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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1927)
EIGHT 1 c -VI li! I OPEN A BANK lJ'--M ;,i;:YOUR.OWN,::' y, t Ladies, jive earnestly solicit your patronage. Every 'effort will bexpendecl in making our relationship pleasant .one by rendering prompt, accurate and "Icdurteous service. ' -T ;..( '"'iOiVi "'V' ' 'H-:Vf Vti-'.;'-- t' ! . ' ' i I ' . i ti.'i".. It-is the duty of every -woman.' to encourage v" saving in the Ijome. ; . You could not set a better "example than by opening an account ; - with us .yourself! - '' '' ! :,' UMPQUA VALLEY BANK I . . . - ... .. , B I ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. r.rr ' ! , Established 1901 ' ' ' 1 i.-.i.t;.Iilf!.H.jEvHITTER,,Manor 'l - i " ' .? .4 a oulded and Maintained on Efficient t w yi 'ilyfr-' Service and Courtesy .' ; -J'y; ; .,; " r "'. -. .: ,t AMBULANCE 8ERVICE i. i ' ' rnona, ztjff -Oak anil tKane 8ts,; fatitolMHHBMMaTO 13 heinline; PIANO SCHOOL i' ' eopieJls All ! - t: - il-ij: !( f i-LAST TIMES TpDAY, .Matihe Daily. 2115- , ! BfirltATMN nCTUMI INC aJ lOWIM CAIfWl rilKN "TOLSTOVi ; ; BJJBO J t . . a tmr mjjvmt' A Piciure That Throbs ' To The Heart-Beat 0 Humanity ; ' ; , ; . 1 ..You'll find drama of coo.'. . trail vait at ihe plain, J, as awceplng aa a inow atorm In thlt famoua 7 " . romance of a Girl of the - v Soil and a Prince, of the Blood. Of how, In the aorrow he brought her, ; be found hu oul. . See thlt great drama todayl ,'MAL ROACH ftstnU '--M, kCHARLEY CHAStin , MANY SCRA RETURNS mmmuitmvwiv FOX NEWS Mat. 10c-25c g.f-m moil uuiiuu iiieii?rjai .turnisnea rntt, .. uoubie -a 9':':l- i '. ri-V'-i.'itfr?: i r. .iii.. .ir .i.i 5 g .. -''i'f.rnoyyrWK featured.'-..-. -i I Suite I , , f ' j Kyilhagen Bldg. - Phone 390 MINiq ...Greater. Movie. Season I VI I II I U ,.r -1 . - i An EMn Careuw Production Unlttd Arllm Plclurtf mm Eve. 10c-35c;ttlao Miwctni tlmt there will be a - i ronort' on tlte" niDv'tliff of ihe'iiren- -1 WANDA ARMOUR ' AT THE ORGAN j ; ACCOUNT 'OF J ' ' ' ' . '" . ' ' " ixuseuurg, Oregon g Licensed Lady I " ' Embalmer Sept. 6th ' I i rnrn'' rv'' 1st fears Neeqed, HeSays, to Assirriilate Batch I" ' ; bf;NeW Knowledge 'A'cfcumulated. .SIT1' wJ;--t Mi (AHocittiHl Trcu loi44l Wire) . l.ONIjQN,, Bopt 0. Foellngs; rnpKiiiR iruin aiuazemoni lo anitiKu .miint.lmvf!' boi(ii, iiraunuil In JJnltlHlt Hciunuuc ciroh'H by (he BUKgettv lion rum the HIkM Rev. lOilwunl Ai uiur ijun'oiytim, Dianop or itiponf fori i..ttm-ye4i?-''Bcleiitiric hollUny.,li The blHliop, in a Hoi innn SundHyi sulci that the world would net oil I vorjr JiBPlilly If, eveiyr MabonUory. JwifccloHod tor' a (iuf Ado.1 to allon'' I 111., Unilil 1,1 lluu(lllln,u tha avnl , liitionary Jtnowleijue wth,wlilcU it wuh' Klulted. The oiioiKy tliun hiiv- .ed, hb uddod, .ooukllMyUHod"iir re t'.ovurliiK "too lost art o( guttliiK. on'tkni6i'."'; . i SU-iDsu)cl': Hll,liVi(iiiiiflc'tldvlHl or lo tho boiitd of iiKihcuiluiu, in quoted iih turiulnjj the propOHitlbn uiltiivulutit to ttskltiK the' ' buidnuim' mini, who riiiilH (lirtlciilty in keop iiiK up hla end commercially lo utiiy In bed lor n cerliiln leiiKlh L timo In ordei' l,o aitve Voiry' uml expontie. . Thu IJiichcKs of Atholl, preHldeut of . the ediiciilloii Henaloii of the .ItrtlHh, UHHoeliition ior. ndviineu lneutlof Bok'iwc. reuiafked; ,"We iiiuy be breathleHH and reel " lireil in tliejihcij Id nedure ( VuiiwledHei, Hufwo cuuiiot settle down and do iiotliini; ror . ten Ji'UiR.