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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1927)
I T i - SIX ROSEBURG NF.WS REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1927,' ! . WE GIVE Fisher's offers the kind of npparel for school children fo make it possible' for them to get the most out of their year at school. Health, comfort, contentment, Bj could in no better way be For school needs, Fisher's offers the largest stocks of dependuhle merchandise gj W Coats, Middies, Skirts, Dresses, Sweaters, Underwear, Stockings, Shoes, Um- B,M brellas, Raincoats, Slickers, Pleated Wool School Skirts All wool blue Bcr;e, wnists gj ntlncliqd,, correctly pleated . . Shaker Knit 1 Coat Sweaters , . 1 ... i .. i .'J The regulation type of Sweater Cont in heavy hlnck wool yarn. Every size. ; $5.75 ; t Windsor Ties , $laek ; silkj VliridsijrB,. ;right thing for the Middy ' ' ' ' 50c 85c .Buster Brown School Shoe3 , S Don't consider oiiffitlinpfo'r school without shoes of Bus i ter Brown. There's every toflson., .Sold qnly, at, Fishr j . er's. ..... . : f? SSj. tt.JfliWiil.W.W.Ii Announcing the reopening of the studio- of GLADYS H. STRONG Teacher of Piano , ' , . ' ' : Graduate of the New England Conservatory : 4 PUPIL OF ARTHUR FOOTE ' Studio opens Sept. 6th. Parrott Building Dunning System for (Opposite Ott's Music Store) Beolnners. Telephone 311-L ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. ! Established 1901 ' M. E. BITTER, Manager ' Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and Courtesy ' 1 AMBULANCE SERVICE .,, Phone 284 ' ' Licensed Lady Oak and Kane Sts. i Liberty Today and Thursday A BIG DOUBLE BILL VERA REYNOLDS IN "Risky Business" WITH Etliol Chiyton, Kenneth Thomson, Zazu Pitts. "Risky Business" is n delightful romniilic comedy' AND ALBERTA VAUGHN ; in "THE ADORABLE DECEIVER" Action snapping with humor, thrillsi teeming with smiles, intrigue gripping end amusing, ' Varieties Fox News Mat. 10c-25c , . . Eve. 10c-35c WANDA ARMOUR AT THE ORGAN S. & H. GREEN TRADING STAMPS , assured. Galoshes, Ties, Knickers, ; Zip-Knick Bloomers For gymnasium wear mid physical, education work. Wih real Zippers and knit inside cuffs. $1.98 ; ' Blue Crane " . Silk Hose The prcatest pure silk Stock ing ever made for school wear.' Silk runs high every thread pure. , III ' . I ! ' Wear Blue Cranes , SLOO ' BETTER. SERVICE ' BETTER '-MERCHANDISE - seisBxmiLx I .( V Embalmer ' Theatre Matinee Daily 2:15 Jack Tar Middies Sole agents for this celebrat ed Middy. Detachable wool collar and cuffs. This is the very best. $2.25 Dog Collar Yellow Slickers . Get a Yellow Slicker and let it rain. The conventional yellow slicker suggests so phistication. Brand, new stock all sizes. $4.50 Service Silk Umbrellas Guaranteed. Will not split. Made of imported Swiss taffeta, 1 of 'silk-mixed. ' The greatest improvement since umbrellas were invented. At tractive handles and borders. Boys' Shirts, Blouses , Shown Downstairs.' ! A great asso'rtmcAt of Child ' ren's .Coats, ready-to-wear Dept." " ' ' " WARRANTS OUT FOR ARREST OF I Ji BESt' AND DAVIS (Gontlmied trom paq 1.) 