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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1927)
SIX' DEMPSEV STRESSES m FORGE NE TU1EY JACK . THINKS HE'LL KNOCK !'-. NEA 8erv!ce Writer I.OS ANOKI.ES, Ciil., Auk. 22. "If I cntoli Tunnuy in the ring, I'll i Jmnok him out." :J:hut wiis what Jack DemPBoy, 1 nHt .und future (muybe) heiivy '. wolglit cliiiniploti of. tiui.worM, told the writer shortly liotoro IghvIhk : lioie for liln ; Iniliilne camp near ( Chicago, , ... --t j "i . . ( , -i , i If tho, foriu'or cluuii p'a predic tion..!:; fulfilled, lie will not roilro '"Villi the crown, llo will clofend It at leaat onco ninyho two ror three IllllOH. : r "I in not nn olil man yet i am only ,32.", declared Deiniisey. "I "uhotiid bo good (or at least two ,or throo I'yuniH after 1 hurdle .Tunney. And why, Bliou'.d I retire when To ltleUnrd will, pay me anywhere from half a million to a million dolhirn a flRhtf Burn, 1 'have nil I he money I need, but imise of thnt size aren't to ' lye laughed ntt I want another fdiot nt Sharkey to oiaso tho hlot on my vlotory1 ot a few weeks ago." Doinpsey dnoBn't tnko after his nmnocnlie, Jack Sharkey, lir being Fills Breach Well. ; Moo Berg, ' Chicago lnfieldor, niido his dobut as a major league ,,'Hii'nui' in-a recent game Willi tlie 'Yankees. ; LONDON. Official figures show ,a decline in the birth" rato In Eng i land and Wales, also that, women are morn agile than men ii; dodging - 'automobiles, fewer dying,, in trnt' ' , flc iiceklenls. Tho lilrih rate (or ,11)36; was 17.8 per 1,000: population, lhe IriVveHt since WIS. , Jdairyman dies from , hurts in truck crash ( (AuncUteil I'rcM I.C031 Wlro) '. OIlKflON CITY, Ore., Aug. 25. Hernian Hagem, 27, said to he part owner, of llm Hiwel Kern dairy at Damuscus, died today nt a bos- , pltal from Injuries suffered lale ItiKt night when the milk-laden truck he waa driving til Portland ; Former Spy Held Cnrl Elfes, held under the name of Dr. Ernest Flemhe for practic ing medicine without a license In ."Detroit, says he performed more than 30 successful major opera tions during the last seven months. He says he served as a French spy In Germany during the vvar. . PATRONIZE NEWS-REVIEW ADVERTISERS r r T ( ' s - ' I X I ! ' I I BOTH HSTSAmR jr&4'i ! i , mnntrnrWf TUNWV'C CROWN l&'&j BCTfRGt:r'C ", n . BIT OF PlAY ' WITH ERliV THE CREEK . ; 'i : BY DAN THOMAS ' ' r ; 1 ; A ! kV ,-bsi : I'V 1 W OUT' THE CHAMPION WHEN THtY MEET? IN CHICAGO cooky, llo Is Jiist confidant that after tho nlKht of September 22 he will 'again wear the Crown which rested upon his head for seven years. Perhaps his confidence Is not without reasoit 'either.-' Jack fouKht the ex-Mai Ine- when the tatter wiih 'at his best and ho was at'hls 'worst. ' ' 1 ' .-" ; - "It will bo a different story when tho ROnt? rlnRs In C'hletiKO," said tho ex-champion. 1 "In our last flKht, Gene was frnoh 1 from several 'lough battles' while I had a long lay-off. This tlmo 11 's Tun ney who has had the lay-off and I have, a fight under my bolt. - "1 know Tunney can't hit hard oubiiKh to knock mo out. 1 Thot, was proved at Philadelphia. Add' whon 1 get past Ills defense he'll go down I'oV'the -count." It might he noticed that Dempsoy didn't say "IP, 1 got pact his de fense" Ho said "WHEN 1 got past his defense."- There's no doubt in hlsf mind that sometimo during the ten rounds lio will get an opening. "In what round do you think you will knock him out, Jack?" I ask ed. "I can't say what round it will nkhlilod Hint ovurhirniMt n o a r CliiL'knmns Hlutlon. llo wns un married, t LODGEDIRECTORY I DE MOLAY CHAPTER lingular communication 2nd and 4tli Thursdays, Masonto Hall. Woodmen of the World, Camp No, 125 Meets in the Odd Follows Hall In Rosoburg evory first - and third Monday evenings. VIb ltlng nolghbors alwnya welcome, M. M. MlIXEIt, Clerk. Job's DauQlitors" .No. 8. Mootl first and third Fridays at 7:30 p m, Masonlo Temple. Master Ma amis mid 0. B. a. mombors al wayh welcome, KLIZADBTU AHRAIIAM, Soey. W. O. M. L. Moots In Moose hall first and third Fridnys at i o'clock. VIsltorB welcome MAItlON SHAW, 8. 11. JKSSIR CATjIIOUN, Hoc. VIVIAN PHILLIPS. Trcnfl. I. 6. 6", F., Phlietariaii Looge No 8 Meets In Odd Follows Teni plo ovory Frldny evening, Vlall lug brothel n nro always wol come. .W. J. IlimKE, N. 0. A. J. GKDDK3, Hoc. Seo. J. M. I1A1LEY, Fin. Snc. Pythian Sletera, Umpqua Temple, No. 4. Meets the second and fourth Monday evenings of end month, nt tho K. of P. hall. Vis itors alwnyH welcome. HAZUL P.AST, M. 10. C. KVA MARKS, M. of R. C. MAY K. PAHKKll. M. of F. Knlahts of Pythias. Alpna Lodgi No. 47 Meets every Wcdnesdnj In Knights of Pythias hall, 131 Hose street. Visitors always wel come. OKO. n. WARR, C. C. ROY O. VOUNt), M. K, M. E. VVIMIIIOHLY. K. R. 8. United Artisans Moots la K. P, Hall first and third Thursdays Visiting members always wel come. CONSTXNCE IlLACR, M. A. , MlLDItUD MeOilLLOCH, Treas. 