TWO ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1927. ROSEBURG lnued pally Except Sunday 5 The AisoclKted Prea la excluaivuly tutu led iu ttie uie for republic feAtloB Of Hll IIUWS dlatiutchfa .-rcxlll . Uila papur mid lu all local news published lur.'ln. All rlghla of rpubll- Entered as second clasai matter , i , i : nogeuurg, uresou, under toe Act of A-artli t, 17I. ' . ' ' 8UB80RIPTI0N RATES ! I l ! .-Dally, per year, by mail : ' "Uaiiy, an montba, by mall , "Mlly, uiree months, by mall rUauj, lug la inoutb, by mall -uuy, oy carrier, per mouia ROSEBURG, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER ,2, 1927. -. ! TllB.NiqWiFREKpOM 1ft RUSSIA. ' ! J; 'J', t: i. ! i ; : L-ii .: ; . It is hard to know the truth about "the new freedom in TKucsia." So mtuij peoplu who go over there to report con l clitioi.a have their preconceptions and find exactly what they ';tra after. ' ' ' 1 ' ' . ' ' l Cut recently at Tula, a small mining town near Moscow, "fin incident occurred that tolls us practically all wo need to ,';Jnow about "the new freedom" and its limitations. ' ' The Russian government controls the metal works at ;Tula. The men had gone on strike and were threatening -properly damage. An assemblage collected, s'louled "poyn t'wilh the Soviet," and disobeyed orders to disperse.' ' ' rt (What would have happened to such n. gathering in the J'VUtysoi' the czars? :The answer! is easy.! Police or soldiers ;;ould have fired into the crowd. There would have been ;;dcathrf, and not it few would have limped home Rearing the vouilds of battle. . I . ' ! ' I , , , ., . w ' What happened under the present "liberal" ruling -'regime in Russia? ;Were the strikers told ' with1 words tliiit "flowed like honey to "go homo and be good boys?" Were thcy 'captioned by all the stiiiidards of the '"next 'freedom" in' It(issi;i that strikes really ill the end didn't get anybody any-' 'thing and were a lot of trouble anyhow? , . ,( -i Vhat happened was this; Sbviet militia opened up their Iguns upon the strikers, and 15 of them were killed and 22 "wounded. r r ! ', ' , f . . I ' ' ( I ; '; Ji ' It seems to make a little1 difference Who owlm the prop-, z U I . 11 ' , . ; ; 1 CUtlA'THIS GOAT.' 1 ' " U The sugar crop of Cuba' rW)0 tons. President Machado now amiounces that the limit ttot the next crop probably will tye fi.od'at 4,000(000. tons , j . This restriction is the result of 6verj)rodiictibii, the 'Cu ",'bans. having faced somewhat the same situation, that the 'SpWm faced through its' greut' cotton ', criop' of Jast. year, .'It' fwould seeni logical to cut the supply to meet the demand. '. n 1 1 lint hero another factor qilters. ,Otler countries besides, PCiibil grow sugar. They get'betlaV pric.nsU'orlliheir crop as '"a result of the Cuban restriction, but in these other coun- '!er1s no effort is made toward ...'.V.?,, i. t, !... i i 'opposite is me ami 10 product', as iiiucn .i )u.5..iui mm ucuc---f it by the good prices. . i , it Thus during the last year Whrltr C'u'ban companies were Ifriving'not'SH'rosy n 'time ofi iti irt'oducers in other, countrips; 3?nxed flit ;on; the profits. Cuba has been the goat.-in-tliis.- trtiiicial, t!inj)ering prices, wnere mere is .no niono l")oly 'Of 'ntliiply .is'not-the safest ,neasure, to use. ' "''' ' ' '' o- 1- ) : :- Sneaking Of a showing of merchandise we do not believe ' that W, ;0slher conimuiiity in the stale outside, of Portland .Tdisplays.any better or more complete' lilies that can be had ,-ight here in Rosiobnrg. Merchants of this city take n pride . ' -,in handling all thq latest and most approved designs in both 'men's and : women's apparel and .their showing for fall "eclipses all former, efforts. Fronv the most simple dress