3M SIX I H fT 1 1 H I U U U M M M 1 I i 1 M t I H m I n r ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1927. 1 ! l f i Introduces i Ann a c mnn i . "Duckydown" Coats ..jf We Invite Your, Inspection I A Continuoiia Fashion Show! a( our Stoje ' 9 n. m. to $ :30 p. m I'll I V Bettor. Service. ; I i it?iKii itr m amA cxirri ' I fl a lJ .h i ; ! ' ' ! heinline; piano school Reopens 'Alr instruction material furnished FREE. Double ,;:-.'... Piano Work Featured. ' Suite 1 ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' Kohlhagen Bldg. ' Phone 390 It GREATER MOVIE SEASON Liberty Theatre Today and Saturday JETTA GOUDAL White Gold" Kenneth Thomson, Geo. Robert Perry, ..The greatest drama of the sheep country of the Great American Plains o evrr shown on the screen. ' Hailed by the Reviewers as a Masterpiece. sSrl 10c FABLES PATHE NEWS A New Organist at the Liberty WANDA ARMOUR She Is an accomplished this I dan pieces played by 'I ft, Typicnl of Conde nre their smart, graceful lines, with a grade of tailoring thnt is their chief dis tinction. Flattering are their new tones of walnut, roseblush, plati num, or natural tan. ' 1 ' I i '. ' i i , ' ; They are lined wilh silk crepe. They have collars of luxurious marten, eclipse wolf or Jap fox. Prices Moderate 7!MIH.'l'fMi ; , , v , ,- .Better, Merchandise m Sept. 6th Matinee Daily 2:15 Bancroft, Geo. Nichols, Clyde Cook MALICE DAY Perils of ? and will delight you. Your favorite request old or new. ijHEAVY TURKEY I CROP FDR THIS 1 YEAR FOREGAST Storage Holdings First' of; . . ti i More Than August mure man Double, Last Year. ' ' , ! conlineiiiul poris, as prices there AMV dtdhc im T-rv a o' "w,ire :J4,r'3r,e young tiins, und MANY BIRDb IN TEXASiabout 24 25 on the hens. The - Growers Talking of Organ izing Cooperative to ; Handle Crop Better ! Price Expected. An IntcrcHthu summary of .tlio ttirlmy,1 marltitt ; for n'haiikHi'lvInK gjj aml: (;iii iH,tmas holidays Is plvf n .In tho curt-cm Issue ,.(! ( 1 no j'rodupe Nuwk, a Irade pajiei' ihjIiUhIkmI -In Nmfr York nml J.ns'. AdkoI'S'. The lnrornialton'r rcKardiuK rundl tloir or tlit' marlct't Is kIvhu as-l'ut-Iowh: ; ( ' t . Tho markot on fi-ocn (urkoys if? not'Hatlsfac't.oi'y Irom any view point: , The rant 'that a reoord heavy t:ro is rejlbi'ted Irom lwu ly all jiroduciiiK seel ions lulensi fteH Iho sittlatlun and ceiilei-K in- lerest on the new crop. Iloldlnun or frozen turlteys on Auk. 1 were (1,509,001) pounds, compured with .i,dituu pouniiH on AiiKiiHi i, juaa, a surplus of 3,272,000 pounds over j u year una. - II will be remembered thnt. a year aKo inore than ; 1,000,000 lbs. of ArKenllue turkeys were thrown on the market; This season arrivals have been quite liht. With a lntf teifJU rlsva,,x - I Mil H0SHSA Matinee 10c-25c FOX 1 m' !.... ....ti,. Ii.rl.i liri iai""T' i "K"'. " ine.uiN ne.ivy miKevH eariy in tne m 1 5 Mr -iv. ' nrti a i . .. LiDerty:iieatre! Sunday, .Monday, Tuesdays-Matinee Daily 2:15 H ; ,1 , , ' , ' 1 1 V i . . . I I jgBB Br. ' 'i 1(1:1 ; . e ; ; SIBERIA OR LOVE? jC -v( " i W.ithin reach of her hand -"J I jf ; was the man she loved. ' ; He vas searching for ' Jr lS3a j .' her, to offer his heart ' 0 LrJSfIiil I ' and happiness. Why . ufcct4t "5,7 Wi iff i , did she hesitate? . JeM i pj K i ; . Seethe answer in ' pijjtt1 ft. S'M M llollil im HBSiaff &.'v... RliSH Qpp An Edwin CAPn Produaion A (i A tremendous picture of ruthless X'vV ivussia unoer ine vossacK tasii. A X TOV thrilling, stirring emotional -jtAx5. JT1 drama from Tolstov's fummis jjjjte fllMJr-P classic-will make you say "Give llnil'Li US more P'tturcs I'c Resurrection.". 