SIX ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1927. VIERKOETTER IS EASY VICTOR IN TORONTO SWIM Our great stock is a con tinuous Fashion Show. Let us show you 9 a. m. until 5:30 p. m. every day. i . -1 ;. if- f ; ,4 t ! ' i There are Coats any woman would love to possess. You will find such Coats most cer tainly at Fisher's. i (Continued from page 1.) day'ri outstanding favorite fur the . $50,000 rlze. J'loiiKhiiiK thru the water for the firm four miles with long beautiful and apparently etfortlesH strokes, ; Young wuh cheered lustily by the, ; thousands who lined the course. . Alter he was passed, hit steady! strokes continued, evidencing the coolness with which he seemingly viewed the German's closing in on , him. I 100,000 Sea Race I j' Shortly before the start, Joei j Wright, Sr., famous rowing couch ;and referee In .chief, announced, j that the cut ran numbered 2U7. ' I They tlove Into the water at the! ; .same time intead of In relaya at five minute intervals us was at I tirst planned. Fully a hundred thousand per- j ! sons lined the lake front. i j After the Initial splash, there i was a great jostlo for position asi 'the water was churned. Some of! j the swimmers burned themselves j ; out In the first 25 yards and were i .hauled into patrol boats. j lie fore the pack had reached the! hundred yard mark, they started! to string out. The speed artists wure up In the front rank, with the I slower, more experienced swlm- mers holding back. ! It was u magnificent sight as the Swimmers crawled thir way along 'the mile long lane between the j breakwater and the lake front. Immediately after the swimmers got uway, the crowd which had j gathered around the starting point I rushed for vantage positions, .and i the entire seawall was packed! BASIN PROJECT MEN CONSIDER HELP ASSURED (Conl liiued from page 1.) Liberty Theatre Today and Thursday Matinee Daily 2; 15 William Fox Presents "The Heart of Salome" featuring ALMA RUBENS Walter Pidgeon Barry Norton , Holmes Herbert Robert Agnew She had the heart of a siren and the face of a saint. ANOTHER OF THE WISECRACKERS From the H. C. Witwer Cosmopolitan Magazine Stories "A Chin He Loved to Touch" 10c CARTOON FOX NEWS 25c Wednesday is the last day of the Auto Contest. You should . turn In your votes by September first. i : it . i if( bought: the Shelvln-HIxou railway lor a part' of their line south of Bend, instead of using their own : right of way which followed un I Narrows last night, the river thru the reservoir, site, but' drifting, .latest reports--re' I The Shelvln-Hixon line, on the oth-'ceived here from the ship said. A er. hand, lies above what would be I cannery tug from Wrangell is said couver. B. C, from Skagway, Alas ka. SOS signals sent out shortly after the vessel struck the rocks at il o'clock last night were answer ed by tugs, cuiuiery boats and three fast government cutters which set out to the aid of the stricken and stranded, shipwrecked passengers, - Not Taking Water , VICTORIA, B. C, Aug. 31 With Her propelling machinery -broken down, but all her passengers safe ashore, the steamer Princess Char lotte, C. V. R. coastwise vessel, which went ashore in Wrangell Is now afloat the water level i reservoir. of the proposed ALASKAN LINER i STRIKES ROCK; . f AID IS RUSHED (Continued from page 1.) Present!!. 2 me reason s .marresr rac me uuuurcus wiiu win now view ai our store rne newest ana Dest 1 i I We invite you among the Charlotte .at midnight wlifn,thp vossi I wan refloated alter striking a in treacherous Wrangell Narrows of southeastern Alaska.' , , Hole in Ship!s,Prow -A jagged hole, said radio re ports, was torn in the prow of the Charlotte. Although the vessel ; seemed in . no immediate ' danger I of siiikli",, it appeared advisable j to land the, passengers on the un i sheltered bench.'' more ' than 20 j miles from the, nearest village. I , At th6 time of the mishap the I big steamer was , returning lo Van- .'',:.. . . 