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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1927)
8 - I i or inn Hon billion dollar concern Fall Dress Kaking We are Showing a Sparkling Group of - Beautiful New Fall Silks, Chiffon Flannel, Amadon Plaids and Wool Challies These Fabrics all come in the very new- , eat designs and alluring colors and shudes, while the prices are unusually attractive. We have also just iceived a full line of New Fall Coats You owe it to yourself to see these coots before making your purchases for the season, becouse the very Coat you want is here for you. L ABRAHAM u " THE SILK. STORE TO RESULT L ERA IF 0.5. STEEL MOTORS CONSOLIDATE Income From Such Great Business Organization Would , Total Nearly Half Billion Dollars Yearly Accord-, ing to Estimates DuPont Expected to Succeed Gary. BY JOHN W. HILL' Financial Editor, the Iron Trade Review. Possibility of a iriKantlc. ovcr- towi-rlng industrial combination i seen la the announcement Jnat me powerful flu I'ont interests aro ac quiring largo holdings of United suites Steel Corporation stock. Tim (In l'ontu already own a con trolling interest In two other In dustrial KlautB K. 1. U. du Pont le Nemours & Company, and the (Jcnenil Motors Corporation. 'i'lio direct or indirect linking or these three massive units under one common financial control or management would form a com munity of Interests of stuggering proportions, even in tills day of fabulous figures. . - . Whother or not this is the ulti mato aim of the du IJouts remains to he divulged. Gary's Doath Sped Plans The death of. Rlbert. 11. Oary, chairman uud guiding genius ' of the Hluel Corporation nlnce its birth, undoubtedly hus speeded Wall street, Its imagination stir red by tile vastness of tho picture, is deeply bitten with curosity as to tho du font plans. Is' this amazing family seeking to put a linger in the pie of control of Die U. S. Steel Corporation? Or does tho purchase of the stock represent merely a shrewd invest ment of ever-growing surplus funds, amounting now to approxi mately $50,uUO,000 annually? The Federal Trade Commission is also curious and has ordered an investigation luto the stock rela tionships of tile corporations. If, as Is possible, the stock pur chase is nothing more than an ln- vestment, it has already proved itself a shrewd one. The tfipTbnt Interests, buying 114.000 Bhnres out of their surplus funds, huve already effected a profit of about $1, 300,000 on the subsequent rise of the stock. Made Much Money " Tho soundness of their employ ing surplus funds In this manner is unquestioned. The case iB very E NEAR TACOMA HIT BY S100.0QG FIFIF It , ! TACOMA,. AVuhIi,, Auk, ,26. Fire of undetermined origin complole y destroyed Ihu mill of Itio Son Hi Pralrio Lumber company at South Prulrloj 31 miles southeast of lumv this morning with a loss estimated by coniimny officials at $lou,000. The firu,; according to Homy SkruniHtad of Tacoma, inoHid.Mi i mauagor of tho concorn. was dis covered by tho night watch nuiu nhout 3 a. in. By tho tlmo It wuk discovered the flu men hud reached Biich proportions that efforts to hhvo the mill wore f tit Ho. f The loss, according to Mi'. Slirumstud, Is partly covered by in Buraiice. 1 , Mr. Skrumstud said today Unit tho company had not rmichod a de cision yot aa to whother or not tho mill could bo rebuilt, but uddod that tho compuny owned conslder ablo timbor In tho vicinity of South Prairie and would -conllmio to . log thin aa nono of the logging equip niont bad been damaged in tho lire. -Thoflro Blurted hi the mill, -which was entirely destroyed as was lumber valued at between J and $20,000 which whh piled in tho yard. Tho office, car shed, blacksmith shop and lunch room woro saved. more Jioleu to ho 8 down. Evans waa hotter than MncKon zlo from tho toe most of the way, but was not butter with the irons except on rare occasions and