1014 and lOlfi u complete classil'i ci'ulim of aiiitfmml v'.m'.slH were matte. All liimU thut mlKlit be Unvoted' to HKi'Ioulturul mirpnist'H worn liHtt'd uihI.IiuuIh not (Uhiuc(1 suitable , inv aKrit'iillure warn ko (IcslKnHtf'd. - In the limpqua NaHona) Furost thi Kiidi (Irt'itk dcKirt and AlotntT lulu MtMidow dislrhrts were not cliirtiilficd ih boiiuT ntfrU'iiltiinil land ami constMiuiMiMy did not bo- V.QMV. HllVjl ct to )limU!Sll!Hd 0- try. Whon (In1 road was built ' iu from lib; (.'auuiK, M. Hoy DiivIh ami R II. lti'Ht )ntcnd iulo the Ktsh (JrciUt doHiii't' country and built ihmiHolvoH cuhtn.H, They bavo clnimcd Unit tbt:i land in a- rli ii u in I and that they Intend to me iiiiuii ii iiimi uh'j ikmiiv i slead It and obiain. patents. The j forest Kcrvlcp contends that tlif land is nol ilKi'lciilllirnl and llui'. Illo iiimi ni'i' trosiia.HHiM'H. Last wlnler five rmniltcK Bimnt Ilic wlnli'i' in I lull ilislilet. lint with tin-t'oinliiK ol' nin-iiiB all ex- ' ci'lil Imvls niul llfst niovrd onl. In inovhiK out Home of Ihe seltlerrt liui-ned their i-nlilns ami one was destroyed hy Hie forest servlee . eniployees. l.enul sleps were Inken by Hie foresl service lo evict tile two families Ml 111 l emainiiiK hill so fnr , the settlers are holding 10 llielr , claims and are refusing to lie ImdKcd. HchI, It is understood, has stalled out the ground snr 1 l-oiintlliiK his cahin as a niiiilng j claim and will endeavor to hold his properly ,'ni the contention : that It is mineral In character. I Failure lo appear in court, how ' ever, lo answer charges against 1 thelll, ll.ts resulted 111 cnnlcinpl proceedings ami warrants for ' their arrest have now heen issued I placed In Ihe hands of n federal , oflleer for service. BAND CONCERT TO BE GIVEN THURS. IF WEATHER PERMITS ' If Wcalher permits Ihe TVmglas County roiiccit Hand will give its weekly concert on Thursday night. The band Is working hard under the direction of I'rof. Applohoff to arrange a suitable program for the trip to Medford this month, as the bund ha heen sernred Tor the Medl'tird jnhlb'o. Tho local program for Thursday nlnht will offer sev eral hew 'selections, the numbers to be nlayed ttrnf. as fellows: March, "The Olynipahl." Arthur Overture. "JgIIv Kohbers" Suppe Flower Song, "Venetian Hoses" Hoimett. Mnreh, "Spirit of St. Louis" Woods WiilU, "Flower of Italy",. IVStefano March. "The Shriner's Parade" lel.ue. ' - "Star SpniiRled llannor" ' fS'tauly; Taee,' f ffltvcrtnte, lacioftonful. km, tZihoughtfulnru, ! ihfit qualities Mid be in any n'tll arrangtj funeral Scmct. N DOUGLAS FUNERAL HOME H. C. Stearns. Mgr. Est. 1920 Phone 112 Lady Attendant Moore Music Studio , Rooms 2 and 3 above -Ladles Shoppe. Plione 187-R DANCE Every Wednesday Night Rainbow Gardens WINCHESTER Music by Star-Six Orchestra American Legion Auxiliary will hold a cooked food sale at MeKean, Darby nud Unlet- win's on Saturday, Sept. I7lli. liUAlPQUA POSTTO EftlQEAVQR SECURE ITI FIELD Post Will Adopt Project as Us Part-in Community i Service for thd i ; . i ; Year- ; ) Tho fli'Rt fall moetlup of Ump qua Post of tbef mericnu LeKinn Vus held I fist nlj; lit jilt the armory It is the auirot" the'poaU o Ore Koii this year for each group to se lect one major objective' 'Of .com munity :Horviee and ondeayorj to put through, one Important jproject for the benefit of the coininunity. Umpcpia Poat has selected 'tlie tuKk'of establishing a munleipul aviation field' aa its enterprise and has appointed a committee .consist ing of (iiiy Cordon, Itert Pales, John Flurry, Itoy A'oung and Joe' Dcun to handle the campalKii., It is felt that ltoseburg's greatest need at this thne, is a suitable all field. Tho great increase1 in' flying interest, particularly through the eslabilsltment of the Pacific const air niail route, malted (ho landing field situation one of groat importance. At the present time there is possibly an oppor (unity to secure, government help in improving the field if the land Is secured us the government is do siring (o establish a Held everv 3,) n,nas between Portland and San Kranelsco, with an attendant at frequent intervals In order to provide for the mail service this year. Helween Kosehurg and lied illng. because of the hazardous con ditions, it is planned lo liavo an emergency field located .every 15 miles,' uliliouKh these probably will not be improved. 