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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1927)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1927 FIVE at Ant ft a Grand and Glorious Feelin? By BRIGGS WHEN YclO'Rfi i fit TRAIN ANNOUNCfH AMD OlME DaV You STRT To CALL. OUT The Trains LustilY- -And Them You start' Barking again " ; AND JUST AS' W GET going good and PeoPue 5top To listen, and admirg VbuR PEEP, throaty' Tones, Ycf START BARKING -AND THeN The Big Chief COMES AUOhJG AND SAYS foo. POM'T NEEDToREfOHTTo MORRO UNLESS Nbvf CArJ can The Cough t -aiUd vjUHerJ it ce.SSbYoU START OFF AGAIN NITW LESS COrJFlDENCe AND GEF A Bit Balled up - And a FRipnd TiPS you off Ti OtO (SOLDS.TmE' Cl6AReTT5 That hasn't a Cough im a carload--and you buy "era Ano OH'H-h-BOY! ain't .t GlOR-R-R0US FEELIM Meeting Held at Wollenberg Park at Riddle and Of ficers Chosen Over 80 in Attendance. 1 U r .... i rarj ' i a i j- The Smoother and Better Cigarette i . . . ; hot a cough in a carload 1927, P. C WORLD OFFERED. FREE , RIDE AT GRANTS PASS (AhswIiHkI I'rcra Lcfiscd- Wire) H '- ; GRANTS PASS, Ore, -Sept. 7. Grants Pass mid Josophiuo county are ol'forliiB the world free : admis sion to tlio twolftli annual Jose jihino county fair .and free;' trans poration to the fair grounds over Grants Pass' own. railroad. In cole bratloni of the opening of the new fair' grounds the city has given over tlio use of its, railroad, mak ing resular trips to tlie fair grounds two Ynilos out. Grants Bass is the smallest city in tho country owning its own railroad and operating it at a profit thru hauling of ' lumber, cement and farm produce from the Applcgate valley, 70 milos distant. . . .v i ; . AGRICULTURAL BUREAU .. . . .TO LOCATE. IN PORTLAND I (sslcliUed ' I'tasi Xtfiuod .Wife) j ', PORTLAND, Ore.,' Sept 7. The Pacific northwest' headquarters of the Bateau 'of Agricultural Kdono- IDDLE AGE Paso Through This Trying Period in Good Condition by . Talcing Lydia E. JPinkham's Vegetable Compound X ' ? r j i MRS. HARVEY TUCKER R. R. S, BHELDVVILXI, IND. "Grow old o'ong with me, , , , The boot it yet to bo" With her Ailldren grown up, tho nilchtliMiBod woman tlntis time to do the Ihinga alio never had time to do before ruad tho now books, see the new plays, enjoy her grandchildren, take a-n active part In church and civic affairs. Kar from being pushed asido by the younger sot, she finds a full, rich lift) of her own. That Is, tr hoi- hniillh Ik rnnrl. Thousands of women, of middlo age, suy thev owe their vigor and health to bvdiR B. Pinkham's Vego. tablo Compound. Those who have learned through their own experi ence tho merit of this dejKjndablo medicine are enthusiastic in recom mending it to their friends and neighbors. "1 had been in bsd condition for three months. -I could not do my work. One day I read what your medicine had done and just had a feeling that It would help me, so I sent and got a boltle of Lydia B. rir.!:harj's Vozctablo Co:r.po::ad. I had only taken half a bottle when I got up and started to do my work. It gavo mo an appetite, and helped 7ne wonderfully, i can not praise this, medicine highly enough. I surely will advise uli -women and girls to tuko it, and they don't have to use rouge to look healthy. My two daughters aro taking it now and one is also using the Sanative Wash. I am willing to have you use this testimonial and I will answer let tors from women asking about tho medicine." Mas. Habvev Tuckeb, R. R. No. 9, Shelbyvllle, Indiana. "I read about Lydia B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound In the llttlo books you give away and began to take tho medicine. After tho first few bottles I began to feel better and could eat better and had fewer headaches. I feel liko a different person. At onytlme that I don't feel good I take the Vegetable Compouod again, ns I always keep a bottle on hand. You may use this letter for every word Is true.. I will answer any lettors sent to me.'V-Mos. Jen nie Boixkoman, pil-lltU SL, Union City, N. J. mics, United States Department of innVFRNMFNT MI 1ST ' '' Agriculture, will be located in Port-1 U" tKMtlN 1 MUSK land, according to decision of Se cretary Jardiue of the department transmitted to the Chamber - of Commerce, today by United. States Senator C. L. -McNury. .... i William AvSchoenfold, former assistant: chief of tbe bureau, wilt have charge of the local oltice. He Is now in Portland andsoon will open' his office. '-W'; CROP MOVEMENTS : GOOD IN OREGON ' (Associated l'ress Leased Wire) ' PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 7. Corn' is moving' in the more forward uec tlons and is generally good, where grown, throughout the state, says GRAIN CONCERN the weekly Oregon crop report. In' eastern sections threshing of win tor wheat is practically completed and the grain is moving' to-markot. Some delay to harvest and thresh ing and a little damage by the rains are reported. ' In the southern part of the state tho harvest of BartleU pears Is completed and the picking of other varieties begun. Damage to the apple crop by worms is thought to be quite heavy. Picktn.