to "the real elaborate can bo had here and at prices that ara.far ;;rbel0W the!' charged by rlikq institutions in largor compnin ; ilics. "Verily, the old-adage, that it pays to buy at home, is ;; a well established fact. Former Robeburg ' Girl I ''Cuffed" by Hazers. i S ' 11 r 1 Jane'C Mdnn Handcuffed When When 6he Refused to , Hiding of Her' Nuwly Married Slater. - , i.. i. i i... -pair of ancient handcuffs, .lane ! "'COKlKOll. IS. o( 92 Hast I'lltei-ll'll ... alreet last night walked linn Ilia central police station and timidly reiiuesled that Hie "hnrrlble o' tlitucs" lie removed fitun heinele lug linns, says the Morning Oiy r gnulall. After (he irons, for which no key could bo found, had been . sawed U ll'otu her wrlsls, tile gill lold ln-r stoi y. 1 (iiace Cordfon. 22, hi Klslel'. llilll J. been married to Paul Leonard a( v. the Centrnary-Wilhur clturll. ICuia ; m KiKhllt and I'lne stieeis, early last niglil. Alter the ceremony, lour fy filends of the tiildegioont iiilempi- ,., cil lo spirit him away. Leonard : v.llh bis bride of in minute uc-; ciM'deil 111 eluding llle uuuilet by sllppl.ig mil ill tmcK door.,'lili u-! I., nnt lial.ker and I'aireliiieu Seeley, I ,v Tallierl and livw nkseireil. I lie i 1-couples plight and oilered aid. Willi .alacrity Ihey leiipeil Into .Qk . pollc ear and nfiev n lima , -ctviso succeeded In losing tin. pn I ; cuing lnacmnes. J,'oileil. the Mends rui-lird luck jTTi life rhmc'li ami atteinjilcd to U learn (he whereahouis ol the new wlywtuJs Ironi llli' bible's sister. jlt.-c:'liiy. Illc.V ulllrrvd her lull et'.o T refused 'to lain. I lnally th" ham - i v. culfs were produced and elsnip. il i- Hintl. I lie lour ineli in n leaving - Jane alone, ininucuimi anu won out a key. It was then Hull s!ej - a pealed lo police for nltl. "- Jusl where Hie new l weds went DR. NERBAS DENTIST Pfllnlem Extraction Gas When Desired i Pyorrhea Treated Phone 488 Masuic DMg. NEWS - REVIEWIC by Ths News-Revlew Co., Inc.. . ,l In 1, nr nnt nthrnluu a.I I r ...I in May 17, ivm, hi thu punt ufflco; oi , ,,, j in. , i a.00 1 , , , ' 1.00 , . .6(1 tliis year' wks limilied to 4,500,-' qunlailment'at all; rather the. i- i ;i.i- i ur. I ho otrtdoi'M rerusoil lo any.,- t i Tho CiinlHon ainliMH' :um liotH i wi'il known In - KiisoIiiii'k Imvlnn i-isUli-il liei'u I'm- (vimh! yearn, In- Irr vIkIIIiik fiVlliK'litly- Willi tlu! uiiclc unit mint, .Mr. ami Ah. W. I O. 1'n.v. 'Mr ami Mi-k. l.pdimiil : nn-lviMl In linM'but'K liiKt. niKlu oil I Iht'lr liniii-yiiioon ll-ip tuul mtol' tl Ijiivl vimt Willi friiMiiiK mil --una I'''''"'"" ""' """' """'. In l'ort- Arundul, piano tuuer. Puone 1S9-L. PLANE WITH PRINCESS THOUGHT WRECKED (Continued from pago 1.) and Colonel Miiichlu and tlielr In-illreK iiMMHeiiL'Kr. If luo piano alighted at sea, whatever llojio exists hero Is based on the rubber boat which Iho Si. Raphael carried lor it was luUcu lor granted tile plane would sink quickly. It was renlir.eil, howinei' Unit ibis boat would not be ox peeled In float long it Iho sea was rough. Neveillli-l.-ss the expeil euro was recalle d of llairv (i. Hawker, tha llrlthh tnlator, who Was. rescued In mid-ocean by a sleunier in May. 11)111. while en a irnns Ailnuile night tniin SI. Johns Ncwi'iiimillnnil, lo Ireland. It was felt by some thai I be si. Kaphael I crew might have been picked up m a similar manner If they weto . lorced j . Woman Has Often Flown Nothing could bring greater ro lief lieni lelinhie m,w iti in,- ,.rs K, mu, for lipnrt fioin the hiiumiio deslru in this respect. then; it ntrnl mlmiintion lor Hie I'lmk d( rrtnemis Low enitiirt vrthotn., who In belter Known tn fljiui? fh-clvs horn by hvr nmitleu lU'lKtmlioii, Lmly Anno Siivtlh. utHlrr whirl, imnio the Ihih imithl 1'iUc! in h nuinher ut fltMH In (he past. When n vnmor w rereivnl ilnn tho plane hud lAmlud in- lo Hie oastwiml or tjui-hee tt whh vhhU lm! tliiit sttnlUr Hintuis eoiieertiiiif Nuiik'fMur ami Coli ail lroM.