' 1 RO'SEfetJRir. ' NEWREVlEW.' FRIDAY,' AUGUST 26,' 1927. SIX . , . ' I The;Sext OATS AND DRESSED Marks' the End of Our Twice-a-Year Clearance Now seasonable footwear at substantial savings Oxfords and low Shoes in a variety of styles for men, women and children Clearance ends August 31st.Buy now and save. m . Do You Appreciate t J i I WHAT SAVINGS CAN BE MADE I ; ON YOUR ,yi: u ; : 'if fat 1 22 FALL SHOES : ( .'.I!','''''' I While others ore availing themselves of, our great sale to close out all of our former stock, why not, you) The character of our substantially constructed Shoes is too well known to compare them with Shoes usually selling at these prices, j j '. j J ' ! j ' ! , 95c,' $1.95, $2.95, $3.50, etc. These are close out prices and we are closing them out. BE AMONG THOSE THAT SAVE1 i Always the Best Shoes , Better Service ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING ; CQ. , t Established 1901 ( M. E, RITTEil, Manager t Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and AljIBULANCESERVICE' Phone '284 Oak and Kane 8ts,' ISWHSS LIBERTY Sunday,' Monday, iTuesclay In Her Supreme As a modern maid craving romance As a society doll wedded to wealth As a prima donna gitming with fame As a school teacher duty before beauty Love swayed her being n 1 1 kw Gloria Swanson's first Independent (ilm produced by herself as her first UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE. Hal Roach W in MUTT & JEFF Matinee 10c-25c Always the New Styles Better Merchandise 3 Courtesy , I Licensed Lady Embalmer i 23T THEATRE Matinee Daily 2:15 P. M. Screen Achievement Here's storm and sunshine love, love at its peak and love at Its depth. Dramatic love, rrjiantlc love, rent love and time! love enact edaRninltsctttnRS of sumptuous splendor to thrill, amaze and satisfy the most discriminating. Here Is the screen's most attractive beauty at her besu Dlioctal tAlbat'tKinia PATHE NEWS ! Evenings" 10c-35c 1 1 R.oseburg NEW TODAY, ' FANNING Mir.r nt Wharton Bros. FOU HAI.K Good DoilKl! tcrni-lliR, $116. 412 .. Main. ', t ltO()MSithTb(rar(nr7lrimT7TM ' N. Stcjihena. VOn SAI.K Klmblo7ihiilo, Holiil - oak cusu. -Se it ut 047 Cobb St. FOirSA UJ 3 Coclinr Spaniel i7ui- jilen, ?3 each. J. M. Kpancalie, ItaHt Ave. J ':' 1 '' ' j LOST Hunch ot ji'ijys. Finder please, return to NeWH-Iteview of- flCli. I'.-'' J FOlfSALE Jorsey liisltur Sift or trailis for hIhh'P. ItoHeoe Coiin. I'Iioiih tiF2t. - l F( )A " S A LK fioauTiful iinrcululi'i iMiuniel ruuKu, Uco ,mtw. Cheap. J 12 H-' ; ' I'Olt HHNT-Thn'H iiioiUirli liouseB with liiii'iiKos. J.S, tl, ; ami $12. J'hon'e 24U-L. ; j FOR '. HFNT 2-l'Ooni furilisiioil lionm'$7 lior nionlli. Row ultivH tor iiiaii nt PerklnH IthlK. 1 ffiHrnJN'TfJewTy turnlslied AitH. olectric riitlKti, et. Inquiro nt Judd'fl Furnlturo Storo. wiiANioiyT'Hrs'FimSAXK w. S. Motrin, Looking GIiibb road, 21 nilleB from liiiaublirK A"N07l'HKH C'A'irof special Collins anil flooring at special prices. Lot tin hIiow yon. PugeK. , iTniTFrrri'A pua'chks ca yom-B nt Coos .innction they are now junt right for cnnnliiK. A. F. SllllHllorf. , ; Fbll'SALU 10 Jeroey" dairy cows; 7 t). I. C. brood sows with pigs; 1 0. I. ,C. boar. M. L. Klnimol, lloimllii, Ore. , j 1027 FORD" COUPM Sou this car If you want pntiillcnlly n now car ut a big reduction. C. A. Lockwood Motor Co. 1 L' FOIl , SALK-'Second hand w-ood range, 2-burner .and .t-burner electric range. Itoseburg Elec tric. . iiOMIi'OWNEHS "do 1 .you iiocrt ready cash. If you own your Inline iind nood Imniedlnto funds we cap give you