ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW, MONDAY AUGUST 22, 1927. THREE IWITTiTTT1 Zenith Electric Washing Machine I Special Price ' TUESDAY ZIGLER-CRAVEN HARDWARE CO. PHONE 28 . Select . Economy Grocery - , O. L. JOHNSON , "The Store That Serves You Best." 344 N. Jackson St. Phone 63 EIGHT AUTOS . DESTROYED IN f r GARAGE FIRE (Continued from page 1.) not lost. V Equipment Damaged i The garage building Is owned by A. L. Aikens and the business was conducted by Clarence Tester and Rnlph Kunzll. The garage owners had their shop well equipped and as the fire started In the section . adjoining the repair shop all of the machinery became a complete loss. SEEE BiiiniMmniirritkwtinrit ROY CATCHING MOTOR CO. 125 N. Rose . Phone A good Used Car at the right price is the best automo bile value in the world. Our cars are fairly priced and honestly sold. ' HERE ARE A FEW Ford Coupe, 192 7, model , $450 Ford Touring, 1925 model $225 Ford Touring, 1924 model. '.i.j.....:............. $150 1 Ford Touring, 1923 model ...:.l..$100 Ford touring, 1922 model $ 75 Hudson Speedster ; $550 Hudson Speedster $350 Chevrolet Sedan $295 Gardner Touring j $275 Essex Coach .'. $550 SSBBS R08EBURQ, ORE. &EEESBBBB1M Your Groceries In your own home. Look over your pantry shelves, make a list of the things you need, step to your phone and call ul. The Items you' select will be delivered to your door. The equipment ' was1 valued at around $4,600 while the Insurance carried was only $1,000. ' The building was also hard hit. The fact that It was of reinforced concrete prevented the spread of the flames to adjoining buildings, keeping the fire confined to the one structure, but the heat caused the floors to chip, the roof was burned through in several places, skylights broken and timbers charred, so that a great deal or repair work will be necessary. The loss Is largely covered by Insur ance. The building was insured and nearly all of .the cars were partially covered. 438 Roseburg, Ore. 1 Hundreds of Friends "THEY DO A BETTER JOB IN HALF THE TIME" so people say about our me chanics. They have won hundreds of friends' among automobile owners. The mechanics should be able to do better work in half the time because they have the ex perience from 7 to 11 years exclusive automo bile work in our shop, learning cars from bumper to bumper. The biggest portion of the hundreds of owners in Douglas county come to us for ser vice, as do many owners of other makes of cars. Our work costs less and gives better satisfaction. J. O. Newland & Son Phone 458 Roseburg, Oregon Oldest continuous dealers in Douglas county. LOCAL NEWS 1 Looking Glass Man Visits I A. H. Hosier, of Looking Glass, jwus in Roseburg Nulnnluy aitend-1 Ing business affairs, Mr. Ollivant Visitor K. M. Ollivant, rancher of the Looking Class district, was a bust. nam visitor in this city Saturday. From Cleveland lleorge Keynolds, of Cleveland, apent Saturday aflnrnoon vlidtlng and attending to business mutters here. F'om Melrose 1 r-Yed Johnson of Molrose' was in this city for a few hours Saturday attending to business affairs and visiting. Business Visitor Ceo. Host, Looking Class ranch er, spent Saturday afternoon hero visiting and attending to business mntters. In for Day ' .Tuck Smith, of Nonpnrlel, wns attending to business affairs nnu purchasing supplies In this city Saturday. Canyonvllle Man Visit J. A. Talbot anil son. Paul Talbot, residents of Cnnyonville. were business vjsltors In this city Sat urduy. Lutmans Visit Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lulmun, of Looking Glass, spent Saturday In Roseburg shopping nnd transacting business.. , In Saturday G. W. S. Wado. resident of Cnm as Valley, spent Saturday In Rose- burg visiting with friends nnd transacting business. Spends Afternoon Mrs. Oscar Rnoklund of Melrose was In Roseburg attending to busi