E1CHT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW. TUESDAY. AUGUST 23, 1927. c ROSEBURG UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1901 E. RITTErt, Manager Founded and Maintained on Efficient Service and AMBULANCE Phono 884 Oak and Kant Sit. PENALTY PAID 2 Z AFTER 7-YEAR . t " LEGAL BATTLE (Continued from pago 1.) mmnrod (load ut 12:10:02. , .J Am lnnocent"r Vaniettl. . "Once more two guards loft the el)jii$ber nnd returned with Van .titll. t I If) whk tho moat colluded of- tlm. three and hooiium! quite ut caw uh : ho entered, lie shook ' hplifta Inside Ihe door with the guard whom Jih recognized und then gniHpod Jhe hands of others an he, walked to tho chair. Without u; quiver :1ih .took IiIh place und huUI: "I wish to toll you I am In nocent and never committed any crime but aome times Home aln. I thank you. Mr. Wurden. for every thing you have done, for me. I am Innocent of all crime, not only of this one hut all, 1 urn an Innocent man. j As the final straps wore, being iu- . JUHjeU, 110 HN)KU U III1UI l.ltJHMUKtf oiC'fbrKlveneHH.', "I wIhIi 16 Torsive Home people Cor what they i.re : nowdolug to mo," ho said simply. He entered at 12:20:38 und wan dpSd at 12:2(1:55. - JnKlde and . out of tho prison DANCE .. Every Wednesday . :v.v .,'. '. Night '';. Rainbow . Gardens .' : ' WINCHESTER 'MujIo by 8tar-8lx Orchestra LIBERTY Laist Times Today.' Matinee Daily 2:15 u i lies in J.L . . JfIG mOVIGSS .now v fa MARION DAVIES ut L Hobart Henley production You don't know what laughing it like till you tee Marion Daviei and the great caat i n this comedy tentationt Marion Davies Production -"VMACK SENN6TT rTUKIf rvuN f-uoHt rlAUtUNr HI KL & BILLY BEVAI s. Fox News Mat. 10c-25c Eve. 10-35c Coming Wednesday and Thuraday A DOUBLE BILL . ?; Marie Prevost "The Night Bride" and William Fox Presents I 'THE CITY" y " With a Big Caat El . H 1.1 VTMT W f w itm i a K3 Courtesy SERVICE Licenced Lady Embalmer walla atood a small army of po lice, armed with a vurlety of weap ons, ready for possible demotiHtia tlona which did not materialize. The authorities decided to turn (he bodies over to tho riaeco-Vun-zettl defense committee. No an nouncement has yet been made of burial plana. ' , Prejudice Claimed, Through seven yeara of repeated efforts to Have them, Sacco and Vunxeltl protested their Jnnoceiice, maintaining Dial it. waa their radi cal Hlli-fH und, uctlvltlea which hud brought upon them the "per Hectilion" of the authorities. When tried for the South Drain tree crime, Vanzettl whh serving a aeiktence of 12 - to 16 yeara ut CliurleHtown for the holdup of the paymaster of the h. O. White aboe fuctory ut IJrldKewutor, .Maaa. TIiIh holdup waa lJecemher -. 14, 1919. Vanxettl alwaya proteated hla In nocence of tlila crlmg.tUlHO, Tho conviction for (lie South Urn In tree crime waa obtulned purtly through direct evidence of wltneNuea, aome of whom Identified Hucco und Van zetll, and purtly through circum Kluntlal evidence, in which a cap found nt the murder scene waa identified ua Bacco'a Mi id the fact that both were armed when ar ret ted. Defense Fund Large. The shoe worker. Sacco, and the flah peddler, Vauzetti, anon be came known in many lands dm the defenae committee organized and collected hundreds of thouuunda of dollnra which were apent not only for legal talent to fight the cuae but alao for oxtenalre propaganda. Both bore fruit. Cotinael buc ceeded couuhoI but the fight went on until eight inottnita for a new trial - had been argued and the Muasachuuetts aupreme court hud three tmfea been uaked to paaa up on exceptions. Even after sentence had been pronounced laat April, there remained tho review of the whole case conducted by Governor Alvan T. Fuller und his advlaory committee. v Meanwhile from many vountrlca, and from Individual of high and low estate came protests that in justice waa being done, or aaklug mercy. But there were also mes sages -which demanded that the men pay the penulty for their j crime. . ; , Mrs. Sacco Hysterical j BOSTON", Aug. 23! Mr. Rose Sacco, who bad attended her hus band conKtanUy durltiK tho Beven voar's he was charged with mur der nnJ who made nn: elevonth hour appeal In person to 'Governor; A Ivan T. Knllertoh yestordav, waa closely abeltered "in the Beacon Hill anartnient whei-p alio look re fuge1 Insit' night