Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 03, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    EIGHT '
Established 1901 : :"
E. RITTER, Managar
Founded and Maintained on Efficient
Service and Courtesy
Phona 284 . . .. - -Oak
and Kana 8ta, ,
i 't J '
; Reopens
All instruction material furnished FREE; , Double
'' ' '", 'Piftrio 'Work Featured. ; . I
I Suite 1 Kohlhagen Bldg. Phone 390
' ! I ' Teacher
. . Moore Fundamental System
Studio Open '
. September 5 th, 1927 v
r:r - (Continued from, page
llmea ndrtllwdsl, and having! aTvii
loclty of iiymi in tulles nn Irauf- to
. nn. mile, .'il'licn, ho udded, tit no
time of llio year Is the area off
Newfoundland entirely dear of I'ok.
.He advocated tUty Joldlicnli'outu
uy way or Azures, UH oesi lor a
truns-Atlnntlc flight from .England
' foil, .lie lint ill U'L mil., I'm- fmu-.mniil fiR
of 'the iyear felnii:n(l itamrliaatiifii
as. fur us tho Azores are favorable,
'. whllofrom theij ,on- to tho; UriltedJ
ooull cut acroHg Die .weHtern wlnl,
-ttnis dlminlH)iln'.lpKHl.or power..
;)!.. ( ' Preas . Pessimistic. , ,) ,
I'roloHHor -.Hugo JiinerH In ltt
nioHungA i to. Ito JtinJtoitt lane, ..the
lli'dinoii, which Ih read or u tratiH
Atlantlc .light,,; argued )t)gji.tnHt .ut
leniplliig ,the vojiturit ho, Jute,. in
;tho seHon, 'rhe .nieHHagOf hrought
; lor.lh..iPPli)ilHtle ;conune,nl. by f IIU'
J (iorman preHH, etnpluiHi.ed by the
uncertainty over the late of the
IliillBh plane St. liaphnel and tho
IUimucciujbi'mI . tut-H.- pfi i the Utte
Hird,:, the Can,adian thiamin,,.. Sir
John ' Cailitg.' and ilioyul .Wlndanr,
iiTM"tle Cieimuu plnne Uraaen. and
Kui'opni , ,' ,., ,. , .,. , .:,,,
.. 'riiu Heeling of tho-BO ,pojers m'
t)tl; Hummed, up lri onnot .the ap-
.. tioiiH "Nou-Btop..,(,llghvvUh one
motored ' lan , miujlilne, ; cunt , to
Weat- r ga'mhlerfl! h;izard.' It Is
geni'i'ally concluded that on ac
rr' Vi greater' MoyiE season V' v1
,.'. l-: .' " ' ' " '
Liberty ffleatre
Vaat Times: "Today -- Matinee Daily 2:15 Pi M.
"White Gold"
. ( . WITH . 1
r Kenneth Thomson Geo. Bancroft, Geo. Nichols,
2' ' Robert Perry-, Clyde popkf t
The greatest drnmn of the sheep country of the Great American Plains
t , 4 P r . i evep ""own on tho screen. , ;'
ij v . - Hailed by the Reviewers at a Masterpiece.
; Pctersboro J
ioc ' ' 1 FABLES pathe news
A New Organist at the Liberty
i i .. :- "
She Is an accompllslieri nualolnn and will delight you. Your favorite
'.,., .',., . , places played by request old or. 'new. ,
J t '.' i . .- I : "' t- ' .