25c , , VV JsV '7 I , uniicu ATiisu niiurc i i heavier nop (if luikcyt reported In taenon. The sumo conditions ex South America,' whlch'will have in 1st in mom yuvia of nurlli und ceu-l he uventuully iniirliuii'd iu - thia country, iliy otnlook crmtinueB uu ctTiahi. . . ' ". The reduction iii Hid reserve dur ing July was l.OIJl'.uon Jbs., cum. pared with fi47,iiiu during July a yt;ir ao. MomI of the turkeys available are Htmtll medium I yxas touts und hens. The hens uro offered in Hhlj '.Wu, und the young Ioiiih at. 4(pfi 42c, which In both cases 1h Sfaiup lh, below Out caniedover cost up to thin lime. The steamship trade, which has been the back bono of the turkey business tiurJiiK llie summer """" " i . less a factor this yeur than ut any time during the last quarter or a century. This was dim to (lift fuel Ihut the traiiKallamlc steamers took their turkeys at the lirltihh or principal sleamship demand for tin1 turktyH IhiH year wuk. .from the Ijiilled States lines and coastal'; HleamerH. s Bigger Crop In Texas; ' A ea refill mirvey of the turkey producing neellon.4 of Texas Ih made eaeh year by nieh who It now the producers, in eaeli section. This year'rf nop is estimated at a minimum . of 60 per rent tarur than last year, and' many operators are looking for lt ) por cent more turkeys. The hlKh prices lasL year encouraged turkey rals eiH all ovr the state to hold hack a greater number of hena lor liieedliiK !than vnv before. Krom all sections ,rotne reports of new raisers iu ll(e business., Denlson ami Sherman have more turkeys than ever before, and will ship r0 per rent more than laat full.- Greenville, 'Sulphur iSprins Und AlcKinney are in altoul llie same position as Denlson. Denloii county, where Koine of ilu; larger himl best bred flocks iu tlie world , me raised, is in fine shape, ami j has at .least twice a nmiiy turkeys as last year, Denton county lur- keys have made such n name that birds have sold as high as $7f a head for breeding purposes. s . tiainesvllle, Decatur and Howie are iu line with a big crop. The fine feed crop In that Jocality iiie.inN ne.ivy huki'vh eariy n tnc MiNY V8APPY RmiBfi , . ; j Wheat: Hltll hard while $134: Evening 10c-35c hnnl while bluestem. bnart $l.3:-i; j norlhei u sprini: $1.SR; federation Nmnm UJi .$1.2!;.: oft whit $1.29 t-8; west mmmmmmT eni white M.2!l : hind winter " ?1U0S; wtslern red $1.26. NEWS li-id Texas, a well an southern Oklahoma. Wichita Kills will ship "D cuthjadH I li iff year. There are reports of at lea! one new firm euierijig the fit Id at that point, wilh ihe intent (mi of riruwfiig tur keys from a wide area: Welling- - ton and Vhi-iioii have 40 per cent more turkeys limn last yeHr, while Auiurilh; will have, u few cuis sur plus, although the oil development there haH cut down production and increased home consumption. Other Big Points Lubbock hi tin center of a big producing area, and with 1'Jaiti-vit-w should have luO earn to ship thia year. Snider, Sweet waler and Abilene have more turkeys than ever before, and will ship fully 40 per cent more earn than Just year The extreme inli.es in tills section la.st, yi-ar caused itroducei-b. to hold hack more hens than usual and a hiK crop was assured by llie fine tli y ttealher and plenly of leed. i. San Angelo lias a bumner eron and lli ady, Iho center of a creat proilucilon, j-eporiH a blior crop than ever bel'oi-e, ko that an esll male of douhlo tho carloads shlp ped last year seems conservative. I'roni all reports of laiuo Docks wilh men hording turknys on horse back like calllif, the crop mound llico, Slevensvllle, blownwood and Coinanelio will show the greatest Increase of any section In th'j slale. Templo and Lampasas flocks look line, while growers near Waco and llillsbnio report double last year's crop. Kurt Worth and Dallas draw turkeys from all over ihe slale lor home consump tion and shipping, and, wilh Ihe new plants opened In theso cities In the past year, Ihe carloadlngs will undoubtedly he twice what they were last year. ' In south Texas the reports Indi cate u fair crop of turkeys, larger than last year, but not represent ing such an increase In the upper part of Ihe stato. The ilroulh of two years ago in that section was responsible for the short crop them last fall. Tho tenant farm ing