-; of IJart lett pears and Gravonstyin apples is in progress in the Hood Itlver district. The late crop of potatoes is gen erally in good condition and much bonefited by the rains. Truck is fair to good. j : . (AiHOcIntcd Press Leased Wire) ; PORTLAND, i Ore., Sept. .,7tt When grain is purchased for forr eign export ttsi journey to the other side of the ocean begins as, it starts from tho-warehouse .in the Interior. ; : - - f This Is the purport of a decision Into yesterday by United States District Judtfe John H. McNary in the case of Kerr (fifford and com pany against 'Clyde G. Huntley,' fed eral collector of internal revenue. The company sm?d for a refund of $57,106.80 for moneys paid un der protest as taxi:s pn freight I shipments of wheat from eusturn The Riddle Clan held their an nual plcmc riuuuuy bepl. 4, at YuiiuuieiK 1'uik, ut Kiuille, uboul au muinoeis ot me Clait utid Uidir uienus btung preueut. llie attend a n co was biuuner uiau usual tnia uur as u uuniuur or mo emu wore unable to uiiena lor various rea dona. The day was pleasant though cool ami tuo bounteous uiunvr and uuauUuus of hot coUeu woro 'jn ioyeu to tho luileui oxiuiil. After uiuuor the usual uig meion iotii wuj induigea in, tho nifions being luiuisnuu uy romilvoH uom Diiium. awimming una horse shoo piichtug were some ot the sports ot the at teruoou. During the afternoon the j.Jro. G. W. Kiddie culled the clau LOgother lor u short business sou- .mm ui which the loilowmii on leu is wuro electeu, G. Vv. Riduie, pied. Mis. Mary F. Riddle, vice-piesideut, Hoifcim Riddle sue. A committee ot uiree, Geo. K. Cjulue, Geo. It. Rla uie and Geo. A'Yuiur were appointed to decide nine and place oi itioot ing. Mtioit iujKs were made by i. w. Riuulu, J. H. Booth uud is. I1'. Nichols tinU plans were made ior u nigger and Uetier meeting next 'ear. . r'ullowiug is a list ot those pro sent: ueo. K. Quine and wife, Evelyn Quiue, Audrey U." Langiois, Rodney uuyiuis', Ueo. K. ittuuio and wjto ami daughter Florence, George v. Kiddle, Adullne tstewart, G. L. Wil lis and wife, Beunlc, Owen 1 and marie Willis, mis. O. L. Willis, Gien Willis, G. L. Grant and wite, Airs. Clara Hunt and sous George and Marshall, 1. R1. Riduie and wio Juuus itlddie and Wue, ana sou and daughter' Hubert and Jacque line, G. k. Quiue, Jr. and who and chiiureu, Phyllis, George aud iie ty, Mr. aim Mrs. O. v. Logsdon, Auner, Ro&dtnond and Lillian Lega tion, if. i Nicnuls and wile, Mil died Nichols, Mrs. Aduie Nichols, Mrs. Currie Parsley, Mr. and Mrs. ti. R. Hunan, Mrs. Max Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. 1. B. Nichols, Air. and Mrs. Victor Nichols mud Son Raymotul, Mrs. W; U. WinstoU, Miss Eva Rice, Roy Rice,. Mr.; unit Mrs. jtiarry Davis, Air. and Mrs. biilley Nichols audi son James, "Mrs. C. J. Fisher and . daughter Mabel June, Helena Riddle, iiiiues- tine Riddle, .Mr. and Mrfl. li. W. Kiddle Mrs.lM. S. Ryan,. uMr. aud inrs. : William ;Rurdine, Mrs. j Ira Rui ue. Miss, Bossiei Cain, iMrs., F. M. Patty, C. A. Catchiug, Mrs, Do na Conner, Mrs. Mary -Lohr, lvm and Mrs. J.iH.) Booth, Ted Booth1, Di'.iCou'' Durhind, iMi'S.. "i M. lingur. Viola Harreisou, Julian Becker, Ted Post.' ; . ; tha' Pacifio highway, also ' logoth-, ur uud lu tho baino bid the liiovlag of the praseut Djr Creole bnugtt to aim locuiiug ii uruss ijmu Creek on. Fowltr sirout, lu dm uiiy ot Uosuburg, Oiotsou, iu m-corduure with the piuns uud specilkfiiioiis filed in the onlco of the City Re corder September otu, : : AH bids uiUbt be subiuiued upon blank forms UiUU will be furnish ed upou upplicutlou lu tne unuor sigued una must be accompanied by u certiiieu check puyuuie to the City Treasurer lof b per ceut of tbe amount, bid, lo be lurfeiled to the city of Rusuburg in the event said bid is accupma uud tha bid der shall tail to enter lulu u con tract aud bond