Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 23, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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Wx light
- . , , u i"l
Bring Your Problems
us well hs your deposits to this
Bank. We have every facility
for serving you well and will be 1
glad to be useful to you: ..
The r&sebur National Bank
Select Your Groceries
In your own homo.
Look- over your pantry shelves, make a list
of the things you need, step to your phone
and call us. .
The items you -select will be delivered to ,
your door. . . - ;
Economy Grocery
0. L. JOHNSON. ,
"Tho Storo Timt Servos
Ynu Host."
344 N. Jackson 8L Phone 83
li. S. Ill
, NEA Service Writer 1
WASHINiT.ON,,, Aug. ,,23. 16
Tiui'bce JJuvIhoii, assistant Keere
" (nry of war Tor aeronautics, s one
" or Ihe mostVmlUisiKHlli; supporters
u( I ha building o( model airplane;
'tiy young Amerleu. v -i
"'" -'Tin' bolioWB 111 tit. IT enough, .Vmv9
nm! girls can heeoino liilernstd; in.
.- HoionautletJ, Ainct ica'K fill Di e
premacy in tho air will lie' an-J
"t Mired, lie ri'im'iiiln.'VH tlidY many
lenders oT aviation experimented
-with mo tit-1 h during yomh. v ,
" ''I inn ho IriieroHted nnd onthu
"f. liuatlo over Ilia bleu becnuwe I )m
" Uovb In tho lutiiro of- tioiriua lit itm'
JlH I'XHlllilR'lI in nil illtdlTll'W.'
.'t"'j'ho fundamental need of er--"'onaulies
in in alr-mindednesB of
. Iho people. Thu best place to be
Hin this in with tho kid". We
ought- to got them to thinking
along ai L'oiinuilr liiius mid inter
ested in thu problems of aviation
'"and nieuna for overcoming 1 hum.
'.'This kind or a movement will
"'imy big' dividends, both la-coin
murclnJi uviutioii and (ho mitlunat
dotf.'llH!. .- . (;,
' Mitny real iiiithoiiHcn .In aer
onautics, .today worn 1 fussing
mound wlth models, when they
wore. ynungid.orB. It was a mighty
good start' for tlmm and I rocom-
mend JL to the young people of the
mulon. They will not only be
having a Kit' at d iu I of fun, but
they will also-make n largo con
tribution to avittifoii.
"lo Angeles has developed tlilfl
fdea In admirable fanliion. We
hav( an activu raBorvo Bqundrou at
-Clover Hold, which Ihih devolopcd
u HyHtein of 'aerial KodKon.' Tho
'uvlatoi'H have koiio Into the public
cMooIh( 'ttdi)itlt)K tlitiir boyH and
MinulailnK. KuidniK and directing
'tiioin intortHt, nil. of which is hoth
fiitporiaul for the lmyn and jinpoi't
UUt for aviation. - .
"Aviation 1b primarily a young
tniin'H game. A man mUHt liutrn
;how to fly while ho. Ih young. It's
voiy'clirricUlt aftur nno getn along:
hi yenrH. h ( .;
' f "H la the nno pursuit In A inert'!
can JmliiHtry uud government to-j
diiy: here the ground floor w HI j
bo ojibn ror the next 15 fir 20 yearn.,
to tho Hthool boy of today ' .who 1
prepared liinmelf for It.
VWe are.JtiHt now at the dawn
orvavlallon. WlmL we do wftli it
dftieiulH on (he IntereHt and.parLl
eipntiou of (lie natlnn'M kids. -
''No BCieneo 1h (levebtplug ao
rapidly. Anyone who wnyH 'ean't'
in regard to flying 1b taking an
awful' eliniKio."
Weight Will, Be Cut From
203 to 195 Ringside
Seals to Be Given
Chosen Few.
(.UwclnM Vtvrn !4uU Win.-)
CIIICAdO. A UK. 23. Manassii.
Colorado' pi'ldu tlm struiplnK,
HluDhiiiK rorinur Ueavywelght chum
plon of Iho world, Jaok Ucmiinoy,
lilHIlllfil lo box KlMUei'lV Willi IliK
dhndnw imil punch unnffendliiK
pilllclilliK hiiKH loiluy at IiIh J.Iii
I'lllll Kli'lcl liiiinliiK cuiiip. It HUH
IiIk firat lural Kt-oiiuu of iirvusiru-
lioil for hi tiol.llnr Kiulil hIikIIkjii
eni,'ai!cinPnt Willi anu Tunney
S(Mti-lllinl- 22.
