FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2,l927i:. -' TWO' ' " : " 1 1 ' ROSEBURG,' NEWS REVIEW. Mm 'Mk dood Finish-Adds to1 the Life, i Appearance I and i Value of Your, ; Car H . . . ' i -' ' Reduced Prices - on Clean-Up Materials OeanUpur-Car' Wfeeft YOU'VE had your vacation and the car has done its bit... now it deserves some considcr-ationl.-.Clean up, shine up, paint up... the better the car looks, the better you 11 feel when you settle down behind the wheel (and you'll be surprised what a difference outside appear ance makes when you ask about a trade-in allowance). .. i' 'i IT Many other bargains besides those shown below " ' Wat all "Western Auto's" more than ISO storesU . ' Th WtU'j lawn rrftsiarri ml Am ... . Afri'liK m mruf .tnet with fumrunni AtxwHt, uuip (Joea ana niiaie. , Chamois and Sponge rnces Reduced 4 Small velvet sponges 35c size, this week vw Large velvet spongei -rcgu- a a .any 55c, special at.,.,...-, TT- Rubber ponBe8-r'lflcratchlea" j and latting this sale rZC Extra Quality until wooUt sponges 90c kind only...... IC jExfra quality , large wool A- ;pongca reg. price $1.25 ipXvO Chamois extra quaiity--sliCQQ about 16x26 inches, oronly... o"C Chamoia eiitra quality .A-i vq size about 2128 in only.tyi-OB Western Polishing Cloth This'4-yard roll 'of .Tubular . Knit Clorhduted ro. rlC 1 f'Shino" Mitten Duster . 'Made of heavy yarn, chemically treated to absorb dust. Special "Perfection" Wool Dusters XffJl ro; scratch (the finest finish. Long handle male es it eiisy to reach tmr-uf-t he-way, places. Regu- I'aly85c. On sale ... PC ' ' . Whisk Brooms Good quality, well stitched, corn -brooms, .vety stiff- f Reduced U o kd..u..i.i.t...;.! i.i .4oc Specially made Ox Fibre auto whisks. Washable, in' special con- tainer reduced from 80ctovJtC Keep Kleen Dust Cloth A chemically treated cloth, absorbs and holds the dust will not mar the highest finish. You should always have one In your car. A real bargain. Only ....... . Gem Glass Cleaner Cleans your windshield quick as a wink, also, good for metals. Reduced to XVC FREE "Zapon" Offer With ttvert Quart of ZaDon. M our regular low price you receive abso lutely FREEVt a 10c package ateel wool, a 15c package sand paper and a 35c can ot Xapon winner "Zapon" Flowing Laqquer Is one of the hardest, longest last ing Auto finches made. Easy to ntmv .and oulck drvins. Apply 2 coats one day and use car the next. Uhotct t o popular colors, i Steel Wool Removes rust like lightning. Your choke of fine or coarse. Large h package, only . ImDcrial Polish 1 1 ' CombihationOiferl Make vour car look like new with this money-saving outfit. 'Large bottle Imperial I'olt&h (made tor anynnisnr and two packages of "Western" Pol- kh nx cloth. Kcuular iuu value- Special this week , 'bi cr all for only ..JplAJU Pint t FREE "Duro Gloss" Offer With everv Dint can of "Duro Gloss' at our regular price of $1.00 we give FREE this week a fine ?5centf2 inch varnish brush. r J "Duro Glow" Top Finish h More than adressinc tttrestore'sall the original beauty'and lustre of you1 top, at thetsame time penetrating tnc fabric, waterproofing and presexvli it. Easily ana quickly applied. I t SUNDAY AT THE ' 1 I CHURCHES X Methodist Episcopal Church South, Main and Lane HtreetH. Kun iluy ncliuul .1:15 a. in., W. I.. Cobb, Kupl. MurnliiK worlilii 11 a. m Bubjccl, "The Ailvuuturer." by- wonli Leaisuc. 7 I. m. 