;i THREE' 4 From Tye ? ' I . ' ' , 1 1 ' ! K. E-.Emmett of Txi-p SsiiCiU seVi j frul hour? Tuesday, attending to'; buinesH yiffairs Mini visiting ;. In Mlllllllllll tlWINGS OF 1 1 . i nils city, i y in, On Business , , , ' , '.Roy-. Quenten : of WIlfimN spent a fw hours Tuesday In llin city transacting business nud trailing. 0k :.lviii-i'tn ii i .i.i Business Visitor - Arthur Matthews of . Umpqua ! annnt n fttw tinnru 'PnetMlnv'tti t Ii 1 n ' city looking niter business airatrs anil visiting. ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW," WEDNESDAY! SEPTEMBER 7, ; 1927.' ! t ?-; !.! 1 H K M I I'll 1ST I N T. ! ; ': One grade only no second . or third grades are produced. On that point, Schilling Coffee stands alone. ' Is it any wonder that its quality is so jealously guarded ? That single grade, alone and unassisted, ' . , must bear the entire burden of Schilling Coffee reputation. Schilling.Cofee Tcl9SPice3i Extract; BakinE Powdev MUll 1 HI I. 1. .............. I. til, i. I. I LOCAL NEWS In Tuesday . , B. A. Stuart, resident of Glide, was attending to business affairs and visiting in this city on Tues day afternoon. , Visit In Southern Oregon Mr. and MrR,- Geo. -Wharton spent the holiday visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.- Lutz in Grants' Pass. ..'-.. .j , Go to Reedsport Mr. and Mrs. 0. V. 'Wlmberly of, this city and the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wlmberly, of . Drain, spent the week-end on a motor trip to Reedsport.' . To Glendale Dr. A. C. Seely went to Glendale today to assist in the clinic being .conducted by the county health uuit. It is expected- that about fifteen children will bo entered In the clinic. Mlss Scott Hero i ! ' ... ' '"; Miss Naomi Scott accompanied Miss Helen Casey home the first of the . week ; . following . . Miss Casey's visit in Portland as her guest. Miss Scott was here last year and instructed in the string ed Instrument- department of the Heiullne Conservatory of Music. This year she will conduct her own studio. ' Visit at Coast , . Mr. anil Mib. John Throno spent the week end , visiting ot coast points. -. -. i. From Umpqua - - - ' John Bacon- of Tlmpqua was in this city , attending to ' business affairs aiid :yislting with ' friends ont'i uesuay. ' (,'" i r r v . ." ' I . Returns to E'joene J- Harry. Wilcox, who has been spending his vacation in this city visiting at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wilcox, returned to Eugene the first of the' week. He is employed as clerk at the Osborn Hotel. ' Fatnl Accident ' A telegram received here Mon day "by Wm. ' Sanders, employe at Brand's Road- stand north of this clty!,.toldi of the death of Stanley Hickman, husband of Mr. Sanders sister, who formerly mado her home hero. Mr. Hickman ' met with a .motorcycle nccldent: at Vancouver, B. C, on Saturday and was taken to a hospital there, dying from the injuries he sustained- on Sunday. - Mrs. Hickman was formerly. 'Miss- Mary 'Snnders and is well known in this city. She had been married only month. . ' Miss Scranton Visits Miss Alice Scranton ot Camas Valley visited with friends and spent Tuesday afternoon shopping in this city. From Riddle :J. W. Hodge of Ttldillo was In tlilR city Tuesday afternoon look ing nfter business affairs ami vis iting with friends. . ' Mrs. Olllvant Visitor Mrs. Eugene Olllvant of Olnlln was shopping and transacting business In this city for n Jew hours on Tuesday. ' Leavlna For East Thursday . Bert Wells leaves Thursday on a business trip to Wisconsin points, whore he will look after properly Interests. Mr. Wells Intends to visit principally in Abbotsford and Medford. Going to Mllwaukle Miss Florence Sinnott, who hns been spending tho summer here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Sinnott. following her gradua tion from TJ. ot O. this spring, leaves Friday for Mllwaukle, Ore., where she will be instruclor In mu sic In the public schools this winter. Move Here to Reside Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Entler hove moved to this city from MeiU'ord, where Mr. Entler, who is em ployed ns salesman bv the Honev man .Hardware- company; formerly made bis headquarters. Mr. Ent ler has purchased a home in I.nurelwonil whore he and his family will reside. Mr. Duncan Left Mrs. Robert riunrnif nnd her two children, Robert. Jr., , and Helen Joyce, who havn been spend ing the summer In Mils city visit ing with their pnrenri and m-and-nitrenl.s. Mr. ,. and Mrs. . Horace Pnmnbnll, and with "' friends, left the first of the week for their 'nme in Oiwinnnll. Ohio. On Mondnv thev were guests of' Mrs. Duncan's sster. Mrs. Geo. Nouner. In. Poniard and this morning they left for Ohio. Miss Ueland Left -for East , , Mlsn Emma Ueland. "who fol lowing. 