ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1927. Advertisers Give Information - You want a home of your own everybody . does. You want to know about the cost or - , How to finance the building. Perhaps you r; want to buy the lot, or it may be to inquire ' about the furnishing of a room. Just ask the - advertisers they'll know. Figure It Out For Yourself The chances are good that if you have boon keeping house in an apartment or a cottage you have paid out enough in '-kiU suicj cj have been married to have built i good home, and you don't have a thing in the world to show for it. Just figure it out E BUNGALOW ELABORATE; NOT TOO EXPENSIVE T FOUR fcSw II BE DIRECTORS , W. F. Harris, Pros. A. O. Sutherland, H. O. Pargeter, Henry Harth Vlce-Pres. 8ec'y-Troasurer. Joseph Mlcelll Douglas Abstract Co. ' Incorporated CAPITAL $25,000.00 Abstracts, Blue Prints, Farm Loans, City Loans, Title Insurance. WIrMBKK5 When It's a Home You Want SEE McLendon Realty Company Corner Oak and Main. . REAL ESTATE LOANS, INSURANCE 4 FLASHES OF LIFE J v (By the Associated ProssJ - SAUO, Alalno. Thirteen inys- ' lorlous boxes of high explosive liavo boon found In a field in this town, which has ona loss "C" lo Ub "iianio ' nil a limn uwuttlug cjcu tipn In AiOHtoiu CALESrUIUI, 111. It siiems us ' it Ucorgo Lewis will linvo tu bo n "model husband. Miss Gone Chit, ' 25, a liisllco of thu pence, lined Jlim S5 for intoxication, thou mar rlud him tho next duy. COLLINdSWOOIl, N. J. Tho ago ot Mrs. ConsUmca IS; In U . responsible for tho fact Unit nlio ia not missing in tho Pacific with lior husband, pilot of tho Dallus ' Spirit. Hho plunuod to fly lu thu race to Honolulu with him, but con testants wero limited to thoso of SI or moid. Sho Is 111. MOW YORK. Prohibit Inn Is re garded ns 11 modern miracle by (ho Hov. John Callahan, Methodist chaplain of thu Tom tin. In a ser mon, ho referral to Christ stopping a funeral and restoring thu lite of tho boh of the widow of Nuln and continued: "Prohibition has Btop ped many n futieral procoBsion, When tlm 18th amendment wus adopted there was performed even n greater miracle than that of Christ." Camp at Idleyld Park, AMATEUR GOLFERS ASSEMBLE TO VIE ::: FOR U. S. CROWN ; .MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 23. , tlulfdoin contured IIh iittnntlou to i day on. lioiuly 2mi nmatouiB gnlli i erml at the Mlnlkaluia Club, on the - first qualifying round of tho mi- tlonal amateur championHhip, mid , especially on the destinies of iduuiBO Von Kim of l.os Angolos, tlt)o holder, mid Hobby Jones of '"Atlanta, who lout the crown to the westerner hist year. There wero 17-1 sterling players listed lo Htnrt. the uieilal round to. lny and umong Ihem were hiicIi liiimes us Jimmy Johnston, lcuilnr for two rounds In the imllnnul open, phiyiug on. his homo course; Francis Oulniet. of Hnstnn; Hob Cedar Shingles Slate Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Paint and Enamels DENN-GERRETSEN CO. Phone 128 5 Ciiirdnor and Chick Evans of Chi cago; William I' Fownes and Dnve Herroii of Pittsburgh and Max Mur slon of Philudclpnlii, all former champions, sonio of thorn twice. T!kto wore uIbu a scoro of state r.nd regional tltloholders, 11 o n Stoln of Seattle, western king, and Carl Kaufman ot Pittsburgh, pub lic lings tliampiou. - The. Mlnlkuhdii courso Is G.liM yards Jong, Willi a par of 72, ami traps lu treacherous fashion. DEER HUNTER MAY FACE NEW CHARGE (Ahrfuvlutrd I'rcw lAnun Wire) PORTLAND,. Ore., Aug. 22. The state gamo commlHsion lias under consideration a report of the fatal shooting of Hurt Hubhs by Mortlo 1). l.ako, In Lan.e county July 111. Luke,- In u slaleinent, ad mitted ho and llubhs wero bunt ing for deer out of season nniTTunt 'he bad no hunting license, lie said (hat when tho fatal shot, was fired be thought that ho was shoot ing u deer. -o- DOQ FAILS TO FIND BODY ' OF LESLIE BROWNLEE (AMKeiuLcU 1'rcu 1.1'uncil Wiru) POUTLAND, Ore, Aug. 22. Search of tho Bouth slope of Mount Hood by tho Seattle (leg detectlvu, Arnold Von Wlnkelrold, for trace of the body of Leslie Hrov"nlee fulled yesterday. A thorough combing of the mountain next Sun day Is planned by men to Jio di rected by Ituy Conway, L. A. Nel son and Nelson English. Tho Heaieli will shirt from Tlinborllnu Cabin, nt daybreak. NUDE BATHER GETS ONE YEAR IN JAIL ' 1 (AMwcliitH) I'ruap Lrntwil Wire.) lULI.snoitO, Oro, Auk. 22. lii'cmtso hu lnsiHtml up on HWlmmhiK 111 Uuiry Crnrk about 1U milca from Ilillsboio 4 without u biiththK Milt, 10 in- nn'tt Noli'H, i(0, was tmhiy HorvhiK ono yeur in tho county jail. ('nnii)lafn(H had rt'nrhed tho horiftH offlco n'ct'ii.tly of tho 4 umlraiHMl Hwinitnor and ofli cor nnoMlod Nolua. 