with tho city ac cording to the turuis of said bid. A bond of 100 per ceut of tho con tract, satisfactory to thu city will be required from the contractor. The time stated lu tho proposuls for completing thu work will be ivoncH to niKPi'rmia Jn (he Cuunty I'uit of i!i Huiip C UtvHon fur iJijuglurt Cuuuty. . i In itiu inuinT ui ihu etiiutu of ; Ulara Fulleilon, dceeaid. j iNoiU'ti is nt'ivuy Kvtn, inai me undtTwIirnf U hay, by urUur ot itiu uunvo I'liiiuf ii wotiri, duly nmdn and 1'iitcri'd ut rucuid, Ouun - uppuiutod Adiiiltilntrutur of thu vaiuto ii l-'luiu Fiillwriuu, dui-uasvd, uud bus duty qlutliaiil UI kllt'll. All itfi'BuiiB Imvltig: cluinm atfahmt KiUd t'staie aro liuivby ruiiuii'uU to piuseiu ihu auniy to titu uiiiUrnlBH 'd at ligelur, -UoukIus .-ouiiiy, Orson, piopurly verifUd, witliiil utx niuMiltti imui th llt-Ht puliiifatlim of tlilM notice whkli 1b uiy lsi nay oi aii.iJltjiiibor. l'.t-i, NATHAN Fl'l.I.KHTON, AdtiiliiiHtrutur uf thu t-aiulu or Clmu Fullurtuii, dt'ceused. N0T1CI5 411'' a;A:il)IAN'S SALIC OK 11 UAL, ruoruH'i'Y thai tho Notice la heroby given Dun uuu l-hiuiu jii jjutotny uuAitiu iiiluiL. UvltiiC uuiy (icuitoud byHui 1 i ..ii l t ii iii . ut ihti aiULu oi Oru- cousidered iu awmdlug the cou-j eoi. ur uuiua uouiuyt.o io u ustutav, Horn or Inturamta , WhU4 yuu, o' any uf i oU, uooui'L lu ui' : t.tfi. t vl iuifl i t)us W'ut,ty . AilUli4 itl tJo upturn CuutiO t UiMt" altd'UA u.'1'lt'tiii ua lot. Bi-i UJ, itilU UlO Heat IfVuitiy luui uav ui. - iwt ilVU, in biui imtiii in me towu ui litciiuaiu, in biuu cuunty ttuu muui, vtiiita luwu waa utilll'tiiiy jjtali-v-u uuu rwco.'ltsa ua JUtiu; ttxiiX witm una ail oi 0Ou bu utcitud XKf -i-y uu u&ui, tut4i( lieu ir rntvi ut id or w mam iiroyittny, vr' any 'uu lauruoi, uuu luui yum bu vll iUiuVui- bait'vU lt'Oili StilLtUtf uuy utt.iu, riKbt, mu or itv'uf lit or to uuld iwul property; iuu altu a iiiiu iu said rc-ut propui uu uuiuiuU ; una biauiLUi U- uilKv'i io bo tlitJ utvllbi' uf Mil ut . iuu propuriy ui luo tumpiu; lor KViivtui . tita 6Ut4tiuoUd U utiullshed lit i!;e uuuifiiituu in i.uustas t-ouuiy,. utuson uy ordur oi nut Hon. tivV lv. utiiti, -cuumy juase oi fiitm cuutiiy, tnauo una duiuu Aueuec tiU, IVA.4. ; iiq duto of tho. first publication of t,u la uummotm li Aut;uat lib), - (. an i auto oc tne last uuu- llcatluii Is btjplutnbvr fitti, lf7. Attorney for olalnilfl. Podt of- - fi-o uddrHs: Kuduburtf, OrtBon. , tract. Tho Common Couueil reserves tho right lo rujoct any and all bids. By ordor of the Common Coun cil. Dated and first published Sep tember titU, . HAROLD B. SH1SRFY, City Recorder of tho City, of Rose burg, Oregon, Notice of sale uf yuvumimnt tim ber, Uuuoral luud uniuv, ubIhiik- Loii, U. C, JUiy IK, iJ(. INuUUW if itut'uby given iiuil subject lu thu uuiidit iouM una lnulLuiiuilii o inu HL-t Ot JUIIU If, 1U10 .HJ FJtUl., 'Mot, uiut liiirHUuul lo ui'pai'iinutuai l'ut,- tULiOtltt OI April 14, 4,1134 .oO La. U it)), thu timom on tau lolluivlnb lUlJUS 'Wlll by toOlll UI IU11 O ViOC'K u. ui. niH. i4, fJJ'i at public uuu nun ul liiu u. a. land uiiH'o al Luauv tew, Oi i'o(i, lo tbe itishusi oiuuur ui not khs than mu uji im vu aluu us siiotvu uy uiis nuiu'u, uula io bu Htnijuui to thu tti'iutui OL lllU bUl.'1'Ut.Ul y ot ino iMtui'lor. '1I1U llUl'UliutfU it IUl. Willi Uil uuUl- liunut sum ut uiiu-i'lt in of one per CVli l Ultt'col, buiilri Co..tH.irtblutitl til louvtl, iii us l bu ucpotiiUjil at Uiau uf uutv, iiionuy to io luiilit.L'u t .ilo ia not UiiiU'uwll, ot-iltrrWlHV pUtUllL Will ISMUu lot- ttlU kltiiut.', iVJiicn iiuiHl uu 1'uuiuvod wlliiui lu )'ciir. iiiue w 111 uu toelvca uom CILliVllB ul tlio United fJiaifB, uo ciatious of hiich UHiciitf uud . wr-Ifot-aiioilH oiKuaiaeu uuuul' I uu luwu ui tnu Lftiuea biuietf, ur uuy biuiu, lurruory or dminei tuttiioi uuiy. Upon UiphollLioM ut a liiiullllt'd pui cnuaer tne timber on uuy ii-tai uo uivituon win bu oiiurcii Hfi'araiuiy umoi'u beliitf liielildud in any oiiUr ui u larger umu T. 41 rf., it. ( i... dec' v, Aiiii4 t3v"A yuiiow pi no iuo Ai, &lu t.,i yenow pinu -iuu nyiio oi liiu tliubur on l (il a aectlon to1 ub bold ror tvna tliun -t.uU ptr M. TiloS. HaVAuj-iIj, ic-tiutf commis sioner, j- - ' RATTLESNAKE KILLER CLAIMS CHAMPIONSHIP " (Awoolated Prea Leaied Wire) GRANTS PASS, Kept. 7. J. K. Keltey, of Murphy, near this city, claims the southern Oregon cham pionship for killing rattlesnakes. He killed 19 of the reptiles in one den in one morning on his ranch. The smallest in this den curried six rattles and a' .button and thu largest shook 10 rattles with tbe button missing. Kelley has killed 3ti rattlesnakes on his ranclt this sum mer and has not been Btruck yet. o RAPID CITY. John Coolidge is old euough to" vote now, hut so far as recorded ho has not chosen to indicate where he would pre fer hfs X on the next presidential tmllot. Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge gave him a birthday party at the state game Jodge. Camp at Idleyld Park. urs to use whammr von netd ii" y'TMfs&tal top I Oregon and Idaho between August, 1920, and January, 1922. Tho tax was collected by the averred auth; ority of a clause in the war reve- nuo-rafsiug measure of 3918 that as sessed a lax on domestic freight charges. .- The conlfntlort of the slnpnnur firm was that the wheat was puii chased solely lor foreign c:;porjj, and that Its journey abroad hegtup when ft left the warehouses In the interior, nnu that trans-shipment? In Portland were merely incidental to the voyage. As the company did not pay 'the tax during the period named, it was assessed 100 por ceut penalty. Judgo McNary hot only ordored the return of this money but di rected the government should pny 6 pur ceut on the money from Ihe day It was coHected, which brought IUQ LOuttl UP 10 $tt,3B5.71. . SAND-GRAVEL AODIT WILL INCLUDE WILLAMETTE RIVER Eut barbecue sandwiches and five torover. Brand's Road tit una, ... . '. : oi , MRS SARAH CANNON HURT ' i i . IN AUTO ACCIDENT OREGON CITY, Sept. 7. Mrs. Sarah Cannon, inothor of Mrs. Jay Upton of Bend, wife ofthe former president of tho Oregou stiite seu- ato aud ono-time. - caudidatu for governor, is in Oregon CRy hos pital, recovering from ' injuries sufievcd when an automobile,- driv en by Mrs. Upton,' overturned on tho highway near Corvullis during a rainstorm, Monday Whilo her in juries are said to be serious shv is uot in any danger, hospital au thorities suid. Mrs, Upton woe not injured. , According to Uytou, Mrs. Can nnu was iu at the time of the accident- and her condition is due to the shaking up she fluttered.- Mrs. Cannon and her daughter were ourouto to Portland, where Mrs. Cannon lives, homeward bound with Mrs. Cannon, who had spont the summer with Mrs. Up tuu in Bend. Airs. Cannon Is well known in Roseburg, having made her home In this city for many years. Tbe travel comfort and con venlcnces, the unvarying cour tesy and close adherence to schedule oi the Oregon Stages ore always at your service. Whenever you need or desire them, they are yours to com mandand when you dn NOT need them they are no; A source of worry or expeoie to you. For the saving of time money and energy, use Oregon Stages. OREGON STAGES mi SALEM, Ore., Sept; .7. The ad ult of books of sand and gravel compunles that for years , have been taking sand from the Colum hia River without paying a' royal ily to the state will include .also uu audit of the records of opera' tlons by these companies in the River. ., This was decided upon by the stale Jctnd board today after At torney General Vnu Winkle had priwntex a memorandum Jo the board ntrosslng the necessity of In cluding the Willamette operations us the tuly means to get a fair iiMlmale of the amount of sand that has been vxtracted from the Columbia. The clentlHu reason back of l hie is that the amount of sand u&fd iu construction work has a di.-i'iulte relation to the amount -of grave,! used,, hence the amount of gravel sold over a period of,years should be an In dication of the amount of sand sold. Pi culi at idleyld Park. NEWS FROM GLENGARY VICINITY. AND .no tic to m' mu;hiiks fc.w.i: or ItlilAI, 1-UUl'ldUTl' III pursuance ol' u accrue uf fore t'loMUio and order of auio nuiduaild L-u lured In the Circuit i;ourt of Mio aiaio of Ui'iiksyil, lor. Uouhiuij, ooum,y : ou oi-bumbiM a, ivSi; iu mo sun e' eurl iUuoiu, i-lalullfl, . ilai bid jjuvtile Hilton: Jane Dou liUion, Sv'uu5 of Huroid Duyhlo 'iiiitoni'ituy ll. Hilton; iMionii iiiitou; akihih iiltton; l W-ilL'y uown; iJun iJoWns and Alva. JL?im Mutur, dc lendunts, for tlio recovery uf tne sum ui 'uiio' thousunO' 1 Uollaru IfiOOb.