prompt service. Our monthly payment plan ot- ' Tors an easy method of liquidat ing ll loan. No commissions, no delays. Unipnua Havings and Loan Associallon. Douglns Ab-' si runt. Hldg. . Something New! Wholewheat , Doughnuts Try Them Today! Model Bakery Liberty Theatre Today and Saturday Matinee Daily 2:15 A TREAT FOR YOU; IN A BIG DOUBLE BILL It's the hind you've been asking for! Chock full of speed! Tom Tyler AND HIS PALS ' ! in "Lightning Lariats" and Alberta Vaughn fCollegiate" Good Old College Days Fun, Friendship and Frolics 10c FABLES PATHE NEWS i ' IRVIN BRUNN 1 . t Shoes That Satisfy and Fit Your Feet Perkins Building Roseburg, Oregon WANTED Girl or middle aged' lady to do housework- for two.! 401 S. I'arrott or phone 143-J. j i UEiM'CTION I"NPJII(.'HS " on to-i inatoes and nioluus thiB week uti William's Dlllard Garili-ns. i j WANTED A couple pruiiiT pick-j ma,. 1'refer man and wife. Will! begin about Sept. 5. Address! Hox 90, care News-Review. j AFTER THE Sunday . drive, liy a chicken dinner at the I'ollyanli'i Cafo at Myrllo Creek. Well rout ed, well served. You'll like It. FOR kTLE l!)2T7iodge tourlngl J175. 11)25 Chevrolet touring, $:i7fi. llulck liug, ?3fi. t'aniiiview Garage, 1 mile norlh Itoseburg. FOll SA"LE 8-Ui llUernallonai tractor, new, at a big reduction. 11. is fully . equipped for ' belt work as well as field. See Whar ton Hros LOST Valuable dark plaidauto robe, on Pacific highway be tween Camp View and Rose- burg. Reward. Leave at Nows Itevlew. WI'IH'KE? "()Yie-imirnilie"south of Canyonvlllo. t'anyon Tavern air Ideal place for the Sunday din ner. Kest of service, foods and music. Try it Sunday WANTED iteason'ablo, "3'rni. "fui apt. Close in and unless lurllace heated, must be ground floor. Willi garage. Write "M. H." News-lteview. VOii SAJJC-r-Survico Htullou .unci auto cump. ViHiblu iuiui, cabins atul Hlnuly gt'oimdH; olt'clric lilita ami running water. Wrllo K O. Box'30y( J)raln, Ore. WHY STAY at homo and cook oil Suiuluy? Our spyciul cliicKoa (linuorH. ii ro (ioliciouH and eco nomical. Excellent coukin and Htjrvlce. Cla.ssic Cafe, Ciinyon- vlllo. 192U i''OHI) cOtH'MKqullil't'd with dim; wheolH, bmiiDci'H, Hiioedonio t3i', ynubbei'H, motoineUir, extra lank In roar, wator lmmp. otc. It 1h in tho boat of mtH'lum ical condition. C. A. hocltvood Motor Co. Rit "SALK Boach aulo camp and rosort located at Itaudon by the , Sea, improved with IS cabins, Btorn and HvinR quartera, show ers, laundry, patent toiletH, clly water, electric limits, , camp Htoves and tables in tho throve 'and small stock of groceries. On account of other business owner will Hacritieo for quick sale. For price and terms see Mami-m 1 tench ltealty Co., Coquille, Ore. I FALL ON RUG FATAL (Asjoclntpil Truss Leaned Wire) ! PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug 2(1.- Charles Claiiug. S4, who was found unconscious ill his apnrt- : nient last Tuesday and taken to a hospital wher he died that night. received his mortal injury when h slipped on a rug and fell, in the nt.h.lnn nt Poll nsneclnis Collins 1 land lloraek. All the evidence "KM tu America at 7:30 a. ill. to I poinled lo this, they said, although I "'',n,w- , , , , nt first possibility of murder was ! he uvlalors sad hey would ! considered carry letters to Colonel Charles A. ' , Lindbergh from "friends anil nc- WW jqsaiqwJAUM a uuisHBMWffiKllgfl i 25c r H.ba oterie BIG ance AT THE RAINBOW GARDENS Winchester SATURDAY NITE Oriental Gardens Orchestra American Legion STORM TAKES 9 LIVES; LOSS IN PROPERTY HUGE (Continued from