system In vogue there Is not conducive to largo production of poultry. , , . . . Talk of Organizing Co-ops. . There has been considerable talk of organizing co-operative market ing associations In order lo secure a fair price lor Ihe produce in that locality, the scarcity of coolers outside of San Antonio and Hous ton havo made It posnlble for the dealers In south Texas t to buy cheaper, and undersell their north-, em competitors; While there has been talk of buying the turkey crop cheap this fall, and making back what was lost on last fall's surplus that wen! lo Ihe freezer, it is more than like ly thai once the season opens the hull spirit will rise onc more, and bring high prices. Kort Worth and liallas houses have signified their intention of opening Ihe sea son at Stic. Their contention is thai any attempt to hold prices down will be met by a refusal ol Ihe rarmers, newly rich on high priced ml tun, to deliver turkeys for Ihe Thanksgiving market. '. Every year that the Thanksgiv ing market does not. clean up a gooil part, of the crop Is a danger ous year fdr Ihe handlers of De cember turkeys. It will be possi ble to move Ihe Plop at 25c. which will permit selling at wholesale in New York at lOc with a profit to every one. One of Ihe leading dealers In the East, 'in a recenl 'letter lo a Texas dealer, advocated a 2Tic price as safe ground. Under ""it Price he stated there would be danger of Ihe crop moving too slowly until late In Ihe season, and over thnt there Is danger Dial Ihe turkeys will not clean up. (AKRoclulfrt 1'ivwi u-as,.,! win?) 1'OltTI.AND. Ore.. Kenl l Wholesale fruit and vegetable prices were generally unchanged on (he local market today. Only small lols of Klberla peach es are received now anil prices are up accordingly. Afew boxes from Yakima sold quickly at $1.65 pur box yesterday. The season's first ground cher ries sold for $1.75 per peach box. California muscat and ladvrln iter grapes are quoted around ?2.50 to $2.75 per lug. ' The butter and egg I mile was active wilh jobbers scrambling for sufficient supplies or better grades yesterday and today. 1'iiccs re main unchanged on the dalrv ex change lists except for current re ceipt eggs, odvauced 2 routs lo 21) cents. i:nderslzes sold al lc high er, or If! coins at the exchange session late yesterday. Poultry and dressed meals were quiet at about steady prices. 1IOSTON. Mass.. Sent. 2 The i Commercial lliillelln tomorrow will say: "A fair volume or business has been done In the wool market here this week. Pikes nre stroni: and inclined against the buer especially In view of Ihe firm opening of Ihe Australian season I at Sydney and the preditlon of a five cent advance at London. "Continental Kuronu and Janan have Ihe chief buyers In Australia I this week, Hradlnrd nml.Poslon I refraining Irom buying. There wns. in fact, Utile sultabie for Ibis counlry. "ihe manufacturing situation has not aller--d materially during Ihe wck all hough spinners nnd comln is report some improvement in tnmuiy und say Ihey have re fused considerable business at old prices "Mohsii is in moderate request Ts ui tin cents for original hair of the belter descriptions. Kills I are well scud up at around 70 cents l:i the original sacks." The Commercial Hulletfn will publish the following woid q'KMa i Ilti':i tomorrow: ti'ontiil basis: Oregon Flue nnd fine tn-dii.m staple $1 i: Vr CI, as. Mnra'ri-: Oilginal lug average IL1 tno:';f.'