-JLi) fvi(U 'tnturuut. ihtjitien ut seven per emu per liiinuin ,ll oni Mc tobor yu, imu, tlio lurtlier uum jt one hundred and twenty 1 dollars (.si .O.yu uttortiu) a iced,- una, ine mrtlier, ami) ,oi.. titty .and- iO-JuO doliurs (4iu.lU) 'corns and uluui'nu- uients, una in iJiiraumitu u 'o execution uiion suid ueui'ito Uuiy. lHr sued out ui said cout't op lliy GlU aay oi Dyptwuioy-., aw-i, - i" pose for Hiiio and sell ut pubhu avie lion an tbe ,laiv UU'mcLm, ul the court hoiiHU dour of taild uouut-y, in Uiu city ol ' iiusoUurtf, . .Oi-koii,, gn Haturduy, tho hill iay ur uciomui ly, ut leu o'clock a. M. Tnu real property Bltuuled Id tlio County ol jjouk'hb and titulo of Uickuii and duseiibed in H'l doereo and older Tlio soutliwust '(luarlei' (H'Vi) of section tniriy (oo;, in toxyuMbip twenty-four south ol rungu tnruo (j) wuat, Wllmmottu iiioridmu, eontalulnif 102.1 1' uureu. taid saio win ue inauu iui- himi In Hand and will bo.auoject id con- lirmallou by naiu coin t. teiiiber 7lh, lla7. . .,.'.,',, ' , tS. W , Ol AllVllll, Sheriff of Don uiau County, ure gou. " ' -r O ' XOTICIC OK FINAL H 1"1TI j JJ 31 M N 'V In the County Court oi tuo fetulu or Oregon lor DotiKiait County. In the matter ol tnu uhiuIu of Wlllium lluxtoi), UL-ceuud.' . Nir.I li.. Ui IikI'-1V Ul Vt.Jl. tllllt il undoruiiined. exucdtor ut tne laat .un u,... i..uii.i.i..nt or 111 lu rli itux ton, duceased, Jiuh tiled li la imui ac ount in thu county court ui mo State of Oregon iur DoukIuh Com? ty, and the Hon. iJoorgc l. Qiunu, judse of said court, una, by order duly mudo and entered on tho autn uay ol August, Vrii, fixed rrlday, tho authe day of bepieiuier. 1 jti, at tho Hour uf ton o cluck In the lurenoou of suid aay, and iho coun ty court room in liiu court Iiouto in ltoseburg, Ort-Kon, lis the time und place lor hcarins: mild finul au eount, and : objections thurelo, II there bo any, and for ino Hottle menl theruor, and lor thu closing of suid estate. ' ' Uifted und first published Heptein ber 1, U:iJ'lIARljKS w. nOXTON. , : "Executor of tho lnt will una testament or William Buxluil, de ceased. . ' bvpiuMiuvr, ii'it prucuud to.suti foi iu uu nd ur u ii't uusu uud uuiud eruutt to bu uppiuvud uy luu aiiovti euiuitHl cout'L Ibu iolluWlntf UuHurlbcd rttul uioutrty siiuutctt i i,'ouutui Cuuuiy, orugoii beiungms: to iuu state or uoroiliy jhuaiii. t-llloti. u minor, to-wlt: ah iindiv Ml ml Liii't-o-eiKllthS Itl: tuiutit in aud tu the iuiIuwIhk: uouiiiiiMiciau at a Point oil' drpd yuids souili of ibe section vomer between secitona 3 ond i, ruiiuiug then east to me wual 4oui( dury line of the Thomas TiiruHtiui I mu n I in li ljiilii IMullll- thBll Nlluli, ulcus: buiu lm to urn. iiulf mile linn in inn ittttur - of HL'Utlon then weul ulontf suid IIllu lo , the quurter post on Uuu. between sou. iioua a ); thou north ulontf said line to tne pluco of bftJliinlns. Ail tu section , 3, township south, range t went, WUluinettp Mofiiihvii. lieuirlau Couhtv. OieKOil. contuiiilnff una Hundred twulvu iu;;; ucrcH, more ot less. 1 ' ' AiiO. citiuuienolnar ut tho H, t.? omimf uf thil 1'tiOMtliH Thl'Urlll' ur donation 1-aiul Claim in secttuii ihrno, luwnsbip ive.iny-ix ; sjouui. riiuir Huven est ot VllluinolLe Aleridiun, ihtm:o norih ty a point one hundred yurdq sontn ot wni'n iim luwiiHliin liiifc buiween town si) inn tweniy-f ivo "and twenty-mx ...... ne thH until 'riwiiiina I'hruHh- it'h eluim; thoiiee wch to west H" of said c.Hlpi; Ihemo noulli along; 1110 IHIQ dl UIU tiuim iu mu i n;llo line In tho center of suction three; iheneo east tu the west line of the David Uedenour. Donation ldind Claim In said section and lownship; thence north to the nnrih weHt corner ot suid ululm: thence east to the place of beginning, cou tutnlng 144 noes, more or less. Offers for said presMnoH may bo mudu to me through tlio offices or Hlco and Orcutt, Kosoburg. Oregon, sale subject to coiifirintulun by thu County Court of thu Htate of Ore gun for Douglas County.. ; . Dutea tills iKth day of August; 1937. . ; j. xr-v- ELTllOTT.i '; Guardian of Hie person and os- VOlUVliy ttliiuo iiswun,, MilKii ii nt:inoHS lu the County Court for Douglas County oi-cMpn. v,,,.. In thu mAller uf eBtate of ' " ' A Julius lUldor Curtis, Deceasifd.' ." t ' .. t ou s Hereby given Hiut the uudiM'Kigned whs by uu order of.tfw tliiovu euiiiied coin t duly made and tin tit red, appointed administrator wUU'lhe vim unuexed. of thu estuto ol Julius ' KUlor Curtis, , deCeatfP.4, una bus uuiy quatiiiea as such; All persons naviug ciuuns ugainst said esutiu are iui;fld to present the same, uuiy veruibn, to ifio un- dursiKnd In itosburg, ore.,1 within six uiuuthti from the date of - tire ttiMt' uubiicuttou of this notice; Dltieu unu nisi pouiiHi;uu ausuml 2i. Ilia?', r : 1 ' " , r ' Q, L. HAMILTON,""'''- Adinlnlstrntor' with will unnoxeU , of Julluii Kldor Curtis, deceased.'