Licensed Lady
"j r 1 a
Sept. 6th5;' vl
of Piano
, I A
Res. Phone 7 5-J
count i.? the advanced fceuson the
rlslts arc too great,
i The THgeJthlll NfJ(nli.!l the u.ic
lessuesH ot trying to emulaie the
Americans contending that fllei'H
from lOuri'im wmili) be fatally liam
poi'ed liv th same latronfi vlb(js
lht , "ble Sphlee-' ind j .ilrpok
HCl'ltHH 1 ,1
n . it, jlenoun'ces advertised flying
stunts as a public menace, argues
for an. official .ban on noa-stop
frigllta .alul uifks. that there be a
proper authority to assure the necessary-
precautions' in -alt--aerial
ol' the committee on air laws of
Uhe Aiaerhvuu BaK jtiBoclaUon,; hi
session at Jljuflulo,'. N.' y. lu-'fix-presslug
hope adveiiturea,- and the
ttnnouncement of the Ktliisou Air
craft Corporation 'of lBotroit that
It 'Would accept' mo ordersi liv 'fit
tuTlvfori,plaiiS' Intended i ton isolo
ocean lligbtst- -, -
Plentyiol good' ripe' lomatooa,
well :packod Williams' Dlllard (lar
tloitai -H- I ' liiir M 1''."
; o
Help roof the Dillard church.
For sale Labor day at Fred HueH'a
storo, Dlllard; hut dogs, hamburg
ers, beans, pies, etc. " '
Qooil'iaolld iflrst-class -cantaloupo,
jumble pack; :$1 per crate 'with-
i out critto. Williams'! Dlllard Oar
l den. )' !' . ','. i . j.
,,ir -inn o- '", f."
Fanning 'mills at Wharton Tiros:'
I ) i i
FIRF DFSTROYS Mil I Ple" '''iiy iu front (if the mill.
1 LOSS IS $50,000' until nearly disyilght litis morning,
, - p restoring thu service.; The city
(Continued from pagel.)' l,wi(l 'HU Probably have some work
mill wum known for a number of
yeara an Jhe J. 0. KUok mill, al
though it was commonly culled
the "UyHltiKer 'Mill." The Htruc
ture with ita equipment and ma
chinery wan roughly valued at
approximately 930,000. The plant
hud Just completed a good deal of
millwurk'for ,Jhe HftPdsport school,
the John Marks, home, and Dr.
Wainscots residence and Heveral
other jobs, bo that there 1h heavy
loss there, at) the material wan atljl
in storage. In addition to. the di
rect loss of the mill company sev
eral of the employees Buffered
heavy ioanes. ,-; Frank K. - Alley,
foreman of the mill, lost IiIh auto
mobile,' v.'hi'ch; wan parked in the
reur' portion of the '.building bIho
all of hl toolH.'draftrtinan HUpplleH,
typewrit ir,' architectural hookn,
HUpplleH and efiulpment, all repress
on ted Heveralhumlred dollarH,
ChriH HeHtnertH .;: head cabinet
maker, alHo wafl: a heavy sufferer.
For the punt forty, yearn Mr. Jlest-
ne.HH . haH linen KatnoriuK tooiH
from all purtH of the world, lie i
an ox purl draftsman and to aid
him in ltln work he. Huh ju the
pant purchaHed -tools in Oermany,
Krunce utid other foreign counfirieH
as well a -the United StateH,. until
he hod an exceptionally fine' sup
ply.? Thoap were, all lout and were
not ; insured. 7
Otheiy employooH -.of; the- pant
alHo loHt heavily.- f i 1 1
Rebuilding , Uncertain f ,
iWhelher or not- the pbint to
h-.-.rebuilt ha not yet: 'Wphi jaii;
noimcedl oya puruhaHed j in
liiiiQ from MrrfDyHiimer, executrix
of j her 'hUHband'Bj estate; ?by the
Honeburg Lumeri! ami Majiufac
InripB companyi A few weeky ari
the proiierty wan1 purchaHeii by the
RoseburK Mill work (jdmpapy, it'
new corporation composed of local
investors. Whether or ; not they
will rebuild Ih yet to be deter
mined f - - ' ,
Workmen are busily-engaged to
day, repairing , some ;of , the dam
age caused by tho fire. The power
lines supplying MVrtlfe jQreek, Riddle-
and other' points south, were
hutined ouiyas they passed ovor the
Admits vjb. i
i Surtday, Mondayj TuesdaVMatiriee Daijy'2jl5
' SIBERIA! OlV LOVE? ' ' It ' ,AVf - i
, Within' rcitclvlaf her ,hand . ! , -slBK I !
