-! - r t.g-t ft fc i. i iiimihiiii t i i t a i r t t t j ROSEBURG- NEWS-REVIEW,. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1927. THREE' -'LOCAL 'NEWS1:H From Brooking i c . C. L. Hubbard and P. Hlbbard of Brookings wore here over Monday vlBltlng with friends. 4 , ' Visiting Here ' Marlon Smith bt'Glehdale came here Sunday and Js visiting with friends for several days. " " ' r ' ..Ul 2 li('ll Return to Marshfield Frank White returned to Martm field- yesterday : fallowing a visit here with, friends, and uvur Luuor day. relatives ' v - ; . ;-, ,' Hero This Morning ., . V .Mrs. H. I Paramo,' of Suther- 1 1 ii, spent the morning in this r city visiting and attending to ; business adalrs. . t . i From Oregon City , " Kenneth Clark, who was recent- jy irunsieri-eu as manager ui mu KIoiip'h Cash store ut Oregon Citv. ' spent the week-end in this city visiting friends and relatives. 1 On Vacation1 Trip! Mr. and Mrs. .Ed Salter and three sons lel't Sunday on a two weeks' vacation trip which will in clude visits iu Oregon City and Willamette valley points and a trip to the coast. . Accept Position ' ' Miss Margaret' Hewitt .has ac cepted a position as Htenogi-apher at the offices of Dr. Chas. 11. Wade, ..taking , the place of Mrs. Joe lJeets. Miss Hewitt entered: an her new duties -today'; .? Ui Returns Home ' -' ,'!' ' Vance Howe, who has been vlB ltlng at the home of his .grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. House older, for the' past " several -weeks', returned to his home at Browns ville Sunday, accompanied by his uncle, Kenneth G.r Houseohler. -. Returns Home : j V'1'" 1 ' i ! ' Mrs. Lilian Fulton, riirnl 'edltoii of the News-Hevlew has returned from a two-weeks' vacation. She visited .friends in Mei'ifprd, her former home, Jacksonville and Yreku, 'California. ' Go Vo'Lake Over "Ho'llday-i3 4 i 'Mrv-aird' Mra.r. W. il)ule Strange and the letter's brother and wife, Mr. 'and Mrs. Henry Johns, went to Diamond Lake, where they enjoy ed an outing, over Labor day. ' Lacerates Hand ' ' ' . ' A. W. Galln of this olty,' injured his right hand In unloading' some ' culvert piping1 Saturday. 'He ia em ployed by the county. The- hand was badly lacerated and wis" treMted'ut a physician's 'office, here ,i . ; : . J, 1 , j . -.. Left for :Brownville i .. .( i Miss Gladys Enger, who stop- ped here, lover -.the , week-end en . loule i trdnS BaSersflelOi land was the 'house; finest of , Miss 'Mildred ''Codhrn.iOVft'Mdnihtj for dior , , homo at Brownsville., . is!" !(- ! ' r r-, Return from South ( . ' !(,: ; - . . - ' . ' Mr. and Mrs. Jno. R. Farrlngton and Dr.. and Mrs. Clair K. Allen returned here last evening fol . lowing a motor trip since .Friday to the coast, over to Eureka, Red ding and southern Oregon. . , Visit Friends Here ,, .. - Stuart and Carl Stevens,' for merly of this city and how making their home at Powers, were, here over the week-end visiting with friendB'. They were, joined here Sunduy hy their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Stevens, who operate a bakery at Power's.' The family returned home Sunday night. : "Spend Week-End ' Mr and Mrs. H. W. Kauplsh of Corvallis spent the week-end in this city visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Jones. Mrs. Kauplsh is a cousin of