11101,1. K STKPHENSON, Sec Union Encampment No. 0, I. O. O. F. Meets In Odd Fellows Tem ple on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Visiting; Patri archs alwnyn welcome. . F. CflAMEK, CP. m:v palm. ii. P. CARL V. OILMAN, Scribe. Neighbors of Woodcraft, Lllai Circle No. 49. Meets on flrsl and third Monday evenings. Is K. of ?. Hall. Visiting neighbor! Invited to attend, IRA TAYLOR. O. N. . MARGARET WHITNEY, Clork. bo," ho responded. "That would sound too much like Sharkey." IJempsey is, in ' excellent condi tion now. The cuts above his eyes, sustuined In the Sharkey battle, liavo practically liealed. He has gained about seven pounds, weight which he explained will come off again as soon as he goes into In tensive training. - ' His training here' consisted of road work, every morning, frequent golf games, gymnastics and occa sional workouts, all with a view of speeding his work with spar ring partners. Jerry tho Greek, his trainer, keeps a' watchful eye on -tho "champ" to make sure he doesn't get down too fine. .The Mantissa Mauler already Is in fight ing trim. All ho must do is stay thoro, and Improve his speed all he can. , i' ' In 'another 'few weeks' fight ex perts from, the four corners of this United States will start picking the winner. - I'll' cast my vote now for Jack Dcmpsey on the ground, that lie 1b' about four hundred per cent bettE than lie was In Phila delphia nud also 'that he knocked out Sharkey, a really good fighter. B. P, O. Elks, Roseburg Lodge No, 326. Holds regular, communica tion at the Elks Teniplo on each second and fourth Thursdays each month. AH members re quested to attend regularly, am? all visiting brothers are cordlall; Invited to attend. H. W. BOOTH, E. R. DOUGLAS WAITB, Sec. Roseburg Lodge No. 1037 L. O. q M. Meets first and third Wed nesdays of , the month, Moosn Hall, 248 N. Jackson street. Clul rooms open 7:30 to 10 p. m. Vis ltfng brothers weloome. JOHN K. FLURRY, Diet' i H. O. PAROETER, Sec. JNO. M. THRONE, Treas. W. B. A. O. T. W., Roseburg Rs view No 11. Holds regular moet lngj on second and fourth Thurs dnj'B nt 7:30 p. m. Visiting sis ters invited to attend revlewt Mnccabee Hall, Pine and Casi Streets. MRS. HELEN HUFFMAN, JKSSIB RAPP. Col. O. E. S., Roseburg Chapter No. 3 Holds their rogular mooting 09 , the first and third Thursdays 13 each month. All sojourning brotft era and sisters are reBpectfull; , invited to nttend. MYRTLE UOND, W. M. FREB, JOHNSON, See. K. O. . T. M. Meets eacn second anil fourth Thursday of each month, in Mnccnboe hall, cop nor Cass and Pine stroetB. Visit, ing Knights always welcome. L. C. GOODMAN, Com. O. W. RAPP. R. K. Eafllea, RoBeburg Aerie Meets In Maccabee Hall, on Cass Btreot on second and fourth Wednes day evenings of each month, nt 8 o'clock. Visiting brothern in good standing always welcome. J. n. RAILEY. Jr., W. Pres. GEO. STALEY, Jr., P. W. Pres. . R. F. OOOllMAN. Sea Roseburg Rebekah Lodge No. 41 . O. O. F. Meets in Odd Pel Inws Temple every wook on Tuos day evening. Visiting membert In good standing are cordially ID vlted' to attend. KI.SIE Rt'SSEI.L, N. O GERTRUDE HATFIELD. R. 8 EMMA LENOX. F. R A. F. A A. M.i Lsurel Lodge No 13. lleciilar conimtmlpntion so ontl and fou-tb Wednesdays eacl ninnth at Mnnonlc Temple, Hose burs;. Ore. Visitors welcome, F. P. CLKMKNS, W. M. V. F. JARUIS. 8oe. Laurel Ch"apternMo7"3CRTAM Meets every third Tuesday of each month In Mnsonin Templa All members requested to atten and visiting companloca wel Come. w. o. mmT. Hih Priost W. F. HAItniS, sec. ROSEBURG, NEWS REVIEW, THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1927.' Ti'i 4 FOREST FIRES Thousands of Acres Burned Over, Some in Klamath District; Two Men; Under Arrest. SAN .' FHA.VCISCO, Aug. f25. Nearly 1S00 men were fighting four California forent Jlreg today that hud burned over neverul thou sand acres of bruh and- timber lands, the local diatrlet ofiict of the foreHt Kervfce reported. The most aerioua fire was burn ing In the Angeles forest In Houth orn California. The Bear, Pine and Fish canyons wore burned over and In several places the fire had reached the Mohave desert, a distance of ten air line miles from tho point where the conflagration started. The UoweiH ranch In Pine Can yon wan reported destroyed last night. Up to midnight 12,000 acres hud been burned over and 1,000 men were on, the Tiro lines. Forest officers were sent to the line from the district office here, from Santa Ibirbura National For est, Sequoia forest and Sierra tor et.; '',' North In the Klamath National Forest, nlno Incendiary fires were reported under ' control of sixty men ufler burning over 600 acres In the HarkhouBP district, near Nappy Camp, Two men, Hoy Kngland and C D. Savage were in jail at Yreka, California, charged with setting the fires. ! Several thousand acres of tim ber and brush were reported de-j vastated in the Cedar Camp dis trict in the Klumath Forest, with 75 men. fighting the fire. More than 2500 acres of timber and brush were burned over In the Monumental II111 and Immi grant Gap district of tho Tahoe Na tional Forest. It was partly con trolled today by 150 men, but the rough terrain prevented the men from reaching all points of, the fire line. ( " . Notice of nnlft or B-nvornmnnt tim ber, General Land Office, Washing ton, D. C, July 18, 1927. Notice Is hereby given that subject to tho conditions and llmltntions of tho not or juno 9. luifl to stnt.. 2is. arid purHimnt to dppnrtmoiital reffu- inuotiH or April 14, (fin l. d.. .'I7fi, tho timber on tho follnwhn? lands win bo Bold nt ten o'clock a. in. Snt. H, 1!)27 nt public auc tion nt tho IT. S. land office nt Tnkevlew. Orosron, to tho highest bidder at not loss then tho appris ed vnlun as shown by this notice. Bale to he subject to the nnproval of the Secrotnry of tho Interlnr. Tho nurnhnso price, with an addi tional sum of ono-fffth of one per cent thereof. heln conimlHfdnns nl- lnwpn, must no oonoslted nt time of snle, monoy to be