ROSEBURG NEWS REVIEW. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 31. 1 927. FIVE h " X - ' ,1 I: I.KIHMtI.I.I.T.T.T.T.T.T.I.WtI.IOT.T.Tg3B. and other Wheel Goods now at BIG REDUCTIONS See our Window er.d you will be convinced. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE FOR SALE l'lano, reasonable. Phono 5li(i-K. ,CLKAN oats and votch for sale. $. 11. Kurtz, Dlxonvllle. FOR SALE Fat hens and fryers, dressed. Phono 370-1. FOR- SALE Oho gas heator and plpa. Bell Sister's Bldg. -.- , FOR SALE Corrldale "ouc-.ts, 15. .- Phone UFSi, L. E. Glllam. FOR SALE Choice groy seed oats. Mrs. Ada J. Deun, Camas Valley, Oregon FOR SALE 80. ewes, reasonable, herd broke. C. Ar McNubu, Uiuu quu, Ore. ' FOR SALEIahogunydHl7ig room table, range and heater. i MlJKm-!1? ,St. ,. , , . FOR SALE Angora bucks from non-shedding sires. Walter' G. Paul, S. Deer Creek.' . . FOR SALE Ford truck cheap. Will also trado for Jersey cows. Rox 416, "oncalla. Ore. iKXCtfour--secoTifl- "hand heating stoves and pipe for sale , '.cltenp. Bell Bister's Bldg. I- HORSR tor sale 9 rs.Jqld, gentle, i Inquire B. F. BiQWir, 1 mile this slde'ofjjlido. P. jO, 'Dlnonvllle. rXjljJii!KTA- poacnes' how jreauy lur r 'canning. Ono" ; mile i West from iWihston school h"ouso R. C. '" Burke. '' '.. 1 i , ' ' , r - ' FOR SALE 11 saddle -horses and one work team at McNablvplace. in Oakland. Harry Bernard, Oak- ' laud) Ore.- '.til i FOR" SALE 5 sows and of 10 -ligsi I'hone 1(0F82 or 12F1I or 5 ' Write Afrs- H- O. Hastings, Rt. 2, Roseburg. 1 FOR SALE My crop ot Petite ' 1 prunes and a few bushels itnh ' " '.'fins, cheap, "Mrs. John 'Belts, ooU . ' 1 N '.' Pine St. ' - ' ' ' WILL ,TAKE liberal discount on $1200 stock of general merchau- disc if t.akeu at once. Address X.' V. Z.i care News-Rovlcw. ' FOR SALE Angora bucks, year- 'lings, and one three-year-old, al- t jso ten; docs, all registered .stock.: J. 1. Chapman, Wilbur, Ore. COME aud get those flue ripe wa termelons, cantaloupes and to matoes, they are cheaper today. At the new stand, D. Coon, DU- lard, Ore. FOR SALE or, trade tor any Kind of truck, gray team, sound and true; 1 silo; 1 ensilage cutter; 1 6 h. p. engine; 1 milking ma- chine. C. K Banning, Dixonvillo. FOR S ALE Cheatseoilfj 1.75 "per cwt. Gray oats G5c- per bu. Also O. I. C. Pigs 2 mos. old, $5 and SB apiece. Roy's Farm, 4 ml. South Myrtle Creek. FOR SALE Purple vetch with a light mixture of oats aud barley. He and 3c per lb. Also oats aud vetch hay. baled. W. A. Bogard, Grand Hotel Bldg. Phouo303. FOR SALE OR TRADE Garage With stock and equipment, doing a nice business iu a dairy and farming center. Good locution iu Willametto valley towu. Box 73. Sclo, Ore. FOR SALE Sweet corn, apples and tomntoes. Phono Star Dairy, 40F3. We also have lots of milk and cream. We start delivering ut six in the morning ut 5:30 in tiio evening. FORSALE On the ground, 33 laurel blockwood tier oak and ut 1.50 per tier. 21 tier oak and laurel stove wood at 2 per tier. (i. W. Flnley, 15 miles north of Looking Glass. CANNED TOMATOES No. 21 cans, 12c; No. 2 cans, 10c. Sweet peppers, 10c lb., cucum-'g bors, 3c lb. These prices good all wook. Fresh tomatoes every day at market prices. Wo start can - Ming Monday. S. Saulsbcrry, Myr-jfv tie Creek. Ore. FOR SALE lllO-acre Hull ami ahecp ranch 3 miles east of Myr- tie Creek, on soutn Myrtle roau. If you want a home go look at It aud make me an offer. Small payment down, balance easy terms. Harvey C. Hill, Wanipa, Idaho, Rt. 2. SALE OR TRAUii 7 h. p. gas en- glue, mounted on trucks, 36 In. ! swing cut-off, mamlruh. pulleys, belting complete. Also Wlllo j ilru mw pfiniiilete. Sil reason- ; able or trado for good car. Max Stewart, Dixouville, Ore. Phone I Kite i?prvT i ; FOR RENT Rooms with board desired. 