wad. not nearly no good with the puttor. Tho former chumplon lost three of tho lour short holes, but kept eith er even or not more than one down. MacKenzle owed li Ih latest advant age to holing a long putt for a bir die at the 17th, after Evans had played a much doner approach. Jones Hlmt a HPlemlld 60, , being tho third time thin week he ban broken 70, while. Otllmut could do no bettor than 78. Tho tenth hole proved to bo the only holo tho Bos ton star could win, but ho waa not playing aa well as ho had douO pre viously, Oulmet saved ulmBoIf from being ten down hy holing 20 foot putts on the last two greens. He took 3 to get on tho lilh, but got his par with a long putt ami repeated on the homo holo whero Ills second shot waa dubbed to the road. Jones hud only one bote over par, the tenth, and bagged lour birdies, making three fours on pur five holes after stalling with a birdie three at tho first holo. At (ho mil! holo Hobby missed a short putt for a birdie, but aside from this and tho tenth holo, whore ho m I fined tho green with his hoo oud and chipped uhorl, tho Atlan ta n made no material mistakes. Evans and did not do particularly well on tho first ninth after Chirk had auared a birdie with a fair putt on tho flint hole, but (hey bull, came home In par, MacKeiizie gutting two birdies, two of them in a row, Chick Bhot every hole in par except, the short eleveulth where he missed the green and the long IGth whero he halved In hlrdlo !, IT TAKES BIG LEAD PENDLETON GETS JN READINESS FOR ANNUAL ROUND-UP PHNDLETON, Ore., Aug. 26. A dny and night vigil is being kept at Pendleton by proxies who will get tickets lor the 11)27 llound-Up, September 14, 15 16 and 17, when tho box dike opens September 1. J. J. Haiiiloy, Pendle ton, for many years are first iu line for tickets, put a proxy in line on August 23, and thus continued the tradition of being first. The tlckut oil ice has not yet been plac ed vet tho proxy is here and will remain day and ulght until after September 1 when lie wilt get the i, irk of the uasteboards. The first choice means first choice only as i'oudlelon people are concerned, for the. Houud-Up fills mull orders first and gives the heat tickets to out-of-town vlKitors. Pendleton stauds back and takes what la left. September 1 marks al30 the don ning of Hound-Up apparel and the dressing of Pendleton streets In gay holiday attire. The business men are getting their costumes in order and casting interested eyes at llound-Up hat and shirt styles, for everyone must wear sombreros and loud shirts. Judges for thrf 1927 Round-Up huve been chosen, uud are Don Clurk, of Portland, livestock agent for the Union Pacific; Allen Drum lieller, former Hound-Up perform er and son of George lirumheller, .of Walla Walla, and 11. S. Dixon, stockman of Klamath Falls. Mr. ci.mUo imil Mr. Drumheller were judges last year and Mr. Dixon has served three terms aB judge; in deed, when the latter accepted he said "Ueing a judge at tho Round up has bocome a habit with me." All three aro popular with per formers and with the crowds. The McCornilck-Doerlng tractor conies fully equipped ' with belt pulley with separate clutch, gov ernor, brake, fenders, etc. It is the most economical tractor to buy. See ono at Wharton Bros. PIERRE RONI MULTNOMAH REPUBLICANS FIX CONVENTION DATE PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 26. The republican convention to nominate tiie party s canuiuaio lor cungieao man will be held nt tho public au ditorium next Friday lii'jht Sep tember 2 at 7 o'clock. ' Tills was decided last nlsht at a meeting of the congressional cen tral committee. The delegates to the convention will be the republican prtcii'tt committeemen and no other. LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES (Including games of Aug. 25.) (ny the Associated Press.) National. Ratting P. Waner, Pirates. .386. Runs Tj. Waner, Pirates, 106. Hits