Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, September 03, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    . .- . ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW,, SATURDAY- SEPTEMBER 3, 1927.' ;! ' '
: ,)' MM i
(Continues from page 2.)
I warmly welcomed by frleuds ilur
ing her' vlblt In Roseburg this
'week. Mrs. Rex, who was Instruc
'tor In piano In this ' city several
. years ago, Is now one of Portland's
! best known organists. She wus
the house guest of Mrs. George
Wharton on Claire Btroet during
her stay and left for her home on
Thursday, being euroute from San
Frunclsco. While here Mrs. Hnx
was the Inspiration of several In
formal affairs given by her friends.
Miss Vivian Orcutt And
Charles W. Fox to Wed
At Afternoon Ceremony
' A ' wedding of the week of
considerable Interest in circles
in Roseburg will be the ceremony
at which .the marrluge ol' Mls
Vivian W. Orcutt, youngest daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Orcutt,
and Charles White Fox, son of
Mrs. Sarah E, Fox of Pasadena,
. California, Is solemnized today.
The service is to be ans after
noon afiuir at 4 o'clock at the
lurge home of the bride's parents
on Chadwlck street. Rev. Joseph
Knotts will read the ceremony and
a few intimate friends and rela
tives have been bidden for the oc
casion. '
: Miss Dorothy Orcutt will attend
her sister as maid of honor ' and
Duncan Shields of Portland, fra
ternity brother of Mr. Fox, will bo
best man.
Walter Fisher will sing "At
Pawning" just - before ' the cere
mony and the wedding march will
be played by Mrs. C. S. Helnline.
Miss Orcutt is a graduate of
Roseburg high school and while a
student here was prominent in
music circles. She attended O. A.
C. and the past two years- has
been n member of the Madrlgul
club. She Is a member of Gumma
Phi Beta sorority. 1
Her fiance graduated from O. A.
C. this spring. He Is a Phi Gamma
Delta and a member of Pi Kappa
Phi, national scholastic fraternity.
He has been doing research work
in the school of forestry following
his graduation and will complete
his studies in the spring.
- - - - , , ja ; 1 1 1 1 ; 1
Mrs. Glen D. Smith of Coftnge
Grove and her aunt, Mrs. R. Ham
burg of Eugene, motored ! here
Tuesday and spent the day vlsit
' lug friends. Both formerly resided
in this city. 1
' $ 1 $ '- ' 1 ' '
Mrs. H. L. Connelly, i
Hostess for Bride-Elect
- One of the charming affairs of
the week occurrod on ...Wednesday
evening, wnen Mrs.- Hj leeon
nelly invijod a group of the Vpdng
er makroiis and maids to hen. home
' on -Kant :Douglas streeV for ;n mls'-
' celaneous shower, given in' compli
ment to Miss 'Vivian W Orcutt,
bride-oleot of, Charles-IVhltfe Fox.
f 'Pastel colors predominated, .in
ilie rqqm decorations 'where', the
guests sewed tor the .honoree -and1
cliatted during the evening. .1 i
The luncheon table was appoint
ed In rainhow. color combinutioiiH,
with, each cover marked by a small
bride. A quaint umbrella, suspend-
, ed from the .- ceiling ubove the
table, made,, a pretty decorative
note In the dining room with Its
profusions of garden hlossoms. The
honor guest discovered at the end
of the rainhow colors a pot of gold
basket, which- contuined the gifts.
Assisting the hostess, was Mrs.
Dounld Helliwell.
Guests for the evening Included
Miss Orcutt, Mrs. Maurice New
land, Mrs. Harrle Booth, Mi's. Wal
ter Fisher, Mrs. Garland Stamper
of Cincinnati, Mrs. A. N. Orcutt,
Mrs. Donald Helliwell, Mrs. Fred
Lockwood, Mrs.. Win. Cox, .Miss
Vera McCllntock, Miss Frances
Burner, Miss Helen Churchill, Miss
Carmen Atterbury, Miss Vernlta
Kohlhagen and Miss Bertha Kohl
hagen. McCulloch-Finley
Wedding Sunday . ;
Marked with the charm of a
simply service the marriage - of
Miss Gladys Finley, attractive
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. F.
Finley, and Orvelle McCulloch, son
of O. McCulloch of Powers, will
take place at an evening ceremony
Sunday at the home of the .bride's
parents. on Military street.
