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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1927)
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, '1927. THREE HWritI.HHIir.r.I.I.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.T.WJ W8I8TH E i no ROY CATCHING MOTOR CO. T LJUJL ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW. 125 N. Rose Phone 438 Roseburg, Ore. I A good Used Car al the right price is the best automo bile value in the world. Our cars are fairly priced and honestly sold. HERE ARE A FEW Ford Coupe, 1927 model ;.$4S0 Ford Touring, 1925 model $225 Ford Touring, 1924 model , , $150 Ford Touring, 1923 model ......$100 Ford touring, 1922 model $ 75 Hudson Speedster $550 Hudson Speedster $350 Chevrolet Sedan $295 Gardner Touring $275 Essex Coach $550 ERMmMKE Arsniall firetlpayment puts it in yourhqme mcejis4 UllllJ ) ' IT'niGIDATRE saves the money Voti spend m- loivmeiting ice. it stops spoilage,, it pre-j ; yentfl theunsecnmold that endangers heal t Ir ' And noV it ik priced within the reach of pvery family that has electric current. Here's a genuine Frigidairo electric refriger ator tbatispriclatoiily $180 f.o.b. Dayton , it maintains cold storage temperatures, without ice, without attention and at low operating cost See it at our display room today. ;, OTPS MOSIC STORE ; ; Roseburg, Oregon : - PRO D V C T OF -n MOTORS VEEDOL PROTECTS T .This summer, according to re liable authorities, 40 million lour- The Big Drive Still Going Ths High Standard of Quality Is Always Maintained In Kelly Springfield TIRES We Swap New Tires for Your Old Ones. Greasing, Oiling, Vulcanizing Fully Equipped Power Car Washing Machine, AUTOMATIC AIR MACHINE ELECTRIC SERVICE BATTERY, GENERATOR AND IGNITION NIQHT AND DAY SERVICE Rose Garage PHONE 66 Attention Automobile Owners We have all the latest equip ment for washing your car. High pressure system for road oil. Satisfaction guaranteed. Also The eld reliable G. A J. Tires ind Goodyear Solid Truck Tires. Hohl's Garage Stephens Street ! ists In. lfo million cars will be touring the United States. And this huge army of motorists will buy oil and grease along the road as they go. Motorists who use local brands of oil will often find themselves bejoud the stnte or district where their local brand of oil is for sale. Especially on long trips they will have to accept substitutes about v.hich they may know little or nothing. When you consider that last year the car owners of this country spent over a billion and a half I uouars tail averuije ui over a car) lor neeuiess repairs anu when you consider that 75 .per cent of nil motor repairs are due to faulty lubrication, the risk of buy ing Just any oil looms large in deed. Fortunately for ' motorists on long trips. Veedol Motor Oils and Orenses are sold in every state In ; the Union. This means that.where j ever cars tour they will see the I familiar orange anil black signs. It also means that they will be as sured of the greatest protection against heat and friction for they can secure the proper grade of high quality Veedol oil or grease for the lubrication of every fric tion spot on their cars. Protected bv 3,000 laboratory tests a month before It leaves the refinery, the quality of the Veedol bought In Maine, the quality of the same oil bought In Minnesota. New Orleans, or California varies less than 1-20 of 1 per cent. And whether It Is purchased In Wiscon sin or Florida, every drop of Veedol Is tested to withstand beat 100 degrees hotter than the hottest frlrllon snot In any motor. For motorists who are extreme ly particular about safeguarding themselves and their motors, there ere 1 and 5 gallon handv canB of Veedol sealed at the refinery, and only opened by the motorrsls when he needs oil on the rnad. These can he bought from Veedol any where, and they are excellent "spares" to lake on trips through sparccly-settled country. n HE'LL. UNDERSTAND Hettv: "Have you any green lip stick ?" Drug Clerk: "Green lipstick " Dotty: "Yes. a railroad man Is taking me out tonight." Every body's Weekly. rresident, After Hearing : Explanation, Promises to Confer With Sec'y Work: ' rAMorlatcil Pre l.cjm'd Wire) RAPID CITY, S. D., Aug. 30. Careful study of the proposed Co lumbia river basin reclamation pro iBed by President Coolldge today lect In Washington stuto was prom- to n group of western citizens who called to explain the proposal. Mr. Coolidge undersluuds the Columbia river protect would cost moro than $100,000,000 mid whilo lie