-U erouuilltf&e. ' j - ' n PICKIifS: ' 33V "PERT .TATE 5 l ; When, a feller k Comes to the . , I Dally grind ' In the a. m. . , All f'llla pep And visualizin' The things that Could and oughta ' Bo done to mal; . ' Roieburg a Bigger and better City and You fin'lly , pecide to work Tboth and toenail ' To that end , ' And you are Ju&t- brlmmin' over . j With enthusiasm t And fin'lly you ' Approach . One of the staid ol' , Business men Of the village And he kinda grunts And says "Well, mebbe But I doubt It" ;Then is 'When You feel! Just like ', Takln' yer tent And hlttln' fer The tall and uncut Goshamlghty , ; i ( i There ain't a 1 Holuva lotta Wonder that The young bucks Of the community , Kinda git , . . Disgusted . ( j ) ! Now and then. 1 . ' I' LAFESEZ ' "Them young' sprouto ace too dern ambitious anyhov." , I McKAY RADIO-TELEGFTAPri ' CONCERN INCORPORATES I (.IHlx-lat KAt'UA.MI. it' l'rcif. Xyic) j I0NTO, :Cal., Sept. h. TIih .Mciuiy ftmlio ami Tulegrtipfi uoiiiiuiuv which will iimmu tliu wo-vid'S if Uie Fed oral a lid t'oslal li-cial'li rom)iuilc ' i6day tllml ai'lIoli'H' of inc-oi'pnrallon willi the secrolury- of atalo. Tlio concern. 41 Sun FriinciKco cnloriirlao. 1h can- llallziiil ut f2,(IOII,l)l)0. . . llliucloi-H iiuim.-d in the dootl iilntitif iin liido' Wllluid ,1'.. Smllh. 11. Hlllllll, Mux flicUm aivl .loll n i.M. Carhti'it'llt, all of lli'ilif loy, itiid A. II. l(k-liai-lii, Sun Fnin fclucrt, i ? I i i I , . , , ( j In takliiK o'r.r lliij l-'t-ilpral bpor atiiiK pliinta,- lliii now oonconi will assume contiol ,ol HtalloiiH at Han I''uiu(!lco .OakhiiMl, Urn AiiKoiuB. San l)iogii,(i'Qilniu, Tacinii and Seattle. ' ! l'lc'nty of rooi! ripe lonialoea, well piicked. WIIIIiiiiih' JJIIIanl Gay dpnir, i ; : ; ; : j ; ;. f t : t j. ;, r- Jack Lockwill, the Lion Tamer ( ..i". f ! i BY GILBERT PATTEN ': (Creator of Frank Merriwell) . . ,Thb man looked like a very sick tramp. Standing in the middle of the curving road, he held up his hand as a signal for the auto mobile to. stop. "Get out of the way!" shouted Saunders, neither , slowing up nor turning out. The surprised stranger made an awk ward attempt to save himself by jumping aside, but the. mud-fc guard seemed to strike him, and he spun into the ditch, , ! "Great gosh!" gulped Wat tles, looking back, white-faced. "You hit him! You knockod biin into the. ditch'." - "It served him right, tho old fool!" said Buke hoarsely. When he attempted to rise to his feet, he found himself so wk and shaken up that he fell back, with another groen. "The jig's up!" he told himself dolefully. "I'm done fori I'm weed lion tamer! I couldn't go into the cat " ' S0' Cts'emont m time for the first performance.' The sound of a macyc:e BiwgM him to his knees s the nuchine epearci. (T 8 ContlnwwJ) A "POME" ; For Today (Apologies to "Prune PicklnV) A clutter of ice in the kitchen Some slobbers of Vnud on ! the stair, i The cabinet dented and bat ', ' tered, . '.J, ' With needless wear and tear. .'. " " A bunch of slime in the drain-pipe, . ; The' food. with a tainted smell; , -. ' Some call it Refrigeration- But I would call it Hell! But Electric Refri geration Provided by Frigidaire, Keeps everything sweet and dainty, Relieves the' housewife's care, i '.. ., Makes plenty bf ice for father, And keeps the kiddies 1 : well. To return to the earlier. method . . . i I'd surely call that Hell! i Ott's Music Store i ; Agents for Frigidaire.' , COUNTRY CLUB' MEMBERS w ' ' 11 The Cup Tollrnanient will be postponed i until Sunday, Sept. lltb, aa' niany of the lliembei'H will bfi away over Sunday and Labor Day. ": 1 ' ' ' -Tournament Committee.' I. O. O. F ATTENTION Social evening Wednesday, October 7, 1927. All Odd Fell lows and their friends invlt- ed. ' ' ' ' ' : Tho unfortunate man sat up in. tho ditch,, groaning and brushing the dust from hit bleary eyes. "Devils on wheels!" he cried weakly. "They tried to kill me!" 1 I TI A CUTS k 7 T DrjumiA, STANDINGS OF LEAGUES ; (By The Aasoclaled l'resa.) Pacific Coest W. h. P. Oakland ,. 