ness mntters and visiting friends Saturday afternoon. Return from Seattle J. H. SImilgor and Dean T). Un bar returned " to rtosehurg this morning following n few days business trip to Senlllo. Spends Day Here O. Boone, resident of South rteor. Creek, "was a Ttosehurr visitor on Saturday and wns attending to business' matters. From Millwood Mrs. Harry O. Hirst of Mlllwod was n visitor in Roseburg Satur day afternoon nnd was shopping and transacting business. Left For Coast Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscnr Nelson, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Holmnulst and Mm. Oscar Hanson of Melrose were here a brief time Saturday on their way to liandon, whore- they will spejid several days. Returns From Illinois Mrs. Clara Anderson has return, ed from Pnxton. III., where she has heenspending the past two months visiting with relatives. Miss An derson will visit here wilh friends before gong to Ashland, where she is to spend the winter teaching In the city schools. ' I Here Over Saturday J. W. VauKlm of Tiller was In Uila city Saturday und Sunday j visiting Willi friends. Spend Day Here .Mr. and Sirs. U. 8 Darker of Dixonvlllu spent Saturduy In Oils city visiting with friends. Spends Week-End ' A. K. Hutchison of Salem spent the week-end In this city visiting and attending to business affairs. Mrs. Ollivant Visits Mrs. Tom Ollivant of Looking Class visited with friends nnd shop ped in this city Saturday afternoon. To Portland Saturday Mrs. R. 1). Williams Is visiting with friends In Portland until mid week, huvlng gone to the metro polis Saturday night. Here from Oakland Mr. and Mrs. Charles Davison, of Oakland, were in thl city Satur day afternoon greeting friends and attending to business matters. Home from Portland Today Mrs. A. N. Orcutt and daughter, Miss Vivian Orcutt, returned hero this morning after a few days' stay in Portland, where they visited with friends. Back From Coos Bay E. It. Thurber, state traffic of ficer, returned Inst night from Coos Day where he has been assisting other state officers )n checking automobile headlights. Spend Sunday at Coast Mr. nnd Mrs. H. S. French nnd Mrs. E. L. Watson nnd members of their fumlllos, spent Sundny at Bandon where they enjoyed n de lightful outing. Baseball Team Passes Through The San Francisco baseball team passed through this city on train number 13 todny enrout to the bay city after playing games in Seattle nml Portlond the past two weeks. Visits In Eugene Mrs. Jay A. Fulcher returned home Inst evening after spending I he day In Eugene, where Rhivwiis the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. Chot Endrup, former residents of tills city. Returning to Olympla Mrs. Gertrude Clark is leaving tonight for her home at Olympla, Wash., after a visit here with her son and wife, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. 13. Clark, during the. past three weeks. Manager Association Visits J. M. Hutson, manager of the; Oregon Motor Stage association with hendqunrlers In Portland visited hero over the week-end He Is returning to the metropolis; tooay. ., Go to Medford W. W. Chadwlck, president, of the Stage Terminal Hotel company, with his family wero here from Sa lem Sundny visiting friends. 1 They left today for Medford to spend two weeks. Returns to San Francisco Mrs. S. P. Hlnkle left Saturday on her -way to San Francisco ntter spending the summer visiting at the homo of her son, E. A. Hlnkle, In ihls city and her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Short, who rlsldea east of Roseburg. . Visit Over Week-End Mrs. T. O. Dixon and daughter, Rotty, and Mrs. Dixon's sister, Mrs. W. D. Hell, who Is here from Portlnnd spent the week-end at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Short, who reside east of this city. Judqe Brown Visiting Hon. George M. Brown accom panied by .his wife and daughter, Blaine, arrived In Roseburg today from Salem on their vacation. They will visit with relatives here for a short time nnd will also spend a few days at the const. Visiting Sister Mrs. E. C. Greet of Eldora, Iowa, has arrived here to visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. L. Scott. Enrouto to this city she vlBltcd with her son nt Sand Point, Idaho. Mrs. Greof Is a prominent club woman and church worker in Kldora and is a public speaker. Returning From Fort Jones Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Crawford drove to Fort Jones, Cal., Satur day to bring home with them Mrs. Crawford's mother. Mrs. Tnvlor, nnd Agnes nnd Nivnn Crawford, Jr.. who have been spending the summer visiting In Fort Jones nnd Dnnsmulr. They will return hero this evening. Mrs. Crosgrove Here Mrs, llnrry Crosgrove Is here from Portland visiting at the home of Mrs. C. E. Melton. Mrs. Cros grove is the wife of the district mechanic for the Shell OH com nnny. The counle nre moving to this city soon. Mr. Crosgrove mak ing Kosenurg his headquarters for the southern Oregon district. Leave For Bandon Mrs. D. E. Carr and Mrs. Charles V. Stanton left this morn ing for Randon. They wero ac companied bv a group of girls from the Intermediate C. E. society of the Christian church, who w.-e winners In an attendance contcRt held during the summer, tho trip to the coast being the prize. Wheel Broken From Tourist Car A broken renr wheel was the nnlv damage sustained br the ma chine of a California tourist at about 5:30 o'clock Sunday morn ing when the driver apnlled his brakes and the car skidded on the freshly washed street, the machine hitting the curb opposite Lawson's Garage on Stephens street and hacking a short distance over the sidewalk. The wheel was repair ed nt the Lawson Garage, ROOMING HOUSE IN , LOS ANGELES FALLS; FOUR BURIEO ALIVE (Aunctitcd l'rcn LrciM Wire) ' I.OS ANGELES, Aug. 22. Three men were reported to have been burled alive and a woman and two men serious- ly injured here today when a Central avenue two-story rooming house caved In. Fvery available police ambu- lunce was rUBhed tq the build- lug. Dozens of workmen be- gun to dig into the debris, hoping to save those buried. Coast Attorney Visits A. K. Peck, Mnrslitield attorney, was In this city over Sunday un business. Drew Man Visits O. E. Cook, resident of Drow, was a business visitor in this city for several hours today. Marriage License Issued A marriage license was Issued Saturday evening to K. M. Hughes uml Madge Shields, both of It one burg. On Vacation Edward Perrln, clerk nt the' Ter minal Hotel, left on a two-weeks' vacation today and will visit ut const points while away. Here From Salem It. W. Allen, fruit buyer from Sulem, was un arrival in this clly this morning to spend a few days on business. - At Reedsport MIhm A,,,tr TC,.l,cm, enimlv health nurse, drove to Winchester nay nnu iieeusport touay to niieiui to health work In that locality. Mr. Buker Visits ' Amos linker, of Milo, a business mail' of that place, was in Rose burg today looking nfter business mutters and visiting with friends. Visiting At Newport County Judge and Mrs. George Qulne spent Sunday visiting nt the Roy Catching camp at Newport. They aro expected to return this evening. In Portland , Paul Amort drove to Portland Sunday to Join his wife nnd family for a short visit. Mrs. Amort and dnuglitors have, been In the me tropolis visiting with relatives. Home After Vacation Miss Lois Byrd, stenographer nt the News-Review office, nnd Miss Lenore Helliwell, bookkeeper of the Peoples Supply compnny, re turned to this city Sunday follow ing their vacation spent nt New port and Eugene. They wore nwny two weeks. Divorce Granted ; A docree of divorce was granted In tho circuit court today to Olive n. nevnney from Leo a. Devnnoy, Cruel nnd Inhuman