P. Waner, Pirates, 1S7, Doubles . Waner, Pirates, 36. Triples P. Waiter, Pirates, 17. Homers Williams, Phillies, 23; Wilson, Cubs, 23. ., Stolen bases Frlscli, Cardinals, 31. Pitching Benton,' Giants, won 12; lost 4. American. Halting llellmann. Tigers, .396. Runs Gehrig, Yankees, 124. i Hits Gehrig. Yankees, 176. Doubles Burns, Indians, 46. Triples Mami;h, Tigers, 16. Homers Gehrig, Yankees, 40; Ruth. Yankees, 40. Stolen bases Sisler, Browns, 25. Pitching Hoyt, Yankees, won 17; loBt 5. Tho P. & O. tractor disc plow has tho weight to stay Jn the ground and do good work. Sold by Wharton iiros. IMPROVING ROAD AT DIAMOND LAKE (AmtfM'l.tnl Pri'M !aicd Wire) MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Aug. 26. Bobby Jones. Atlanta, gained a terrllio lead' over Francis Ouiinet. Boston, mid Chlt'k Fvans. Chicago, was on down to Roland Miu-Ken?.ie. Washington. I). l, nt tiie end of the first IS holiw of the seiul rllials of the national iniuiieiir golf cham pionships at Miuikaliila today. . Jones shot sub-par golf ami go ing out in 33. was five up at the tiuurier mark, as Oulmet took 311. Ouiinet won the lenlh hole for ills find, advantage, bill noun Inst four The shorn rond at Diamond lake Is being resiii'taced, according to Poivst Supervisor ('nil B. Neul. Owing lo the poor niiullty of 111" unlive road material at Diamond lake tho foiest service has had considerable dllfk'iilly In keepluii the road ill good condition, but now it is being widened to n two way road, and Is being surfaced with a pumice gravel w hich Is ex pected lo provide it good roadbed. NKWPOHT, R. 1. The latest fad III pets in this exclusive seaside risnrt Is a baby gent. Miss l.ll.v I), fnililng set It. She caused eye In ows lo be raised when In n red dress she earried a pure white baby goat under one aim. Try a clasnlflou rot. In wis r por and watch results. You'll sura ir 'em - SUNNYDALE FRUIT FARM Bulb Price List Each 10o 10o 10o Per. Doz. $1.00 1.00 1.00 60c TULIP8 Variety CoLt"'J Mr. Farncomb Sandors "Red Clara Butt "Pink" Roverand Ewbank "Lavender" Mixed Tulips "Darwin nd Cottoflo" LIMES I Elinmt "nraiWiA Fled ..... l! Columblanum "Oranfje Yellow, Brown Spots 25c L, WMhlnotonianum "Native Field Lily" White. Purole Snots 50c L. Waihlnntonlahum cannot be shipped out ot state this year. Belladonna Lily "A H.rdy Amaryllis" "Pink" 30c 3.00 L. Candldlum "Madonna-White" ,. .5A,M CUT THIS OUT IT WILL NOT APPEAR AGAIN, Gardens Two Miles North of Brockway Store. Watch for Our Gladioli and Flower Seed List CASH MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER. , . All Stock Limited. s , J. ROBERT McKAY. Mgr. . 25c 2.50 6.00 whatever plans I lie (lit Pouts havu with: respect to, that. great indus trial. ' " ' ' . At the present lime the du Pouts own less, than 2 per cent of the outstanding cummoii' stoek-ahout similar lo tho du Pont entry into General Motors, except that In the latter'casn their holdings of 2.000, 000 shares represent nearly 25 pol ecat of the stock outstanding. 111,000 ahaios. Tills Is not enough I Tho balance ot tho stock Is spread sufficiently wide lo give tho du Pouts virtual control. The General Motors investment has also proved a sound one. It has brought to its owners a profit ot approximately f364.000.000 In tho past seven years. The stork was purchased at aa uverage price of $16 a share; it Is now selling well above $200 a share. Dlfforent Policies Doubtless tho dn Pouts, if they are seeking control of the Sieel Drain News Corporation luive boen prompi.-d , n ; Q ' i0.'tland. lm.s to mich action by ilw rwultn ' turll(M! honi atter a Vsit o( BPV. mined in administration ot don , , . atoolc of- ilsoir to justify any Impli cation ot attempted control hy tho du Touts. Howuver, it Ih sufficient to indlcalo no Important Interest on thulr pai-Cyi tho utTtilrH oC tho corporation. JiuIko Ci.ry'H advanced ago had foioiluidovod his early retirement or death. It Is well known that for somo years tho powerful hi tereHls In financial control of the corporation hud been deeply pon dering the question of his succes sor. I'ierre S. du I'ont has been considered a likely successor. Tho combine of the du Pont In terests wlih V. H. Steel and Gen eral Motors,' II' eventually effected, would have a slocj capitalization based on stock m.