'Uhe Iconi'pletlbn ; iot her year's course at Columbia Uni versity In New York City, has been spending the. summon 'hero visiting with her . parents, . Mr. nnd Mrs. X,. A.. TToland, and other relatives, left Tuesday for New York., Miss Ireland this y'ear will loach at the William Smith Col lege at Geneva. New York. Her work In the girls' sclmol is clotli Inir and related art. Enrouto she will ston over In Minneapolis to visit Miss Cora Ueland, and In North Dnkotn. Change Tires Now Don't risk your life and lives of your family. Take off those old tires that have been worn smooth from the summer's traveling and buy new DUNLOP tires. " Dunlop tires will give you good wear and you can count on it that they will all be good not a bad one here and there. The Dunlop people control production from the plantation to the completed rubbery tire, and maintain an even quality. Try a tire by Dunlop "Founders of the pneumatic tire industry." J. 0. Newland & Son Distributors for Douglas County Roseburg, Oregon Phone 458 Up-to-Date or Out-of-Date, That is the Ques tion Your Clothes Are Asking. But without rushing the sea son or asking you to live by a calendar don't 'you think that something J should be done about what you haven't done? ' j i j i l ' That new KUPPENHF.IMER or MICHAELS-STERN suit you've put off-the MAL LORY hat to top it off the FALL SHIRTS Neckwear. This is going to .be a "DRESS UP" season if there ever was one Messrs. September, October and November are not going to lay their richest gifts at the door of the man who says, "Please go away and let me sleep." ' We're ready when you nre indeed we're ready NOW.' Wilder and Agee Company KUPPENHEIMER AND MICHAELS-STERN GOOD CLOTHES. At Diamond Lake ' ! 1 11 ' Roy Evans of this city spent Sunday and 'Monday at Diamond lake. ' ; ' .- : ' ' - - Go to Reedsport 't Mr. and, Mrs. Dlrnoy, 11. West, of this city motored to Ki-otlsport over Sunday and Mondny. Expected From Portland" ' " J. H. Booth is expected homo to day following a few days Hlny In Portland where he was loolihig af1 tor business affairs. Left for Sioux Falls' ' '" f Mrs. Willard Johnson arid -baby left Tuesday for Sioux Falls, North Dakota, where they will vLsit with relatives for several weeks. . - Visiting In Portland Mrs. Nathan Fullerton find niece, Miss Jean Donnelly,; went ,to Port land Tuesday and .will' .spend a week there visiting, with- friends. Home From North i . Mrs. tHoss and dauRhtor, 'Jjoulso, ro(ueerdi'. hlfl ixioi;jing Xqllowfr lug !aVii'vWtl,fiienda' in the1 northern; .jiaf't bC thoUtUfo':--'.).'; "'t nt;;- '-. ;-J:'r -'.;,); .f,. Here From-Portland A. B. 'Sniith arrived this moni Jnpr from Portland on a visit. Mr. Smith is- an automobile dealer of that city. j To Visit in Roseburg Mi-s. Karl Ileflin and dauRhter, Karleen, are expected hero today from Kugene and will be guests at the home of Mrs. A. J. Ford for a several days' visit. THE VO CUE, EXPLAIN ED There is a certain verve to oil and vin egar when they ate freshly mixed, French' cooks tell us. That is the ration d'etre '. of this vogue of mixing French Dress ing right at the table. . , At the smartest dinners where social customs originate, the hostess herself mixes the French Dressing arid ' pours it,1 freshly blendedj onto, the salad. It is a pleasant and charming custom and. certainly results in a de licious salad. ' 1 1 ... Three parts of Wesson Oil to one . of vinegar or lemon juice makes a de lightfully mild dressing. If you add more vinegar two parts for instance your dressing will be more iart.' 1 Vary thq proportions according to I your own taste and the strength, of your particular vinegar or lemon. Sale ... pepper . . .'and paprika for color. " And then shall it.be a bit of this crumbled Roquefort on this green salad . ' or Sweeter bar-le-duc, perhaps if yout : salad is fruit. This is where the finesse comes in . . . . . ,to try a bit of thi$ . and a bit of that and vary your dress-, ' ing to suit your salad . . or your whims. We-son Oil is often recommend ed by women because it is so clear and light in color, and because it is very wholesome and delicate in flavor. Ota MM From Salem 1 C. B. Reynolds of Salem spent tho week-end here on business nnd visiting. , . ,. i v , Here From Portland' .t N. K. Walker arrived last niRiii from Portland anil Is spending a few days hero attending to busi ness aitairs. Returns Home After Visit Mrs. W. Ii. Nichols, followlni; a visit here with her two-' brothers, JudKO J. C. Fullerton and John l''ulli:r(oi-,, since Sunday, returned to Rlddlo this morning. 