treatment w.'ts charged. The plaintiff, who was represented by Attorney M. Rice, wns given permission lo re' sume her maiden name, Olive Courtney, Leaving on Motor Trip - E. A. Gross, manager of the Li berty Theatre, nnd Mrs. Gross, will celebrate their 33rd wedding nnnlversary, which ocenrrs on August 25, with a motor trip to tho coast. They will leave mid-week accompanied by Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor and will visit at. Marsh- field, Bandon nnd other Coos Bny points lor a fow days. Returned to Eugene Mrs. Evelyn Johnson, a former resident of this city, who has been In Roseburg the .past two weeks! taking the place or Miss Marie Langenberg, stenographer at tho ornccs of Attorneys Rice and Or cutt, during her vacation, returned Saturday to Eugene, where she now makes her home. Eugene People Spend Day A party of Eugene residents mo tored to this city Saturday night nnd spent Sunday visiting nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Plland. Included In the group wero Mr. nnd Mrs. IT. M. Wheeler, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Pnppol and two chil dren. Miss Harriet Brehaut, Miss Edith Brehaut. Miss Aletha Wheul er, Sherman F. Spencer and-Howard P. Bradley. Motor To Portland Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Smilh nnd daughter. Eunice, and Mr. nnd Mia. W. D. Wiley motored to Portland Saturday night. Mrs. Smith nnd Eunice nro spending a week visit ing friends In the metropolis nnd In Salem. Mr. Smith and Mr. nnd Mrs. Wiley rehired hero- Sundny night. Mr. Wiley driving n new Nash sport model, sold through the local agency. Return Home from Portland- Mr. and Hra, A. J. Cnrawnv re turned to this city Sundny nfler a two weeks vacation spent In Port land nnd the norlhern beaches. They visited Mrs. Caraway's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hembree, in tho metropolis nnd nlso motored In to Washington, visiting various points. Mr. Cnrnway Is assistant manager of the local J. C. Penney company atoro. , Excavation Done The excnvntlon work for Ihe new Christian church building has been practically completed and the task of pouring concrete for footings will ho begun nrobnhly this week. Architect Harden Is spending a few days In the cltv checking up on the completion of the excavation and making arrangements for the next sten. An effort is to he made to get the hullillng nnder roof be fore the fall rains. (AMociat! Vtrm LeaaH Wire) PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 22 The local wholesale and retail produce markets showed ample supplies of seasonable fresh fruits of best quality at opening of trade this More tliasi 3C80 Preferred Shareholders DepesidaM Service to 8 CALIFORNIA OP BOON FOW EH tUMVANY Sa . The California Oregon Power Company Medford. morning. Peaches, Hnlns nnd Elbortas, re ceived .In carload lots from Wnpa to and Yakima, Wnsh., found good demand at il to $1.10 per box, prices unchanged from Saturday. Tomntoes wero still quoted at 85c to ?1 per box and considered scarce, though the supply and quality wero somewhat bettor. California Martlett. pears wero easier In price, ranging from $2.25 to $3.25, according to grade. Ile mnnd nt the Inttor prlco was lug ging. Local blackberries wero quoted 15 cents dearer than last week ut flO per crate. Local Oruvensloln apples, looso packed, were offered for ?1.7I to 1 per box. ' Butter nnd egg prices on tho dairy exchnnge .hold the same an per Saturday. Trudo Is active with supplies below call. Country dressed meats nnd poul try opened about steady with Sat urday's close. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 22 Whout: linn hard white $1,111; northern spring $1.33: hurd white bluestem, baart $1.31 ; federation, soft while, western while, haul winter $1.30; western red $1.25, PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 22. Butter steady; wholesale prices: extra cubes, clly 43; standards 421: prime firsts 411; firsts 3S. Used Cars Wanted WE CAN PLACE ABOUT TWENTY USED CARS Now is the time to let us sell your old car to apply on a new Ford. Bring the old car down and see us. C. A. Lockwood Motor Co. zj.