7 63. .cud SeiilllB HH (i!) Mi San Francisco 87 73 .511 Portland .. 79 79 .SOU Sacramento SO SO .500 Hollywood ; 75 So .5(iti Mission 72 SO .4-17 Los, Angeles GO 100 .375 National W. ' P. .590 .5S9 .60 .671 .454 .427 .425 .360 Pittsburgh Chicago St. Louis New York Cincinnati Brooklyn Boston Philadelphia American New York Philadelphia Detroit ; 72 73 69 70 55' 63 51 45 W. 89 72 G9 67 59 56 49 39 .706 .571 .552 .540 .476 .444 .392 .314 Washington ... Chicago Cleveland St. loula Boston COAST LEAGUE RESULTS (By the Associated Press) SUMMARY ;..'..... ' Seattle and Portland divided a double bill yesterday, the Beavers taking the first game 17 to IB and Hie Indians capturing the second, 2 to 1. In the first scramble both leams rapped oul ll total of fortv five hits.- 1 The Seals snapped out of the batting slump with a vengeance to rap out 12 hits and score a 12 to 3 viclory over the Angels. The' Hollywood Stars continued their Miming streak hv defeating the Missions 4 to 0 Tor their third straight victory. The Senators took a 2 lo 1 lead in the 'series with Oakland bv de feating the league leading Acorns, o to i. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS (By the Associated Press)' Penntinlvlllr. ,,pri. in l,,if iti Just. around he corner, for Chica go s l innets, nut today there was a different espect.' J I , I t Tim Piralas' wrestdl flistlplaqe from jtho Biiiins nftor a anibliorn battle in Ptitslmrgh yesterday, C'hi cago 'going down by it th-a an the Corsairs assumed the supremacy on an eyelash margin, of a single percentage poit. Several days . ago Wrigl,ey,3 henchmen "Wore ' doastlilg.' along In front on a five and one halt game leeway. An -ope(i." dale, kept - tho Cards and (Hants from the heartbreak ing snuggle yesterday while rain washed out Brooklyn's fracas nt Boston. The Phils, and Reds were without schodule. Tim riliniln ,. Uf I ii... from the crest ami have hack of lliem a winning streak of seven straight accumulated off western opposition.. The Tigers shook off the jinx tagging on their heels thru eight straight games and subdued the Browns 8 to 4 and Cleveland lop pled the .White Sox 8 lo 5. Pllln CmianH Wnnnamanl nt other American league games. LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES ny t lie Associated Pivssl lueludliiB sanies of Sepleniber 1 National ,l)attlng P. Wuner, Pirates, ,;isl, Huns L. Wauer, Pirates, 110. Hits P. Waner, Pirates, lllli. Duubles P. Waner, Pirates, S7; Stephenson. Cubs, 37. Triples P. Waner, Pirates, 17. Homers Williams, -Phillies, 23; Wilson. Cubs, 211. Stolen bases Kitsch, Cardinals, 35. Pitching Henton. tilants, won 13; lost 4. American .x.iiMif, , 1,-iiuiiiiiii, i igors, ..iiiu. B Ituns liebrlg. Yankees, US; Pltuth. Yankees. 121 k Hits llehrlg. . .Yankcoe,- . la; i.o s. lanKces.' lf.. - . ; nouliles Hiiriis, Indians. 57. Triples Combs. Yankees, 17; ManuHli. Tigers, 17. , llotners liulh. Yankees. 