-rkot ouoiatioua or tho three companies of ap proximately SJ,U00,uou.000. There has been no similar ImposinK lu- dUHhial siructuro in the history of tho world. The combined ca nltul Is four times tho figure of fered Henry Ford recently for his KlKHUtlc enterprises. The three - way combination would have an annual eaniluit pow er of more than srotu)0iuino an nually. Hased on reports of tho cniupuuloH for last year, nearly Soo, (HMJ.000 would bo paid out an- ! anally In dividends to more than 210,000 stockholders. Huge Caah Resources The combination would do an aiimiul ptosh business of more i I haii SiMHio.DOo.nno. a n d would have trenieo-Ious cash resources or : about ?fmUH)0,(Mm, inrludiuc; cash ' and securities Italeit at Iheir book ; valuation. i Atiiiiulsal nf these securities at i their current market value on -j porallons would bo Mee" toKetner i donhteilty would more, than double by the strongest of lumds -thai this f Inure, for tho du I'ont Cm ; ot capitalbut their respective iu poratlnu carries its General Mo-ftcrests and pursuits of their pir tors boldimzs on Its htmks at $'Jt,-1 ttt-utar bulncsstrtft would remain OMM.OMO under the nisrket vain'. dKMincr . Miss Mabel Coons, who has spent the past year or more in Caiilor nia has ro turned homo lor a visit with homo folk's. nfln McCluro, of IVinrshfleld, vho had been visiting relatives, tho KreWHon family, hero, returned home tho first of tho woek. . Hufus Pl'ister is buying black berries for the ortou cannery at. Sutherlln, tho crop being very heavy In this vicinity ft is said. The price paid Is lower than usual. Mr. Iledriek has just improved his dwelling house with a new shingle roof. Miss Grace Driver, pastor of the Methodist church at Klktou, Is visiting friends In Drain this week. Mrs. George Joseph, wife of as An Alpine Cow ? Remarked; Here's how' My richest miik's improved the c IT'S unmistakable the- delicious, rich, creamy taste yea get in Alpine. ' That's why the finest soups, sauces arid desserts are smoother and creamier when made with Alpine. That's why biscuits and cakes are lighter and finer. That's why the best cup of coffee tastes better ' still with Alpine. . Into every pint of Alpine goes one quart of rigidly tested, full'cream milk with nothing added nothing taken away but water. And there's no cream line, no skim milk. Alpine has cream in every drop. Yet for all its creamy goodness, Alpine costs less than ordinary milk. And it keeps indefinitely, for it is sealed in its airtight ; container and sterilised. Always fresh' always pure. . Get Alpine today.. : ' f A real treat with roast beef This canmng scheme Gives twice the cream The water's half ? : '- removed: Alpine Yorkshire Pudding Sift i cup flour with H tsp. salt and I tsp..Daking powder. Add gradually H cup Alpine Milk mixed with H cup water and I beaten cgR. Cover very hot pan with fat from roast. Pour in X inch of mixture. Bake in hot oven ao minutes, basting twice with drippings ( hi 4- "tAmb cream in eitenf, drop mi here during this weok; : Mrs. Carol .Nichols; of Hobo, Washington, forinorly Miss Gail Craig, is hero for a visit with lior molliL'r, Mrs. Lillle Craig, and oth er relatives. Mrs. Pred Hall and son, Tlieron, huve moved to Springfield where Mr. Hall is now located as second trick operator at the S. P. Co. of fice. Our .townsman, B. S. Lowe, re turned home Saturday from a few weeks visit ut Cupertino, Calif., with his brother, A. H. Lowe, and sister, Mrs. Watson. ROSEBURG AND ASHLAND STAGE LINE IS SOLD (Continued