-V ;f outers PI vMen Customers of The California Oregon Power Company -in homes and factories used 293,000,000 kilowatt hours of electrical energy last year. . More than 3,000 preferred shareholders receive dividends regularly by check every three months. The capital supplied by investors in the Company's preferred shares goes directly into permanent, useful public utility' properties. The confidence of our thousands of customers rests on , their knowledge of the fact that dependable service is fur nished at reasonable rates. . ' , , , The investment confidence of more than 3,000 share holders is merited by the tact that divi dends always arrive regularly, by check, on the due date. A copy of this 16-page book, describ ing and illustrating the properties of The California Oregon Power Company, will be sent to you on request, together with complete information about investment in the Company's preferred shares. OFFICES. Grants Pass, Roseburg. Klamath Falls-Oregon Yreka, Dunsmuir-California. Creamery prices; Prints G cents above cube standards; butterfat 435 I. o. b. Portland. Milk steady; bids to farmor: Raw milk (4 por cent) $2.25 cwt. f. o. b. Portland; bullerfnt 43J f. o. b. Portland. Eggs steady; current receipts 223 cents; frcBh medium 21; fresh stnndard firsts 29; do oxtraH 30. Poultry steady; (less 5 per cent commission); heavy hens 21if(23 cents; light 12(Tiil4 cents; springs 20 cents; broilers l!l20 conls; pekln whlto ducks 18 cents; col ored nominal; live turkeys nom inal. Onions steady; focal $1.752.00; potatoes steady, $2.50(3.25. Nuts steady; walnuts cents; filberts 10020 cent;;; nl monds 2l5i'20 cents; Brazil nuts lift'lti cents; Oregon chestnuts 17Sif'20 cents; peanuts" 9 10. Cnscurn bark steady, 7ft8 cents; Oregon grape root nominal; hops steady; 1!I2(1 crop 17 IB cents. PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 22. Cattle and culves unevenly steady to 15 cents lower on. good beef steers nnd all grades she stock Steers 1100 to 11(H) pounds $!l.00 0.35: do 1100 to 1300 pounds good $!t.00(?i9.:i5; do medium 800 pounds up do common $n.75 8.00; do fed culvoB and yearlings, 750 to 050 pounds good f 11.(109.60; heifers, good $7.25(?i)8.00; do com mon In medium $G.00fti 7.25; cows, good $0 75fi 7.25: do common to 1 G a medium $5.000.7fi; do low cutters to cutters $2.50fPG.O0; bulls (year--lings excluded) beef, good $0.00 il 6.50; do cutters and medium $4.50 5.75; calves 000 pounds down medium to choice $7.60 10.00; do culls to common $0.50107.50; verni ers (milk fed) good to choice $10 or two alter midnight. On each do culls to common JG.OOifi 8.60. Hogs active 15Ti:25 cents higher. Heavyweight 250 to 3G0 pounds me dium to choice $10.60fill.7r; mo dluinwelght 200 to 250 pounds me dium to choice $11.5012.35; light weight 100 to 200 pounds medium to choice $11.75(8)12.50; light lights 130. to 100 pounds medium to choice Sll.rOtf7'12.:!r; packing hogs rough nnd smooth $7.00 ft 10.00; slaugh-, tor pigs 90 to 130 pounds, medium to choice $11.25012.25; feeder and stocker pigs 70 to 130 pounds, , me dium lo choice $10.50012.25. (Soft or oily hogs and roasting pigs ex cluded In above quotation .; Sheep, and lnmbs: . No choice lambs oh open market. Quotations, except on lambs, on shorn basts: Lambs 84 pounds good to choice $10.50011.60; do medium 92 pounds down $9.60010.60: do culls to common, all weights $7.0009.50; yenrllng wothers 110 pounds down medium to choice $7.0009.00; ewes 120 pounds down, medium, to cholco $5 0 0.50: do medium In cholco, 120 to 160 pounds $4,000 5.00: culls to common all weights, K.I (