--' M1THJU OF FINAL HHAHING ,' - ,r . - -., . ii ' '. In tho County Court of Wio State of - Oregon for Douglas County.. ,. In the inuiior of the estato-of - . CIiarlt'B Albert Moore, doeensed. r. Notice Is hereby given' that the undersigned udminlmrutor of . ,t,jjo . estuld of Charles Albert Moor), do- ' ceased, has filed In the abuve,, .tjn Miicd (-nnrt and mutter the final ac count of lus aduitnisirutlOD ot' said : estate und that said court, by o viler duly tuudii and entered, Friday, tlie utu day ot tute of ml nor.' t 1 SUMMON H i Hep- SOUTH DEER CREEK NEWS MIkb Delorls Boyle spent the weekend with Ruih Blood. Mr. William Bailey ind wife Wf-re In town Saturday yiiling frlrmda. Misses Arllnc Melton, Frances Mcltnn, Tom' Melton, Edward Cochclir, Bieclp?r Knimott spent Kunduy with Ruth End Ray Jilood of ,S. I). ('. Air. Lafe Wbitsnlt was a caller at the .Mellon home Sunday. Mr. John Ik-ttn and wife wore callers, at the Blood's home Sun day. Mr. "W. C. Edwawla. of KnsMf; is Kpfudiug a few days with Mr. and Mrn. C. II. Ballpy of S. D. C. We had a lovHy rain In S. I). C. thu GtU of September. -X. X. Mr. M, M. Cooper litis a new well on his ranch with u windmill furnishing an abundance of water for domestic ami farm. use. ; We presume our neighbor, Mr. CharJos IJyor, will be moving to his newly ucqulred home some of these fine days, , - , J, J. Belts relurno'J home from The Unlles last Friday. Ho and Ills wite were at their ranch Mon day. 8 u i ul ay they visited with reiutlvo und frlunda and took dinner at the home of his brother, F. J. Belts. We expect to have some lijpw neighbors in tho valley soon. A fine rain this. We trust It does not injure the prune crop very seriously. The Hunday Kchool at Glengary school house was very well at tended lust Hunday. Beveral from Glengary were In Roseburg lo attend the baptismal services last otiuday. XOTICK OV FINAL. SHTTIjHalKNT in the County Court of the mate of Oregon ror Doughm County. tho Mutter oi too ii-sium ui . . Junieii It. Katun, deceased. : Notice is nereny irivun intiv i" uuderHigued, l-lxcculi lx of tho lust will una testament of .Junius Bates, det-'eased, bus filed In the anove enimeu fumi uuu tho final ui-eoiint of mi' ndminiw tmtloti of tho estate of Huid de- ceaHed unu tnut sum conn, order (iniy maun ami vmuji .-.. , fixed Monday, tlie UUth day of Sep tember. 11)27, ut tho hour of ten (ll o'uclt a. in. ii tli" time and tlio county court room in the court house in itomburg, Douglas Coun iv. Oregon, uh the plaie lor heur iiig ohjectioiiH, If uny. to such fhuil account and the settlement thereof. Dated AugiiHt 0, I'Jii. ,,,,., VICTORIA BATES. Executrix of (he La; t Will and TesmniVdt ot Jatiica It. Hales, de- A ninrrJuRO license lias been Is sued ut Vancouver, wash., to ai vess Creason, 63, and , Mrs. Leona L. Williams, 117, both well known residents of Roseburg. Eat barbecue mindwlches and live forever. Brand's Road Stand. In the Circuit cou-i oi the titato' of Oregon lor JJvUBittS Cuunyy, ' , II V IVII..X I'lUL.tltl. VH. ' kj. 'iVviyuuuUi, u.. iv, lii. tman, W. A. iK-oua, uiiU Al. V.. Otuiut uu .'j-rusiucs' oi, llio or-iiOjH ,rtiiiiUl Coiuiorucy ot the cnaiLii' ui ,ui-j' .Ltiuiel irellirt;n 111 cnriot; ' ;AniU uu otuur porn Jus or paikics ud-' , uuui'ii uiifuaifi 'tiny nti in, tttii. vdiuto, lieu or interest in vi.e ii.a csiulu ucocrioed tu LueJ v-uiUiduiul liuruiii. ueiunuiiiiCd.' To is uicwvnuiu, a. :K-. Ilar'iuan. und iu. e.. otuuier. us irumutH ui ' IHO UlBHiiU IlUU.tlrt VUnCllClUfO Of tuo viiui-ii ot uiiitea urutniwii iu : i, iii-ti Amu lull: ulucI iOuISOIIU Ul' bai'Ltus , utiitliowu, clalitahS Ull' ' i'JUhl, trtl", estate, lien or intyiTi el iu the real ewiavv described ill tlio complaint herein, auot'O'liumoU uuieJiduuiBi . , m in iuu ukiiio of tho' Ktttto Df Ore ciiii: mu it uu ouch ui you anu hoi o- uy reuaueu to upimur ' una answer too complaint ol i)laiiulfl Hied against you i n tho uouvo eutuieu court unu eauso un or before; lour woulta uom the tirst pubticailou ol ullldlUllllH l.llfl ir VuU'tllil1 tU HU appear uud inuivvr said eumuialni, pi u i miff win ' idr Wa'nt1 'tliel-uoc ..umu in- Hi. i i-ourL for tnu reilut der niauooil In said cuinpiatnl, a succlucf SlHUiUlUnl Ul VU1C1L IS fo , lUiiuws, to-wit: ' ' - ' ' - . Taut vnu and each of you bo ro milred to nSsert and dlseio3o ' the nuturo und cnarftcter ot any clal .aintn uc Interest vuu buvu 1 .. ni v liwti -run (iiuicoa Annual cuniereiicu 'of the ' Chureii or tne bulled IJrethion m Ciiriet -ha. oi -i. .IMUI in ii mi tu tne toiiowlnu' do seilbod real property sltuuled In Douglas county, orugon, or ouy part lliereol, to-wit: - . i'hat portion ot lot number two rui in section number luirteeii t in townsiuii numuer twenty-two .22) Boutli, rang a six (tf) west of wiiiiimi.tiu Aleildiaii in Douglas County, Oregon, lying ou thu north side at the center ot HI hi. Creek anil ii ot tlio Oregon western nun mad riuht-of-way. containing ten iu) acres more or less: and to subject tho samo to a udl i invKotiitf-niluii Hull thu right u possession" und title between tho uluiiitiff nud deleiidants may he i..ti.fl jwi.