roturncd If siilo la tint, npprvod. othrwno potent will issuo ' for the timber, which pnmt be romoved within 1 A venrs. Bids will ha received from citizens of Hie United Stntes ano eintfnns of such citizens and cor pnrntlop orornplited under the laws of tt'e TTnlted States, or nn' Slot". rrltorv or district thereof nnlv. TTnon apnl lent Ion of n onallfied pur- "'icinp til tmnr on nnv Jeeii t.i. rlivlslon will be offered sonarn'Hy before boln(f clrded In c v of for nf a tnrirer unit. T. 41 S R. 7 oc. !1. SW vellnW ntnn je.n M. BI3'! WW vellow nine 400 M. nnpn or nio innner on mm section. h soni for in us Minn -ton ner M. THOS. C. IIAVKIjL. Acting Commis sioner. oticm to ritr.nrrons In the County Court for Pouglns County (ireRon. In the mnttor of cstntn of t . ,1 ii) I us Kldar Curtis. Deceiiped. Notice iw hereby a-yen thnt the niuU'rslKned wns by nn order of-the nbovo entitled court duH nutde nnd onliTcd, nnnolnted nilminlHlrntor with tbo will nnne.vcd. of the etato of .Tuiius l-lldor Curtis, decensed, nnd bus duly qualified nn such: All persons hnvlnfif clnlms ntrivlnst snld estnte nre notified to present l lie same, uuiv verirleu. to tire un der si trnd In Itosbnrir. Ore., within lx montbn from tin date of the nrst piioiirniinn or this notice. On ted and first published August SB, t27. C. 1 TTAf IIjTON, A dm In 1st rn tor with will annexed of Julius KUlor Curtis, decensed. OTiri3 OP FINAr, SRTTI.KMITJNT Tn the County Court of the State of Oregon for TIoukIii Count v. In the Matter of the Kstate of .lames it. Kates, deceosed. Notice Is Hereby ctven thnt tlie nnderslirned. Kxecutrlx of the lat !! nnd testament of .mines it. Twites, 'deceafind, hns filed in the nbovo entitled court, and matter the finnl account of her ndnilnjs Irntion of th" estate of snld de- censed iiml thnt snld court, hv ft'Uer flulv mnde nnd entered nnx fixed Monitav. the 2fitb dnv of Ren- tenibcr. 1027. at the hour of ten (10) ncincK n. m. ns the time nnd the county court room in the court boos" In Rosehurff. Dninrlns Conn- OreKon. as the Place for hear- nir onieciions. ir nnv, to jtticn final nount nnd the setlieTi,int thereof. Dated AuKlQ, " VICTORIA mTRft. Kxccutrl): of the I-at Will nnd Textnment of James U. Ilnti-.i, de- ised. OTirn to cnr.niToits In tho County Court of the Ptnte of Oregon tor tho county of Poug la. Tn the mntter of the estnte of J. Vlntt I'nderwood. decensed. l he nnovc ent ltlei court hns nn mlnted the underplirned. Olenn K. lusted. administrator with the will onnexed of the estate of J. Plutt Underwood, dccenticd nrttl nil sons hnvlne claims ntrn nst the estnio nro require; to present thi'in, with the proper vouchers, within six months from the. date hereof, to tbo ndmlnistrntnr with the will annexed, nt the office of Uosohurtr News-Review. In' the cite of Roseburg In said county and state. IMted and first puhlisheit ' Ail trust 18. 19?7. IMt of Inst puMicntlon, Septem ber IS. 1?27. OT.KXV K TII'STKR Administrator with the will an nexed. Mark Morris. Ornnd Rnplrts, Mlchl- KS". trusted Husted. Porilnrd. Ore iron. Attorneys for nrlmlnisirntor wiih the will annexed. , XOTICK firvnnn' ski.k op ItKAl. WtOI'KnTV Nntle hrrebv Clvn that th urMcrMtnefi, C.o-trian f tV- pt it and ettP nf Dorothv Msxine Klllott. bein dnlv llcnsed y the Countv Court of t Ptntr of Or en for Douglas Countv to d wtM from npd rfter the nth rfjr of Seotemher. 127 proceed to for ensh In bind or p"1 ensh nnd cured credit to be approved by the ubova Entitled court the following dwcrib6d real uronerlv situated. In UoukIub C'ounty. Or fig on belonging- to tne eaiuia or uorotny jjiixtn- i-;ntott, a minor, io-wit: An undlvideil thr-e-elghtbi In tHrent In and to the followinK (,'oininonclng at a point one Juin dredr yards aouth of the section corner between tactions 3 and 4, running then east to the west boun dary line of the Thomas TiiruNher Donation iana Claim; men south along HUld linn to the hulf mlio line in tho center of section then went ulonK said line to the fjuurter post on line between sec tions 3 and A; then north alonx hhIiI line toahe place of bctrlnnlntf. All In Miction D. towntdilp 2ti south, rcitiKe 7 west, Willamette McrhMnn, JJoufflus County, Oregon, eontainltig one iiundred twttlvo aurefl, more or lews. Also, commencing at the ' B. E, corner of the Thomas Thrash er Donation Tand Claim In flection three, township twenty-six south, tariKfl seven west of Willamette, Meridian, thence north to a point ono hundred yards south, of where the township Una between town ships twenty-five nnd twenty-six crosses tho snld Thomas Thrash er's claim; thenc west to west line of said claim: thenco Kouth along the lino of fiaid claim to the half mile line in tne center or section three; thepcft east to the weHt line of the David Kedenour Donation Itind Claim In said Hectlon nnd township : tnence north to the north west corner of said claim: thenno east to tuo place or neginning. con tninlnsr lit ucres. more or less. Offers for said premises may be made to mo throuuh the offices of lllce and Orcutt, RoseburB;. Oregon, sale tuibleet to confirmation by the ,ouniy i. our( or me i-iuie oi ure gon for DoiiKlns County. Dated this 18th day of August, 1027. TT. V. 