ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, THURSDAY. AUGUST 25. 1927. SEVEN fi 'J 1 Repolished Floors Add greatly to the appearance of your home, and lend to cheer and refinement. -',,.- This week we' are offering a special price on Johnson's Prepared Liquid Wax Floor Polish, including ' - ' : , Quart of Liquid Wax Polish. One Weighted Brush, , One Lambs Wool Mop and Instruction Book, value $6.65. Special This Week $5 CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store.' CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW AOS WILL BE FOUND QN BACK PAGE FOR SALE FOR SAL137 tons baled F. I. Rotts, phone 6F2S. FOR. SALE 25 or 30 ewes. R. V. Hatfield, 33F14. FOll'SALEA. small business. In- qulro lit 618 Winchester at. FOR SALE 450 one your old White Leghorn hens, 75c each. '' Phone 30-F4. ' - 1 FOR SALE 9 months old JiOiUin Bull dog. 615 Fowler St. IS your root ready lor- tlie rain?. Shingles, roofing and rooting shingles at Pages'. FORT SALE Rich mixture oats and vetch seed. 3c lb. . Claude Parkhurst, Melrose. HAMS FOR SALE registered Shropsulres. Mrs. W. B. - Staf ford. 1001 Mill St., Eugene, Ore. FOR SALE Nice Evergreen sweet corn for canning. U, C. McOhohey. Phone 6F13. TOMATOES: "FOR SALEFlck ' them yourself at 60c per bushel. S acres to pick trow. Bring your own containers. Ira Buyer, Dll lard. CANNED TOMATOES No. 2J cans, KJc; No. 2 ' cans, 10c. i Sweet peppers, 10c lb.,, cucum bers, 3c lb. These prlcos good all week, Frosh tomatoes every day . at markot prices. We start can : nlng Monday. Si Saulsborry, Myr-r ' tie Creek; Ore. ; FOR RENT; MODERN flat, close In. Inquire Kidder's Shoe Store. FOR-KENT Well furnished apt. : Ground floor. 331 S. Main. . FOR , RENT 2-room furnished house, $7 per moirlh. See eleva- -jq '.. tor man Perkins Bldg. FOR RENT Broom furnished modern house. Wood and gas -ranges. Call at 544 S. Pine. FOR RENT Apartments with electric ranges and garages. Close in. Inquire at 329 Chad wick street. ROOM for rout in Hotel Suthorliii, 60x15 ft., suitable for cleaning and pressing business. Rent 515 per mo. Sutherlln, Ore. 1 WANTED WANT to buy second hand wagon, f 2i or 3-lnph. J. B. Smith, Ruckles, Ore. MEN WANTED For paving work, including finishers. Stanley Tay lor.Glendale, Ore. WANTED -Housekeeper at Von- calla, from Sept. 1 to June 1. For particulars write P. 0. Box 283, Myrtle Point, Ore. WANTED Womaa cook, kitchen has all modern conveniences. Apply to Hotel Sutherlln, Suth erlln, Ore. Phone 49. SI - WANTED TO RENT By cxpori- . euced farmer a farm, either cash 1,- . or share rent. Write Mary Scott, 'I Oakland, Oregon. . WANTED Ton or more acres - suitable for poultry. In reply ' please state all particulars, price, terms, etc. Address "P. W. L.," car of News-Review. WANTED Hatching eggs from hoavy breeds, Rocks, Reds and Jersoy .Giants. Rosoburg Poultry : Market. 501 North Jacksou. Phono 279. Double Strength Ask Your Druggist for tho Amber Bottle and cecuro the high power insecticide pronounced tho Deadliest of All If IT T C nlu- Moths, Bugs, XVlLiLaiJ Mosquitoes, etc PLEASANT ODOR Non-Poisonous, Will Not Stain. rLY-DI EWES WANTED Oscar. Weeks, Ruckles, Ore. WANTED Manure spreader, in good condition. Douglas Park Stock Ranch, SuMsrUu. Phono 1-J. WANTED Man with, team to log, also want man to drive my team ' In logging. C. V., Odeu, Dixon s vllle, Oregon. ( LOST "l LOST Monday, $15 in currency. Finder please return to News Review. Reward, MISCELLANEOUS" A : . , . NASH car to triido for wood. In quire 246 S. Parrott. CITV AND FARM LOANS'. BONUS BOUGHT AND SOLD. RICE- & RICE, Licensed Bond Brokors. CAR OWNER Don't lorgei . to call 653 when In coed ol auto