'ioic, -Are our KiiwonhlaiiH ChrlHtlun, aeco'rU ln to the Blumlun! or Ji;i;ub Clirlsll" Leuder, Lucille ltuiwl. KvenlnK Mervice 8 p. in. Subject, "The Kock." The Wednesday eve ning prayer service will be post poned lor one -week from Wedueu iluy. You are cordially Juvjtt-d to: worehlp vlth uk at Ibnee utnvlces. If you are u stranger in Itobur(,-, consider this a personal invitation to worship with us. John K.. Pen hull, PaHtor. Phone Wl-lt. , Par sonage, 215 Kast J.une. fl St. George's Episcopal Church: Cass and Main streets. Holy' com munion lit 7:30 u. m.. Celebration" of holy communion aud sermon at 11 a. in, Hev. V J), uray oi uorvoi- lls, officiating. Ohurch sidiool at SMD n, in. . . - . First Baptist Church. Lane' and nose. Frank B. Matthews, pastor. 9:45 the Jlible school. 11 morning worslilp. The pastor will' preach. Communion and reoeptlon of new members. (i:30 the B. V. P. U. for young people. -7:3U the evonlng service. Please , notice that . the evening meetings are half an hour earlior than during the summer. As Monday Is labor day the pas tor will preach a patriotic sermon at the Sunday night service. His BUbject: "Are They Palming Our Flag Red?" What are the facts' abouL the Succo Vnnzottl agita tion? What powerful influences wore bfick of those men? 'Have we heard the lust of this matter? The lollowlng questions will bo answer ed: 1. Can Al Smith, a "wet" and a Roman Catholic, be elected presi dent? 2. Is organized labor turning "lied"? 3. Did Massachusetts do wrong in executing Sacco and Van- zetti? All who have no church home are especially invited to our services. You will find the music good, , the people cordial and the. services helpful. 1 FREE Offer Insto Hand Cleaner A dry yenet.uSIc powder, plcnsant ro use ind removes oil ana Rreasc in stantly. With every reuuiar 8 ox. '25c pacta)!.: this week, ymi receive FREE, a full 3 oi. 10c pacltace. Auto Soap Specially prepared by " Western Auto,"of harm, less Inuredicnts, for easy cor washtnR. Qunrt can. UcG.'pricc 55c, bale 41c White Cotton Wasto A whole pound of this 'handy material, only 26c Pint-cans St. 00 Quart.: .; 1.85 j; , WEitcm Aura i lop I,! Dressing , , . j 'V "Western Auto" quality top dre ine that is waterproof, preserving j and crack preventing.1 Pint CZp ' can. Special at - DOC cpi,... 98c; Special for khaki or sport di it I I tops. Quart can, reducedtopi--:-' , i ; Save on this Clean-up , ' ' Combination A can of Simon's dirt, grime ajd dust removing Cleaner; a can of Si mon's Simon U that, gives a lasting polish, and a 5-yatd roll '.of J:hcc;ei cloth Ordinarily, $1.35. Ai This sate Jfrl.UU Other Price Reductions Cleaning Brushes, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Coveralls, Body Enamels, En nine enamels and many other ar- t tides at Reduced Prices. "Western Auto". ..SERVICE 'j . . A feature tiictt saws you .money. Service connections cttt! maintained in all cities where we hae stores, so that goods puTchastd from us may be tnmperly and promptly installtd at a very low fiat rate . . . in many imtances . . . free of all vostt -Mare than 150 Stores lu theWfest stemAiito 117 South Stephens Street Phone 97 Paint Remover , Dissolves paint and var nish quickly, leaving smooth surface for new coating. Pint can. . Reduced to JC Quart can. duced to .. Re- 1.92c The Methodist Episcopal Church at Dtllanl, T. F. Allen, Hastor. Sun day school at 10:00 a. mt R. A.! Horcher, superintendent. ' We can accomiuodate more in our Sunday school, so don't stay avay tji Inking mere IB no room ior you. uome, uhIc questions ! uud help answej some. Miv Moody was conducting a question meeting one day .and one of tlio questions asked was, are there any verses in the Bible against the use of tobacco?" : Mr. Moody ioudered a moment, , theu said,, "No, but d can' give you'rone in favor of it. The audience was breatuloss, and lie continued, "He thut is Hltliy, !