'KT.LIOTT, 1 ' fJuardinn of the person nnd es tate of Dorothy Mnxlno Elliott, a minor. M MMO.VS CfiMC IVn. K"nK In the Circuit Court of the State of uregon ror jjougms county. -Henry Xokes. Plaintiff, vs. CI. H. McDonutd. G. K. Ifartman, W. A. Nicole 8, and .M. E. ntadler, uh Trustees of tho Oregon Annunl Conference of the Church of th'J United llrethren In Christ; Also nil other persons or parti oh un known claiming any right, till-, estate, lien or Interest In the estate deacribed in tho complaint herein. Defendants. To G. T2. McDonald. Q. K. Hnrtman and ai. K. Ktadler, us Trustees or the Orogon Annual Conference of tho Church of United Brethren In Christ; Also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or inter eat In the real estate described in the complaint herein, above named defendants: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You und each of you are here by required to appear and answer tlie complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before four weeks from the first publication of this summons nnd If you fnll to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff will for want thereof npplv to the court for the relief de manded In snid complnlnt, a succinct statement of which is as follows. to-wit: That you nnd each of you bo re quired to assert and disclose tho nature nnd character of any claim, estate or interest you have or lnlrn. or which Tlie Oregon Annual Conference of the Church of the United Rrothren in Chr nt hns or claims In and to the following de scribed real property situated In DoueJns county. Oregon, or any part thereof, to-wit: inur, puruuu ui un iimiiui-i iwu (2) in section number thirteen (13 In township number twenty-two (22) south, range six (6) west of Willamette Meridian in Douglns County, Oregon, lying on the north side of the center of Elk. Creek .nnd South of tho Oregon Western Rnll rond right-of-wny. containing ten (10) acres mora, or .loss: it nil tn Rilhlect the. same, to 'n ludl- elul investigation that tlie rlKht of possession nud title between tne plaintiff nnd defendnnts' mny be forever ntifeted and thnt It ho de creed thnt the claim of defendants nnd each of them Is without foun- dntton in law or in equitv or in fact and thnt plnintlff Is the owner In fm of (in lil nreinlneR nnd of the whole thereof free from nny and nil claims or Interest of said defendants or either nf them of nnv kind or lin- turo whntsoover nnd thnt plnintlff have such other nnd rurttior re lief ns to the- court mny sooin aauUnblP. . This summons is serven upon you by publication thereof for a nerloil of once each week for four consecutive weeks in the Roseburg News-Kevicw, a newspaper or gen eral circulation published and Is sued in Itosenurg. uouKint vjuuniy, Ornoron. bv order of the Hon. Geo. K. Qnine. county judge of DouiMni Countv, Oretron, rondo on tbo Kith day of Aue-ust, 1927 nnd you ore hereby notified to nnpenr ond an swer tho same on or before four weeks, from tho first publication hereof which is tho 18th day of August. 1927. m . RICE ORCUTT. Attorneys for Plaintiff Post of fice address: Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE OP FIXAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas Countv. Tn the mntter of the estate of Scott T. Bonser. deceased. Notice is heroby given that tho undorsignod hns filed In the nbove entitled court the flnnl account of his administration of snid estate nnd thnt said court has fixed the fith dnv of September. 1927. nt ten (101 o'clock n. m. ns the time, and the County Court Room In the Court House In Roseburir. Doutrlas Coupty, Oregon, ns the placo for henrlng snld final account and all objec tions thereto and for the settlement of said estate. cakli w laiuKtcijY, Administrator of the estate of Scott T. tienser. deceased. ceased, SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of tho Stnte of Oregon for Douglns County. The Uoscbnrg Nntlonni Dank, a banking corporation. Plnintlff. vs. George larrnnt and Anna J. Tar rant. Ills wife, also nil other per sons or parties unknown claiming nny right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate de scribed In the complaint herein. Defendnnts. To: George Tarrant nnd Anna J. Tnrrant, .his wife, nlso nil other persons or parties unknown rlnlinlng nny right, title, estate. Hen or Interest in the renl estate described In the complaint here in: defendnnts nhove named. In tne name of the state of Ore gon: you. and each of you nre here by required to anpenr nnd answer plaintiff's comptnint nrninst you now on file in tho above entitled court nnd cause nn or before the, Inst dnv of the time prescribed in ; tho order for publication of this summons, to-wit: on or before the Sth dnv of September. 1927, snld dny being the exnirntlon of four weeks from the date of the first publicat Ion of this summons; the ! time prescribed for publication be- ing once a ween ror Tour consecu tive weeks, nnd If Ton fell o to nnpenr and ftnswer. for wnnt there of, the plaintiff will ppplv to th court for th relief demanded in snld complnlnt. a succinct state ment or wnich is as roiiows. to wlt: thnt each nnd nil of von be rnqulred to nssert nnd disclose In this suit tbo nature, extent nnrt ehnrsc.tor of nnv adverse claims. States, liens or Interests Whir" on. or nnv of von, nssert In or to that certain renl property situated In To"nin County Orenn. nnd de-sr-rlhd ns lot six fV'nnd 'be v-t twenty fet Of' Of let five f .V n n"v-fc hrr '!. In tie town of (lien''!! tn said foun" stey which town was oriin-n-r1ted and rfeordd .Tullft- tht sch and of rnu b decreed to hsvr no rlcht. estate. Hen or Inter est tn or o nl-t re nropertv, rtr nn psrt thereof, tnd thtt it b ench