132 N. Stephens. VOR RENT Steam heated rooms., ui'-itairs Ik'il Sistti's lildg. WAGONS COASTERS SCOOTERS for the children, on sale FOR RENT Well furnished Ground floor. 331 S. Main. FOR RENT Apartments, new, modern, close iu. Call 645-J.: FOR RENT Furnished modern apartment, close in. 221 W. Lano. FOR RENT-J-5-robm turuished modern house. Wood and gas ranges. Call at 644 S. 'Pine.' FOR RHNT Apartmouls with electric ranges and garages Close in. Inquire ut 329 Chail vlck street. FOR '"RENT Modern, furnished apartments, close to Junior high school and suitable tor students. . Reasonable rates. Star Rooming House. 327 West Douglas. - FOR'RENT Tlireo "completely finj utshed rooms on ground floor, hot and cold water, electric lights, and fuol furnished, also garage. 231 East Lane street. Rout rea sonable. G. W. Young & Son, 11G Cass street. Phone 417. I WANTED WANTED Woman to do i house- -work on farm. Phono 17-Fll. t WANTED Three ' prune ! pickers. . Address C. W. Hess, Riddle, Ore. LADYwould like position houso- keeping.-Call or; write 326 W. Cass St. . ' .. . , ' ! WANTED Prune pickers to be- gin about Sept., 7th. Cabins and wood furnished. .Phono 36F2, Roy : Bond, Glide, Ore. . ; ' "WANT13D Married man on ranch. Steady 'plkce for reliable ! party. Oregoniau preferred. A. V. 'New port, Dlxonvllle, Ore ' ' WANTED Manure spreader, Ta good condition. Douglas Park Stock Ranch, SuiMrlin: Phone i-j: ' WANTED Hatching eggs from ' heavy breeds, ' Rocks, Reds and Jersey Giants. Roseburg Poultry Market. 001'. North Jackson. Phone 270.. ' ' WANTED Six . salesmen Willi cars, for Douglas county to work out of 'Roseburg. Address letters to W. E. Walker, - care- Hotel , Umpqua. Also bo ready for in terview Tuesday eve., 7:30 p. m. Sept. Gtli, 1927. Attractive propo sition, " FOUND FOUND Good felt hat, was found In Camas Valley. Owner caf.l at News-Review office, describe the hat and pay for this adv. : MISCELLANEOUS CITY AND FARM LOANS. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. RICE & RICE, Licensed Bond Brokers. CAR OWNER Don't torgot to call 653 when In need of autn parts. Sarff's Auto Wrecking House. ' NOT MUCH DIFFERENCE "Would your experience confirm tho popular notion that there is a sense of honor umong thieves?" said the visitor to the prison chap lain. "Well, no. There may bo excep tions, hut, generally speaking, I find thieves just about as bud as other people." Tit-Ilits. Puro wnolu mllK, and It's pnn tourlzed. Roseburg Dairy. Phone 186 jH IS M IS IB to get ready for cchool. Have ALL their garments clean and fresh whin the big day gets here. You'll never know how good they look till you have them cleaned. IM MISCELLANEOUS , Taffif ":vm I III m$ IOT m -y j,k tl-JJ,1 - tA.tsv,ce.r.cTr P-V ' '"'. I i , - I :-','. ' . . .. NowIstheTime ( I - J '' I I-Y.JM OZSs Y Y H ourca, Wa iWT MC. MM my mJm iBrahma Steers The Baif aloes at Pendleton i I Yjk- 'J fee 1' & fkm A ' Buffalo at the Pendleton Round-Up buck out of the chute like they were going to a fire, like this fellow, but lack the .complicated action and staying power of Brahma cattle. PENDLETON, Ore., Aug. 30. When the curtain, rolls ' up ou Sep tember lourteenth and the bomb explodes ushering in tho eighteenth annual Round-Up at Pendleton, the big crowd is in four four, days of the doggondest action that ever' a human, cast his eye on.1 When the AmeHcnn flag bursts into being over the grnndstand and bands cease their blare to give tho an nouncer a chance to be heard, the arena becomes a chaos of color and action; ancHbe big show is on! The easterner, in the front seat grabs his hat and goes wild with excitement trying to do the Impos sible, and watch twelve things at onpe. Bucking horses, steers and buffalo careen madly" around, the aremui . with .cowboys In, various lu dicrous positions , on .their . backs. That, is merely an., appetizer. They don't ride theso critters with sad dles. . They .come out of tho chute with a surcingle or, a rope around their midriff, and. li cowoy hang ing, on like, grim doalh. Riding a horse bareback isn .'