Mr. Jones. Mr. Kau plsh is proprietor of the Corvallis Creamery company They returned home today and were accompanied ' by Mrs. Jones and Den Williams of San Francisco, who also was a guest of Mr. Jones. Mrs. Jones Is going on to Portland for -a few days' visit with friends. Harmony Olivo Shampoo Olivo Shampoo give an abundant lather which is easily rinsed. It leave the hair silky and lustrous and the scalp in perfect condi tion. You will tike it. 50c . Nathan Fullerton Th0 &xaUL Start Roieburg, Oregon Home from Bay Clty--, , ,- " ' ':. t - A. Dawe ia home --following a trip to h'an Franclstfo -where he spent last week ylsltliiiuand. on, business. j;' ! i j ; m ,.' Home this Mornlng-ii i"-'.' 't .'" Mra. 11. M. Love returned home this morning following a trip to northurn points, over Labor' Day. Returns from Qentnalla ., - Mrs. J. A. Freeman, whoi has been enjoying a visit with .friends i at centrulla, Washington, the past iwu weeKH,- reiurneu lo ji7suu-.iik this morning. - 1 - i s ' '- To Eugene Wednesday 5. Max Carman leaves Wednesday ior uugeue wnere ne win register at the University of Oregon, which he will attend this winter. Visit Cousin Hen Williams of San Francisco visited over the week-end with his cousin, Joseph F. Jones, co-pro prletor of the Grand Hotel. From Sutherlln ! Miss Wlnnlfrod ' Dalley, of Sutherlln was In this city this morning shopping and transact ing business. Spends Morning i t- Mike Babke, of Sutherlln, was attending to businesB affairs' apd visiting friends here for a brief time tills 'morning. Mrs. Dawe! .Home " ' .' ' Mrs. A. hawe (ind son. and daughter returned home this morning following a viedt with Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Billings in Corvallis. Sheep Buyer Here. . i . Wm. Crowley, sheen buyer, came here from San Francisco Sunday, romainiug over on business yester day. He left this morning for Al- buny. ' 1 1 i v To Bend Today Mr. and Mrs. Jack Her, of Dlx Olivine,, (eft Joday for. s.Be)id, wherethey Vill ' spend 1 a ' Week visiting with friends and enjoy ing a vacation. V 11 f .11' ' '. i IV I p 6 t.r J j li . : .Going on Vacation Mr. and" -Mrs. ' 01 W." Larson leave Wednesday. on, aiweek's va cation, which-they will fipendfon 'a motor trip; 'to 'Pendleton,'. Seattle and eastern ! Wa8hlngtoii-p6iiits. ffio; ii sReedsportr l. " Mp mho; Mrs jr. s.' Miller and Mr. dnil' Mrs. JJ IB. i Bailey, were among the lloseburg people driv ing (IB ;tar as. Ruodsuort over La- 7'!'-' :t 'j:r : Take TWp-td Bend Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clark and daughter. Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. J..B. Plland of this cily en joyed a trip to Bend over Sunday ,ftnd Monday.. ";. Visit for' Three .Months V .. Mr. . and Mrs.' Daniel ii. Pitcher of Toledo, Ohio, who have been guests of their nephew. Jack ller, at Dixonville, are in this city vis iting. - They expect to he on :the west coast three months longer. Spend Day at Wolf Creek Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Boiicock end son, Verdun, Mr. and Mrs.' E. P. Woods and daughter, Enunn Jean, Mr. 