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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1927)
ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1927. FIVE i i J. T I 1 w t Repolished Floors Add greatly to the appearance of your home, and lend to cheer and refinement. This week we are offering a special price on Johnson's Prepared Liquid Wax Floor Polish, including Quart of Liquid Wax Polish, One Weighted Brush. One Lambs Wool Mop and Instruction Book, value $6.65. Special This Week $5 CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store, KsIMM 1- FOR SALE i'"OR BALE 25 or 80 ewes. R. V., Hatfield, 33F14. J)lt SALE A Binall business, in quire at 618 Winchester St. FORK'S ALE 450 one. year old - White - Leghorn hens, 76c .each. Phone 80-F4. FOR SALE Rich mixture oats and-vetch seed. 3c lb. Claude PurkhurBt, Melrose. ' -' Foil SALENS sows with 6 pigs each, 3 weeks old, $40 each. John - Vedder, Roberts Creek. 1'OnT-SALE 15 head- Angora goats, Vi per for quick sale. C. . O. Garrett &Son,JJlendale, Ore. UAMS FOR SALE Registered ;. Shropshlrea. Mrs. w. B. Staf- i tord' 1001 Mlu st" Eusue' 0re- ' COAL prices are likely to advanco J soon. Fill your bin NOW. Two cars Just received. Pages . Phone 242. CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW AOS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR 'SAIli-Bir Club -wheat, S1.50 per b.ncl at the ranch at ) i Olulla. ; Useci- for seeding burns. : J..M". Ware, Olall'a. ' I FOR SALE -Apple . press in good Sill TtarMnlr Honrs eyiimiiuu Mc per; bushel., rcd Jlenner, Hnunv Vallev hriilce. 1 i HMppsf Valley bridge. TOMATOES FOR SALE Pick them yourself at 60c per bushel, i 8 acres to pick from. Bring your j own containers. Ira Boyerk Bil- l. lm il ...:. : t. CANNED TOMATOES No. 24 cans, 121c:' No. 2 cans, 10c. Sweot poppers, 10c lb., "eucum bers, 3c lb. These prices good all week. Fresh tomatoes every day at market prices.. We start can ning Monday. -S. Saulsberry, Myi tie Creek, Ore. FOR RENT - MODERN flat,, close in. Kidder's Shpe Store., , Inquire, FOR ; RENT Well furnished tlrdund floor. 331 S. Main. ' - FOR RENT Modern 4-room fur uished apt., garage. 428 Pitzer. FOR RENT Fuihislied- room, cheap to right person. 642 pjtr zer St. . , i FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms September. 124 ; W. Douglas. ' FOR- RENT Unfurnished-five? 1 room corner house, with garage. Call at Hohl's Garage. FOR RENT 5-room furnished modern bouse. Wood and gas ranges. Call at 644 S. Pine. SMALL ranch for rent, close In, r city water and electric lights. InquU'O 30-F13orcall 742 MiM SJ. ROOM for rent lii iFotei SutherTin, 60x15 ft., suitable for cleaning and pressing business. Rent $15 per mo. Sutherlin, Ore. i . I WANTED 4 Wocks, EWES WANTED Oscar Ruckles, Ore. WANT to buy second hand wagon, Hit or 3-Inch. J. B. Smith, Ruckles, Ore. 1 WANTED Office position" bygi7l with experience. Write "Box 26," News-Review office. WANTED fiousckeoper at Yon calla, from Sept. 1 to June 1. For particulars write P. O. Box 283, Myrtle Point, Ore. 1 WANTED Ten or moro acres suitable for poultry. In reply please slate all particulars, price, terms, etc. Address "P. W. L.," care of News-Review. WANTED Hatching egits from heavy breeds, Rocks, Red and , Jersey Giants. Roseburg Poultry Market. 601 North JacKaou. Phone 279. .your, cloth t A CHANCE TO WEAR SENO PM HfrRE VM6V..TRet.T'CM FAIR! j (,lve your clothes ft cliauco for . tbelr life. It (h Mtiite natural that) ' your KHiinctitH should spend some; time In the laundry, but yon your-1 self should fake the wear out of i them. Our system allows you to. Koseburg Steam Laundry I ft Roseburg, Ors. Phons 7 j I 'I rc,d,T . Il fSArA.OUB. B0me- tAe-THODS 40P(vp.MrVME fe6S VM6 N FlMe, (iUtVi 1 fsiy (.oay.SAtA t'LC- WILL. X? f ' -nc .mr, ntr-AU. I - - I IB Vou'll be surprised at the 666(4 fveoUT M 6ceeStuL AS TRWlH' To IJoRROVJeO SOtAE DOO&W -W PU9UC1-(V BertuX Za PtftM'i J I Mvcu' ( GUCSS M'O eTTfNH C i -r l difference a good cleaning E UP P, WVlmKLe ort ft HeMX To flMMce M ftlRPLfAKe WlCt- ft LOT OF lctW . ... ,'. LOCK 0(S M'ftR Jf fsS 9 IM and pressing will make. All ft OtT OF SLeePIKl' PoUPERS I TWPftROUMV TH' ) OSINeSS IM ld SjflJtTJr eVRY pv . -nj IfJfi- IIP t ;4VtA I 9erm" are killed. In our dry B T--r-v. r . WORLD IN TW' NPitAG efcPKM-S'. JaS . WCITeMeMT'. s ReCOR' Cl feg?