( ; lilm be filthy sllll.f Key22, 11. ' j ; U, ' i ; , hf 1 i The Methodist; Episcopal Church at Looking GhiHay' Alhmi pas tor. Sunday -school at 10:00 a. m. T., llodley,. superintendent ;U.jiless Camus' Vkliey; ,had a ood atten dance, we again; take 'the "lead in attendance, lieudersliip Is our goal, until-we are beaten, so push us a little; it Avill make us jvprlc ?the harder. i" 1 ' 1 ' "My Father, thou art -the guide of my youth.- . 1 ; ; ; ' VYou tell me that G'od , is your father, That you have been saved by His grace. ' 1 ' - ' Hut what of your daily commun ion? How long since y6u saw His face?" lIow to Start Labor Day Wrong : HlMl- r ''iijlSSf?008 I" .. : '; - ' ' " -Ti- . - , I ' T--1 ' ' r. ' ' " ' . , -AND VoL HAVE A SLOWOtlT Tbuffr uP AT A- A.t. .SATWACrVr And Ttv2o.eS NO CTftE f-oa.i - fiPFoae vou'v OON" A MH.B moa& with Wee CioriouS "Vojr CoFFee TriE; ; . , ,'' r VACATION! OKVS AHUAD Of VOW -:. Mll.KrvAKi JJQESrJ'T COMf :' ;,. I 1 1 . So EARUV! j i-:' I CHnGin) ThiS I . ).,'. ( i'Ul. T61.L TMe',WORLt j' r -""s-j,1, I TB( VJIUU GIJ5. I -0 ' -j f ; 1ITA Sittiijg OM ToP J ', , r-J euftCK coffee IS, Tnr Me "J07 rHT' ' WS 1 W ' ' X 0fr IT ' I. Fir-ieST Thing im The S . V-' i?11 H ' 1 1 fiBf' t W. V-UV'Mi til llAVr . i 1 f W -irHfi Lia.JVSJ fc. , , ; , .-, vfcja .rVfiSE?1 iuBai ''' ' :' ' WiliiilllllUiCl' tI " THLy ' yenr GO'iQ a.g,a.ikj . ClSRjSToRoPei (those K.os T3AC ' , i ! j l XL. FIX THIS OP VJITH J003 ' . , T,Oj I i7tT7c ,, ' ' L THSlBe GiOIST ! ? '' - ,1 ROSS6UL. WHEN I GET BCJ 1?. !-'Tw'S '5.,A , , S5?giSSL lilT'i.1- Bg A INCH-iy ' -.Hgt-UA VACATIOs gSSir. 1 J'- 7.P. Lorlll.rdCo.,Est.l76U Sf The Smoother and Better Cigarette . . Vi not a cougli io a carload priMlWITTFF CV 10 I (lifiil Noi'tlu-rii "ml llio Nnrllmru Ills, If any. which will conio to SwWlVllVlll Ul IU , ,., ,,,i1,,i iwnuml nnil I'nil liiinl mill Orfcim thru till' ulll- PO.RTLANDERS TO ills lilliulnrv Iprrllory, I lie bomM : ricHllim of the northern llnon, ami W IDY R R PI AN illiwliii'H nf tho climnbur or ruiil - If If in ilcrlilfil that oonsollilatinn nicrcp has iiiilnli-il a ooniniKti'P ' .In cIchIiiiIiIo. reioinnu'lnlallim ac 01 iimi iniinii it IimbIiii'sh men of ronlliiKly will ho niaili- to tin- I- thlH i-ity. . I lnrHlalo tonurn'rci rominlssiim Tills conmiltli'P will nlli'inpt to, wlilcn noon win noici a iifiiinm " I'OUTI.ANn. On'., Still. 3 To ninko 11 llmroniih tmly ul' tho il' , fi-i't of 1 hi' limp"'1'! ini'li:'!' of lh' iirrlvi' ul h iMinclnsinn nf the Iiimii1- TTOi'ir.i.M.r.Mia'i' PAI N'-T Now before the fall rains set in. I House ; paint ; and all accessories complete. Let us figure your job for you. ' apiilUntlnn of Ihe two lines for lier- niisnlon lo consoltaiite. DEATHlrKES WIFE OF JOCKEY SANDE (.M.K-I.trit t'rr. U-awxl Wiro) SATIATOC.A SrtUNCS. N. 8ent. II. Marlon Oasey Htimlo, 2ti, wile of Karl Sando, the jockey, died loilay. Sanilo linniedlutely enmelleil his rldliiK oiiKUKeinents for . the ro nialiuler of the Saraloca ineetltip. This lll eliminate him as n rider in the ;U",-.'(iO Honeful slake ami other events on the last day of tbu meellni: tomorrow. , The Methodist Episcopal Church at Ten Jlllle, T. F. Allen, .jmsLor. Sunday auhool at 1U:00 a. ni. T. tlodfrey, superintendent. We are very nrouil to any we had a fine gain last Sunday and if you will keep up the good work unit set others coming we will be leaders instead of third place according to what reported. Those that did not report, we take it for granted, they had a very poor showing, surely we dill not think tills oi Camas Valley. Preaching at il a. in. by the pastor. All welcome. Chris- Uaaiiy