Dr. Frank B. Matthews will of
ficiate at the nuptial rites at the
hour of 7 o'clock before a small
group of. friends .and relatives of
the couple.' ' i
The bride-elect- will be attended
by Miss Rhea Oiites as maid nf
Come 16 your Au Unlwtity (or cultural
edMaUon tnd profeMiOM training
Opportunity It offfrei In
22 departments of the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts
AmJ In tht bhotJi of
Architecture and Allied Arts
Business Administration Educa
tion Journalism Graduate Study
Law Medicine Music Physi
cal Education Sociology Social
Work Extension Division.
College Yew Open September 26, 1927
For information or eatotoiao tent
Thw Rrl-Hror. Umftrntf of
Oregon, Ettfm. Or.
honor aiid Kston Lough will act as
best man. i
. Preceding the hour fur the ser
vice Ralph Churc h will sing two
numbers and- MIsb Glhbs will play
the wedding march from Lohen
grin.' '
There will be an Informal recep
tion afterward.' 1 - ' '
The bride-elect and her fiance
city, both having' intended high
have a wide circle of friends In the
school,' the former graduating - in
1927. Mr. McCulloch has been mak
ing IiIr home at Powers for the
past three years. '
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Osborn were
pot-luck supper hosts at the Banks
Apartments on Pine street on Wed
nesday evening, usklng Mr. . aud
Mrs. Herbert D. Quins und Mr. unil
Mrs. A. B. Taylor, Cards were in
progress following supper.
ft ' ',
Miss Stearns Hostess
At Theatre Party
Miss Maxine StearnB -recently
entertained the members of the
Joy Sunduy School class of the
First Methodist Kplscopul church,
asking the girls for a theatre
party, and then to her home for
The hostess served refreshments
at one largo prettily appointed
tuble, lighted with tapers and cen
tered with a bowl of gladioli. Cor
sages of gladioli and fern marked
each cover. 1 - ' -
Included In the group were the
Misses Dorothy Geddes, Norma
Winston, Helen Bergh, Nora Har
ney, Hazel Strickland. Dorothy.
Geddes, Vera McCllntock, Unlda
Harney, and an added guest, Mrs.
n. (J. Stearns and the hostess. '
Dinner Tonight For ' -. ;
Members of Wedding Party
For members of t he McCulloch
Finley wedding party Mrs. G. F.
Finley will entertain with an 8
o'clock dinner party at her home
on Mllltury street this evening. In
cluded In the group will be Miss
Gladys Finley, Miss Jessie Glhbs;
Miss Rhea Gates, Orvelle McCul
loch; ' Eston Lough and Ruluh
Church. . . !'''
Mr. and Mrs. Harris B. Snroles
and the lutter's brother, Howard
nail, or Portland were guests over
Thursday of iMrs. Snroles' and Mr.
Hall's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
R. D. Williams, on South Pine
street.' Mrs. Sproles -Is a former
Portland girl.' The party was ' go
ing to San Francisco, where Mr.
and Mrs. Sproles make their homo;
Two Matrons Entertain
With Bridge.. Breakfast
i One of the largest . and- inost in
teresting affairs: oit .the- i weeks'
calendar and-au iriaugunration in
entertaining was the bridge break
fust jl'or which Mrs.. J. ,K.. Falbe
and Mrs. Douglas Walte were host
esses on Tuesday morning 'at the
Falbe 'home in .Riverside,
i JA group of thirty prominent ma
trons were bidden Tor several ta
bles of bridge and for" sewing. The
.table luppointments were in nu
early fall hlossoms carrying out
early fall blossoms lurrying ouL
tile decorative scheme. ' . ' .
Assisting in. the 706ms and at
the. tuples were the Misses Eliza
beth Abraham, Mildred Slnulger,
Helen Jlnlbe, and Helen Newman
of Medford. .
t - . ';,
Miss Gladys Enger arrived Fri
day night 'from Bakersfleld, Cal
ifornia, where she . lias been visit
ing with her Luncle and aunt, Mr.
aud Mrs. J. E.Enger, and will be
the. house guest .of Miss Mildred
Cochran for ' a ,- few days before
continuing on her , Journey, home
to Brownsville. Miss :Engcr -has
been in the south since last May.
Mrs. H. D. Harris ? H :
Bridge Hostess Friday
Mrs. H., D; Harris -was bostess
on Friday evening at-her homo at
711 West Moshur street for .1 love
ly affair,, bidding a group of smart
matrons tind maids' for , seven ta
bles of bridge.
Baskets- .of , zinnias and multi
colored petunias aud asters bright
ened the rooms. At the end of play
first prize was received by Mrs.
B.- Casey. Second honors went to
Mrs. W. S. Jost. .
Assisting the hostess at the pret
tily appointed luncheon tables were
Miss Gertrude Hast, Mrs. Albert
Mlcelll, Mrs, Lee A. Wells and
Mrs. J. C. Ponsler.