- Tluit- l quite Impossible." . . Sir Oliver Lodge said that it the blHliop'H crltielHiu rererred only lo the . apiilicatlon ot Helence, he mlKlit UKrou with hhn. Aa exam pies, lie mentioned televiaion and aviation. Any atoppiiKO in the ad vnneo of- knowledge,. however, would be1 u very BerloiiH tliini;-. Sir Oliver ndded that "althoiiKh wo aro now IIvIiik in a areiit period of Heientirie advancement, rather than Bultitlincsx mid philoa ophy, 1 tho era of, philosophy will dawn aKatn, and 1 think we may lake heart.," f.i , ; . CITY COUNCIL ' EXPECTS BUSY SESSION TONIGHT Tho city ooitncll la to hold ' a ivory busy meeting JonlM, It 1h oxponttMl, fta thorn nro a numbnr nt imiuirtanl miUUim coniliiK up for cousltlorntlon. One of the chief features for discussion tonight i the mattpr of the IVer Creek I brldKC. The plans ami apeciflcn ,j tloiiH ar to. bo adopted and pro i ceoflure :iita tcd to Kt tho con ! m met ion work under wnv. It in t rnt Urh-to the proposed new lo j cation on Pltier or Kowlor street, la special cltlxenn committee hav j Ing been appoint eil to confer with the council on tnis project. J 1 s I '! .- . i ;' 5 i i ale -1 90 J EHW I I i Iflfl STATE HAS TWO DEER RESERVES I IN THIS COUNTY . - ! j. ; Section of tipw Creek Can- '. i, yon Placed ui Reserva-' v t tion This Year. ; i j . U'!t. 1 .H j a-l'.,'- -M,-.' f ' i .1 PROTECT WHITE TAILS ?;,.; , a i. , ; p : ; j 1 1 !"f' . . - i T ' Territory Northeast of Rose ns hiirtr in Rt'Berve tni Save V I' i Deer. Nea rly. Extinct ' !...,.. in State.. .. Tho placing of the' Cow Crock canyon In a Htate -game reserve will take away the favorite hunt liiK place for niuny of- the deer hunters of the Hlute, au In the patit the canyon country has been one of tho favored spots; particularly on thu part of sportsmen from the northern part of the Htate.' . -- iTho! entire east Hide of the ca.n yorf 1h la thlH reserve, which waB created a few months ago by the game comnilsHlon In order to pro Vide a place where deer may - be protected and propagated. Iir past yearn the Cow; Creek canyon- Iiuk been one of the leading hunting apols of the state,, and It wuh feared that extinction of the'doer would result unions steps Were tak en to provide a ' reserve In which they could be protected. ! ; Ah the Cow Creek canyon Is one of' tho roughest ' sections; of the county and Is best suited for pro pagation of deer, 'It Was deemed to place a section ' of 'it 'In a re serve, the boundaries of "which are as follows: ' ' : 1 "Btartlng at the bridge ' across Cow Creek In Ihe town of Riddle; thence following southwest on the Olep brook road to a .point 1 where that road crosses the Southern Pa cific railroad; - thence iiJong the railroad to Glendale; thence fol lowing the old . highway to -the Pact He. highwuy; thence over the pacific highway ito . the town, or Canyonville;: thence over 'the Cau-yonvllle-Kiddlo . . thighway to. the pojut of beginning, uii.. .or wnicn laudH-aro. lyhi wt-thln. portions oti townttmpts. au, 6i anu az,. range :i woHt, , raiiKO- 6 west, range 3 west, range 7 west and , range 8 weat, Willamette meridian,, altuuted In IjoiiMliiH county, elate ot Oregon." n lit. addltilOn ,to the Cow Creek ree;ve, , whloh la -imw this year, Douglati .cqunty lalHO, has :a White Tall Deor'Cnmo Ketugo, -- located on tho North Unipqua.. So far uh iri known , thy only-white tall iteer In the stato of Oregon i are to be foifiid In JJouglHB county. These deori aro faomewhat: larger . 