forever fcfrred from setting tin nnv estate, fipht. Hen or interest in or to said real property; that plaintiff's title to said real proper ty bo quieted and plaintiff ud Judgfd to be tht ownur of ull of said real property In feu kiiiipl:; and for general relief. This summons Is published In the Rotieburg NtjWM-ltovitjW. a ufcWHia per pubUHlied in J)oiig!u,s Couniy, OreKon, by ordftr of tii Hon. K. Quine, County Judge of said county, made una duted August Sth, 1927. The data of the first publication of this summons Is August lllh, 1027, and the date of tho Inst pub lication is Meplember bill, l'JJ7. U. U KUDY, . Attorney for plaintiff, post of fice address; Roseburg, Oregon. XOTICH OV I'INAL UKAItlVO In the County Court of the Htato of Oregon for Douglas County. In the matter of the ontute of Charles Albert Moore, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that tbo undersigned' udmiiilmrutor of the eatato of Charles Albert Moor, de-' ceased, has filed In the abovw en titled court and mutter tbo final ac count of IiIb administration of said estate and that said court, by ordi r duly made and entered, has fixed Friday, the 9th day of fep tern her, 1927, nt the hour of ten o'clocl; In tho forenoon of said, day, as tho time, and the county court room la tho Court House nt Rosehurrf, Doug his County, Oregon, us the p1u:j for hearing objections. If unv. to said flnul account or to tho tiettlo inent of said estato.. Dated nnd first published August 11th, 102;. )L I Will" Administrator or tne estate Charles' Albert Moore, deceased. Of N0TICI5 TO CItKDITOltS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglus County. In tho matter of tho estate of Wnlter 1 Cozad, deceased. Notice In hereby given thnt the undersigned has been duly appoint ed administrator of the eHtato of Wnlter Ij. Coznd, deceased, by order of tho above entitled court. All per sons having elulins against snld estate ore hereby required to pre sent the snme. duly verified ns by law required, to the undersigned ot his offlco in the First State & Say ings Bunk, Roseburg. Oregon, with in six months from the dnte of the first publication of this notice. Date of first publication August 11; 1027. Date, of last publication Septem bor 8, 1027. ' . OUV COI,nv, Administrator of tho. estate of Walter U Cozud, deceased. NOTICE OF SIIISHIKF'S SAM3 OF ItlSAli rilOPKXTV In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Oregon for Douglas County. E. K. Cnglo and Bertha Cngle, Plaintiffs, vs. , , , Mnllcor 13. Johnsnn, Hazel .Tohn . son, J. D. Vcdder. Bertha Veddor, ond Riddle State Bunk, a corpora tion, Defendants. . , Notice Is hereby gtven that by virtue of nn execution and order of sale Issued out of the above en titled court In the above entitled cause on the 3rd day of August. 1927, to me directed nnd delivered, commanding mo to sell the herein-, nftor described real property to satisfy the sum of $2000.00 with Interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from April 22. 1920, nnd tho further sum of $33.60 and the further sum of $21.20 costs nnd disbursements. In accordance with tho decree rendered nnd en tered in tho nbovo entitled court and cnuso on tho 1st day of Au gust, 1927. I will, on Snturdny, the 3rd day of September, 1927. nt the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the courthouse In Roseburg, Douglns Countv, Oregon, offer for snle nnd sell nt public auction to the hlEh est bidder for ensh In hand tho fol lowing doscribed real property, to wit ' All the land nnd improvements commencing at a point forty chains north of the southeast corner of clnlm number fifty-two (r.21 of John Dehnherr In townshln 27 south of range 6 went Thenco south 89 degrees and SO minutes west 10.15 chnlns. Thence south 2 degrees nnd 35 minutes enat 10 chains. Thenco north 89 degrees nnd 30 minutes enst 10.15 chains. Thence north 10 chnlnB to the plnce of beginning, containing 10.1B acres, more or less, also right of way 30 links wldo running on the west side of the trnct described, in a northerly direction from the -land conveyed by John Jones to R. Rnuer. to the countv road from Rosoburg to Coles Vnlloy. except ing a piece of lnnd Rold to V. H. Applehoff. containing two and one balf acres of land, all In Douglas Countv. Oregon. Subject to redemption ns provided ,by law, nnd will apply the proceeds of snld sale In the nnyment of the costs nnd oxnenses thereof nnd the balance I will pay to the clerk of tho above entitled court to be ap plied in sntlsfnction of said decree,) as required by law. Dated August 4tb. J027. , S. W. STARMRR. Sheriff of Douglas County, Ore gon. SUMMONS f No. 5 ISO In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon for Douglns County. Rnlph I Rlchter nnd Annie F. Wood, Plaintiffs, vs. John F. Culver, P. W, Culver, TT. F. Culver, George W". Culver. Phoe be 13. Culver. Polly N. Roiiows. Robort Martlndale. Richard Mnr tlndnle, Mrs. James Stoble, Mrs. William Renhnm Sr.. TO. P, An derson. Mrs. Jeff Wilson, I-'va Cox. Nancy fltlnnnn: also, tho unknown heirs of Solomon Pltz hugh, deceased; also, all other persons or pnrtles unknown claiming nny right, title, estate. Hen or Interest in the renl estate flescrlbod In the complaint hero n. Defendants. To TT. F. Culver nnd Nnncv Stinson. defendnnts nbove nnmed; nlso. to the unKnown neirs or boiomon Fttzhuffh, deceased: nlso, to all other persons or parties unknown claiming nny rlfifht. title, estnte, lien or