1 The government expents lo hid 111 draining, leveling and marking Ihe- fields, and also has some money to bo used In lighting. II is planned to have a man employ! ed every 30 miles to carry mall from tho field to a railway In case a plane Is disabled. In the event prompt action Is. secured It may be possiblo that the government may aid iu improving tho Koseburg field. The members of Ihe legion post nlso spent considerable, time last night discussing Ihe mining arm istice day celebration. It Is hoped lo prepare a program along nn en tirely new line Ibis year and ofliir an altogether diflerenl sorl ot cele bration, j- Following the business session a joint social time was enjoyed with Ihe autxlliary. watermelons. tlt- nated by Wesley Williams of 1)11- ,iard (lardens, being served. ; I , j lfnmAn J . i ?UIIIC?II JTiaVe , ' .rtlWSVS Wanted a face powder like this new won (lortul Irench ''rooess Powdt- riiiicu -Mi'ii.i.o til.o -sIh.h on 1 eikeeps that rI- shine uwny Kives tho skin a soft, peachy loo prevents larj;e pores. You wil he amazed at the beautifying nualliies puriiy 'of, vMELL(i tll.O. Yon will be ulad you tried It. Niithan Knllertiin. 'riruKKlsV Perkins nult.lin : I NEW TODAY ' . ; , : . 'COAT lor sale. Plione 471-L. WANTEI ) Ten ewe. Khone3F24. FOR SALE 300 applo'boxoil. J.'jX West, Edenbower. ' APaHTMENTS New, ' moderni close in. Phono IH5-J. ftOOFINCi-sfiiiigles and roll roof- lug. Prices light. Pages'. FOR BALE Sa(l(lle"))ony, $2GTCaIl evenings, 3444 Harrison St.. WANTED 100 deer heads to mount. A. Jiruton, Taxidermist. TTl:DuTrl fa help with housework. Mrs. Ned Mxon, 847 S. Stephens. FURNISHED upnrtmenla for rent, 3 rooniB and 2 rooms. 210 S. Parrolt; t FOR SALE Several""' Shetland ponies. Address ltt, 1, Jiox 3, or phone 260-Y. FOR KENT Furnished W. R. range. rooms, ground floor, gas close In. 331 S. Main. WANTED Sewing ut homo or will go out by day. .Mrs.- C. Grannis, 3127 Harvard Ave. LOST S UN DA Y planioncTdln ner ring. Finder pleasEt leave at News-Review office. .Reward. FOR RENT Modorn fTvlTroom house, well furnished. With gar age. Inquire 4U5 Snufh street. WA NTED AT ONCE Girl for general housework. Wrlto W. E. Hercher, Stur Jtt., Itoseburg. TRAILERS' ' TRAILERS, TRAIL ERS For sale, choap. Come iu and give us your order at Surfi's. FOR RENT IIoiisel(eepilJgroom for high school girls, neur Sen ior high school. 1127 Harvard Ave. , i HOUSE FOR KENT One li-room j house, 3 lots, on pavement, 912 per mo, Wilbur Spaugh, 604 S. ! Pine. FOR SALE Huve to move. S .sows and 1 boar, 20 weaned Wilbur. " " FOR IlKNT ti-room buiiKalow, full cement basement, garage, wood in basement. Phono 3tiS-Y. 444 Jleacon St. t FOR. SA LK On grTrniidT"!! block and stove, oak and laurel wood. N. L. Conn, Roscburg. Phone' GfJ 5. ; ' FOR SALR About 75 young tur keys and 20 old hens, cheap. 3h miles east of Sulherlfn. Mrs. J. W. Long.brake. VOIi SALE Hois tein he I f e r, , fresh 2i months. Two Rumbouil let rams, one roglstered. N.' JU. Conn, RoseburgJ Phone GF15. FAT Leghorn hens, 3 yrs. old 50c each, $5.75 per. dozen. Call evenings. Lloyd Cole, out 2nd Ave. South, North Roseburg. WE FIX 'KM You . bet, what? Why all metal felloe band wheels and guarantee our work. Seeourmachine. At Sarf f 's. WiihlKLS, WHEELS, WHEELS Come in and have those .metal felloe bund wheels fixed before it lis too late and save, money and: possibly; life. At Sarff's CAiNINGT0MAT0ES Leave or- ' tiers at the, Fern Flower Shop, phone 240 or at the Fern green house, J way to Uillard, phone j!7F2. Win. Austin & Son. )ON'T"6rGET To come' i'il and see the hydraulic spoke tighten er for ,metal felloe band w heels work at Sarff's Auto Wrecking House, 329 N. Main St. ' WAN TE D Tii re e girls to room, near normal. Good beds, house modern; may use kitchen. Mrs. A. O. Itose, ilUl Blvd., Ashland, Ore. Potatoes WANTED Partner, either active or silent, for iutervlow up till Friday.