'and Mrs. ' G. W. Pen.nie and Miss Jessie Glbbs df this city spent Monday at Wolf Creek. Meeting Wednesday The Roseburg W. C. T. V. will meet at the home of Mrs. F. A. BeiniB, Fowler street -on Wed nesday of this' week. X large at tendance is desired. All articles for sale at - our ' state bazaar should be brought to this meeting. Enjoy Trip to Lakes 1 i Mrs. H. C. Stearns and daugh ter, Madelyn, of this city, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Applegate, of Suth erlln and their daughter. Miss Eva Applegate, of Portland, form ed a party going to Crater and Diamond Lakes over the holiday. Mr. Krell on Vacation Mr. Krell. local Western Auto Supply company manager left yes terday to spend two veeks' vaca tion In and around Tacoma. Wash. Hoy Housor Is helping Mr. Proc tor who Is in chargo during Mr. Krell's absence. . ,r, .. Back from Trlp Mrs. Ella Day and grandson. Ray Collins, of Eugene. Mr. and Mr.i. James Sawyers. Miss Ger trude Rast and Mr. Frank Alley made up a party that motored to Crescent City over Labor Day. Motor to Lakes Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Judd and two daughters. Eldress and Jes sie, returned home last night fol lowing a trip to Crater Lake, over to Bend and back over the Mc Kenzlc highway to Eugene. Return to Cincinnati Fred Bellows, who has been spending the past several weeks in Roseburg visiting with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bellows, and other relatives, left Sunday for Cincinnati, Ohio, .where he will resume his studies . at the University of Cincinnati. ' : Mr. K. 8. Reed Here Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Reed of Portland came Sunday night and Mrs. Reed is remnlnlng here for a week to visit with her mother. Mrs. Delia Whiting. Mr. Reed went on to San Francisco on business and will return here at the end of the week. Mrs. Reed, of Waverly 1 Country club, recently won, the golf championship at Belllnghani. Mis Sapplnaton Expected Miss Luclle Sapplngton. for merly instructor In. the Helnllne J CnnsTvntory of Music, and who has been snenmntr tne mimmor ai her hnme In Wnshotieal. Washlne- Inn. Is expected here today and will spend the comlni season in the city. Miss Sappineton will open her own Btudio of music this year. AMERICAN LEGIQN M . ' ' iMEETltfa TONIGHT M . I I f i Tlie first ineellnk tof ' Ump- qua Posit American Legion, after' the 'sujniijur vacation will be held , to)ilght i at - B o'clock. (Meet "at th" armory and ir the weather Is fair will go. to Williams 'waterniul-. on patch at Dlllanll ;A large' attendance is UeslreO. -" . ADJUTANT. ... " Go to Crescent Gltyr . j Miss Gertrude Rust Of this jelly,' Mi. R. W.'Day and son of Eugene nii.l Afc n,,', hrnlhaK. VrimU A 1. ley, if this city wentj' to Crescent way back home. 1 '.. " '' Q , Mr. and Mrs. Tower Visit Mr. and Mrs. G Leroy ToWers, former . residents of Rosepurk. silent Sunduy and Monday ;hero visiting -with friends.' Mrs. Towers was formerly nurse lit the jSuldr iers' Home hospital. They roturii;' ed lust evening to Eugene, wherq, they now make tl'.lr liome. ' Return From Cdat ' ( ' . Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Carroll drove (o Baiidon Sunday, ' rotiirtilng here iu the evonlng. They wore accom panied home by Mrs. Carroll's two sistors, Mrs. 1). C. Hamilton' and Miss M. Ellen Crabtree, who (have been spending a week nt the; re sort. . j ' To Lake Sunday j Paul Amort of this' city,1 ' Al Archibald of Corvallis and thej lat ter' brother, iJIni i Archibald, of Kirby formed a party going- to Crater Lake over Sunduy and Mon day. They were accompanied' to thia city by Mr. Anion's sisters and brother, , Miss, Telen Amort and Theodore Amort of Coryallls and MiBs Alvlna'Amort of Eugene. They will visit here before rdtuin Ing to their homes. 