: i was the marfeplie loved. r' I SstJPk 'lam
i ne was searchlrrK tor ' ' S IT lUiipk
: her, to offer his heart ' , ll Lrdll
.- and happiness. Why sCt" "fSfi li '8 19
did uhe hesitate? . . 6'Tl Isai iS P II
See the answer in . f jf j
An EDWIN CAP"" Production I JT
A C1l tremendous picture of ruthless J M-S
rZ-C&t Russia under the Cossack lash. I
-T .sx I A . thrillina. stirrinc emntinnnl iRl
P drama from Tolstoy's famous I
classic-will make vou say "Give
ui more pictures hke
United irtists Picture
J Home I aa oxXka im , ;Fi4lst 3 a
i.l..if.V ii J(6gi.LK0NU,NA-', SiSCPS- fft.Li L S
Matinee 10c-25c FOX NEWS Evening 10c5c
llie asphalt pavement wits badly
cooked and burned because of the
terrific heat..
While the damage and Iokb have
been extremely heavy and Hose burg
will fuel u distinct effect through
the lost) of thi valuably industrial
plant, yet the r.enidentB feel thut
the city - wan very fortunate that
the loss was nut a great deal
heavier for the situation was one
that was Indeed critical, and ex
cmit for ideal eondtlons and the
exceptionally god work ,on the
part of tho fire department the
cataHtropho could have indeed
peon much worse.
Much of the loss is covered by
insurunce, all of tho homes being
fully covered. The mill property
was insured for J 1 2,000.
(Continued from page 1.)
clpated In the diHcusslon, among
them being A. C. jMarsters, J. K.
JVIcCllnlock, K. 11. Stewart, R. W.
Marsters, (iuy Cordon, A.' J. Hoch
radel, Foster Uutner, C. W. Clark,
H. C- Darby and others. 'All fuvnr
ed the Smith River. caravan and It
wits finally decided Unit' a commit
tee Hhouid be appointed, to work
out plans for the .trip, Dexter Itlcf,
Charles Clark Al Ihtshlord and
;I'Yank Clemens being named. U
rwas deeided ,hy this, in
iv -f session 'lininedlately following
thrf iiiniii meeting that the caravan
'should Imive KoBobui-H; t. 'Supday
morning; September 1)., koing "to
Ueedsport and -Gardiner Tfoi Sun
day and then spending Monday at
Sulphur Springs, attending j; the
pionie. ? r v 'r : ' f
The meeting, - during tho consid
eration: of the Smith River, invita
tion, went, off on a tangent; taking
iip the Umpqua highway topic, Jt
was introduced byn discussion of
the road to Reedsport witli a corfi
ment on the Unking up of the JJort
of Umpqua with Knstern Oregon
through the completions of ; fclie
TTmpqua highway fro'in - Vtrn ii 1 o
ftetidoport anil Die North
highway liom Ttuseburg to Ula-
Lipnd Lake. TliJft caused a digres
ilou in which touch enthusiasm for
thl? highway project was shown,
i . V. 'Marsters called, ailHillon
to; the fuct that for years Hose
burg lius stood by while nefghbor-
Jng cities took advantage of the
JOUglua county resources,. Med
told, he staled, la securing the
benefits from JJlamond Kalte. , Ku
giuio obtained lhe railroad to the
loast that was started in OouglaH
tuuiity. Now rcugeue Is building a
frjid up the middle fork of the Wil
lamette, with Btufo aid. . Douglus
bounty has been unable to secure
atiile aid on Its projects mainly be let the other communities
got In ahead --with their claims.