- Address Potato, care News- Review. FOR SALE 4 -room plastered house; 80 feet frontage, paved street, garage and wood shed. Price $1500, $100 caslT, balance ?15 per mouth. Chas. Kyes, 82U " N. Jackson St. .... PRUNE WORKERS WANTED Families for picking and a few good ti'ayinen. Must have camp jug equipment. Call in person jit Chamber of Commerce for as signment. Re-Shlngle with Pioneer Slate Surfaced Shingles No Muss No Fuss Best Quality Reasonable Cost Extended terms to responsible owners. Coen Lumber Company SAVE money on .your mortgage . loan by our monthly payment plan. Pay off tho old mortgage with a new one. We have a very convenient installment loan plan which not only makes payment easy hut effects a worth while saving to-tho borrower. Umpqua Savings nud Loan Association, IX) n g las Abstract Hullding. BORN MILLER To Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy Miller of Oakland, Tuesday, Sep tember ti, 1927, ut Mercy hospital, a daughter. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Weather Bureau Office, Roseburg, Oregon. Data reported by Arthur W. l'ugh, Meteorologist in charge. Barometric pressure (reduced to sea level) 5 a. m 30.14 Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes terday (per cent) 64 Preclp. In Int. and Hundredths: Highest temperature yesterdny 59 Lowest temperature last night 47 Average temperature lor the day 53 Normal temperature for this date f.5 Precipitation, last 24 hours 4S Total precip. since 1st month .70 Normal precip. for this month 1.04 Total precip. Irora SopL 1, 1927, to date 70 Average precip. from Sept. 1, 1S77 14 Total excess since Sept. 1, 1927 .56 Average seasonal precip. Sept. to May inclusive 31.12 Forecast for southwest Oregon: Fair touight and Thursday, moder-, ate temperature. - - ' Customer . i i ' .. t - .v7!t, The California Oregon Power Company S'-i ' i y Jfedford. i' f A MODERN COUNTRY HOME AT A SACRIFICE 30 acres of bottom lnnclllOO bearing walnuts; 400 walnuts, three and four years 'olu ;; family orchard and berries of different varieties) shrubs and flowers; rive-room house, iuoderu; large barn;' tool shed; chicken house and 4 yards: garage; walnut dryer. All buildings are in good con- dition. Includes team, farm' implements, tools, to operate the place, wood to last for a year, chickens, iu fact, every- thing on the place.' Casli price $7500. For terms see N.' Rico. ( AKcl.itpfl I'reM Leawil Wirt) PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 7. Continued firmness of .the local wholesale butter market is shown by half cent gains In ; the" price today on the two top : grades . of. cubes. Extras and standards were bid up to 45 nnd 44 cents respec tively, at yesterday's Hate after noon session of the dairy exchange. Receipts continue insufficient for market demand. With the price gain for standard cubes, butterfat is automatically quoted Jo higher also, at 45 ceuts per pound. Except for a decline of lc to 30c on firsts, wholesale eggs, are .