At vlrtiiully the same time, thu
ticket salo Has atcrU'd wlti,niora
than 7.000 of them k"Ik Into the
hands of recelvurs duiliin the first
Tew hours. ' i ,
The pollen declared their Inten
tions of keeping the title bono en
tirely free from "hoodlum" dis
orders by preventing: any known
KiiiiKHturs from obtaining tickets
or entering the Soldier Field sta
dium, scene of the conflict.
Jack weighs about 203 pounds,
Trainer CiUH Wilson said, and x
peels to go Into the ring against
Tuimny a uiouh hence weighing
around 105,
The great puzzln of the Demp-sey-Tiiniiey
boxing Imbroglio Tex
lllcliard's mysterious committee
of five todny continued to bailie
the fans.
This secret set of Individuals
alone cenlrols the destiny of tho
choicest seats Immediately adjoin
ing the ringside, known, as "mill
ionaire's row" uud no one cau get
olio of these prize positions with
out the gratuity of Iho mysterious
live, rex Kit-karil maintains that
no ono will tver know who those
mystery men are, bul it is no se
cret that the seals they control
si 111 lire locked In u bunk vault
waiting to bo passed out to the
chosen fow.
Modern people spend more for the
1 : joys of living than, in any other age
ever known. But they demand the
- ' utmost value for their money.
lf Iad,lGls an(1 liking baga
...Buy your fencing now while it 1b
oh My Mq get it hiuilod. We have a
carload of American fence In Block.
Wharton Ilnw.
Try ft olABalfleu adv. in mis p
per and watch reaulti. You'll aurt
ml 'Am
Sure of Term as Sioux Chieftain
f 'it trJ t
1! V
Iff '! J $ Ja
its it - a
kaJ.irf; Mil
i nam i
' s(!iti!(,(rtttii! Press l.oiiilI Wire)
'; 'CANTON," CHltw, Aug 22. '(De
layed) A bomb was exploded at
(ho main offices or tho govern
ment bank today Iniine.llatelv after
a number of persons had been ar
resied for taking part in a hos
tile demonainitlon In front of the
bank. Allhimgh tho aiilhorllies
denied t hat. there were casualties
I he general, belief Is that several
persons were killed when . the
bomb exploded.
A hostile demonjilmllon ::gaiiml
the hank caused the nulhorilies to
siiiTuunii ine properly with a heavy
guard. Policemen seurclieil all
those who entered the building
(Previous advices rrom Canton
said rumors of the Imminent fail
ure of the orriclnl depository and of
Iho discounting of nallonallst notes
by 20 per oeul cttuseil n largo num
ber to withdraw llie'lr nccouiita.
It was stilled I hat ll nronilnenl
member ol the C liamber of Com
merce was arrested' on the chargo
ol spreading Ihe rumors.)
LONDON, Aug. 2:i.r-The land
ing near Nanking ot 15U marines
from Hie Hrltisli warship Huwkln
is reported by Knitters Shanghai
correspondent, lie says Iho mur
ines are to guard the extensive
premises of Ihe International Im
port and export company, adja
cenl to Nanking, owing to ihe bom
Imrdnienl. ot Nanking by tlie
noi l born. Chinese forces and the
general danger and unceriulnty
ot the situation. A s'mnll rorelgn
community Is concentrated on Ihe
premises of the Inlernutlouul Im
port uud export couipuljy.
Try our buttermilk It's differ
ont. Roseburg Dairy. Phono 188
smokers find
their sheerest
in Camels
1927i R. 3. lUraottfi Tobacco
Conpur Wiouoa-Saisia, N. C
THE people of this age spend millions
for the good things of life. And they
place Camel first, among cigarettes.
Modern smokers make money, but
when they spend it they insist on
quality, and more people today buy '
Camels than ever bought any other
cigarette. : "
V Camel value has won the modern N
world. Money cannot buy choicer to
baccos, nor a more glorious blending.
That's why increasing millions in the
modern age single out this famous
smoke as their favorite. You. too, will
find it yours.. ,
"Have, a Camel!"
f";Lp" ','c'',! i? .'!!.! S BARTHLEMESS TO-
acres, compared' with the estimat
ed pluming of il,8fi7,000 acres lusl
Fifty eunuchs, tho only survivors
of the once famous imperial group
of 2.000 whose chief was us pow
erful as the Grand Vizier himself,
have fallen upon such hard times
that they have organized a mutual
(Associated I'tott. leased Wirr)
NEW YORK, Aug. 22. Richard
BarthelmeBB, motion picture suit,
whoae fltst marital venture ended
in a divorce. Is- to marry- Miss
Katlierlne. Young WIIhoii, HUige
and Hereon autre us, who appeared
In several pictures with him.