'i ; ; i - ---c i t Visit Flore Lake; f P. T. Randall and M. M. Miller spent the week-end and holiday at Floras Lake. Gurry county. Mine host, John it. Smith, did every thing ho could to make their slay a pleasant one, as he does; with all his guests. . Mr. Smith has a wonderfully fine place, good; fishing,- swimming aud? boating and excelleut camping facilities. lOlec trlc lighted camp ground and cot tages. . The lake 1b irregular In shape, but has about 1 25 miles of shore line.' Thlp; l8 a ! fresh! .wa ter lake. 'the surface of the 'lake being only eleven feet above the m'iivrnr'p nf .Ihpl 'neeall! lUlld loSB '.than :dne j thousand feet of sand dunes; divides .tiia.two. ! i (Associated 1'rcn Leased Wire) PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 6 Cat tle and c'alveB slow but steady. ' Steefi, 900 1100 pounds good $9.00 $9.75 j do 1100, to""1300 pounds, good, $9.25 & $9.75; good 800 pounds up $8.00 $9100; do common $6.75 S $8.00; do fed calves and yearlings 750 to 950 pounds good $9.00 $9.50; heifers, good $7.25 & $8.25; do common to medium $0.00 $7.25; cows, good $6.75 $7.50; do common to medium $5.00 $0.75; do low cut ters to cutters $2.50 $5.00; hulls (yearlings ' excepted) ' best,' good $5.75 $6.25? do cutters; and me dium $1.50 $0.75;' - calves 600 pounds down, medium ' to choice $8.00 $11.00; do culls to com mon $5.50 $8.00; venlers, milk $13.50; do medium $9.00 4 $11.00: fed, good to ' choice $11.00 ffi do culls to common $6.00 S $9-00. Hogs nctlve, steady; Heavy weight 250 to 350 pounds medium to choice $10.50 $12.25; me dium weight 200 to 250 i pounds medium to choice $11.75 (R $12.65; light weight 160 to 200 pounds me rlum choice $12.25 ' & $12.75; light lights 130 to 160 pounds me dium to choice $11.75 $12.6-"; packing hogs rough ' and smooth $7.00 $9.75; slaughter pigs 90 to 130 puunds, medium to choice $11.50 () $12.65; feedor and Bloc ker pigs 70 to 130 pounds, medium to choice $11.00 E $12.75. (Soft or oily hogs.und roasting pigs excluded In above quotations.) Sheep and lambs active; fully steady; quotations . except on lumbs on shorn basis: Lambs 84 pounds down, good to choice $10.50 (fS $11.50; dn medium 92 pounds down $9.50 fi). $10.50; do culls to common nil weights, $7."0 ifii $9.50; yearling wethers 110 pounds down medium to choice $7.00 $8.50; eweB, 120 pounds down, medium to choice $5.00 W $6.50; do medium to choice 120 to 150 pounds $4.00 $5.00; do culls to common all weights $3.00 $i.OO. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 6. Trading In all lines of fresh coun try dressed meats and poultry opened this morning on the local market at about steady prices. Sup plies In all lines were normal, about sufficient for demand except for a slight oversupply of light hens. Prime veal wos rnnglng around 20 cents per pound; hogs 16 to 161 cents; lambs 20 to 21c; heavy hens 21 lo 22c; light hens 11 to 12c; springs 12 to lie; and broilers about the latter price. Following on the labor day re cess of trade, there was a fresh demand for fresh fruits and vege tables. PeacheB from several different sources and of several dlfforent varieties were prominent in the displays. California Lovells were in greatest BUpply and priced the lowest at around 3. 