-Unchanged on the exchange board. Country dressed meats : and pouury are sieaoy tub; receipts a mite neavy. partly uuo to ttie i halt tn shipping over Labor day. ' j Produce prices for fresh season-; able fruits and vegetables were maintained at even ..levels -. this t morning, about even with I hf,t week's figures. A few new lots of Elberta peaches from Yakima were in nnd selling from $1.35 to $1.50 per box. , . itrapB uemauu is verjr smw ana . I. I. I. n CM v.un.u.u grain's nt 40 cents per four-quart, basket are moving slowly. ' taklnia potatoes are plentiful at from $1.S5 to $2 per cwt. CAnoctatMl Pmi L.tH Wire) PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 7. Cat- tie and sheep steady. - - If"'-." bids IS -Q'tS'teM lower on .killing classes. , Heavyweight (L'.tO to 3.i0 pounds) mclium to nhiu tiA... 114.:. . .11.1111- f ll'.HU I. f lll.-llllllll More than 3000 ''" Preferred Shareholders Growth More than 25,000 'satisfied customers in 50 cities and , towns are users of the utility services supplied by The California Oregon Power Company. ; Reasonable rates for ' dependable service account in a large measure for this satisfaction.' - 1 Five years ago the-Company served only 13,294 jcus , tomers. This increase, of ,mpre,than 88 per cent has neces- , sitated the investment of large sums of money for "extensive additions, to plants and transmission lins. ' " ' 'J " Our 3,000 preferred shareholders are receiving dividends regularly by mail every three months as their share of the . cash return; on this; investment. Their money, goes t directly into permanent; :: useful public utility properties. j t f-;' , , jQopj! of this, describ; ' ing and illustrating "the 'properties' of The California Oregon Power Company, will be sent to you on request, together with complete information about invest , ment in, the Company's, preferred shares. I ,:'i- OFFICES, , ),;,, Grants Pass. Roseburg. KJomath - Yreka. lAuumulrrCaiifonua; ' 1 : 'i ' ';' i '. . K.l.IW.IMI'W'M'W'IM'II5IiI HEINLINE PIANO SCHOOL . . Reopens Sept. 6th AH instruction material furnished FREE.- Double Piano Work Featured. . . Suite 'i Kohlhagen Blclg wiFTir.ra.TiiigE weight (20U to 250 pounds) medium t,o choice $11.75 $12.50; light weight (160 to 200 pounds) . me- cllum. to choice $12.25 g ' $12.75; light lights (130 to 160 pounds) mu dium to choice $11.75 H $12.25: packing' hogs, rough and smooth $7.00 fi $9.75; slaughter pigs ,(90 o 130. pounds) medium tn choice $11.50 S12.35; feeder nnd Block er pigs (70 to 180 pound)!) medium to choice $11.00'- 0 $12.60.', (Soft 'or oily hogs and roasting l!gs excluded In above quotations.) (AuocUttd rret. Lfued Wlr.) t PORTLAND, Ore.. Sept. 7 ' Wholtisale: prices: Mutter extras standards and .butterfat up cent eaclr, Extra cubes city 4i cents: standards 44 cents; prime firsts 43 cents:,' firslfi '3SJ , cents. Croamery pricea: Prints 3- cents above cube standnnls: butterfat 45 cents f. o. b. 'Portland. toi8itra.iiiigiiMira Antlers Ira TODAY IRENE RICH "DEARIE" tV W S V A SENSATIONAL STORY OF BROADWAY'S NIGHT LIFE ,5; l E E g IS Comedy "Youth and Matinee 10c-25c . -. - .A ( FallsrOregon , . Phone .390 Bids lo farmer: Dutterfat up 1 cent. Milk: Raw milk (4 percent.) $2.25 cwt. f. q. b. Portland, flutter- fat 45 cents f. n. h. Portland. Eggs: Firsts down 1 cent. Cur rent receipts 29 cents; fresh me diums 27 cents; fresh standard j firsts 30 cents; fresh standard ex tras 34 cents. Poultry steady; heavy hens 21 !? 22; light 11 W 12; springs 23 i25; broilers 19 . i 20; pekin whim ducks 20; colored nominal; turkeys alive .nominal. ' Onions steady, local $1.00 W : i-otatoes ti.2& fi ji.65 sack . Nuts steady: walnuts 27 40: filberts 19 Sf 20; almonds 24 S 21! Brftjill nuts . 14 ifi) 16; Orego'i chestnuts 171 20; peanuts 10 (Til 15 cents. ' ' Cascara bark steady. 7 i1 cents; Oregon grane root nominal. Iloiis steady: 1326 crop 17 W 1!. EEK Theatre Beauty" Short Shot ,- Evening 10c-25c-35c