231 N. Main St. TO BE OPPOSED IT; II. Organization Will Launch Campaign at National Meet This Week, BONE DRYNESS IS AIM 3000 Women From Various Countries Will Attend; Diamond Medal Will Be Awarded. ' MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Aug. 22. I'rohlbltion win not bo modified If the "dry" women of tho country succeed lu the educational cam paign they purpoHo launching. Tuo Women's Christiuu Temper ance Union will hold its 5:ird an mini convention hero the week of August 2!. At thin time several plans will bo presented to the dele gates lor an educational campaign winch shun absorb thu lull strength of tho organization. It Is believed by the W. Cr-T. U. that agliatlon for modification lias reached the point where 1b must be met Willi a completo change of publio sentiment. This, it says, can bo effected only by the con certed efforts ot those who favor total iibBtineuce. Against Wine and Beer Its eiforts will bo directed par ticularly agaliiHt campaigners tor tho return of wlno und beer. Tho results of a two years' study of the effects of alcohol on tho hu man system, Including 2.7G por cent beer, will he roporfod by MIbs Cora F. Stoddard, of Huston. Miss Stoddard 1b director of tho depart ment ot scientific Investigation and Instruction of tho W. O, T. U. Tlireo thousand women -from tho United States and from a number of tho 52 foreign countries where tho "White Rlbhoners" aro repre sented, are expected at attend. ' India, Bomo of the South Ameri can countries, Canada, and several European countries will furnish delegates. Miss Anna A. Cordon, president of the World W. C. T. U., whose headquarters aro at Kvanston, III., will present the plant) which she baa outlined for gronlori participa tion in the fight for prohibition in foreign countries. Tho phico of honor at the con vention will be devoted to Miss Melissa A. Davis, of Delaware, Ohio, who is 88 years old. In tho past four yonra she brought in ifta now niombers. ' To Award Diamond Medal For tho first time lu 20 years, Ihc organization will bestow a iituniomt medal for the greatest contribution Inwards the P'lurnlton T I Do You Want a Rea Built your way where you want it. Let us help you to do this COEN LUMBER COMPANY EVERYTHING IN BUILDING of younx imoiilii lo tho value of 'tolnl nbHtlni'ncc. All hut nil of Uiu ri7.miu Kills who orliiliuilly on li'ii'il thi content Iihvo hi'i'ii clliiil luilcil. Tho winner will bo snlcct oil rrnm umniiK the tollowlnit.' Hertlm Drinker, Anneles; MIbh Kviilyn llemiiiee Cooper, Smit'ori!, KIipiIiIh; MIks .Mary llalsley, Mar Inn. Intl.; MIh Vera Powers, Mill neiuioim: .Mlsa (llailys Whlilek. Kant Syrneuso, N. Y., anil MIks IjiuMne I'roffllt, C li n t tanooca, Tnn. II vw In ISSil at. a nallonnl W. (1. T. V. ronvenllon In Mlnne iipoIIs thai some of the first steps towards rampalKtilng for prohibi tion wero taken by thu otganlia t loll. P. C. GARRISON DROWNS IN LAKE r.aiclatpM IT?w l-ar,! Wfr) roUTLANH. Oll'J. Aug. 23. I Paul C. Garrison, 4S, lumberman I ami real estate dealer, drowned ! yesterday In Ralney I.ako alaiut : three nuartera of a mile oast of; Lnlou Avenue near Columbia bottle, p WW&rt&&i J CAte&i34 I aivtt$ Ban' I rHI "r 7 pal- i I J jsS"fla? ' - J DESIGN HAS ALL COMFORTS FEATURES OF An -elaborate modern bungalow which will suit tho renulrenicnts of tho most fastidious and is not too expensive Is shown in the accom panying design. This houso Is attractlvo holh outside and Inside und bus all the comforts of thu modern homo and some features of tho ultra modern. Tho arrangement is modest und has tho appearance of solid com; fort and tho charm of perfect do slgn. The extorlor Is of stucco, with a fow rows ot brick just nhovo tho ground and p frieze of lllo or cor responding color Just nhovo thu roof. This adds an attractive col or sohemo to the appearance. The roof Is of shingles. Tile, however, uuuio also no used. The Interior contains