'than tho oydlnary deeif mnd , travel banda. Instead vt traveling around over, conshterahle. territory they re-1 main -In one, particular section. If! tlieyi aro frightened ;out i they al-: ways return ,to Uie samev location I eventually ,ho that they aro easy j to fxteriulnutq if. protection Is not i afforded. In, order .to save the few j ((eer: remaining In the- stato the. present . reservation .was created j Heyeral years ngb and so (far aa j jean be estimated: the number of deer Is showing an lncroase as a result of the protection afforded. 1 This reserve is bounded as fpl lows: r . . . "Starting nt a point in' Iloseburg whero the Pacific highway cronses itho :I)eer Creok road; following Deer Creek road In aii easterly! 'direction to-a point where it Inter sects with the Oak Creek roacl at IMxonvlllot "thence northeasterly along Oak ciek to where It Inler sectH with the North Fork ot tho Unipgua' river; following the North Fork of the Ulnpqua westerly to tho Pacific highway bridge nt Win-' Chester; thence southerly follow ing Iho Pacific highway to a point of beginning: all of which lands aro lying within portion of town ships 25 and 2(, ranges 4, 5 nnd t west,1 Willamette meridian, all sit uated In Douglas county, Htate of Oregon." The hunting season opens next Saturday, September 10, and from all appearances there will be more hunters In the' woods than ever be fore. The present rains will do n great deal to aid In hunting as old tracks will be obliterated and It II also be easier to get through the woods quietly. At the same time tho danger ot forest fire Is also lessoned. Woodsmen, rangers and others who have been in the woods a great deal recently, re- "Carnation Mush brines to jour breakfast bowl all the. " .flavor, all the nutriment, ot. golden wheat fields. AnJ does it in i fninutfj thanks to the Albers process Ask your grocer I; port that there apparently Is an ubunduuee of deer this year. Another announcement of Inter est to hunters was made this morning by Kd 'Walker, deputy I game warden,' who states that he as been given authority to grant permits for shipment of deer by eif.ijre.-4S or to out-ol-mate uointti. be law reci ui res tnat wherever f veniKOii is to be shipped out of the Htate that a special permit Is necessary. Deer may be checked as baggage lo any place In the state, but If sent by express with in the stute a permit, such uh for out-of-state shipments is alo ac quired. Heretofore It has been necessary to Bend to Portland for Uiese permiis, ano, puen nit uwuii would spoil nerore me iiuinoriiy lor shipment could' be, received. Now, however, It will , be posslhle to secure, the permits from Mr. Walker. In the, event . of Mr. .Wulker's absence from the lly thp permits will lie ( issued ny Charles I.ockvrood, president . pf In. ' rii.iiirlii'ti f'riinili? fltini. I'rnifn- tlve association. ! PIpwh for all kinds of, aolls at WJuirton pros. , . UMPQUA POST TO MEET TONIGHT IN . FIRST FALL SESSION The flrat American Legion meet ing of the fall season in to be hold tonight. L'muqua J'OHt ban not been meeting during the sum mer but will resume Its