Rt r. and Mrs. Loren J. Brltt,
whose marring was a recent so
cial event, returned to Roseburg
following a wedding trip to north
ern points. They are making their
home at the Banks Apartments on
South Pine street.
Chic Shape
A new bag of u minimi shape In of
bffpe calf wfth a frame of plain
Sutherlin Man Visits
Oscar Gorrell of Sutherlin spent
Friday afternoon in UiIb city visit
ing and attending t business mut
ters.. ; 1- ! ." ' . '. ! ,-':
8pende Afternoon ' - i .
Alfred Anderson, JWulroso ranch
er, spent Friday afternoon trading
and transacting business in this
From Myrtle Qreek , ,
F. J. Wilson 'of Myrtle Creek
was In this city over Thursday at
tending to business nl'falis and
From Tyec :
Iiwrence Leonard of Tyee ar
rived hero lust evening to visit
with friends for thu romalnder of !
tho week. J
In Shopping-
Mis. Curtis Stlerwnld wns hero
from the rural districts Friday af
ternoon shopping und transuding
business. '
On Business . 1
A. E. Erlckson. of Looking Glass
was attending to business uffalrs
and trading here during a , lew
hours Friday. , . ,
Business Visitor
R. Hutchlns of Looking Glass
was a visitor In this city Friday
afternoon and wus looking after
business affairs. 1. . , .
Here From Myrtlo Creek
Mr. and Mrs. John Jacquins of
Myrtle Creek spout Friday after
noon here shopping mid attending
to business affairs.
In Friday
E. E. La Brio, resident of Gardqn
Valley, was here for a few bonis
on Friday attending to business
mutters and visiting.
Spend Day Here , , ;
Mr. and Mrs. -F., S. Reoso and
children of Glide wero here Friday
visiting with friends and shopping.
From Hoagltn r , , , . 1
, L. H. Nixon of Honglin was a
visitor In this city . Friday attnr-
noon and was looking after busi
ness affairs and-trading.
Miss iMrirlon Newman of Medford
w ill arrive here; today !from , Eu
gene, -where she has been visiting,
and will., be tho houso guest of
MIbs' Eldross : Judd at the Judd
home on South Jackson-street over
the- week-end.- . . 1 , u - ,
Left For Southern California
Mr. and Mrs. H. -E. Logan, who
hnve been spending their vacation
here visiting Mrs. Logan's parents,
Mr. nud Mrs. W, A. Jenkins,' and
also in Montana visiting, relatives
of Mr. Logan, left Friday for tholr
home nfr Breu, near- Los uAngelea,
California.' ' :; ' '
Buys Meat Market ' '' ' ' '
S. L. Buell and son, experienced
meat market operators ' of - Myrtle
Creek, Oregon; have taken posses
sion of the Eagle Market, "having
recently purchased - the ' business
from Charles L. May, who has
been operating it for some' lime.
Ashland Tidings. ' 1
Ex-Resident Here ' 1
Abner Hodel, of Potorvllle,' Cal
Is spending a few days in Rose
burg, where be formerly resided
and played In the Douglas County
bnnd.- On his way back home he
will stop at Grants Pass, to fill an
engagement with a band at the
Josephine county fair.
Visiting At Bailey Home '
W. C. Edwards of Fossil, but
formerly a resident of Drain and
well known throughout the coun
ty, Is the guest of nr. und Mrs. 0.
H. Bailey, at their home on South
Deer Creek. Mr.' Edwards Is one
of the largest stock . farmers In
eastern Oregon. He Is lecturer
for the- Ollllam-Wheelcr county
Pomona grange. '( - i .
, i. ' !
Driving Here Today
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Rowley
of Eugene are driving hero today
and will return home Sunday.
They will bo accompanied by-their
daughter, Miss Helen Russell, who
has been spending the past few
weeks in this city visiting with
relatives -and friends, and by Mrs.
Rowley's sister. Miss Mattie Perry,
who will be their guest over Labor
Day. Mrs. Rowley is a former
Roseburg woman; -
Leaving On Motor Trip
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Rice and
daughter, MIhh Eva Rice, leave
Saturday by motor for Portland
and Soattle, At the. latter place
they will bo tho guestH of W. J.
Weaver, former owner of the Ho
tel Umpqua, and Mrs, Weaver at
their- homp. They will return to
Portland for a visit beforo'coinfiiK
to Itoseburtf. Miss Rice will re
main in the metropolis for a month.
Mr. and Mm. F. A. Remis of this
city and their 1 pon-ln-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J.