.t so tough, . say the cowboys, but just, try, staying with i a Brahma stpor or a Jratfalorl i-nooplei while the buffalo, Ibent on adnUtted ou. prpbutioii ou ,a polo Brahma .-steers, aro a cross ha-fconquorlngi' other .worlds charges I rado certifloatp., , , ,, , , . i . tweon the. saored Zebu of , ImliaMho nearest man1 on loot. ; ... , 1 II..J. ' tt.rt .'lUnnritl nP' tl.n 1.1,1a 'hn.l ano a aexas loiiuiiuriij iittunuufi BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ""''" .' ;'' - ' Poor Professor ! ' " ' "" " "'. ' .": ,' ' - .": ' : ' ! : t : ' I.' .' By Marti ; j i: .. !. t i J i --v !.. i.'V : J ' 1 i 1 ' ' i " " ' 'J.11L ''''' "' ' '. ' 1 ' ' i )-,: i .:-(, :.., i ' :. ; .: . If 6oore,lMT TrtEalcSoMtr -, i. t'.'i'li '' : 'Si, v.-'. mM'X i T?7 Ool NBeo Wo''V'T m , & ; tfpu cam po?tht , , VAV - W - , . : ,. ,, ' ttut'ttaiiHiw '- wtfxk - .. . &Wr--L ' t0' I U' tl', i W ' Vy ANV', ',;f' J ;! ? PHOM6SBKMRN6lM6 J : 'iT-rv-' i WFM ' I ' f-'.-Sr- BooTf,; if "BooTi ) a vtVM-Mbo' V W'f; IJV ' it v .IMCW.VVAU.lvitMlWC. ..)R.r 1 . .MS' ' V' WQC " !' "! ( A", '' : ' A Ik mWlfoHW'1 ,V k,CJ ' f n ipX vmVos&i,v. ,y.iw sss -. ; J V foTcV V WSK . I Msrb'r"K "'A Sr. woJt ncw tAvrto Yi-'' . ?v- FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS i ; y Honickl By Blower M FEECKL6S ) mm FEOM.DO A ALEk-I kWOVW W J rWM LIKS SoOR OVO FRIENDS.' s OTfcs i rstesp--ss -3nmtr" esi, . ?w 1 SALESMAN $ AM .. - Explained :": '.. : :y- '-' ' By Swan 1 f Wup,!? Hp, wp,o ftrt p,ccv9enr wv He 1 f pll ooTe, -oor 1 r,?,-,. l (nk Oon'-r mech Mo Don't' ")C were Both WcKeo ftT TH' Outbuck - i to 'the best uulhoi-rilos. But ' tho cowboy knows from experience. and 'differs mightily. He claims that tho Brahma is a cross between an airplane and the devil, or a sailing vessel in a rough sea and a couple of sticks of dynamite or a shot of Mexican Tequila. Ami after the steer, gets himself, un twisted for -the last time, and the cowboy picks himself up out of the dust,' the easterner gets his breath again and fervently ugrees with the cowboy. . ; - . After the complicated , folding aud unfolding of tho Uralimns, tl's just plain funny to watch a ,buf falo back! Ho comes rarln1 nut nf the chute as if he was going to a fiw nn,i ihon enriiinniv romnmher - ln. tho ,'iro n,wl Irl.luihnnlr Immn h,ini- nut hia i-liinr . ilnr-Bii't. No sir! He keeps right: on going , recent bar examination , wpre ad just' as far as impetus - and the mlttod (o practice of, law, , , . r ,, win lnt him. .. Ami. ,Ed8r A. Bourne, of .Fortland, after- making a sate, if somewhatl nn..i,,i w.,i. inn.iinir in , lim,i middle of tlio ground, ho picks inW sell up to the concerted - ,"hoo - !0fi some ifortv, , thousand . i-m m,, o...., ....... everyono Is a kid at' Round-Up time, JeBse Stnhi rides a bare back horse backwards. Ami what a ride ho makes sometime! The easterner loses his breath agalu, and grusps with ustonlshment. For when Jesse isn't coming down to mart the home, the horse Is com ing up to meet Jesse i combina tion that can't go on. So that dusky getlemen goes off, sliding gracefully over the horse's Jul to lnu-1 as best he can. Thus the crowd gets Its baptism of lire, uud realizes that the Pen dleton ltound-Up. la'dies and gentle mon, has started, gasps wilh the easterner, aud echoes the yell ut the old cowman ou the corral fence who bellows, as tho next events come Into arena or track. "Whooopeceo! Let'er Buck!" Cottagn cheese. Thoue 