regular sessions starling tonight. The lo- gionnairos have been invited to bo tho guests ot Wesley Wil Hums of lilllard Hardens, at a wa termelon feed and if weather per mits the till) w ill be made to I)il lurd and tho meeting will bo bold there Jointly wllh the uuxillury. In ttio event the. weather is loo Incle ment, however, the session will be hold at the armory, whore the vet erans uro .to meet At 8.1). m.. . . ROUND THE WORLD . FLIERS ARRIVE AT . CALCUTTA; INDIA i - -- -(Artoefatcd 1'rcir Leased Wire) ' ' ' CALCUTTA, British India, Sept. I. Forging steadily ahead In their endeavor to break the record for .voyuge around the ; earth, Wil liam S. Brocki and Edward ' F. Schloe arrived bore today from Al lahnbad.: ' " ' . ' i The trlli. 'made in four hourB and 40 minutes,, added: ISO : miles tu thoir log, uml put them 8,030 miles from . their starting point, Hurbor Grace, Newfoundland, which they left on August 27.' ' They flew Ho' Allahabad ' yester- day from Karachi, a ' distance of " i hours. The next leg from Calcutta to Rangoon; Burma, is b(J5, miles. ' r - ! 1 '-. ', Their route from that point on has been tentatively mapped out as follows: Tourane, French Indo china; Hongkong, ( Shanghai, , To kyo Wil then over thb! Pacific via the' Hawaiian Islands. They' will muko final decision regarding the lOUto later. , . t ' i , ' ! 1 . 0;- : 1 ; PENDLETON NEARLY ADDS " ! ' NEW PERMANENT CITIZEN i : t i i' ' 1 I '.I l . ' ' ! (AfiiKiclatod Pitbs Irfatfrl WlteJ ; . PUNULKTONOre., Sept. 0 Ut ile .Hubby or Little Kmily or what ever) the -child's 'name; boy or girl', might have been, came near being a peimanent citizen' of Pendleton yesterday had not speedy and fast thinking Pendletoniuns acted. i A family of tourists from Michi gan stopped at a local service -aia- j tion and Bobby or. Kmlly climbed out and got a drink. The' family I chugged uway forgetting Bobby or. Emily, having several other child ren to count; The service station man found the Infant nnd a chase started which- ended at the foot of the iUuu Mountains. Bobby or Kmlly Is now speeding on tho way to Michigan. 1 i Broccoli Reduces Texas Guiriah's Weight. ! 1 Vegetable at First Little Known In the . East Given Boost by Well Known Woman. (Portland Orogonliui) , ' An OroRon product, hrocooli, which is Krown uuilniy' in lllo llosoliiiig territory and .other sec tions iu tlio southern end ot' the state, t rocoi.ved an unsolicited hoost last week from one of New York's cclohritles and hostess of a popular nlnlit clul), and irn. ducer as well o( tt show, "Pad locks, of 1927." Broccoli as mi-, article of diet suited for the person desirini; lo tako oft', superfluous riesh iu heartily recommended hy Texas, who gnve her opinions In a recent Interview. When "Padlocks of 1927" went Into rehearsal Texas weished 185 pounds, "Fat Is a disease," she said to 'horsolf, Valid I must do something about it,"- .Todsy Miss nullum weighs 1.11 pounds. The loss, for those not quite hright mathematically, is 51 pounds. Down in the list of her veget ables is the secret broccoli, a few years ago u littte know ve getable, liroccoli used lo cost about a nickel for all that a Jug gler could carry away, but' when you follow the ' little black dots across from its position on tho menu flie eye encounters some thing that looks like a healthy cover charge. A lot of persons ap parently hav a discovered . about broccoli. 