George, of San ' FrandHco. who
have been at Agate Reach Inn as
Kueats of Mr. f.eoige'a mother,
Mrs. Katherine George, returned
hore Thursday evening. Mr. and
Mrs. George came north for tho
wedding of the la'ter's sister, Miss
Adele Hem In, and Uron J. Rrflt.
They will remain here until Mon
day and then leave for the bay
Mrs. Wetherell Visiting Here
Mra. Alvia S. Wetherell, former
ly of thlH city and now of Ashland,
Is visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Oliver Johnson. She will
leave next week for North Rend to
visit with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. -M. M. Rcott. and her daugh
ter, Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
and son. Durward, will accompany
their guest to the coast. Mis.
Wetherell, who was a resident of
this city for seven years, In attend
ing the Southern Oregon Nnrmtil
school at Ashland, and will have n
three weeks' vacation between the
Hummer and fall terms.
... . . "
Visiting In Salem
Mrs. R. W. fillvin and daughter,
I Ruth, left this-ulternoun for Sa.
b in to visit with friends ot i'r l.u-
bur day. i . ,. ,
' . . j
Cone to Lake ' J ' 1' ' '
Mrs. Anna B. Chirk1 has left 'for
Diamond Lake where site will en-
joy u .brief vacation over Labor
Go to Albany
Mrs. H. S. Dudley aud son, Will
lain, left this afferuuon for Al
bany to spend u few days visiting
with their mother and jiundmoth
er,. ; '- .'..,-
Arrives From South ,
Dorrenco McCnrdy nrrlved horn
this morning from southern1 Ore
gon for a visit with fiicndx una
Coming Home Tonight f
Dr. and Mra. Geo. R.' Ilnurk re
turn here tonight from Snlem,
wliero they have hoen for the pant
throe dHys, thu former attending
thb state im.'dical meeting.
Arrive From North
Charles' W. 1 Fox nud
Shields ur
m-lved- hero last iRght t IT ? -1
north;! Mr. Shields' re- - Xj-J ' . ., !'
sides at llalsey and Mr. J.-ux-n do -
Ing resettrcli work In the school 'of
toiestry nt O. A. C.'. . : I
Leave After Visit ' '
Mrs, John IJoyd and daughter,
Barbara Jean, who formorty made
their home hore,, returned 'to. Ku
wait with fri-mis in IMh elv" flni-
ing the" week. , "
Taking Inventory- ' :
. .. . ; -ti
R. W. Lemon, presidor.t of the
Oregon Stages,, Inc., and, F J.
Burns, from tho schedule depart-
ment,, arrived lroni. Porland last
evening and aro here taking . in -
yentory. of tiekets lollowiug b
recent chnngo in, bUBiucHM ,Qf , 1 hu
company. , , .. 1 , (i i
, 1 .. , .
rrom Kceasporx ;, . ; .
i Ellery Hall . has arrivotl from
Rcedsport to visit , witli relatives
and. friends ovor Labor Day. i
Visitor Today, i . , 1 -i '
L. A. Jobe of Days Creek was
hero this morning ; attending 1 to
buslneaa-nfj'aira and -visiting vilh
friends; . 1 1 - i i 1 i
Left For, Portland Vf 1 j
1 -Audio Nelson, aiul mothpr,
Mary Nelson, of ; MeJroHo were
here this morning, leaving in. the.
afternoon for Portland, iwhero thuy
will visit; Mrs-. Nolson will retiwn
here next week aud. hei son will
remain in the nietropolis for, a
month or so. , 1, ,
Ockelmans Here Over. iSpnday .
... Frank .Oekelman, - I'ormoriy i em-Power-'
company here; with'; Hia
wife' and tamily are' 'Spemihig the
week-end visiting friends in Rose
burg. 1 Mr; Ockelinan-and ills fam
ily' aro now locnted at Tillamook,
where he is' agent for 'the Oregon
Life Insurance company. They
will be hero until Monday evening.
On Official Business ' ' ' f
M. 10. Slack, and' Arthur Coombs,
inspectors with the' fire patrol Jfs
sociatiou of Lane county, were in
Roseburg today conferring whh
Hmvoy Q. 1 Brown; district warden
of Douglas' county patrol. 'Mr.
Slack was ' formeiiy located In
Roseburg wlillo conrtocted wRli
the local association. 1 1
! Return to Portland' " ;
Mrs. Eldred T. Shrum and daugh
ter, Barbara, who havo been visit
ing In this city and at Glide with
relatives for t ho past week, left
this afternoon for their home in
Portland. The Sbrums ' only re
cently moved to the metropolis,
whore they have purchased a now
home, and whore Mr. Shrum is
employed in the Pickwick shops-
, Mr, and Mrsi Paul , Leonard of.