'j j 1 FOI! SALK Plymouth Rock pul lets. C. J. ltasinussen. Phone Carefully selected the recognized last word in tanbringard makes that are supreme in the art of Coat and Dress making. These qualities have for years made Fisher's the rendezvous of those seeking with moderate means the utmost ' .' 'lM"'-' :-,. . Quality and Dependability ) .,, .,! A new note is struck in the fashions. for?tnis season .'a .decided trend towards formality and a freedom .of motion that indicates a very interesting atte'mpt to; break, away from, the tailored regime that has held sway for so many seasons. .. ! H i : j it i ' I ' . , , Three New Types of the Newt Formal Coat . The swinging wrappy Coat lavishly furred. 2. The straight line furred Coat with softly rippling cascade clos ing. 3. r lie straight line conservative silhouette with subtly charming "touches" that mark them NEW. Direct from Conde we have the loveliest models based on Paris and Fifth Avenue creations. When you see them you will immediately recognize that these are subtle characteristics of Bernard Patou Vionnet Kilber Mon- talto Diecoll AVorth and Jenny. : ' i Materials Duckydown, Kamelams. Yolanda. Malina. Poincella I light Blue, Greywing, Moscova Green and Black. ' ' 1 he prices you will agree are moderate. We invite you to inspect them. Always the Newest and Most Dependable at Fisher's. r CHOICE. Klberta peaches at $2 per bushel box, - Thursday. Bring boxes. J. K. Wilson, . near-Winston bridge. Phone 2F31. wBtmBsmmmEUBm lo be proceeding to her aid. Wire less messages indicate the vessel Is not taking water. She refloated herself at midnight and nil her pas sengers were safely transferred to sltore. There was no panic -'or .ex citement ' among the '"passengers while the transfer proceeded1 and no one was injured, all reports jie.reiudlcate.t j ) ' t i w ' j-T" The Hteainsnip Salvage King, op erated by the'Paclfte Salvage com pany, was proceeding to the' scene of the accident, salvage company officials said. Whether her aid will be needed is1 not known yet. Refugees At Wrangell ' ; WRANGELL, Alaska, Aug. 31. Weary and damp after hurriedly being put ashore In the Inky dark ness of a 'foggy night, the passen gers of the disabled and' leaking j liner, Princess ' Charlotte, ' which 1 struck Vlchnefski iKock,1 20 miles from here, at the 'south1 entrance of the treacherous Seymour Narrows, were brought, here today by the coast and geodetic survey vessel Explorer ' : ' ' The Charlotte, -which Was float ed about midnight, whs being tow ed here at the rate of two miles an hour by the fishing lug Kvichnk 'bE the Alaska ' Packers' association. assisted by a fleet of Petersburg shrimp boats. The Charlotle went ashore at 9:35 last night and her SOS calls brought a score of ves sels to her aid. The damage to the Charlotte was undetermined, although it was, known that the outer skills wits' punctured, floodlug the oil tanks and engine room, putting the en gines out of commission. None of the passengers were hurt In the accident and all were transferred to the beach and later to the Explorer without panic. Many prominent tourists from all parts of the United Slates were among the 269 passengers. The list also Included Lieutenant Colo nel Sir Godfrey Dalrymple While, a member of the Brit Ik li House of Commons, and Lady White- and their two children. The cutters Ulgana and Cygn as well as the steamer Salvage King are enroute to the scene) of thy wreck.!