Interest In the renl estate described In tho complaint here in, oeienaams: , Tn the name of the State of Ore on: yon. nnd each of you. nre herehy required, to npnenr nnd an swer the complaint filed a era Inst you Iti tho nbove entitled court nnd cause within four weeks from the dnto of tho first pnbllcntlon of this summons, or within four weeks from the dnte of service thereof. If the same he served upon you per sonally without the stnte of Ore gon, and If you fnll to appear and nnswer snld eomnlnlnt. for wnnt thereof the plnlntlffs will npnly to tho court for the relief therein rte- mnnded. a succinct statement of which Is ns follows: for the decree of the above entitled court nuletlng Plaintiffs title in nnd to the fol lowing described real property, to wl: Commencing nt m stone In the center of the Roseburg and Mvrtle Point wagon road 1.0S chnlns south nnd 70 east of the pnrtbenst cor ner of tho Alston Mftlndnle Do. ntion innn cinim. thence south 0 enst 2.92 chnlns th n otnno thenco enst on a line narnllel tn tho nofth lino of the southwest quarter of section 20, township ?i south range 8 west of the .Willamette Meridian, a distance of 5.02 chnlns to a stone, tnence north east 4 S5 chnlns to a stone, thence south west & distance of S.Sfi chains to a stone placed In the center of I said wngon road, thence south i 11" west nlonff renter of nM n-ntr.l on road Ml chains tn n stone thence south i west 1.87 chnlns to.the place of beginning, contnln Ing two ncres more or le. nil sit un' in Douglas Countv. Oregon. This summons Is served tincn you and each of you. known nnd un known, hv puMIcnt'in thereof in the Roburg Nws.Rnvnw. a news paper of general circulation publish ed at Rosehurr. in Douvlas Countv Oregon, pursuant to he order of the Honorable J. W. Hsmllton. Judge of the nhovs entitled court. V. at 10:00 0 v,vh A- M.. duly made and entered on the 1st Le U2L d?0 or. th County dnv of August.1927. directing JJ" r!, " "? Bt "'"burg, Oregon, nuthorlnlng thai this summons be J "'fe 'b;tion (subject to Published once a WOek for four TTri,(Jn V fo J"0 highest bidder consecutive weeks, and requiring llA &?hn6-th.?lht ,,,! that you tnnMr and naVi.i.. and .interest which the hnv tiffs' complaint within four weeks from the duto of the first publica tion of thi summons, which Is the 4th duy of August. 197, the date ot the last publication of this sum mons N ing in lat day of ri;piein ber. 1927, or within four week utiur personal M':i:vie hcroor;. upon you, if personal - service of" 'thin summons uu iiUe upon you with out, tho state of Oregon. GUV CORDON. Attorney for plaintiffs, ltusidence and pout office adore: Uoseburg, Oregon. CITATION In the County Court of the State of uregon, lor tne couniy i uous lus. In the mutter of the estate of Samuel Joseph Bused, deceUBed.- ; To: Alice lluseel, 1-eo Joseph BuhOhI, Frnnh Herbert Huse:l. Joseph K. liUHei-1, .Samuel 10. liase.el, Annie l.aurio Uased, Glandule State Hunk, a bunking corporation, und M. D. Zwight. und to all others unknown huvlng uny intert-Mt In or to tho following doscribed real property: Greeting: ' In thd name of tho state -of Ore gon, you are hereby citeu ana re quired to appear in the Cou4y court or the wute or uregon. the County of Douglas, at the S"pt. l'J27, torin thereof, ; in th court room of said court, nt RoH;burg, in thfl Countv Of I JfjuirliH . State Of Oregon, on Friday, tho Sth tluy of .September, 1927. ut the hgur of ten o flock in the. forenoon of thut (lav. then and there to show cause. If anv exult, whv nn order of sal .should not be made of the following described real property belonging to the unove enuueu estate, to-wit: Tract No. 1. NK't of NK'4 or sec tion 27, township :i2, south ranfco I west, W. M., Douglus County, Ore- croiir Tract. No. 2. Iots 7 nnd 8 In block 19, city or. uiepdulc, Douglas coup ty. -Oregon. Tract No. 3. West half of Lot 2 block 2, city of OlciiUale, Douglas county, uretjon.' -Tract No, 4. Jxits 1 and 2. block 1, Gilbertsdns' Addition to tho city of Glendale. Orf-iron. Tract No. 5. Lots 3 and i In block 1, GilbertsonH' Additions to the city of Glendule, Douglas coun ty, Oregon. Witness, tho Hon. George K, Quire, Judge of the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for the County of Douglas, with tbo seal of tho said court affixed this 10th uay or August, 11127. Attest: ' IRA B. RIDDLE, Clerk. (County Court Seal) NOTION To tUlIIHTOHS , In the County Court of tho Stato of . uregon. ror uougias county.1 Tn tlie mutter of tho estate of Charlotte B. Wells, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the unuersigneu uy oruor or mo nonvo entttiou court amy mono niut en-1 torert of record, hns been nppomlod. jifliiilnlHtrntor with ihe will" iLiillL'Xfil of tho estate of -CliftTlbttlo H. Wells, deceased, and has duly quail ftoil no eiifh All porsons',havlng claims ngolnst saia estate nre nereoy noiuieo n present the same to the undersign ed at his office In Roseburg. Doug lns Countv ' Oregon. - within sU months from the first nil hi lea t Ion of this notice which Is the 28th any 01 Juiy, xv-i. A. N. ORCUTT, , , , . Administrator. NOTICK OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the County Court of the Slate of uregon ror uoimias county. In the mntter of the estate of Alice K. Moore, deceased. Noice 'Is hereby given that the undersigned, executrix of said tnte, has filed her Yinal account in said court, and that August 31, 1927, at 10 o'clock a. m,; In the court ronni of Raid court. RosohllVir DoiiiTlns county. Oregon. .. has been appointed as tho time nnd plnce ior too ncnrinjT ot objections to said final account and. tho settle ment thereof. Dated and flrst' published July 28. 