with Ml hb Mifgln Vanzeltl.: slater . of Burtolomeo Vanettl; . , ' The. house was barred lo report-, em but It was nathered that inedt cul attention wua ' neceaaury to riuiet the two' women, alter they were notified by telenhono of the executions this morning. The residential dlatrlet of the Beacon Mill had long since been quiet and aleepv when auddenly realdenta were alarmed by nterciug shrieks whle( echoed up the nar row street. The telephone meaHiige had been recived. The crleB were renewed a little Inter when mem bera of the acco-Vanzetll defense committee arrived fo t" of exeeutlon Tnidenta of thfi 8Cet spent a BleepioBB night, from thon. on..'". , 1 ' - Bodies to Travel.' BOSTON. Aug. 211. Tho boil lea of Nlcnbi Sacco nud Bartnlumeo V(in7.eltl are to be taken In spe cially conainirted caskifl through the cities of the east. This waa an nounced by tho Sncco-Vanzettl de fenae committee today. 0 : Fish it Idloyld Tar. ORCMARDISTS AND BEEKEEPERS WILL HOLD MEETING It will be of Interest to orchard' lata and heokeopera of the count v to know that Prof. II. A. Scullen of the Oregon Agricultural college will he In the county for one day this week to nsslat them with their problems. . , Arraugemonta havn been mnde through the County Agent's orrlco for holding a meeting to be held In Hoscburg nt the cllv bull on Thura day, August i!Glh. at R o'clock In the even i uk. One of the subject to be considered nt that time will be the oreanlzatlon of n .beekeep ers' association for Douglas rountv. During the dav visits will be made to sevornl farms whose own ors are maintaining small apiaries, and personal asalstnnco rendered In asatatlng those men to aolve their hep problems. Kvery one who la Interested In apiculture Is Invited to attend this. meeting and take part in the dta cusslons. t FLY-TOX Glvea Needed Protection. FIW'H have cHiiaoU nture tlonlltn than till wnrfl comltlnnl yet Homo or 11 b an notniiiK to Mvln urovent future rasiiHlilPH. KIIcr linvo no proforenri you or aomo of your family or f rteiitln may be noxt. Start today ami kill evory one you aoe. It U Tory oaay If you uso the product produced and per fected by the foremont IndiiRtrlal Inmltule of Ita kind In tlm world. It la fragrant and hnrmleaa to man kind, but kills all household In aorta. Just follow Instructions on blue luhel of botto. Inlt upon My- Tox from your retailer. IT Due to the non-arrival of tho plana and speclflcutlona for the pro posed "new bridge over Deer creek, the special council meeting called for last night hud to he postponed. The plans are being drawn by the state bridge department and have not yet been completed. The pre liminary drawings ure out but the detailed apeciricatlona have not yet been completed. As kooii as lh;so are received the council will take steps to buve them approved and will then cull for bids so that work may be sturted with the least pos sible delay. Because of the bi'.e-im-hh of the seuso lithe council is very anxious to get the work start ed and will meet In a special ses sion, to be called by the mayor, iih soon aH the specifications arrlvo. SIX AIRPLANES READY FOR HOPS ON LONG TRIPS (Continued from pago 1.) morrow for Ontario, atoppinK at Detroit for a rinu) chock-up of their plane. Meunwhilu, unfavorable wlnda nguin prevented a take-off of tlio J''okl;er monoplane, old tllory, which Lloyd W, Ileitaud and Jnme; 1), II 111 plan to fly lo Home. The fourth piano in that of Cnp tnln Hone Fonck who expectH to hop to Europe next month. Ilia plane la ajikoi-Hky twin-motored hlpluue and la the lurKeat of the four. It will be called the City of Paria, and Lieutenant Lawrence SV. Curtin, U. S. N., will servo us navigator. . Hurricane Halts Redfern BRUNSWICK, (la., Aur. 23. A tropical hurricane several hun dred miles out In tho Atlantic, inoviiiK . with growlllK lntellBlty northwestward toward the sen hoard, held Paul Kedfern's "Port of Drunswlck" landlocked aa the young filer awaited more favorable weather conditions before hopping off on his proposed flight to Bra zil. Tho postponement Indicated n delay of several days, according to Paul Vainer, general flight com mittee chairman. Courtney Postpones SOUTHAMPTON, Bug., Aug. 23. Captain Frank T. Courtney. Tli'l- tlsh aviator, who was completing lust minute preparations for a hop off for tho United Stales by way of the Azores this evening, at the lust moment postponed the flight until tomorrow. Britons to Hop Tomorrow PEWSEY, Eng., Aug. 23 Cnp tain Leslie Ilamlltou, Urltluh avia tor, Ihls ufternuon told The Auho cluted Press he was readv to start ut 8 o'clock tomorrow morn ing from Upnvon Airdrome, near here, to Ottawa If tho present 311-mlle-nu-hur wind from tho west modernted. 