from page 1.) oral .Motors aftairs. Tills concern has become a writable giant through Hie linking up of numer ous molor car companies Willi many oilier industries and the furmtillotl of new projeecls. As compared with this, there la the ultra conservatism which lias niHl'ked tho course of the Steel Corporation. Here are two ot tile world's largest companies which have been tinder policies almost exactly opposed. The Steel for porutioit iihs diversified lis activi ties only so far as has been ab solutely necessary. Kven its ex pansion plans along lines air engaged lit nave Deen tlvo. Tangible nilviinlages of an :il lliinre between these two kiiitus would come through sale hy l . S. Steel to fleneral .Motors of ils steel products, just as llenenil Melon now buys its paints and lucuilers for automobiles from the du i'out Co. , 111 the main, however, th.- cor- eu:ly conserva- oral days with her aisttT, Mrs Hranna Williams and brother l'hll SnoJI and family. Darrell Harkvr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harker, snslaintMl quite mvt'rp, in juries while woikiiiR with tho crew on the brldce al Klkton "lust Saturday, caused hy a cave-in. of dirt, and was taken to a Kuiiene hospital for treatment. J. A. Mason .our local civil war vcloran, is visitinjj this week with liis son, h. L. Mason and wife, In Portland. V. M. Moore Is preparing lo er eet an office building on his lot niijoinltiR the movie theatre, the old btiil.llni; on tho ground now beliiR removed. Mrs. K. T. Ihtrdett. daughter ot Mr. and Mr. Haiker, who has been visiting here lor the past several weeks with her parents, went to Portland tho Nrot of the week for treatment for goiter. Dr. T. M. White took his family lo Sunset beach for an online the first of the week. Mrs. Mason, wife j of the South Ptnin service station connect with the line, thru tickets were honored and baggage check ed thru from rortland to Hose- burg. Stimulated by tho effects of cooperation the three lines later incorporated as the Oregon Stages, Ino., with terminals nt Portland and lloseburg. Tho result of incarp' "M.lon, cen tralized control and all Its ut(ond unt benefits under the able man' agement of Mr. Lomen nnd a staff of competent officials, can be seen and realised any day between Rose burg and Portland and the import ant cities intermediate thereto, bight tnru sciieitules are maintain ed daily between Portland and Roseburg; between Portland and Eugene more than double t'aat number, and on the more congest ed Saiem-Portland division an hourly schedule each way or 32 schedules are maintained. This fre; nuent regular service for the trans portation of passengers, baggage, express and newspapers; well ap pointed depots with ticket agents In all the cities enroute; courteous and dependable drivers and safe. comfortable and up to tho minute equipment has had no Utile share in the prosperity ana upnuiiutng of the cities, towns and communi ties along the route traversed by the Oregon stages. In addition to this splendid local sendee the Oro gon Stages, Inc., has been pioneer in and instrumental in effecting joint ticketing of passengers over some fifteen other stage lines em bracing the territory between Van couver, B. C, to all points in Ore gon, the Redwood highway section of California, and Washington. That the merger of tho Intenir- ban Line u tutor tho management of the Oregon Stages, Inc., will be of benefit to the traveling public Is undoubted. Local service in south-. ern Oregon wll Ibo improved and j tho reclining chair dny and night coach service thru 10 romaim (AesociHted l'rcsa Leased Wins) PORTLAND, Ore.,' Aug., 26. The local scarcity of receipts of top grade eggs shows some signs of loosening. The volume of receipts from the country was a little im proved yesterday and dealers at the late afternoon session of th dairy exxhange were ready to bid extras down 2 cents to 31 cents, the