10 per lug box for the best. Several lots were of fered the Phillpp Cling variety from California at prices rsnglng from $1.35 to $1.50 per box, accord ing to size and quality. Oregon peaches are moving now in quantities and some dealers are featuring closely graded fancy Ash land Elberlas at from $1.60 Jo 11.75 ner box. Demand for them appeared a little narrow due to a light consumer demand for the best fancy packs. A few lots of Oregon Crawfords were on hand and quoted around $1.35 per box. GITyiSGHOOLS ON IQiJl I, 19 ; ; : -' 'I i n Arrangements Complete for . Start of. Fall and. Win-.. ter Work. TEACHERS i ASSIQNED Board Feels 'That Corps of j? .. Instructors; for This ' 1 Year Are VVelli'.: . Chosen; ' 1 . ; ::!""-, . : ' " ' h,;Mi; ', . ;,, v"i':'-:rl:f:.:: : Tho Roseburg public schools will oppn lliis year on Monday, Septem ber 19. The school, board has com pleted the selection of the cprpsjqf .teachers', for the school" year iindi is well pleased with the outlook. One of the most satisfactory features is the fact that only eleven new in structors were required this year. This gives the groutor percentage of touchers who .nre experienced In the local schools and are familiar with the methods, policies and con ditions giving the greatest possible efficiency. . . ' . Tho board feels that tho staff of teachers is one that will ' give the pupils the very best that careful and conscientious Instruction can do for them, for each teacher has been chosen after the most curcfut examination as to his or hor quali fications. Those who aro to teach during the coming year, together with their preparatory qualifica tions and teaching experience, are as follows: , Senior High School , B. E. Larson, B. S. Llnflold col lege, 1922, j. Principal. Roseburg 1922. . : ' . Clyde Beard, A. B. Llnflold col lege, 1927, history and civics. Rose burg, 1927 - Helen Casey, A. B., U. of O. 1921, English. Roseburg 1922. Wlllaid Cruig B. S., O., A. C, 1926, commercial. Roseburg 1926. ' Leroy Hiatt, A. B. Willamette university 3926, science. Rosebui'L' 1926. ' ' .i i f Crystal Jacobs,1 'commercial' de partment,; University of Oregon,' 1919, shorthand, typing, ' Myrtle Point, 1918-20, Roseburg 1920.' '-' J. A. Jonasson, A. 13.;- ' IJnficld 'college" 3926; history. ' 3tuseburg; 1926.- '" ' 1 ' ' - - ' .' ' V. - Wilna . Larson, B, S... O. A. C. 192-1, 'physical, education. Roseburg 1924. '.-''-. Thomas "T. 'Mackenzie, 31. S., O. A'. C.:.1926, local trades and man ual training iu Jr. high. Roseburg 1926. ' ' ''.,.-' Eleanor Merewether, A. B., ;Wil-' lametto university 3927. 3tosubui'k 1927. '..""'' Dlllard C. Roqua, D. S.,' O. A. C. 3927, Smith-Hughes , . Agriculture. Roseburg 3927. ' , . ' 3.,lo'd Reynolds, B. S.,' Univer sity or Oregon 11126, English. Rose burg 1926. Pearl TImmons, B. S., O. A. C. 3927, English. Douglas county 3920-21; Jackson county, 1923-23; Roseburg 3927. .. Howard 11.. Turner, 13. S., Ijom bard collogo. 3923, l'liya. Ed. Lom bard college 3922-23; O. A, 0. 