'It Iirs to bo cooked In. olive oil snd garlic anj? eaien with a lit tlo lemon Juice." la Texas re marks. "It's delicious with sauce, of course, hut that's not the way to eat It if you wnnt to reduce. I eat lots of broccoli. "All Ihe diets In Hie world won't do any good If you drink. Alcohol mnkes fat. If you want to keep your figure don't drink it ; sell It." Spends Week-End ' Miss MildiPd Matthews, former ly of this city and now of Port land, spent the weekend In this city visiting with relative nnd friends. I " ffitverenee, r LkofconfitW ton, thought fulnest, thete qualitiff JMuQ bt ; in any "ivelt arranged tyunerat Scoue. DOUGLAS FUNERAL :, HOME ,:. ' H.' C. Etearna. ' Mgr. ' Eh. 1020 . ' Phone '112 ' Lady Attendant !, ; ' ' t "'I J i Moore Music Studio 1 Rooms 2 and 3 above it Ladies Shoppe. "l ' Phone 187-R ' 10 CAUSE Conditions Are Ideal ; tor ' Spread of Disease1 Has Some Beneficial As ' , ! pects, However. ' ' The heavy , rain last night and this morning :wlll result iu consid erable, damage : to Uie . prune .crop, It is feared, as the conditions are ideal. for .. the development of brown rot. The disease is very prevalent :tliis year, it. is stated, uml the warm rains. aro conducive to spreatj.. , i; n , Aside i from: tho damage to prunes the rain-has belief iclal as pects. It has- practically, ended danger from forest fires, .which Is an Important factor- with the burning reason . about to open. It will also greatly Improve hunting conditions by making It easier lo slip through the woods quietly, Farm crops generally will be. help ed. ; . ... ' . i The : weather, bureau office . re ports .18, ot an inch of ru!i)fall In. the 24-hour, period, ending at (' 6 a. m. .today., .. .. . . , . (.;;,., Dry .Spell Broken (AgMociaU'd l'resi Leased Wire) (HtANTS. PAS?,'. Sept," 0. The 'three-months dny spell nt drams Pass was broken lust night .by a j24 inch roll of rain In about six boms. This ,1s ,the first rain the city .has .experienced .this season, and while it will be welcomed by some of , the . farmers,. 11 will do some damage . to Ihe , hop and fruit .growers of the lloguo Val ley. , ...... , , f , ' ! Snow in Mountains, PENDLUTON, Ore.. Sept. C Winter set. in suddenly yesterday and last' evening in the . JUue Mountains area. Snow ., was re ported at Table Jtock. Ml. Emily and In the area south ..of Pilot Hock. Rain." started falling last night in the region nroiin 1 Pen dleton and was continuing a driz zle tills mornJug. , BROKEN MAIN RIPS STREET ; , (Associated lnss Loused Wire) ' PORTLAND, Ore., . Sept. 6 A geyser caused by a broken .water main nt East 47th street north, near Hnlsoy street, early todny tore a holp In the. pavement about 20 feet across and 15 foot deep, flooded the'' streot "for' v blocks, washed out the side of a fill for several hundred feet alid Inundat ed many basements In the neigh borhood., FIRE DEPARTMENT GETS ' , GIFT, rTROM ABNER KLINE A -very plensnnt r surprise gift was received' today by the. flro de partment I'rom : Aimer '? Ki . Kline, proprietor of the' Kline Shbws Hint presented ft carnival in Roseburg late week. The department was called lo the carnival grounds the fi'vst of the week when two of the concession tenys were- burned. Mr. Kline sent the' firemen a letter of appreciation ' of the services and enclosed a check