-, l",sttr ur . SrfrOV a cleaning. E 7 ,( SeA.H-&UT OF 5. 5U7.T.CetA (AM1 ) LCARM NAWi 6tvTi0rl Sr- V ' P IT . sr' LXVIvV ,9. . I - ''i. flltll- V GOMMP. Q? WOW'S 'rTsKtC?. . PIU0TIW4-LET'S SO ' -i-r ISWfe ST 'z? r-Jg5SH5Sa.-1 , WANTED Lady to cook for 3 peo ple on ranch. Phone 18P23, about 8 p. in. WANTED Wood mail near Rob erts Hill. Write or call 420 N. Jackson St., Apt. 4, at once. WANTED TO RENT Suburban .- place suitable for poultry. Ad dress box 85, care News-Review. WANTED Manure spreader, in good condition. Douglas Park Stock Ranch, Suttariiu. Phone WANTED Man with team to log, also want man to drive my team in logging. C. V. Oden, Dixon vllle, Oregon. EXCEPTIONAL contract offered to good man to represent us: In Roseburg territory. General Sav ings & Loan Association. A mu tual To association, Eugene, Ore gon. , ', , -t LOST.i; : LOST Sunday at Tonmlle bridge, dark gray army blanket. Reward, . Finder please return - to News- Review. j MISCELLANEOUS j NASH car to trade for wood. In quire 246 S. Parrott. CITY AND FARM LOANS. BONDS ; BOUGHT AND SOLD. - RICE & i . RICE, Licensed Bond Brokers. CAR OWNER Don't lorget , to call 658 when In naed ot auto parts,.. Barff's Auto Wrecking House. GENERAL BULLARD 5 IS WEDDED AT 63 (Associated Press Leased Wire) NEW YORK, Aug. 24. Major General Robert Lee Bullard, U. S. retired commander of the second army In the World War, and MrB. Ella Relff Wall, widow of Dun can. Wall, of Philadelphia, are to be married today.. General Bullard is 66 years old. and Mrs. Wall 62. Father A. Dineen, a retired army chaplain, long associated with Gen eral Bullard, has been selected to perform the ceremony which' Ms to take place at Mrs. Wall'B apart ment In the Hotel Buckingham In West 55th street. Tho general's first -wife, tho former Rose Doug las Brabson of Chattanooga, Tenn., died several years ago. mi.m.T.i.M.t.y.T.tTiT.T.w - .gr!'rr' (Associated Press Leased Wire) : f TrC-P I U n'. WoNOfcRPOV M05l WOUKWUl 0 . . NIC6 I I ' ' ' I i Affi J '. SfW.. ' NEW YORK, Aug. 24. Major - To SB HOM J' HftMB YOO,Wr1 - J I N t& f TTT. V i I'SaT ' 1 '.""'r. :r" V feass 12sgrSLps23t39! : v. s MMMksJm a& ,V. J PSS FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS The Reception Committee . ufev 'By Biosser ISr " ' ( VOU'LL.LII-e JljjSI VJ&LU60DOMMT0 A (ACMSO0 ) VMBK6 POUt-lOO j l , T l ' 7UBB6'S TAG UiMlMiiMl f ) . . " p variety of genuine ( y ""V " ' "' 1 ' ' '' "111 ' U Complete Houscfurnishers V ' l3 ( TH? I f iVC '-w -CJ jE iiwfiMiiiim - Mii, . I fl j J ' "5jS?Pl IS i , , J SALESMAN 3AM ''. A World Tour By Swnn I : o c,. i faw,- J$g& Hq M c55f'- s Urw-T?20' mjtoiw 'yW7t f N2i2 E M&JXX Z rtVClfr& VVifl T5?ri( i Liniaif U&SZSdJ W'TTTSSPVSLJl ff-?a2sS1 POORER WHEAT HRKETIM 1928 IS SAID LIKELI Tendency to Expand Areas in Various Countries Presages Surplus. AMERICA IS INCLUDED Carry-Over From 1927 May Not Be Increased But Not Be Increased But World Crop Sure to Enlarge. (Asaocluled TrcM Leased Wire) WASHINGTON, Aug. 24. With normal condition lor aueiling an average or boiior than uvorugo yields in impuriunt producing coun tries, the world wheat market sit uation next year may nut be as fa vorable for marketing the Ameri can export surplus as it is now, the deportment of agriculture said today In its outlook for whiter wheat. The probabilities, the deparl