3924 25; Roseburg 3926. Alice Uoland, A. M University of North Dakota 3916, mathemat ics. Roseburg, 1910-17; 1922-25; 1926. Francis Wright,' B. S., O. A. C, 3922, home economics. Howard, Kan., 1911-15; Camp Verdo, Ariz., 1915-18; Wendul,. Idaho, 3922-23; Concordia, Kuns., 3923-26; , Hose burg 3926. Junior High School D. E. Oleman, Oregon Normal, 1921, principal. Pilot Itock, 1921 22; Roseburg 3922. Gladys Boegll, B. S., O. A. C, 3927, home economics. Roseburg 1927. Kate nuciinnan, A. B., Univer sity of Oregon 3927, languages and English. Roseburg, 1927. Althoa Caraway, Oregon Nor mal 1923, civics, Hlllaboro 1911-14; Burlev, Idaho, 3918-19; Oregon City 1921-22; Roseburg 1923. . ' Charles V. Cochran, II. S. Uni versity of Illinois 3925, Junior busi ness training. Brockwny, Ore., 1926-27; Roseburg 3927. HilKh Falhe, Parker College, 3900, mathematics. Glengary 1913 14: Edenbower 191415; llosebure 3935. Mario Gllkeson, A. B. University of Oregon 3926. English. Roseburg 1926. Hazel Goodwin, Pd. B. Colorado Teachers college 1916, music and music supev visor In grni.'e schoolH. Anaconda, Montana. 19111-19; Hun nvslde, Wash., 1919-20; Anncnndu. Mont., 1020-23; Twin Falls, Idaho. 3923-21; Roseburg 1925. Lois Ionian, A. B.; University of Oregon 1927, Latin -and science. Roseburg 1927. Myth Ohlnan. Roseburg High School 1916, English. Mrockway 1915-16; Unipqua 391617; Hose- , burg 1917. I Marie Ring, Oregon Normal 1926, art, and art supervisor In grado .Bchools. Rospburg 1926. Fern Scott. Seattle. ' Washing ton hkh school 1916, Englinh. Cur- tin, 1917-ls; Nnrlh Fork 191S-19; Smith River 3919-20; Hosctiurg, 1920. Effle Stanford, Central State Normal, Ml. Pleasant 1907, pen manship supervisor In grade schools. East Jordan. Mich, 1907- 11; Nampa, Idaho, 191120: Meri dian, Idaho, 1923-25; Rose-burg, 1925. Mary Vcstrh, A. B. University of Oregon 1925; mathematics. Rnsehure 1926. Genevieve Watson, Oregon Nor SEPTEMBER mal! i;Sl, F Ige6jiaihy, Roseburg '-' ; I u ; f It f ) ' Allan (Wfckliam, Oregon ' Nejtiiui 3,92o,'hiatoi'VlitehuiK, ti'M.k .i .It Rob. School it 11' ' E. S. Ifiill, Oi-jRon Nortiiil t3923( ; principal iihd,Hlxih grade. Ilarrls burg, Oik-gun 1921-22; Wanenion, Ore., 1922-23; llunimond, Ore.fl9M-i 25; Cottage drove,-. Pr.i lljfcCi ! Roseburg. 3926. ' i i f !'. 5 J Veina Curolliers, Oregon; Nor mal 1918, tii-alt hud .Sf'fdntl! .M;ir Ion county,' 'Ore.',1 ISIS; ' Fufijst ' Grove, Ore., 1918-21; 1922-25; j North Bend, Ore., 1921-22; Rose-1 burg, 1925.; j i , ' I 1 1 ' Murguret.: Carr, Oregon! Norn(nl , 1925, sixth 'grade, Klamath couniy 1923- 24' Utoseburg 1925. i- Cutheviuo .Uuttiuan, Washington Suite Noruuil 1922, sixth grade. Stuvcuson Co . Wash.,' lls-2f; Whitman Co. 'Wash, 1922r24; llan don 1924-26; Ros.-bul'K' 1926. i ' Vera Fredrll Ksiiii, iOregon Kir-mil- 1926,- fouj iJi- gruile.) ,Wlusliin, Oix- :192r-27i (UnselmrkH'Jif. Icedoii)?5lotiliiws, Oregon1 Nor uuil 31125,- ihir.il gruiUv ( (.akevii'lv, Ore., 1935-27; atosubui 3927. 1 I Elizabeth' I'urriiu, v j Jlosebulg high school, 189:!, first grade. Tilc son, Ariz., 189:1-1, Pendletvn 381 97; noseburg 1897. i ' j Florence SueUukcr, Oregon Nor 1111)1 1922, Huconll gradq. Llnu coliu ty 1919-21; linker, 3JI22-2I; ll'iiu burg 3924. . 