ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1927. THREE il Announcing the Illustrious . CHEVROLET TJQW S001U TQ BE HERE 12S N. ROSE fUU The lowest IVice at wkich a Sedan msEVERwld Dodge Brothers --J; O. NEWLAND & SON ""' Roseburg Phone 458 EDGE JSGLDTHER 'Xhe new high compression antiknock Hudson motor uses any Gasoline. ' v. - - - and turns waste heat to jjower . . Special high-compression fuels were developed to eliminate spark-knock, ping and roughness. : ' ' ' What these speciaL fuels have sought, Hudson,' j through an exclusive new companion invention ! . to the Super-Six principle, obtains from ordinary ' gasoline. You fill' your tank anywhere. And you '': save money on every filling; " i ' With the Super-Six principle, the new invention ' combines the highest efficiency in power gener- ( ation and transmission ever achieved within our , knowledge. It makes Hudson the most econom ical car per pound weight in the world. In addition to the full line of models on'the 127-lncH Super-She Cliassis, Hudson now adds a 1 18-inch Super-Six, available In the Standard Coach and Standard Sedan, , . utijmtohmJbartX Standard Models uxi-tndh whtttbasi) Coach 1175 Sedan SUS5. Coach $1285- Sedan 135 iA' 4T'i , A CUStOmbttUt ModclS U27-1ncM ah Oat 1 Brougham $1575 7-Pasa. Phaeton $16W 7-Pass. Sedan 11851 v ' ; '. AB frlcl I. .b. Detroit, ROY CATCHING MOTOR CO. PHON E fACTORY (OUIPMUtl) 4-D00R SEDAN (NOTACOACIl) A mile-a-minute performer the fastest Four in 'America! :,.'" ' v One horse-power to every sixty-five pounds of chassis weight. : And this is only half the story! Here's a car that will look like new and travel like new long after most caw have passed into old age. The answer is quality Dodge Brothers quality! . Quality materials and construction unequalled by many cars hundreds of dollars higher in price. Built to give trouble-free, economical service over a long period of time. - , Longest springbase of any car under $1000: Smart new bodies beautiful lines. A- brilliant ; performer at the lowest price for which a Sedan t was. ever sold; by .Dodge Brothers! : ;; , pttuti 438 ROSEBURG, ORE. tat ilia . With Its bpoudomoter roeisior Hub almost 8,uUU miles slum) It lull 1-ua Augulus a tew woetis &&Q tu visit Me scunio wonderlands ot tliu Kur West; Uio now famous Niitionul Park Chevrolet- 1b being guuusslYoly exhibited lit Chevrolet dimior establishments In Mo ma jor cities of OiuEon uud Wttshlus lon. Wherever parked it has in vited tlia attention ot pussersby, a mujorliy ot wiiotn have stopped to uUmirt) lla Dueo coating ot ivory, lis polished nickel work uud the urtlstlc map on Us sides aud spare tiro cover allowing In bluck the ruutu to be followed, with parallel rod linos indicating the part ot the liulnerary over which Ha tiros have rolled. On its entry into Seattle the car wan ofticlully greeted by 0, Hildebrand, Seattle zouo sales manager tor the factory; George lteatle, assistant sales- lnanngor and representatives ol the local or ganisation. The same warm wel come was extended i the oar in 'nrtlnnri. where W. T. Richmond. zone sales manngor,. vlth his as sistant, 11. W. Bush, and represen tatives ot the local denier- com pany, assembled to do honor to the noteworthy leut ot the Imperial landau. -.-' .. , r Uefore reaching the- coast the car had visited the Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Zlon. Estos uud Colorado National Parks, . Mesa Verde, the Itoyal Gorge, and Yel lowstone and Glacier. It has since Bono through Rainier. Nutlonul Park where it was received cor dially by representatives ot O. A. TomtiBun, the superintendent', and appreciation expressed ot the value to motorists 'Of' the data gutuerod ami published relative to. scunic beauty and grandeur, accommoda tions for tourists and' road condi tions. 