ment said, were that American wheat would remain on a "world market basis" in 1928. Tho cany over of old wheat into next sea son, may be no larger than 1 this season's carry-over, said the re port, but there la a tendency to continue to expand- wheat areas, not only in the United States out also in Canada, Argentina and Australia. With a gradually increasing world wheat acreage, world wheat supplies probably will be greater next year, unless yields fall below average, the department s:iid. . Europe May Raise More "Tlie world crop now belli)! har vested will probably bo little, if THE ABOVE and an other Scholl Appliances and Foot Comfort Re liefs aire to be had at trie Roseburg Booterie, Perkins Building, Cass Street. Quick rollcffrom painful corns, tender toes and pressure of tight shoes. c,fcl Adrug" 3? 8srsr )." . BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES ' ;' : : ': ; 1 . ' flotne Sweet Home - '.) ' , . . t -' ; ; :l , ; . , ,;. By Martin 0J t ?3 i V-rJir!X ' fci t- , l WHE BUNCH ., . . ( . WtU., I -ANT V ( 1 C,AN mXJZWMT A mowrs- VO r, M -: tm QMS "MUMYWKt"' um now j -YSTiF 7 cSewIn-oom wH I WEU., TiotT& . IS trA'iJv .jil ft j7 AR. not VRo- ' -tc-rr-- dMMh ' ( icamTik MlIk., ; i. --j'iBpitii msy t , u . wt ' i 1 , . , , 1 -"in i aaiTsf L w- ,r .-fa t) 1 wt yfuj quit v w wnw.c i- rfllfTf'M any, larger than that of laat yaw." bald tlie report. "Although last' year's crop increased the carry over ot oul vheat, uie e.irry-over into next season (IV'IH 192J) may be no greater than the carry-over troru lttat year. The reusums for expecting nu increase in cany over are luui tuuru ttueilm to ue u ten dency tu Increase wheat consump tion in Kurupe and although the world crop may be no lartr, tne ICuroyeun ciop seem UKojy to be bumewhut larger than last your, and the increase in home produc tion probably will encourage great er coufiumpiion In Kurope. Area Has Expanded "An increase in supplies for the seatiou iyjts-y Is more likely to come from larger crops than trom au increase In stocits. Although there hits not been any material increase in world production lii the past three years, the harvested area has expanded about five per cent and the results of this i.pau sion eventually will appear In larger crops. Notwithstanding the fact that conditions were some what unfavorable lor seeding win ter wheat in the UnUrd KtaLes las': full ami that conditions w ne very unfnorable for seeding spring wheat In Canada, the urea reported to date for the 1U27 har vest in tho northern hemisphere is ubout 14 per cent greater than lout yeai.M SISTER LOCAL MAN DIES AT HOSPITAL Mrs. L. 1). Button, of. Knuiis City, Missouri, who has been visit ing at tho home of her brother, H. C. Dawson, in this clly, died ut Mercy Hospital at 7 o'clock this morning. Mrs. Sutton became HI while visiting hero and was taken to the hospital a few days ago. She is survived by two boils, L. F. Sut ton, of Kansas City, and (1. C. Sut ton, of Chicago, also a siBter, Mrs. Mary D. Uouiware, of Idaho and a brother, H. C. Dawson, of this city. The body hus been taken to the Douglas Funeral Home and funeral arrangements will await word re, coived from the bohs. J. D. BEEBE QUITS OREGON JOB FOR HIGHER SALARY (AMoclatcd 1're-i I-euscJ Wire) . , SALEM, Ore., Aug. 24. J. D. Ileebe, hydro-electric engineer for the state public service cofiimltmlon for the greater part of tho last seven years, will quit the commis sion in .September to become Salem dlstriot manuger for the Oregon-Washington Water Service company. . . , Tliis is the company that recent ly bought out the .Salem Water, Light and Power company, und which has acquired . possession of water service utilities a. largo number of, Oregon and Washing ton cities, t . - i; Mr.. Heebee became connected wllh the service commission ' in lif0. At present ho ia at Enter prise, Wallowa, doing valuutlon work lor tha commission. . The higher salary offered by the utility position, caused him to resign the slate service. " ' ' ' J BASEBALL STANDINGS OF LEAGUES (Uy The Associated Press.) Pacific Coast W. L. P. Oakland 93 58 .616 Seattle 86 63 .6577 San Francisco 83 68 .660 Portland 74 75 .4U6 Bacntllls mi 75 76 .496 Hollywoou 69 83 .454 Missions 67 84 .444 Los Angeles 64 U6 .860 National W. L. P. Chicago 70 64 .610 Pittsburgh 67 47 .687 St. Louis 67 48 .583 Now York .'