'i On Motor Trip South Mr. nnd Mrs. H. U. Cochran nnd three daiiKliters, tho-Misses Mild red, Marjorio anil Patricia Coch ran, left this morning on a inotor trlp to southern California points. They nil be away about two weeks. Eugene Man Visits G. K. HoiiBon of KiiRene was an arrival In this city last evening to visit and transact business for a brief time Leaving for Portland .Mrs. U, W. Hates will leave to morrow for Portland after a visit here for several weeks with re latives and friends. Site will be accompanied by her son, Ross, Who Is returning to nil) Mllitnry Academy for tho winter, , Ladies Aid to Meet i Tho Ladies Aid of the North Methodist church will hold a so cial meeting on Thursday after noon of tills week in the church parlors. As this Is tho first meet ing of tho full, a good attendance is desired. To Glendale Today E. W. Tatum returned to Olon dnle today aflor spending a day in. tills city looking after business affairs. , To Glendale ' Mrs. O. Olson returned to Olon dalo this morning nftor spending a day here shopping and on business Returns to Portland O. N. Plercb, brldgo contractor of Portland who hns been in tills city the pnst few days, left by au to this afternoon for his homo In tho 'north. From Oakland Mrs. O.. C. Rader of Oaklnnd spout tho morning In this city visiting friends nud attending tu buslnesB matters. Herbert Beyers of Canyonvlllo was in this city looking .nrier' businesH affairs and vlsitiiiK- for a fow hours on Tuesday. ,u: Hoovers Home From Motor Trip Dr. and Mrs. E. V. Hoovej und daughter, Ruth, nro homo follow ing a two weeks' motor trip. They drove to Portland and' Scaltlo, at that place Joining tholr daughter, Ruth, who had boon visiting hor sister. The party drovo through Yollowstona national park and vis ited in Salt Lake City, returning homo via California and slopping In Ban Francisco. Mrs. Lilnh Wilson of Canyon, vlllo was shoiiiilim and attondiui;, to business affairs 111 Roseburg this morning. ... , ' Fred K. Rood loft todny for his . homo In California alter being -liero for the punt sovernl weeks receiving treatment following nil auto accidont. Mr. Rood was dis missed from tho hospital a shore" timo ago ami iias boon rocuperut Ing befuro resuming Ills journey south. Left For Portland Mrs. A. n. Crawford of this cltv and her brother, Oibbs Taylor of Fort Jones, California, went, to Portlnnd by motor yestordav. Mrs. . ...... rii 1 i.. Crawford and her brother will to Halt Lake City,' Utah, whero v. i. in ijjh niuirupons lor mo ru- hn will snend a month visiting Back From North E. E. Wlmberly and son, Elton, are homo from a motor trip to Portland, where they accompanied Mrs. Wlmberly tho first of tho 3 mf" maindnf of the week. TPELIGHTFUL p -"-patterns for every A room in our splcniiid i variety of genuine k M Congolcum Quid Sad 'ft Art-Rugs. See them! i I McKean, Darby & ' j Baldwin Furniture Co, i It Complete Housefurnlshers V j Roseburg, Oregon A with relatives and friends. Former Residents Spend Night Mr. nnd Mrs. Douglas J. Wlllsnn of Medford, but formerly residents of this cily, whero Mr. Wlllson was employed as clerk at the Ter minal hotel for a year, spent last night hero visiting friends. They aro enrouto to Winchester flay on a vacation. Mr. Wlllson Is now head clork at tho Medford Ter minal hotel. ' ' ' " "" ' Sells Property F. V. Smith, resident nf Myrtle Creek, was a business visitor In .noseburg this morning. Mr. Smith I has Just sol.l his ten-acre ranch at Myrtle Creek to Ed Chase, a re cent arrival from Colorado. Mr. jChaao Is taking Immediate posses i sion and Mr. Smith and his wife, who havo been making tholr home at Myrtle Creek for tho past flvo years will go to southern Califor nia soon to visit with friends and relatives. Misses'... a n d... Children's Coats, Raincoats, Umbrel las, Skirts, Sweaters, and Middies for school wear. Misses' Coats, sizes 15, 17 and 19. Prices $19.75 to $27.50 Children's Coats 6 years to 14 years Prices $6.95, $19.75 MARKSBURY STORE