Portland visited friends iii ; i(ose-
lung Tliursday evening' SlrsJ
Leonard (Onice Coidsou) wa n
bride of tho week, her mairlage
to Mr. Leonard being an event of
Wednesday evening nt tho Cente-nary-Wilbur
church, ' Eat i J'gbth
aud Pino streots in Portland. Mrs,
Leonard and her sister, Miss Juno
Cordson, are well known in this
city, having visited here the past
low years as guests or iwir uncio
and aunt, Mr. and Mrn, W. O. Vnx.
coaches av the
MS To .lACOS ffl "TWs
1 .:;
: (AlJK lal d !'- UuM Witt),
! t. U.MAKK. Sill.' Selit. 3.
Nebraska's snakes havo hall-
uu,. . , ,. , ,
Itecentlv when - Nathaniel
Waters 'of llri.lion Mow. Neb.. ''
wulked lulo Ills burn a siii'cli's
Of fcuiila; comniouly known ns
' u pleading adder struck jit
him and ixhuded some tdrt of
i moisture which left its victim
too ill io walk and physicians t
treated him fQr amtke bite
imtHUUlng.- j
Contest now .Miss Caroline
j Sirliifft-r, Central high aehool
naturullbi, with tho tstatement
tliai .the sniemtiio; udder's
breatU is worm tjiun JiEh hite'r 4
( 1 'The' fiuuko lis not a poison 4
ouh one. Him Muy.s, but has a
! fcevero cast off bad breath
uhlc.h tenda to produce.
, In Its victims.
! Mrs, Irving Visitor ,
! 'Mill.' L. A. Irving resident . of
j Wilbur, was shoppiifg ind visiting
jfrieiidn hero yn:ilevdur afternoon.
i From Sutherlin ,
, Mr, and Mrs." A.
R. ' .Austin,' of
itoseburj; Fri-
Huthoi'lhi, Avoro in
'day visiting frieiids anji trunHaet-
I M i
l"?0'"9 ,t0 "'y,d-'
Mr. and Mrs. CharW Cliijlt n
son, Mrs. U. lt. Rnhertsoti and
s,His jwillgo to ldleyld Sundaji to
uivi.'i lAiimv vuy uuu cuiii
Mi! ... n r - :
Gone to Lake .i
Geo. Iiurneti loft, this : morning
for : Diamond LaU ' whore lio
! b"! ovor Labov Uay.
Ho Will
return here about; Wednesday
j "c t", EuS?net I
I ; Mrs. J. II. Blayloek returned
: h ro tlUi( morninK following a fv.
..a, ,liys ,ay in Kugene wUuro
j vjHite(, wl lriomiH. j ;
. 1 , ., I ;
, Mles Webb to Portland j j
; ,Mj8H KUiel Wohhoftho Art Ud
Rahy Shop lof this 'nTfoliWiori M'or
1 0rlland., whrho will Kpeitd a
.Uivra ilKbil.tltl.t i An linuftUu
j nrn iters".
i ":
Spend Afternoon
.Mr,., ami ,Mc-s, .Edgar. Richards
and the former's mother, Mrs. S
Rieliurds; werojioro froiu, Ypncalla
Fridny ufternoot slioppingjand, vis
iting. , . ; , ... , , f
Going to Coast , t , f . , .. ... , 4.
, iMiss iluvf ;i Crouch vM leave
Sunday, morniug , t'01: , North liend,.
whm'o aho vill npimd Iho, firtjt rof
the veok viiiiUng with ,lioi; paivntk
aud .friends. . I , . , . . t . j . , .
i 11 M 1
Going to Glcndale j
Mr,( and Mrs. Andrew J. Gafl'a
way a'r'o'going to Glen'dlo; fit tho
morning to-visit wiliv Cnioudstatid
relatives until Monday night,
Go to Coqullle on Business;
.'Wayne.. T5. Jones, V, U. Churchill
hhd', Q. 'A. Lock wood .'wont, to ,Co
q'uHl'o 011.' business ( matters, '.Fri
day.' '" ' '. . - j '.