'And I nm going to put In n good night's sleep," Captain Hamil ton, who will mnke tho (light wllh Colonel F. F. Minchen, added. Tho 750 gallons of gasoline which they will curry has been loaded Into Ihelr - Jupiter Fokkur for tho flight, which It la hoped eventually will take them lo Lon don, Ontario, for (lie 125,000 prize which has been offered, ' Tho airmen plan to fly over Hath, across the Irish sea, touch ing Ireland ut Cahore Point, fly over Oulwny und then leave Scot hind at Cllfden where they will bo met by two Irish Free stato plunoH which will oscort them out over tho Atlantic. They then plan to take n direct line for St, Johns, New Fouuillnnd. NAVY AUGMENTS FLEET HUNTING LOST AVIATORS (Continued from pngo 1.) nut Dyer. "This man Inslru.-leil Knope lo releuso one of Ihe birds when the plane got about I0J miles out to sea and the second ut 200 miles. He said the pigeons had been especially trained tor long distance flying. 1 heard lilm dis tinctly tell Knopo that it the bills returned with good news he would tell tho newspapers but that if thev brought bad, nows ho would i.eep the informal Ion to himself. How ever, I believe that lr the birds re turned this man would have In formed the authorities nt Oakland or San Francisco. I saw Knnpo plnco the birds In Iho navli:uloi''s compartment or Miss Dovan's plane. Their failure to return means that either they were killed by hawks or tho plane crashed In to the sea less thnu 100 miles out from tho Golden Onle." May Be On Raft tawing believes the plane went Into n spin nt about tho same r.pot where roiuo aviators believe Cau tnln Erwin and his navigator fll to their death In the Dallas Spirit. Lnwlmr is of tho opinion, however, that Mlsa Doran, Pedlnr and Knnne are afloat In tholr rubber lire raft. "This raft, said Lain, "was suspended by four strings to vh!ch n pair of scissors was attached. It would only be tho work of n few minutes to cut this string nnd in flate the raft with the hand pump. If the Doran plane did not "t-ash I firmly believe that Miss Dornn, Auggy nnd Mr. Knopo will be found. If they spun to the uivfnce of tho sen I do not think the ni.lp W'ould have remained afloat more than three minutes. I tawing said that Pedlar had con jsldcrable trouble with his motor I after leaving San Diego for Oitk- nnvlgntlon testa from Hay Faun Is land. OAKLAND. Calif., Aug. 23. Of flclaln of the municipal ah-port have made repeated dentals that carrier pigeons were taken about d NEW TODAY FOR SALK 25 or 30 ewes. II. V, Hatfield, 33FU. .MODKliN flat, cIudo in. Inquire Kidder's Shoe Store. FOR ItKNT Furnished room, cheap to right person. 542 Pit zer St. ' . FOR RENT Furnished house keeping rooms September, 124 W. Douglas. FOR SALE 450 one 7ear olli White Leghorn hens, 75e each. Phone 30-K4. WANTED Lady to cook for 3 peo ple on ranch. Phone 18F23, ubout X p. m. FOR SALE 5 sous Willi 0 pigs each. 3 weeks old, (In each. John Vedder, Roberts Creek. ClTl(:KKNdinner us usual ut the Golden Itule tomorrow. Oppo site the Auto Park. WANTED Wood" mail "near Rob erts Hill. Write or call 42U N. Jackson St., Apt. 4, ut once. WANTED TO RENT Suburban place suitable for poultry. Ad dress box 35, cure News-Review. Kbit SALE 15" head Angola goats, $3 per for quick sale. C. O. Garrett &. Son, Glendule, Ore. SMALL ranch for "rent, close In, city wuter und electric lights. Inquire 80-F1S or call 742.M 111 St. COAL prices are likely lo advance soon. Fill your bin NOW. Two curs just received. Puges'. Phone 242. FOR SALE-Good canning toma toes, 75c per bushel ilellvered. E. D. Lewis, 514 N. Pine or phone 4B7-R. WAN'i'El) ;Mun Willi team to log, ulso want man to drive my team In logging. C. V. Oden, Dixon-. vllle, Oregon. FORSAi'i.