.: Oregon f:t i 55. I rORTI.ANP. Ore., Sept. 1 mm NEW TODAY I ! FOR SALE Piano, reasonable.! .Minnie L. Hell. ; FOU SALE-Heatlng stoves,1 cheap. liell Sister's llldg. , FOR SALE Good work-lioTso. i Virgil .McColluin, Gleudale, Ore. i SI MMER coul"VrlcHBtllfln" ef- feci. Order NOW. Pages'. Phone ' 212. j WANTED Two prune drier men. i 11. O. Krohn, Cleveland. Phone iui,fi 1 WAN 1 l-.l) Sheep, 5o head of good Dieeuing stock, n. jieyers, cun- yonville. j fJANNIN'ii tomatoes, 75c per busbv el, bring buxes. S, Suulsberry, Myrtle Creek, Ore. EL11ERTA peaches'for sale, iieidy for canning. Roy ilurks, 1 mile west of Winston school. FOR RENT Modern 8-niorn resl deuco, furnace, fireplace, elec tric range. Phone 55li-R. FOR SALE One Poland- China brood sow and 11 weanling pigs. Phona MF5, II. M. Cox. ' FOR "KENT Newly lurnlshed Apts. electric range, etc. Inquire at Judd's Furniture Store. GOOD little business; easy terms; splendid opportunity for modern wife. See Itargain Realty Co. FORRENT Two-room ""furnished house, 87 per month. See eleva tor man at Perkins building. FOPTilENT 4-robm house on Mill St., furnished or unfurnished, garage, lnqulro 720 Winchester St. WANTED Lady to do housework in country and cook for three. Address Ilox 20, care News-Review. , L FORREN'i' Modern "house, Cull cement basement, garage. Will add some furniture. .Phono own er, II!). WANTED Good reliable woman to take care of children- at my home for ubout ti weeks. Inquire 528s. Pine ' FOR RENT l-room apartment, private bath, hot and cold water, close in; reasonable. . 221 W. Washington. UliOWN ROT1 Spray or dust, we have the sulphur. Our car load price is $4.25 per 100 lbs. Kleck-er-Ainort Co. ' FT) if S A LE "Good-Dr,d go touring, $25. Victor adding machine like new, $25. Will trade ellher fur ' what? 412 S. Main. FOll SALE Registered Shrop. bucks, also twenty or thirty ewes for sale or trade for catllo. Win. Porter, Camas Valley. FOH HUNT Well furnished sleep ing rooms in strictly modern, homo, well located, close In. In quire 521) E. Douglas, Hosefcurg. FOR SALE 12room apartment house, furnished, good location, 3 garages. A good investment for $27un. Terms. Chas. Kyes, S2ti N. Jackson St. . , . . FOUR ROOMS FOR HUNT 40 cents per night, $2.25 per week. Ouaranteed clean linen and no bed bugs. Cor. Stephens . and , Mosher Sts. , , ' WHERE? One-half mife south of Canyoiivllle. Canyon Tavern an ideal place for the Sunday .din ner. Best of service, foods and music. Try it Sunday. ' 1 ' . AFTER THE Sunday drive try a chicken dinner at the Pollyanna Cafe at Myrtle Creek. Well cook ed, well served. You'll like ft. WHY STAY aOiome anoTeook oil Sunday? Our special chicken dinners are delicious and eco nomical. Excellent cooking and service. Classic Cafe, Canyon ville. ' ! FOR SALE One 2-your-old O. I. C. sow with S pigs, $50. Four 1-year-old O. I. C. sows, to farrow iu Sept., $30 each. M. L. Kinmiel, Hoaglin, Ore.' N. Umpqua road al ldleyld Park. LOST German polico dog. Be tween Eugene and Roseburg. About 1 year old. Wears collar and license. Has short tall. Find er please care for dog and notify Sam Gargano, 2310 Pasadena Illvd., Long Reach, Cal. $5 re ward. 'i'HE IONA-CO has produced" re sults in cases of diabetes, arth ritis, rheumatism, high blood pressure, goitre and various oth er ailments among your friends here iu Roseburg. Ask them. Phone lona-co, 43(j-R. 222 S. PlneSt. HOME owners lo you need ready cash. If you owu your home and need Immediate funds we cun give you . prompt service. Our monthly payment plan offers an easy method of liquidating a loan. No commissions, no de lays. Umpqua Savings and Loan Association. Douglas Abstract Pudding. $10,000 DIVIDED AMONG 4 WOMEN IN WATER MARTHON TORONTO. Sept 2. Although no women finished the 221 miles mar athon swim which ended yesterduy morning. $10,000 .in prizes wan distributed todny among four regarded by the judges as the most deserving. Lotto .Moore Sehoemmel, of New York, who swam the greatest distance, received $:t,fi00; Ktbel Hertle, New York, the fastest woman swimmer, received $:.,000; Kdith lletlin. Toronto, $2,000, and Miss Martha Stager, i'ortlaml. Oregon, who stayed in the water the longest, Sl.r.00. The disposition of the prize money does not meet with the approval of Miss Stager. Miss Stager claims that the content w above all one of endurance and as such she Is of the opinion the money should be evenly divided. She was to visit Klv.ood Hughes, director of the marathon, later In the day and It was thought possible the matter would he discussed. NOTICE Help roof the Dtllard church. . For sale Inbor day nt I-'red Huell's dore, Millard; hot dogs, hambutg-t ers, beans, pies, ec. I ( ' ANNOUNCING . the reopening of the studio of GLADYS H. STRONG Teacher of Piano Graduate of the New England Conservatory PUPIL OF ARTHUR FOOTE Studio opens Sept.' 6th. Dunning System for Beginners. ypffrspw.T.i.iywT.l.I.wt't!''"1 THREE PLANES TRYING FOR SEA HOPS CHECKED (Continued from page 1.) ,. .,..