. 67 6 .663 Cincinnati 52 63 .462 Uoston 48 65 .426 Brooklyn 49 69 .419 Philadelphia 42 74 .862 American W. L. P. New York 82 37 .689 Detroit 68 48 .586 Washington Bo 62 .559 Philadelphia 66 63 .666 Chlungo 65 64 .462 Cleveland 61 08 .429 St. Louis : 48 69 .430 Uoston .. 36 61 .808 LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES (Astute land l'ran L?uxJ Wire) Including games .of August 23. National BattingP. Waner, Pirates, .384. Runs L. Waner, Pirates, 105. Hits P. Waner, Pirates, 183. Doubles P. Waner, Pirates, 35. Trillion P Wiinnr Plmluu 17 tin ilriii 1.1.1111 ' . 'icta v itimuia, I-IUIUOH, aj. Stolen basea Frisch, Cardinals, ji. 1 Pllchlng Meadows, Pirates, won lii ; lost 5; i , American Batting Simmon, Athletics, .31(3. Runs Gehrig, Yaukoes, 121. lilts Gehrig, Yankees,-173. Doubles Hums, Indians, 45. Triples Manush, Tigers, .15; Combs, Yankees, 15. i .. . - '. Homers Ruth, Yankoos, 40, .Stolen bases Sislor, J3rowns( 25. Pitching Hoyt, 'Yunkees, . won 17; lost 5. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS - (Ahsoclutetl Press Ia'drci! Wire) Four borne runs In one game by tho St. Louis Oardiuals have Im pressed fans with tho fact that the world's champions are still In tho race for the national league championship. By pounding out a 13 3, victory over Philadelphia yos tenlay. Bob O'Farrell's Red Birds moved to within tlireo. games of the! leading Chicago Cubs. It was tho' only guni'o played: in the ma- Chaa. S. McElhinnjj Oregon Life egon Mason nlo Bids. 101 N. Jokon jar leagues, the two other con tests mi the schedule being rained out. COAST LEAGUE RESULTS (AxocUted frai UtMd Wire) At Sacranieulo five hits lu the socoud inning yesterday gave Port laud three ruua which guaranteed the contest tu them 5 to 1. Sacru mento's only score was McLaugh lin's home ruu over the left field wall In the fifth. Oakland captured the opening game ot the series with the Holly wood Stars, 6 to 4, with hits buttoned in the first, seventh and eighth innings, A rally in the uovontli Inning gave Seattle the contest against the Seals, with the Una! score showing 7 to 4, The Missions and Los Augelos were traveling. Camp at Idleyld Park. 8AVANT TO CONTINUE MEASURING LIGHT (Associated Press Leased Wire) CHICAGO, Aug. 24. Professor Albert A. Mlchelson, physicist of the University of Chicago, who re cently measured the speed of light at 186,263 miles per second, will continue IiIb Btudies in California next month. Two la'i BPealally constructed mirrors, que on the summit ot Ml. San Jacinto and the other about 80 miles away on Mount Wilson, hawo been Installed for the tests, - Last year, Professor Mlchelson conduct ed his experiments in the same re gion with the mirrors about 22 miles apart. '.' The experiments to bo continued next mouth ste In the nature of a verification of IiIb previous figures. Flashes of light are sent fro ono mirror to the othor and the speed is measured by the scientist with a delicate instrument known as an iuterferometor., , -o, Eat barbecue sandwiches and Uve forever," Brand's Road Stand. .;. o M COULDN'T BE, BOTHERED " t , , "Fred," she whispered in the middle of the night, "there are burglars . In the . .house. I heard tliein." J ' "Very well, uiv dear," niurmurod, Frod, sleepily, "I'll attend to them first thing. I In the- moriilug."