Now J.ane 'county :1s- linking up
with the skyline road and will
have a way Into Crater and pla
mond, lakes' while Hosfburg .-will
Mill bo left 'without a road.i He
called attention to (ho fact that
the fanners of Uouglns county are
put 'it a disadvantage lu getting
their produce' into eastern Oregon
markets.. Kasteni Oregon and Ida
ho offer a fine market lor many
products of this county, he Btuted,
but u grower must travel 75 miles
to ICugone before he Is on an equal
with tho Lane county, farmer,, in
getting his -produce across the
lifountaln.i, Tho Nortji Umpqua
loud completion would put lilm on
nn equal footing. Tho vuiuo of the
road down tho river In securing
bettor freight rates on merchan
dise purchased by local merchants
was, also discussed, while it was
shown that unless' Itqseburg' does
do something to' link up with Dia
mond lake, that the. completion of
,1110 Roosevelt highway Is going to
leave the city completely isolated
so far as tourist, travel (a con
i;orned. r ' i ' - "
J Several mutters ,ln t)ilg connec
tion were discussed, one ' being a
proposition to create a siiper road
district to help In building the
North Umpqua road. . Several talks
were made, nil being .in favor of
the early completion of : the ' pro
ject. -It was flnallyJdeclded ,' that
the president of the Chamber of:
Commei'co should select a commit-!
tee to. foi niulate. a. program. on the
North; Umpqua j.-oail; project (ind to
report, lo the Chamber of, (ton)
moree at soififf futiire' difte ' ft'-
Pure whole mtlK, and It's pas
teurized. Roseburg Pair:;. Phono 186
PENDLETON, Septi 8-iA heavy
hall, storm .descended on Pendle
tbh last night Precipitation ' mea
sured two hundreths of an inch.
Tho hail' was preceeded by an
electrical storm; : ' ' ;''' :
U. S. Weather Ilureau Office.
Roseburg, , Oregon. Data reported
by Arthur W. Pugh, Meteorologist
in charge.,
Harometric pressttro (reduced
to sea level) 5 a. m.' 29.9C
Relative humidity 5 p. m. yes-'
terday' (per cent) 70
Precip., in Ins. and Hundredths:
Itlghesi teiiiperalure yesterday 74
Lowest temperature last nlght....DG
Average, temperature lor, tne
' duy .:'..,.,'...'...! i '...i.L.:
Normal temperature for this
' date... ... , ,., Oh
Preciliitatioii, last. 24 hours 81
Total Dieclii. since 1st month .01
Normal procip. for this month 1.04
Total procip. from Sept 1,
' 1927 to date .....
Averace precip. from Sept. 1,
"'1877 1... : .'.'.:..'
Total deficiency since Sept.1
1. 1027 ....
Aver'aae Bensoiial procip.' Sept.
to May Inclusive -31.12
' Forecast for southwest Oregon:
Occasional rain tonight and ' Sun
day, nioderalo temperature.
vocal studio;
527 E. Douglas
Residence' Phone 33-R "
Elsie Carleton Strang
Community Hall
Saturday Nite,
' Sept. 3rd.
Oriental Gardens
American Legion
ALL kinds ot flooring. Nine kinds
or uhiplup. Pages'. ' ''
S HO A TS'"forale at a bargain. H
K. Jones', Myrtle Creek.
FOR' "SALE- 145" Ururisw;lckp6rt.
able for t35. Phone lOF
FOR SALE-Uuod bed davenport;
Paramount washer. Phone 335-R.
FOR RE.NT-Furnished' "modern
apartment, close In, 221 W,
Lane St. -. , , ' .
FOR SALE 300 acres with unlim
ited outrange, nice buildings,
CAR FOR WOOD Will trade 1819
Dodge touring for wood. Phone
4S.nK. i
FOR SALE Week-end special on
pears for .cunning. Williams' Dll
lard Gardens.
FOR "SALE Mahogany dining
room table, range and heater.
321 Kane St.
FOIP- SALE Purebred Shrop.
buclti Robert Manning, Dixon,
villa. Phone 3F31.
FOR SALE Two used Oliver disc
plows, both in good repair.
Lockwood Motor Co.
NlrfiCE Is hereby given that I
am lu town and looking for
work. Vic'ArundeL '
FOR SALE 6 tons loose
huy, third cutting. J. L.
ranch, Garden Vulley.
FOR" RENT 5-rooni, "furnished
house, cor. Lane and Flint Sts.
: Inquire i737 West Lane.,
WANTED ,2 experienced wood
cutters at once. Call at ranch. J.
