after the pupil has register ed. Senior High School, Grades 10-12 Admission and Classification Students will be admitted to tho RosobTirg Senior High School who have gained b or more ninth grade credits. : Students having taken high school work elsewhere will be giv en full credit for same if the school attended is standardized by the state department of public in struction; otherwise examinations must be taken in all subjects fur which credit is desired. With the exception of class Jn Farm Animals, all students who de sire to take work in both Junior High school and Senior High school will bo permitted to do so, provided tho change between buildings Is made during noon In termission. Students coming from districts where high schools are maintained shall pay each semester In advance a tuition fee of $50.00 Classification depends upon num ber of credits earned. Seniors must have 22; Juniors 14; and Sopho mores 6. School hours: tardy bell, 8M0; r 1 l em, , . ; mu aiu f m f" J5 KJ IM I 7lptmt v 1 Liilfli' Mothers Let U3 help you solve the problem, of furnishing nutritious and delicious foods for the school lunch, and keep ing those happy smiles on the faces of 3'cur children. ; FEATURES, SATURDAY, MONDAY &9 JELLO Any flavor, 3 pkgs. . 25c CAMPBELL'S SOUPS Your choice, OQp 3 cans ZOu PEANUT BUTTER Fresh, in bulk, 0 9 P 'pound LLj FRUIT JARS Kerr's Mason, self-sealing and Ball Mason, complete 7 Dp with zinc lined caps and new rubbers, pint, doz., 69c; quarts, doz.: I ill) SALAD POINTS Libby's (Asparagus Tips), delightful for salads CQp or to serve creamed on toast, 1 lb. round cans 24c; 3 for 0 wil travel to 3 DAILY DEPARTURES Only motor coach service north to Portland, south to California, Arizona. New Mexrco, Texas with 3 daily schedules. Serves all Inter mediate pointB stop-overs If de sired. responsible system protects you cares for baggage. Finest glass-enclosed cars, reclin ing ohairs, heaters. Leave for ' CHANTS PASS MEDFORD, REDDING SAN FRANCISCO LOS ANGELES. PHOENIX EL PASO 1:15, 7:J0 A. M 2:25 P. M. EUGENE, C0RVALU3 ALBANY, SALEM SEATTLE, VANCOUVER 7:25 A. M., 1:40, 10:20 P. M. MINCED CLAMS 1927 pack, -halves, 3 cans 50c VAN CAMP'S BEANS Med. size cans 3 for 28c POST BRAN FLAKES Pkg. PINEAPPLE Libby's, 8 large slices in rich syrup large cans, 27c; 3 for ; 1 79c TROPICO GRAPEFRUIT Can 27c; 3 for.... 79c CRYSTAL ; WHITE SOAP 6 bars I Q 25c; 12 bars .Ob SPERRY'S PAN CAKE FLOUR No. 10 sack BACON Swift's Empire, genuine sugar cured breakfast bacon, Weight 4 to 6 lbs., half or whole piece, pound 37c LARD Pure, in C bulk, 3 lbs J SHORTENING Best, P purely veget- CQn " able, 3 lbs 3ub FLOUR Kerr's Best Patent 49, lb. sack $1.99; Crown, $2.09; Fisher's Blend 1. S2.15 PEACHES -1927 pack, syrup, large cans 23c; 3 Libby's, in rich for LIBBY'S MILK Tall cans, 3 for 23: PEAS Royal City, very small, sweet Q7fl and tender 2 cans u I U 20th Century Coffee few equal none better. Direct from our Roaster to you, insures you fresh coffee at a low price always, pound 43c; Uround to your order tor fineness. 3 lbs 5 S1.25 Roseburg Store, 130 N. Jackson St. 3 ids B WHITE KING WASH. SOAP lrg pkg. T" Ob m 1 Oakland Store, Baker-Flannery Bldg. i.... i.rjt.u.,, o.wu.-,, Dtiiu 1H.-1- i lUWCl lur UainillK USO alter IthVKi- m:u-ha lirnn vn..o' v,,.-1r In .,1 , , J- ?,'t ?; i d,,,V!'".V. . ical e'1""1"1 classes twice ench , least two major departmentH ami 11.6b. nc vity. nerioil U:iU-U:W, : woek. These may bo brousht from 'two yours ot work In two other ue unly bull, 1:U5; lourt h period I homo or will be furnished by the ! imrtmonts or subjects. 1:10-2:06; fifth period 2:0-J:S; j district freshly laundered at a cost Possible major subject: " Knif sixth jionod SAM-.Ol. t of 7Bc per semester. lir,h, Latin, history (IncludliiK Uv- ""' uiiutimii ot wo uyilinasilim SUlIS, tlicluc line I'Ub- : U:h1. nnldncn (luh.-nln,v m,;,il,. chiss room luacher will take up part ot tho timo ol each class period. Curriculum Gt-iidp li.H3 English, piano rg oniotry, Caosur, world history, commercial geography, zoology, bookkutping-, farm crops, homo economics, public speaking, phy sical education. Grado IDA 'English, piano ge ometry, Caesar, world hUiory, in dustrial history, botany, booKKecp ing, farm crops, home economies, public speaking, 'physical educa tion. Grade lilt 'English, solid ge ometry, Cicero Spanish, 'Ameri can History, bookkeeping, chemis try, home economics, shorthand, typing, farm mechanics, 'physical education. Grade Xi 'English, advanced Algebra, Cicero, Spanish, 'Ameri can History, commercial law, cnem isiry, homo economics, shorthand, typewriting, farm mechanics, 'phy sical education. Grade 1'i 'English, Spauish, Virii, 'chics, physics, shorthand, typewriting, home economics, 'phy sical education. Required of all students. Each pupil huist deposit 75o for a lock furnis close of tho school year 60c will be returned when tho padlock -hacked in. Each pupil in us I u clean Dor soled shoes, lire to by provid ed by all pupils. Hoys will use the usual gymnasium white shirt and trunks. Girls will wear Zip-Knick gym trunks and sweater, or the uniform Uded last year. New suils should not be purchased until af ter conferring with the girls phy sical education instructor. Requirements for Graduation Students eligible for diplomas must have completed with passing umtics. Possible minor subjects: history, science, Latin, Spanish, mathe matics, agriculture, shorthand, typewriting, local trades, homo oconomlcs, bookkeeping (including commercial Jaw). State College Entrance Require ments AU students who expect to at tend college should fix definitely .miUnued on pujro G ) North Side Grocerv Where You'll Be Setisfied and Your Patronage Appreciated. OPEN SUNDAYS Week Days 6:30 a. m.-3 p. m. - ki r padlock. The lock ill be shl by the district At . the S BAXTER S. MOORE DR. M. H. PLYLER Props. . & -acKson and Winchester Telephone 158 g