sly rooms MATERIAL FLOED AND MILL STREETS VHONE 121 vanl. J Ms body was recovered by tho harbor patrol following tmtlcos from S. SchmelfenlK that ho had found Harrison's clothing on tho brltlKe. Tnlll three years ago. Harrison was western representative ot tho Ai It. Honors Timber companv ot Minneapolis, Minn., at lleml niul I'llnevllle. Since that time ho has bei'ii a denier In real estato ltd limber In Tort laud. "So, my kooiI man. you aro In straitened cireuinstanecs?'' "tilialtened! Sir, it 1 was twins, I'd bo parallel." Answers. iipiiii io, i rt , . ti-i... don't you work If you are turnery? Weary Willie: I tiled that, ma'am, nn" It only made uiu bun-nrler.-f-Ausweis. n "Tho bet thtng you can do, John, Is to go ami npolngiao to Mary." "Ye, but I was In the right." "Well, in that casts you'd belter lako some flowers along.' Pnss ing Show. OF MODERN HOME AND SOME ULTRA-MODERN besides a solarium and bath. There aro two bedrooms and a den which could bo used us a bedroom. Tho den is fitted with bookcases and a window seat, making it an attractlvo and useful adjunct to tho home. - Tho kitchen is complete in every detail' and lnis "a bruakfast nook. An especially attractlvo feature of this houfco and one which ap peals lo the feminine members of the family Is tho dressing room opening off the owner's chamber. This i'ii has a commodious wardrobe, cud a bullt-lu dressing table. Completo working drawings for this house may bo obtained . by iisl'.iug tho News-Review for cost of plans. CUR BECOMES STAR 1IEVEKI.V IIII.LS, 111. -Jlieo (lines !J-ycar-olil Charley Heck tried to kIvo away his iIok. Tipper was just an ornery lltllo Irish terrier that stolo neighbor's papers and (lug li neighbors' gardens, so no body would taka him from Charley, tine day, Just for fun, tho bey sent Tipper's picture, to a screen maga zine thai was running a contest. The mill won first prlne und a chance to act in tho movies. PLUMBING AND HEATING OUR SPECIALTY Let us Modernize Youi Kitchen WM. SCOTT 1 18 W. Oak ! Home 2 TO T TO BEAT Insistent Minority Claims, However, Ex-Champion .Will Regain His Lost Title-. (Associated Preaa LeateU Wire) . NEW YORK, Aug. 22. The done takes a stmngo lwint iu anorta. Jack DempBoy waa a 3 to 1 fav orite to trim Gene Tunuey last September but with their return fight exactly a month oil', Tuuuey is a 2 lo 1 shot to repeat his vie tory. Apparently the experts who could sue nothing but the devast ating puncher of old ia the J Join p sey preparing for last year's battle now are almost as strongly con vinced that the erstwhile Munassa Mauler is still mostly "hollow shell" iu spite of his knockout of Jack Sharkey. They bolieve Demp sey should have been disqualified for fouling Sharkey, instead of be ing awarded a knockout victory. They further contend that Demp sey, but for his So-called break, would not have gone much further against the boston gob, anyway; in other words, he is through. , It may be In the minority, but (hero is just as insistent a school of fistic thought convinced that Deinpsoy, regaining confidence anil punching power if not his old speed, will turn the tables on Tun ney at Chicago. Denipsey, these observers argue, still can take It and come back to apply the deci sive wullop. He took plenty, they point out, from Tuning and Shar key, tho difference being tiiat he showed against -Sharkoy an ability to connect that was sadly missing against Gene. Tunuey may figure to ho too smart, too fast and too good a boxer for ' Dempsoy, imprqved though tho latter may be. But the same factors were held to be ia Sharkey's favor. They did not vork out because Dempsoy crowd ed the Boston sailor from start to. finish. Tho answer, if any, seems to be that Denipsey must carry tho fight to Tunney from tho opening gong if he s to win; conversely, that Tunney's malu reliance is .to hold off the . plunging ex-champion, spear him at long range or tie him up at close quarters. STANDINGS! OF LEAGUES! (By Tho Associated Press.) Coast League W. Li. P. Oakland 92 G8 .G13 Seattle .a 85 S3 f.B71 San l'rancisco 83 67 .663 Sacramento 75 75 .51)0 Portland 73 75 .4:13 Hollywood 09 82 .457 Missions C7 84 .444 Los Angeles 64 96 .360 National W. L. P. Chicago 70 44 .617 Pittsburgh , 07 47 .687 St. Louis 65 48 .675 New York ...... 