meets people where they are aud goes with tliem ns far as It can. Cio 011 and bo yourself and you will have plenty of company. A .tiling dono right today means loss trouble tomorrow. own servlce in the evening nt 7:30. This service you will like, "mere will bo lots of music and inspira tion in this meeting. Our new quar tette will make its first appearance at this 1 service. You will want to hear it auie. The senior C. E. will meet nt 6:45. H. E. Mow. i . First Presbyterian' Church.' Cor-' nev of Lnno and jacasou siroeis, It. W. Achor, pastor. Vacation sea' sou ,is over aud every one is, get ting back to . normality. . .wo win look1 for you. In youn accustomed seat; Sunday morning and evening. Sunday school 8:46, w. v. naming, superintendent. Let us make the month of September rnuy nioiuu lor tho Sabbath- school. Morning worshin, 11 o'clock; Dr. Hnrvey Klaer of ' New York City ill sjieak. Dr. Klaer is on ills way to Eugene to conduct un evangelistic conference. He represents the di- vlslon of evnngelism'tor the church! at large. Special mWlc by . the choir under the leadership of Elsie Carletou Strang, lsvery.oue out tor Christian Jiudeavor nt 6:30. Even ing worship 7:S0, notice that the hours have been changed, to the Fall and Winter schedule. Our aim is 60 at the Wednesday evening prayer meeting and iliblo study by the end of. the modtli. Head Gene sis, chapter Iti and 17. The Wo men's Missionary 1 society meets at the home of Dr.1 and-Mrs. Geo. Houck, 425 South Stephens street, Thursday afternoon, September 8. Do not send a delegate. Come and bring jour family with' you. Thi. Doyle-D.yton Oil disprnser t. in. .tar.ed to aRX-e your time. You ice the oil you buy. then ycu g-t it quick. VMich for this Lubo the nejtt time you need some motor oil. The Methodist Episcopal Church at Camas Valley, T. F. Allen, pas tor. Sunday school at 10 a. in. W. Keelz, superintendent. We failed lo get our report in on time this week so that we could get credit ror attendance, but. will try to tlo better next time. Kverybody come out so that wo will have a good report next week. It is up to you to change ilodley's tune next week. Preaching al 7:;tu p. m. fill the place. The pastor expects to make ihis for young folk, however, we want the older folk also. We hope the message will interest botli old and young. "I was glad when they saitl unto me, let us go into tiie house of the Lord." if you are a si ranger our church cordially wel comes you and our pastor will count it a' privilege to meet you at -the close of tlte service. Come make It your church homo and be ready for the new churrii. ABSTRACTORS1 CHAIRMAN IS PENDLETON MAN DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Phone 128 231 N. Main St. I ,,i, Uli.J rip t.cmi-'l Wire) ni-ri'UOIT. Mich.. Sept. 2. James S. .lolins. of Pendleton. Ore., was elected chairman of tho Abstractors' secllon of the Ameri can Title association at Its animal onveiitlnn here today. - I-.lvm lojv. Houston. Tex. was elected halrninn and W. H. Claras, K Miles City. Mont., secretary. S" Mrs. Vera WlKiiell. I'auls Valley S Oklahoma, and J. liiucry Treat, "I'ri'.ildtid. Colo., were elected mem- Moc vice Mil. Catholic Church. Kane and Oak streets. Sept. 4. Mass and serman at 8 a. in. Catechism classes and lliblical instruction al !i:45 a. m. 2nd mass anil setnioii at lu::io a. in. Hosary and benediction of the M. li. S. In the evening at 7: SO. The ' Ttf!