new exchange wholesale price today.' Firsts uro also down a cent to 30 cents. Other tirades are un changed. The butter market continues od a firm tone locally with no changes in quotations for whole sale grades today. The local market situation for fresh fruits and vegetables was un changed this morning with sup plies ample and trade lugging in most seasonable lines. Tomatoes continue relatively cheap under in fluence of plentiful supplies of lo cal and eastern Washington stuff. They were quoted at from 50 to 60 cents per box, wholesale. Supplies of bartlett pears con tinue steady from California and sell at wholesale around ?3 per box. nbout 25 cents cheaper than last week's close. Country dressed meats and poul try were quiet this morning. All lines of meats woro firm at steady prices. Light hens wero easy at 13 cents. PORTLAND, Ore., Auk. 26 Butter steady: extra cubes, city. 43ic; standards I2$c; prime flrs'.s 41c; firsts 38c; creamery prices: Prints 5c above tube stamlruds; butterfat 43ic f. o. b. Portland. Milk steady: bio's tn the farm er: Raw milk (4 por cent) 52.25 cwt., f. o. b. Portland; . butterfat 43ic f. o. b. Portland. . i Eggs: Extras down , lc;. firsts I down 2c. Current receipts 27c; fresh mediums 2fc; iresu sianuaru -firsts 30c; do extras 31c. Poultry steady; (less & per cent : commission) heavy hens 2123c; light 12'?i'13c; springs 20c; broil ers 1920c; pekin white ducks 20c; colored nominal; turkeys alive nominal. Onions steady, local 1. to $1.10. Nuts steauy; walnuts 27&40u; filberts lU(fr 20c; almonds 24i25c; . llmzil nuts . 1416e; Oregon chestnuts 17&20c; peanuts lo&J 15c. Cascara bark steady, 78c; Ore gon grape root nominal. . . . Hops steady; 1926 crop 175'll)c. BOSTON, Aug. 26. The "Com mercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: "There is a moderately activo, healthy market for wool. Prices 4 are steady for all descriptions and the trade expects a rise in values next month. Prices named on fancy woolen, and worsted men's wear lines by the American Woolen company show values firm ly maintained on the basis of tho prices on staples August 1 and pos-., slbly a bit ienror. "The average advance "price over a year ago is about 50 cents a yard. Foreign markets are firm and waiting for the opening of. the new season in Sydney Monday, when higher prices nre expected. Mohair holds firm. Mostly the in quiry is for kid hair at steady rales. Foreign markets aro strong." The Commercial Bulletin will publish the following quotations to morrow: 1 Mohairs: Original bag average 12 months Orecon 5:tfr fin. .iJT JbL M' Bti7 'VUHr - . AJt wmmn ! NKWrt'HT, It. 1. When n Van devbllr itlvcs a ball, there are el alntrnli' tirciiaralinn. Three stnall ' nine trees weiv planleii on tiie isirh decomteil with colon d liitliis. A special ball room wa contriirt covernl with oak leuves. Kiiiv led oveihaliRlnit hnshefs of I Inwn of tho I'lliuirh, Jr., I'Plale of .Mrs. r' t .iilnwcts vere siispemteu (Muilel Van levbllt) ! ctrlllog. Irom I he pni Mninr '.,.',.., ,.iiB. t llnsehiin Willi Coos Mr. ann .virs. itoy iniun i - --- ' . i ,h i.i..r i.urt nf Inst week Bay points; Grants l'ass with Red- during which they visit, il ( wood highway points like Lake. Klnmntll halls. Asniano. ......-. I ' i. (!..i.i n.,.., h m,rl ( rater l.iko anil hlan I l'-,nu ...... . nf U Ijtninn Itamion. returning borne sstuniay '" 'r- venlne iPivo to the wholo of this terntor ' luieh't Mattoon. of Klsmath'B stime service-second to none in Fall" who fornierlv resided here I the country and ..... i ,i... nrin-lwhich the southern . ... ...., fr ...ver.-il vears. I state in particular will benefit and limited old lrtencs uud relatives 'to which they are rightly entitled. Kureka i Bedford, i Klamath Kails setrice fnni ! end of the : - W'f I! "Afhert tto4 for All the health ralue of whole wheat in tempting, flifcy form. Atti only yfve ainuies from package to tcblc !