Enroutc South
Mr. and Mrs. IS. A. : Simmnng
and Kenneth F. Wallali of Kluhiuth
Falls visited hero', overnight Fri
day on their way homo after a, visit
in Canada. ' ' -
Mrs. Demmer Here : : ' 1 :'
Mrs, 1L' L'Denitner, of IlugtMio,
but formerly of this city; arrived
lilts morning to visit over Lnhor
Day with frhmds. Shp'wlll-hf the
guest of Mrs. Z. Z. Brown, on Mill
street. r, (',.:'. v
Home from Eugene-
Mr. and Mrs. Kugene Ilarker
returned homo Ibis morning fol
lowing a .weeks visit with friends
in Portland and relatives 11 Eu
PORTLAND. Ore., Sept. Ii Two
robbers held up Ct W. Folko.-dad's
drui' tore at East Thirty ! Ninth
and WnViiingJon, strtMds ,-lasf imht
pelting ' $7"i ai.d making liieir es
cape an automobile. One maii
about years old, medium hotgliih
entered die ntore and pulled a
gun. KolkcHtud' was ordered to. the
rear of tin- store and thu robber
folluwiHl. Tin 11 the other entered,
walked up to the cash register
j and
emptied It. Folkestad nevur
ha 1 a chanec- to see thu sero'i.l
Let's Hope It
( AMovid6, But)
a? ccxjRse, vp v
AMMOIAJe, 8U7 r"' V
xAkc A
' f0R NEjw Y0RK
utinuadi from page 1.)
its -own Knglaud' "fl;lng princess"
and her'two escorts of thu uir. .
., Desi)lto;rapldlV dwindling ( hope
,o ,th Hafoy of tlv, London to ()t-
tawu bound monoplane Bt. Rapuael,
with , tho Princosfl , Lowenatolp
Wortboim, Captain Leslie Hamil
ton und Colouel Frederick F. Mln
chin, an oxtenslvo ueurch wus un
der way on land and sea. ,
Two Slight Cluea
Only two slender clues had boon
received to bolster the hope of
6 euro hers, . ' "
The Dutch tile inner RRJdijk re
ported that at six a. m. Thursduy
(Greenwich Mean Time) Its look
out hud sighted a white light,
probably from u plane, about 400.
miles east southeast of New York
while thu Standard OR steamer
Joshla Mucy reported sighting a
plane at y:44 p. ni. ((jreoiiwich-j
Mean Time) Wednesday night, 1)00 1
to loou miles oil tho Irish, coast..
Doubt that tho light sighted by
tho Dutch steamer was the St.
Raphael was ex pressed in view of
tho distance of tha point given
from tho start of tho flight aud the
elapsed time. Tho position ! given
was nearly throe thousand miles
from tlte startiue nolut. and aa the
light was sighted only twenty-four 1
hours arter its Btnrt, it would nave
had to travel at a. tremendous j
speed to get there. Even then lis I
fuel would havo boen neurly oxr
haustcd. ,
To Comb Labrador
ST. JOHNS, N. F., Sept. 3. Uu-
moiH received hero that the.. Eng
lish trans-Atlantic ptuuu St.
Raptiaol liitd been slgliled off La
brador lod tho government to ur-
dor, all wireless, stations, light
liousos, customs ami other officials
tu institute a general search aud
to report immediately ff anything
is discovered to substantiate the
reports. ,
. Minister of Fisheries ' Windsor,
who Is familiar with tho lonely and
rugged Labrador coast, said he
teared that uidess the plane de
scended immediately on' reaching
the coats the situation of Ihe fly
ers would be hopeless. ' Ho poluL
od out thai tho wilderness of the
interior is Inhabited only by soli
tary trappers aud a few wander
lug bands 'of' Indians. 1 .Colonial
Secretary Bennett Is direct ing the
government investigation of vthe
reports. . , , , , , . , .
t Little Hope, In London ...
LONDON, Sept. 3. While some
persons still clung t hope today
that , Countess Lbvensloln-Werl-hoim
nnd .her flying comrades .U
the St. Raphael, , Captain .'Hamilton
and. Colopel M(ncliiu, .might, be
safe .either on n vessel carryiugio
wireless or Ful ;a remote place, In
Newfoundland or, ; Labrador, the
majority wore disposed to regret
fully IJst them among tho. vanished J
Irans-oceiuiic fliera. ,
, Ciijitiiln ;w. (J., IllnclicUffe lo
clarod It wus, too .early, to Abandon
lioiu. F.. Syunoy CotUtn, who flow
ovr a wide -urea vainly .r.uarchiuK
for lho mlHsiiiK Prmich tiim-At-
lnutlv h,Ii;iiiho; NiingoKHer and, (.'nil.
told the Dully . Mall that provided
tho St. I!uphuel- got , uoroxit'i-Mie
Atlantic, tho chances of tliose
aboard being found wore two io
one, but Ihoy were a thpusand Io
uui. ugaiiisL ineir mining up oi
their own nccord. He drew an
ugly picture of Ilia "terrible codn
try" of ; Newfoundland, wliero, if
Ihoy lauded, he said, Ihoy probably
would never ho heard from.
Weathor Unfavorable .'
