IT ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, TUESDAY, AUGUST 23, 1927. SEVEN Repolished Floors Add greatly to the appearance of your home, ancl lend to cheer and refinement. - ' This week we are offering a special price on Johnson's S Prepared Liquid Wax Floor Polish, including Quart of Liquid Wax Polish. On Weighted Brush. One Lambs Wool Mop and Instruction Book, value $6.65. , Special This Week $5 CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. The Winchester Store. If You Want a Classy Airplane, Just Build This Twin-Motored Model FUSELAGE OH FRAME 3 - '1' ' " , - nl' - - i PROPELLER, 2 VIEWS 7V ' x: PARAGRAPHS OF INTEREST TO FARMERS TRY IT! CLASSIFIED SECTION ALL NEW ADS WILL BE FOUND ON BACK PAGE FOR SALE FOR SALE A small business. Iu quire at 618 Winchester St, FOR SALE Saddle pony. Or trade for cow. 1444 Harrison St FOR SALE Rich mixture "oats and vetch, seed. 3c . lb. Claude Parkhurst, Melrose. 25 GOODbreedlng" ewes, also 90 ewe lambs. Phone 295-J or ad dress Box 1032, Roseburg: - BAMS " FORSALEReglstered : Shropshires. Mrs. W. E. Stal ford, 1001 Mill St., Eugene, Ore. FOR SALE Sheep, registered Shropshire yearling Jams. Geo. H. Chenoweth, one mile east of Oakland, Ore. FOR SALE 1 bay gelding, 5 years. old, weight about 1250- lbs., sound and kind. Price 50. F. A. Stewart, 4F3. - , cans, 125c; , No. 2 cans, 10c. Sweet peppers, 10c lb., cucum ; bers, 3c lb. These prices good all ' week. Fresh tomatoes every day at market prices. We start can ning Monday. S. Saulsberry, Myr- lie Creek, Ore. FOR RENT - FOR KENT Well furnished Ground floor. 331 S. Main. apt. FOR RENT Modern 4-rooni fur- nished apt... garage.. 428. Pltzer. FOR RUNT 5-room modern fur nished residence, close in. 556-R. FOR RENT Modern furnished . apartment, close in. 221 W. Lane. FOR "RENT Unfurnished five room corner house, with garage. Call at Hohl's Garage. FTjRNfSlfEDhbuse "for rent, close in. Phone 649, ask for Mrs. Chambers. J FOR- RENT Two-raom furnished home, $7 per mouth. See elevator man, at Perkins building. FOR RENT 5-room furulBhod modern house. Wood and gas ranges. Call at 544 S. Pine. I WANTED -I EWES WANTED Oscar Weeks, Ruckles, Ore. green WANTED Pickers for prunes. Phone 18F23. PRUNE PICKERS WANTED Wm. Weaver, Myrtle Creek, Ore. WANT To- buyseconf hand "wagon, 2'i or 3-inch. J. B. Smith, Ruckles, Ore. - : , WANTED Office position by girl with experience. Write "Box 25," News-Review office. - W A NT 13 DAT ONCE Prune pick crs. Come to Frank ' Hahn's, one mile east of Dlxonvflle, WANTED Manure spreader, iu : good condition. Douglas Park , ' Stock Ranch, SuUvtrlin. Phono JJ. WANTED Pickers for green prunes; pay 15 cts. box. Perry Bond, Glide. Phono 36F11. WANTED Housokoopor a"t 'it mi calla, from Sept. 1 to June 1. For particulars write P. O. Box 283, Myrtle Point, Ore. WANTED--Ten or more acres . suitable for poultry. In reply please state all particulars, price, terms, etc. Address "P. W. L.," care of News-Review. WANTED Hatching eiSs from heavy breeds. Rocks, Red mid Jersey Giants. Roseburg Poultry Market 601 North Jackson. Phone 279. EXCEPTIONAL contract offered to good man to represent us In Roseburg territory. General Sav ings & Loan Association. A mu tual Vt'o association. Eugene, Oregon. yrv& your, gujth e s .A CHANCE TO WtAR. . 1 VitUUTRCfsTtM FAIR! i Give your clothes a chance for .- their life. It is quite natural that , . your garments should spend some time In the laundry, but you your self should take the wear out of them. Our system allows you to. . Y Roseburg Steam Laundry '""' Rostburg, Ore, Phone 70 LOST LOST-Sunday at Tonmilo bridge, dark gray army blanket. Reward. Finder please return to News Review. MISCELLANEOUS I i . CHICKEN HOUSE plan books FREE at Pages'. NASH car to trade for wood, quire 246 S. Parrott. In- CITY AND FARM LOANS. BONUS BOUGHT AND SOLD. RICE RICE, Licensed Bond Brokers. CAR OWNER Don't lorget to , call 653 when In need ot auto parts. Sarft's Auto Wrecking House. . ' LEGIONNAIRES ARE ANXIOUS TO GIVE TUNNEY WELCOME CHICAGO, Aug. 23. The Ameri can. Legion, department of Illinois, ia anxious to give Gene Tunney a record-breaking welcome. State Commander Ferre C. WatUins wrote the champion today. "Pick lie time and place," Wat kins wr,l.e, "when the 70,000 le gionnaires in Illinois can show the pride we have in the fact that you belong