'Withlu the : oenftnes ot Rainier now are .19 miles ot the finest graded' road in the West, making a trip through the region most enjoyable. The entrance by way of Morton Is for the moBt part In fair shape, -with six miles of nar row and' rather rough detourlng, but from the park entrance to la coma; oxieuds a ribbon of concroto with the exception of six miles, un paved but level and smooth,' .' Though the- only attention given to the car tts ' yet has- been' wash ing, oiling and reliniug of the brakes, worn thin by constant use on the steep grades of -the Hookies, it is lit the ftuest mechanical .con dition. The engine is quiet and powerful and the body and chassis ure remarkably free from squeaks and rattles. ' ' "Tho tour of the Chevrolet has demonstrated conclusively ;,that owners of -a small,. light car such us tho Imperial Tandeau can- start out on a tour of one, or more of tho National. Parks with the same con fidence as felt by those possessing larger and costlier automoDIles, snld H. T. Hansen, the local deal er. "Tho car has- proved its econ omy of operation as well as Its power and dependability on this trio of thousands of miles within a few weeks by averaging slightly more than 23 miles to the gallon of gasoline' and requlrlns oil re newal only when the crankcaso is drained.". . . -v ' ' " Within the next ten days tho Na tional Park Chevrolet - will pro ceed to Crater Lake, the gem of the lofty Cascades, in. southern Oregon, and then will turn south Into California, the state from which the tour began. , Parabase Motor Oil 100 per cenl pure parnfflne base. At Goueral Independent Dealers, i . IS MAKING BIG HIT Although tho "Great Now Chrys ler "62" has been in production only u short tlnio, reports to the Chrysler Sales corporation from ill Hcctloii. oc tho country show that the new cars are meeting with iin " enthUHlnstlc , reception from the automobile buying public. According', to company officials, tho popular response to the new nferniK Is exceeding nil expecta tions. The flood of orders pouring Into the Detroit offices- is- compel Iin? capacity production of these cars, and-in HpUe of all efforts to keep pace with them it Is under stood that the plants are in an over-sold condition on the model. The Big Drive Still Going The High Standard of Quality la Always Maintained in Kelly Springfield TIRES We Swap New Tires for ,Your Old Ones. Greasing, Oiling, Vulcanizing Fully Equipped Power Car Washing Machine. 1 AUTOMATIC AIR MACHINE ELECTRIC SERVICE BATTERY, GENERATOR ' AND IGNITION NI0HT AND DAY SERVICE Rose Garage PHONE Sfl A In- announcing the Illustrious New Chrysler "72," we are confident that our latest product la as great an advance over today's fine cars as was the famous "70" over the best of four years ago. ' .' :.'-, - .,.-' The New "72" is ultra modern again setting new standards, establishing 1495 to 1745, f. ot b. Detroit Longer, Roomier, The Ulustrious New Chrysler "72" longer, room ier,u(erani hand? somer but that tells only avtouch of the "72" story. , For the first time, in-a car costing less' than $2000,, the New "72" gives- an engihe of 75 horsepower, with coumerweighted 7 -bearing crankshaft and: rubber engine mountings to wipe out every last vestige of vibration. It gives you speed of 72 and' more miles an hour, pick-up of 5 to 25 milc3 in 7 seconds, hill-climbing ability that- sweeps you up even mountain grades at1 constant -acceleration. It gives you rubber' shock insu lators, pioneered with- such great success in the Chrysler. Imperial' Illuitrimu-New Chrysler "72" brloS-Elghl body ttylts, $U9S and' ufiwgrds, f.o. b. Detroit. Chryiler dralen are In (wildon to txtmi tiym convenience o time paymenM, Aflc about Chryiler'a attractive pian. i ; 627. N. Jaokton SV C H R Y S L E R "The public reaction to tho Great Now "62'' announcement is most gratifying," snyB J; W. Finis-, or, Cliryulor snloB manager. "We are esueclulfy tileased with' the widespread, charuotor ot the Uo mand. From every section ot the country, dealers aro: rushing in tel egrams asking (or Increased allot ments and Immediate delivery ot the various body types ottered In the new model. .. ' "There is a. tondency. to lean to ward the . sedan and landau sedan as favorites, although all; tho cars are meeting with an unusuully generous demands To-' judge by the orders coming in, the strong appeal made