- na wn haven't anv Set schedule. As things looks now, I think we'll loaf urounil nere unm tomorrow. " Bad Tall Skid (AFtnclfttrd I'ou Leased Wire) cp inwvw fine.. Sent. 2 The monoplane Itoyal Windsor, forced down In a field near here lust night, will not be able lo hop off before 5 o'clock this afternoon ow ing to a damaged tall skid, the pi lots announced louay. n,t. onNitiis fi-nm Wind sor, Ontario,' to Windsor, England, was forced down uy a jiicnuo lire. The blaze did no damage but Hie lull skid was loosened in the hasty landing. The pilots, DUKe cnuer nuu Phil Wood, spent the night at a ..,. iho flelil In which they landed. They nre undecided a? to whether lliey win slop ui Harbor Grace after they resume it,.,'.. 4r.n.-,wv lmt Kchiller Indicat ed that it good weather prevails they will continue on to imikiuuu without a stop. . lr,l oi.l lie nnd Schiller would keep a sharp watch between here and the coast par the missing plane SI Raphael and would not relax their vigilance when they left it, vau.r,,i,,lln,iil pnnsl nil the jump across the North Atlantic. Frenchmen Turn Back (ARSOclati-U PrfiM Lonwd Wire) ' LE HOURflET, Sept. 2 Fog, hanging heavy over the French countryside, bulked Ihe biplane Ulue Bird's attempt lo fly to New York todav. The giant plane, manned by Leon Glvon and Pierre Corbu, after a beautiful takeoff at 0:31 a. m., i was back over Le liourget in less j than two hours. Then for almost I n-ioiher full hour Glvon circled the field, hoping the liazo would light-j en. but when It remained slllli thick at ! o'clock, he began empty ing his gasoline tanks., By ton the load bad been re duced from about 2500 gallons to l.MiG gallons ami , the lightened ship, was landed gracefully, her pilot- .and navigator bitterly dis appointed ovor their failure. The Blue. Bird had proceeded about ninety, miles when she was turned back. The plane was then over the Boiling country between Rumboulllet and Henues. May. Hop Tomorrow Glvon told The Associated Press that he would hop off tomorrow It conditions were similar to or better than those of today, lie In dicated lie would make alterations on the plane wilh n view to enub Hug it to soar higher at the be ginning of llie voyage. Glvon explained that with the heavy load the plane weighed twelve tons his celling at limes was about 1350 t'eet. He could not get higher, as would have been necessary to avoid flying blindly thru the haze. Good solid first-class cantaloupe, jumble pack, $1 per crate with out crate. Williams' Dillnrd Gar den. TiMHnYnwifiTiyTiT. Antlers TODAY JACK MULHALL - Alice Day and Mack Swain IN "See You in Jail" Here's your chance to flo behind the bars and enjoy It! Fifteen days of the funniest complications ever seen In or out of jail. For you an evening of hilarous entertainment. More Comedy, "I Loved You So" Latest News Matinee 10c-25c STARTING SUNDAY Billie Dove IN 'The Tender Hour" Antlers Greater Movie Season Starts Today Parrott Building (Opposite Ott's Music Store) Telephone 311-L L-t-t-i- For marcels' and hob curls cull t-Y. Clemenllne Mclteynobls. VOCAL STUDIO 527 E. Douglas Residence Phone 33-R Elsie Carleton Strang DANCE at The Wigwam Saturday Nite Sept. 3 . Music by Rice's Dance Players NONPAREIL Community Hall Saturday Nite, Sept. 3rd. Music STAR- 4 ORCHESTRA BIG RAINBOW GARDENS l ? Winchester SATURDAY NITE Oriental Gardens Orchestra American Legion Theatre 1 Evening 10c-25c-35c DANCE , Dance