favors such propositions in a general way he r.iudo it clear to day that he would like more Infor mation on this gigantic undertak ing. As n general rule, tho prcsldont would like to see alien develop ments proceed as -fust as funds from the reclamation work would permit. He listened attentively to the delegation from the far north west. , ' Mr.: Coolldge ngraed to discuss the matter with Secretary Work, members of the delegation said, with a view to determining what place- the project should have in the national program for reclama tion, irrigation and flood contrql. Project Outlined. Hervey Llndley, president of the Columbia river basin league, ns spokesman for the group, told the president that the project, "has tho enthusiastic support of practically all Interests In the four states ar- fecled. Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Washington." The project has ns Its goal the reclamation of 1,800,000 acres to be developed over n period ot 35 years. The delegation toiu ir. uooimge the protect, would not affect pres ent production of agricultural pro ducts, "as the first unit or de velopment would not be In full op eration for 20 years." Senator, Jones of Washington pre sented .the delegation, which In ad dition to Llndley Included Frank Tiaker. editor of the Tacomn Ledger: A. W. Laird. Potlach, Ida ho; Thadius Lane, Spokane; Na than Eckstein, vice-president Seat tle chamber of commerce.' aifd Koy R.'fiilljofJnS "Columbia rlyer basin project They spent nearly half; an hour .Tvlth; ths president and snid he showed "close attehtloif tri what they ha'd to say. , Thd loxt'rtf Llndley's statement "The Columbia basin project hns the enthusiastic support of practic ally nil tho Interests in tho four states affected. Oregon, Idaho, Mon tana and Washington. !?'fn their zeal for this develop ment and unselfish effort, the 'citizens who have given time to this work are not overlooking the national nsnect of the plan and will cooperate with the necessary reclamation work In other parts of the country. It will not Influence the present nroduetlon as the first. unit of the development '-would not ho in full operation for 20. years. .It does not. involve in any way the already es tablished reclamation fund, hut must he dealt with 'In an Indepen dent way. ' . . .' The reclamation of l.soo.onn aeros which is the ultimate goal, will not he fully devclonod for 35 vears. In Its final development the Columbia basin will constitute the greatest reclamation proiect vot. contemplated in the country. Hut it is not calculated' to force pro duction beyond the reasonable necessity of reclaiming land to care for tho natural growth of the country." 1 , , ., , ' ; , EW FEATURE III Refrigerator automobiles, capa ble of maintaining a constant tem perature of near-zero, denote a new advance fn the adaption of the motor car to every type and kind of transportation problem. Twenty Chevrolet chassis were recently purchased uy the Detroit branch of a national firm whose business is selling ice cream and Ice cream products on the major traffic arteries In and around the city. Ten were also bought for similar purposes in Portland, Ore. On every chassis Is mounted a specially constructed body Into which the refrigerator Is built as unit. The refrigerator occupies the upper section of tho body, while beneath It Is the cooled compartment with a capacity of 960 bricks of Ice cream. The tem perature of this compartment, ac cording to Pat Potter, special rep resentative of the company, Is maintained at from 5 to 10 di-grees above zero to insure that the Ice cream bricks and "suckers" will be sufficiently hard frozen to tempt the parched motorist. "This refrigerator. "Mr. Potter explained, "has a 6 Inch Insulated wall and a capacity of 300 pounds of Ice and 75 pounds of salt. Av erage consumption of Ice is 24 hours In about 125 pounds. This Is packed into the tank through an opening on the roof, and is Bum cient to keep Ice cream appetizing In the hottest climate. Every morning the trucks take on a fresh supply and then hurry to designated places around the cities In which they are operated Ail sales from these portable store-rooms are made by the road Heading' VtLOGd! TO TOM I Sneed Tran AT 1 !: ; v i smission WheelBrakes T LOCKHEED j HYDRAULIC T ' ; .i ! ' i ( ! ! ' ' ' ' .' 1 ' I ! 1 .' i . . i i f ! s f i -J. 7 i i ! ' plete inline, a com n IV T0NirauCK; j CYONDER2 TON :.. 