': CAIJIBOU, Maine, Sept. 3 Wea
ther conditions, were unfavorable
for 'resumption' today of Iho flight
'from London, Ontario, to Ijond'on.,
IOngland, of tho tnnnoplnue Sir
John Caiiiutr. the first log of whose
Might to Harbor (iruue, N. F. was
lntin-rupted Thurwday night when
the piano landed mar Wimlihurn.
Windsor On Sotjgy Field
ST. GUKOOIItB, Que. Sept. 3
A Koggy field ur tho result of a
hoavy rain last night provontoil the
hop-off at daybreak of tho mono
plane ltoyal Wiiidwor, enrouto from
WlndHor, Oniarlo, to WindsoVi Kng
land. The plane was t'orcod to land
hero Thursday night on account of
trouhlo with Its tall skirl. ,
ln(lications,WLru that the1 plnne,
wlilch 1b piloted by 'Juke" Sehil
lcr and 1'hll Avood, woul l ho able
to hop off between II and 10 a. in.,
eastern slamlard time.
Carling Quiet Today ,
- CAHIUOU, Maine, Sept. 3. Cap
tain Terry Tullcy und Lieutenant
.liimeH Medcidf decided not to re
sume today their flight from Lou
don, Ontario, to London, ICnglantl.
Tills' decision was definitely
reiiehed nt noon after they hinl
Doesn't Come to This
t'o T(2M To
ear we'e MevjeR
itte boss ujl.l. MAvie? 76
of? A
Broken Telephone Wires
' - 4 i 1 1 1 i i "i ' ) t 1 i'i 1 , ; , ) ' ! - ',! ' :
Mean - Serious Inconvenience and
Loss to Our Patrons
i M ''('; '
Should you have any occasidri to perform any work such;'
as moving houses' or 'derrick, 1 blasting' stumps, 'felling
trees, etc., which you believe, might interfere with our
wires, it will be greatly appreciated if you will, , .
Telephone Our Wire Chief
, at Roseburg :
at our expense and explan the situation to him. He will
arrange to be on the ground and will be glad to assist
you in the work which you are doing, as a further pre,
caution in avoiding trouble. . ... i
r'ocolvod vory unfavoraljlo wenthpr
roporls from Harbor Oracq, N. P.,
Ihoir ni'xt Hlop, and had vlHltod
tholr nioiioiilaiio, (lie Sir John
Cinlliu;. In u rain miakml field ni'ar
Washburn whoro. tlicy nllKlitud
Thursday night. ' . , j , . , ;
, , Windsor On Go Again, ) , i
i ST. JOHNS, Que., Sept. :3.J-Tho
nlunu ltoyal WlndHor, bound from
Windsor, ; Ontario, for; -Wlndfior,
England, -hoinicd off from St.. (Ire
Koiro, noar hero, at 2: US i. m.,
plaimliiK to take a, romu by way of
I'orthiiilMaftif." ' '. ' ,
. Cliuunco- 'iUulce" 'S'uldller was nt
the "slick" and Phil Wood, was
navigator, .They proposed to make
H non-stop, flight, j . , , .
, jPAH A, , Brazil,, Kept. !l Reports
(rum,. Aleniqjipr, !,Mplwlegro,' and
(lunipa male that tlfus far ,np news
1ms heon rocolved concerning tho
missing America aviator,.,- Paul
Hedferii. , , . . -
Tlio search fqr-Hedfern. conttn-
1 l,c-
i Try our buttermilk It's differ
ent, Itonehurg Dairy. ,Phona ,180,
(Continued from pngre 1.)
Tho Hcene wns ; fumllliir 1 to the
plucky pilot and with a posRlbllity
of roach Ing a landing before i hie
fuel (jave out ho droppeU low, ovor.
tho river, following Jtu course luto
town, barely clpuring the tops of
the bullfliiiKB and floatliiR hiB'huge
piano Into the loctil field with
Hcuroely a . drop, of gasoline to
Hparo. . .' - 1
iTho oxperioncQ wns one . which
gave thorn an oxporlonce they will
never forgut an they laughlnKly ad-
! milieu when - thoy, 1 crawlod from
their crannied positions with their
huge chutes still strapped securely
tu their backs. U was . nearly dark,
but the pilot after gaining his dl
roctlons decided to go on -to Eu
gene, and so the piano was refuel'
ed and they hopped off again. thiH
time keoplng below tho lowering
cloud bank, following their course
Into the Eugone field where tho
night wns spent,
(Awoclatrfj Vrom Lcsiod Wire)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3 Thi!
war department announced formal
ly today that tho mime of ('amp
Lewis, Wiishfngtmu lind . neon
changed to Kort Lewis In accor
dance with the policy of doBignut
fng p(u-mtinent military posts as
forts and confining use of the do
signatlon "camp" to temporary
ee: fcrmaulv
Mr. aud Mrs. Ralph Hoovor mo
tored to town Friday from "If fop
home In NtiggeM ' t"...
llueol Dnsworth Riiatalned a bad
ly, broken arm .Tuesday by ralllnK
from, a wall. ' i i .'""""
ivim. viuia menoiH auu :cnuure.n .