to us, wore -the same uni form and have a service record that -pleases all of us." 5 ' The marine post ot ' Chicago, with 400 former comrades of Tun ney, would have charge of the -oh ficial veterans -reception - to ; tno champion, if he accepts tho invi tation. "We are anxious, here in Chica go." wrote Watltins, "with nearly 30,000 members of the American Legion," for you to set aside aa evening before the fight so we can formally tender you an official te ception. Wo are anxious to have you come to- Chicago feelini; that the heart of the legion welcomes you and that its members -want -a chance to Bhow you' that the--com radeshlp of ten yeara ago is still kept alive." , STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! First success in a real washing machine. You have only to see It demonstrated to be convinced of its true merit. Washes all garments without the use of rub board. ' . Washer, wringer and stand com plete $35.00. A clean business . chance for making money. A good invest ment for, anyone wishing a pro fitable business. R. O. Cunningham 947 Cobb St. i 1 "IJI always"1 G I ON THE I M ' o JUMP, I H EDITOU'S NOTE; This is the aixm at a amies ui urlicles lelhng uuw lo buttd mouei airpitiucs. iJte viout ai times nuvQ lota bow to Uuuu a gnuer aud siugte motoreu U actor uiouul, in 'ftuuuion lo ex plaining how to mako propeilors aud ouier Itttings o( tno pmne. Tne tmormatiuu iu liiesu articles wits ouiauieU 110m the 1'iaygrouuJ and Recreation asaociauou ol America. One motor was enough for Col onel Lindbergh in his tught across the ocean, uut Ouiuumiuier Uyvd aud his iluee associates who tiew. across in a giant Kokker relied on three motors. Previous articles have told you how to build a Lindbergh inolel and now complete instructions for building a model with two motors will be given you. This model la called a twin-pusher, because two propellers, located on the rear, push it through tho air. Because this model is more complicated 'than the others described la pre vious articles, the instructions will be given In two articles.- Today you are told how to con struct the fuselage and the mo tors. Tomorrow we shall build the wings and elevator and assem ble the plane for you. . The following materhil Is need ed for the fuselage or frame, and he motors: Fuselage or Frame ,' 2 pieces balsa or pine, 36" x j" x 3-32" for longitudinals. 2 plecos bamboo 9i" x 3-32" x 1-32" for rear X bace. 2 pieces bamfcoo 7i" x 3-32" x 1-32" for middle X brace. 2 pieces bamboo 5ii" x 1-64" for iront a brace, 1 piece bamboo li" 1-64" for front brace. 2 nail bearings for propellora. , 6 cans or rubber guides. 1 nose hook. 1 Motors ' 2 propellora 71" in diameter 1" wide, thick. ;.2 shafts, plain. 2 "S" hooks, safety. 4 No. 16 washers. 24 feet of rubber, I" flat Ihvoad. Construction! of the Fuselage Always in the construction or a wedge-shaped or "A" .frame the best procedure ;Jb,' to. Jtty.-jmi-thp. shape of -tho frame full size on a large pleco of papeivanrt lay the' material directly ovor this plan while putting it together. This in-! sures correct placement aud truuj uoiuiiructiou. ( Having uono this, cut, the front of the two longitudinals into &! wedge shape and ambroUr them to geiher. Thu wedges should Have such slant that the rear ends will be 7 A" upart, as shown,.. Next hlud the nose hook fn place. All of tho fittings such as noso, hook, cans, etc., were described hi dotal! in U& fourth article of a hi" series.. Next insert tho braces In their proper places as shown on the t plan. These are fastened by sliarp: cning their ends to a flat chisel like point and pushing these points m to the side of the longitudinals, nnd ambrpldlng In placo. The braces should be inserted ftegitt ning at the apex and continuing toward the rear." When all are in. line up the luselage and make sure that the sides are straight'. . ' Trim off any portiou pf the braces whlrh may protfude through the longitudinals and proceed to attach-the cans aud bearings in iheir proper places. This frame can be somewhat strengthened by piiinUiiK it willi "liope'' or buiutua Oil. . Motors 'The propellora are-cut to tho plan and protlle shown as explain ed in artiolo on propellers. When finished the shafts are inserted, aud passed, through the nail bear ings using tho washers for re ducing friction. Tho rubber duclng