page 1.) Falmouth. A neighbor canio out to tell ICldiidgo Unit his .'house Avas being flooded. The farmer went to see for 'himself, leuvlng tho tot Willi oilier children -lni tho barn. When lie returned ho. saw the body of; the baby floating la a newly formed pond' In the barn yard. POOR WEATHER ! AGAIN DELAYS DASH FOR ROME (Continued from page 1.) over the $25 reward given him by jonsen for navigating the plane : Jvhich won second prize, and (hat his share In the prizo became known only because he attempted I to cash a cheek in Honolulu admit- j ting lo friends that he was wilh out funds. British Fliers Ready 1 1IPAVON. Kneliind. Ann-, an I Caplnin Leslie Hamilton and Colo nel P. Minchln arrived , tit the H'""'0" "mll'"mo today. Hying tho Associated Press that thev ''"PE off.. Oil., tllelr.. tnillS-Allanllc I flualntanees In London. 60DY SHIPPED TO ' ' i ' MISSOURI FOR BURIAL H . Tho body or Mrs. Polio Rut ton. ; aiadT of II. ('. Dinvson of ibis cilv. OinK l Mt'rry Hospital, wa shlp-j i nod lusl nlfiht to Hboral, Mo., to , bo buritMl bo.side lior husband. Mrs. 1 Sutlou v:ih talion HI while on a: viwil boro. Hor two sons will ro- t:olvo I lu MMiiains at Liberal. Ar-J i ranjronii'iits lioro woro iti rharo of Hie Douglas I-'unoral lloiuo. I Roseburg Beverage Supply House 109 South Jackson St. Phone 249 Roseburg, Ore. ' HOME BOTTLING SUPPLIES Kegs, Bottles and Crocks Special Saturday 3-lb. can Blue Ribbon .Malt Extract 79c I : V AT... DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST " Spuclallat n tho (lttlng ot Olasaei. ' : i ' .l : r 110 Jackaon St. CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center . f "Completa Health 8ervlce7 ! SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS 827 West Cass Phon 491 YO ANNOUNCE -; ' opening of private studio In Roseburg, September 12 Lucile M. Sappington . Dunning System .Improved t Music Study Piano Kindergarten For InfonmUlon ami terms ; phono 473-J. f Frances Lintott Piano Studio , 522 S. Main ; Phone 419-J FIRE HAZARDS are Increased during this season of tho year. Play safe by carry ing adequate Fire Insurance. Our usency is nt your aerviri. Wo write all lines of fire and automobile Insurance. G. W. Young & Son INSURANCE 116 Cast St. Phone 417 Brand's Road Stand Lunches Served Inside or In the Gar den. Soda Fountain Our Own Private Moon Every night Is moonlight at Brand's Garden. Fruit Garden Valley Watermelons Dillard Muskmelons Crawford and Etberta Peaches Gravenstein Apples BRAND'S Pacific Highway S Miles North j l,r inspBl . ,.rllie morrow at ' ; COATS Iq 75 $45.00' $72.50 ; ' ' ' . j vv v. ei Sleek Bac I Front 3 n V..1.1 '. i 'style idea or tr " nVntry t i introductory P .'f nnd druses ro J V BEHERE' THE LAPDES SHOPPE !j,,139N..Jackson.Streetii;';.rwiV'.? ,, , , ANNOUNCING , . , the popening; of .the studio of GLADYS H. STRONG Teacher of Piano . Graduate of the New England Conservatory . .', , . , PUPIL OF ARTHUR FOOTE - i , 2 Studio opens Sept. 6th. Dunning System' for M ' v ? i - "vjiiiii". . , . . -u ;t ANTLERS TODAY AND Matinee Dally I WARNER with Vhe funniest tTeam tn the HKovies LOUlflE WlMkani CLYDE COOK MORE COMEDY, "ROOMS FOR RENT" LATEST NEWS Matinee 10c-25c STARTING NORMAN KSRRY CLAIMS W j&ssM RTn' mm A UNIVERSAL JEWEL ANTLERS GREATER MOVIE I SEASON STARTS SEPTEMBER 2ND I i to- . presses CoaUl ay i"e " C - - .. - , I i ; t s f f i . Parrott Building (Opposite Ott's Music Store) ? , ( ; i cicjjiiuiic d i i-u- ! ; j THEATRE SATURDAY 2:00 P. M. . 6 BROS. present Evening 10c-25c-35c SUNDAY 1N5S03! X a a -1