-'lli( Club wheat, $1.50 per b nel ut the ranch ut Olnlla. Used for seeding burns. J. M. Ware, Olalla. FOR SALE Apple press ill good condition, Sill. Ilnrtlett pears 60c per bushel. Fred' Rentier, Happy Valley bridge. ROOM for rent In Hotel Sutherlln, bOxib ft., suitable for cleaning nnd pressing business. Kent $15 per mo. Sutherlln, Ore. TOMATOES FOR SALE Pick them yourself at (0c per bushel. S acres to pick from. Bring your own contulners. Ira Buyer, Dll lurd. FOR SALE Angora pucks, only a few left, they are of the best blooded goats in the stuto, ulso a few does. D. W. Fate, Daya Creek,. Ore. WANTED One man lor the drier; one man lo shake prune trees, and four or five people to gather prunes. E. E. LuBrle, Wilbur, Ore., phone 10 F12. WANTED 60 Barred Rock cock erels, six to ten weeks old. For sale reversible wicker baby buggy, $10, may bo seen ut Jtidd's Furniture store. Earl T Johnson, Oakland, Ore. LOST Between Sutherlln and 3 miles west, on higliwny, ainlill straw suit case containing two purses, small change and $-15 money order. Notify Cnrl Brauu inger, Sutherlln, Ore. FOR SALE l-room plastered house, with shower bath, ftO ft. frontage on puved street, no en cumbrances. Prlco $1000, $HMI cash nnd $15 per mo. Chits. Kyes, S2C N. Jackson St. A LOAN ON " THE HOME A' niortgnge loan, if made in terms convenient for the borrower to meet Is no great burden and of ten encouragos -thrift. Our plan costs you less ami has many attractive features. ITmpquu Savings and Loan Association, Douglas Abstract Building. nny of the Dole flight airplanes. Island Area Scoured I10N01.U l,U, Aug. 211. Act lug under orders from Washington, the navy's search for the mlaslng Dole fliers, was extended today to cover various small bits of Ha waiian waters which huvo not been closely inspected during the larger and more general operations. Rear Admiral John D, McDonald, commander of the fourteenth naval district, declared that he is still hopeful that the lost aviators may be round. Seaplane patrols today continued to search the nrea to the north ami east of tho Islands of Onhu and Kauai. The tuga Pelican and Sun nadln were ordered seaward over that region last night to remain there ready to aid tho planes if necessary. Two civilian aids In the senreh nppenred Monday. Captain William Anderson, master of the fishing schooner LanlKal, who sailed yes terday for a tlx weeks' cruise off Pearl Harbor and Hermes reefs, northwest of the main group of Islands, announced bis Intention of keeping n sharp lookout on his oulward voyage, Tho drift of the ocenn current about the Hawaiian group is ol most due west at a speed of about half a mile nn hour and Captain Anderson said Hint if either of 'he missing planes had alighted on the water between the twentieth and twenty-fifth decrees of latitude It has a Eood chance of drifting Inshore on some of the westward Islands. LOST LAKE LAND DEEDED TO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PORTLAND, Ore.. Aug. 23. A pieee of lam' along the east shore I of Lost Lake necessary to govern ment plans for the recreational de velopment of tho vicinity, has been obtained for the national forest by exchange with private owners, ac cording to word received by Major John D. (luthrie. assistant district forester, from the department of agriculture at Washington, D. 0. The federal government has for years desired to acquire the prop erty in order to have more ready access to the Lost l-uke recrea tional rcuton. The government gave a stumpage tract on the east side of Mount Hood in the trade. Major (iuthrio announced that development of the Lost Lake ehore region with adequate roads and summer home sites will now go ahead without further obstacles. J. mm ClclS Of Footwear for AND THE BEGINNING OF THE Childrens' Shoe Clearance Everybody Saves in this Great Shoe Clearance Shoes for Boys, Shoes for Girls, Shoes for Infants, Shoes for Men, Shoes for Women, but come early tomorrow, and get your pick of the big assortments A welcome sale of children's shoes just in time for the opening of school hundreds of pairs from our regu lar stocks that formerly sold from $4 to $10 are out on display and arranged in sizes for your convenience. Make your own selection and save j i Something New! Wholewheat Doughnuts Try Them -Today ! Model Bakery BRIBERY CHARGES TAKE DRY AGENT LYLE TO CAPITOL '; (Associated I'rosa Irfiiwd Wlro) SKATTLIC, Aug. 23. Hoy C. Lyle,, federal prohibition admini strator for Washington, Oregon ami Alaska, left for Washington, D. C. today to confer with