1 ( ' ' Aileliue. Stewart, Oregon Nor mal -'3926. ' fifth " grade. JUouglus county 1S9 1-191)1; Roseburg, One., 1903-1919; Suthorlln, Ore;, 1919 1925; Roseburg, 1927 - t j Benson School ; ' 1 ' J.' J. Tlienues, Belllnghara, Wntli hiKtou Normal, 3923,; principal and slxlh grade. Hawaiian Islands, 1915-22; Kent, , Wuahiugton, PJ23-2-1; Rosoburg, 192-1. . ; ' I . Bernlco Fitzwiiler, Oregqn Noi--mnl 1926, third grade. Lucnnjb, Ore., 1921-23; Cottage Grove, Ore., 1924- 26; Roseburg; 1926. I 1 Muybollo Church, 'Oregdn NOi mal 1913, fifth Rrade. f Rtnlal Bchools 1903-04; North Bend, l'." 09; Yonculla 3910-11; Hosebiug 1912-17; Gnrdiner, 3!US-19;i Groeiis 1919; Roseburg 1926. i i Mildred Moist, Orogon Nor'nial 192-1, fourth 'grade..- Linn .county, 1921-22;- Lebanon 1922-23; ' Sllvoij ton, 1924-26; Roseburg, 1926. j'j Catlimlno Olson, Superior Sliitp Normal 3936, second grade. I'qif Wing, Wis., 3916-18; Washburn, Wis., 3918-20;' ABhlund,' Wis., 3920 23; Roseburg, 3921.. ' '"' Minor-' Sherk, Oregon' Normal 1922, first '-grudo. Deady, 3935-18; West : Side, 1 1918-20; Redmond, 1920-21; Suilierllii, 1921-22; 1 Rose burg 1922. ..',',' i 1 :; i j ) Vorllo Tracy, Drain Norniivl 1906, firih nnd sixth grades. DnHf 1910-13; Estacuda, 1911-12: Rose burg, 1912. ' : J-;isio Jqluisqn, Stato -fTenchors Pnlini.ft I Al'lun I flPl Iflitst nfld Hen- onl gi-a'dbs.fMai'Khuli Cq.,-S11nn l'J22-23: Llhcoln.i '-Mliin.i au24-26; uoseuui-gi uyaii un- Fullerton School Ruth Swinnoy, Walworth, Wis consin High School 3905, principal and first and second' grades. Rural schools, WiEconsiiij 3905-07; Ash land 3907-08; Yoncnlllf, J90S-32;' Koseburtf, 19.12: ' "' ' ' " i''Ioy Cooper; orogon Normal Old Hat WradeTaves wq) Glimpses of McilforJ's "Old Rcccnlly Hie cilizens of Mc.lford, Oregon, Invaded old allies find cellars in search of cliapeaiix ol ancient vintage which Ihcy donned for an Old lint Parade. This unique parade, which stretched for over two miles nlonR the streets of Hint cily, was Iho forerunner of n grcnt Jubilee which will be held nt Mi-ilford on Hie evening nf Wednesday, September Mill and on Thursday September 1Mb. This Jubilee, since it will celebrate Hie grcnl slridcs Hint Mcd ford and Hie southern Oregon country have recently made along Hie nnlh ot prosperity, has been uptly termed "A Jubilee ot Visions Realized." The people of Mcdlord nre rejoicing upon the com pletion of n new million dollar municipal wider system, a new lliree million dollar lumber mill, a new through business nrlery within Hie cily, an cighlccn bole Rolf course. Hie recent establish ment of iledford. as Ibc seal of Jackson County, and a new U1!1!''. j ' 1 ; P ) ) " ' (The f irst and Secontj A' 'AfjlPDirAUii l i I rr khTAl?T ta2 HlM ' Xx) ' ' J GOODBYE WHW AbE 1- ' v.' i J"! npi ANPCWEEE OP - IT .WOt ; t'j : lLJLi -.-' ".'...' I'l l ; v-: .ami viii n? . -.jT' .. . ' . f ; ' ii u 1 ' I i .'r: -" . - - i ' i tJ.' 'V . v "-. .. rf i . t tTTfC i ' , Vi ' ;v f( it t ill . ; .'rr , me'5 wiwA , . ; .rf-. .. i i 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 i U litujin ii t ; U ( ftVAfKli)? rlTrrtfi i i . H r t i t't i ;T Trfe AMERICAN ' SAY- wtew Yoovje FiWsked : ' UEGIOM S (sfuju-j N VJAvJIN'CCXiDBYEWMWADEM--' ;. - . .5TAF-TS . w. Fi . , .V K AW get M ClOTHES .PBEssed UP ; ; t VEp ' ' o3 KJ ANtJCHEERUP-ITUJOMt BELON5';. I f - M I ' 1 ' ' 1' 'rv ' 1 ' 'Ull 1922,' third hnd ' fiturth' gratlO!f. Newberg, 1922-26; Roseburg 3,926. . -Arline Helllwell, Oregon-Normal 3923,'flflh and sixth grudosj I.o lund 3918-19; iiutle Falls 1930-il; Sums Vulloy 3921-22; Grains 1'iibk, 1922-23;, Oregon Normal 3923-24; Roseburcil92'i. . " Ruth -j Coqliiey, . Oregon f Normal 1918, ispfeolal) Jvork lii ill gi'ndo schools.' 