Florence and Bonnie .contemplate
movliiB to IJlaln. lor the winter. "
town, Mlsa Mary Carolyn has .ta
ken up her abode with Mr. and
Mra. Bryan Dleckman, : and Mlaa
Juanita Jean has selected a 'per- .
manent boarding place with' ffiv.
and Mrs. Johnny Wlmer.
Miss Hollls Michaels has iie
turned toi Portland whoro she "wlll
teach ah'aln this wlnler. , Bhe"Wn
mother Mrs. J. 'O. Michaels and
Mr:. Frank' Russell who Will visit
lu the i metropolis lor a few days)
Harold March has gone to Salt
Lake where he will attend school .
tills winter. ...;), .. , ?" "
Mr. and Mrs. .Georgo Browning
ami daughter' Miss Margaret Sams
expect to leave soqn forMr. Brown
ing s nome in nigniauu, uaui.,
whero they will reside. ,
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hlce returned
Tuesday from n ton day sojourn
at Belknap Springs, coming home
by way of Ueud, Klamath Fall!
MIIU iSlllUIIU. i IK,.,
. ,Tho home of Mr. and Mrs. 'John
S. Davis .'of Myrtle Creek, Ore.
was the scene of a happy reunion
of the family the 29 of August for
the occasion of the fiftieth wedding
anniversary of Mr. .and Mm, DnvlB
wno were marrieu-in minnjeapuiis,
1U1...1 n,wl'li(t,a uoiilail 111 Mvntln
IIM.H, uiv. ilia puHi DiAiami .renin.
All momhors 6f tho family Hying
were ' uresont Including grand
children, being Mrs: Nellie D.'.Ran
dolph, dnuglitor Elizabeth and son
nobert. of .Corvallls. Ore.. Mr.' and
Mrs. R. It. Miracle, son Donald
and daughter Lottie Beth,- of, ,K1I
doer, N. D. Mr. and MrB. Brook
bank and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Cas
well of Portland. Ore. nnd Misses
Olive and Lois Davis. . .
,. Mrs. E, T. Smith nnd sister Miss
Alice Demmon, formely of Minne
apolis, Minn, were also prosent'. ;-'
Mr. and Mrs. Miracle motored
from N. D. to be- prosent for 'the
occasion.. ' . ( ' ' '. ' f
From Dlxonvllle - - .,.
Mrs. F. Hahn of Dlxonvllle spont
the afternoon In Roseburg visiting
wllh friends and shopping. ;
visitor I oaa.y
Mrs., A A. Drnug'nn of Sullw-Un
wns In this city for sevorul hours
today visiting and Bhopplng;
Business Visitor
H. M. Knapp, accompanied by
lilt, unn wna horn t'rnm flarden
Valley this morning on business.
His son leaves today for Portland
to all und business college.- "
From Dixonville
Mrs. Q. Coopor nnd daughter,
residents of Dlxonvllle, were hero
Ihls morning shopping and visit
ing with friends.
To Attend Wedding Coast
Mr. nnd Mrs. Cy Marshall and
family of Sutherlin wore In thlB
city whopping !Frliiy afternoon.
They were enrouto Io Coqnllle
where they will attend the mar
riage nf their son, Joe Cumpbell,
and Miss (Honda Johnson, at . a
home ceremony today. Mr. Camp- l l.n,.a nn1 In Rllthor.
lln, having a number of friends.
Ho and his bride will go to WaHa
Walla following the wedding and
bolh will attend College Place, a
Seventh Day Adventlst collego,
during the coming season.
Mrs. R. Allen Lee, who resides
In Garden Vnlley, received a bruise
on one knee nnd minor bruises In
an nulo accident Friday afternoon
occurring near the end of the
pavement on tho Oardon Valley
road. As tho machlno driven' by
O. B. Langenborg. a resident of
this city, passed her car, she drew
her machine ovor to the aide of
Ihe road, the oar skidding In the
gravel. The two machines collid
ed and the Allen car was damaged
to the extent of a broken wheel,
bent fender and nxlo. It waff
brought to Iho Hanson Chevrolet
GurnKo for repairs. .