-i thut It be do creed thut tlio claim or clorondunis and each of them is without inun dation In law or In euulty or in i,t nifiintirf 1m the owner In feu of said promises und of tho wliolo tliereof free from any and ail claims or interest of said defendants or either ot mom or any muu ur turo whatsoever and mat piatnttr hnv-n mii-h niiicr und further re lief us to tho court may seem ....iilliiltld. ThiH summons is snrved- upon you by publication tliereot iur i ;"tn,.i J ,... nin-h week for foil consecutive wcoks In the Itosebiirg Nev.s-l'.evieiv, a nowimiMT ui ' .....t nii-,Mii(.tlfin tmhHhcd. und Is sued lu Hoseburg, Douglun County, Oregon. )y order of the Hon. Ueo, K. gulne, county Judge of Doiighi oounty. Oregon, maoo on mu i" day of AdKiist, i-7 mid you are hereljy nottried: to nspcar and nu swer the same on or berore four weeks from the publication hereof which Is thu 18ih day or August, JIKT7. mfrR& oncVTri AttnrnevH for I'lnlntirf. Post of fice addrews: Roseburg, Oregon. has tlKrd aautoinbor. M'li. at the hour of ten o'clock lu the forenoon" of said day, us thu time, uud the county court room in be court nouso at uoseourg, uuuri ub County. Oregon, us the plate for hearing objuetions. If any, to ' said final account or to tho settle-. inept t sum estate. . i. . . Dated and flrrit published August Administrator ot the estato-t Of Chants Albert Moore, deceased. i '! IU tho County Court of tho Stat,o,pf Oregon ior uuu guts vuuhij, ;v In the inattur of iho estata 9tttlL . Waltur'l: 'coieaa, neoeasea. . undersigned bus beich duly appomt ed aduunlsiruior . of the esiu,V juf Wulter B. Conad, deceased,' by order of me above entitled court. All pea-- .. sons iMtvinii claims ugainst aiUd oMtate aro horeby re.Vired to jUio- , law required, to tuo undersignud ut ': his otlico in the First btato &. hav-.- ' Iiiks liuitlc, lluseburg. Oregon, wrtii- : ill' wljT molitbp irom .the autbfor ino , tirst pttbilcutlon of this notice...... . Duiu df first publleatlun Auifust : UI.M- ,,., .-;l,-I B'J' Dull) oi iuat 'puHiiuttviuii oty A.Ttnlnlalpntinn fit L11G OStUtu (A Waltbr D: Cosad. doeeused. J ! GUT 'Cpnun1," ( Ml' Ceas' NOTICI5 TU fltFJIITOH! NOTICE FOR BIDS FOR BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION Sealed proposals will bo receiv ed by tho undersigned at his of fice In tho City Hall In the city ot Rosehurfr, Orcnon, up lo 8 o'clock P. m.f Monday, Beplembcr Hith, 1927, for tho. cnnsl ruction of a concrete bridge PJU feet long and bu left vidv ttciobS Deer Cieek ou No. 2l In thft Counly r'nurt of Ihf State or Oregon for tho County of Doug las. , In the mntter of the fslntft of J. Piatt Underwood. de eafied. Tho above .iirlll'-d court lu nn point' d the iindei Mlgned, Uli-nii h. HtiHtoil, iidininlntrator wllli tli" will annexed rr ihe etHle r J. 1'Iatt fnderwood. coiif d. find fill persons Imving elaims UKHlnfl the estate nro t i-'iuh to pi em nt them, with the prop'"- voucher!, within lx nionlh-i frotn Ihe date hereof, to Die iidiiifl'IMmfor with tho will annexed, Si the office r ltosebnrtr New."-Review, I" city of llosehurg In said eounty and Bt'rutf1 ii nd first putdhJicd Au SUDH(!?!,'of'Jlant publication. Heptom ber 55, HM.nM..NiV K ,MI)Tm Admlulwtrniur wIWi th.t wHl an- , Mlchl- Mark Norrls. (Jrulid Hapldi RrHl!'u'fe.l A- 11UHt'"1, PfirttHn.l. (ire PT'Hi . t tor mvc r',r admllilsti u tor with thu will annelid. lu the County Court of the Btato. of Oregon, ior tns County ot Doub- to nni niattor of tho estate of fcuinuol, josuph Baseel, deceased. . v i'l-uns; iiei'ucri uaseei, juui" iiaguel, buniuol li, Buseel, auuio Laurie Basoel, Gleildalo atulo BaiiK, Of baiiltliitf cyrporaiion, und m. li. Zwlant. unu lb' ail others . .Ainkiiowii uaving .any .;intors., ia - or iu liiu xuiiuivma uvoi- iu-u propurtyi , j, ij ', ''f -.lut. Oreetiug: . ' - .in tnu numo .of tho stata nf . Ore- s gon, you