12 . . ;'v'i:!j!.!N niiJ ! DUMP TRUCK 4', SPEED ; : , WHEEL BRAKES TRANSMISSION X(iockhccd hydraulic) s with the new 4-cylinder eri. '. gitie, the finest Dodge Brothers ' ,, ever builtstronger, ' faster, - more powerful no advance i ' ' in price. Chassis, ', A Tfb i tf. 1 (;fcb;b. Detroit yJZ4j M. Illtf MS I I 1 I I . , , . I 1 '. , , : . , . . i.l ( 1 J ( i I 1 - .1 -.!. : 4 SPEED WHEELBRAKES TRANSMlSSlbNfi("'"HEtO ' HYPBAUUC) i j i ' ! I. ' ' . , ! . i ( ( New, powerful 6-cylinder en ginegear, ratios to' fit ; your needs a specially built chassis CHASSIS F.O.B This new Graham Brothers Truck is being sold at the lowest price ever put on a (ivcylinde'r 2-Toh Truck hundreds of dollars lower than most others. ; i . ' '. , V ill " li ), : t ( ! .. '".( II.; . i. It' means: 'higher ;pjeedr jfor ,heayy Loads witl perfect satety. CLY I . .ft- for dumn truck work. Chassis. -Phi' is f 5f f .!.fW mm.! iiJ "Ull UiM . '!'! It means power abundant, smooth f. o. b. Detroit COMMERCIAL and instantly responsive! fV It means more trips' per day more profit to owners. ! , CAR it V4 Known the world over as the ''"greatest Value in the 1-Ton ' field, the famous G-Boy now; has the new engine more power, more speed, faster accel- chassis, f. o. b.Sl ueiroii r. T Engitrers nocldtm tic the most ad oi nanaimg cne new . j-cyun-, i ompare it witn ary ptnei? j trucK ? s j- der Dodge Brothers 'engine ; ever made.' '' l' i ' "tW 95 smooth, quiet, dependable for years the standard amonj light delivery cars' ' chassis, f. o. b. fyl JU'CHUIL ; mo, See the entire new. line" J;i . The : ?new 124 engine in the lighter trucks 4 , , . ,New, cabs y . . . New body lines f . ' . . i .! New standards of value. J. 0. NEWLAND & SON Phone 458 Roseburg, Oregon y SOLD AND SERVICED BY DODGE BROTHERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE BUILT BY TRUCK DIVISION OF DODGE BROTHERS, INC side. Chevrolets were selected to carry the refrigerators, It was ex plained, In order to get rapid, eco nomical and dependable transpor tation. Thy also answer the re quirement of being neat and Hi tractive and having a' "sales ap peal." Twenty-five of tho leading cities of the country, extending from coast to coast, now have these refrigerator cars. "The facility with which the Chevrolet can be adapted to the requirements of u business n re markable." commented Mr. Han son, the local dealer. "Their up paeranre counts for much in ad dition to their power and economy of operation. It would not surprise me much to see one of these cars disposing of Ice cream products to motorists of this section at any time." II "On itiiy old Ran at all." That 1b tlm anawcr motorlula re Ofilva whnn they aHk what type fuel they ahould use for hent renultn In the high-compression motor of the new Kssex Hupper-Slx. Hudson- Kssex engineers explala that the design of both these cars Is such that the line of chemlcully treated or otherwise 'doped' gasoline Is not at all necessary, despite the cars' high compression. With any type of motor car fuel, it is said, these cars are fcnnck-proof. Tests have been held with the cars on hills and other 'rough' spota around Kosehurg, but according to Hoy Catching, Hudson Kssex distributor, tho cars have operated with the pep and power of high-compression racing motors, yet it has been Impossible to make them 'ping' or knock. "This factor In Hudson-Essex design," said Catching, Hudson Es sex distributor, "l a saving to tho motorist because he does not pay a premium tor special anti-knock fuel. Moreover, he needn't worry about watching bin fuel supply. He can drive up to any old Rasoline stniion, put In tho type of fuel they havo for salo, and be quite all right. "The Essex motor has an excep tional compression rntlo. It is about 25 per cent higher com pression than, baa been carried In standard motors, and It. resultn In boiler performance and Improved fuel economy. The owners of Es sex Super-Six motors ure well awaro of the zip and power of their cars. Essex Ib super-modern In its design as to high-compression, and It adds to this faculty the ad vantage of using 'Just fuel.'" "The Essex and tho Hudson mo tor are similar but not Identical In design. The Essex la the Ideal high-compression motor for Its slr.e, whilo In the larger Hudson It is necessary to have a somewhat different valve arrangement. Each Is designed for Its own individual best results, and each la accepted by the public aa an unqualified success." PARIS IN 1927 "Still paying for your wife's European trip I didn't know they were as expcnslvo as that." "They tire when they go In for n divorce." Judga.