James M. Doran, prohibition commissioner nnd Seymour Lowmau, assistant secretary ot the treasury. Announcements from Wnshlns Ington have indicated Lyle would rbe quest lone:) concerning charges of bribery of dry agents and laxity of- prohibition enforcement In tho district. Lvle declined to comment on his forthcoming conference In Wash ington. Thomas P. Revelle, U. S. district attorney, expressed the fear that the charges against pro hibition agents would have a harm ful effect on the government's case in conspiracy trials coming up this fall. F. A. Hazeltine. South Hend newspaper publisher, whose ap pointment aa a Inderal prohibition investigator was announced yes terday, waa quoted by the Seattle Times toilny as saying be disap-1 proved of the methods of Lyle, nnd . his legal assistant, William M. i Whitney. "Those fellows are getting what's coming to them." he was quoted as saying. "They threw the hooks Into me. They are not my strip of enforcement officers. I never did aonrove of their methods of enforcement." ! Hareltine wns formerly nrohlbl-; lion division chief tor Washington,; Oregon. Idaho. Montana and Al-; ftska. before Lyle took charge un- i dor n reorganisation of the treasury department's dry forces. HOMANS AND CORKRAN UP WITH LEADING GOLFERS MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 23. Eu gene Unmans. New York, and Clarke Corkran. Philadelphia, with t totals of US for the 36 holes of (qualifying play in the national ama l tear golf championship at Mini ; kahda today shared top position with such players as Pobby Jones land Jimmy Johnston still to fin ish, and both going at high speed. Fred Lockwood left today on a business trip to Bridge and Myrtle Point. JUST IN TIME 2 g)95 ROSEBURG IRVIN Shoes That Satisfy Perkins Building - CHIROPRACTORS Drugless Health Center "Complete Health Service" SULPHUR VAPOR BATHS : 327 West Case Phone 491 DR. DEAN B. BUBAR OPTOMETRIST Specialist In the fitting ot GlaBsea. 116 Jackson 8L Elite Pleaters All Kinds of Pleating' and Button Making. ' Phone 187-R - 610 So. Main TO ANNOUNCE opening of private studio In Roseburg, September 12 Lucile M. Sappington Dunning System Improved Music Study Piano Kindergarten For information and terms phone 473-J. FIRE HAZARDS nre Increased during this season of the year. Play Bate by carry lug adequate Fire Insurance. Our agency Is at your service. Wo write nil lines of fire and automobile Insurance. G. W. Young & Son INSURANCE 116 Cass St. Phone 417 Brand's Road Stand Lunches . Served inside or In the Gar den. Soda Fountain Our Own Private Moon Every night is moonlight at Brand's Garden. Fruit Garden Valley Watermelons Dillard Muskmelons Crawford and Elberta Peaches Gravenstein Apples BRAND'S Pacific Highway 3 Miles North Men and Women BOOTERIE BRUNN and Fit Your Feet ' "j : ( , Roseburg, Oregon 3S TTTTTITTTMTTTiTTTTTT.TTTTITTTTTIIITT- MRS. CHARLES G.STANTON Teacher of Piano Moore Fundamental System v . , for Classes . Studio open September 5th, 1927 .TTIIllIl'lMIlMl.lllllIIllIllMllgTgTTW MRS. METZGER ON WAY HOME FROM TRIP TO NEW ENGLANU Mrs. K. R. Metzger, who has been spending the past two months visUing in the New England r.tntes ia to mart home In a few days, ac cording to word received here to day. Accompanied by her son she visited with her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Eals at" Vanceborougb, Maine, and with other relatives throughout New England. On her return trip she is taking the boat from New York to New Orleans- Antlers Starting Wednesday Br mi w ni mm -a "A MILLION BID" The most sensational star of the screen in her most sensational role. COMEDY "BUSTER'S HANDICAP" ' SNAPSHOTS. Matinee 10c-25c LAST TIMES TODAY LAURA LaPLANTE in "THE LOVE THRILL" Antlers Greater Movie Season Starts September 2nd 195 Res.' Phone 75-J and will then take the train to Los Angeles where she will visit with her sister before returning to her home at Roseburg. , , i FIRE DEPARTMENT CALLED The fire department was called ( out this morning for a flue fire at the Grand Hotel. The fire filled the basement full of dense smok and It was nt first tbnueh that the 1 basement was on fire, but It was determined that the smoke was all coming from the flue and that no 'damage had been caused. Theatre Matinee Daily 2:00 P. M. m ni w u m bi Evening 10c-25c-35c