parts. SarU's Auto Wrecking House. AMONG THE MISSING SorgeanJ : . "Well, madam, we'll do our best, but if your husband hasn't' been heard from in twelve years " Wife: "Oh,' it's not . him I'm worryin' about. - What I want i is the sample of the ribbon I sent him out to match." Passing Show. Picnii at Idleyld Park. ; ; QUiET HOME LIFE Mother: "It is whispered that you and John aren't getting on." Daughter: "Nonsense! We did have some words, and I shot liim, but that'B as far as our quarrel ever went." Judge. , Try our buttermilk It's differ ent. Roseburg Dairy. Phono 186. REAL DIPLOMACY Shoe Salesman: "I can sec that your regular size is three, madam At the same time, you will find fours so comfortable that 1 might almost recommend you to wear fives." Pearson's. Fruit ladders and picking bass at Wharton Bros. - ' , ONCE AND ppR ALL "Hr-r-rl It's chilly in here. .Has the stqve gone out?" "Yes, It has," - : "Weill why don't you light It?" "I can't. It went out with the installment collector." Judgo Feed grinders in all sizes at Wharton Bros. 2 ,rtUi!OTD ALWAYS) 3 3 . , ON THE -- " IJJS1JJL!I4H - I'l IWSB f. FARM AUCTION SALE TO BE AT 10 A. M. INSTEAD OF 1 P. M. . Cou3ider:.o!e iiuerost is being shown In a faim auciiuu to be held at the homo of Mrs. J. McAllister, on Ten Mile Creelf, five miles west of Hroeltway, Tuesday, Augd3t 30. Stock, farm macliiuory, . hay ai'.J numerous other articles are being offered for sale and the farm of 160 acres with 40 acres under cul llvalloii, is also to bo soltl If tho price la light, and if not will uo tented. Handbills advertising the sale have ' been widely circulated throughout lite county by tho own er, calling attention to the articles offered. The bills announce the time of the sale as 1 o'clock, which Is an error as the sale will start ut 10 o'clock. Those Inter ested In the sale should take no tice of the time and bo op hand at the morning hour Instead of in the afternoon. M. C. Radabaugh of Roseburg is to be the auctioneer. THIS SHOWS ' THE GREAT NEED OF FLY-TOX United States government nuth- orltios show that under favorable conditions with a beginning of ouo malo und one female 'fly, they may be increased in one Beason to over 60,500,000,000,000 (lies. This shows the need ol Fly-Tox. Sold every, whore. FLASHES OF LIFE $ ( AMoelatfil I'r-wi LcuBfld Wire) BERLIN A German journalist asked Mayor Walltui". what he thought of "yntz" music. Tho may or was puzzled; knowing nothing of yachts, till ho learned the Gor man pronunaintlon of "Jazz." NEW YORK More society folks are getting Jobs. "Buzzy" War- burton, whose divorced wife ia generally expected to wed W. K. Vanderbllt, 2nd, Is an assistant di rector at a movie sludio. His sis ter, Mary Drown Warburton, Is do signing costumes for the movies.. Mrs. Frank C. Henderson of Park Avenue, is publishing a book of poems. ASBURY PARK, N. J. Evelyn Cohen, in her professional capa city, is a brunette one day and a blonde the next. . A panhandler found that out. He accosted . her when she was a blonde. Hailed to court he said that ho thought the Asbury policewoman had - dark hair. Thou her disguises were dis closed. . . NEW YORK Frank Ward O'Malloy, author, is back from abroad with a true story: "While steamship Stuffont was ploughing thru tho gulf Btroam of a real hot day more than 100 pairs ' of pa- Jamas wore worn' by 100 assorted passengers." i, , . ', ' NIAGARA FALLS, Out. Sixteen bottles of whiskey were found in FRECKLES AND FCG-CkLES'- Vmb your "7AIMSS- OPP. i Salesman . sam ' , -BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES !'r ; :.