4i. I Stolen bases Slsler. Hi-owns. 2(i. ' PlIchilllT IlflVl. Vnilknoa u-., 'is: lost s. LOOK . AT YOUR WATCH For One Minute ! Every minute of the day someone's home burns, causing ' great " suFferirrg and loss. You can't always prevent fire, but FIRE INSUR ANCE prevents financial loss. INSURE WITH .; Quine & Co. Phone 103 j Masonic BIdg. J STOftT WAS. The alligator aui-o -ns strong. It) very awiftly swaui alung, while t Clowny held his -balance aud eu-i joyed the ride a lot. But, after while he said. "The euu, 1 guess,; Is trying to spoil my fun. It's shin-j ulng on me very atioiiK, and frank lv. It Is hot." "Why don't you try and poko his ' had? Perhuns he'll liirn." wee! Carpy said. "And, If lie does, he'll lane you neatb that clump of hlg shade trees." But just then Spotty loudly cried, "Oh, don't do Hint. 'Twill spoil your ride, and ho could throT you off with ease." . AVeo Clowny answered, "Don't you fret. I'll Just stand up here, till, you bet. I guess that soon hell get tired out and take ine up on shore. Al'd, If he does, we'll all have sport, If he Is still a friend ly sort. I guess perhaps that rid ing Is what these queer things nre for." Just then the alligator turned, and lots of foaming water churned. "He's heading for tlio land right now," yelled Clowny In delight. "Don't tiiare him now, but let him come. He's very smart. Don't think him dumb., Perliapr. th - rest of you had better run in.l hide from slghl." : The- Tillies, sly as any fox, soon hid behind some dandy rocks. And then the alligator promptly wad dled on the sand. Ah Clowny hop ped down to the ground, the others Coppy cried, "Let's capture ' .liirn. joined him with a bound, and We'll gladly lend a hand." ' "Oh. he's all right," brave Clowny said. "Who watils to ride? Go right ahead. As soon as you've all had a turn, I'll try my luck once more." So. one iiv one. the whole bunch tried their turn at i CfllPLEIE ROAD Si ' ' seum contract, hut on that dale he (, , , i i repudiated it and since has ruEused ,E..R. Sletzgcr. local contractor, ; t0 rompIy wit hits tenns today took over the paving con-! The bill cites an injunction ob tracts at Glendale and west : of ; tallied hist year at Indianupolis, lioseburs on the iUelioso road. Tile i restraining Dempsey- perpetuuily contractH were originally lelt ' to J'from entering into other asree Stanley w. laylor of thia city, but because of. Iho delays lb Retting started the county couHl notified uMr. Tayipr's bondsiiinii thai, a cnaiiRe would have to -bes made, j The court feared that a further -f tension of limn would result !u:L leaviug tlio roads In a torn up con- dition until the rains started and they would be impassable for the winter. - The bondsman has inade arrangements with Mr. MetZKcr to coniiileto tho contract tihtl he is starting work immediately. Paving is now under way west of town and will be slatted within a few days a't Glendale. CHICAGO GIVES '- RING CHAMPION GREAT WELCOME (Contlnued from page 1.) attorneys Tor 'William' Clements, president 'of the Chicago Coliseum Club, which once. held Dempsey's contract to fight Harry Wills. btlmmons were turned over to bailiffs;, for services ah(l 'notices wero to be served today on six de fendants; calling for their -appcai'- ancn September G. Those to be served were George Gem. chairman of tlio mayor's committee, and promoter of tho Tunney-Dempsey bout; Floyd PUz simiuons; the South Park commis sioners; the state athletic commis sion; Tex Iilekard and Dempsey. The petition alleges that Demp sey failed lo carry out a contract OUT OUR WAY IMIT-TOVMM, "Sf' i - D,DMT. I . , 1 KE creAmove omer ETOh m r -AJEll V: .;. -THE CLO Ex SurnirF - ff' V K - uc-rtMi'o.:,' "-"-"-' ' -" tivj I IH WriEM TM' RlOEr?S CAME. Am' Tore, upth1 Town Lute a blast TlAEM -fLNE OKI AM' SEE ALLTM' CHAMGE3 FFpM N(IAC!BEE.R TO CO'AjBOVS HiOGVOvjId T MUST BE Rli-MT MARO OM A FELLER WHO M.