-: ; , ,, Loyal Hogard, of Glide, who kill- eda-7-foot: cougar Monday return ed yesterday to the soujt wlK'ie.lbe big cougar whs killed, and found two cougar cubs, which he ulso Killed. . , , , . , , QUIT OR BE FIRED, PREDICTION MADE' ' FOR ROY C. LYLE : ' ' WASHINGTON, Aug. 31. Treasury officials predicted 4 today that Itoy C. Lyle, pro- hlbition 1 administrator for 4 i Oregon, Washington and Alas- ka, would ' resign "for the good of the service." In the event he declhied to give up his posti it was indicated he would be dismissed from the .service'unlcss there was'sonilt .unexpected development in the situation. ANTLERS; ; THEATRE TODAY In Addition to the Regular Program, a Return of the Official FISHER'S Better Service Better Merchandise NEW TODAY 1011 SALE Put lions nml fiyci-H, "(li'L-HHi'il. Phono 27lt-J. .MOlTK BimHal hTi'H mkT 1 8"io$'2s: - Hf'O llH'lll lit I'hkch . CM.ir4"7-inor"ilMinr"ltalliniTll- ver or polite prunes for running. FOHD KOADSTEH '23 nioilrl with .ilclai) boily. Kii.iy tonnj. C. A. Locku-ooil Motor Co. (m KENT Nowly tuTTiTHhwl Apia, electric iniun", etc. Inquire -nt Judd's Fuiiilluro Storo. IIOMK laundry. AH vnhlnK8 clone i Heparatoly. Silken undt-rrt-eai "very crtrofully Inindled. 929 Win- " cheBter or phone f77. FOR TRADE Auto cnnipT 5 enb- " Ins, (jrocei-y storo. 2 service Bta ..tlons, shower but It, electric llxhln; on lilclnvny and river, flue fishing; for Jioseburff In 'eorne as part. 1. O. Maddux, 404 -N. Jnckson. llAltOAIN'-Cood old Ford tourliiK ! S1IOATS- for salo at a bargain. It for ?2ll. 0. A. I.oi kwood Motor I K. Junes, Myrtle Creek. i-,",..(.. - . -. - ! WANTKIlloller relalr"work by l.l.liKlt'1 A peachea for ciinnliiK. eximrleni ed maker. Kailnmtes Coos liny liliiliway stand, it. 1). I Klvcn. Hosebui'K Welding & Hnill- Klelst. alor Works. I runs good and rubber Is fair. C. j A. Lockwood Motor Co. KOH SAI-K A giod school organ, t Like new. $25 If taken at once. linkers store, Canyonvllle. FOR SAI.H -llarilelt "" pears, "BO cents bushel, bring boxes. Red fruit stand, Kelley's Korner, Foil RK.VT Furnished roomslri iniMlern lioiue. Fh-st class In every respoct. Cull 529 Fast Douglas. Roseburg. FOR 11 KNT Furnished apart ment. Furnace, hardwood floors, all hullt lns. Ice box, garage; everything furnished or partly furnished. Also three rooms up stairs for light housekeeping. 92t South Mnlu or O. W. Young and Son. ROADSTHR MB Motor, (n'R-lato- cairnlngtnniatooB now on sale, B0c per bushel at Noah place, Dlllard. llring your own boxe and pick. Fred Winston. I'loneer Rooting The West Coast Standard We carry a complete Hue of Roll Roofing and Shingles. Let us quote you. Coen Lumber Company. FAT hens for salo.S0C rach"S.V"5 per dox. Have your own meat and eggs, good layers. Lloyd Cole, out 2nd Ave., South. Rose burg. flKRK Is what you have been look ing for! do acres well Improved. Team, stock. Implements and everything goes at a bargain price if sold at once. Address Farmer, euro News-Review. ! ! FOR RKNT B room bouse nt 111 ! S. l'lno street. $ls. Call 111. f FOR marcels and bob curls call j BNI-Y. Clementlno Mi-Reynolds. SIIKKl FOR SALK -BO head ewe7, j 2 to 5 years old. V. II. MiKean. ; I'hone 8:1 F22. Poll SALK -A "few "niofe ion"oif i good baled oat bay. Close in. i Ray L. Ward. ! NOTICK "-We tlghtetriw'tiirfelloe band wheels cheap anil guaran tee our work at Sarffs. : FOR " SALK Hull k inotoTi new- block and clutch, cheat) at ! Sartfs Auto Wrecking House, ! M'.l N. Main St. PLKASK do not forget to slop and see the hydraulic sooke tight ener for metal felloe band wheels at Sarff's. SQt'KAK, SQl'KAK, StJl'KAK Why be annoyed with squeaky wheels, when you can get it , taken out ot metal felloe wheels nt Sarffs. FINK Klberta peaches, primo for canning. S. A. Roser, 7 miles south Roseburg, ft mile west Win- II sum school house. j N FOR SALK Uaitlett pears, sOc'H bushel, also packers aptde press. Valley O GHT PICTU RES Fred bridge. Jtonner, Happy WANTED Bids for drilling well nml casim? by the foot. School , District No. Mrs. ( J. lljen;. ' It. 2. Hose hii ri:. LOSTTuesdny niornlnp, roll of bethlint; on road between Haudou and Myrtle I'olnt. Name on bur I lap cover. Liberal reward tor re turn. Dr. S. 1, ivhapp. ; FOR SALE CHEAP One bis team. I wagon, harness, logging contract for three hundred thousand ftet of logs. Road Is built and have Started to haul, t'nuse for sellint: - sickness. See me after 6 o'clock ; ; in the evening, h. ti. Moxley, i Wilbur, Ore. I "The See the Disputed Knockout Blow in Slow Motion $125 Ringside Seats at 50c Also Starring Irene Rich and Clyde Cook