J. Meredith, Dlllard, Ore.
'0.OOD work horse for his board
and keep. See C.-P. Cayler, 1038
ALL" WOOD"on Fred Donebrako
place must -be off the place on
or before Sept. 8. Will burn.
TRUNES 756 , per box, bring
boxes or leave orders at Mor
gan's Grocery. Bryant Orchard.
FORS"Xi7E 50-acro fai-rnT- first
class ; buildings, fine water;
stock, equipped complete, $3700.
FOR . SALE J3artlett ' pears for
canning, mile south of Kellcy's
Korner on highway., E. E. Baker.
MIAN'S suits cleaned and pressed,
also washing, Ironing and mend
i ing. Bring bundles to 929 Wln
- eheBter. ' " -
FOR SALE Fine ; yellow, plums
for canning, Monday night and
Tuesday.. Fred, Fisher's. . Phoue
. 20F3. . , , ;. ' ,
WANTED Boiler repair work Jy
experienced boiler maker.. Esti
mates given. ' Roseburg Welding
& Radiator Works. -.. .. :
F"ORrrSAL"E- frrooin t -plastered
residence, 2 large lots, furnished.
$1800. Like. rent. Mrs. L...O., Mad
dux, 404 N,- Jackson. . , , .
GUR late canning 'tomatoes how ,
on sale, 00c per hUBhel at Noah
place, , Dlllard. . Bring your own
boxes and pick. Fred Winston.
HOUSE rFbRR15NT 5". rooms,
-basement, garage, all; 'built-in
features., Just v like i new. Good
rent dor right pari,)', Phone J566-R.
FOR 'RENT 2 houses "clieaiv neai'
: ; Rose-, school. Wanted 300 March
hatched- White Leghorn -pullets.
John Urqughton,. Roseburg, Ore.
on 1 gallon Amazing new' mois
ture mileage maker. All autos. 1
free. Critchlow, A-12, Wheatbn,
111. , ; , ', ii
ELBERTA PEACHES for canning,
stiecinl prices- for Sunday and
Monday; also -Bartlett pears by
tho bushel.' A. F. Suksdorf, Coos
. Junction. ' ; ; ; ? ' '
THE-POLLYANNA Cafe at Myrtle-Creek
serves a special clilck-
en dinner on Sunday. Good food.
j well -. served. ,, You'll be , glad you
' stopped there.
! TOMATOES for sale. Bring your
containers and' pick them your
self at 60c per bushel. Nine
acres to pick them from., Ira
Boyer, Dillard, Ore.
FOR SALE Elberta peaches for
canning, $1,50 and $2 per bushel,
while they last. 75 miles . south
, Roseburg, 1 mile west Winston.
school house.-Roy Burks.-
WE SERVE the best chicken din
ner for the price that can be
found in Douglas county. Full
course dinner. Try It Sunday.
Classic Cafe, Canyonvllle.
TRY OUR SPECIAL-frled chicken
On toast, GOc. Delightful foods,
quick service. Good music. Can
yon Tavern, J mile south of
FOR SALE Gentle saddle horse,
saddle and bridle, $50, Baled oat
and vetch hay $14.. 19 Toulouse
geese, $2 each or $30 all. Also
Viking crenm sepnnuor iu good
condition, $15. Louie Eggleton,
Oakland, Ore.
FORTRENT Furnished apart
ment Furnace, hardwood floors,
nil huilt-lus, ice box, garage;
, everything furnished or partly
furnished. Also three rooms up
stairs for light housekeeping. 926
South Main or G. W. Young and
Son. '
GET a deed to your home.Ifou
are buyiug a home on contract
and have it halt paid for, with
on mortgage, see us about our
monthly payment real estate
loan whereby you can obtain
money to pay off the, contract
ami get a deed. Monthly pay
ments on your loan, generally
less than rent or contract pay
ments, take care ot both princi
pal and interest and get you out
of debt. Umpqua Savings and
Loau Ass'n. Douglas Abstract
Fruit picking bags
at Wharton
The American Leglan Aux-
lltary will hold open nlr meet-
Ing and watermelon feed with
Legion at Williams' Gardens,
Dillard, Tuesday, Sept. 6, pro-
Tiding weather is perniisa-
able. Watch Tuesday's paper
for definite notice.