186. Roseburg Dairy. BRITON, AMERICAN AND GERMAN LOST; MURDER FEARED (AtwoeiuU'd I'ri'fls Lcvuii Wire) - PEKING, Aug. 80. The Chlnose foreign ofl ice was asked by tlie British iegatlon today to Institute inquires regarding the fatu of an American, an Englishman and a Gorman Who left KanBu province lor India in. June und ot whose whereabouts there has since been no r.oid. Tho party consisted of V. G. Piymire of tho American' As sembly or God Missions; M. Wat kinson of the China Inland Mis sion, a Britisher; and Dr. Fllch ner, Gorman explorer. , - Additional apprehension over the falo of tho thrco men has boon aroused by receipt of an official telegram from Sh khiin, India, Btat ing that "three KuropeanB" ware slain In. Chinese territory hear the Tibetlan border by tribesmen. W lien the -foreign consuls throughout China Instructed'' their tiatlouals to evacuate tho toriitor; early this yoar, because of tho antiy foreign scutlmont . among the Chinese.' Mr. Piymire, deeming; tho route to the Chlnose coast too dangorou3, decided to travel to In dla. He-was Joined by Watkln son; and Filchncr.: ..'. T. G. GREEN QUITS : ' AS J3AR EXAMINER ' i r ' i ' : ' - , , (Awiptnti'il PrvM 1-cukoiI Wlro) . f. SALEM. Orel..' Aug. 30. Return ing to work after a vacation i of about six , woeks, i tho Biiprohio court , today acconted tho resigna tion of Thomas. O. Green from tho , board of bar oxaminors and tho 1 executivo committee, was requesiou, 1 to nominate his successor by , tho i first MontUlV ill OctobeK .' , Sixty successful applicant of was admittod on , probation on an Oklahoma certificate; .Spencer L. fi!rd of Portland, was ndiiillted on 1 .pronnuon on ijn iui(u cni'uviw, l and Roy C. Harding of. Salem,, was, Fish '.it Idleyifl'tfartf TE1IS TITLE FOR T E Vanquishes 1 6 - Year - Old Betty Nuthall, bnglish Rival, in Deciding , Game of Series. .1 (AMocUted r-rcu Lvucd Wlm) FOREST HILLS, N. Y., Aug. 30. Helen Wills won tho American Women's Tenuis championship to day for the fourth time Iu five years when she vanquished the brilliant English star, lo-year-oiu Bettv Nuthall. 6-1. 6-4. In n color ful and Bpurkllng title mutch. The - 21-year-old California girl, completing an unbroken sweep ot triumph abroad and at homo tins year, overpowered her young rival decisively but not buloro ."Jioaining Betty" bad thrUled a gallery ot 8,000 spectators with, ft piiXKy ral ly in tho second set., , -, . Miss Nuthall's ; uphill tigUt against heavy odJs In this set pre vented tho mutch from being, a rout It was a Picturesque match as tho blondo, agile ' Kngllsh girl fought to stem the withering rue that swept over from tho Ameri can's sldo of tho net. It was evi dent from the start that Miss Wills had ontlrely too much "punch" In her strokes for her rlvnl to handle, hut Betty, spurred on by tho cheers of a crowd whoso sympathies seem ed to be with her In spile of a de sire of an American triumph," nevjjr quit trying. ' , Trailing at j-4 m tijo second sot, Miss NulhnU, spurted ind' . took throe out of four games' us situ held her own in long range duels, mixed her pace craftily and profit ed from lapses in tho American's control. It looked for a' few mo ments as though jtho English glvl .was about to stage ono ot he'r ehar aolortstic uphill battles, possibly to capture the set.i but gluV was un able to sustain her rally. - ; i It was the fifth American tillo quest for Miss Wills and her fourth Victory., j", , , ';' . S She, woro ilio crown from' 1023 to (1023: but-wus obliged to default lust yoar because ot ait, operation . ' Her victory today, on top of her .triumph at Wimbledon, puts tho 'American. ,uce n tho top of wo men's tennis for the year. ; f AUTOISTS1 FINED1 ; , FOR A COLLISION , i . Moclnlp.1 y& Iawl WU;o) PORTLAND, Ore.,! Aug.