for S10 to he used i'or the entertainment of the fire men. . Don't Fool Yourself v j Dry vns liddliiR a big bildiiiR Jnn ay fnllur hay notice at lYolin Yohnson van goinK up flndttor nit (toy vttli hud of brick but hny nevor dumped Idem out. Kniir snld vat ibiitie de grand l tdee? Yohn isii Id: Don't y Bumiang, iiy jbuno fooliiiR nm, I Hh.v limit jny lane vorkiiiR. VIiou yn by 0U8uranee Mint dont buo sure. Yu banc' fnoltntf only; von fnllar nn diit bane yur (bcIT. ' Most emporlant mrq; l 'id hnvo proitstion In Kom--pany dat vtU niako qui"!; set tlement. Per don't b;ino nny barcaln sale of eiiflura.ire. Yu don't have tu puesi. Ven you en jure In de kompanv vn gut, dy bnne de bosi In land. -OLE" Quine & Co. , h , Roseburg,, prejjon rt a , NEW TODAY i VOUNG green canary singer, (3.25. i Telei.hone 308 R. : " . FGU BENT 5room boube. In quire 853 S. Main. j WANTEi)- "Houaekeeiier. inquire ! Hexull Urug more. TWO OOOl) rresii cowh lop miie! J. II. Kurtz, lJlxonville. rriRSH. cow for sale w.m. . Uerdiie.P!ione6F3. ' FOR SALE Old growth" fir block j wood, $11 per tier.. Phone S'iVib. i FOR SALE Dry fir and luurul I block wood. F. I.. Bella. Phone BF23. FOB SALE Almost new Vacuotto cleaner, ?15. 112 Urockway or jihono 3U9-J j WANTED Drier men. Address ' ,-. NewH-Reviow. work Box by. 'IS, "Two cure KOK SALE OR TRADE Two ' good Angora bucks. Cluudo l'arlt hurst, Melrose. SPECIAL chicken house mater ials at Pages'.' Seo them for 1 plans and prices. .' ' ' KOirTjTLE Brand new 30-30 car bine, never fired a shot. $5.00 un der cost, Phone 130. KOR SALE Two used Oliver disc plows, , both in good ,. repair. Lockwood Motor Co. FOR SALE Good- 4-door Chevro let sedan, cheap. Terms." O. K. Service tjitloii,Coqullle,Oro. ioi) SALE CaiinIiis;r"peai'S, 60 cents bushel. Bring boxes, Geo. M. Bradburn, Winston. ; (it)OL voik Tiorse for his' board nnd keep. Sec C P. Cayler, 103S Corey Ave. Phono 189-J. . WANTED Lady or girl to assist - with housework In nice home In Portland, good wagesi Phone 4ti. FOR RENT Two-roomfurnlshed house $7 per month. See elevd- tor man at Perkins piiiiuing. POU HUNT 4-rooni furnished house, also twd-room. apartment. JIO per month. 139 Sheridan St. FOR'SALE Underwood typewrit er, new keyboard and jiarts. Reasonable. 112 Brockwuy or phone 309-jV.', J ' 1 ' WANTED Pruho'Vjckers, a fami- ly preferred. W. A. Burr, N. Curry estate, or H. W. Burr, Co. Cleyk's office. , JERSEY Giant pullets for sale". Will trade for wood or grain. D. T. Meyers, 3832 Hurvard Ave. Tel. 444-J. ' ' FOR RENT Modern 5-room house, nicely furnished, or .will rent un furnished.. With garage. Inquire 859 Miller St. , , FOR; SALE Vetch , nnd oats 2Jc per lb., cleaned 3uC, clean vetch 6c, at Myrtle Creek or Days Creek. R.Fatc. . DON'T "forget the day and place for, a, chicken dinner' at. 40c. To morrow' at. the Golden, Rulo, op posite, theAutoarkJ,.". FOR RENT Well furnished sleep ing rooma in ' strictly modern home, well located, close In. In qulrd 529 13. Douglas,1 Roseburg. DborBWlndowsSash Mlllwork Lumber ' -' ' Complete line of Building '' '' ' .Materials."-, - ; Ccieh' Lumber Company 1 - 1 oTiONiNGrivatetiidloat-137 North Jackson, Room B. Private pifiub lessons and classes In Dunning system. For lesson dates phone 477-R. Harriet .