1927. Date, of last publication Aug. 25, LILLTT3 L. MOORK. Executrix of said estate. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the County Court of the Stato of uregon ior uuucias uouniy. In the matter of the estnte of Mn hoi A. Bover. decensed. Notice 1b hereby given thnt tho undersigned ndmlnlstrntor of the estate of Mabel A. Boyer has pre sented nnd filed his finnl nccount of his administration of said estnte with the Clerk of the nbovo Court, and the above Court bv on order made and entered hns fixed Frfdny, the 2nd day of September, 1927, nt the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day as tne time, and the county Court Room, .in Douglas Countv Court House, as the plnce for hear ing objections to snld final account and the settlement of snid estnte. Dated and first published Aug. 4, 1927. . ARTHUR TtnVRR. . Admlnlstrntor of the estate Mabel A. Boyer, deceased. of NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE In the Circuit Court nf the State of Oregon for Douglns Countv. The Union Central Life Insurance Comoany, a corporation, plaintiff. vs. Hilda R. Krnger. Herman V.. Kruger nnd A. F. Stenrns nnd C. I Chenoweth. co-partners doing u u.t 1 hup s us CTieurns Ac vneno- weth. defendnnts. By virtue of nn execution, judg ment, decree and order of sale Issu ed out of the above entitled court In the above entitled (niin to Tlie directed and dated the 2Sth dnv of July, 1927. upon a Judgment and de creo entered In said court- on the ?2nd dnv of Julv. 1A27. in favor of The TInlon Central T.tro Insurance Company, plaintiff nnd against the said above named defendants for the following Stim nf mnnnv In. wit: $50.15 with Interest nt inc irom August . 1920; H7'27 with lni?rett,aA from Juno in. 1925; SIRt.OS with Interest at Ifte rrom Juno 24. 1926: 1131.02 with In V)rJlsL ftt 10 from April 2fi. 1027: JM35.92 with Interest at 10CJ. from Decemher 1. 192: $1051.90 with In terest nt from Decemher 1 192fl: the further sum of J300 flt tornny fees and Plaintiffs costs nt $20.80 and the costs of nnd upon this writ; commanding me to make sale of the following described real property situated In Douglas Coun ty. Stnte ot Oregon, to-wit: nT,liaA Portion of the Jonathan Tibbetts nnd wife Donation .Lnnd Claim number fnrtv (10) lying wlth- ovcuuii unn.v-iniir ch) town ship twenty-four (2J) south rnnge five (B) west of the Willamette Merldlnn. described as follows: Beginning at- a point twentv fi,l soventv-two hundredths (?S.72 chnlns ensf of the south west cortier of said claim Number tortv (40) which b1jo the south west corner of 'said section thirtv four (.14); thence north forty (in) chains to a point In tho Cnlnpoola Creek; thence enst nineteen nnd twenty-eight hundredths (10 -R) chains nlso in Raid creek; thence south forty (o chains to the south line of said section thlrtv four (34): thence west on snld line HVT" Jn.d "'Irtv-five hundredths (19.3M chains to the place of be ginning containing BAi-n... ft"": . twenty - eight hundredths f7,.2S acres, excepting therefrom "mi viKiin-pfi nunureoths (2.1S acres off the mmh .i - iL above described tract, toeing thnt portion lying south of the cenrer of the county road which snid tract was conveyed to A. C. Tenbo on Dec 30. 1914. by deed recorded n nrcV4' 405- f Deed Rec ords r.f Douglas Countv. Oregon contain n net seventy.five and ten hundredths (TS.lo) acres. i Now, therefore, by virtue of said 1 execution. nrTini iJ"la der of sale and In compliance wlth'',,,, nrorrty. n tne commands of srt!d writ I will ( mftV h nee nny ot Au had on the 17th day of May. 1920, the date of th- mortgage foreclos- the above descrtbed real property or since mat n or anv part thereof to satiwry said execution. Judgment, decree ana or der of sale, interest, cpsta and ac- Sheriff of Douglua County, Ore gon. NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL JHOI'EIlTV In the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Douglas Cpunty. In the matter of the estate or Rebecca Stevenson, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that tho undersigned administrator or tna eatate gf Itebecca Stevenson, de ceased, under nnd pursuant to an order of the above entitled court made on tho 1st day of Augum, 1927. will on and after the 3rd duy of September, 1927, at the Farmers Security Bank In Voncalla, Douglas County. Oregon, offer for sale and proceed to Bell at private sale fur cash In hand the following describ ed real property of said estate, to wit siy The south half of the southwest quarter of section twenty-oim; the northeast quarter of tho northeast quarter of section twenty-nino, and the east half of the southeast quar ter of section twenty, all in town ship twenty-two south, range four west of Willumotto Morldiuh.,. In Douglus County. Oregon. A. Ii. LASSWELL, Administrator. KXECtTOIt'J NOTICI3 ,r. Tn' the County Court of the State nf . Oregoq for Douglus County. In the matter of tho estate of ' John Hancock, deceased, , - Notice is hereby given ' thnt the undersigned hns. been duly fln pojnted executor of the last will and tefitnment of John Hnncock, de ceased, by order of the nbovo en titled court and thnt he has duly qunilfied ns such executor. All per 'sons hnving