--Auswors. : , j i . ; , m MANLY TONS. PARTiii n it. onicaoN ' Ucn teaobcra, mall clnnarflt nrrfnl UDr'tkloa. Het dU- lpltnc aoclal rRdvnBtflKcii Mad Eoral tralU. Citiloiif ITLsl II mm 4 Not How Much But How Good Our Feeds Are Guaranteed ; . See Us First We Can Save You Money ' " ; FARM BUREAU ; COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE , ' ' '' AGENTS FOR .' Roteburs FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Oakland Washington St. and 8. P. Tracks. , ' Leaving for Woodburn ""llev. Aohor" andfainily lull to day to spond a week or ten days visiting at Woodburn. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Board ot Directors of School District No. 21 of Douglas Comity, Oregon, at school building nt Cam as Valloy, Oregon, on September 1, 1827, at seven o'clock p; m. for the construction of a new school building for said School District No. 21, according to planB nnd specifications preinred by P. Man bou White, architect, Sherlock Building, Portland, Oregon. Bids to covor all labor and ma terial for the general work of tho building separately from plumbing and Heating, and plumbing and boating to be included in Boparuta bids. No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, or hlddor's bond or certified check In favor of George II. Trucman, chairman, for-! an amount equal to nt least ton per cent ot tho amount bid, said sum to be forfeited In case of fail ure to entor into contract and suf ficient (bond on tho .part- pf any bidder Whoso Did is accepted. Tho successful bidder will be required to furnish an approved surety com pany bond in the amount ot fifty per rcent of the contract price, to insure fnfthful performance of the work and payment fpr all labor and material, said bond to cover details mentioned in tho 'specifications. Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office df the Archl. tect, 448 Sherlock Building, Port land, Oregon, or from R. J. 'I.)un ton, ScUoo) Clerk, Camas Valloy, Oregon. ' , I 'A t deposit of : Twenty-Five ($25.00) Dollars will lie required of each' hlUder to: lnsura ;nrdner enro and prompt rolurtr or draw Ings and specifications. ' The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. j By order ot the School Board of School District No. 21. ' R. J. DUNTON, Clerk ot Bald District. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scalod bids will be received by the Board of Directors of School District No. 123 at the school build ing at RlveiBdale, Oregon, on Au gust 27, 1927, at, Beven o'clock P. M for the construction of a pew school building for said school Dis trict No. 123 according to plans and specifications. ; - BidB to cover all labor and 'ma terial for the general work ofUhe building. . ... i . No bid will bo considered unless accompanied by cash, or bidder's bond or certified check In favour of J. 1''. Bonebrako, chairman, for an amount equal to at lonat ten per cunt of the amount bid, said sum to bo forfeited in case of failure to entor Into contract aud sufficient bond on tho pnrt of any bidder whose bid is accepted. The 'suc cessful bidder will be required to furnish nn approved bond in. the sum of 100 per cdnt'dfthe contract price, to insure faithful perform ance of the work and -pnymq'u( tor all labor, and niaterlal, said- bond to cover details mentioned In' the specifications. - 1 . Plans. And-spaclflcatlons may be obtained at the office .of L, , W. Motzger, ' ' Roseburg; 1 Oregon, ol Mrs, C. J. BJerg's residence, Houto 2, Rosoburg, Oregon (Riversdao). i A. deposit of Five ($5,00) dollars will be required of mch bidder to insure proper t dare and a prompt return of drawings pud specifica tions. " 1 .'.'...-' ' ' J , , Tho ,rlght la, reserved to irojec! any or all bids. - i By; order of the 'school board ol School Dlst. No. 123. , , .- ' 1 " MRS, Oi i. BJKRO. Clerk of said District,