- IS. Groves. ; ! ALOAN on the home. Amortgaie ; . loan,. If. niadoJu,, tevins conven '. lent for the borrower to meet Is no great Burden and , orten en k courages thrift. Our plait costs . you less and has many attrac - tlve features.- Umpqua Savings nnd Loan Association, Douglas " Abstract Building. FOR SALE 300-acre sheep ranch, good fences, nice new residence, fine water, unlimited outrange, $4200, terms. FOR SALE 50 acres, good soli, and fences, good buildings, fully equipped,' furnished and stocked. A bargain at $3050, terms. L. O. Maddux, 404 N. Jackson St., Roseburg, Ore. WET PAVEMENTS CAUSE OF MANY v AUTO SMASHUPS (Continued from pnge 1.) lodshiK on drift Iors in the river, but was not damaged greatly. The occupants were unhurt. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Hnthill and their daughter of Wichita, Kan sas, were In a minor acciueut early this morning when their big sedan slid into the ditch to the side of the highway north of this city. When passing a truck, park ed to the side of the highway, Mr. Itmhill's machine struck u puddle of water, causing It to skid into the ditch. The car was brought to the Ford garage to have a broken spring, broken whie' and bent nxle reiwlred. J. J. Assagaard and his son of 932 S. Louis Avenue, Long Beach, California, were uninjured when their sedan skidded on the slip pery pavement about fourteen and a half mites south of this city near the Myrtle Grove camp ground, turned over on its right side and settled in the ditch to the side of the Pacific highway at about 9:30 o'clock this morning. The ton of the machine was torn off, the front end damaged and the side of the car badly dented, it was taken to the Law son gar age and will be repaired. Storm Hits Roaue Valley. MKDFORI?. Ore., Sept. 6. A bit of winter came to the Rogue river valley proper today with a chill wind and cloudy skies. Early ihto inurnlng a brisk wind and rain storm swept this section, doing but minimum damage to fruit still on the trees. Cold at Eugene. EUGENE, Ore, Sent. 6. Labor day vacationists in Eugene kept to their firepinres yesterday, when a dehiRO of rain played a prominent pari. Though the showers were in termittent, they were heavy and numerous. ( i Today was cold nnd showery again. "A WORD FITLY SPOKEN" The wise man says "A word fitly opken, how good it 'is." Many a time a word fitly spoken has . . shown a depositor the road to .' success. Our expert advice is at .the disposal of all our clients. ' TheKoseburNational Bank Roseburg, ore. a ' HARRIET E. GROVES i V Teacher of Piano 1 : r . : ' ' AND ' : ' :' "." ' i! ' Dunning System of . Improved , Music Study : ' Private Studio, j 137 North Jackson, Bell Slater Bldg., Room 6 ' . ".. Opens September 12th . . . . Fop Lesson Arrangements Phone 477-R , ATTENTION 1 Farewell Meeting for the , , , ; College Boys , Thursday, Sept. 8. " REFRESHMENTS : . The .American kORlon Aux- Illary will hold the first rogu-. lar business meeting .of the season at .the armory, Tues- day. Sept 6th. Owing to rainy weather it haB been decided to postpone .the melon feed nt the Williams, (iui'dens. ' ' ' ' "iv' V .'M . 1 1 (' , DEATH CLAIMS '.' ; "C V, NOTED CRUSADER ; : FOR DRY CAUSE V - V. v nil- -' ,i l-., ! u ' (Continued from page 1.) t for, his, conviction and earnest, en deavor-to dry up America.. 