Announce men t of the engage
ment Ih made by Mlaa Wilson's
parents, Mr. ajid Mrs. James Young
aid society and have taken over ! Wilson or .Jacksonville, Fla.
a rajiiBlutcklB bouse lor a club, ceremony will take place
building, , ' - I in New York probably In Novem-
Huudreds of eunucliH fled with!1"'1- BartlielniPBB who is now
that money could be put to much
bettor purpose.
hONUON. Chambers ot Com
merce have computed that Ameri
can visitors to Knglnnd this year
will spend $750,U00.000 or 5200,
Ouo.Ouo more than last year..
NEW YORK. Mine, Luiba Phfl
Up.'i, who hopes to do a Lindbergh
and. fly tho Atlantic alone, consid
ers aviation a great field' for wo
men, yhe is umoitious to disprove
a statement she read credited to
a noted aviator's wife that women
have not the brains or stability lo
become fliers.
m -.. Whether or not Proiitient Coolldge I renominated by the Republl
"tKms, he to sure of one term anyhow Chief Leading Eagle of the
Sioux tribe. The president wna recently received into the tribe at the
Days of W6 oelebratlon at Deadvvood, 8. D. :
members of the royal Inmfly, hun-,
dreds more tound their way to
Egypt to, 'faniilios of Egyptian
royall y, nm ' Hun U red b more, loft
behind in a changed Turkey, have
died of misery.
.,- 'jElie, , fifty siirvlvom have put
tltt'lr saving together and have
purchased qunrtei'B whero they can
pass tha rest of their days remi
niscing over their past glory hh
masters of fair Circassian slaves,
instructors of princes and confi
dants of grim sultans. '.
These majestic, gigantic, black
men. now try to earn a livelihood
made a gambling casino.
An lnmilry as of Aumist i vj'27.
relative tp farmers Intentions to
plant winter wheat and rye this
fall Indicates that Oreou farmers
expet to seed only !ir ptr cent as
much acreage to wheal ihis fall as
was seeded a year ago. This de
crease Ih largely duo to this year's
seeding of spring wheat on spring
plowing or disked stubble, thus re
ducing the irsuat summer fallowed
acreage available for planting this
fall, according to F. I,, Kent statis
tician of tho V. S. Department of
For the I'ulted States, "Inten
tion" Indicate an Increase In tho
area to be seeded this fall, of 1:1.7
per cent or an- area of 4X,U;t7.M)0
acres, compared with the actual
estimated seeding a year ago of
-t&L'M.OlH) acres.
Ftir I hi1 eleven far western
stutt-s an Increase of S.6 per cent
Is Indicated, or a total area of
.7SJi.tMM) acres compared with tho
estimated planting of 1,000
acroH lust fail.
An Increase of 116,0 per cent In
Orccon rye acreage Is indicated by j
Ilut since the greater portion of j r,nmty, or..K,rr
ihe tf logon rye acres no is uset tnr I r-.i Aukiiki ttttu ii:!7. rhI tho
pnsuiro or hv. this tncrunsed ' 'l 'M,II,' ' 'u''' J"''r I "mde en
' ma.erl.illy ..fleet ! ; ?I "k,,u::"';..
In New ork to nlleud the ouen-
lng of his latest picture,, plana to
lonvo SiUurday tor Hollywood lo
begin work on a now production.
.Mr. ltarlhelmess' first niarriuKe
was to Miss Mary Hay Caldwell,
known on the stage as Marv lluv.
Married in 1920, they were di
vorced early this year. Tliey had
one child, n daughter, Mary,, who
is now four years old.
Miss Wilson has been on. the
stage for about four years a'ud
also has appeared In film versions,
of "New Toys." whlrh slurred Mr.
Dartliclmess. and "Quarantine."
LK BOUUOHT. Miss Mabel Boll
desires to buy the t runs-Atlantic
plane from Mr. Lovlne. She lins
gone lip in It as u passenger with
M. Drouhin piluting.
nellltiir tienttnta anil tnlbliiDnl,. I,,
Ihe street or serving as beli-hnns !
at Ylldl. the palace that has been i
NEW YOHIC Tho Klnknjou is
approved autliorutively ns a sue
oessor to the Thai lest on -and the
hliick hottnm. I wnn llm vnm. ut
a eancing masters convention in'
preiorence to tho liix.e ctouip.
the crowd shouted 7.000. "He is
slandering you," said tho' presi
dent. "Let's make it 8,000."
NEW YORK. Helen McCor
mlck, formerly assistant county
district attorney in. Brooklyn, pre
sumably will, try some of the ad
vice she has -given other women.
