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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1927)
; (til HI MM H H '. ROSEBURG ' NF,WS,RF.VIEw ! FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 9, 11927'; i ! r FOUR . , ; DEMPSEV, THE SOCKER f , , Here's First Photo Showing Ex-Champ Mixing, It With , , , ,r 1 ; Sparring Mate, ' . ; ' , , j r r'" t "" .'v - I have a hunch All thercs for lunch Is odds and ends Yon wait old dear, with Alpine here left overs taste a tewi JTS :. like new' ros take the i ilHliil I 1 1 s II M I 1 I I i t 1 t 1 1 1 M I t UJ i ; I I ! I ! i i 3 ! tllll.HiHil V HlllS 5 i x All ' ? Jf - f "s ! " I ? cream in every drop . ' . , SMOOTH, creamy, flavor s.iucc.9 and salad dressings made with Alpine, That's the way to turn left-overs liito uelicious, appetizing dishes that even the "pickicst" cater in your family will relish, j Alpine has cream 111 every drop. It takes a quart of pure, rich, ftill-creain milk to make a pint of Alpine with nothing added, nothing taken away but water, -V Delicious in coffee improves all cooking, Costs less than 'ordinary milk,,. Get Alpine today. r - j t i I 'tfierc'i-cream in eMertf. dropt , .v BOBBEb' HAIR 18 TAXED BERLIN,? ''Sent,.' 8. (A. P.) "If ;5vomDirant tn wear shingled Iinlr,- rll.ntr ul.nll ha mn.ln In imv fni' 11." JJk- the decision oCtho municipality Cot Wartenburg Hi East PruBsia. . 'T. A lax 01 jl uiuihh pur jmir nun jlieen imposed oil' every Bhlngleil '.poll. Olrld up to 15 years of ugo ' ro exempt, but married women who liavo sacrificed their'1 locks have. to pay double tax., . , Otlier townships are , preparing to follow "suit in tupping tills' new source of revenue. At Sclioonnii, tho tax is 20 marks per year up to 20 yours o ago, audio marks aftey, Used heaters, good assortment.' Buy early get your, pick a- Pars low Furniture Co. . MTTTIIIi ESEEH ft ROY CATCHING MOTOR CO. .'.'.., 1 I-'' ' 125 N. Rose ' Phone 438 IWburg, Ore, : A good Used Car at the right price is the best aulomo- bile value in the world. ;' : ' ; . 1 ' ' : Our cars are fairly priced and honestly sold. ' ' V' - ( y v , , , HERE ARE A FEW - . Ford Touring, 1 924 model i 922-Ford Coupe '.'... ......... 1-925 Star light' Delivery .... . ' ' . -' . 192 Q Chalmers, Touring .... Oakland Touring ..!... 1 92 1 Hudson Sedan ....,... .....$1S0 ,.:..;.;::..v:.:::...$l50 :. ...:...:.:.:....:;.$250 ..........:...$10o' ;...:.....;.........$ so ..'.'! $450 , Ml rvv . Every day brings this to Dempsey a few rounds against h!s spar ring partners! The old boy is socklna m hard at Lincoln Fields these days, socking 'em hard and perfecting hie defense against the sort of punches he expects Gene Tunney to shoot at him when they fight soon In Chicago. Leo P. Flynn, Dempsey's manager, says these sparring partners are rounding Dempsey In shape fast enough. Here he Is, at the right, with Oscar till of New York. BEAT HOODOO i t - OF GOME Precedent ; 'Against Ex- Champion in Effort to ' " Regain Title. AGE' IS ADVANTAGE Voungest Ex-Champion yto -Attempt to Regain the Title Fights Have . Been Vain. j ' , , '. - ''''- 'l' '' '''"' ' V'' .- " ' 1a8" i! CHICAGO, Sept. .0. The great est adventure of Jack Dempsey's Hpoctaculur career Ugh just ahead of. tlio colovlul : rlnfeman who throatvim to "do the undonble" wfu back the heavyweight cham ploiiHhtp he lost to (iene Tunney In. the rnin-drenched 1 arena at Philadelphia last Cull,.. - Thoroughly convinced that he enn whip the man who slashed his race Into a gory mask In the bes- qiiloVntenlal Stadium, s t it b bed iiuttnnminej'tfd him 10 the v -3 frivol a knockout in ten rounds, Delnp soy Ih in'iuly determ.'.Tud f.luit tli'- Pv:bHk 'i mlohol'-ie;. ennu agaja, rest with him. - ' t . Alrcatly the comebnek campaign of 11 former champion, never be fnro successful in 'the' history Oi the ring, hns carried- the -"Man assa JIanler," past: the foremost ot the younger contenders. , On July 21. In the Yankee Stadium, Demp sey unleashed enough" of the dead ly. punching power and grim cour age of bis greatest days to knock out Jack-' Sharkey, the Boston sailor, in seven rounds. , . llut the truest adage of the ring 5 "Tliey never come back" looms In the path of Dempsey s realization of a great ambition, and-at the age of 32, when nth letes in other Crunches of sport are at the peak of their games, the hoodoo of precedent alVeud.v Is pointing'out that every modern champion, with' the 'exception ol Jack Johnson, lias tried to regain the heights and -failed. Johnson, -in- legal difficulties, passed from tho. fistic sceue when Jess Willard 'knocked him put in 2G rounds. at Havana in 1915. No encouragement ever was. given his pi tins for a comeback. But Johnson's conqueror, tlie hugo Pottawatomie farmer, - turned to tho ring four years nCter Dempsey crushed him in thrcv rounds in 1010. Villard-knocked out Floyd Johnson In 1023 but he was-40 yeors old and burly Luis Firpo spiked the comeback etlorl