1 love and respect a fighter whether h agrees with me or not, nnd Mi Wheeler jvns niu invptunUQ. .J'yuJ or. " 'Senatfii Ubf ah oridahdSpoke -of Mr- Whpolpr flHn "fnll hfiil.t Mre less aiidilexeen.tiolialty !able hdvo? ?ate of Ja "cause fir which ho Sin cerely Delieved. , . . ; Mr. wheeler, who- was' born oii- pls father's furni near Brookfield, Ohio, November 14, 1869, once told reporters that he formed hltff first antagoiiism to liquor when a Urunken farm hand juubed a pitch forlc, into Ihs leg. . Dr. Russell obtained tile services of Mr. Wheeler In May, 1893, upon the recommendation of several professors at .Oberlin College. Once . aligned with 'the . Aiul-Sa- loon league, if was not long until hebecatue 'one-ot Its. major ot'l'i -. cers, becoming .HUporintendent of the Ohio league and finally gcu oral counsel: '' ? " 1 DAVEBUSENBARK CUT MONDAY BY CORN CUTTER Dave Tlusenbark. of Melrose, re-1 celved a very serious on.'i painful Injury Monday when his leg was gashed with n horsedrawn corn cutter. The device was being dragged between the corn rows and In making a turn slipped to one side and one of the sharp knives cut Mr. Ilusenbark's leg, severing two muscles and inflict ing' a deep dash. He was brought to Itoseburg whero Ihe Injury was treated by Dr. B. E. Stewart. While he will be on crutches Cor several weeks no .permanent in-' jury is expected. DAILY WEATHER REPORT. U. S. Weather Bureau Office. Roseburg, Oregon. Data reported by Arthur W. Pugh, Meteorologist In charge. Barometric pressure (reduced to sea level) 6 a. m 30.00 Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes terday (per cent) 65 Preclp. In Int. and Hundredth!: Highest temperature yesterday 75 Lowest temperature last night Average temperature for the dny Normal temperature for thla date Precipitation, last 24 hours Total precip. since 1st month 49 62 65 .1R .2 Normal preclp. for this monlh 1.04 Total preclp. from Sept. 1 1927, lo date Average preclp. from SopL 1. .22 1S77 .12 Total deficiency since Sept. 1. 1927 ;., 10 Average seasonal preclp. SepL to May Inclusive 31.12 Forecast for southwest Oregon: Fair tonight and Wednesday, ris ing tempernture Wednesday. t IF; DE MOLAYS DANCE . Every Wednesday r; Rainbow. Gardens ' : Winchester Music by. Star-Slii, Orchestra Fly-Tpx Quickly . Ends 1 1 Mosquito Torment . : 'NormnU human . blood 18 too thick to be flrawji'' through the mosquilo's small-7 piercing tube. Tliey. must, first. inject a thinning fluid., hi that way disease germs are ijet afloat in the blood slream bacteila' of' burning fever; And crippling llsVase. There? 'd? also the danger of streptococcic iiifec- Irtlon - (blood poisoning) from tiacratcliing i tho bite. Mosquitoes should be killed. Health author!- ,tleS advocate, Fly-Tox. Fly-Tox is jeasy to :use. Safe,' stainless, fra grant, sure. Adv. :KIWANIANS HEAR REPORT " The Kiwanis club heard a very interesting account of the recent northwest -district concention - at Spokane' lis their Tegular noon luncheon today;- The report was given by Tom Ness, one of '.the delegates from" life local club to this meeting. A large delegation of Klwanjans, will go to , Glide . next Tuesday for the community fair which Is to be held at that place. ANTLERS . ' '' LAST TIMES TODAY flour BI oDOYE LYONi?H The picture that broke the house record at the Broadway Theatre, Portland, Oregon. Comedy, "Don't Fire" ' Latest News Matinee 10c-25c - Evening 10c-25c-3oc STARTS WEDNESDAY Irene Rich "DEARIE" I JLWiJLWLvJI LLIE V unt i i