' ', ', -t ANNOUNCING . ,:.,,.,.'.,;,.,;,,;; ,
a y the reopening
-, ' Teacher of Piano ! . : t ,
' Graduate of the New England Conservatory
studio ooena Sept. 6th. .
Dunning System for
- ; . y -- K. i , ' - . . , " i
Teacher of Piano . . ' f
, ' h ' ' ' v
, and
Dunning iSystem of Improved
- Music Study - .
Private Studio, 137 North Jackson,' Bell Slater Bldg.., Room .B
s, Opens September 12th J y- t 5 , ' '
For Lesson Arrangebienta Phone (77.R: j
','-.-. .- C
-; ! nwiwi
; ; ; , : . . Above Ladies Shoppe
" Dunning System for Beginners
High School and Teachers' Couree for Older PupllB.
Mrs, Moore holds Advanced Certificate Philadelphia- Conserva-
- tory. High Sehool Credits.
":': ''-"'' -"-"".' -,- Phone 187-R y . ;.
T"D. F. Owen, arid T; Gnrretson
of Fresno, CRllforpIat narrowly es
caped death ' i'ye'sterday fternobh
When their car went off the high
way south "Of Yoncalla; - turning
over in the ditch and catchingii
fire. Tourists quickly came to the
aid ot the two men, pulling the
machlneu to-allbw thein; to' crawl
from BenWttf. &'.'.. t4 fteoJdeiit oc
curred whon a pacty of North Da
kola tourists attempted to pass a
car 'f -iipproaohlng-.'. IBS i. California'
men; who drew over to the slioul-
.,' - .',!.? l-i.-t.-r..1..:, ...,iw .
uer OL Xiie lilginvay wiin iue,t i;,-.
using It to .go over the grade,
' ... 1 . ' ! ,
h Alice Day. and Mack Swain 1 '
I J. ':.!i(1f -! ' 1 ! .
"Sre You In Jail"
I . , i . ; ; 1
"Here's your chance to go behind the bars and enjoy it!
Fifteen days of the funniest complications ever seen in or
V out of jail. For you an evening of hilarious entertain
ment. '
More Comedy, "I Loved You So"
, Latest News
Matinee 10c25c
I . - ' , . , wifiu '
i jmmi ...
The Latest
and Loveliest V
' Star of the
1 f
The picture that broke the house record at the
Broadway Theatre, Portland, Oregon.
Comedy, Bobby Vernon in "Don't Fire"
; Latest News
Matinee I0c-25c
of the studio ot
. .' f ' Parrott Building
H (Opposite Ott'a Mualo Store)
' I Telephone 311-L
tT ' '' - ; 1 i'H
ppt 15T' - ' H
2 and 3 - -
Their macliinq was a to.tu! )om
Adjustmont was made by the own-'
er of the-North Dakota maclilno'
and the .tw.o Fresno men cume to
this city;! land Imrcliaseil a car at
the O, A. V Lockwood Motor com-
Miany.iTho California tourists wero
and Mr. Owen, owner ot tne can
received a sprained back 'from' bej
ing pinned - under the steering,
wheel. .'
r v'(A"slfJutfi(l Vrtai I.ea9e'l Wire) . (;
f'L'A pilANDE, .Ore.,SSept. 3 La
Graiide wlllbe host to labor from
Union, Wallowa, Uma'tilla and llii
ker counties Monday when a Labor
day celebration will . be stageil
here. 'A parade sports prograut
queen contest and speaking pro
grani are Included 1n the eiiteiitiiif).
meat. lnlUieJe.venlng Benny Wolfo,
ot ..Philatlelphla, and' Delmer 'Allen,
ot"Lfi Grande, 138 pounders, will
headline a,boxlpg.card,,yj.,. j t fj
"American fence atearlond-nricds
at Wharton Bros.
Evening 10c-25fc-35c
Ii Mil
hT7' p A Lavish
5i jjf Pageant of
ur , Romance and
IW ' Luxury
. Evening I0c-25c-35c