-! ;1'; The First Methodist , Episcopal Church, corner pf Main and Lane streets, Joseph Knotts, pastor. Au gust, the great vacation month. Is passed. With the beginning of Sen lember let us start In' and build a program of advance along all church lines. Let ns have a large InnmnKA in SlllldllV this Sunday. Now Is a splendid time for now scholars to Join. Come and get ready for ltally Day. Sunday school meets at 9:45 a. ni. Junior ebulch for the children immediately after Suudny school m the basement. Thp K.nwonh League meets at 6:30 li. m. Morning church service. H a. m. The sermon theme will be. "Haturs of Light" This being tho Snutiny ineceeding Labor day the eveninir theniu will bo "The La boring Man.i' All men who work at. hard physical labor are especially. invited. A cordial welcome is cx;' tended to all. Boyle-Dayton gaioline and oil oumi. .up. Fily that extra bcquly and added attract venes to your aervice atntion which mean, ao much toyou inactualdaityaaiea. Boyte - Dayton pumps are dependable, falter acting, accurate anil easy lo oper ate. More are .old on the Pacific Coast than any other kind. . You, of course, willwant them.eiclutlvely: Order direct from any factory branch liated below or ace your oil company. First Christian Church. II. K. Mow, pastor. The First Christian church of this city on S,epl. I is inaugurating, with ninny others, what is to he known aslhe Crenter Church Season. September has for years been one of I lie great months iu the church calendar. This oar however, we are to use greater energy to make It far bet ter than formerly. We now call up on etery disciple in the city lo rally to your church next Sunday and' every Sunday during the sea sou. Let uoue ata at lioiue next Suuday but go to lttble school aud rburct). Remember we have our Bible Standard ' Temple. Key. Crook, pastor. Sunday school at !); .15.i Morning ' service nt 11. Sun-, day will be;, communion Sunday. Sunduy afternoon, a baptismal ser vice will be held on ine worm Cmpqun river nt Winchester. Jun ior and Senior crusaders meet iu 6:45. Kvery young person who dues not attend young peoples meeting elsewhere Is invited to join iu our interesting - meetings. Sunday evening service at 8 ith our regular evangelical service. The Melody Maker who were an nounced for Sunday evening will be here tonight, Friday, Instead. We are expecting u lull house to night. Everybody welcome. We know you will enjoy hearing their music ut testimony. PORTLAND ROBBER RETURNS CHECKS (Associated Press leased Wire) I'OltTI.AND, Ore., Sept. 1 Th green-hatted robber who held up the'cashler of ihe Multnomah Hotel Monday and escaped with checks j and call toHiillng upproximaleiv S;.ime. today return! hv the inai the cherks. totalling nhout KS.OUli: The envelope bore a I'onland post mark. i BUSINESS BEATS GOLF LOS ANCRIFS. S1W Santa Pe Arm. riliirNIX. 21" S. t:er.tr4 Ave. PtWri.ANn.tlO U .Oil., clonic . SAN ntFCil, Tliicd St. SAN I--RANC1SCO. S31 Howard Si. .SKATTLE, l!i4 First Are. So, NEW .YtIJK. Three nionlhs hl'o. L. Stanford Hatch sold his jseal on the New York Stock l'.x I change and tried lo devote himself to golf and leisure. liul he lounil ihe market so much iimre exciting limn E lf that he boucJit hack the seat for jr.l.uuO more than, lie "uid sold il for. j DRAWS THE STARES ' Husband: "I wouldn't be seen im 'the strerl witii you in that dress." Wife: "You're darned riuhl you ouldu't." Judge. I '' ' ...j ahd . ' ' " , 1 srp i rpnrn i B Ask vour dealer for these exclusive i ! ' Douglas County Products i - : Always fresh and sweet i ihMmdsthousands I : .. . ... KW -"VAx TZ?ir:i& . I know it a ctiu-ays Kcfii f-'r "to 1i.a.XCT use and keeps Mih. 4t Il " without ice-no jSVv I" Mad; In tho Northwest A tall m erf Borden'. r-?:-.? WU (w Uh an ecu,. P?r of 7gf W water; fives you icur t - .Tii cups of pure, rich mlilu t