-P0 KlLLTM'TmMCjTMTHe L.OVE.D COCHBAK i?tOUP$ &"kkiai , vMn i i.n...l,.h,fr-w,F' READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE having quite a ride. Tlio alligator curried Hi em quite gaily down the dated Septembor 29, 1923, lo fight Harry Wills. The Coliseum 'club, of which Clements ,1s president, contends there was a contract between Dcnipsev, Wills and Filzsimmons entered into at Kilea, Mich., and that Ibis contract was transferred to the Coliseum club on March G, 1926. ; , . It is further alleged that up, -to July- l!i, 1)2(J, Dempsey repreHent ed that lie, would luliill the Coll- . ments lo fipht any one else until he 1 had fulfilled the terms of the, Wills i contract. -: ;j j ; No Portland Si;"c!hl ' s ' ' PORTLAND, Ore., feept: Pinna to run a "flcht anecial' ; r ' from fVortland Hi CbicaKO lor (he I)emni'uxillary sSy-Tuniie'y fisht with ' a special round. trip fare, including meals, j tho wives and daughters of phyKi slee)ler and. ringside ticket,, hasjeia-ns (residipp; in. eoiiuties 'or dis- ijuun- nljanUoijeil, it wan annouiicetl today, ttraso not enough applica tion, woi'o, made for reservations. 7 : o "Did you- ever get back that shirt of 'yours the laundry claimed was missing?" ' "Most of it, yes. It . was . only partly missing.'; Judge. , WOMAN AUTOIST HITS PORTLANDER! r AnsofftntPd Press' I.uasod Wire) PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 2. S. P. Haworth, 71, was at a hospital here today with injuries incurred ! when struck by an automobile last munignt ana airs.- tt. I. itcnaas, 22, was under arrest on charge of being a blt-iiuil-run driver, .Bail was set at ?500. Haworth, who Is' retired 'and lives at tha Palace hotel, was cross ing the street. tb his room when hit by Mrs. Renaas' car, according to police records. Tho woman ivas said to have failed to stop until two men in a passing machine ran her into tho curb a half block from tne accident. . - 1 ULUMinilC. DflCT- - IM CCoii -itj' a.r r (A new surprise comes In the next story.) , t ' ! . ,,. CopvrlKlit. 1(127. NliA Servian, -Inc. i.LJL!L!- ! ILLMJL'L L"a MRS. GEO. E. HOUCK 4 VICE PRESIDENT M. D. AUXILIARY i ' - . ( Awuiclatrd Press IawKl W-ire) ' i 'i SAI.E.M, Ore., Sept. 2. A wo man's auxiliary to 'the Oregon State i Medical ' Society, a Imi.iu-h of the national organization which is' organized in4 ninny of the Htatcs In the east and south, wau "formed by wives" 'of 'Oregon physicians at a dinner laat 'r.'.ght. : i Airs. J. Earl Else, ef Portlawl, was named president of -the new state auxiliary; i Mm. Georse - E. Houck of ItoseburR, was eleoted first vice-president;, Mrs. Viiliam Kuykendall bf EuKeiie, ' is'' se'eoiid vice-president; Mrs, . CourtJand L. nqoth -nf Portland,, is ; seoa-elary, a,nd; I.(rs. At V- BtUtnJun pt Port limd is trp lifrurer.. j ' , MoniberiAilp ( titj'- tljo aijxlliiuy consists of tile members of the societies "to-: tho tcounfy : and district medical societies anji tricts whero there ard 116 auxiliary , societies. Meetings pf the ayxjiiary will lj;o held each year during-tho time tire state medical society is in session. Much of file , organisation wor'.c din ing' the year will lie'llireeted by Clyde. Foley of Porland executive secretary for the state society, i NewThiiigj:jjj ' Face Powder A new youth' shade that -is' exclu sive! to llliLLO-O; Slays on ioncer. less' nffeeleit liv i,m-m,ti-. u0n, does not clog tho "pores. This now wonderful Iteauty- Powder made .by. a npw; Pwaich I'rpcess and you villi be.diilighted with it. Absolutely pure. 'Jilst 'try 'IEU.O t',1.0 and note its rare qunlilics. Only one dollar. Nathan Fuller son, druggist, Perkins' Building, - WORST "OF ALL ' Proud! Father: "You' say my son Is a first rank pupil?" Professor:' "Yes; he's' the f!ij rank pupil I've had ia years.'' .lunge. By Williams 'VL -"-"if V -TT I 0'.'7.WiLliftsi2 nco u. s. enT.orr. Oifirr by niz rtrvicc nc K'.O-- ' " 'lia&' ( lHlWllilHHlM'