--T : i it's All Wrong! ' : '. : ;:.."';: , ; SVqV'l ;;;; By Marti ' on.coctA-'vou hw& Y x '. ano-'m-o VRoooNr X " 1 r. -... V .... . - r s-Ks?isSsSii (7 : " ''.','-.'.. " . n ' NfcW JtMI464' ) " W Veo Mi ARAH68' ?fS?V LWWnK T SSSS . - ' MUCH TTOU.)M' CWAW OI& , - rife 0 J Tift V WWW.6W.' 0 i ' WoMttfeWPOU.' !.UfcR " ' JT !'WK 6M SWW6M.AH I ''p 11 ) ves-jusrso )J f' ty TVrl ' AUU 7W'A)(3S MiiJI E3S WILL BE VOU2 J Well go ovus. to -vug. HWGAR fXM' START TftKi NO- 'n'6 SU1X PiRC 60- IN6 To tAMe A 'RotiMD- life - WoRLO FLI6HIT (F THeVMfiKeiT coir's BUSI NESS wiu. ee eooSTEPToTHE 6KIE5- IF THE1 f AIL." IT'LL 66 SOtOfT! t-JLt-n-.-m. COME-COW.M1 (.r-V1 M,. . jouo day right near the border. Tho I prosumptiou is that soma tourists j reluming . south became luiut ! hearted. 1 NEWARK. N. J. A lot of tips and help ure received from hijack ers who sock rtveugo on bootleg gers, says Claude tt. Stone, assis tant federal udinluUtiator for New Jersey. NEW YORK And now tho ulck-oMn-theslot soda fountains. One Is being Installed on Broadway, New York, a city which Dr. B. K. Free, member qf the natlouul safe ty council, has found Is uolsiur than Loudon or Chicago. NEW YORK. Major General Ro bert Loo Billiard at 66 is a hand some bridegroom. It turns out that he was photographed on his 65th birthday in a West Point uulfArm nnd it. had exactly the same meas urements as tho one he wore upou graduation 41 yearn before. LANCASTER, Pa. And now airplane elopers! Holding a bou quet of four leaf clovers Alma uatzo, 18, and Caspar D. Dlckel, Jr., 22. tlew In. a commercial plane to Buualr, Md. Tho plane hud to land in a Held. Then after a Journey of three miles in u farm er's nutoinobilo they found an obliging parson. Wool bags, twine and branding palut at Wharton Bros. . SECRECY CLOAKS ' uiuviroci a wui (Associated I'rcaB I.i'asod WUv) CHICAGO. Aug. 25. Them Is clou it of at'erecy around JacU Uenipaoy these cinya ua lie putv Hues his wuy towaiil tho comeba' k title Uout with Gone Tunntiy. Tho orntwh.Uo ManuBHa Mtiulor - has definitely awuiiK into tiction i'h only newapauor men am! his ro tinuo of followers wltnoaatug hie early preparations, The progrmn- tho remainder of the week cuB for roml work, aiu-, dow hosiing,, hlttlng! the bag und the dummiea ami slnulur oxer ciboa, inasmneh as Manager Leo P. Flynu has ruled against hny sparring until next week. Dempsey's extra poundage wus viKible yesterday, but ho pgraptro'l freely und appeared woll-pelueed alter the day's work. ( A Vtscon ain lumberjack, Leo ; Popple 5 ot Stevens Point, gaye. Jack, a . worlt out on the mat. . . ; Just -when Uempsey and Flyun will admit the public to the Unfil ing quarters has, not been deter mined, hut it will not bo- before next week. Then, it is said, only one of two tiaya will be set -aside for the crowds. , The ticket sole moved forward briskly with a big push for tho ?5 seats. , , Cottage . cheese. Roseburg Dairy I'lione 186. , , ; , .''' i PATRONIZE ! NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS: HIS FRIENDS ( swet sustt! Cook V WING- I :- 1 I " II - I I If J US I i. 'V 'WV . . N' I - Mm I MMLL STANDINGS OF LEAGUES (Uy The Associated PreBS.) t Pacific Coast ' ; w. L. P. 59 .612 63 .580 60 .647 75 .600 77 .403 83 .45S 85 4 li D6 .364 L, P. 40 .607 47 .687 48 .583 48 .663 63 .452 65 .425 69 .41!) 75 .36 1 L. J'. 37 .693 19 .681 53 .558 53 .555 64 .467 68 .433 70 .407 82 .405 Oakland !I3 Seattle : SJ hltu I' ranclseo ... Portland Siicranientu Hollywood 83 75 .... 75 70 BT Los Angeles 55 National - W. Chicago 71 Pittsburgh C7 Si. Louis .'. 67 New York :.. 67 Cincinnati - 62 Boston 48 Brooklyn , 49 Philadelphia : 43 ' American W. Now York 83 Detroit : 68 Philadelphia 67 Washington 66 Chicago 56 Cleveland ,. 52 1.UU1B lO " Uostotl ,.. 36. LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES ; (Uy tho Associated Press) . Including gameB of August 21. National i Ratting P. Wanor, Pirates, .394. . Runs L. Wanor, PlrateB, 105. Hltr P. Wanor, Pirates, 183. . DnuhloH P.; Waper, Pirates, 35. Triples P. Waner, Pirates, 17. Humers--Wllllams, Phillies, 23; Wilson, Cubs, 23. : Stolen bases Frlsch, Cardinals, A l i - . - -. i , Pitching Meadows, Pirates, won W; loBt 6.' , - . :. -, . 1 . American llattlng Heilman, Tigors, .397. Runs Gehrig, Yankees, 122. , HltB Gehrig, Yankees, 174. Doubles Burns, Indians,. 46. Triples Manush, Tigers, 16. Homers Ruth, Yankees, 40. Stolen bases Slsler, Drowns, Pitching Iloyt, 17; lost 5. ' Yankees, won COAST LEAGUE RESULTS i. (Ily Tho : Associated Press.) 1 ' Portland battled Sacrair.ent'o for fifteen thrilling lnulugs yesterday ibefore tlie. latter aggregation gavo nip fourth place In the league, los-lng.5-4. ' , ' .'' ' iieuttlo ivon from tho Sealn, 3-1, J'w'hen ,IOd' Urahtlt, .Seattle left llahd- r ilisplayed fine form. ' - i - At Emeryville ' the Hollywood Awed! - I " ' ' ' Sam's Smart . ' ( J . : , ( LOOK.-; UKG 60tA6THIW' ) Stars spotted the Oaks lo a i run ;lead and then staged f iltioa In the final thre Innings to Ucfcai the league leaders, 8 to Q. I ' The Angels defeated the Mission noils, 5 to 3, lu the series opener. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS (Uy the Associated Press) The Yankees have come out of a slump, at a very opportune mo ment. After u mediocre showing against' some of the secuiid divj slou clubs, Miller Hugging' heuch men yesterday applied pressure In the climax to stop a 13 game win ning streak of tho Detroit Tigois. The score was 9-5. lllankenshlp shaded Rutting In a nurling duel at Chicago and tho White Sox beat Doatou, 4,-3. , llollls Thurston was Ineffective and Wnnhlngtou lost to the Clove land Indian, 7-1., Rubo Walberg stopped tho St. Louis Drowns niter they had won six games la tt row. The Muck Inns won by a 4-3 count.- -Walberg allowed only five' hits. ' The Chicago CubS could do no hotter than an even break In their doubtloheader with the tall end Phillies. Sand drove lu the win ning run. In the opener, tho Phils winning 7-6. , Chicago started off the necoud game with a bIx run bombnrdiuout (hat eventually blossomed Into a 13-1 triumph. : Camp at Idleyld Park. , EARTHQUAKE IN CHINA KILLS 10, INJURE8 100 (AwvcUtMl 1'rcu Lewd Wife) ., TOKVfl. .lunau. Auc.1 2C.-i-Ali enrthtiuako at Tslnun, In the I Cliinoso province ol Shantung, tu which ten poisons were killed and more than 100 injured, Is reported In tt message to the Nlchl Nichl, Shlmbun. About 200 houses are said to have been destroyed, r ! . Tho city of Tslnau, wlilch hati population of about 620,000, Is tho capital ot tho province of Shan tung. It is at the terminus of the Shantung railway and Is an Im portant station oil the Tielltulu Pukow line. - . . . o Eat barbecue sandwiches and live forever. ..Brand's Road Stand SMALL FIRE AT CAMP GROUND RESTAURANT ' The fire department was called out early this morning when fire wiib discovered on the outside of the El. D. Lewis : restaurant build ing nl, tho city canip grounds. The fire apparently stnrtod from a carolessly tossed clgnrotls stul., and caught dn one corner of the building neat' tho hack. A small boy discovered tho firo and dash ed to the city hall and roused .the lire department. Tho blazo was extinguished , botoro any groat amount of.damago was uono. .