-, 30.- 'torn Alexander, ot -.Portland - was fined $5, and John -Hughes of Tl gard was fined $20 by Municipal Judge Tomllnsoiv as result. , of ,u collision, Sunday iu which Alexuu. tier drovo on n stop street without Seed Rye, Yetch, 3mPQth CZwb; Wheat, Rib Grass Buy your salt now. Price will advance, soon. : See Us First We Can Save You Money FARM BUREAU . COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE AQENTS FOR Roseburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Washington St. and 8. P. Tracks. 2 Btopplng uud was hit by Hughes' car. ' - - Tho Judgo held that while a city ordinanco requires a motorist to stop at stop-struet Intersections, it does not relievo tho driver of a cur on the stop stroet of giving right of way to a driver approach ing from his right side. Tho stato law requiring tho giving right of way was held to suporcedo tho city ordinance. . . .. . o .. Tlio party who picked up a lit tle white Terrier, with u little brown apot ou right side, near G. S. Johnson place ou Coos Buy highway, Brockway, will bo so kind as to bring her right baok. NOTICE TO C0NTRA0T0R8 Soalcd bids will Do received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 21 of Douglas Comity, Oregon, at school building at Cam as Valley, Oregon,' on September 1, 1927, at' seven o'clock p. m. for tho construction of a now schuol building for suld School District No, 21, according to plahs and, SPeclficatioim proi tired by F. Man-, 'son ' yhltOl arclijtect, Sherlock Bulldlpg, Portland, Oregon. ' i - ; Bids to iovor all 'labor1 and ma' terial for the gonornl work of ths building separately from plumbing and Heating, and plumbing and heating to be Included in soparaU bids. ' t i : i , J ; f Ko bid tvIII ho'cqnaldored !)inleBS accohnianled hv: cash!, or blddor's bomi' oW oertlfloil chdclt.ip ij'ivvor of George rH; .Trueman,.' chairman, for an amount .equal to at j least ten per cent ot the amount bid, said sum, to be forfeited in case of faU-' ure to enter into icoutract,and, sin" flclont I bond , on tho part ot aiiy bidder whose bid: Is accepted. , The successful biddor will be -required to, furnish an approved . surety com pany bond iln the , amount ot , fitly per cent of the oontrnot prlco. to Oakland ia insure fr.lthful performance of the work and payment for all labor and material, said bond to covor details mentioned in the specifications. Plans and specifications may be obtained at tho office ot the Archi tect, 448 Sherlock Building, Port laud, Orogon, or from R. J.' Dun ton, School Clark, Camas Valley. Oregon, . . , . i. ; 'A deposit of Twenty-Five ($25.00) Dollars will be required ot each bidder to insure proper care and prompt return of draw ings and specifications. Tho right Is reserved to reject any or ail olds. - By order of ,lhe School Board ot School District No. 21. ft'. R. J. DUNTON, ; ! Clork of Said Dlstriot. NOTICE OF BOARD- , i i .; OF EQUALIZATION Notice Is heroby given that on the Bocond Monday in September being Septembor 12th, the Board Ot Equalization will attend In the assessor's ptf Icq ln fK courthouse , in Roseburg, Douglas County', Ore gou, for the purpose of oxamlulng the assQssment rolls and correct all orrors in valuations, descrip tion and quality of land, lots and other proporty assossed by tho as sessor, and It shall .be the .duty of porsons interested to appcur at that time und place appoiutod. ! 1 " i FRANK L.:CALKINS, Assessor. 1 1 1 - BOOK' Oh MONEY -I '! . 1 I If r Rmul this Look on titled "Mono) Tuly ExIUaiKHl,, explatlilnc truly Ujo auseianflf reimiUy.i fo hard tUnufl : lU'leo' plnglef cop IJQc, eU or moro' copies 40c tuoh. ( Satis rHCtttry or money liack. Address J. H. Morrison, Myrtlo Crock, Onv ,gon; oi call ' lit .. Rodojbur$ Book 4