friction. The rubber thread 1r divided into two equal lengths, and. ericu of these looped Into four strands, each 36" long. An "S' book is fastened in each hank and the rubber Is pa sued through the cans and attached to the propel lors, the "S" hoolc behws fastened to tho nose hook. ? ; , , Tho propellora avo placed at the points of the fuselAge marked "A" and "B" In the drawing above. Tomorrow: The wings, the ele vator and the assembly of the plane. - - 1-32" 3-32" PREACHER OR BOXER? It's the Big Question in ' the Life of Billy La Mance, Son of Illinois Preacher. An . uuknown - immigrant, de cades age the soy-bean has wou a recognized place ih the cropping system of American tanners. In 1917 less than 600,000 acres were devoted to soy-beans, whereaji now uuurly 10,000,000 bushels of seed and 1,300,000 tons of hay we pro duced annually on niote thuu 2,500, 000 acres. Although the Increase In acreage has beun general over the eastern half ot the United States the most marked Increases i have been In the ooru belt and a few of the - soulhoru states. The soy-bean, can bo grown success fully In any climate sultablo to corn or cotton. Its principal uses are for bay, pasture, silage grain, oil and oil meal, aud human food. The per capita consumption of wheat Hour in tho- United States has declined fop the last 40 yours. Slilcu 1019 it had been approxi mately -1.25 buuhuls per person. The principal reasons lor tho de cline are the drift of population, to the citlds, increased average pur chasing power, the rise in com mercial bread-making induntry, and the poBsiblyontlnulng effect of war-time . restrictions On wheat consumption. Eradication of tall larkspur, a western, range plant poisonous to livestock, hus passed beyond the experimental stage. Over a period , WE BELIEVE IN OUR FEED . We will back our belief with our money. Come in and ask about our guaranteed trial offer. See Us First We Can Save You Money FARM BUREAU COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE ' i , . AGENTS FOR ; -Roseburg FAIRBANKS MORSE & CO. Oakland Now Located at Washington Street and 6.' P, Tracks. HKHiM tho Important sights of lntorost. However, ns has been announced, Uie trip has been designed so changes may bo made to suit the president's fancy. .,.,,1 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received by the Board ot Directors ot School District No. 21 ot Donelas Couuty. of several years larkBPur hus been I Oregon, at school building at Cum- eradicated from a tatal ot 7,200 1 as valley, Oregon, on soptomoer "' .J:'LJ&&mmfrTk$:i :..,V,1 EDDIE SPEER, REV. LA MANCE AND BILLY LA MANCE Shall Rev. William M. La Mance, oMthodist evangelist of Mt. Ver non, III., make of his son, Billy, a boxer or a preacher? The fight racket has Billy for the present aa Billy, Centre College student and A. A. U. light heavyweight champion of the Ohio Valley Conference, Trains for fights this month. Riv. La Mance has been In Billy's corner at every fight, and Is- now using Eddlo Spoer, a middleweight, to get Billy In shape for his fights. ' , . - acres in the National Forests at an average cost or less than SS.50 her acre. An additional 8,300 acres where larkspur occurrod in small quantities was clared at about 20 cents per acre. The estlmuted an nual reduction in. the loss of live stock as a result of this work has been over 965,000. The most prac tical means of eradication has boon found to be that of grubbing with a specially constructed, long blade mattock. Government experiment lias, found inoderute for.tillation more profitable tor alfulfa than, heavy use of fertilizer. Tho average yield of air-dry hay from u plot which rocelved no manuru wob 3.7 1 tons .per acre; that from plots which received manure six years at the rate of 8 tons per aero was 5.07 tons; nnd that from plots which received manure six yuars at tho rate ot 32 tons per acre was 0.10 tons.' "i. Corresponding porcentngos of liv Crease; -the . experiment sbowH, were higher ' where .tiiauuro was used at the rate ot 8 tons pur acre. FIRE AT MYRTLE CREEK A small, fire about 5 miles east of Myrtle Creek was reported to day by H. Q.'Urown, of the Doug las Flro Patrol. Tho fire now cov ers about 80 acroB. A largo crow of 'fire fighters has been sent out and It Is bolicved that the flro can bo kept under control. 