clnlms against the estate of said deceased uro hereby required to- present them, with proper vouchers, duly verified ns In law required, to the undersigned at his residence near Elkton in Doug las county, Oregon, within six (6) months from the, dote of the first publication of tills notlco which Is August 11, 1017. LINCOLN HANCOCK, Executor of tho Lnpt Will and Testament of John Hancock, ' de ceaseds NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notlco is hcrehy given that the undersigned, administrator- with the will annexed of the estate of Albert W. Ryan, decensed. hnH filed his final account In the county court of tbo state of Oi'epon for Douglas county .and ' the Honorable . George K. Qulne, .bulge of said eoitrt' ban nppointed Monday, ihe 12th dnv of p-optemuer, at iv:uii o ciock in y tho forenoon of said day in tho 3 county court room nt the courtu house In Roseburg, Douglas Conn-4 ty, Oregon, as the time and place w for hearing objections, if nnv. to a pttd account and tho 'settlement fi thereof, r V All persons Interested 'in' pn'fl estnto nre h"?robv notified' to file? their objections. If any. to said final account nt or before the time pointed for flnnl hearing as afor-jiT said. Dated this 11th day ; of August, & 1027. ' 3 . . - PPTR RTcp;. lh Administrator with the win nti.i Ryan, deceased. M NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT ; In the County Court of the Rtdto oi J uregon ror jjougms 1:0 tin ty. Tn tho matter of the estnte of George II. Hitchlngs. Also ltnowi ;, . as ueorge 11. mtcnings, . Kr., dei ; Notlco fa. hereby given, that tin ?3 .undersigned Administrator with tin ii will annexed of . tho.. estate Vol 0 George IT. Httchlngs. nlso knowl 3 na George TT. Mitchlnfrs: Sr in. as censed,- has filed In tho above en- titled court- his final occownt E ari.ui-inriii in .HUM) CRI.IICr nUO 01 - order of said court duly mnde nn4 1 entered of record. Mondnv. tlie 29tj ; day of August. 1927. nt 10 o'clocl! n. m.. In tho countv courtroom In . inn courtnouso in ttoseburg. Done. Ins county, Oregon, hns been fixe as the time nnd plnce for henrlntf ' objections. If nnv there hp. to snli. finnl nccount, and for tho settle. incut thereof, . - - ' . A. N OT?nTTCT. ' ' Administrator.. NOTICE OF FINAL SISTTLrMPNT In the County Court of tho State of 5 Oregon for Douglas Countv. .1 In the mntter of tho estnte of J George Cntlnck. deceased. 'J Notice Is hereby given, thnt thflij? undersigned executor of the lu.sK'B will and testnment of George Cut-3 Inek. decensed, has filed in the, f above entitled court his flnnl nc-.fl Count in settlement nf an !rl not n In and by order of said court dulv made nn.0 entered of record, Mnn- rlnv thn Oath in'7 at 10 o'clock a. fn. In tho countv courtroom In the" courthouse in : Roseburg. Douglas county. Oregon,!1 has been fixed ns the time nnd tJ.tfA -t for heoring objections If nnv. tl7-r $ h to snid flnnl account and for; ? tne settlement thereof. I'i HARRY CUTLACK. '' Executor.:J ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICBT In tho County Court of the Stnte of: jj Oregon for Douglas Countv. i ' Tn the mnfler of tho m-lnin .f t-A John Smith, deceased. i 3 notlco is nerehv given thnt the: q undersigned has been nppointed ad-' is m n'strator of the esliitn of .Tnhn 'S Smith, decensed, nnd has dulv qua1-:-i Ifled as such. All persons having,. f claims against snid estnto are hereo j by required to present them, with-; proper vouchers, duly veriHed. nsc j by law rennlred, to the Undersigned nt his resldenco In Drain. Douglns 3 county, Oregon, within six months3 " "ine or tno nrst piionca-:; -i tion of this notice, which is July -if 28th, 1927. t;1! . , , J. I. KENT, ' Admlntqtrfltoe nf ' llm .clntn fit t John .Smith, deceased. m NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE nSS f iXEL'UTION tl.V FORECLOSIIKH j j Under nnd hv vUins op nn nr.1rf l of sale nnd decree of foreclosure ff-iJ sued out of tho circuit court of thrf'fl. Ktnfn nf i n ... t . J unugins, on July S.t. 1027, in n milt. 4 wherein A. D. Addison, plntntl rf.l ir 0 junicmeni ngninsL M. Sprngue nnd Maud Sprague. jfl'-hy fondants, in the sum of $soa Interest thoreon from Mny 28. at 9 per cent per annum, nnd tbiff further sum of $324.15 taxes, wlfii? OlMtplBI :"'lrf'!"t thereon from June 1s',?j i-1-, nt per cent per annum, and'. for the further sum of linn no torney's fees and for plnlntlffm costs- and 'disbursements taxed nt.V S2r.n0 ' which mm .tAA t.-k, ro-rS corded In Volume 2fi, nt Pnee f "9. 1 Circuit Court Journal, nnd nn exe-i . cutlon issued thereon bv the clerk 'M of snld Court on July 23. 1027. '4 T dm commnndd to sell the fel- j3 lowing described real property. 5 to.M-it: n Tho no-th half of the southwest minrter. the northwest nunrter of $i , te southeast ouarter. and lot three ig of section twenty-five, townshln ih twenty-two poiith of rang" twelve-. Jn the County of Douglns,Stnte ofjj Oregon. 3 Notice ! hcTeSv even. that en a -"'irnny, tne 27th rttv of HF"1'-' T?7. nt one o'clock P. M of thnt;, dnv. nt the frnnl ,1nn f tUn nnniT- i 1ns county Courthouse. I will, in, ohedlenc" to Fild order nf snle S-"1 f re or roreciotir. sell nt fe? tfon the PbovA derl ?A SO mil'n tee-"' y-i , M-Miarv tn sftf'T a Tinintlfrs ludgent. with fnfTit thereon nn costs, to the hUh,"!v and best nipMer fAr eh In Kp & com of th T-nit-d States. U jfi-i V """0.,:WHl iSherlff of Douglas Countri pumefl aewndanti or ltber of tbm uregon.