67 52 .563 Cincinnati 52 63 .453 Iloston 47 65 .420 Drooklrn 49 C9 .419 Philadelphia 42 72 .368 American W. U P. New York . 82 36 .695 Detroit 66 48 .575 Washington 66 50 .569 Philadelphia 66 52 .559 Chicago 64 64 .458 Cleveland , 50 68 .421 St. Louis 48 69 .410 Hoston 3(i 81 .300 E. N. Evvart, Pres. M. E. Rlttor, Appraiser Carl E, Wimberly, Attorney Umpqua Savings and Loan Association ORGANIZED 1917 Under Stale Supervision Earnins. for yean 1925 and 1926 9. Earning. 1927 &. Earning! past 9 year. 8 or better. Not a .ingle foreclosure or pieer of property taken for non-payment of princi. pal or interest since organization. . Investigate our monthly tavings plan. An account may be started with a deposit of one dollar. MAKE THAT ; ; ; HOME DREAM COME TRUE Perhaps you have hesitated about trying to own that home you and your wife want because of properly financ ing the enterprise, and so you keep on paying rent All ' you have to show for, such a policy is rent receipts. By adopting our plan you home of your dreams. We are ready to explain tne mat ter to you at any time why wait longer? Douglas Building & Loan Association Roseburg, Oregon 147 Jackson St, SPSr.TiTg8IgBII.III.IIOT.T.T.T LEADING PLAYERS OF BIG LEAGUES I (Including games of August 21.) (By the Associated Press.) National. Hatting P. Waner, Pirates, .384. linns L. Waner, Pirates, 105. Hits P. Waner, Plratesi 183. Doubles P. Waner, Pirates, 35. Triples P. Waner, IMrntes, 17. Homer Williams, Phillies, 23. Stolon bases Frlscll. Cardinals. 34. Pitching Meadows, Pirates, won 16; lost 5. American. " Batting Simmons, Athletics, .393. Runs Gehrig, Yankees, 121. Hits Gehrig, Yankees, 172. Doubles Burns, Indians, 45. Triples Manusli, Tigers, 15; Combs, Yankees, 15. Homers Gehrig nnd Ruth, Yan kees, 39. Stolen bases Sislcr, Browns, 25. Pitching Hoyt, Yankees, 17; lost 5. . COAST LEAGUE RESULTS San Francisco disclosed a dis astrous northern tour by a double header Sunday with Portland, win ning the first game 6-3, behind Mitchell's steady pitching, but los ing the closing contest 6-2. Carroll Yerkes v;ns master of tho situa tion throughout tho sccoud fray. Tho Missions dropped a red-hot pitching duel to the Oaks in the first game 2-1, but came back in the ufternoon 1o take the gamo and series, hammering Dlckerniau and Sparks for a 91 victory. Hollywood belted the Sacramen to hurlors savagely to take both ends of a twin bill from the Solons, 6 0, nnd 10-3. Seatllo picked up a game on the league-h'nding Oaklanilers by trlm- DIRECTORS B. W. Bates, Vlce-Pres. Guy Cordon, Appraiser Henry Harth V. J. Mlcelll, Treasurer will be enabled to'.' get the Phone 245 imlng the suukon Seraphs twld 2-0, anil 5-1. Martin stopped tbJ Angels cold in' tho initial encouij I ter while tho tnuinns oaino iron uahind to win tne last game w uuui iray; , ,. MAJOR LEAGUE RESULTS (By the .Associated Press) New tension hns been injectq into an interesting baseball race thu National league. The Chlcag Cubs were in first placo today b a margin of only three games ovd the Piitsburgh Pirates. St. Louij in third place, was only lour uu one-half games away from the leat ers, and the New York Glauti standing fourth; spotted the Bruili a rive and one-halt game margii Despite the fact that the schedul favors the inspired Cjibs, there at many possibilities ahead lu til final stretch. The Giants and ' Pirates bot gained on the Cubs yesterday. Ne York took both ends of a doubl header from Cincinnati, 9-8 and 6- Plttsburgh pulled a game out ( tho fire from the Booklyn ioi gers, 2-1. Wright's timely clout I the ninth sent Cuyler across U: plate with the winning run. Cleveland made it two slralgl from the Yankees, Willis Hyidll rescuing Buckeye In the fourth i: ning and coming through for a victory, f It' wns the third stralgl defeat for the Yankees, r j The Detroit Tigers strengthetM their hold on second place In U American league standing by bea ing Washington 11-4. Philadelphia batted three Whl Sox pitchers hard to gain au 8 decision. ; St. Louis and the Boston R( Sox met T.i the mound city in ( argument over last place. Tl Brownies got into tho .400 class I winning both ends of a douli header, 50, and 4-3 and chilli tho Boston, hopes of evor cettii out of the cellar. - I H. O. Pargeter, Secretary W. F. Harris, Appraiser Q. V. Wimberly t