1, 1027, at seven o'olock p. m. for the construction ot a new school building for said Sohool District No. 21, according to plans aud specifications prepnrod by F. Mali son White, architect, - Slferlock Building, Portland, Oregon, . , - Bids to cover all labor and material- for the general work of the building separately from-plumblni and 'vesting, and' plumbing and heating to be included lh soparate bids.-1' -.-..- H - . ' -I- . No bid will be considered unless accompanied by cash, or bidder's bond or certified check In favor ot George H. Truemnn, chairman, for an amount equal to at least ton per -cent of the amount bid, said sum to be forfeited Iu caso of fail ure to enter Into contract and suf ficient bond- on- the part of any bidder whose bid Is acoopted. Tho successful bidder will be required toi furnish an approved surotv com pany bond In the nmouut of titty per cent of tne contract price, to Insure faithful performance ot the work and paymont for ail labor and material, said bond to cover details mentioned in the specifications. Plana and specifications may be obtained at the office of tne Archi tect,. 448 Sherlock Building, Port lands Oregon, or from It. J. mill ion, School Clerk, CamaB Valley, Oregon. A deposit: .'ot! ,' Twenty-Five ,($25.00) Dollars :." will Tto tooulrad of each bidder to Insure proper enro and prompt return of draw ings and specifications. ' The right Is reserved to .roject any or all bids. . - By order of the School Board ot School District No. 21. R. J. DTJNTON, 1 Clerk ot Bald District. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Scaled bids will be rocelved by -tho Board of Directors of School District No. 123 at the school build ing at Itlversdale, Oregon, on Au gust 27, 1927, nt seven o'clock P. M., for the construction of a new school building for suld school Dis trict No. 123 according to plans and specifications. Bids to cover all labor and ma terial for Uie general work of the building. i No bid will lie considored unless accompanied by oash, or bidder's band or certified check In favor ot 1. Fv Bonebrake, chairman, for an amount equal to at least ten per cent of the amount bid, said sum lo be forfeited in case ot failure to enter into- contract and sutfinieut bond on the. part of any bidder whose, bid is accepted. The suc cessful bidder will be required to furnish an approved bond In the sum ot 100 per cent ot the contract price, to Insure faithful perform ance ot the work and payment for all labor and material, said bond to cover details mentioned In the specifications, Plans and specifications may be obtained at the of flcj, of L. W, Metsger, Roseburg, - Oregon, ol Mrs. C. J. Bjerg's residence, Routs 2, Roseburg, Oregon (Rlversdnlo). A deposit of Five ($5.00) dollars will be required ot aoh bidder to Insure proper care and a, prompt return of drawings and- specifics, Hons, The right Is roserved to reject any or all bids. ; - By order of the school boardi ol Schpol piBt, No. 123. ' -' - - MRS. C. J. BJERO, Clerk of said District. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES That's Different By Marti f SAY- OlO Yoo oo-n. KWU "IHAt Boot 1 OWW. lv HotBV UP To Co HWSeMMiY .IH6UD Too'. HoUrtMSW, "tW. NO OOOO. RlA-ioK) umYIWfe RUST: o YOU: Govs. SVVSUV.OMT TAY A WIU..TO TtLVYoO V IVE40T TO Tttt tRli"Xrt.'M. J -BAvlt ,T0 - TvRt7 OVTW BEMU T - AW.WH.Y - VONl TOO BIRO". tAY Yotyw-" XAAOIMC UK tAMff ncs u"s- pat, prr. c7 by NtA aenvfee, iwC FRECKLES AND KIS FRIENDS Ritzy! VES'-LSrss&r AIM AO'ALUOP OS SO OOr OAi SOME PAD A FOR A VWEEK.; ( ( LET'S FIS0R6 our V : S-OMfiTUlM' VUE CAM I I 1 i-i r-f-A ftci tr-- i "M .,. cTADrcr-ICCDPf.l'lPS 1 "L. ASti AIM - A i I J n By Bloaser seemATJusr READ IT OMCE : IF VOL) VUAAoT . SOM6TAIMS-'-' SSU-WITIM' PAPEC- VWAAT DO&S 17" Stl"? VUAAT Does ITSAV? s . TTH ASk ME IP I'M SOS3& JUST ASK ,NvE AA' SEE IF I SAV MO I ) BOBBV BACOM ) . . ' vhaaow vou ro c COM AM' GPEWP, yf A Mt&K on rwej' ' 1 J ' AA-0S ALL TrtfiT - AMWDAt J . -V y '( BE BIDIM' ACOOWC3 "lj . j A ROLLS RWCE, I i S'Poss . J SALESMAN $AM FUPP'S HOMSe. ftH' 6E& IF VPi CftA COLLECT TW FIRST lMSTp,(,LtArtT OM HER RfDlO tt '.w. t. XN.. .V. HOtl CfvH fsT?.P l'. Vr WpilATA B0T W HlJ5&(vMO 15 OUTft UORK ftH' 'E bOT Fs LOTTft OTHER BILLS V vW FIRST ! Accommodating By Swan 1 v tti:mM S . '! t J l 1 1 Mill' U r I . IV.A MT& "VW'I f J Mt& " -,- 1 c- -rT Baa esSmmmwggtmm, 4 3