'llurlilt schools '1889-92; llallas, Oro., 1S92-1902; Indepund- ai. Ore.,! 1914-16; Hnpvillq, Ore., tUKJ-tlRdseblVg, 3926. ' white-hand iiuulo axes nl 'Whar ton Bros. ' ! i FIRE DESTROYS 7 'NEWSPAPER 'HOME i it M .4 " (Assorlslotl t'n'iw I.oal Wlrp) LONGVIEV,' Wrfsh.l Sept. 6 Fire of unknown origin toilay de stroyed Iho one Hlory fruniu build ing on West A street, Halnler, 6ro4on, which was lb house the now Rafnli-r newspaper to be pub lished this week -hy E. T. Leslie V v-V 'W -i &4 t ra v. .. -vi r 'Ml A! Ital Parade," thawing some of the 4TTTT , SAY.-lEH UIE . UNTIL vOO'LU' o'f' Rdatnri.Mn'- vpposltfoh' 'to' -Iho Rainier Revlow of which 13. A. Veatch, rocently recalled mayor, is eilltor and. publisher. The blnzu was discovered lit 3,:30 a. in. to day. The flro deiiarliuent was uu able to cope with .the bla.e., The linotype, job press and other news paper equipment; was .a total loas. Loslle Is in Seuillu.-, ..Ills future plitns were unknown at Rainier.'. ' Axes, W'edg6s, 'ant; oilier 'wood cultln' litols nt. Wluirton Bros. .! . . .';'., Anncjuncing ,the reopening of the studio of GLADYS H. STRONG ; f ' . ". Teacher of Piano ' r i'';i': ' i : , t Graduate of the New 'Enflland ,'Ce'nie'rvatpiy, , .. ' , ' , ,. ;'-,''' 11 .' '. CO'PIL OF ARTHUR FOOTE "" Studio opens Sept. 6th, Parrott Bulldlna Dunnlno System for, (Opposite Ott' Muslo Store) S Beginners. fo Jubilee atVrfedfbnL i CI U v , j. Candidates for Queen of Medford s cipnl children's piny ground. Kxlcnsivc Improvements nre under wny on Mcdford s airport, the only nir mail landing field in Ore gon, nnil The California Oregon Power Company has n giant foilr million dollar liydro-elccliic power project now muring comple tion near Hint cily, The people of Mcdfo.nl and lis rli'li surrounding country are anxious lo "Icll Hie world" ot their prosnrrlly nnd hoVu planned their jubilee with Ibis in mind. People frtm nil parts of the Pa cific Coast have been invile-.l lo pnrllcipnto m.d an elaborate pro gram of entertainment has been arranged '"r 'hem. There will be .street carnivals, free shows, extensive fireworks displays, an air circus, drum corps contests ami many other 'features. Several American Legion aggregations, including the championship Salem Post Corps, will r pele on Hie drum corps contests. At a great ball, Mcilford's Jubilee queen will lie crowned, Willi impressivs 'ceremonies. , , 1 : o FINISHED WMIN ...... I . 1 ' INIO liltac or-vjv-v -' WONT BE lOMS MOW 'E POSHLN" UP RNSIES , IN FlzANv-c S.'G.' MENOENHALL -WINS ' . . . , KLAMATH TRAP, SpOT ..Jiedfdrd,! Oro., .Sept. - 64-At a trap shoot hold at Klamath Falls yoHtordny, 8.- 0..t Mondenlvall of thiS' clly, w-on Ute' foulhern Ore gqu championship! aoorlngj 3J7 out Of a possible 200. ills high mark vas i-16 straight., , l. qlW Wobdsi of' Prospect, won tile .elites ' B championship with 194 1 out) of 200: iflehvas also run-m-r-up to Mendenhall. ' ... 1 leiepnono aii-u " aj -- i ' "Jubilee of Visions Realised. I