Often in an official capacity she
urged wives lo avoid arguments,
to dress neatly at breakfast aniMo
lot husbands rest In thu evening In
stead of dragging them out. Now
she is married herself. Her hus
band is Patrick O'Toole, owner of
a chain of grocery stores. She re
mains Helen McCormick pores-sionally.
Eat barbecue sandwiches an4
live forever. Brand's Road Stan'67
"Sleeping Beauty" May Yet Awake
LIVINGSTON, Mont. Mr. Cool
ldge asked Oov;'nior Krlckson what
the population uT the city-was. The
governor said 5,000. A woman in
s m a
. SCtl-i..
13- 1 't
III tlio rtroiiit Court of tlo Statu of; mv iho Acioimi
Oregon for DoiikIhx County. 1 " ! i " Press)
it. .Utllimtt. rilililttrr. v-i. 1 ouniuinrti. CHlfl i nang J so
hint' Atklnioi. IVf)nlaiit ' Lin. head of tho IVkinir cnvoin.
fment. to Senator Ringham of Con-1 y "
jnecticut: "If you westerners are t"
! so foolish about your women I;(fei!!hu
what The derves." ' Tna, l IHIGHLY ENDORSED METHODS
Chungs answer to the senator's ; rrniJi? pk t r,.. nn
plea that. Mint. Michael Hororthi. I I 1 1 mw. j. uuui hum --.
MM tl a tt-.1 i
nhiiu' AlklliMiiii. lhi :ili.ivn
In ltu name of tho S(t of Oro
Kon: Vmi nrr lierrUy r'Miitri to ap-IM-iir
ti iid nnswur tho ('oini'laint filed
aKHlust von In tho nbure rntith'd
ruiirt mid fntiwr. on tn liofni't- tho
expiration of th time pri-mrltMcl in
Ihe Oiihn fur riihllriitloti, tit-wtt
on or before th eprntln oT nmr 1 . 'I' ' "V .." I r- I mAfhnl fvnniinrt Ptlte.
km from tin iinte of tim fir-t""w Ul '"e novice a-iviser to tne w-h iuwuiwu vi nvuu..v uv
naitKow noveriiHieut, he spared. anu oincr neciai ana. ioiun uimhucis,
The seiuiior argned that the exe- . exclusively by the Dean clinics In
west re-'!""! iZ!r -1 T,t
,mr" prtkation3tidQcrtiintyo(rwolt. PxHcnls come'
Pul.lUntlon hvn'of, mitl If vmi fall
to rtpinat or anjtwvr for want tlo r
,,t l.iniiitirr miii ..i.i.u- i.. Dm
for tho relief nrnyoil for In it,o ration would make the
roTiipiMini whiih Ik in Mihntam-f Hard Chang as a beast and
fIIw: hurliin
Kir it w f the court .IN- ; '
pMstliitt hetwfi'n hhn iui.I .li f. n.l -NEW Y O- R K. Civic vlrhn ' -V-? 19 JVKV! Vl'hy
attt mot f..r tu-h olhor iun further ' n...iH ..,-in.,((.... i n., 'LAhfcUl- I'H.fcS Is ftasfd
ljut nnd proin r. lat In city hall park show-
iiiim MuiiunnMN iouiit!ioti ptirn- nig a nusKy male Willi n plren atiV-1
ih mid : pounds of soap.
land at sent from man? distant MjIc. Thecott
fkienc we cviiU-nce by a UKiTtKN AS.-t;1-
'i 15 years ot
stwclillred prs". in. which
tho mot extreme cates have
heei Tvmni-tly reiieverfi Our
fcklii. JO0-p.-ute Ultistiatect
book It of utmnAt value, to
ttrj" !uf.erT. Send for It ItJjv.
the feed cm In hup ply ut (be state, nut thu i::ii in
For the Lnltwl States Indka- .IKWAllD M,
for I'litinlifr f!r-iilt tice
tlous are thai titer wUl b. hat ' .Sr ci WeieS:
i'r.n ..tin. ,,inrK.ei . . . ri . w n
WlelrlnslHim. -M. H. Is hem lo tnAi.X Ut Ai.rl.iJ.,lne
studv prohibition. "There is mini.. ; portiano osilct utAi? bids. s main a year spent on liuuor In . eti-Aorrii-. n-.ncio
Knitluiul." she ws. "I ' lafirti iMlirii'jliJjViViTt'..'rl
-y .-. L- '-ft'.-'i! I i
s baniornia mucn-dlscussed sleeping beauty up? Mrs.
Clara Drummond of Fresno, who was In a coma for 120 days after
inhaling gas, tits up. In a chair undar the watohful eye of W. J. Pa
cock, Los Angeles chiropractor, who has been treating her for i
month. "