- V.'fc O. disk tractor plows will stay, in-itho, ground , whe'ro 'others fail. Seo those plows at Whar ton1 Bros. 1 ' -" ' 1 motm But How Good Our Feeds' Are Guaranteed See Us First We Can Save You Money ; FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE ; ' A0ENT8 FOR ' Roseburg " FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. ; , Oakland Washington C-t, and 8. P, Tracks. Pure wnole mils, and It's pas teurized. Roseburg Dairy. Phone 186 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled bids will be recolvod by the Hoard ot Directors of School District No. 21 of Douglas County, Oregon, at school building at Cam as .Valley, Oregon, on September I,' 1927, at Beven o'clock p. m. for the construction of a new 1 school building for said School pistrlct No. 21, according: lo plana nnd siioclticatlono preinrod by F. Man eon Wlilto,.' architect, Sherlock Building, Portland, Oregon.) ,( : ". , ' Bids to covoa all labor and ma terial for the goneral work of tho building soparatoly from plumblua and 'touting, and plumbing and heating to be included In BoparaU bids. , . .-. : ( . r - j 1 . i No bid will bo considered unlosn nccomnanied by cash, or bidder's bond or certified check In favor of George H. Trueman, chairman, for an amount equal to at least , ton per cent of the -amount bid, said sum to be forfeited in case of fail ure to. entor into contract and suf ficient ,bond on the part of any bidder whose bid is accepted. Tho BucceBsful blddor will bo required to furnish an approved surety com pany bond In tlie amount ot fifty por cent of the contract price, to Insure faithful performance of the work and payment for all labor and material, said bond to cover detallB mentioned In tho snoctflcntlona. Plans and specifications may be obtained nt the offlcjo of the Archi tect, 418 Sherlook Building, Port land, Oregon, or from R. J. Dun- ton, School Clerk, , Camus valley, Oregon. . ! ; , . , A ; , deposit' i of Twonty.Flvo ((125.00) Dollars will Ti roqulred of oach bidder - -to; insure proper euro and prompt roturh of draw ings and specifications. ' .The right Is reserved to reject iraTWHTlWlTTlTlWtlHH owMuch any or all olds. "'-'. uy order of the school Board ot School District No. 21. it. j. uuniun, 1 Clerk ot Said District. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will lie received by tho Board of Directors uf School District No. 123 at the school build ing nt Riversdalo, Oregon, on Au gust 27, 1027, at seven o clock P, M.,- for the construction of a new school building for Bald school Dis trict No. 123 according to plans and specifications. , Was to covor all labor and ma terial for the general work of the building. ' 1 No bid will bo cohsldored unless ' accompanied by cash, or bidder's bond or cortltlod check In favor of J., F. Bonobruko, chairman, for un amount equal to at least ten per cent of the amount bid, said sum to bo forfeited In case ot failure to enter Into contract and sufficient bond on the part of any bidder whose bid Is accepted, The suc cessful bidder will be required to furnish (in approved bond In tho sum of 100 per cent of the contract prlno, to Insure faithful perform- . ance of the work and payment for all labor and material, said bond to cover details mentioned In the specifications. I . Plans and specifications may lie obtained at tho office of L. W, Metzger, Roseburg;'1 Oregon, ol Mrs. C. J.'BJerg's residence, Rout 2, Roseburg, Oregon (UlvorsdaleV. A doposlt of Five ($5.00) dollars will be required of oach bidder to lnmire proper care, and a prompt return of drawlnga and specillcar tlons. Tho right la roaervod to rejeol any or all bids. ' .. . , By order of the school board ol School Dist. No. 123. , i , MRS. 0. J. BJERG. Clerk ot said District, By Blosser By Swan - M . WW.' li . , 1 ...,i,jMJ I-.' ;' ., : -rtt, u'K; c ro stn-,--.t. . t