to the younger gen .oration by the rumble seat typo of roadstor nnd eouiie, which has been a marked feature of motor 'car fashions the last 'few years. Is losing none of its force and Is evon gaining-strength. "Attracted by Hs striking appear ance Its graceful; sweeping stroamllnos and bright color com binations and convinced by dem onstrations, the public has certain ly given-the Groat Now "C2" a hearty welcome In tho way of or ders. Of course we lioped for and oxpccled this result; feeling that the vnluo built Into the car made It thproiifirly deserving of a big ovation. ; liut we are bavlng to ex tern! our production schedules toi meet a demand which is oven be yond our early hopes. . "Already reports are telling of tho excellent Impression made by tho -'now adjustable scats, the com fortablo saddle-spring cushions and the unexpectedly fine interior ap pointments of the cars. Thoso aro accompanied, dealers toll us, by enthusiastic comments after dem onstration on the smoothness of the onglno operation and the de lightful riding case Httalned by means of the new rubber lusulu tions and other refinements. "Buyers are passing the word to their friends, we bear, that tho now '62' cars combine many fea tures not ordinarily obtainable at anywhere near tho money cost ot this new model, and word-of-mouth advertising is always an effectivo Influence In merchandising." NEW HEADLIOWT A new device, conslsllng of n fitting to the autnmobllo headlight that tlnows a beam 2 TO feet with out reflecting a glare into tho oyes ot parsing motorists,. Is being patented. v PAYS FOR HANDOUT , ' MAIt.SHPlKf.D, Oro. Twenty four years agf a hobo stopped at the house of Mrs. Harsh Ilaughlon of Myrtle Point, Ore., and was given a flat sandwich and a piece of pie. The other day she received a letter reminding her of the met di-iit ami enclosing two It bills In Statement from Walter P Chrysler: wbicn has so gener ously demonstrated Its taith in us. Faater, Handsomer. "SO." The spring ends are anchored In blocks of live rubber, eliminat ing- wear, noise- and; the need foe lubrication. These insulators, with the special Chrysler spring suspen sion result it riding4 smoothness'' hitherto unknown. It gives you longer, more beautiful bodies; tastefully appointed, lux uriously roomy.and fully equipped . with saddle-spring seat-cushions and adjustable steering wheel to give you the utmost in comfort, v . Test It to your satisfaction in every conceivable, manner.. Only then, can you appreciate just how much- : wider is tbe gap which the Chry sler "72" has placed between itself and all' others in this class, H. L CONNELLY MOTOR CO. Rotaburg, Oregon Phone ISO MO OBI NUMIE RS M. E A N Hundreds "THEY DO A BETTER JOB IN HALF THE TIME" ao- people say about; our me chanics. They, have won hundreds of friends among automobile owners. The mechanics should be able to do better work in half the time because they have the ex perience from 7 to 1 1 years exclusive automot bile work in our. shop, learning cars from bumper to bumper., , ( . . : . , The biggest portion of the hunHreds of owners in Douglas county come to us for ser vice,, as do many owners of other makes of cars. Our work costs, less and gives better satisfac tion. , . .".', J. O. Newland & Son Photic 45a ' Roseburg, Oregon Oldest continuous dealers in Douglas county. new results for the Industry to follow. The New Chrysler "72" with the Great, New "$2", the New "52," and the mag nificent Imperial "80" are Chrysler's covenant of faith with the public 7 r- ' 111 i "Red-Head" Sets Chrysler Performance - Farther Ahead For tfaow who seek niprenw pcr tbraiance -fpecd, pick-up, Bill-' pllmbing ability going bcyondi even the qualities of iu eunderd ixet Chrytler fumlthes Its new "Red -Head" high compreulon engine ..The. New Chrftler : "Red-Heed" wUl be rer-lercqidp.. ment on the lllutrriov I'ewCht-f ler "72" Roaduer, giving eren Seateripeedandacceleraslonthaa e a tandardt announced. It U aJ' 1 avallaWefor aU other-"71" body - MILKS P I It ' H O UK of Friends 5r'X 'if I" f . JU appreciation ot tier generosity.