with an eight, round knockout a little later. , , . - The comeback virus, gnawing in the blood of former champions who refused-to accept one deieut us conclusive, bronght Jim Cor belt back to fight Jim Joffrles for the title alter Lanky Bub Fltzsimmons, freckled originator of the solar plexus wallop, knock ed out "Gentleman Jim" Tor Hie title at Carson. City In 1S97. Cor bet was 34 when Jeffries knocked him out In 23 rounds at Coney Is land but It wasn't until Jeffries again dropped Corbett, this time In ton rounds at 'San Francisco, that Beau Brummel of tho heavy weights forsook tho game. "Ruby Robert" himself took two knockouts "from Jeffrfes- the first costing 'him -the 4itJo in 1001 beforo bowing to Jim. as master. , Jeffries ended . Fitzs career . at 40 with tho second knockout a vear later.'' JetTi-jos met the same fate he meted out to the game Australian. Coming out of retirement in 1910 after six years of idleness, the huge ' boiler-maker ground off 80 pounds to fit himself for oatiio with Jnck Johnson at Reno. Again ; La Barba to Hang Up His Gloves Arriving Daily All new fabrics and shades trimmed in . real furs lined with the best of silk crepe. Priced From $19.75 to $85.00 Do not make your selection until you have ' looked over our enormous stock.' hana tin hm alnves and auit the aauared circle. In-Hla last fiaht he ! . -7, . MT MT fel soundly trounced Johnny Vacea ol Boston, the only man who ever got . . - . ' S: a rirri.lnn Au.r him. and nftA. vwlt). Uookc under hia arm: ha Dreoarea I3Q M larlfon St. ' Roseburt? ,'o abandon his title and enter Stanford University, where he will study it ft ' " r If euess out of work ' '. ' coffee flavor Bros, roast their coffee as a chef broils chops. Each surface of the chop is exposed to -the fire a few mi ittes at a time so as to control the cooking.- Hills Bros, roast tlicir- coffee a few pounJt at a tune and every bit is roasted evenly. TiiE rich, satisfying flavor of Hills Bros. Coffee is never the result "of accident or chance. It is due to an exclusive roasting process that is entirely different from any .other; A feio pounds at a time never in bulk that is. the secret- " : : Controlled Roasting brings every pound of Hills Bros.' famous blend to absolute coffee perfection. That's why' the flavor never varies. And ho matter vvhen. or where you buy Hills Bros. Coffee you will find that" superabundance of .. satisfying goodness vacuum sealed, in every can. It was Hills Bros. Who originated the Vacuum process of; packing coffee. ' ; ; ' i , With ' such excellence as Hills : Bros. Coffee guarantees, is it any wonder that millions prefer it to any other? For years die Arab Hills Bros.' famous trade-rriark has beeri the most popular symbol of good, c'offee in the great Western Empire. Look if or it when . yqu buy and you'll always' get the genuine Hills Bros., Coffee. Our informative and attrac tive booklet, ".The Art of Entertain ing," will be sent to you free if you . will mail die coupon, . '. ' ',, , V HILLS BROS COFF ' Fresh from the or'tg inn! iacuiim pack. Easily opened with a , key. HILLS BROS., Dept 151 -.' , .- ' Z Harrison Street, San Francisco, Calif. : Gentlemen: - ' ' ': Send me your booklet, ''The Art of Entertain ing," free of charge. i . . ' : Name ! : '. Street. City Siate ''THE ART OF ENTERTAINING" the doohoo 'triumphed and Jeffrlo'p met the knockout fate of his pre decessors. , . - Several stronc points stand out In favor of Dempsey's comeback campaign, however. He Is two to elfiht years younger than any previous former champion hau ling for a lost crowiv An even, ten months after the ilebnrle lit Philadelphia, Dempsey was back in the ring against Sharkey in bet ter physical and mental shape than the idglit lie lost to Tunney. Most impressive of all is Demp sey'n grim -eagerness to regain his laurels aside fwim the rich- re ward of approximately $750,000 that will -come to him as ills share of the Chicago spectacle. In tensely proud, the former cham pion has summoned hack most of his old hitting power, all of Ills stamina, and the cagey ring gener alship of- added experience to bol ster waning speed In probably the last battle of a great career win or lose. ' ' Camp at Idleyld Park. . ; ' LIGHT READING . ' Mrs. Methuselah: Did you have anything In the mall, denr? Mr. Methuselah: Nothing but another brochure from the "Book-of-tlia-Contury" people. Life. Wool sacks, twine and branding paint at Wharton Bros. Used Chfiyrolefc .... . ' V - . . , - i Fidel L Barba,' flyweight champion of the world, actually will WE NOW HAVE A FINE STOCK Chevrolet Landau, like new. ' Chevrolet Coach, like new. Chevrolet Touring, 1926 model. Chevrolet Sedan, 1924" model. Chevrolet Touring, 1922, $95. Ford Touring, 192? model. Ford Touring, 1923 model. . ' Ford Touring, 1 922 model. Ford Roadster, 1923 model. Ford Coupe, 1 923 model. Ford Ton Truck, 1923 model. And Many Others, All Bargains HANSEN CHEVROLET CO.