aro horeby cited ana re- f court of thu biato of oredli,' lor tno county of Douglas; at tudept. : llfZ7, lorni tnoruot, in thu Ctfurt ; ruom or said court, at doo.uyg,i in the Cuunty,of , Douglas, tiiutu or Orugon, un 1' rlday, vuu Otit day of -: aoptomber, Wa7. at tho hour ot ton , o'clock in thovtorouoon of man day, then and thero to show cause, if . any exist, why : an order of,j,s,alo shuuld nut be mau of tnu following described real property beiopgiurf tu ihe uuove ontitiud uutatu, to-wlt:, Tract No. 1. NU'a of Ntl'A or. sec tion ll, .township 32, south range 6 west, W. M., Dousltts County, 'yre- i'ract No. 2, Lots 7 and 8 in block , 19, city of,Glcndale, Douglas coun ty, Oregou. ' 1 ' '-i( Tract No. 8. West half of Lot 2, block 2, city of OliiidB.le, Dopgtas county, Oregon. , , , Tract No. 4. Lots 1 and blpclc 1, Oilbcrtsons' Addition to tho pity of Glsndule, Oregon. ; ; . . .. ' Truet No. 6. Lots 3 and 4 f in block l.-'ailboriBoiis' Additions., to the city of Ulendale, Douglas .coun ty, Oregon. . Witness, tho Hon. George K. Qulnu, Judge of tho County Court . of tho Btate of Oregon, for tho . County of Douglas, with tho seal of the said court affixed this 10 lb day of August, 11121. ' - Attest; tRA niDDLB, Clerk. (Couaty Court Seal) ; : . : ' O- ; 1 " . NOTICE OP 8AI.H1 OP RISAIi C: MtOPtQllTY , f j - ; ; liXlSCftJtOU'SI NOTICE 1 . ... - - 'V,. - In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for Douglas County;"' Jn the matter of tlie estate of John Hancock, deceased. . Notice is hereby given that tuo undersigned has been duly!, up- ;, pointed executor or tho last will !....,, ...not nf lnhn irnncnile. ilfi- eeased, bv order of tho abovo on- , titled court and that ho has-duiy , fiimliried ns such executor. All per sons having claims against tho estate or paid decenncd are hereby required 'to present them, wlin v proper vouchers, duly Terifled a ny law required, to the undersigned at IiIh reutdence near Klktnn in nUK Ins county, Orcgpn, within LsU' (fi) mouths rrom Ute date of the rirst putillcatlon of this notlco which Is August . ,1 AXronK. 1 vfliiini nf Hie ijist will and Testament of. John HancJk de ceased. 0 t-oTicn op visi si;tti,kmk.nt Notice Is hereby given that tho undersigned. odmlnlntratnr 'With the will nnnexert nr tlie flstate of Albert W. Itvan, deeensed. has fltd nil, final aerount In Iho county court of the utato nr Oretrnn ffr Douiflas countv and tlio Honorable Georgo K. Quine. Judge nf paid court has appointed Monday, the 12th day of September, 1127. fit 10:f-l nVloek In the rnt-ennori of si'd day In tlio county court room nt. the eourt hoiif e In noweborg. Poilgln fnon tv Orecoti. a the time and piaen for lienrlnir onje Hons. If any. to u ld a' count and tho settlement "Arilperwnnrt intereited ' In Sj'd elntc nre tierebv notified In rli' their nbleetlons. If any. o snid fi"f . aeenunt at ni- nernre imp umn u( r i pointed inr i inai m-w v - -(""iMteil this 11th flay of ; jmT' ' piTrt Titri-;. it A,l,nlPle,''f,("r ",th Hie twtll. an nmire. extent imlTi"Tn or tno hihik ui iny adverse claims, 1 Ryan, doceasod, - KII.11 MOK.1 In the Circuit Court of the Htato of Oregon for Doiiglaa County. The Itosrburg National Jiank, a bunking corporation. Plaintiff, vs. CJeorge Tnrifint ond Anna J. Tar rant, bis wife, alfo all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, rsuite, Hen or Interest in the real estate ae ficrlJied In tho complaint heroin, Defendants. , To: i;eore Tarrnnt nnrt Annn J. Tarrant, bin Wife, alno nil oilier persona or p.irtlcs unknown claiming any right, title, estntu. lien or Interest in the real nutate deHcritied In the complaint here in; detendnnls nb.vo named. In the name of the utate or Ore gon: you, and each or you aro here hv required to nppear and nimwrr pin in tiff's coiiipliilnt nainnt you now on fill in tho nbove entitled rourt and on rir bef ii o Ihe lnt dny of the time prescribed I" the order fur pttbll-n t Ion or thl (t.niinmiis. to-wit: on or berore the Ktb dav or September, f:27. vnld day being tlie explintloil of four wefkn from tbe date of the first pMblh ut Inn of thif sninmnna: the time preaerlhed for publli'lltlnn be ing mice a week for fnur consecu tive week, und If Vu fall fo In nniifir .iriniver. for want 111 uf, tho plaintirr will apply to D eniirt fur the relief demanded ii mild complaint, a succinct state nient or which Is ns follows, to wlf that each and all ftf von 1 required ( anseit and' dlsrloS' thl s'llt tl CliAl'4101- of